Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), December 20, 1895, page 10

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VHB E>SC (*TMB *. 'ANDERSON & Co,, BANKERS, rdoen Hotel Essex. irm*rn'Notos:NoteBt>ouRht |to loan an MortRn.jtjn n.t terum, tblo atpar'kt all principal B* wealthy to Wnfcworth that > Fr(- cUy'n Houston of the county ooanall, Gouc- oillor Marshall movml that tho ooauty rate for tho next five yearsb) redaood ooo-half. Only six moDubora VoUl (or it, however. A. aurplua of IU0,000 oash aooaiuultUud luut yoftr. Tho an nil ul ro-uaio i of laainberfr of Kfj- uox Oouuoil of Ohosun Friuudu ia heititf hold this (Friday) evening, in the I.0.0.1<Hall in t>autan IIlook. Par/NOiia holding -iajatation_jjftr*ia will kindly take notice that rufruHhtnontH will he norvod from (I;ft0 to 8:0. Shortly uftortuxo'alook hint Friday vun- itiK a larjju lamp m tho tour of (1- M. timith it Oo.,b Htore in ilia Whilnay Wook fall from tho hunger, and in falling widturml tho oil uvor tho iihuo and grocery counh'i-, which npuodily iumtnd, Mr. Bttuth win jilrft prnparinj,' to louyo tho ntoiu, and haitti |y (JH.VU tho lilarm. A fow pail i of wator HUbduud the, hut not beforo tho IiinHuuJthatucovaiu.nor looiM form- woodwork of th< oouutor watt ooumduraeW wi< on Liikf. KriH. Kathur carhor than | olmmul, and a row hoxaa of uhoon and rubUblUll, Irance Agents, etc. h 7/ " >' ALK OF WE TOWN FIMDAY. DWKJWUIR 1, 1&9B, t=j HOLIDAYS... The holiday season ia fust crowding upon um and we wouUl ask What would be Nicer Oiitij Wanitii Yav lij<ht, (, noral houwu work, in wmili family. JSnqum* at Fnrw 1*mkh nfl'ioo, .Sunta tJliuti Inn nmdn hi'i hoartquarturH -irKitivoi lh++-0<mi, and ln<. tinuiil h load of toyii and novnliiun for tho (ay trad" urn rivbttitii! tho attention Ith young and old. m Chatham lJr<inbytr)ry will moot at rpiioii on Monday, Doa VIJh to orduin tho U. Afr. MoInniH. Di. iAttinby will pro ie, thu U<w. Mr. Patternon, Loamiujjtoi'. ill pronoh. Th Hv, Air. Tolmio will iddrmiw tho milliliter, and Alex. Uurtloi the II municipal i'ounoih nto rei|iurvd h> to root ton Doe. lf>, of ouah year to bavo a utatnmtnic of tho treurturnr, for lioation hufaro Nomination Day, which occur tlim your on Monday, Dec. IW. [tho Ifith fallii on Sunday, nii-i'tin^H will 'hold on HatunUy, } 1th, or Monday IGrh. Olothing t ahoiit your own priuo at Smith'u. Tho I'm i lJui hh fiotn now to tho ond ol WG for 31.00. Call on M.J. Wifilo uiidjio prcuoiitod-Lo 'Lord and Lady Ahordoon. FOK ftAliK. A now mlloh cow. Kn- <^uiro of Mr. Joncph Ilohmimn, Kiinex. WOOD WANTKD ut tho Finn Pni'mi oo, JV niiHiitL'i of cur Huhi-crihorn nm> liI tlu'riiHulvori of tho opportunity of pay thoir mibucnptionu in ittovo or oordwood louuty Court and ^ciit-riLl HLHitonn mo fj4 hnld hoforc Jud^*1 ilorno at Saiidwn li wijel. A number of unimportant uu< - Lburni{ heard. Tho crand jurorft uro .1. luohanan, Comber, foroman; W. W. lonutt, Kdwtird Cook, .Tonoph Cowan \eph Coultor, Kobnrt 8. Curtor, I^imtiaii rd, Ch ifi. riolltio, Hohort IIuHrt, J. inc. ZeuaH Mnlott, A .UicUlo and Ancl^Vignoau. Junt ul (hiii t-eaaou our udvcrtininjj col- luinuaro uiori* ounn'roiiH tliaii ohuuI. cu UQUeutly wo are compelled to k,vo nni E-oadoru a httlo luua in qintntit) hut will mduavor to keep up tho quality during tho 'holidayn. Koafleraof tho Fan: Pfti:nH will Ind that thono raorohantu who ndvertio born cioaLioycd. tho lamp fallen u v low in unit oh latui, aftoi- tin- cIoho of t'io utorcn, a hoiioud tiro tmjdit have rouultod. M. T. Wi|{le iV Co. aid thu olothioiru of Khmox. Try them. Wm, Sln.( mltor in now propun d to do livot froxh hreud to auy ^art ol tho town, (jtvo him u call. Youi uhtmco will noon pawn to got oho of thorn* burtiuiUH iu Iiadiah' Coatu at 8U DU. 0. E Smith & Co. The n>(it outortainmont of tho houhou undor tlio aunpiooH of thu Kaiiox Pubho library, wiih ^ivon in tho rmiHuig room la^t 1'Viilav ovouin^, and, cuufudeniii; tho tut yalonoti of ontei taii-montu and hoomI fjatlifi Ui(4H t. ill 1U t* tho pant few wnolcti wan well tttthiidod. Mayor Dewar, an chair man, hundlud tliu program, ia hia iwual hapuy manner, ami leapt tho audionco in (,'<yo 1 IniKior, frcni tho aturfc. Tho pio f^ratn ojjenod with a piano duet by Mrn. Limit* utid Mi'-s Nnjlor, followod by a mhjj,, "Tho IJ vu," hy ftir. i4ln iun. l)i. .1 \V. UtU'ii um\ Mr iJi'lit nVO f \llllutlOMH ol lllurniiiiid rdub tnunjiiujV followt-d by > mtifi quartette, eompoHdd of MuHnrn< (F.) GicLMi, WalhiOL*, Wuinior, and (W. T.) h'unti in "Tim Whippoorwill'n Konft.'1 Mr- Krt'i^hdf ri'iidercd a comio recitation, and Mra r^'iin t? and Mhh Nay lor icnd^rnrl un- ot'iop dimt. M"iHj VV. Mark DeOw, Alia** liot :ono, \lennr-t. Wallaoo and Oat'd- in (pur'eJtti h r t;, "Com' Wlion my iiovt JjiiH Dr'Himiu^;" \V .1. Dnwtr f^avo a cornet nolo, Mr. CJiuno a voual no'o. afrcr which Muunrii. ICn uhoff, Wulhir-o L'tin^ uid (1 hi lnor fietil tliti nuilionci away h ip py, by Hiiiguitt & couplo of ne^ru melodies Tho program aloned witli tlio national an them. to jrive a man or hoy aw a Cljrinbnns gift lhan one of our Suitw or Overcoats? XMAS ALMOST l With vliifli the boy are always go do- lip;lilad, or a largo Ulntor for a man in wlkh he fcclR so romibrtable, would bo lasting leminders of the good wishes of parents or iriendb. Buy lluMnofthe mannfacturerfl and Have the middleman's profits. m$ THE Do yon want a good Dross at a low price? We are giving Hpuehil prieea for balance of month. Just examine our apecinl lines: 2 fancy HandkeichiefH for Cc; fancy Silk Handkorchiefa 10c; lancy Neckties for ladioH; fancy Neckties for gents; ladies' iml gentn' KoirlTs; i\\nuy Slippers. Otlier arfcicloH cheap for 1/hi'isLmaH. LadioH, if you want a Btyliah Coat we give you the pick of our entire ntoek for $2.09, regular valucH from $8 to $12' \V( arc going out of the mantle businoHH in tho cause of fcheac big reductions. N,v. A job lot boys O^rooafe^jigo^fcwn. 6 "to 15 years, choice lit $2 90, the biggest snap ever offeree^ Other Clothing at equally low prices. GROCERIES 7 lbs Raisins 25c; 5 lb Currants 25c; 10 lbs Oat Meal 25c; 8 boxes matches 25c; 3 6ans Sardino 25c; 3 cans Toma toes 25c; 3 cans Corn 25c; our 25c Tea is a treat to drink# Give it a trial. Special reduction** in all lines Groceries dur ing tho month Large variety of furniture and Pictures free with pur chases. o thonocojumns, arc tho rnlmblo onen of \\\q c<?riimatiitv, ami if thuy luul nor nomc- tU to fi'vu they would not bu ndyertit It always pa> to patronize: h"iuti. ItEya advortiaurH. ITho doath m awnounnt-d of Jamua tic [ilium, .if Windhor, who h 18 been editor fitf publtahor of tho Q uid and X'unt , of ^WljiidHOi for Hovoial yuarn p'i-it. 1) 'imiii il * wan alHO Windsor oonospondt itt lor Detroit; Fico XJitfd ami Giving ii. hiB nev.s papor connection, way lai^cly acijuainted iu thiacounty. IIuwuhi^hI, ~> yunrh. A ooin plication' of Momm-h ami drofiumal :oublLH catiHcd Iuh dw th. llu w im or a upoititum, and will ijo much rari- od lu nowrtpapor ohoIch. Boo uhatOJ. .7 WikIo tt Co have to Hay on p&Cf> 1. Forfroidi oalcon and oontiolionary, of all kill JB RO fo Shouajakor, t hu hnKor, ^X.MAH SrLCiAti All pur.smitt i -tin nun! Unipoua to amount of >1"j i.nudi.isrii vmH iavo a himdHOuao.J'.'i"it[| pi'ut M *rt"^ 'f [n or hoforo Dou. :iKt,".,"> O. i.. hmitn It Oo. TliQ hiwir and nocial ivou hy tin* Pi*ch >ytorian chuooh Lailiea' Aid. at Dr. Ma- ubn^Q'HrWidoiioQ on Tuonaay tvoinuc wuh udt^jffiffd proved ii (Teat biiu; hm lly.'^^^^fll llH Hociully, a Very tit ovorjintf bom Bpcut by all tho a, 'X'wa wan Horvefi froiu his tc nioo ook, after whiob limo a lurfn number Tlio '"^finrtard" Delineator lias bocouoo ho familiar that it hardly neoms necoHHary to do morn than indiaiito tho good thinuii tn bo found in Hh pai*f h It colohratcM Ttiu Now Vetr h\- mi unusually interuitiiit' iPimh'r. The coh r*d platuH niu a lidu * \'iiii|.lo of whit run ho dono in lit In . ijriLpliy v/hi'ti dircotod bv a r* al arnnt Stoiieb abound, and hnuhtlv written p if^* * uro d'-vnte 1 to I)antjin(4, Fnru, l'micv win lt- Unme maltUip;, and New Year cuutohrjH iho world over, chatty editoiialn ainunu tlio Mftdiird of "Anions OnrHolvo* " and Flan (iilniri) h, an uhuhI, trtatod by tho muiiiei lian 1 of Mr Khon Ktxfcrd. Tin re me pitmen nf Fancy-work for Little Fiiigtrn utid othi rn for biy oii'-h, mohidin^ u. futthtr numb M ou Leather Work. Dainty oalon darn are ileHcrihfd and ll'untruteu and n t'u* [myth on "How o be Jjeautiful" the Iu^k in of tlsn hkm ii i'i^cn-1-ed In ail tlie ' ht ion thi re urf htimi' fifiv p i^eHof now de- W. A. SWEET, Mgr. 13 Sandwich st. w. Windsor Mg ii 4 f> v up lu i v h war lr'ibe,<Liid o\eeIlon iitLicit to i "Uillmerv and Cuukeiy. Wlion did sou ^ii ihiit iiiiw ()> oreoal,} Why lrom M. .1 Wi^b- AC), to hi aura. Bov'rt uvereoat-s 52 'JO wmih 58, Lmiieh' uutttH f limce oi oiiTirt1 'ttnek "*-* lli) at riunih'ri ft a Whitney block, Essex. lODHMurahiy UUly, lt^vitH bin eud wan ^o near Vti^Tv oo'jdiufj. Doath occurred ^S. The peo[)ln of thin town wrro mirprimd yoatorday morning to learn <j[ tho death or Win. PaHHin^liam, of ttim town, after a, comparatively short illuuau. Although ho had boon inline conmdurably UUly, it, wiih not thought that a nhort timo proo'jdiuf* onrly Tliurwday morning ho waH wq d (JU yoaro. Thu deooaaed had lived on a farm in or near I'jHwox for up^ardH of twenty joarw and wan pre'.ty wtdl known and ciiteemed in thm viomity. Ho leavos u widow and ono hoij who have tl.o hyinptithy of tlio Rtniiuiiiiiity. An only dan^htur-died a fow yturh a^o I-'ui oral Horviee4 will be Ik Id .tt the ioh- i ieiite . nut. f)f tne II'Lulan ~\\.w\-\ on Satur* ilny, 1 Itli, followed by inti^mudt at Noi th Kid^u owmeiLry. rst The HOLIDAY SHO~W VnhWc Soliool KepiirC. ni^uU^ity of attondancu and uood wnrk at ' Iierio weekly examinations uro eco-JHary for p^omo'ion from unu cIuhs to anotlior. Without them1, mo pupil mod cxpLCt pro- jnotion (Lt th- lialf.yearly exam n<ttiorifl. Mia i William'ri room; Jr. III, Murks poa aibh Kt(), obtain' d by hiyhi Ht ton : E Boyle 7^, M Thornton 7->, F Brown 74, A Lanm 73. W Cownu 72 M PirkiiiHon 72. N Allan 71, R Hioka 70, J Btrarhan 70, lii Oory 70, Minn Aitchnam'M room; Jr. 2nd olitfn'" nmrltH poHflible 50 obtniued bj hiphoHttoii u claHH; R Uill 40, B Doan 18, V fiick 18 VI H.inh *1H, G Cox 48, A Nnylor 47, artielort which hud not hoeu uispOHLil of O Naylor 17 fi Sinclair 16, M Daughman III A. Doan 11 Mihh CraHHwidh r*a rojin; Kr. part 2nd( iiuirkH paiHihle tiU; ohrninod by hifjheut leu in cIuhh. .A Woffo ol, F Laintf GO, D Witjhtmuu 18 M K.tddick lu" M llobuitnii il. I'l Oivih 41 II Itumioll 11, 13 DeCew l.t i Si^-, oi 1.1 II GraMHwellfr !- \l if-n-tll'H loum: minliH nnflMhk* y.5 oh Nine i !>\ hierliortt icn^ E Piuikhain 90 K IJrowii 'i<l, Ci Fnr^vtuii 20, U Hcudo hoii In, V Mutno IK, F, Gardner Hi L Htnmt 111 W Han phi 1."j. F lUrr 15, .1 Tumor lfi. itho Halo tabled, were Hold bv public |tlon, C. ICrionhoff wieldinir tho hun |r after tho Htylu of a professional In it ho nhotild bo callod on by tho anrhnr itioBto pay an auction*.er'n liconao. l'ln Il article!* far wilo wr all vcrv ban Iso-jm si well aa uiiofuh About $!)).(IU will we Jriull/.niJ, an tho net prooooda uf elm b.i/. ir A GitKU' IIomk Pai'bk. Toronto tin \> (out soiijo oxoolleut h Jiiio and ^nt-ral n-iwa papers, but nonu tint in wupaiior in aty Irospceb to Tho Woukly Gloho. Tho Glob h 'anterprino in well known, und itn roliabiltiy ' g JJ^Q- LEE. tedium of iufoi mation ban ahvuyn |h prcud dihtinouon. Mo Canadian PnlMir^f* devotna.moio Hpioo (o punly Gana U'lOlol-wLi lopiCH, nor rloiiht witit Canudiau uf |oro fairly nor raoro thoroughly lanadiuii ljomo iw tho better for thu lisittt of thin f^fuat papor. fytf'uKoictl (jrocorioB for Xinau at Mth'H. o Ilia.clioioo mix oundy, 2tio at bJujith'n. 7 11>j. raitina '2~m, 5 l)n. currants "Jj-;, at rhnith'M IB HBA"5T I A KtmtCouuty Pionoot*. The Dlenhomi Nowti, of laot wuok, con tatiin the following reierenou to the doath ,d thu fathot of our esUi-med lowtisoiim, Ut'evo bajrd : On Monday night Mr. Jos. Laud died at the auo of 79, Tie attended norvicon on Tuaukwfiivinjj Day, and nevt day wan talc oii ill with intVammation of tho la go, from which ho novor reeovored. He wan bom 4it Stirhnnfihiro, Scotland, uud having married at iln oarly ago, came to Gauada nearly 55 yearn uo. Soon uftor coming ho took up land for InmHolE, and by hard work and f erneveranoe became tho owner of the handnojio homoitead of noarly 200 acrjH, on which hohaa lived for no roauy yearn. Ho wau u man of uitenau upritfht- noHH and otroug eharacter, who, through out Ihh wholo hfo, wad u, yront power for ^ood For nearly forty vearu an oldor of the I'lenlcterian Church, ho wuh tho moaini of pelting tho tit Ht building oroctod. and ltii?t fall laid tho corner htono for tho now ono. Ho loaveu to mourn bin loan John S. and Aridiiu, of niotihoira Jhh. S of Euuts:, and Mi'h. Campbell, of Miunouri a family of hmh uianuind and eharacter." Every year we gather from far and near a host oi pretty and useful things for gift buyers. Those yon will like best are likely to be the least expensive and no one will object if you only come to look. 'Tis not a bad idea to buy early Shrewd shoppers usually get the best long before Christmas time. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Cor. Talbot st. and Victoriaave. Tho hit oh t improved mitol iu ny for IroinngCollarH and Outfit. "Will not orack or Ijroak Ujo wine;. ftf. J. WJfde A Go. have an fmrntmno dock of the famoua Gradhy Kulbera, ill ityle* and Family worVobuVp- and duhvored. > Parctli o Hod for Ploabo call and try. if uot fiatiBfaolory bo chufLio will bo madu, If oar work euita you, raootnmeod ua to your friedda. Boota A hIiol'h at reduuod prioen at Rmith'u. Vdii <uu KKcllovo TIih tGQtiinoniiLlh publmhod iu bobulf'o* Hood'u SUroapanllit, They arc written by houOHt people, who havo actually found iu their own oxpurionoo that IlootVo Saroap. arlllapuriflen the blood, o^outoEl au appe tite, nfcrouuthan* tho system au'l absolute ly aud ponmmontly ouroti all ditto a bos oMi'iod by imr>uro or doliniont blood, -......... * Hood'ttPilln for tho liver and bowe!e, nob promptly, iay *nd cCfeoUvely. Dress G-oods. Thero Is nn moro sonaiblo present than a nice dress pattern, Ca^hmoroE, Plaids, black hoIicIb, figured black ^ooda, navy BorgOB, Good dross patterns from $1.50 up, all wool. Umbrellas, Fino English UmbrollaB jh naturnl wood (porfuruod) handles, B"ch as Gnglioli thorn, orango and cherry, plain and nilvor mounted from $1.50 to #6. Handkerchiefs. This department is roplcto with hundkorohiofa in hilk, linon, lawn, embroulorod horn stitch, initial and plain fancy eolorod 4c, 5o, o, 73, He, 10c. Horn stitoh lawn 7c, 8o, lOo. Uom stitch linoa, 12-Jo, Mo. 17c, 20c, 25b Silk and lmon initial 17c up* Embroidered Oo to 50c Real Honiton and Maltose Loco from $1 50 to $f>. For tlie Household, fino Daghoatan Hearth Rugs, Chonillo Curtains, luat- CurtainB, Lmon Tablo Napkins. Linon Table Damask Linen Table Sots (comprising one clothundona douo napkins,) Lutich Cloths, Tray Cloths, fino Dawns! Towolo, otc - Oarpet Sweepers- i B5 por co*)t of all tho carpot swoopora in fcbo onfciiv world are '*mbskui." Thoy havo tho approval of cm- tomors and moichimta ovorywhoro. bosidos bissols w> oany tho now automntic swoopowtto, wlfjicli gives ; perfect broom action and is automatically adjusted t< ewsop hard or soft carpot new idea to owaop a baro or dull door, an advaniog* which no other sweopor hns. - Kid Gloves. fretili stock ofWiug Kid Glovoadiroct from nrakors ir* choice shades of browns, tans, roddiah browns, grey- and black. G-entlemen's Perrins' G-loves in Joinville,Elk Tan. and Dog Skin, also lined winter Gioves in Kid, Cloth and Oashmere, Gents' Hdkfs in pure linen, initial and cream brocaded silk. Silk Mufflers frorr $1. Vresh stocklnew four-in-hands, bought specially for Xmai, Trade. i1* *' V \'^ tJ3H k,.v *k$'}

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