"% , *, -' ' ' ' '(v:>^j|'.-./-' g$im*u&til& ipjte>&1&.<*..-. x#&!3aiife* ^Ki^^tot SIK WILLIAM; 5 Pi MIJl flg roil Salvation to All. 'tu ASOLDIMEl TJSIjLS HOW SUK.WA.H .SA.VH1D. SluivSayn: MI Thank God for tlio WonrtorB LVuie'H (Jul- cry Compound Accom plished lor mo," (li-mral Booth and bin viut *rmy of # Br Kill Itn Ibn UtMirnM'triiHi'rvnUve Van - tlliKito lit Hid < oritrn SCltlmu of .lfiuiifr*:il. - : " n ']:i In i In - ih'ld a.- t.h-1 '.li.vr.'iuii'.'i.; ' .,( Oiiiiiv. .-.'- i., . i.- i I'1.' !'*- )U'ii.li::iti(Mi. The lY-rmTn^nnTiVrC-VnTr" Jli'V Hull. Si'lililor I't'ltllUlluiiil,-' vvliO, 1|| llllKMIl siiiiir. ()>- A].'iiiliol.t;i jjoliool ii)io.ul'iii, (wild ; "Tin* .'dLoMliui wan ;lii I'.-.'hciiu ly imrtrutnii.i nii'j. Tin' Kr.irll: h I'rol.-iUH.nlti lii tjtu-- ,;"'-"i" " Lain .rljvhts. i 'rulr.'.U'ill.'i ihc.y Mioul'i I..*.- \tvv- 1" '-! t' 'In .Itinl'Jc I.u :<.ll | artit'.'i. (Ap- ! ' m no". I"i\'!.,-.(nnit ji nil" Hut I '>'-(!iv]uuln\vml nil f'MllT I:,miim V.MH llI|iliMl|)l(.|y lln- MjliiI- '/ . -' ehnnl (iiii-:nicin. I r would tnV.r K.'ii'I';;.: ,iiid Minnly "Iiiun'llriM hi itctl.lc ui!ii-r ' ij.'ififTiu -' K-i.v to Ihi- iMiojjlf oj" i.Mhlici:, \V]i,ir v.'ci:!l lie 11.uii; In, (Mi-n, ii- |.lh."*(.*l!'-r ' t'> ."'V-- :, v* r.M/' inlvcn.v 1-> 11 (- "v: i'!;iii-iii lli'ii lirifl . very V-'"' !' '1',,, "n n itil^i-i-)...' jll:| \t:,: j(, J(ii. (Ai-f.l.:ii:ii'.,j Thf i > li-ii I'ioI. :MaiH' mn> i ,;nt t)j,:.](- .- ],,.,,, Ln (]u. Vr.K,.,.1 >:il. unite with tli-* .-.llit-r v.u .*"/. ln-i JiiMl.'.- Ij.. (l,,i,(. tlmti;U) [!k- h,>avom; will. Vi.ur curn^poiidi'iil Iriti.TVi.-v.-ciI tho ii'j.uiiiK' -V'(mti-(:al |i;.ui.',.i:i on' :Jnl,;r- VJitioniiit'i kvo lunv iiini^nl-v iiowtn: moivty. liu'.; ,-m umUmoU ]^>-i'a'i, <] [[] y.<, Ju,rtt-r of t.hiiylulin. Their ilitmu, urn- o,' (,,-,f,,l I"' r-'iul v.-Ill: minv ihJi:. oriil- |U uonUb uhij pi'iiyfjirii uro Htirr- *ohl, c'llloufi, in'liff"V.mt ;ml I My unrinr Heaven, and thn> ^^^^ iinl)int* LL woe!: tlnit putti l() Jo tihu'uuitud uffoi'tn of all our Glirin- Sian ohwrohou. Tim momborn of tho Bulvation Avmy on duro trinl. liurdnhlpn aud poraoc-utiouH an did tlio valiant apoatlo Paul in hl timo. Many of thono faithful HiilvationiHti labor on ftonn day to day, iiuffitrwt,' from thortm in tlij jliiiih, no doubt of a liku ubaraoUr to that oudurod by tho groat pcoaoljor to tuo Gentilow; put a txioruittil and wino Rnlor hay, .through aionoo, provided for Hia af- fliotoa and umoaHod Horvuntu, MrH. II. Harbour, of Winnupaf;, l\tan.,ra faithful veturan of thu j^ruat Sulvittion Army, wA for u time obliged to i^ivo up aotivo worU.owinn to tho a^onios und suf fering of boart diuoatio, Uidnoy troudlo and goneral woalcnoKii.' "Knowing wull that her urert work do ibiividod a utrong and vigorouw body, alio wiRdly dfitormicdud to u-io Paino'H Golorv Compound, aftor hearing woat it -)vmdone for tho touu of bhniHiindu ih Canada. Tho rwiultn worotmrprittnit* tii luiraolf as .'welluHto hor brotbor and timLur noliiicu> Mr. IlaVbour'a cyporimiCGii with l'ainu'i. Calory Compound indi)oed huudrodH of othor SalvatiouiatH to huuIc a now"pifJflical- lifo from tlio Hamu groat mcdioiuo.. Ruactor, tbiH aarao wonderful Pa-iuo-'** Celery Gornponud will do a Ulto work for you, if you aro uiling and nufforin^. Your frionda and noighborH havo teatod it, and i; hau mado thorn woll and litroi-g, aftor tlu-> ^wilii tb'.i 'jomrnon mediuiuuit of tin; !i;,ry Inlcr.-.vt hy the nuu-*; mi iH- omn- nn i>Hy. .>ir I1'. il C"!ln;!i.'tnn, rT'iucnil inMnaRo:* o!' 11**.* J.'.n.nk di* Mnnii'ua.1, was tlu: llrst /;i;i tlMiian i.-v.n, and lie iipoUu nil lol- }n\\y. i "Sinoo my rocout trip to IjiIUhIi Colliuihin and the ToirUorK-:i. I. .be lieve thai, without Ix'inif a boom, all thi> nliniuvi.' l)n boon i'nv the bottt.-r. T\w crop.1! are bound to tell, but. the fa.'t hi people ili'< too tinpatlent. Tli^v nhnuld realize that It talc oh time to brJn/r about a marktwl Improvement. In trridr:, oven when the trend hi all In that direction. Wo "should npoak com- paralively of Canada," Roritinued the (ri-tifral marui/:'!*. "for the Dominion hau certainly Mood up much better tbrouKbout the crlwla tlum tin; "tlnlt<:d StutCH or any of tho European coun* trio:., and If thln^a continue to fro on an at preaent the fall of lBtifi will so-* a d( cidi.'d hnpio\'enu.'nl." Mr Cleoi-fre HuKUe. j^. nera! mnil.iwi" of the "Mercbanthi' .Bunk of Canada. t-n ill : "1 do not think the country In ln an in i atlnfaetory condition. Navlpatlon Ih now cloaod and the cxportw of, Can ada '.-; oxportabltr-pi-<MluetH~~hu-vo botwi- very Inrfvc;. T'rlce.M have" not been au j-Vood. us formerly, but It cannot h" mtld that tlioy Iiilvo boon bad or that Uro-'country will not derive preat bene- 111 from the trade that ha.'i been done Tin* Hplendid eropn" In jranltoba and the Nortlnvf'/it, ' even at lov' prloe.s,. Iiiive diffused a frov- oral I'eellnfjr of hope fu hie.""' and hnoynnoy all ovov that country, and thbi fee) I up* cannot but have a prood effect l thfa part of the Dominion, es pecially when fo much or the luiHlrieKM of the ^CorUuwrsLXtiiitreB.'ln Montreal nrn<rTiDrnYm)rr~TJontlnulripr. Mr. Ha^u.- day, . lMrn. llnrbour writou aa followa, with tho viowof huimUtiiug all aiclc peoplu : 'It in with grunt pleuHiiro that I write to tlmnli.you for your wonderful mediuiue, JPaino'n Cttlory Compound. Somo tinn.- tt^o 1 waa vory-hiolt and bappu^od to m;u one of yjur pubboiitioiiH, in which X read of at hern being oured, I concluded to try _. ,-'Painel8 C()LlO'_.Q?-,^l,-0l*nt' mywelf, uud L now thatik God for tho won dura it acuorn pliahod for me. I was biilferiu^ fromheari dtauaoo, ludnoy trouble aud general wd;ik noHfl ; and tiomo. daya-waa not ublo to ataud without otpok-ionoinggnuufc pain ; my appo "4ito waa alao very poor. Since I 'uacd tbi: Cowpouud I aria able to got about thu houBOand work, aud can now oat auythin^ .' piit baforo mo. "Itruut my tOHtiraoay may load many to try your valuable remedy." Short tKou'riicyn on a Ljoiijj lloaU ^ Ib thQcharoutoriBiio title of aprofuuoiy ll- Juatratt'd book containing ovoi* one hundred -,- jpaguB of charmingly writter^, doaoriptionu 6tuajfovxtOHoita in the cbuiiVy.-north and .W09t of Gliioago. The rending mat tor iu now, tho illuntratioua are now, and thu in- . formatiou thoroiu will.bo now to almoBt everyouo. A copy of "Short Journeys on, a Long Koad"'wiH bu flout free to uiuyono who will ouolo^o ton contH (to pay pontage) to Gi:o H., Hkakfoud, Gouoral Panoongor Agent Chicago, Milwaukou & St. Tuul Railway, Chiotteo.111. u Mnnl/olm Mliiktcrv I'rul'iwu " M^ihk-uiico |;i UekfttA * il. -Will Ailciiii *.<> Cteply. XiIlkm I>i*ii I'h'|ijiit<I Vet, Winlpos, Wov. 29. -'J'he Provincial . MinlHte'ro profesu Ignorance of any au;;- Kosted compromijjo on the school (pies- 1 tlon. They admit, however, that their reply, to the uecond communicntl'ie from. Ottawa lino not b^en prepared yet.' So- that a compromise Id atill amonpf the ponlnbllition, dcmlte tho ut- tomncefl of The Tribune, that "Ko / Surrender," la their motto. IVlWN'll-l^ < IV: I'Ol.lTH'a. ' Tlio V.ubok- Vwty Will lw l ICvl.P'iirr :ua(| yjimltet* H^i'iiKitrrlK. WlnnlpcK, Nov. 28. Civic politics. .'abiuVi'b public attention juBt now. Be- aWim a dissuasion of the civic reform pvlpopala, the mayoralty contont gjc- cltea keen interest. The candidates are IX W. Bale, wholonalo drugglat, and It, W. Jamleepn. barrister. --The Labor'party aro oscd-tlnt;. a atronpr In- ilueneo In the aldormanio cbnteotH, having candidates hi three wurda. two of whom uro yet unopponod. Thlu promlBes to bo tho most exciting olcc- ttoh of many years. ', William .Ma-mack, Crown timber L-CWmLt for the X^alte of tho Woodn, .dla- i 'w'?iSFwbo. i& in tho city, saya ton mll- 1 lion feet, of -logs, half p. mlllldn^tleii and ftfur th'ousand cords of etavo boltu "/IU be, taken but this winter. There Will TaeTSO men employed. " IJ iil.iv IJLI 1IB llltLlll* . Llli I I were deemed almont hopelesH^at th-1 time. Manufacturer!! pcenerally nv dolnpr fairly well In moK lini a of cn- terrndf-'o, ai d manwfaetnreri! of tlmb- v anddeabi have found f;ood markets; in Great Drltain, whllo tho improved cor- (litIon of nfl'alrs in the I'nited States will ere lone;'frreatly Improvr.- I ho mar ket In that country (dv Canadian lum- Ur. "Taking the Dominion as a whnl<V' conedndi-d .Mr. riaj-vno, " tlu-ro 1m no- tblnpr to enufe ajiprehennlon as to .t U- future of Ciinnda, but. that on the <-<-r- trary a moderate decree'of pronp.-rii v 'will bo our borit;i;r<*." Afr. P. \VolferH'an"ThomaH, prenrTO man-nprer of Molsons Dank, was liJ:* - wlFe.jieen, and exproF?od hlmni-If tlr" : " In a general \vny tlie trade of tl;.. country is" fa.irly proHporoiiF. A i many siiiall failures have (alien pln.ee, and-It is likely Hint others will follov during the "vlnter, hut an doubt the jierlence of the last two or three yea r has brouprht. a great deal of prud-'uc-- and forcKight' In the management, of burners. TIds applies especially to Manitoba and tlie Northwest, and it appears likely that British Columbia will experience a ren,t revival In h< r mining Industries. However," huM Mr. Thomas, " no province has nind<- greater progress, and especially In ag riculture, than the T'rovince of of Que bec, and In this particiijar," ho- paid, " gre/U credit was due the Hon. Mr. Beaubleu "Tor the good work ho had done." Mr. Thomas ab.o hero hoar'y testimony to the thrift and progress of the French-Canadian farmer." of this province, and concluded by pre dicting a lengthy term of prosperity to "rural Quebec. __ ' . Mr. William "Weir, fprenidont ,and mannprcr of the Danque Vlllo Marie, wan seen, 'and bis remarks on 1 lie ex port of gold from New York are1, of interest. He could not but think that some Injurious effects- would follow the outflow as far as the United States was concerned. Any scarcity of money there, how ever, will be favorable to Canada, "for," be added, "wc urc Inrga lenders of money, and not borrowers. Our banks have now about $^7,00(1,000 on "loan In New York and. Chicago, the Dank of Montreal lia\Mng fi.othewhorc near half tho'amount alone," Tlie pronl- dont of the Vllle Mario Bank explained that this large sum of money which Canadian banks loan to the Americans la for the greater part on call. As for trade, Mr. "Weir saya the country la thoroughly sound, although there are Fdlll too many people In trade and the banks give them too easy accommoda tion. ___________.__________^ VVSKllAI. ttV M, IMMI-.lHi- i:\qnlwU** Horn I OdTfrliiua-.tll tlie Vnljiblf rri'KPiit-Vfi'y .ll!l K'di'iiKiUiy T-arla, DOc, J, The furoral of Alex andre Dumas' took place here 8atur> day. The floral offerlnpvn wero of ex quisite design and excited great admi ration. A .five-pointed silver star took the place of tho customary crosa behind the collln, At the right of the caakot which wtia iiurrounded by lighted tap- era, was a,cushion upon which rented the grand eroyu of the L-eglon of Hon or. In the. salon adjoining; tho chamber In whiclj the collln rented, Madame Duman and the family of the doad author, received the condoIenceH of th utatcteinon, authorH.academlclanfl^irmy oflleern, actorH, actreaia*n and, other poraonM of prominence who' were friends and admirera of M. Dumua.- The Interment not being a religious one, there whH very little formality, either at thd.houtio or the cemetery., Tlio pall-bearers wero MM. Vletorlen ^avdou, Xean liaptlHte Pe Taille, lOmilo Z4)a, Count Ulward-UouJon. and the jicademicidnH Cneton BolHHlcr and jfulea; Claretle. Tho cars bearing the wreaths'.preceded tho cortege to tl>e ontroartre Oemotery, taking a tout* _onu the outer boulevoj'dB,; the fain- fv- following the hoartio In ootoche*^ ' y ^^.. -^K^t-i*. -.( v.. ',v:'^ " V,rr% ^ j~ %0 m Big* December Sale is now Full Particulars Next Week. 'ttfcwft*rft.* irwwirtr^rwrwfflKJt THE Free Press From now until 1897 for only $1.00, to new subscribers. SUBSCRIBE ,~~\ * If you wish, to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar to the Free Press, which gives all the local news, and news- foreign. . The,Free Press is clea3i and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex, As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage^ of it at once. :i.-'i'^ Feaiherbono Skirt Bone! FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRESSES.'. For nale by loiidlnu Dry Gocdu Dcalcrn. A licht,' pliablo. olautio bond' mudo from qnillw. It io Hoft and' yieldingcDnformiHKW^ily toJfSlda;^ yet tjiviiiu proper ohapo to oltirt or drcfia. Tho only Bkjrt Bono that may bo wot without injury. Tho Celebrated Foathorbono Corsets arc cordod with this material. * -J :?&oi y.-ii i;<.-.*r- k LATER EXCESSES MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN i^choUps,,,^:,, mll^'Ji^m.^noliv^UUi^n^^,, ^Irtffi^." m vicithut* nvofouiKl in till iitatioim oil lifi*: t'notradoH and tiio profiiHGlmui. Tho farm, tho oilicL-, tho v--'-^1'!1' tlio pulpit. RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS* K.& K* \V7i. A. WALTiEK. Tfw. A. WAL1CKH'. ' M1W. C1TA9. l^UUY, CJIAB. FlillKY.* .*i*^**i iBto'tJU'i! TttXATilENT, AfiEU TntAi'MaHT Dlvorcod bob uiiiUmI oitla t3r-N0 NAMES-OK TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT,"^ SYPHILIS EM8SSIONS STRICTURE CURED yonntr aud iunorant. , An/TOpo of! the IJojh (^^r^gSitf ByjihTJlH ntid otbor iMvuto <HwKims. f hud Ug "JJ mi ith and throat, bono uaiuH, hair loow., uim o(-oh, 3UOI ^Veu juivor heard oftluilr fuilintf to euro m UHUitflc! B^-CURE^ GUARAWTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Address all orders to - ' v " - ' EDITOR AND.^RO^RIBTd^, liny ulivuh, 'WdworounltiKlusaiuaml nrshnpt "nix ywirH obo. Drfl. K, <& K. aro Hiifeiitlfio epoci- doaiMjnuont-- HiWoa doutors truiitvd me Svltli Mrroury, Potiit'h, oto- Thoy hnlped mo but could not. ourii'mp. _ .. ^,...,___........________. If,iimllyafrJundiu(biotidii(>totrirDr,KoouwlyAK(irKiua. T tir v.- ,iwV\r Mo tli oil Tivatmont ourod mo Itt a fow \viKkH. Tholr twuitmont i8,-wonilrfol. .> v'OU\vu*U"t'nhiiutf ttveri'day.' Ihuvo *...........'- ir"'" - 'tf dipt, niufl, EorryBiryn: "i: own my life t Drti. 1C. A K. i^Atlll Jinv^odHbiullmbl^ AfcSl l\\nt\ tilt tlift rtv*nptx)mp j' i' Kt'iniiitd WpaMjoiif. und BiMrnmt(u:"ha*n, Iumlnflloiifl ytwi-rtt dvtdn n und vHmUouhu: >V vitality. 1 marritxi nt !y/2i undiir ndvlyo of my himlly doctor,. but it Was n kmikI oxporknoo. !nphhtiii.Hmoi)tiiH wo wertr divorced. I vjitlii'iit'oiiHiihod Ow.K. it 1C, who wmtorod mo to mimliood ^bytlmlrtf>.wMethod'JWatMftit, Ifoltunowlifothrillthrouidi IMPOTENCV VAR9OO0ELE EMISSIONS OURED ig laTi'attuuidl hoottily rocommBntltbern. tffl-M treat and cure Varicoo!ls.ttmuMons,N^ - lffi*X Gl,USt,ictor*. WW*. Statural Mscka^es, .Sdf-4*W iKXi<iitn (stullilaiitiet Diseases* ,.: UP "' .i-. ...^wtbait ooo,OOOCURED. NO RISK % 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. _-.K u^vm > ir.kmnnvtfltlm? Have you lot lioiio? Are 70a contemulatinw mor- ) . Eiboi, ^Dt, r'3. 1 ' */: 1 Vfe. ^"^m^ Vt-^NO.NAMES-usbijt'*)7D."NonSmVonT.oxes oV ipveJrQ aiuianiit* y.'.u Ivy 3657