Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 15, 1895, page 8

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AViaiflKfr *&.' ifoui w ov^HJ^' :/ * ' ' '. 't J^W HH|HH^^H||||ig^^p MaP^ PlU.: W ."/> 1SHE i;SSiA r tr\k. i< trj*. M aa FRIENDLY ADVICE. ~tb themjeajsw opklqnkwbo heaithioasuffeber; 'II pr. Wllllmn> Pluk Pills NucctMul WJiero Doviora Mud palled ror Tlilriy Vr TJhe SuflVrer Ono of Nortlinnib^rlund Co'iBoit Kimxrn Fiod tlio Trontou Advoonto. Mr. Jehu If'roBt's cuflo in ii mont remark able one. He )B one of lha hot known row" dents,iu the county of Northumberhmd, u rotIrod homorof mout ample nii>umi,aNd "'having linitnulal dealing with hiiiuiredH throughout the towiihipn. We lmvo known him intimately for ovor ton yeani, l-'rom him wujileuncd tho following fuctH in Fob- , ruary lunt : "it win. born lu England and at twelve yearn of ityo arrived in Canada with my parouU, who Huttlod in Prince Edward county, and remained thero for three yearn. Wo than moved to IUwdou township in tiiu neighboring oouuty of Hastings. For thirty yenru I wiih a romdriiifc of Itawdon, throo yuan* I romdod in Boy-' mour township* and I um at prouunt, and Hular'Uba prut ten yoaru, u rouidont of Murray towunhip. For thirty yoam I havo btien a martyr to rheumatidmi Dur ing that lime I have boon treated by ncoro ef d(iotor and fonud partial -relief from but ono. I have during the uaimo period OKTTIHO INTO MY 1110 W1H JLflONISSINfl. lied innumerable remcdicn' but all failed lonro mo, Scarcely a month puhhdh that im not laid up, and frequently I um con fined to bed Hix or eight woohn, uuablo to move hand or foot and mifforiuy untold , agoiiieH. Two W4*ll known doctors told urn one time that I would have to have art arm taken off io Have my lifo. I toll you I havo been a tfroat wufforor in my timo and X would givo auythinu to 'flud relief. My . buienoBB oausoame a fircat doal of driving ana* getting in and out of my rig in acouy. Knowing Inn story to bo truo and anxioun that Dr. Willi hup' Pink Pilla nhould havo a BevoreteHt, wo prevailed on Mr. Front, gainst' hiB wilii' bo U&vb thorn a (jot six boxou and commoucbd t "ttiie tbor3BkA.t tl>o start be smiled'at our coufiduuoo lnHtfo pilin. Wonnwbira after he had tho (irut box: and ho admitted Rome relief and suid ho bolieved tboro was oomo- thing inthoromody. Ho oontinuod thorn ubo and by tlio timo ho had Hniohod the oix boxeu ho wuh aa Bound mid proud a man an ooald be found in flvo counties A couple 'of monthH have paHBud biooo thvpuro wan etieotod and wo deferred Kivinfi a history of the cRuo in order that wo could boo for a cortaiuty that tho cure wan permanent. We soe him tmvcral timou a week aotivoly attending to Inn buftiuenB and ut all tmio loud praiboa of Pink Pilla. All who .knows Mr. Front, knowna that hia word in an good ae hjp bond. Yopterday wo said to hi no fwj Mr. Front, do you really fool that aro cured of rheuiuatUni ? Do you aily twingoH of tlio old troublo at all ?" replied, "I am curod." Tho Pink PiIIh tve thoroughly routed tho dinouBO out of [y ayBtora aud I foel a now man. The ubo thoBO pilla htio ^iveu mo now life and 1 Im tell ing ovoryone I moot abont tho cure." liiah ifl tho ottHO, and haying known Mr. 'FroHt for yearu tho sufferer ho wiih, and .fleeing hira now active, and-almoin youthful again, tho rmud olutngo from aufforin to health neemn ulmoHt a iniraclo. However wo aro uot at all aurprioed, for on all oidea we hoar of ouroB offootod by tbo'uuo of Pink Pilifl. Tim druygintB remark thoir rapid sale and tho aatiflfuctaon thoy givo their One to morn. PRMActflflJR"ANnJXBAUHBR, . '" _RoV. Olia*. K. WhKoombt, Rontor i. Malli't Kplicopal Cliareh and Priiiolpal Bf,ratl>owi?arlBlieliol, IIaml)CuntOni., Pound Great Keller from Dr.Aenow)* Caturrutaal lowdor, The vector of BtMathew'a Chnroh. Ham ilton, Out,, lioldn a warm pUoo in the bear in of hiB pooplo, Uot alone because ho in a faithful piuitor, but for tho work he ban (ione for tho ohitdron of Hamilton an prnioipitl of St. Mathow'H piitinh noIiooI, Ah ho heft uont forth Iiih inilunoo through oliurcli and t;hool,uo Im oxtondn m a wider way tlio good proportion of that won* derful rnedioinn, Dr. Aunew'a Catarrhal Powdor, by lulling the peoplo of (Jauada ho\y innoli it hnH helped him. Thuro lit BowothiuK uniquu in thin mediuino that HooiiroH favour ih, making u lioitb of friouda hooiLiiiio of tho oortain rehof it given in canon of buy fever, a troublo that afm'etB many ut thin aoanou of tho year. An a euro for catarrhal troublo it hail no equal, Samplo bottlo and blowor nout on re- coipt of lOoontH in Htunipn or iiilver. B. O. DKTGHON, -M Church wtrcet, Toronto. Hold by J. Thormv Soyoral IIordH of Itnil'alooH And thoiuuindu of elkn, door, otu., uro to bo found in the Yollowntouo Park, It ib tho only plaot) whore the buffalo uan bo found to-day, no moroiloBttlv hnvo thoy boon idauglitored. Thoy. aro gone from tho pinion and prairientan3""therorauant now loft can thank tlio United fStatoa Government for tho prlvilogo of living. Tho Yollawutono Park jh thoir homo and tlioro tboy uroiiafo. The Park ih patrolled by no!dieru both oummor and winter to capture poaoho and offonduvu and iiovuro puniHlimont ib motod out to intrudorn. In Hummer tho buffalo range in tho mountain, near YollowHtone Lako, In wintor thoy work ovor into Haydon Valloy and Hurroundiug country, whore the hot npringu and wutoro keep tho snow melted away. Door and oik rango ovor the entire YollowHtono Park. TIiuh bouidoB tho great marvohl of nature met with in thiu wondor- land,there lire a!o tho iinent opeoimenB of our largo ^ame. Tamu and docile, tboy fear not man. ShutohoHof Wonderland, an illustrated book puhliHhe.d by the Northern Paoiilu Railroad dcucribeH thio wondorlai]or7"rYt will entbo b by Char. S. Fkk, tho Qou'l Agont, tit. Paul, Minn., upon receipt of nix oontu in HtampH. *' A Irrc(lt'In lltii<i;*itt The collnKffl nowadays no longer . havu . dlnthnitlvii runey plnn, .hut.' a*I take tin; form of Jla^H eni!mellpd In tin- i.-ntli'tfo colnrs. At fVrHl Vulc, I Im vurd and Culnrnlila Un\ tin.' fiiHhl'th. but ikmv' tlicro lire fow ro sutinl! Ijih Horn*; Jowoler hiis* mimxmi)utrfl In t, 1 i : 11- pnrtloular oomhlniilhin of luitrn. ' Yiiehi' cluhH havo fnllouvc.1 tho oxunii-Io uf tho colIoift'M, titut tt<> havu thy lurwr l':lviil.i* hoIiooIm. , And rr':iiitly Anicij- cann ivahiK" nbroiid liavt; Ijim-ii a^f'i wciM'Injr Lin.* StarM itm! SirljM-t' In i\a'.<i n ml (inaiiHd. "Tl. vim tin' Ri);-toni t'ur yriuntv ' ",- iron to Wfjir phiH on | li< * 11* cm :. Ini'i'l-s or in t h"lr :iti>cK' ' ' i li'itfly ii in-\v .i - oi\, and tin1 Millnr bat Imnd hi ! 'i llii I, In en thrust. A . ullitr h::t with h..i: i dozen little Nul^ aniund llir; fv<n.v,i \t (MiniiKh to ruiisi' a llutti'p In the ir.-a-is r*", all the vtirr.twctY'x kI'1 frli-o-f:', ^D n.iich vn thai now when tmllur h iIh v.v l-'i'ln/.r rrliT.'nti'd to handlv.i^i s ami '.'" ' ri t.u, tin* alpine hat. hi mad'1 lo iln m a- a. ociiivcnl'iit ]ihu:i' In d^pluy tli.. 11 i.pliles!--N'i'w Vnrlc HiM"i!<uiHA'rxv K'ficorti iii^Aiit'iriMii.cui; Tliilt Rliulit Hv* Hoen Avoided hy Hie Uuo of Or, Aciicw'rt, Curo for tlio XKcurt. PromptneEjH in tho hrut euaeatial in nil aaflfeH of dioeaae. Miniteo ma} moan evory- fclnug. The uho of an cffocfcivo modioino may moan the Having of a life, whore tho uuo of that pooeehhing littlo power may simply loavo death to take itn counio. Ono grout virtue of iTr.^Aghovv^rCuro for the heart, m that it given relief alraout im- ruodiatoly, whether tho aaao bo that of organic or ay rnpathon'o hpart dihoauo. Tho numorouo toatimouiala received by tho propriutor of thin infidioinobour the Btrong- oat tcntimony to thin facr,. " I would not havo boon alive to-day had it not been for ycur mudioiuo," iH the ohoorinf,' refrain of a largo percentage of the lottori received by tho proprietors of tliiu remedy. Sold by .l.Thorno. lln-IiUnriilnir for I1 :i i. One of the tfreah.r.t il.'iiin:^ In :- - rr-f-Mfn] liiii'ii-'-s^ liianni.-iiiH'tii Is i. me:it of a rk-li a 'I p-. ' ;; n i:( ' i:nt :;o widely .a pa it a: tl. . ,l - llllli; lie;lde;i, of.en th't sr.ia 1 !> , Zf'fu poorer Im.' man. Th' win- v.nrld of c'liiiiiieice di'i'i'iid:-" ut""i;; v ii-aetlci: of lionhUecpln^. and, all in ; t-MfikkcrpIi;;: i;-c;in 1h> Pdlie'.-I |u lh . A record of luniliie.-is iram-aia Skim ; , : > '< ,t."l iiml. I'.siu'-d an a cnneri'ti-- w h . . i'eii1;' .' :'pinKr 1.4 'iMiaily i-niil i.cil in i r .cord o:' nioncy' t ranvm*'Im'.h. A Ii i ! of mine carries I h" i:it!e-'l .still i'i ll:er; he keeps honlc.s \'<>v hi:* hh an ." I inlVimia t Ian picked up m eiltl rnoniei .t ;, In hi-- vest jHJtdu-t he carrieH a lii - lir.ok which lie enll-i hla day hooit. i i H-futr-he p-conlM everything ho whin- If rein'riibfj-, whether it Lt 'in Inn; :t l.ottle of liquid Rluo to rrend hb-* ll'i" / ivVa doll or a nodal fiiiKn.'i1-'>nin l fet tle- following week. KvoryUiIuk ph ir;to the day hook, from the name of :i Man who wantu a job to a I'chemo lo make a million that may go lllttin..: tl-rough hin head. Tn nddttlon to the day honk, "ivy friend krep.1: a "IcdKei- of Idei^." TnLo (hir, are tranHferreVT" nil mh:1i mntt"i s ri ~ are liki.Iv to le in ed.Ml for fat" <? rrfrrenco. like addrej-soH, HUgge;tlo.'i':. ::i, eonneetloa wll h hi hiiHln- c:.-*t ell r,"icupod Insuoh a way that" thoy can ij? turned to' in :i .irujnr.nt. W.hen a loiitter hap heeii d t-'Tms:jd__oi.' a | en' II *r.Tnri;Ha "drawrr^HTTrngTi n, a el pmi :'iiu.i it, oxf^.-[it tha! It Kim v y - orandum of the fact and th;- i>i-ii-.' of time' when entt-red, Rii^L" l:-- e: are 'drvldTTTl Ijy "nrnirTTne7 |e<M ctin- t' ,. pcrl'od wiif'n entered. .!- CANCER ON THE. LIP OUHED BY AVER'S Si "I eoimiiUflil dotor.i who proHorlhed for mi1, lair, to no purjinso. I muierod hi agony m:ven hmg yeani, Finally, I began taking Aycr'H Barwipai'llla. In a wook er two | notlci'd a deelded Improvement. Kneour- iii.-Mil liy Mil<4 irtHiilt, I iior.'if'vorftil, until In a .':>nlh or ho Um mire began to lira!, rind, :ii 'inr.hig the Har.saparllla fornix niontln, tit! last tnii'D of (lie enueerdiHappmin'il." iIa.ui-:h K. Kiuholbon, Florencuvlllo, K. Ii, Admlttod at tho World'g Ifalr. wlYX'Jt'jy 2*JJ*X,t Mtsfjttlnto tho Jiowctu. gSarsaparilla Do uot dully with rhoumutimn' Uot rid )'it at ouoe by purifying tho blood with [ood'aSBrHaparllla. BoHureto get Hood'w. estern 3rd Year, Mr. TliomtiH Jtlennctt EofiUndnlo, Boston. THE LONDON -AND- FARM AND HOME Sixteen Pagos, 90 Columns, of Attractive Family Read ing Every Week, But an young an ovor. p; ' \' ho bfht niiil brh'ln>8t weekly paper pub- iahed in any ot the oitien of (Jauada. SIXTKEN-PAGEH EVEHV WEEK. Now in tho timo to luibnoriho. Only. $1 from now tiii- ": til Jan, 1,I89V. ' Spool*) rutoM to njnbi. food (iiduai!hiuii*H b :'-oanvjifcHnrH,' - *o'mruuniGiii:bnH-~.. W ESTE.ltN - AD V'MVmti U, ; V ... fjondou. (2uf>- T0 31St Decembor 1090 $1 Tlio WisEracY FrtEK Prkrb and Pahm and Home, combined, in one issue, uniform in size iinU ii\mtuiv- a'noo, ia olterod to Hiibaoribni'H lVoin now until tho Sl'Ht Pooombur, ]S1)0, for ONE DOLLAR! The FR15I-3 Pukhh- iH tho Eejulilie. Lihonil-Ounservativo Journal of AVost- orn Ontario. Tt contains ouch wcok a complete, sunnnurv of tho now*-- and comment of fcho tlmoa. The Oommeroial pnp;oi of the WKWicr.Y KitKic Vnimu aro tip to date. and ample for tins .country.merchant, -Cnrmoriiml dairyman. Tho Faum- and Homiscontains eaoh vviiiik' able articled on Agrieultural suhjnets find Livu.fltock, Tho fatnior and cattlo and horno hreedor will find in itn pagoHiibundtint topicH of Hjiocial ,.,' A Horial Talo of absorbing; JntorcHt 'will ..ho an. intor^stinpf.'i'eaturo of tho 'Wkkkt-y Fiiwk Both Papers Combined for $1 fi'oni Now Until Dooumboi" 31hL, 1800, AgontH Wiinted evorywhore. -AddroHf* a1] cointmniiciitions to,thoi.,'..- FREfe PRESS PRINTING CO. ONDON, - loKTARia He Could Not Live Waa what friends laid, but Hood's Perfectly Cured . -^ Dreadful CQioot * Chronic Eczoma. Such a testimonial as wo give below few medicines can produce It la onoof thouB- ands poauoaaod by Hood'e Barflsparllla, and proves tho naorlt ol this modiolus. H-?Ilnblo,, ludiistrious, la what all nay of Mr. Bennett. Bo hoe boon engaged aa g;flB-flttor in Boaton for S5 years, with Tar bell, 111 Washington street, and Mc- Klnnoy, Wriuhington st., opp. Boylaton. " 0.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mohh.; i4Gontlonion: I am only doing what U luflfc whon I toll voluntarily whfibHood'fl Baranpnrlllfi has douo forme. T^aow It Savod Wly Llfo. . " A yejir etfd last wintor, after exposure to storms, I caught ft covore cold, aftor Which chronic oczomn appeared on tha calf of my loft log and spread all over my lower limb /rom leneo to anklo.and thg -Itohinn: and burning wao boo;othing1 aw ful. Added to this was a sovoro pain, oeornlngly In the bono. At Jnwt It becamfl bo that I hud to givo up work aud wait unablo to walk. I had to Julva my leg bandaged nil tho timo and froquontobang- on of tho clotht). Eor nlna moutlifl I.sat With my log reuting in a chair. Oh, It Was Dreadful! FrlondH unld I oould not live long, In all I had sovan dlHoront pbyfllcianB, all to rao purpoao whntavor. I know tho merit of Hood's Saraavnr.llla afl I lind, some yoara boforo. taken It with benefit, and docldod' to try It for my apparently hopolcea caae. In two or tlroodaya fl'tor I hognu my up- iiot?to"/as hotter and my courngo revived. 'o makoalonof Htory uhort, tho eruption ent*roiy dlaappcarod, and *.e flMh on my leg resumed perfectly Jicaltby oppoarunco. I wao ooouab'otoxvnllc about, I cannot tell how iimaxod my */ sighbora and friends woro. I cim now walk without any lamo- parilla tires burning, or onv sort-of troublo whatever , .'with'my log. Tlio gratitude, I owe Hood'a HaieftpitrniiiinHimplyurjiyjenkablo^'THoa. 1JKNNE1TT,172 Bycemoro St., Hoalludale. Iioetoni.Mniw. Try HOOD'S. HrkArl'a Pillc arotaatoloss.wUdtence* riUOU S i'HIS tlvo. AUdruKidiUf 26c, 1' ri'iyjini'i l\< ni'lhliii'Wii' Mr. U. II. Shi'iard eoineji to the df-- fetuf- of .Vv. Ik'iiHi.i, who vrr.M r-"i-t.-n i ] attacked 1 e.-.iin-'e Im- :-.m,\ Lh.t: 'fi'i;);, fion wan rut! a man i f ;ixr. t'.ibb.' ma!1 Hers. MV. Sle f;"i"i 'h:':!aiv; : I lleiiiion only uroi.: \.ii t w m iri,*,;. 11 r;;-tya. In 'I lio l'o Itin^ji. tiiat "Jlte t mon ,iyho--""Ti7L'Vi, tsLudit>,] efi.iM.-ly j lw: hurnau ln-art, lAnd 'J'enr.yu n v/.ia , mlwanthrnp'.-," and h- th n goe.'i r-, to relate .some p'T.sonnl n'lnlnls.j^ii..; nflihi nu.tiier, v. let, ;m \-\y i Woci- - worth, and with Mi'H. (afti.-rw;irl' T-, dy) Taylor, v. ltnl Ihe Uiuieate at a liO".--' In Twlclt- iil'uim forty yw.rn ngn: "The -Xaylorii.t.\U'_aher:u:a-rf'lates) know ih, Tyniys ns, find Mr.--. Taylor l..:.d takjn Inas WoKlawoith to me the, lb on new laureate. Tho joei, ;vlnj <]111 nut up- pear till ho was .icn-t Tor, earn I.iLo the i-ooin. wu aro told, iookln-: v.'i-y gloomy, and only iH>ko In monoHyihi- hh-.s. Mrn. To-jlnr ralll'd hhn on IiIh moroKo'mjj-H. 'Une w< ul<l nay, Mr. Ten- riyHoi),' *he ^ald, 'Hi t yon w<-ve not pViisi-d to h-ee u..' .on would be pleased to ooo vIslLors/ cried Tennyaoru 'If you hired The Timea for an' hour a dny and tho vl-Itor.M furt Jugt'^hrln^.thn't. hour,' When t^ld by MrK *r^yior (hut la; nov.r vsi.L-d 'is frlendfl, hu replied, moro.yely, 'If*, nil vory well for you to tal :. V-j h"ve only to order your horto.s to ho p-.t In and drive over here. When I.o.ui.o to see you T have to go to the exp?n'!e of a cab or a railway ticket.' Ho af terward left tho room. Of Mb'* V.'nr p.j- v.'orth the poet had tal:;;:-, ): ; r.r>;!:- .. and flhe wan very much ahn.--hofl. lie: Mrs. Tenya.0'n, who lnd noMc.a wj.n had takon place, wont and .s.u hy n :and spoke 'Mr. T< nr.y">'i -. not well.' she paid; 'he runv...; Vi ?i' bIlliousnoi--s, and hit manner.-; tie I dav nvant nothing. .She wa.s snrrv i It; t she had come ju^t that day, h?-au:i.' whon Tonny:--on wa.s In good humor he was deMghtful." . The royal ciicle at Balm r.i has I.o come InfecUd with the hicyele rr:i/. *, and riding tho wheel h all .the :?jm '.< thtre. f'rncv Honry of Prussa, | r t <^ of JOmi.erJT WUUariK and Pi:,i-. Chrlatltin Victor recently compet-d in ii UM mile raco for a prize piven by t!io Queen. Tho. ouurso wo a hetweenJ Ihi'l- ir.nral and tlrnemar Caatle. (.irnaei^ were placed alonrr theioute with and spongoH Hi a-anugo th- thirst ;ii;d cool the heads and m-ck of" the .royal ra or.s. 1'rhiue Christian prove.! tn >u; the hotter rider and h<- bad bettiir .staying po-wora. than his oppoi ivn I'rlnco Henry \vu literally beaten out of slffht, Prince Christian winning hy half an hour. ncfls^ na well at* over. nnVonofcthoallghtoHt eruption or Itching Or I.iufk of Cure UnliM tlloilii-fi. It la not wear, hut loak of care, that rnakea a ht-irnngled rnaaa of one's hunt gown In a couple of monthu, and often n sjffen runs: when not being worn. Ire wnv sliopl.^cpor iare for ready- made giri'u-nt- Is en excellent object "le-scon. "'"'jj.fh in^ei!. nre cheap, but half a barrel hoop linen-wound, With a loop in t!*e m'.ddle. i , oven cheaper, ui:d an.nw ra *l-e pin i.ose aa well. These are .for hi;avy nklrta, waists and j: oketfl. Thui -arn.-ni-< Hkould not he hurg nt nil ay th. v grow stringy. These anuild he folded witHTight paper : iidVd lp ^Ioh-h mid hntvu CEoovrgo 3E* Jo&es, NUItBEItYMAN, . Ruthven, Essex County. I'naah,; Pear, Plum,. Applo and Borry DuHhes, Raupborry, Blaohnorryll and Currant Bnobon. AW nrst*olaHfl fjoodH. Save agentfl'; Big Profixs..,! and write for prices.., Wo will clioer- fnlly anttwor you by return niail. ,; |w,F.JBWD}LL,Pi Plfuio tin the worhlforyoiitiVmnn nnd woraon to Boouro a HufeincflB EdiK! ....... Potr. irolt} Free Pr, ( ; 'AliuoVery roMpeot, Si2, WE the trado In u|l klndfl of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, . Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS ,i\^o ere Bolo Agents In tho County,for nnans abrmototi. Ot'Cluo'igo, whioh took TlighuHb Awards*at tho World's Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. . written Kuurantoo with ovory Outfit, Laing BKmJEssex. n-rerra :m J.GOURLAY & SONS, ES! ~~cr^ ^&' THE TKIOMPH CORK SHELLEB TliiH Maohino consists of a-horizontal oast cylinder, with wrought iroj burs, with fliool tooth boltod to tlio oyliidqr bo aa to bo rovorsiblo wliou th- tooth hocomo worn on tho 1'ront flido, vunning in a porforntcd concavo iro i-holl, which tlio Bhollod corn pusaoa through into a shoot iron oiisorwrtlrV-' fan or clonnor attached below, which takoa ail tho dusttrom tho grhin. Th. clioapost, bent, liioBt simplo and duraMo'Powor Corn holler in uso; aholh corn.perfectly clean in any coiidifcicn thousand bushels of oars per day. according to power. Dimensions. 'Pulley, 10 in. diun otor, fi in. faco; Motion, 800 to 800 revolutions per minute; Woi"ht, 550hV EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY & SONS- s Featherbone Skirt Bone! POP CIVINC STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIE&' BOSSES, For Dale by Icnch'Dfi Dry Gorda Dealoru. mmmmmm^mmsnammmmmBmmemm A lifjht, pliablo. elantio bone mudo from qnillu. It is Bo.ft and yielding conforming readily to folds, ycttjivinc proper shapo to shirt or drofio. Tho only SUirt_3iono__tha.Lmay be wet without injury, Tho Colobrntod Fonthorbono Coreets aro. corded with this material. !-.v,st^';.-rat..':.v .v^w-'.i';:: WEAK MEN STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. WZrOURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAYI ARE YOU? | Imnwt; rnttlcflfi; hfiBjmrd.i Sf varicucoln: dnpoiiit, m nriiui mid driihiit ut. iitool; dlntruntfah wuutof conlidcnco: if,*],3 ' onprcynudntrenuth WH OAN OURB YOU L . 'Xuckoi . la root: RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS* K, JOHN A. MANL1N. JOnN A. MANLIN. OHAH. rOWRRS. onAS, '/ *OWEB& 't& IfcNT. Ai>-1*-.. rilliJ-'iAJHtW*. BBtfOlLB 'iJiBATMKNT. AFUCii, 'lUhATMlCNT. JUCl'Ulit. Ti.h NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED vVITH0UTV^HtTTEN CONSEfjT. ni}% nAvi^rJJw.^IliP'1 wnsonoof tlweowttlwBtlo- tiniB of early inninQ/^omtnoilowI ut w ?eura of ho. I and Bpont JtWO without uvalh VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS ah* IMPOTENCY CURED, trlod Hovoti modloiilj I ciivo np in donjmlj wciikonhii iwiy brotl nrA.;Knnnody A TrontnuHjt mid ' Hfo iind umhlt nin murrhjd The (iruiiia ou my nyn^m were i Toot iis well en my noiiml uad pliyelcal ' lifo. 'My brpthor |vi(jftd mft lw n ]ntrcBort to'conaoli vrimn. ' 1 ooinmonciKl thuir Now Uothod , row wookft wiih it now man, with new. apoolalietoto nil rny alllletod followmon. CURES GUARANTEED O "Tlio vjcou of early boyhood laid the iln T.nliw #i>. > It,-,,,, UW .,1 nJ n. Tlila wow four yours tmat and now 1 X reaommond these rollublo NO ninth huppy. PAY.- CONF1DENTAL. on of my o hlood dl- e nymp(/>niB of ..drain In urino, etinwpd my hivlr to nd on tonsno,: Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. rain. Ijfttor on a T,ny life" nndoxpo, HMieoti complot^d tlio wrack. I had nil Nervous Dehlllty uunkon <iyea, omlflfll norveiiHiioHa, weak huok, olo. tiypfdh fall eat, hono-tmliia, .nleers In mc[x1Jl Kno blntolum on body, oto. I thank Go*W tri0^ nrH. Kfinnody , ...... A Kotow. Thoy roatorod mp to/^Uj1( Tigor uua hiippInoM." OHAS. POWEB^). ) *, ; pT W^ ir/ataHdcur* faricdceU, Emissions. K&tvous Debility, Smi*a?[ >. Weakness Ghet, Strtctifa Sypki}^ Unnatural Dischar'i'ts, Self Abuse, ' : ", KtdmyandBiad4ersJOtseaseSt *, ; . , 7 , ;' . .---"f.-v.; 17 years "ii^iDetroit. t2oo;ooo cured, mo risk. ' '- ' ' READER ! A^^aa vlotim? Havo yon losthono? Are yon cotitpmnlntijiB roar- *r _7m 7f iM.I*rm*ty' HtUyonrlUtwd booh d\9onwKl? Have yoq any w<?nkno*B? Om* '?5SL^?tWW^3?*H ouws yon, .What, it iWdone for otliorn It wllldofer vcu..^ VkiJfiT^i^SttfF&VM cnr* yoa' What, it iWdone for__________________________ ^j?UL,AM"f* rHtfc/ No matter who htm tumUid you, writo/or nn honofltoririiVin EVae ) gr 0bfiro.j<ihiir8e8TOflBOUflbl0> BOOKS FREE-.We Golden Wonitor**,(mhHtrntedi)^oa I ; to poBtaao, 'A cents. R6al!// U9ED WITHOUTfW R1TTEN CONSENT. J tf.ii^4"wn o^rit CO. u. No names on boxes or *n^ PD&yrthlnff 9;Qhftdentia|: Qu^stlcm list anfi.cost of Treat-, w^ VA*fE.No opes. "- PRI- ivoti.,1 ment. FREI No; 148 :sHeLp.v; a:r^ uMM v;DF.TflOITj;.M!CH;%;/^fi .. ft l"':f-"K-'-'-"tJri .!<: /*> m ,^-iVi. :X:<;\X

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