Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 22, 1895, page 8

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; '-f'$?^ Svv.'-. HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE GENUINE FROM THE IMITATIONS ATAGLANCE. Paino's Celery. Gompoimd "Makes People Well." WHO WROTE THEM ? fl j2W\ r* **. How Many if J'linttp. .0,-n-NtiiViiw <; i X*n : > Otbor Preparations Mislead and .Deceive. Tlioro ih truly tr wonderful diiloromio whentho pure, no|jfd, heavy and lo^il Mold ooiu in ofinipurcd"with tbo lmiioniblo im- Tm^l^iUje coin ih punned with oonfi- deuce from ono person to iiuother; nil peojplo boliovo in it.' Ilow in it with tho imitution tlmt, Hpuriomi coin miido und lBHued by dink und oriiuinul haudn? It in uiaaV in dink pheon; it Ih iwautid uteidthily to doooivo und defraud; und nil who uru connotated with tho work of deception uru over fearful of iho IhukIb of jujdiiju. Tlio g-omiiuo ld coin han uiusiio und ^euuiiionti^u in itn rin^; tlio buno coin houwIn duop ituil hundi to tho oar. An thu pjonnino Kold nom und thuiuiitd tiou differ ko vuhlly, "o also in thuro a world of 'difformico botwi-un Puitm'H Col ory Compound und tho imijutUH.H at Col- ery thiit- people mu frequently deceived by. T?a.iuG'H Colory Compound in univurwdly jpular owintf to itH gront ufliouay; it is biled cvorywherc nirthe-fii,*'iit-liiil<ir-oF iHe; it in rt'conieiulcd by proftjuhional all over thin continent; it i.-i poriuinij, diablo and huneut, and "miikciH people ; Tho iraitutiomi, mid all tho crude ^pro- pawiionw, a,re made to noil without regard to hbuHb. Dooolved buyem uro naturally indigo ant) at loss of money anil the aggra vation of thoir troublcii. Whon nuoh imi- tat ions uro ueod, iifom ponitivoly endanger* sjonuino P&lno's Colury Compound idtlmtcurcH lMonoily dintinminh- worda "Puiuo'a Colory Com ma tlio "otalk" of eelery, found Itle and outer cartoon. Look for foaturoH arid yoii-ulwayn (jot soot your oaoo. 1. Death loves.a_uhlnlnKark. fl.^-*KiiiwliU:n ermi.-H, hut tvliulnm lln- tfrl'M. .V- KImiuiw'h the food of fnoln. a l:irK?r growth, B. Thi! t-rid (towiih nil.' '. (U>i\ tcnipi-i'M tlio wind to fhc^iihorn lanih. 7. All m:i:iIsiml love it. Invor. . Tlu-i'f rciMuv.-H :nv nn bad iih n (leo, I'i'.'.'i t h" Vi ti.'iiLM on A MOB WITH LUUS Mot Pollcomon Who Were Sent to.Collect Taxes. iir.- 'i tl 'in';) I1 -iuntiled Sp;Lin'H cddviilry v. irbet. L (jratod rind of pinta of jmd ono dl-mado equalod by lOHHoua thio, tho r^or and bowulH raunt ritiod, a roault obtaiuod .by rSr'H Baruaparilla. It curen (iara- "dobilifcy. Has oiirod othorB, will caro yoa, Mountain Climbing Has a woudorful faooiuation for many mon. tlio higher the mountain and tho groator Hpioo of danger about it, tho moro aoxiouu iH tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing intitmotH whatever, to got to tho top of that mountain. Thtjro in an intoxication, a fiot-y oiuhuHiatim about it that puahoB ono on and on, and roiiti) tic ed mnyolpH and inupircb (laq^in^courugo to evorlastiuf'ly koop ut it until tbo top in reachod and tbo ooaltna 7.ophyrt4 that fan tbo brow of tho mountain qoo! your own throbbint; tomploa. Amoricanu havu thought that it wai neoeBoary to go to Enropo, to tho Alpo, to tiud auy full (U|^wu mountaiun to noalo. It'aallmoonuhlheX Isn't ll.'OOO foot high '"OtV, thoao ruokad, oraolc- ancl anow, and orators prooip\fiOH to oli"nb ovor atno as ici tbo Alpa? Yon, 1 all rft{bt lioro o1o\q at hand, and ;o iutereatod to know ivhoro and whon, juBtuoud your /3droHu, and "" pkampe to Ciub. S. ek of tho cifio Railroad, St. Po\l. Minn., ind you a book that rwoouatu Luo o( tho (jrurlodt r^kltH of by tbo goutloman whoV.ado euough, \f\th i;|[ ed creatu^rcii of i [-; and ilautirci an f';."(ind roajiJ, tb "I escape by takiutf Ayr lb experience o whether an aftorl! n tUU mtuntain In p d in half tono otoliiu ranhor who auoouipanied ar^oao. If you aro in your own ootiairy to t iU wondorful Boonio is book. m,--*-.\ i IIV, 11. it of all that. 1 have- nn-t. i:'.--'t'lli:: v.'"il<l I < all 11 llrrthiK fihow. Kl.-- Ifc Imild" (I ln'tliM* 'I him ho Know. ! XVImtcvci' Ih worth riolnj,' at all hi . \vi .; ( li ili iImk U'cll. I"i.-;(!'"l in:.'l)> ila- coimtry, and man nri'li' .1 Iii' to .vii. |i'i,--M 1JI.<.11'i fur dH."WiM.-, hut not one < - i<i i\.i' irilMih17.-^ri;;-piif:-. ;'in ol^'inlo-i idll], though jM-ri'lu'il on Al]iH. IS'. I i.i i-nrnl Uy ntoalth, find blimh to l'i ml H fiunn. I D_ -"1*1: * - M-iciirr of In-day lit Mil* t^nor- anci' ul' lo-niorrow. 20. 1I<- wan not for an oro, but for fill .tinn-. L'I. lOni'th with Iut thousand volcofi praiMf.s Clod. 22. Hlov riMija worth by poverty do- I'l'*-: i'l'd. 2.'l.-"\'.*lii'U I am alone, then am I loant alone. "M. Thr l-t:Ht of proplu.'U of the future '" tlie pant. 25. il.'.'u'd nn.'lodi(-y arc nwoct, hut thojiu uiilioanl a't'o Eiweotor. 'zl>. 'J'la-y never fall who die In a -Treat rniiiie. 2T.--A'oinh. Ih ;i blunder; nianlioqd a stru^frlo; old ace a rct'inl. 2< When nh* Viiid pass.d it ^cutiJ-'d'ttlco" tin- ei:anhitf ot rxriwifdio niu.'dc, li(. Tlie Klory thai wjih*, And the Krandour that wan Home. "0. Thou- aaycut an undisputed tlilnK . In such a nolemn way. 111. Po sweetly she bade mc adieu, _ I thmipht that nhe bade mo return. r.2. h on ploamire :-he waa hint, She had a frugal mind. I!-. If eyea wore made for Heelm*, Then heiiuty la ltn own oxcumo for beliiK. ITow sleep the bravo who ttuih "to rc.'it, "With all their country's wJyhcri blunt? S5. Much ovll iH wrouKht by want of thought, Ah well a:; by want', of heart. -\Vhon lnuHlng on companlona gone Wu doubly feel ourselves atone -Full twenty times was Peter feared For once that Peter was respected, -The tnu.slc In my heart 1 bore ** J-.onfvtf^ter It wan heard no more. -Without the smile from partial beauty won, O, what were man? a world with out a .sun. -To live In hcarta We leave behind Js not to die. 41. Heaven llrat taught, letters Tor Home wretch's aid, Some banished lover, or some caj)- tive maid. 42. The beating of my own heart Was all the sound I lioanl. How happy could 1 be with either, "Were t'other dear charmer away. 4-1. He raised a mortal trt thr* skies. She drew an angel down. 45. .Didst ever say, "l-o, I forget?" Such thought wan to remember yet. Her very frowns are fairer far Thau smiles of other maidens are. 47. All who happiness would win Must share It happiness was born ii twin. ' t1iey"Tlsr* and set; they have The worship.of the world, but no repose. EVIDENTLY A BIG JOB OH HAND. nii.- 37.- 3S.- 30.- 40.- WOMAH'S EXALTED .MISSION. [S.-tt'T lit Ofiilo n (1'mkI Iliniin Thirn tU ICKi-'l In Aay Ollmr V, uli-a V t. mflrmed dyspeptic ^ time." thin iu rarawdy for liver ^onlin^V^*" 1'lI,B' . .-* fltul*.0y, WAtor braah^ESL^V' M' iovalable, . IE NR",li(lt,, H..d' Ih ' ^*tf<%^:^>, .Ifo lw# ,tb4rtr.Wod^iul\ArlWij^X.' omplisbed by Hooa'd &>*%. .4bS^n|tIonth*kW/i(ed, Tti tear ' r ! iimtU. WbaiUh* blood in Ih rttarai, and Hood'* tSiruti 4|va blod >drtfl.r iftrtAfai Certainly there Is. wisdom for two young pcuplu who have sworn to love euch other, no matter whether there Is poverty or' \, ualLh, no matter whether the days* are bright or-dark, to have a home of their own, writes l:uth Ashmore discussing "The Mis tress of the Small House," in Novem ber Indies* Home' Journal. Hoarding- house life Is bad for women, and I do not believe that any man lias ever re ally enjoyed It. God created women to make homes -to make homes for the men they love and Cor the children whom God will send to thein. And a heme miiHt be started at the beginning of thin new life. Do not wait for a big house and ma^ny servants, but make hipplncps exlat In a little hou.^c with one maid as a help. It can be done. I know it can. Do not shrug your shoulders, and way you do not like housework. Work la only disagreeable when It Is badly done, and from wash ing the silver and glr aa to duutlnp tne bric-a-brac and beating; up a co-ke, everything may be daintily done If y'qu to about It In the right way and with tW right spirit. You will have to be cc. juBtderatc and you will have to be pi~tVut. You will certainly make mls- tnkesV but each mistake let ono ntep to- wnrd lttuccc'aH. Burden yourAplf with putlencV corudderatlon and tendemeKM: you wlll\neod to makcl cnlla Upon them often, and\of ten. Then you will fa in so much; ybu will he the huppy house: wlfo, the loily ot the Uouho who' him the rlirht to Wapenwe hoHpitallty1 and! Cfjiod will; the r\itreMM, not only of tho' hbuHfl, but of tnk heart of yoai-'hua,- bund, IbecaHso fo\ him you have cre- i0d a homo., AnaVtbat Ih a woman'iy' *\>ork a better'mon\innitvtU iy'dii',' niv. (ifcur. than the DaihtlrVr of a woriho'nt'Jl [ picture, the writing oK^a eroat hook,; X*|aId<P t-uslc From out a hornV ah; virtuea *rioUl KE%^N WQBiltn, If . Jn4TU*u-,.lAX,%vn^ u M i'b braJ^/'fiVtfrt- ainT, iryv and a \*eVf* ______ hlnx. It nm.'.'nW' r-\n Virmtn oT ILnWn Towmblp ttnfwwo to ray mutJ Hit* UnlLI'fr VIimI N.Hlilna ( Hel/e-riirritu df iiluoiUlied rmny ' ni**m - New* I'rom OHnwn. Ottawa. Nov. 11. Tlie Quebec Pro vincial Police who have gone Into Ot- tuwt County to enforce puyinent of taxes by the ftuncin of Lowe Town ship, have evidently a good filled con tract on hand. A special from Howo says the police and bailiffs visited id* houses of delinquent ratepayers thin forenoon and found nolhlng to seize, evidently everything having hoen re moved before they arrived. A mob of 40 persons gathered and followed the ollleers from place to place, and final ly, when the ollleers attempted to enter a house owned by Ktephon PrlH- eoll, the mob, all of whom were armed with clubs, offered resistance and pre vented the ufllcirs going on the pro perty, claiming that it was not DrlH- coll's property. The ollleers sought to uncertain where Stephen Drlscoll lived, but truf mob rel'tiwedto givo any Infor mation .and tins the ollleers wero handicapped hi performing their duty. The mob is still together, and Us num bers are Increasing". They linvo made nuiny threats ot violence and htrite Hint blfiiul w.ll 1 be shed If the ofheor'a persist In making fjetzeures. Mr. William Wulnwrlght, assistant general manager of the Grand Trunk Hallway, and Mr. Thomas Talt, as sistant to the general miiuager of the C.l'.K., hiul an Interview with Hon. Mr. Ives to-day with reference to tho duty on coal. The companies repre sent that In purchasing uuplicH of bituminous coal In this States they have to take the coal, as the mining -companies express It, from the "Itun of the mine," or, in other wordu. all grades of coal, whether It be In larce pieces or small, or even (Uncle. Whon the coal reaches Canada, before It lu used, It haa to 1 screened, and. what the companies n<w claim .Is that, ln- iismuch as the nuty on screenings la ^'in:-'lderubly les than on coal, belnc l'0 per cent, as against CO cents per ion, the Government ougth to fix a lair average allowance In every 100 tons of coal which coud be rated for duty as screenings. Iir. Ives said ho would lay the matter before his -col- U-a-^ues. I <r. Dawson, Director oC tho Geologi cal Survey, was asked to what he at tributed the unusual 1owih.hh of tho water In the rlwrs generally this fall. In rcnly he stated he could not give any other explanation for It than de- liclcncy of rain fall" and evaporation during dry periods. For the last three years at least he rain fall had boon unuB-Ually light,, and this all went In the direction ,of' reducing the volume cf water In the streams to an unusual-, iy low level.' Speaking of the low water In the St. Lawrence, Dr. Dawson said that the. S-t, Lawrence, rose and fell accord- lug to the volume or water In the great lakes. The great lakes had cycles oi low water.. Some years ago Dr. Dnw- &on made a computation of tho rise and fall of waters in Lake Frie, and from these observations be discovered that the water from the year 179S reached an unusual low level about every ten years. Sir Adolpho Caron has replied to Gen. Laurie, M.P., in refernece to Can ada's position in tluj mutter of Im perial penny postage, and supplied, that gentleman with al ltho figures and data that he requires. The Fostrnaster- General says that Canada cannot join an Imperial league that will give a penny Inwards and outwards postage to the Australian colonies unless the British Government is prepared to lose on penny-half-rpenny on each letter, and thus Canada would be just where she la now as regards postal receipts und shipping mail contractu Commander Spain of the fisheries protective service, has returned to the city .nearly all the vessels having gone out of commission for this year. Capt. Spain reports having had"a very busy summer, as there were a good many Yankee vessels off our coasts which, If they had not been closely watched, would have Quickly Invaded the Oiree- mlle limit. -^ ,,, ' The General Mica . Association of Canada, met here to-day, Capt. Robert C. Adams of British Columbia presid ing. Amongst those present wore Messrs. Baumgarten, the Mica King of Canada; K. D. Ingo1i*""of the GcoJogi- cl Survey, and many others. The pur port of the meeting was to strengthen the bunds of mica men In Canada, tho market being greatly depressed at pre- fient, owing to competition from India. Ni;vriT, vr mrmr.v The 0.d Mi lV" >' Natloiinl HlTlf AaaoelittloM l.ecldr* That the Marlliil-IIr-iiry Uin HUM I He Hai'il. London, Nov. 14. For the Grand Ag- , competitions at the meeting of the National Ttlfle Association at Bls- ley Common In 189G it lias been decid ed that the Martini-Henry "rifle is to be used. Mr. Charles D. Rose, the young Cana dian whoso challenge to the Now Yoik Yacht Ciub recently brought him Into prominence, fell while following the hounds yesterday and broke his collar bone. Mr Uutlriurt Hr-H Mr. ChnmWrlnht. night Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, Co lonial Secretary, woo visited thin morn ing by Mr. James Hnddart, tho man ager of the proposed Canadian last steamship line, who, submitted the de tails of tho enterprise and explained fully Its ohJoctH and advantages. Mr. Chamberlain said he would bug Sir Charles. Tunper, High Commissioner for Canada, ohd Inform himself of thi* position of tho Dominion with regard to tho project. Mr <'hiWliitH *rM ih* W*Mt Urt*trtu* London. Nov. 14. Mr. Joseph Cham- bprlaln, Secretary of State for the Co lonies, received at the Colonial Oftloo to-day a aoputatlon of prominent nugar farmers of. tho British, West In dies, who had called to ask tho,t hepro- tlatlonsbe opened, with foreign Gov- ernmontH looking to the abolition of tfuirar bouhtlea. ; Mr, Chimtierlaln' ro- pllcd^that he would communicate with his coUeapucff upon- the question of opftnlnif, hctfotio-tlpha.. .-A^ardiiiJK the application of countervailing- duties, he snld'.he did n*t:bel!ey* that thef iiou*fr of: OommoM (would,: fttTOT ioioW a iwiky. ;..' ' . n-iffiM i* rwh Hr J^fh ktcimi . London, Nov. 14.-1-At a, meeting- of the London City CorporaUfuTvHo-day.: that body for thfl flrtij time, in ltn hln- t6*ith7^i-fl by a, oon<h rable ma* of Wtfnk DISEASED LUMGS CURED BY TAKING A V fcl\ O Pectoral. *' i rtontmntod a tmvnrn cold, whlnh settled (in iiiv lungs, ami I <lld what l oftun done In.HuelicuHeH.ncRlncUid It. IthcncoiiHultml a doctor, who found, on nxaiiiUiln^iue, that, tho \ipi>or p;irt of iho loft lmu* wan luidly Hflected. Thu mudliilnes ho Rave )m did not Bii.-m to *lii iniv inand, and I dotennlnod to Iry Ayer'n filn-rry Pectoral. After UiUIiik a few In'tea my trouble wan relieved, and be fore I had inilsliisd the bottle I wan cured." A. 1-Kiaxit, watchmaker, OrangoviUo, Out Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Htitheat A.wardB at World's, 3?olr. ' " J.yey's JMlts Cfwvo Xvidiaeatiotu THE LONDON 1 HE IB -AND- FARM AND HOME Sixteen Pages, 00 Columns, <; Attractive Family Read ing Every Woolc. To 91 st December 1006 Tlio Wkkki.y FriKK Piiesh aru: Fahm AN'D noMK, combined in on issiif, unirnrm in size and aj>ie;ii' nncft, is olt'tH'ctl In siibflcrihorN i'l'ou- now until the 3lHr"D'ecomboi-rl8lMlrdY ONE DOLLAR! The Fitisw iii*-wmj iu fiw> I "nili.)^ Liheral-Oonservativo Journal ol'AVesl orn Ontario. It contains each wt-el a complete eumnuirv of tho new. and comment of the limos. Tbo Commercial pap;oH of tin Wkkicly Fiiek PitKBH aro up to date and aniplo. for tlio country merchant, farmer and dairyman. The Fa km: and Homic contains each week nblo articlp on Apfricultur.'il suhjocts and Live Stock. The fnrmei and cattle and horsn broedor will (hid in it.M pagefi abundant topics of wpecial interest, A Serial Talc of absorbing intorcsl will be an interesting feature of th W15KKI.Y KRKIS PltKBH. Both Papoi'S Combined for *i rron; Now Until Dooombei- 31t, lSOft* Aponts wanted everywhere. Address all communications to th FREE PRESS LONDON, PRINTING CO, ONTARIO* Money to Loan On Rood jirodnetivo Fyrm Property at CJ,A C por cent. Btraifjht. No Valiiatioii Fees. t^Convoyftncing Done up in Noat Stylo Fire and Lifo nsuranoe. A. E. LOVELACE, ESSEX, ONT NUK8EBYMAN, Ruthvon, Essex County- Foitoh, Pear, Plum, Apple, and Quii'cn TreeH, Hoaea, BverK^enH, Bmry BwihoB, Raapborry, Blackberry and Currant Buahea. A * flraUolaas ffoo'dn. Bave agftntB* Big Profits! and write for priooi. V?a will cheer fully answer you by Mturn ra^il* Can Lai j. gourxa: V"^"......- 1 iv.i,i ** THE TltlOMPH CORN SEELLKK ^asso^S^^ic^isr- . ...... _. "" Thin Machino conflists of u horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought irot burs, \vith steol teoth boUcd to tho oyliador so as to bo rovoi-siblo whon ih' tooth liocomo worn on tho Iront Ride, vunning in a perforated concavo iroi Hholl, which tho shelled com puBsofl through into a shoot iron case, with 1. fun or olouuor attached below, which taken ail tho dust irom tho grftin.- T1hf ohoai>ost, bot, moot aboil corn perfectly clean in tiny condition ^boiling and cleaning from ono to twt thousand bnshola of oars per day, according to powor. I)ihen8I0ns. Pulley, lOin.diaro otor, 6 in, faco; Motion, BOO to 800 revolutions por minute; Weh/ht, 550 lbs EVEftY SHELLER WARRANTED. " . . d. GOURLAY &, SONS, s Foathorbone Sklti Bone J FOR GIVING STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRfSSES, For Bide by leotllnf, J)iy Got tin Drillei-n. MM^HMBBaari HMBBMB1M A light, pliable, olantio. bono, made from qnillu. It in soft and yielding conforming roudily to folds,*; yet giviuH proper Bhupo to skirt or ' drePD. Tho only Skirt Bono that may be wot wilhoufc injury. Th Colobratod Toathorbone Coreota ore corded with this rrtntorlal. l . .'r/uj.vJ IS A "ft: nSf LATER EXCESSES IM MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN I auco and folly in yonth, ovfiroxrirtlonjn* mind awd body ^"jj " M V IB C DCOBa I T o: Iwnorauco and folly in yonin, ovoroaturuon rami $L UlL ILOULl odbyhiHtawloxpoHurowo eauBUiutly wreoklntt ----- - S 11'i.0 hioKflom of immhofKh whilooUierfi iiro foroo< to drnft ' ^onry, wnltlMri nndj t'll'.-LU'cim'v r-ihtfii.T. Otl cm rono 1 miitrlmony bntiind no aolncoot -i**nort tlioro. J-A -X,l^.m"w lon- MO v.-uw^iop, tho pulpit.^. tfi2Lh trades r.:id dia urofounlono. ^------------------- RBSYO&ED TO MANHOOD &V DRS* X. & K- 11 Wai. A. WAIiKEK. Wa, A. WALKER. MRS.oHAa.VBjmy, CHAS. WaOBY?' ^ $ I- - l^iiKTOTW TimATMBNT Avwu TnKATMJwr Dlvorcwlbnf: unitod again L l #"N0 HAME8 OH TESTIMONIALS U8ED WITHOUT Y.'MTTEN C0NSENT.-* /h: "I have F,-.m.r, 1 "wna indieoroitt -whioxiv X I** a <. SVPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Wm, A. WnlkeroilOth Btywt.nayH:-"! \\mo nufforodllJi Lii ,moiiti"aml thm'ut,* bono"lpiiiiiM, hair looso, idmrloe onj;.1 ,r(Kc iiro. yonnuniuilttnomnt. Att.*-Onoc,i. -*" ->.-.j-f ByphlUBiinaotherJPrlvatodliiouwwii lhudulporsin theli.'. ' untold luionioH for my onuir mul iunnmut. ABrOnooftheB'W'-lcontraotod.^' faco, linirof mUlscamo off. oniiwiloaa, booamB thin audi deAnondmJt .Bovon. dootoro trwitod, mo _ with Meroary, Tlioy liolpod. mo but could not ogra me*, d, ,r V( . i >c* youraulE eotniutf every day. X huvd never hoard of tludr tolling to cure in UBln^lmj!*. w'IV:;* js '*.r Eothod Twmtmont curwl mo In i\ few wook ' *.' .t/Mii,.l" u.ln!..,i ...< il^w T tuiwjiJ Imvoo htirtt-i Blnallv af rlend lndnoed, m to try i)rs,Konnody & Iugan.f; r Tholr trwitinent Is wonderfnlJtVV *>f|l;n_'. CSTCUFlES OUAHANTEED OR MQNSY REFUNDED Dhii'lCAK. TM iMpotencv varicocele emissions CURED ? (Jopr, ('huii. 37orry snyfl: "I owo._ ..., .fc , MAtlilliiiu-jicdiLhiulhublt. At21 Fhnd nil tbo Byoiptpmh h. f bond id Wott->noBH' and Spennatonhceiij hmicHUoit* new ru druln uu imd woakoninB my vltalltj. i raarrlod at 7?21 undiir ndvlco. f my. loudly doctor, ;bnt it waa a jl>HA oictMirif-non- In lKhtM.n month* wo weM.oworwp.'a my nurvofl. We wore united iUmin, and are haopf. TblB was _^----------- . nix yotmioo. Dre. K. & K. are ecienUflo pbolalista and I henrOly Kwommond than-.*' ( -, . ^ytr&Wt treat an(thir*V^ ll<(tkttttit Gi et! Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural piscfatget, SelfAbm^^ ,.':. " %;it*t . . i't7.VRARi',l'isl;DKTBOIT^200J6d6 CORED. NO RISK \t-'v;(- I- I: L |7,VEARS I NiDETROIT>: 300.000 CURED. NO RISK ; AraVp*>i't*J**"tf?i^!^i**SrLlfetfSg4^ JW ^5*^JP&,iI,*H lae yopf file- ItmtfiVoO. "Witit tinjdpse'for.otflra IfctlHU dtt.fotl__ ^ipiiili*" . Noitames on boxes or itv3fc QuastionJiat.and^oatof.Treat- ";.. '.'>'.' C" Ili^SiiiiSii^^Mi

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