Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, page 11

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*\. ^prtH -* TPRfeK 'IPIfaBMW*' Scarf! THK cm. Staiff. ^m^M^MS^;!^^ ' Xmas. Fru it ! Xmas. Fruits, - Xmas. Fruits. Now Select UniBins, New cleaned Uurrmifs, imported Lemon, Onni*ro and-Citron LVd- Tho linost'o Fruit by tbe box or lb., cooking and laiilr ii-s, tt'ahniu. /VhnonnSi and Tilbuts. These goods arc nil new, no old stock, finest stock of Candies in town. Try our-25c. Tra. An' Intoi'osUruj Rovlow of Some Aff.ilrB of State. Goods Slivered Projipfiy ca.JDKiyMOFTHGFiSHl'-OCROUKDS h.UiU'rlittokKli'Mt Krrlry HaTlnfif UlOlfiUU* MiUi Hir 41oV*Tiimiiit <JnllcH at (In- XlurUluJu H'ritvluccK Th* i.HMlllloil I (imlntllnM Mtlmiil^ tn l In? S'rili. nituwu, I.h!C. H.-Mi\ . II. K'N-'loy. nui'f HntoiuU'nt of th flovornnum-],hlr- n-'rvlfin. luui JuhL r.'lurnod Miirltinii; ITovincf-'ii. v.heiv t-,i.v..fv<^l *n lon'rltm nfti-r the ..I;-; [u iiOMlO Ui: tU- O'iVrlllllil'Mt |.;i. Til.' riilil'.' N-i* '.-md t.un and t.'Jii.iiiNlicllu was I'.vi- (]lli'en:iil placc.j by'tlut ;im'hov M-y.M.-l:i iu.iJ l>i-itki;ii. 'I hi- n.-im Irs ro rxiic-iJUiou:ly iM^H'l. llUl ^"ib: Lhein Mi". K"'-"i'.v r."' d 111! til' All. HAV The new prizes which we arc -:^1,B|Jncl's ?1 vite you to call at our store and inspect'them. We have arranged witli a il for a number of three quarter life size Crayon Portraits of two of Canada1? * ed people,------~----- , Lord and Lady Aderdeen, Mcm.ied in elegant Onk and Gilt, tho. 2?xS2 in. Your choice two when yoi Ipuichaho umoimtn to. $40. Thin in by Inr I be hi:dM woM pn-miimi we liavc oyer Keen. V h).\c K-cvired a line o(' bcnutilul'j-holo Ailn.inh. finblicd in Celluloid, which -vo will gi itree with purchases of $25 $30. \. on V. "Ml. i iial Lilt: I', n iMi.U'bj 1i;hJ fiivi.*:! out u i M v& fflfi MB:- ii-C* > 't&' hJUe itVi-U-mbur. Altlhu.;',!. Ihhi huh r c.JjK: WHS lVlhj; in Si liiliiim.i oi" WUrl" It I * I v. ;.: " iil.I t'pl-l- 1- ^ ll.llf.' II. i'.. j ..iw-.- ll-'.li, (j.-l Jr---------:^.i- (/ Hi'- < n . U:. :. i hi t-il'.t \.l iiLtU'HI. ' The Essex- Free Pv.q&s. FllIUAY, DI'XJKMnKIt/m, lt-o~.. OlllllHjil W.. i^/|-n ;MUl'V "f i II j HntUM, , Mild rj"'i'JlUi^.Ll/o t-tiihMiioiitM rmuln. ] Ed. thu i'oyt. A tVIayorall.v Uniit^Mt i ii . -.i- ii ... t.;.- i .:.u ill'-' , ,,.i i; in l'i:- |l .;. iLMI'lilil-l ,i.ld.: ill 1 J.i ivl-' jil v,..illiaM.V lui it is liit'ly nt: (joiiipu-U'd by ii. aS In fcliu mattnt* of udojitiiiy improve' luot.hurjh of roiul ropnirii)", tlio Tuwiintuji of RoftlitiMt:'. (*- inn-it Ih1 <:i'vlilf(l wiMi Ikmii1.' ,one (if'" mo^r. n'lvanci-i in t,Wt Ciniutv nt' KfHi'X. \h\ law Li! uluilUll lito jirc:u(iil. ay^twtn nF pi'iloiimn.; Htaiudi lubjr will lie ubmittod to tho Gloctorn of tlmt township .at tho n)iniit;ipal olection^ in .lnuaary. Tho by-law aluo provitlcfi flint in litu of cutili day'" ntalutti labor oliar-goii lo tlui ratt* priym-H, tho Hum of fifty a-ntu uliull lie paid Thin Hiim will ^10 put. \n:-> a titatutif labor fui.fl, to b'i oxpou Ind by roa.l comn)iHii)ii oj-h to ho ",ppointi)il in i! trih I'd id diviiiinii and wIioho Hulmy nlmll not uxr4fin\ ^1 Tit) pur duy, for actU'd Hi'rvtcicH risiidoreil. in ovnr- RGnUiu, rond ri-piiira, and that nil ropairn inUHt bu niudo m iho Kuniihs cf April, M'y Juno or July, of * acli ycir. Thf only fuulL tho PriKK Pi'.ebb nftOH in tho by-law in that tho ratopivo^H aro bnin \o', iff lo oanio. Fifty ccmtH in hardly iui cquivnlf<nt for ono imin'H labor, por day, but it iw alto^othflr Hkoly that untior thu now jvuti-m, a much bt'liedt will 1m ohiaini-'d from rhe conibii-.od hnlfi-doll'icH of the* tnwiiiihip, a-* Win form erly rtbtttiii'?cl frnih thiioomhiiK'd iitivH of tho no-oalled "work "or th.i Qiiomi," It in hoped thu ritttntiym'Hot Hnjliuutor will hUH- tain tho by-lnw. that othor towmihipH in . tlio county nitij profit, by thuir example. I,t3 AMENDK IIONOBABLE, TTIi* Vjrriiiiliiirloii l*wt mnltow <lmendu Co ili iVurdoit. Altimimh the Fi:kk Pi:i:n:ri-i not author- i'/u I in in iKi' tin; -in (-in nt, it i'i a proUy op n Mrrjct ;tuit wi< ;: i* (' :<;\: ^ .in 1hl\o u -' nth. r Mnyfirni-y ^>.: i,, I'lnit-x t.liii* y.'iir. I.'lti)". will lilioly lit aldi'i'inxii tii'o. .). Thomas and c*x-dputy rui.'vo, J. Ii. Sinnti. It. i Muted Abut th- proHd'U Muyor, Dr. I>iWitr,wiihf*H ro rotiro, t'i divoto Inn tiltuiitioii indiv nln-K-ly to liin |i:-;n" i- . Til-it Icu\ fi r Im.i ti-.-ld o|i:n Tnr niiw in;i,i"itii.rt, nti I il !i Vid tiini* in i;X- ptU:tt;d. ---------.-------^_---------. . Now For a Snow By-law. Thu twn council should profit by tho loiHunfi given in the icy [iido-wallcii of tin. pant wouU :n* ho, itud hav'ti a hnow-oloaiiiu^ by-lnw pdHHftd ut ith i.-ailieHt opportunity. I'll" niiiuwu]i\H o'i tin; iniiiii HtrootH, m luust fOionld ho (dvinii.d nft(<r f.'vnrv hoow lull, while thoho on thu oi.lnd': Htriictn mi^li' bu hdt to tho option of tho r^HidttuU, .d though ii foof. rf'fiiiinv in not ii nico t'liint; ( or luriiu:} or olidtbcii to plmi^h throunb under noy, What inumbm of the council will havo oiiftioiont mior^y t' up t hin matter, I'tiforo thu wiutur i ><yur? A <'nll For Unity. i !. u.u in'-, li'.U ln-.-:i 01 II in i rj limiju ,wi, i. Ih;..; thu l'uH.:o j.-.,. l'.t ic lllu! lift -ii l.... J l(iIJ till.' il.'lllH: UiiL; that the n-'ii.ih'a wi: Aiuisd.Ly nlKiii. H[-.i'itltliH; to your t'orrrspuiidont, .Mr. Ki_tJuy jiaid Jil- tiion;,ht hu woind Ihuuc a circular to the '<>' it.dn In tliL- MurlUino l'ii>vliu:-.t, 1 miicatiiHC th'> liH-ciHf lotiiit Ion oi ' riiy i -iphu: cables, -,'!, Ui .-hi in I'lul^iuu Lo avuid 1- til.: Cm :d. Ji Mill t II"II ii !W b >I>t. l";vc tinicH In hi:: yci.s h^.s Lin- i'l-ii^- i.-i.Lin] cal>Jc tii'ii ...u,'.t-ii linni this can ho unci n, notice was published In JMi.'i pointing out tluit'ul Injury to a .'Ni'aphlc c.JjI.' was puiilHliablo ur.dcr the law. I n later, howuvur,. of tin: accidental l'nulin.i; oi' a cable, own- They are Simply Immense. hiu-l but i f.L' Icr^l, we mr yi ttii y (ill ;u. il'.i.Mnih d n;c idMv jc,i ih;tl l< ) whirl, wc Tool will l)iv biU-i't L ,l',( (' 'v f i1'1 !fii>\ t i Mi n i u, n >\, k- n ] i.l.ln til .< >i .i <ti'fiJ : j - t \ < * > ret ] t cl t:1 ;.iiy o[|j;i' baliii^JM ntliftr Kn^llt-Ji cr Ainci iciui. 3d Uu-.t '*ibt\t'u iih/'n^ lit- wnu- iiilic'tii:, ip nntJifn-iiv on tlio li.tont "sTyloHin ^iiviiu-MUM. At i-](:t-t.iiL vo aro (.iTtiinu; n- liti^t- nni^c ui \\nuh- iil pliers which cannot 1'iul In |)1ohho1 Yours for Bargains, / Ij %&$, nrriTSTAiT blook:. bses^e. avoid brc-uUiniV h aiH.-liur ui'e Mid Mr. i\*:el.\v : III, l'l", Whh'll ! (.: l-ruur-vht l" :^v\ ownei's of . He ::ayH that to pay l'ur an tv.o or thitre \,Xho following letter written by the reeve and deputy.ref:Vc of L^ainiii^ton, Uinethtrr xviih tho ndiror'H Hoiiti'mciit. in regard thorc-- to, appoiirod in hint v/ovlt1^ J'osi : To Tlio Kditnr of TIih rit: - Pkau but, Permit us to (Mirer a proient. a^u-iuMt what wo coiiHider an unwarrautc-ci ttttaoli upon Wnrdcn iWroU. \Vn thinli Wr wholo aditorial m incorroct trotn he gjuuin:! to end. "Wo worn pronent at bin oluction and out; aflfluro you hinolootion wus aluiobt unuii. iruautt aud tf thuro wun any wiro pulliuu, fcboru waVi not moro than the unuu.1 amount (jmploy'od at tho election of tiny wardon, and cortainly not a much ao in ueod in the oluotion of il mayor or oonnuillor. Ah to rhn obfttfjo of moapaoity and extrava- giuoo, if it can bo huntained, it rniiHt bu made uf^aihnt the whole council, for a a you inuot know tho Wu'rdon taltoH no part in ro procoodin^H, hut moroly prooidoN, and ^l auy wronjj le^iHlatiou ih enacted, it often .- VJ.,put into offoofc auaiuHt bio winhoa. Tho cliar^o of hid boin^ a puppet iu the IiuikIh of iwo or throo ohrowdor tnou is certainly a RirodH libol upon the Wardon, for there aro few ehrowdon. poriiona iu the County of Ehhox, and if any ono ot'a to County Jounoil hopinc to bo ablo to poraotially in- fludiioo Mr. Barrett, bo will very upecuily find bis miataUu. The extravagauco us Hhown by hiH To. route trip it certainly no one'ti biiHinoau but his own, as bo paid hia own cxpeootm and eould certainly go if he wiahod. Aa *.o tbo eallintrof tho IttHtnpooial noHnion,it waa vory iuaporfcint that it Qboubi bo called aud tho Wardon in no doinj> noted, uptj . thu adviooof tho OQiuHy eolioitoru. Wo cortainly tbinlt Mr. Editor yon ouht fco 'raako tho 'amondu houorublo' and re tract what appeared ju your ih^uo of latib . h dp. j pooed to tho action ttiUott hy tljo aommit j too, ihoro in not tho Hli;;htoat urounda for ; tlio perfioual'-'ttaclt vou made. upon, the Wardon in your last intmo. VS'w. Mt^wcKS. .' . Tho abovo lottor whilo it vindicates tho Warden ia rather aBoyoro attack upon uh. We cortainly, boliovod from what informs-,1 tibn wo bad that the Warden hud boon utity of bofcb incapacity and extravugauoo. Granting the truth of tho atutomonta made by our rapraontative at thu Couaty H linn tmeii uuuKu^tL'(i t0 tb t'uKB PuiiHH, that in iiccordiuic! with tlui custom or ah rtdijjtoiife dtinoinuiatiouu wori- inj,* in cor junction with die livan^r.l t\.-.\ Alhaneo, of holding a wnclt u: prayor, at the he^iiiniii:. of too Now Vuar, t!m reli^n>un cougre^u- tiond of tliiM town hhould tnko into con Hlderauou tlie matter of sotting apart oia week ottily in Jauuary next, to bo uuitodi! ob:iurvcd an .< {junural wnek of prayor, tbo mtjetiitgn of all the liudied to he held ill otn church, to hn deuiclod upon hy a gathering of reprueontativu^ from uauh clmrdi, Th^ HU^gBHtiou alno ealln for the foreyoiiif; ot all tho week ni^lu HcrvicjoH or mooting*! oi tho varioUH auxiliary bu den of u ieh of th church-j.-, for tlimonc npiicini pii;ponu. The united and joiut ac-ion of tho yat- icturf cj.i:i^ret*aticiirt of the tnwn eould Kiirt*- ly du uo harm, and ^tVjuld h prodnctiv. of ranch f^ond tu the community. It i- Haid that "In tinion h HtnMi^tLi," and wher- all art* woiluug fur ono object of makiu, fhu wurid htittoi-, mir-dv ^n iaLcnjlian^o (*t thoutihr and Rood fidiowhhip ouh.t to b tho meiuH of produoiH}* a moru hoarty co operation that would ahow to the nou ohuroh-^o-r that after all, it is roally not tbo moHt vital quontiou that ia keeping tho difToront rohyioun denomination!* ahghtl> aloof from one airnther. Tlie '.luiumna ui the Fiti'.i-, Par.38 aro optn for imjj^efltioiiH oil the mutter from any wiio feel dmpoaed to take up this or any other iiueiiiion oaleuiaU'd to bonutit thu community whioh we aro all endeavoring to build up and improve iu whatever man ntr lien in our poworn. A ME Kit Y CHRISTMAS anta Glaus Has Left A.I tin* Eaetx Medical Hall a Rreat vanotv of fanr-y i.i< ods- in Pl'iah, Ivory, woi-tl Leather. Mirrors, Pictiu o i'ramofi, Uooks. DoIIp, and Toys of all Horta, nil sold at tlio lowest [iriof.s.' G A.SHERRIN, THEDRUQGIST. ei.i of ves!=cd.s who : > ' it .H.'ierllico Llieil- .-.h:-,.' "' MopciliULleil tli"i-e|.>i, i I'/eJ'On.-K tlllU II.. ..!. i;s Mliclly I-...,::., .-ih' .< tin' mu-ntloii oi th..- '. tin.* Maritime I ] i.vii'. .v It will bu t'..r tli.iiiK r anchor at tho r.Ui: of cv-nt* a pound, us nvjiiiifU teU'Kfaphic i-ubly worth ytlOU a mil.-. V.'li.rii jl break ueeiirs Kt'iiorally h.ilt' ;l mile of new cable .Ih rci'iuirod. 'I'lie Fhihery I >ep.irtrnont biiH ln?i*n ndviseU that enoriiioiiH ca.ichi.'.fj of ji uiij,' lierniiLj have br-f n rnnde .at I^o- 1 v\ :.ux and in ilie \'i('inii.v oT I'as-Ha- t:.:.'I noddy I hiy, ind- ed. su j;roat . has l 'I'll the hitu 1 thai .-oiiii: of the men en;r,if;i'd In tlie liHhery liavo had to turn a portitm of their product over t i the fori factory- which hi at 'vi 11; at i .epn-iui\'. 'I'llIf eiioriiiOLiM t'.i:>-!j ii* all ihe n.un.- nurprl/Ini; when '. it tri:inon*lintH riua'nLUlcj'ti ".' yi-uiiK herrini;' ure hein^___taken every year and jjohl to tho uardlno t'actorlea at KnHtport, Maine. I (formation ban been received by tin- department that now aaw mills have recently boon erected in llona- wntui-e County, especially on tho .Wlapedia and tilbutnrle.s, and of the re-slide Injury to the magnificent :ial- tiion and oLher fisheries If sawduat arid other mill rubhiKh ia lllcprally al- b'^'.cd to pollute these watc-rn. 'I'hi- . i'icci'h of the di-partnicnt In this area. I:-'; Vi: uperdal order.-* to Hiipervh-i.- mid I'f-y.-'.Tt upon thu-1- miitLers which are of. such importance to th,- community and tho nii;:]Inic fraternity. Smelt ftehliitf ban bei;un on the Hue- f cue he and 'other New Km ns wick r:\er.i, nnd the catchcH of this delinl- oup- fish are phenomenal. The I(ue- U-urhe men within n fi.-.w days of tho oprr.lntf of the Hi-anon . obtained at I' five hundred ion? of smelt. The rerun of these > crateheH. It Ik uir'.:d,_wni_J>c a glutted market and pilces too low ""lo pay. The idaternenl. tele^ra plied from Men trend that the (lov/riimi'ii t had reached a decision In the Short Ih rase In Wildly IlK'i-! I .-ft. It h Ill-rely th I t the rape may he cinsid'-red in rouiieH di.i in;< tlie wet-!:. There; in :jon.e talk of I lie Toronto I ::;'iia lor C'uiajj:' ay a p ply I ml-; lo tlie I Railway i'i h- - i".'f penulsrUuii iu t'liild a Hwpch -n-fii.-'-s I.>n;Veriii-sti'e.[. Toronto, In oidt-r tn reaeii their pie- iiiiK'h. Jfr. Ah ::ander Ulxon, ic.vikm- -,f adjacent propeit>-, lias written njik-- in-r pernilHHiuii to heard in oppr.s.!- tion to the re' iu tlie cven,t of its being preferred -by llu ltsdluto'r Com pany. On enquiry at the Poruofllre Dr-parx-- merit it waHdoarn-d yesterday th;i.l. oiu: winter mail for the Upper Yukon ha.-; la-on urraniied by thedepartment liero. The mall was made up at Victoria on the- 1st of Deo.inljor, coinn thence to .lunc'au, Alaska, .by iiteamor, and thence over the mountains to T-'ort ','udahy by do^' train. It la oxpC'Cton that fert Cudahy, which is to lie o|ll- eially known lureafb-i* n.s "Fort Mac- l\," will he 11 .lelled about the middle of January, and the same cour- Ifr is expected to come out a^aln with a return mail In March. The outivoiup; mail was limited to <15 pounds, CJovern- rnent I-dlc-rs having the preference, then letters for people at t he Fort, and then newspapers. With re ference to all the talk In the United States newspapers about the .under hand proceedings of tho Canadian au thorities In <*tahlfshln;.r this service v. ithout consulting tho United Statet* parties, there seema to be no obliga tion on tho part of the Postoffice De partment to notify the author4Lieft~-at Washlnston. The Department here is simply Mending the mall to a point in our own territory with which the Tnlted States has nothing whatever to do. Mr. Hayter Tteed. deputy-auperlnten- denl-tfenernl of Indian affairs, vccclvcl it visitor yesterday in the person of Bishop nirouard, the subject under discussion .being tho present condi tion ami requirements of the schools In the; northern district over which Hia Grace presides. It Is "suggested that the more immediate warjts of these Indians should be looked after by the department, although In reality, the (Jovernment ia not .loyally bound n> give, them the same protection as W given to those tribes further south within the treaty limits. Th country in the re's Ion of the northern chain of, including' Atbabnqoa and Croat t.'Uivo. lalccs, does not coirno wltliln any <.f the exiutlng treatl&R . and the In dian Inh'ahltants, , numbering In all. some five thousand", are not under any c.mtroL Tho question of a new treaty u> include this part of the Northwest has been mooted for some years, and delhilto Htcpa may shortly be takon to ward accomplishing . thlu find, which would no doubt prove of great benefit to,the Inhabitants. Chief Joseph Thoipon of St. H*kI waited upon ofllclala of tho department of Indian affairs .yostcraay for1 the I purpose of nt'curlnc a ctian+;f in the 'atK^Muii ' 'l|t*wt tuojnty jpttM to the / It IS at pi < S' II i l'll|pei.\ i" I Hi. -lie- M- I partment promhied > uicbiei-ii tlon of tllo.j ui.atter. Mr, I'unean Si-oit, e'nh:!' "li.-i'k, i will accordingly vl. it St, rt-gl.--. next ' wi'ek and hold a pow-wow of the In- j forested parties to ascertain more fully the wishes of the Indians. The sehom,. to fvuri an opera house; on the Slater propm-ty, Sparks- street haw Collapsed and the land goes Into other hands. -Yesterday the Gov ernment leaded that portion of the Slater estate facing on Wellington- stn-et. with the intention of uslntf the proiiert y as a s'ore room for mou nt- ed police supplies, a loral firm will erect a magnificent store on the Sporks- slrr-et frrjnt. The Department, of Rail ways and fa on Is has put out a xt^ry neat calon- ili-r inr ii'-vt year. It. Is !-urniount.ed bv an admirable picture oli'*lc Metis, T'.Q. The Ifnn. Mr. 7vcs returned to the city yesterday. The Canadian Rault Ste. Marie Canal wti.-i closed Friday. Sir Mackenzie* Howell and Sir A. P. farmi left for Montreal tn-dav Nervou.'j women ivill liml re-liof in IJoou'k -hirMipitrilhi, heO'UHn it niriohcVn the blood (I rluiii strHii'."lioim the tu-rvfa. --------------......... -..-^-.. - ---- ... .f..........-,..,. y. .. -_*.- . - , - f NKW ADVKKTISEMliNTS. HI earing Sale I(>r November unci December. STRAYED. INTO the i ii initio oltl o nnderjitpiicri, lot'J^ S. 1 l! . ( t'tter Nottli on or idmutls'civ, red con r. I'I I't.wi (!i it- h C||m ttt'ti to v lev (3 prope-i tj , imy rhui^c-H itud "uko him iiunv l-'KANCiaSWKKT, Gontcf*. O. P(ic :ii(i, It-'T.. SWAYED. f\ AMK into my inciniihc^, lot I, con.?* Cionll"lii \J ri nth, "ii er iih'-ni Nov 1st lnt. u nul y. nr- lin^ in M.-r with i* btllt- uliiui 'Ilif (iwncii-in .;<|ti< ill* il in | iiivi; I'HJ.ilty, pay cluir^en ail-l j ".I lie Jill II Hiiy. , JAMKft MASON. I Ih-c. ."., l"\Wi Mlir.rd l'.O, Fall Goods Cheaper drSss-goods than the Cheapest plaids loi' 25c; Henrietta worth 50c lor 37c; Tweeds both foreign and Oniiadiari makes u\vny down below all. Havisj bought a lot ol jinnting t a very low price wo are giving tl public the benefit, .worth fr7 i'cr $5 and $5.^0, matte order. Call and see before purchatring. READY-MADE CLOTHING- Overcoats worth 88 and $9 for $5.75 Men's suits worth 9 00 and 10 00 lor 6 00 " 10 00 12 00 8 00 " - 12 10 15 00 10 00 Shirtings heavy makes for lt)c yard HATS AND CAPS Hats -wortb 1 50 and 2 00 ibr 25c and 50c, This is genuine. CapB worth 75c and 1 00 for 60e and as low as 25c. s G-LOVES 50c, 60ct 75c, 1 00 all worth 15 per cent more. Underwear from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c, .....-------v BOOTS nnd SHOKS we handle nothing but the best goods at the lowest prioea Ladies' kid worth 2 00 for 1 25; 2 50 for 1 40. Long Boots always the cheapest, call and see ibr yourselves nod we will convince you that this is the., cheapest place In the west Groceries fresh and tlie cheapest. EST HAY. , AMK to inj pr.iml-'-s, lot 2'I.H.M. It. I-avmhIup -i orrolL'li.-Hiur Nortli. itlinnt Utr 7, nu !2 yuur >) (I ruitii hi-iifir witli ownor'n inarltH, ono yciir inti hull, ion mid win tit, with in trim, one red . arliiiK hnll,oiiti yuarltiitj Hteiir, r'l nnd whito, with riJiirlin. Owner In ytiqtioiittid to iirovo ,iioiuiit.\, jiny oxncniH'^ mid i'ilt t* *un nwiiy. .TNO Ml- Liait. Di'C. I> iSHft, Rli;U dtKt.i 1'. O. Vance's Old Stand, I. F11ICI 'V. . NOTiGc T0_CREDIT0RS. IJiran-uit to iv (~b*dur ot tho Ht(jh <"niirt of ] Jtniuico ChiLiiouiy Uivnnon. inudo in in iinfii-, AiKlo mm Vrt rvii-rritt tlio crmMTOrii or Ulijali Hurvoy Morriti, hlto of '['uwnrthip of . lOtAitM North in tliulJuunty t>I Emui, I'li'in-ir, vim ihuil on or uhout tlui 1th nt At*rh A. V. I8|j5, ii-ti on or hofara tun liml dtiy "f Janiiury* \ti'Mi to -mid by iio-it prnp-ii i to Ohirlci],Biirtlt il! Hurt- ut of tin-city ol VVimirtor, tun HOlloitom for th<> liiintill tUoir Cliruiri'tn unil tuir ntiumn, ud- Irt-nKiu unci dOHOrijitlnn. with full purtlciilarH of ' linh' ohullLlH, IL ItUU'iliHtlH nl thufr llOOOUIltH ILUll tiiu.iiaturo ol thoir n< ourity (if uuv) lu*M by tlinm, or in'ilofuiilr tln.i-uol tlioy will be per I'irptorilv ttxuludud froin thu hoholltof tho tiuUl iidtir, Kvorv oroditnr lioldiuu any ni'imitv I if p'roilucoLliti naitui bofnrc* mu at my Chaiubura f-iti tho rUmiiiit; HlooU in the oity of Whnltjor on 1 rlift Hth rtny of January 1 (111 at' ton o'olcrdt in tho lovtiiioan, iieiiif! thu tlino a.-poiiltml for adjuill ation on tho cl-i initi, I)i. led thin Ttli duy of DtioniubtM- 1MI5 m 31 (Hicu.-fl) C. U. UOHNR. Juduo of Comity Court of County of Htinu3C. Co Smokers To mijfiL the wishi-H of Minir oii'-tornoru, -i'hn^Ofto^Jir-Tunkolfc it Hon G" Ltd., .lumiltoij, Ont , htivo' |duutd upon tlif murKet \ Oomhination Plu^ of um i y SMOKING TOBACCO njc: Tli iu BuppHos n long folt want, giv ing tbo oonaumor oo 20 cont'.plug, or a 10 oQnt piece, ora C cent piece if tho' famous UtT 8t 33w brand 0/ pnr Virginia Tobiooo, Til til Ug *T k T is mukf-pk No Snaps but Real Value for yQ& Greater Bargains in useful and ornamental Furniture iril Essex county's history. We are the price makers for all dealers in the county. . A solid polished Oak Rcpker, spring Beat, $2.50. 500 fancy Rockers and Setting Chairs, of many designs, : and thousands of other useful articles at factory prices, .Remember a car load of Furniture comparatively to oar stock is like paying 20c on a dollar for your goods. We have train loads for which.we pay 100 cents on the' doUar, with large cash'discounts, which enables sell at; factory prices. Our Holiday Goods are of the best in the market. , ., Opposite Crawford House, WhoW:oupon theirv^etits,:.aaid not on their vcreditors. 23 and 26, Saudwieh st., : Windsor, ^'atwiioy^v^ ' 1-" Mm^^M wy-ti&t'i iw&&M:^ /^^:^!iy^^- 37 15992

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