MLFAKM. M-v Rented by Professor Rebort PTWBfctors Saunl klSOME.HEAVY YlELOS IH CRN! FAST ATLANTIC LINE. Sl.rWHjIam Van Home Spoake ,, v"' of the Project. ITIMCTLir FIRST-CLASS SERVICE nUd |'n* 'lur*<l Oul Wi-ll liny w# i* <iiil <Jrp tttil l'tUIf r i-'n'r. Ottawa, Nuv. iM.-l-roi\ MiuuhIlm-s, dln-oun* of kixperlmonUil Kiirnub h:u hud it pivctu nrndo yf tixt? n'mdtb " thin yiutf'fl cropu tfrown at the- cuuuul Kxpuimu-ntal l-'unu, Kit'ty-idi-Ut vaiiu- tioji ut imm Ji.ivii bbun U-slud and Liiu yield una uvwuuud. well, u'u jiru.vK-i.-i .iflunw inivu bijou hud from tin.' varia tion known a;i J-iaiinej- and Abundance, th*. I'onuer .Qt' whlt-h hail ylulUuU ri- buiiliul.'i 'I pounds por iuii*u; tin: lalUi Of liiil wluai iij vurU-tluii liavu- bucn Xt-uwu ami the lurijeat m-up luui in:cn 'Ken by the DiiWHun'u Uuidun cmui. jvhloh-yluldtid '15 bmdiulu nu pouiuw J)cr acre*. Ul HpriHtf wheat, J.-1H vark- Itioti iiavo boon icKtud. aiulj.hii larirmit AopruvnU hitt No- J 1>l. lie n Iprops reallzoj jlujijfuriuj been had L'luni Lho In uuvt, wlduh wan EperTniL'ntal Farm for von -liorif, 6f Ku*ppwar, Tlit) JjflLVU 3X bUUhtdu lU - e, and way elnyidy fol- jf tliu now croua- iio Jilxporimonuil rop Of au buuhub' d viu'lotluu. ' wnn tile l)iuauc(,'d at tin.: farm 5iio of tlio twu-rou'od varli:- tioT Willi a alx-ruwud, wlimii p,mv*u ill Luiilioly JtJ putiud.H pin* auiu. Thu heavi er l ylokU.-r auioin: tin? aix-r-jwi-d .sort?; wa.4 tho Alciiiiury. which /,'avu a crop Of [iH buslu-Iu |ii piiiind:; p,-r ;ic;l-; ioi- lowutl by tin.- 'Jvu-chom. i:<iyal and BuCCO.'Jy, \\ hiull tf'LVe l'u.spueliw- ylu-hhi .01' nl buuhulu -I"-' pounds, id. biiHhcl.s 12 poundn aiid'f>l busiiuiM ]^ pounds. In noan, nf wiik-h 7H YuriWk-a have been thrown, hou.o very j;ihmi n;^uli:i have boon had. The heaviest crop wan Kivan by one of the now cro^u-in-od MortM produced at the farm, which yielded M IiuhIioIh pt,-r aeru. The Heao|i htin beon a 1'nlrly soort ono for corn and other foddor cro\>:v, 271 tonn were cut from 21 ticrim or land. 'J'Jiu lm:ivicKt yield uat; from the' rural thoioiiKhbred whlto llfni, whl'-h pravo 21 1-^ toiui to the acre. Tip- next b'efit wat) the white cai" yellow dtm\. Which tfuvG .17 toiiM lani) lbs. per n<TC "A ilold of 2 :i-l acres of a new variety, ,tho mainmolh elKht-rowt-d Hint, pro- duped, J ri a]l..'H:toiia Sin IIjh. I-'lve acres />f mlx<M] corn and hnr^e ht.-aiiM f-xavc P,.tons. Tlie yields of lioj-rfy 1 <;an;i and Bimllnwer lit-adM fcruwii >*i*r>ara;t*- ly have a!no bet-n l;<hm1, r, i-'j a'n-s of horse beans having- tdvuri -!1 tons l'.'Xtl .Hifl. of Kreen fodder, while 2 V,-\ arr^H of Hun/lowera save 30 toriH 7iH lbs. or headH, Thepo' combined Kreen forap'-; crops have Riven a total of about am tons of cxc'dlent fodilcr, of wldcii 1i;ih been "convtrti'd into I'nsllji'-re, whl',vt will'be 'used as food for r-ntt 1-- in the1 courno of experiments planned In this .lepartmoirt for the r-nniliiK year. fUJiV'l'h' have y,\v<u ^m<] crops. Ono "t ot\t two anrcs of ih.< Aiammoth 'iff Red ban produced In all 17 tun:t ) Ih.i.jl Oai-rotfi aim linvi- done \v]I. bir^e.'-t yield lias 1 een from tie- rovedv..Q>!iori White, which k-ivi- a p of 'J.:))tf.h;i lot" lbs. from, one aen*. '}HqW followed by Die Alamniot'i bite Iriternie.d'ate. which yielded 2*1 ino .1.-0 Uih. from a plmjlnr ai'":i. Tur- ;ilp:t have not Fin ltill ho well. Thyy uivo. suffered np.-iln frrnn rot. wliie > jhriH prevailed In many parts nf th's. .llatrlet.- The largest, crop brnl at the fnrin wa.'.i from u varietv known. a^ KIcpbant'a -Mnstcr, v.-hlr-h rave ID tonn l-)?n lbs. per n--r . Play ban awra'ted v.-eP. 'P'er out' from ft! accf- ,>f l.-ied, ; a V\v,!t crop, SO tonn ~1" lb-.: ;nid, .is a s.-co-id crop, .((1 inriM dOOfi lb:--.; -a to:: 11 01 l:'n tons Tin llis. from Ihe "(I ncri s. The ylrld nf p^t:i(r,.\M of v-hl-h iC.'i vnidefl'1;; hove i> <"n ""o""!. b-n* I) n>i v lip To the ;i vfi-fe '-, Tie- A-*-fiT- M'nnrlrT1 he;"'" Ml- II- r till ' V'.'M' "ri 'Vi"Td of """111'--Mel'.' per fir--. Wrd by. (li-..'""l-P- >:. "-U^ ?7S Hu-ls ;v1' Ibn . f"',.ni.iii f'nrdi-11 v-M'i ft lnis'i'Ttj 72 ]Ps., fiinl Tlmrburn with fi.'i biipho_'s_ According To advices r'-'c-i^ird Ii.t very few of the !:.<.'. sealing (lei pui'- .pofce eiip;a;;intr in ihe coast laich cir!*' In the year. So iiiiieh li-c w:\ti \n> 1 In the oai li' p'ai t of the h-Lison Ju.-m e;n-t- ed, lho \'e:.:.u.'l:i h-ia. : t<a:- , o.- wind bound,* Unit most m" tin- o-.-n r-. h.ivfi to tlie coa'Tns ni ih'Ujt \l- ill pav them to !;eep tin- [ ai 'ho' e-. .'. $ tl I'OKIllt -"> FC'h(t.-.r'.-i"j trtt. o ' :r I CI 'will, remain, in 1 -'<v, 1 Hi .fn , the lime arrive;;- t" inn'-e r'-ndy I north. Tlh; ma ml nn T'T oi' \vill ' utnvt for (he .la : en "<! =1 monlh and Janmiry, la t no bunt^rn will b. ta )*--n 'i,i tli therefore lively to b" a b'-'t'-r < ,' liientn. ' john Tt. Hooper, \vr!i In;: to hero, nays' ho e;m ""et 1'prtb' : v- denco showiin.j Dan 1 < <-:*.t u the erline elmrj^ed'n rr'i c-M h1"!. ' l>uriii:r ihepa:-t. tli K"iP- iT ! p.::.: a! Ll:- cufttom.". Will HiV III* 'n llilku S*^'i'ii'<" * Tuitta t:vi-t| r'iil Int? Ill I'lllllltlll'M I'OIIIIlX'ITllll and M)it|>|>lMV * utrc. Montreal, Nov. ^ the Imperi al Cuv.-iiiment manir.-ctiMl Itn inten tion to alii the Canadian fasU Atlantic n-rvlee, the ban 11 very .live mm ar.l your cnrrespoiident called Ilt (be Canadian VnoMW, ollleen and rouivbt an Interview with Mm president rerardlni-v tlilH all-Important ma.tter. Frrnn tlio drat Hlr William Van Home. |1IIH alwaya been a llrm la-llever In the Si l.nwrenee route In Miimimr, and 11 Atlantbi V^rt in winter pm- vldlni; the service be e<iual to tjie beM. Whon aslu .1 for an opinion, Sir Wl- liani said; "I have not nlven the mi \\-rl much thoiiKlil. of Kite, the pveva - 1 " conditloaM, llnanelnl and otb , h'n-h.c; been uufaVurable.l>nL my opin ion as" to the la-eat neod-of. a m.t- class Canadian Atlantic Kervice In a^ ClyilnaitiilrH. otitiltltri'4l> ( Toronto, .Nov' Horse UronUm'f.'^l the name of the tlon with which- bre? foi-t'nt 'ohiHHOM will all be A nnndlntf whh hold at JJ<;t-l yr>Hterday aflei-nriori ftni1 jiiiwotdatlon fornnnl with the i m ein hers hip ; HOhert I 'livfea, i Sriilih. Jos. DuiJb'aii, WUHtim W( I-f VVnde, .T. I>. fJi'Mham and JfoldorncHM, Toronto; N.Awrcy, M1. A-' (J. Hiimsay urid William Hendr llaiullton; David Mcltnc, fiiadpli. Jn.-ilh. M,l\, Mownianvllle, .littn tlanlhoii.'iu, llbvldh-hl; II. N. Cryjudi^ fr-eiiu: if. II. Allen, l'ic|i!U LecinlM f,fin>^jj')M,'y Crt-ek: .1. C. Iin.vfl,' i-'iai J-'.l'r-. 'fJiSw 11 "-h '.' ]> 'f'leii'rv, (5*t>-JJ,oinri.'-'; It, (! l alia Clareiin/ut; Tf. rTfrC"' Chltih'.lin. Mlltnn; \--.0- ".iiwi'i- Allltrjn; .Ins. ' 'oehra iv.-, liifTiul^'-, t Willlani Kclili. 1'owinaic. NIc; 'A.'J^- Mowker Wnoil: hrl;: Jehu \ IpQpffl'fl JL'JJ'*"* t' - IV, ,^* Mmmh b-.-i ..1' , w!ic*i for II'.- \ ! : I 11 Ml ' a I iv" >T-" f ' cliif'C.' en;; :;- - ii-'ii1'- bUMUl:: ill H/.!ii 'i '>:.? -Tin.- ti-I.-i: ti V . it niL: ship i;ji.,r ]ia.-i.-..-n;_; !.-.T. L-> I .1 r u . 11 .11 * .. 1 .'... . . . "u'ilkimaKi' i<--"i ..,-., "hX cajiinjn . v. ; k ton lbs" i-ai-rl: o. fo, two ' laujjias''d'. *i *.\j |al the ti.aj i.: .< \t\ (*Ianid tlia.L . tii- :>.( ta rn and ' vrir.v o* tT i ' :(li:i.e;rae.'j to' the u.u ." -. /I'liile IdUi Vu-.i'-i -..-a.- o: .".r.a'.-d i.\v o;i , ! in i.<-. 1 .'J iUjij Island of Jcr j-jy,<. La J i 1 , .t * ' Liie unlloru.wore ;..tle;npiii:j-i to i-c; ..,.:. lire', a' Ipped (tverboar.J. A boat -v:1 ;-...- to ro.eover 'll. win u i.. ^ ' h;JUnip'd OWrbaan.l u;, ! ()' the lJO;tt..aini w;v.:i J .',.: W. . i 'no of tllu p;.: " t jiped everboard' nan : m'-'-i *V 1 Jt, Inl't Which lie wa Ijiolif'*1 r.'i, rema iuln:; <-:i : U handled it tiS hmU limy c.'lo.i. f IfjaKi'd lo bench her ni > [ Iceeihid In landing. ' " < " 't\\v\ I'opr'it l('yn^ ' ' lowK), 'NoV.. li-*.7 .*^l'"^^-1it^A'ir.s^ flho-l.-'iihedP Vsut.ti Ju'yfhhl'\'U-i"'.'iv ai n?" Lt the'i'oPo'-IS sutferlnt', JTo a'u at- Hlronir us ever. * !-> ,.( The president of the Canadian lad nV con Inned. '"A really llrHt-ebiHH ser- vice, mind ynu, not aJ7. H or M lcnnt l(.rviee Any money expended on an ln- fmior scrvhv will be thrown awiiy.and nn Inferior Hervl-e will effe(-tually ne- vent for very many yenrs the i-Hiai- nent of <me of the I'lj-ht kind, he- lioalnK It probably beyond \Vil]in77T^^|iJ atlon.', mistake. Cur c<nn7?N^l 3 jj ', V^ trarle, and an lnferlor^HtaiJjLlj (jj,, in-ve-r tii ke It from tboni, evr^% vrry small part. if (!a inula In fa< i;nin;.-, lo |ilay second Ilddle, she should at hast savi> her money. A ednipetltlvi! si earn ship enterprise tloe.s not- differ materially from a competitive railway, hotel or mnmifnoturliiK enterprise, in which Inferiority mean.s ruin. Tiier-1 air- always too many people," said Kir William Van Home,"who have not the courage to do such tliln^n well, are[ this. Is the ('ra-use df rimst failures. '"It* Is swallow' an anclioi\;i.od srHcIv lit tin. tfiil. It. Is folly to spoil a..ship fur wa nt of a ha'plrt h of tiir. 1 do rid. IciriiU'," lie' eontinin-d, "whether or no', an addition by tin- Tmperhil Cove'rn- nvnl. to l he subsidy In-ri'tofor'- offer ed by the IJomlnlnn (lovernment will recuie iirst-rdass Service. I dntibt If It can be carried tiiioindi as a steam ship enterprise, pure ami simple, bj' lirh'at..' parties, having no other ends tii. sci\-e. I would IMcejxi--iu.-(:'-iL-undt-r~ l.ikcn by the e:ch?T"Tmj flt. Lawrence lines, but .1 !-Iiall despnlr-of (he conn- try If. any compromise l.s made on lh' (pi'-st Ion of a strictly llrst-claaw s*-r- v'ce." . Jt Is said that there will be rtcmT .activity iMonf,' the Ihtt: of the Oan.r dir.11 I'iicilic next sea.-.rni mill thai ill b ;-s than three y.-ar:-- the entire lin-' from tin* Atlantic to the I*;ll:1I1c will Ire composed of parliament work. Tim er mpany are also mukimr ready for tl:e- ultimate double trar.Vdif.- 01* the read from Winnipeg to I'ort Arthur, and from Sudbury to Carl--ton .1 une- tion, the la si str-tch b-li'i;r ~'X> miles In b n.u'th. Tiii- eorr-'Si'OMdent wan Inform ed to-day by tjie, company's chief en- rini-er thai all the new struct tires bm 1 wec-n the jiolTits above iriineil are he- i 1 .*-C made suft'ibl-,- t'ov a double tiMei;- fuKr. so it will !)- seen that the f a r- jit.eliiK men at th.---he;ol ctf- -f^rtTrada'^ Ail en t' h iv li way, have eonlldetiec fn t'h ,Xutare_of-Uie country, jmd are mal-:inv pre|>ara I Ions (o meet Im iv;is.-d bus! ru ss and develoi he-nl. I'rnrn Carleto-i Ji.neUon to Ahml real the company cb'iinis to haee as yiod as a doid ! ti ackin,-,r. one llui- enuiine,' via SmitVs Ii-;!lls ami tlm other bv the -Voirh Shore, while a third Is still In si -in by' Ihe'Montreal ;<nd Ottawa. A -rtv-t many of the tre-tl.-s In , (he liriti-ii f'olumid.'i sei-tlon ','.ri[l ] biv- h"," If-!": by pene.-irmnt work. Tin-rail- v/a.y iias Im I su f ' -.- : h-. 1 1.1 sufiiim-r in -1 Jn- ' ';< e>.'.- ; : ami lb-"'-- surveys nv t\< ov eooi )>! -, att.hon; b it. is not supposed thai tlm' rumors, which imike this lie- funn-- ir.ein line of the <*auadi;in I'^'-Ifle. ai. Well founded. The Ci'er's Xi-rt Pa - will rtrobaldy soon In- tr.'i.rdced, hut "it v ill likejv l-iceniiif-a ;ii't',-it niiiitiral ;tn>I f"doui/.ation -line. t:u', i,t:t.!,!:i(r;r' itc.ior:^ ttr;; jv;:5 Hlr .liac!;cn/b! IP.v.Cil ;it:<] St:-A. I' ('jii-oji 1:1 r<i!i;cri'iici' \>>llii jJh- lini-iii'C .' 1 ir.\. Mondvul, Nov. L:;,- -:'.1i- ,iMiM-:.-i-::::i'.- 1 towel J appe:i rs hiost (h-siinin-: tli.: 1 .Mi'. L. I'. I'ell.dh.-! Silnllb-i i-ulfV tb.- C.v- ernmi.-nl wit horn. d"!;i y, p.ikin^- tin? vacant portfolio of A:, riculturt*. t\ < ti 1 -day . the Premier a.-; .-d i Ion. : . J'l-ll'-iicr fo m.-ei hlrn itrVi' ibis ev. n- In;-. and Sir Alaekeind.- Jiad-Sh- A. J', daron left for'Alont m-;J, arrisdnK* at the WIndent- at s u'c.-lork. To-nf-vh 1 Ma* I'rovlm-i.'il Secret a ry ai'i'jvi-d fi'o.a (, jhi-iice, ilr-ivi- t-" l he Win ' it;'a* and aitev l'r y.'isit.-riii;;' proc'-r-de<l at unci- to Sir' .Mackenzie llow-el';-; a pn itne.iii s. wiu-l'-- t la"* interview between the 1 ' um'Pu" I'remli-r, the I 'in-\,H}i: l. r (bio-ral and Ilrui. 1/ i.'. iVil'-Iier' he;van. Sir -Ma -. li-r.y.U- It'-\V'-l| and Si'- A[i.lj,lie d'-sire tin- 111-w ."Minister h> fal'e i;li.-r at once, I'rn.d-rlln, ami Jehu Cardlmmic, H;lg^v (bid. , ;^r- Tin- birlh of Ibe a: -social Inn .JWWJi really at n nm'lbm Jo-Id r.n S"pt, Ifttlg* v bei'i it wiis re idv.:-d 111..... 010! In-^jjjpj Di- A Si'dih. ci -'r- ly ?-r. I'elth. ?.( I'-, tb.-t L'.n- a:rerI-Hlon ji; fornmd and Mm '" il bv In". ju-ovh-l"rtlA (11p"M"im npi'ol:il"d. nfiil tlielr eb'etlo^. conlliiu.-d : ,.vlVplleli:' : riem ( T. desd.l I- M"l-.'*; As:-'M-;.-tieii. lioh.-ri i 'iivb-s. "'omu J'itvid M'i:;:.-. (P. 'j.b: Iv -ai 1 bud- m-" Horr.- Ko.-Ietv. 1:. :: " mi nvill--: X. Awrev. ,\:.!,. A.,1 lamilton : fn.m Sltlre A siioehi tlmi. .lain.-- C:,rd:-M.u-e. Kinldlebl: II. K. Crm^ley. l\t,:-,:;c'iu: fi'f-m Thtroui;bhi'cd M"' -' .\<--'-nei:. Hon. I >r. A. Si.nth. ToPUl'. : William ll-'i:dile. .!.'., I'iiiiilll'in: 1:0m Sl:imhiid lired Tn-t h-rs' As*-oein (Ion. II diir^lll. M.i'., and Ia-einln;: fair. At ;i niep-tlim: 1 if f he dln-elmr, h-^I iifb-rv.-ard.;, :.Ir. b'-dn ,-t l'a vms was f.],..-t< .1 ple.-Trlelll \ f M\ A. Sn lib. ' b'e- pi eel-!, n! ; '.Mr. 1 !. Wa<b% s "-r.-t a i-y- trr-asun'-ri-and Ihe f.dlowliu: \\\- rv.ii\<- C'lTiiiiiittee, Ab-srs. Iffivh -, Smith, Crossh'.v, Afeim-.-, Ihdtll ail'! ".U""!!. A constllulios was {idoyb-d; nrMcl- twd (if whP'h rea'l--: : "Tllr objer-ts "f aid as:'ni-!ation b.-Iur to oneoiirn'.'e .oi'oi-b<.ti-')ii am! !a-<-.-i|bm: <f pin-- ' n1!**^!.! all tli - r--co-ml:'."d breed.: ir.alntTiTl^itifc^'e le/.-itiinab- u.-.y. a'a I Canada, has r.^'->j^piitalloii whieli lualthy hrt-cdlne.'^^^^n(r the most' that (here Is on this oorirrft^i^ytnek The asfiorda Men is to be kov< -a-b'-aiwPnf b-it dlr-ctr^, el*-ep r.i.nually.tlie didir-s 1 if other ofllcer.-r' to -b.i-_.-l he:-sjim-cras;-.iri -.the other., iissoela- lions and bvh'ild ofTic*- for a year.",'A'ny ' fivj:"sotr"hdei'^s|(.(l fu honu-M may In-- cc'oi; a inenii.i-r ii|".(| payment of the ! ' I fee, and e' iii.'oly In^ with the pt'o- v!sliiiis usmilly reijuin-rl iv*- tai ee to fil.h i- ln'cilliitr as.'-vieia: Ions. After this bu:-ine:',: l:ad 1.....n (11.;])':'- ed of an Informal- dls'-usslnn fnlliavi^l, and a numb.-r of. rcf-diamendatlons |ier ', resrdui 'nn:-:. as fed low s ; 'i Im t a d< put a Ho 1 1 o I :*. app'ilnp d i*v th*! .-:;, euiive : .: mid wait upon th (o.lario I'lovei'iiiiiCiuL and ask for a Sianl. in aid of a'spring horse show ; . 111:11 the Indus; ri: 11 P/vfdl.dflou bi-'tts"<e 1 to "fee a lined i-'- !.;'e at cm id it;:* i'll lis I'll* ' 'alli>Vj a m1 i'.-'-i" 1 f bis ;. !. 'of iv o y ars i'.'id i::nl ;*; linn nioi'i- enroara- 1.1 -;t 1 out 1-f- j:l\ i'u in Mm dm v. ia-,' of f'i!;.-s at the .--i'i-inrr horse show,- and Mi at the i mlusiria 1 Kxhihfllou Jlu.iri lie i-eiii'ieded to allow t he asscK-ia tfou to have two rcpre'-ontaM /en upon the ( ':,rs. <.'ar:--i!l -', b'.- tile two n.-pie- .i.i-li'-il lives. * r'liejriiiiifiiijMl Vis i:iiiniii. I !erlin, Xdv. -b The Kmperor nur- pri.-ed liis niotb'-r. dm Krnpi-oss J-~"r- -. I- ei Irk. tois naii'iiin^- by making ' ids ., t O'M.V at ' ' 'as '!e of llumpenhelm, win-re the ex-EmpreMg i.-, ( .!,... her daiie,him*. Princess Alarvan-t, wif-- of No'--Other 0 THOROUGH AS 1 '1: k li-/ -^ ';,' A^J parilla Stii,t,eruent of a V.'t 11 lamu'ii Doctor "Nn other bt'i'ri I'n'i.ij'-aur that I liavn e,er i;sr-o, :.n-( 1 I !i in all, Is ho ilmi-'na-a !. a 'i.-i -n uiany p'Tiiiune'.t - Or. II. I'. :.,. .. . , > :-.-. .;.>, Mm, Ayer's;l& 3Visaijarilla Admitted at the World'-; J*'olr. Aye * -i-w:7t Tlll LONDON * -AND- SixtooTi Pao;os;, 00 Oohinins, id i'rjVf vp 1?t\ri lily Hot id - %r (IT To 31st Dcccmhor 1008 %,-t^ . I.- ' , ..I "-.,* . I ' . -1 / ^... -.. ^^#iS'^:I^SL;:' '" "'M'-rvv"^^'"?1" 7*1 -| ! d" // Tllfi WlSKICLY Kui-'i-; VnRRS" ainl Fam.u an'd, troiubint;d in on. issue, uniform in size and appear iiuec, is olVored to subscriber* J'ron; now until tin* .'-JlsL Dereinljer, ISDIJ. U- ONE DOLLAR! Tbe Vhvik Pukss i.s the l.i-ndi-;-.- Liberal-C.'onservative .Journal of W'e.d cm Ontario. R contains each wi-i-l a complete smriinary of the nev\> and comment of tbe Limes. The Commercial pfifeva^qf tin WiiKlcrv Fjiiiis Pui-JSHart.iijp to date, and ample for tim eounti'yjYnercba'iit. Varmei* and dairyman. The Faum and HoMJS contains each week, able articles on Agricultural .MihjectK and Live Stoel;. The farim-i ami cuttle and horse breeder will find in its pagert abundant topics of spm ia! iril;ei'(*st.. A Serial Talo of abybrbinp interest daiieJu.,,- l-r ucessN a, ..,.-irr-r tt.(1> ()f :jJU)0 jxa^uUMslltf foafciiro of the i -.rme.e ! ,5a Tin-- -hl+mi^oT'-fooTr;; :-Pfielal ..twun-~lU*itLVr^. l11.1!1^ ll*______________ .-. fiom lleriin wlili Mm Kr--:aest wi-ivcy Both Papers Comblnod for SI Irtrom THE TIUOMPH CORN SHELLER Thin Machine consists of a horizon till ciiot cylinder, with wrought iron rH> JVit4' moel teoth boltod to tlio oylijdor bo m to bo rovorsiblo when lho t-eolli bocomo w^--n o/- tbo iront flido, /uuning in a porforaicd concave iron Mioll.-wlucli tho shojlec;.,,..vrJ paHfleB through into a shoot iiw caao, with a fan or clnaiior attached below, wllich takcs all th0 (luBt irom tL j grain< Tho clioanoat bent, moat simple mm airt.ttbi0 Power C;'onrr lvoilerdn~TIS'u';^hGHfl -on. peviectiy clean in any coi.diticu-^hollini? and cleaning froi: from oho to two thousand btishola of ears per day, acooi(jjtiK t0 power. ^imknsions. Pulley, 10 in. cliam/ otor. b in. inco; Motion, o00 to B00, rovointions por minuto; Wei-lit, 550 lba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GoimiAV & sons. rtBfloaa: Viii&iBsft&mMl&i'jiliumb tta liii miiii^u Toaihstho&Q BUM Bone and uriivd nt the "awiii- at ' o'eloei,- and t-.cmH;i'at u|-i I>'d"1rt^"~fi 1 < 11la^rT"f (' ' \v7IT return, to, Ih-rbn at !i.'W) o'clock Mils evt-nin^ f rum M clheini. 4-tlini >i<-:Ulr;l (-. :>t;i1tt Allrnh-n, On!., Xov. -1. A child nam ed Najjji of .Ml mien . Township, a/Ted -i yea I'M, -wiiH fatally M-iddeil yesterday Ijv falltni', Into' a pot of bollinc; wad-r whie!: had b -en l-ft on Ihe Hour. Death name -l hours after the accident. . __. ^TlicOtiuinoii People". An Abraham Lincoln called thorn, i\o not euro to argpo about their ailmeiitH. What they want ii tho medicine Mint will cure them; The ru'impi", houefit Htutomuut, "I know .Unit Hood'H^firHti puriha ourod me." ir tho htiBt ar^uraent 111 favor of this uiedi- cino, and thin is what m.uiy thounandH vol. unturilj nay. I>IZZIKI0 m TI1K Hf3Al>. nr rai her I 1 fm ibe :'i oirresj-p. iirb-ur uteier.'U." I ToviiM i:i 1 .' h-iT'-t .iry pl'ef'.rrii:;: lo v all fur and ii 111 fi'u- hb: i-v/n e Chester. W Hon. .Mr. I* *.ubn* bu t 1 he "Is that the -"till be--il;i.lee. a ' ill:-: chit bin 'iinlv of f-'nr- r d " ' 1 etW'-en now .-ii:d to-mnrrow lo aecipi oilier under Sir ,M;iela-n:di' Mn-well b Will liiu; run lor .the vacant Heat in (.'hurb-vnlx. I.Io* ilv linii;.'.i'ii a "iViiDiini o-vri" 11 (am ,; 11 iilrlied - '! r Strnii'tJc. Cblca-vo, lib, ?U\v. !j;:.~(.:b:irk baniVcd Annie ..ndmson In No. PJ Health (Jlariv.:! roi:t. ?,foe ' yecured. a rojie after ami thi'jwln'.v it ever a :;aa tin.- nooi'i- arouu-l the M-oinan':' reek v. idle .she * wa:; m-deep In bed. Tie then pulled Ibe rope, swine,ini-r the 'woman 0:1. lho la ti im o the air.- Securim; tbe rope .to'the ) ' of the bed he waielled the eonvubdo^s of hi.s %U:iim an s:ii : nl.ow iy tarii.n^h"'. When the r 1' Htretched hlniHelf on the tad and went t) sleep. He was urreHU-d by the police In tho inorninp:. He had ntlen-pted to kill tho wnrniin tlnce wrelvi- uyo bi'cause t'lio did not* I'.aih enouirh money to'-lc'^'J*-" him Intoxicated rdM-lny tinie. *" yeara "OTr. hti'i^iSrWnmiiVrT)ii f... - ahor" JilmtKwf' this, niornlnii'. .; wound fioui which recovery, is'ih*ipos- .slble. "Hold elalivied thai he'wlm' in no particular .tioublo and , thut , ho, whot of rbcuinatlnh). HIh conditio*' e\T no alaVhi. 'Dr. .kappohl.. his hnuy llclary. is in attend" nee ' vn'bii hi u, poro'tarleri were cnua-edi at. th? himPL'lf - beeduso he had no dbalrj lou-. XIiIh 1*4 n Sure Pi-ociirwor of Apoplexy, mid l^r. *t(rm**iv*H Cum lor (ho JSi-nri nt Onto to Iwi tnhcii. No nimciit. read tho daily puperri with out I)ciuf4 oeriouhly irnprenriod with tho faot that a larfjo inunl.'or of people in the pie- sent tig*-* have within their Hywtum- tbo evi-. iluico of apoploxv. Thin in Heen mid felt often lb a trrmhlinfiand'uiKiortliUitv of th- ImibM, and fivqiiently in an uupleiiaant tliz/.ineQft and h^litnnhH of the bond. Uh i-* a very unwint- man who, kuoivinf; Mie-m Hvinploins toexiht, (loon uot promptly take immflureo to have them retnnved. Wo know ' nf no remedy that him been do rmnurltably HuccenHful 111 thin piirticuhiriifi.Or, A^iiow'h Murn for Hih heart. 1-rini-irily it. iw n heart Cure, but it Mennajly el'feot|ve in what in to Home flxtfrntirp'Oidlel (liwotuio, iipnple- tie nymptomn. In a hghhoii Avhen uniimm] heut provailn and oxciternont- ofron rnna hi(;h, wo are ddinj* a kindiuat^ to men and women by lotliiif? tlum know of thin ru inftrkfiblo neclioiiit'. Sold by J. Thorno, .... Mow Until Docombop Slotr-iaos* Agents wanted everyivhoro. Address &T1 communicationfi to tli* FREE PRESS PRINTING CO. LONDON, - ONTAHia FOR GIVING _ STYLE and SKAPE ____ TO LADIES' DRFSSES-. For nftlii by UkhHmb Pry Gottls Doalorn. A li^lit, pliablo. elastic] bono made frcm riitillH. It in woft and yioldiiifj conforming readily to folrjo, Vutpivinu proper oh it pa to skirt or drepij. Thu onty.Skirt Bono---that, mnv ho wet without injury. ThoColobratod Foathoirboho Cocflets aro corded with this material. t^^^^^ Ou good productive Farm Property at 5, tt fi.per cent, utrnijjht. t-"Couvoyancin^ Done up in Nout Style Fira and Life nsurance. GfARTLINQ FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. Mo ITaluation Fees, aae^ouff^s guaranteed OR NO PAYI A DC VD EI 0 Nrtvvmmnnd dnnpondent; wnulc or dehildateil; tirod *morninL*; nonm- iiUL. lUU I bitum oxoibibhi luiairrftnblot ".von Hiuiknn, ml and hlnrreU; p-mpleti on fnco; clroamB nnd nlfiht Jn;i':t>fj; n^tlosn; liiiK'-'iinJ Inukinur; w**nU hiiclcj bono puln^: hnir 1'oonu; nlcm-u; norn tliroiit: vaniMri^e; ilefieeiii, in urinn and druiiiH 11! Htnnl; rlistruiitf " " - - 4. . LOVELACE, ESSEX, ONT "Ioflunped boing a confirmed dynpopiio by taking Ayu-fii PiIIh in time." Thin in the axpoi-ionao of many. Aycr'n Pills, whothor 114 an nfter-dinner pill or an a rumedy for livor complaint, indi^ootion, flutiilonoy, vt/rttor brauh, and niumoii, fire invaluable, No Iohh tbun wonderful ur-j' tho onrun a.iuompliuliod by Hood'h B-rsupuriM&, cvon After ether prepnrationa an3 pbyniulaim^ Hwtr>o44ttrtft^*ifof^--ThfrNT*40U,'hoW- eyer ltf*l*ra'6iff; vWnon the blood imsr-nobed nd pui;ifled, dlsBkae diaappeatu ami good health roturnH, add Hood' ti&rraapariHn is tho o<itru bli0depurifl5r. .v ' ' NURSERYMAN, - 'Ruthven, Essex County. Pmioli, Pear,' Plum, Applo and Quinon TrooR. RonoR, Eyor^toonii, Barry BuuhriR, Ranpbarryt.Blaohoorry ' and Ourront. Bimiiou. A * flratalanri ^oodti, Savo at)ntH* Big Profits ! and writo for prioofi. Wo will ohoor. fully unnwoi; you by rotuni mail. Splendid, Appl& Trees &,! in.every rsepeofc,' ,': $12 PER JOB r $12. fiijurir* uad.tiLmiKih WB CAN CURE YOU / jtful; wiintofconhdena:; luclc oE RESTOX&D TO MANHOOD BY D/?S K & K. JOHN \, MANLIN. JOHNA.MANLIN. CJUS. PO.WRHR, '.OITAfl. POVTBlta, . DIEVOKU UlL-ATAIifiNT. iiiaum, TiiiiA'i.ui'.j-'r. 't'ilUJLTAll^T. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS and iViPOTENCY CUREO. John A. Mitiilm n'lyn: >lI'wita ono of tho eotuitlonH vl*. than of early itrimViincn ennuuonc'.'d ut, 1H yoarw of nifo. I irlod loven nif-dlcid iidnii and iipont $1100 without avail. J piivo op in dofi|iiilr. Tho drnhm on my eysfr-m w<r .* wfiiikoninit my Intellect, im well 1111 my huxiihI nnd phynhml Jife. My hi'otlmr ailviinid 1110 ut- a hinf; maort to onnnnlt Ljrii. K(*rmi*dy itKi-rcuu, Icemmnuctid tiutirNowMotliod 'lioatnient nnd in n few u'tiekft. wim a now mini, with m-w ldo and iitiihillon, Thin wan four your lyjo, mid now 1 .flpooioliiitH to nil my afflicted.followmon." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAt. "Tho vlcofi nf onrlv boyhood Intel tho fotuulnf hm of my mm. ijitoi;'mi n l'cny Ufn" mul oxvnunro tohlooddf- f'l'iiiioii uoinplotod tho wrack. Iliml nil tlio Hym|itonm of tM-rvouH Pobllity mmkonoyoH.omlnHloiiH, dnibi hi in-mo, iiorvoiiuiaiH, wonlt buck, t. MypldllHo'imft-ul my htdrto mil out, bono pnliiH, ulcorw hi month nnd 011 Iohkiio, hlntohou on body, oh). I tlunik God I triad Dm. KonmMly A Hwttttti, Thoy roiftorod aiu to lioaltb, vieornnd hiLppfiioBa/' ORAS.'POVvEStS. , . BST'Wtlhrat ami curt Varicocele Emissions% Netvous Ds&Uitv, Seminal Weakness, GUtt% Stricture, Syphilis,, Unnatural. Discharges* Self Abuse, Kidney and 21 ladder Diseases, . 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED, WO RISK. Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured; READER! ifuvnyoo lost bono? Aro yon c6nt"niplntliiff.mar- TlftHyonrHIonc! b'on dleouawl? IJuvo you.ony wonKnonw? Oor Are yon n vlotlni? rlne? IlnHyonrI . ....._.....__ Now Method Trontmont will caro you. What it baa dono fot* othorglfc will dp for yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No inattor who hnH tronted ypu, wrlto for an tmuout opinion Froo 'or CluirR6 (IharffGttrpoBonablb. 1 BOOKS FREE-"T1ib Golden Monitpr" (illuatratod), on. Dlpenme of Mon. Inolouo pontagp, 'A oonte. - 'Bnalod, * ' ' I3T-NO NAMES USEO WITHOUT'WRITTEN CONSENT. PRf-v vATK. No medicine s ntCQ< P No names op box^-a or e-nvol.*', opes. Everyt^lnar aonflcforitlal. Question list and cost of Treat ment, FREh. & N6;I48SHEIi^^ DETRQITiMIGH^; 2^^W-vVi^W.v^"":>r"-V'.j;. .'V'-' luVMiitt"----^^! -. . 1 m ssSSr " -iv^m'-i KssVftn-t.^saMiBKxtM^i [ijll'L^^^ 22