Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 22, 1895, page 5

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; i^^^#^Kl^^^ '^ ^' . -','1 SV &.';'*' , --^ S 81 ong* !r' PimUt.u onlnr for 2.1)0, r"n>.(iil:ir;-pnor> $1.00, m i/V.ilvu puttoms, '1'u/ooil. j 1*:iiiIh to Qi'dur (at! S-t.iJ.j, L'M^nliu' pi'i'in .^1.50, iii t-.volv^p'K.tonn, Ulaolc. :' SuitH toordor for $.i;i.()0, iv^ntur- prion $ f'1,1'0, 'TwimmI. ,1 SuitH to ordoivfoi1 $11,00, rv^iiUi' priiM St uHfc 'IVfuwi; .Suits to^orlov for igl.'S.fiO, regular prioo SUH.iijiUtJ'wdud. A.H(1 ho oii'^righfi through tin: c* We are bound to well tho goods thoy of tho regular price, but down to coMfc t{j Hock of/Tweeda. worth 'rfvory cent oomojKor iwei 60 J2@$tt Ta Li^UU'jU. G SALE o don't, bo the last to place your ordc> but place it while the stock is fresh. Our Are a m. THE T-A-ILOxvi. Dunstan Block. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FDR TAXES. SuWN OP ESSEX I WHKitKAfi by virtue of a warrant iannod by tho Mayor of tlio Town m J TO WIT. f of Euiiox in tho County of Khbox arid anthouticatod by thuoar- I /orato Boal of Xha.naid Towu bearing duto tho sixth day qf_ August, 1805, and to mo flirootod opmmandini; iuo to lovy upon tho following lot or pafbula of landH in ixtroarH /or taxes duo bboroon with cohIb.. * . 1 hereby give notioo that unions tho said tuxoa and ooaoa aro noonor paid I Hhall.on I Wednesday, tho fourth day of Docombor, 1805, at tho liour ot ton o'olouk iu tho foro ioon at Pook'o Hull in tlio Town of Ehhox, prooood to noil bvpubliu auction tho natd anda or eoinuoh thoruof an maybe aufiioiout to piy auoh arroarn of taxoH and all law ful coato incurred : Wan 't22 iOO . , 81 r .07 . -:67 170 '3R' Y9 ;BL ^ 03 '07 7(1 .03 -00 : 35 ' .79 Lota. Tuxob. 7 8 10 and part'J................................813 Oil 0.............................................X. 55 21 1 81 33 83 and 58.............................. onMn 0 15 20 21 33 31 35 M U7 -10 -12 -13 41 -15 40 '& 48 ^UJ 1U Costs. 92 03 3 OC Total 915 VI 58 til 7 03 217 33 41 -5-10 Middle purtulC, Hand 18.......................... 73 11 11................................................ 13 61 2 and 3............................................103 32 North half of 21.................................... 28 28 4.................................................. 31 -JO 11 83 102 40 20 73 24 40 27 00 Jlil 55 4 83 11 93 , 31 13 (17 4(1 1 95 3 50 2 04 4 25 2 10 3.........-. ..................................... 04 45 .17 48 50 53 55 113 114 115 133- 137 130 and 4 North halfvif 0------..........,...................... 3- 4.....5- G 7 audlO.............................. c.............. .:.....................V...... w..........""........................,..v.......... Bloolt D........ Block 61........ Bloalt 4li........ Bloulta 48 and 40 2 47 2 83 5 70 2 44 9 31 2 30 2 54 1 95 2 00 2 47 3 C8 7 IV> 75 01 lfi fit- IOC 57 30 fin 33 03 17 tt.' 1G7 IK 32 17 2tl 71 30 38 3(1 00 0 77 la 03 33 00 71 04 W. D. SEAMAN, Troaauror. 'CAW'T BUST" DAT UJUUU5B HQUDWi It'CDMEmcU F. S. ADAM Harness Emporium. RUNKS, VALISES. A largo Bto.oki all now goods and Short Journeys on a LonK Road . latGflfc Noveltioa. soafc on pricos. Itako no liaok 1CH00L BAGS. I bavo a largo stock, coughfc at bottom prices,' and can beat thorn all for -price and quality. Call and. boo thorn. WES AWAY DOWN - ON - 7arm Harness, Truck Harness 08k Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it must go. Call nnd see mo ' ... beforo, buying elHOwborfl . M Everything in the Horse Ing Line. F^ S^: Adams. two dcon )( { Io the charautorimio title of a profuuoly il- luntrated book containiuR ovor ono hundrod pages of charrainfily .written dononptiouD of tuimmcr roaorto in tho country north and west of Chicago. Tho reading matter ia now, tho illnetrationi) aro now, and tho in- formation thoroin will bo -now to almont ovoryono. A copy of "Short Oournoy* on a Lour Road" will ho Bent froo to anj-orio who will onolofio'tou cents (to pay pofltago) to Gko H. HiGAFKoitp, Gonoral PaHBongor Agonb Chicago,.iVIilwanlcoo A fit. Paul Railway, Chioago, 111. Worthy Vouk* <<ouUdiice. Tho ouooohh of Hood'o 8arnparilla in oon- quering eororula in whatovor way it may maoifoetitHolf mvonehod forhy tijotitmiulu wlio wero Hovcroly uffiotod by fcliia proval- ont diseauo, but who now rojoioo ovor a pormauant onro by tlood'n UarHaparillei. Sarofula may appoar as a humor, or it may attack tho (jlando of tho hook,^or break out in drotdful runuin^ sores on tho body or HrubH, Attnokin(;the tnuoouamera branb, it may develop into catarrh or lodti- iu^ m the iuuga lead to conaunjption. Oomo an it may a faithfdl aooure, p( treatment with Hood'a Surtajiurilla will ovorcouoo it for working upou^tlie fonndation ofalldifl- oaaeB, impura blood, tho nyefcem ,'w olarifled and vitalized, and vi(f;orr strength; and health restored to the body. .">.,, 1:-., -; . Cutitrrh oan bj,( auopewJfaUy , tried trU WocYparifl ^ Jf|^ H^p^iii W!0E$fc7^O ^M 13lD- by a-roo. MANVILLE] F'HJ^JSr I II"*1 lg . xj~i, bMsh-.v /TO IIK OONTINUKIt .. Wo," ho >'iiti. druwitig a docp hioath }* l'l u:mnol \w inin." ' IJrfiliHOii, wl|..<- hroalhlii^ wild puihful, lay l>nul( uatnliiiijf Mn coiTipi^iilf.n wiih diliii^d oy*, Mini thiMi lunii'd to t)i wimiiin wh't lnul ilrawti IijujU h'om llin hed mid wailml wliilo. hey viiitof tutkitd to h[ it iomi, *' Muriumi," ho i,\hi in Krcnali, 'M. Cmitjin 1" Stm turnad from th window wlmre aha hiid Ijo'ju wunihlng, u Out on tho tmnriu, moitiriirt" khu naid in u Mltirtlud way. *'My Rood man vuyV ho in bittiiiu wl'h the now oompany wlio hav coiiui ulnco yi*trday to tlm houan nhovn," " Uhera in your hiuhanri ?" "Out; ir. Ho wum bli(0l to go to tho villi.." "And tlU it i" hnpfiMihlo," Maid Htraiton alowly, ua h Inokfil np[iuulin^ly iu iliu old tmin'H yfi. "It euiiiuib hn trUu. Uniiti- won, tflll n that my mind in wandering i 'all lliin in moro than I can hour." "Hhull I wait. mnnnioiir 1" nuked-tho wotitun, wlio wiia Lnniihliiig vinihly. " N't, I am bfltttir now," said Brettiaon, "Ltsavu mo wiih my frh*nd " and an hoou nMthoywoio alone "I nhu!l not want n dnntnrnow. Therw it nonin myu>ry hero, Mulcolm, lad, far timro than w kiiMw." "Thank fJotll" naid Strnttoii, iiikinp( into a ohnir und oovariiig hiH fiu' with hi* handH. 41 Stratlon," oriuri the old ninn Horaely, " U It k tim Lo give up weakly liko that ?w l'l IH HI I i:k lit-J I' H' HI ! I'll '! , ill'I fi-W "mi 1( -i- ti--..d -H 1! "UN IihshI'h Wifdu ' d Hi|il<ii>]y j; iliMiwit.'") hi'.i mi.) lifn niitl u'llOH 'I'll" iiihii in tint i.n lio tiiui'mi for an nniil. V"lt Idlow II, mi'l \i'.t. ynil Hlimil' tiiitio liriivinu '>>*r in inn limitlrf. ICvn ii it 't >!'<! poHHihl tliut hi>r. r.nlii-r Ihin uondonud I ho pimt, he d Ann ii/[ k'">^' uiint, in fimiilinr '(i im. . But h>. ha* not.. \V>y, ' I t^ll you thorn m moiiki iinnt'iUu " (* What uhiill I dn !" daid Strattuu, honrnoly, "f.o t,o ihmn at nnuu. Tuil tlium of hin attack upon mo." " Tlioy hiivo foryotton tlm [jiivl,' mid will miy it. \* Littj invfliitinti of u j-mI-H'I onnmy." " Tiimi I-will go mvHolf,'" L-ri:l ihn old mini; and, fnoble thotipli lie waa. h itiHihtoi] upon dtHHiiiiig for 11iTilim11i'|"i'bho(TfjliitC " Tliuv will hcliovt* UM-," Im Haiti j ',' dtnl though 1 can' IniYrlly'tliThlc tlicro it* duiignr lo any nn Inn uh, wliom Ii.tiroii noonu in- Himctivoly to iiHociu.r,o with hin injury,. 9ii Murk imiHt know tho fucm." "Yob," until Mtriitton, grjivnly: *' ho must know. I will go with you now. Ho can* nut rinuhl y"ii." Tho old mini tottniod a littU, hut IiIh mroiig will Htippliuri tho ulrengcli, mid, tak ing his tttick, ihoy tnovod toward tho door. " Wo havn dorm \vn>no, Si.nitton " * **tlriFniait nhottld hai'is bucntlimounood. I ought to h.ivu acted mure u-nmly, hut at flrut my only thought wan to huvu you from i hu oonr.(!quuucuH of your iniHforinno, ami keep nil 1 know from evur rouuning Myra'fl iNkia. Out* nin linn found, un out, aiid tliorf \n nothing for it but to m.iUo a uh-au brtant now." Stratton hesitated for a few uiornentn, "Vmi nro too fcehlo," lip aiiid. " Oh, yn," criisd tho woman, who en mo forward. " Moimieur- \r too ill to go out. Iti* horrible bli.n ho should ho ao had at our poor houao," "Vim Hi.y your hnahnnil ia out?" "Oli, yen, motiHieur. I bugged him not to go, hut ho said that hn mt|<it go." " Not to fetch a doctor ?" " N no, monaifiur," fultorod th' woman, hyntoriually. "It ia not my fault, moiiRiuur; I bogged liim not to.go O Ciel ! that it-ahould have happened." 14 No one hiamea you, my good woman," naid Strutton on ahe' hurat into a hysterical lit of nobbing, while Jiruttinon looked at her .fttraogaly. " If he hud hi^un hore he could htivo liolpod my friond down to tho aandn." " And moimieur will forgive im," nabbed the woman. "Wo aro poor, honour, people, and it is fco terrible for your good friend to he like that." ' Quick !" Biijd Brettiaoi). *4 I am ntrmig 1'iioucli. Lot's got it over heforo Bimiotliiug lianpitriH," lie clung to Stratton'n arm, uiid.annpurl- iir^.himHelf with liin stick, he made a bravo i'(Tort, and, gaining Mtnmgth out in tho Hoft Hi-a air, ho wulked Blowly but pretty firmly along by the foot of tho cliOV* "If*jHlPH~wnnld only return," sjbbad the woman liyHLnrioiilly. "Oh, that tjuch a mia- foriuno qiiou d oomo upon our home! Poor gcntlomun 1 and ho heain it liko a lamb." CHAPTER LIV. IUmtO>F-l>AU2 HAS A nELAPSM. RreUiHon't) progreua wait ulow, but ha ro- fuiiL'd to nit down and rest. "U'm muHt got there," ho naid; "wo muiit get .thero," Stiatton Biuiildored ulightly, and for the moment felt that ho ought to prcna on ; but h knew that his wordn would havo ton timo-i tho force with tho admiral buokod up by Bruuiuon'a preaenon, no ho rotrainnd hiti)Ht*lf and helped bin oompuninn along till t.hoy came in ni^ht of tho rocka, a gond-aizod boat 'keeping pnoo with th*;tn a. eouplo of liiindrod yaro'aoiit, itn ownure hnving hard work to atom tho current which ran along tho ahoro, " In it much further ?" aiiid BrnHiaoi) at iimt "I am wouker than I thought." ..- -'.LSeyeniy or eighty yards j juut beyond tho.-m rooks," cried Ri ration, " Hah, lhuii I iim strong enough," oriod Tliouifion, with a High of rolio'f; and after a f*-w mnmmitH' pauao Im aieppod out again ; hey panned the rooka, and tho doubt which lud exist' d in Strattnn'u miipl as to u'lmthor the party would utill be where he loft tlioin wan net at mat. But ho utartnd an ho aaw tluih they wore gatliored togothor ,\v if there Were nnine cause nf oxoitomout. . "Come along," In* whiaporeel quiakly. They wore hurrying nlonif, when thore wan a jovfut Qty. Hiid the sturdy Broton woman olipami for Dale's attendant cried out : . "Aht monsieur j qulek 1 quiok I. Hera Si ration quitted Biottifon'a aide and nmhed forward, to aee, as tho group o|iMnndt. sight that made his blood boil with rage. D11I0 was holdiog Myra'a wrist with his left hand and *truggUng vfolenlly with the admiral and ; Quest, -who were afraid to exrt their ' atrength. for, ffar of injuring Myra, who wMisupporte^ by Margot with on* arm; whil*:UUh'Uer atrong flngora aha aped her patlentV wriit Id turn.' . ' 4,Quiek, ropfiUue 1" criedWrfotj "iiU .'Mirgnl ting* (iveryiblnu1 lint tlm f(,o(, that Mv.ra wufl in thin fiucMinriifl'a arnap, Slrat- t.mi hpriiig at hhn, ciitchlng him by tli throat to try ami incite him quit hin imbl, "Mr. Ktmt-mi' \" oriod Hiv Mark in angry umu'/iinwiiit. Tim naiim iiohul liku mn^ie. Dab' Hhook hiin'.'lf fr^'i of the idiiiiinl m\ui Marmot, hinut')iih|4 Myra'H Wrfatin tlm act, and with an ngry unn-l liko irniie wild IxmRt, (ixnil liiu haitdu on Stiatton'a throat. fn apitn of hin la*t m*'tlntf Oiioat llw to hin frI<Mid' umii'ituuet), ami Margvt hiavnly llnng hrr anna about her pi lout'* waiat hut In npitn of nil tho man'* atrungth fur tin* innmtmt. was giganfclo, anil, paying no hfp'1 toih othvrwt tin aouuht to vntit, hii rtg upon Strat-ton, who folt him'u'lf growing U'l'ukrt* uud woalinr In Ida iMi'-rny'n graap. Twieo , ovor all tlioy Mwuynr) huro and ihorit lif caught sight of Myra'n fne con. vulw'ri with horror wldlw h1|i olnng to her coiiHin, wnd h*r look unnerved liiin no thut it, would hiivo goim hard with him hub tor tho arrival of a party of four man who had hunted from tho boat that had kept paoo with th<*m along tho ihom. Ono of thoHti wbd the /minimum, the two others wnro a oonjiln nf gi(nrinrniri nnd un- otlnu-firthur, and th two ouWra thrnw ih'UiKidVf-a ineo tlm fry wiih thn rt!ult ihat tho nextminuto D.d waa firmly ao- ouii'd an i hold, " Thia In the niah, then," panted oua of the ofhecra. "Yea," naid th fiuhormin from tliA oot- t/'gt*. "1 my ho trltid to strangle thin gen- iltiunin in the night Mb my p!nc. Look-at hin ihrimt." "It iw quite true," naid Brettiaon. "And you told uh, ino'inieur," oriod tlit' liliinin;in r'pronch*'ully, "that your friend uua iuihooiltf, and that w* iiaod not foai." '- "Ych," uaid Brottiaon sadly. "f was wrong, but I havn been punished for my din. ' Malqolm Stratton,-' hn contiuueij, turning to hiw friond, who s'ooil thoro with hin hmaat litjaving stlllt and gnxing wildly nt Myra, who mob his oyH witli a pibeoui look, minglod of gratitude, Borrow, an<( duHpnir, "I call, upon you for tho aaku of nil Imre to dauouuos this man to the officers." "I oitnnnt," aaid Btrslton, with a quick look from Myra to Sir .Mark and back. ""That lank shall never he niiiio.'* "Will' monsieur say thoso worda in French?" said the officer who lnul spoken bo- foro, and who wax buiy brushing tho aand from his uniform. "I imrioratiuul Eiifjliah i little, but 1 cannot tr'uil mysolf at a timo liko this." "Forgive inn, then, Sir Mark," said Brm- tianii firmly, and apoakiug now in'uxcollent Kriniob,V'ainl you, too, my child," Im aaid, taking and kiuahiff Mvra'a lumil. "I have, tried for your sake and ' hab of the man 1 love as a sou to i-paro you pain, but (he timn has come whan ihin munt and. Oih eorn, thin man, an imbocilo auve at rare in- t-rvuld, whon hu ban tln>so violent homicidal hta, io James Barron, or-Dale, a c'nviuL oacupiul from ono of tho Knglish j): IHOHH------ " Myra uttorcd u wild cry and hid her f'ici on Imr iiunt's hroust. "BiottiHon !" roared Stratton. ' "Mr. B' ottiflon, havo you taken leave of your HOiiBca ?" ct'lod Sir Mark. "Jamea Barron !" liih!" aaid tho convict, "tho gamo io up, HoiiilcrHon'H my name, Sun Hondorson, JjunoH lhtrroii'a followpiiinnnr and mate, Poor old Dandy ,Tom whs shot dead that n jhr. ; Whoro'a Stratton?" hu cried, with a curious change coming over him. "An! thero. New, man,-nn Rhufiling. The g.iiuo'a in my haiide, you know. Como piy uplikuaman. They're waiting for y.ui what's Iut niniu 'my rim. to Jem's w idnw all the bwhIi I ongnived the noteH." 3Io limited and chuckled. "Proud of thein. Puzzled the clover on(ift. Tito Rothschilds hardly know, eh, Jem? Well, ymiahvaya were unwell. Ami no yon maun to marry the gal ? Well.I warn yon; it's getting too hot. Bolter cm oil" togothur tilljjio iiomii'ti onhl. Thorn, I'v'i warnod you \ thought ao ; iiahheil. All ligh', guiuleinou, I'll cuno quintly. Enay with my mate. Going to hu uiairiod thin nwnning! My wifo you can havo her. My little widow. HuuliI quint, will you. We filitvl nevor do it, Oil, yon.f'm game. Ugn, hard worlc. They're after uh, and wu'nh,il! havo to ru*h 'i-in. Right, Join. I'll ounul anv riak. Hold togothor,aud tlicn down the rocks!" Tho man's face wan working horribly, and hia eyes worn dilated with exul'0- moot as ho rambled on wildly mingling up the paat in. one rangle o( uonfuaion afl' ho, in brief, guvo iiuggoaiioiw to the horrifi o daiouflrs of tho various scene onacbed in hi" lite. "Now, then," ho whuipured, "ready. Off. . All I" he uliriokod, "dou.'b shoot don't shoot. Cowardal Ughl tho waters a long swim and poor old Jem hut 1" Tho man's wholo maimer ^changed ; the twitohing of the munolea tho ex cited praying of the nerves, ami tho Jwi'ld look- in tlio eyeu f[avo place to the vacant, heavy, stare, and lis hand rose slowly to his nock, and played about tho back of bis oar. " Shot," ho (mid, " aliofc," looking up at thu udiniral and smiling. ** A builot be hind tho ear nover found r-" " Quiok. I" cried Stratton, stopping for ward so us to hiilo thu qjlmutlv aontortionn that cronqod tho man's fuoe from tho ladio* clinging togothor in a frightened group. " Yos," aald Brottiaon, with a sigh of rollof, ** for Heaven's sake,- oificora, tnke him away." " Thoy horc 1dm instantly toward tho boat, luab as Myra utterod a low sigh and faintod fluail away. It took some minutes bofore she camo to again, to tlnd Stratton knooling by. her side holding bur hand, while the others stoofl n llttlo aloof. lfor a few. mo ni an la there Was a wild ami wandering look in her eyes, but it was aoft- unoii directly by her tears, as oho whia- orod : " I don't' quite gr*np It nil, Malcolm Only tell me that it ia *ru :that you, Wl'y .love'me, dear!" ; "As true &a that I ban hold your hnd In mine, clear from all ataiu, aud'tbat you ar ;' *, BuV':, dried, thaadrniralin Ibo futura w^m. iwnwMi'iHrriwisJi THE Free Sr I*GSS From n 7 for only'"&T007 to new subsnbera____^^ 1 SUBSCRIBE $ L0* .4i If yon wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar" , . to the Free Press, which gives all J the local news, and news foreign. The Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex. As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once. : p;4h ' . :v.L ># Address all orders to . ./ . WW '. ' .-'M'irH i/":M.'"*iiV. r.-'.i^W . . w-i'<8l -' :-'r,>r^xm ' 'i::,'7^!i "' >v;,:. -,':vi C* ,' - \ ."'.' ' ^iillliiiiiMil

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