Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 15, 1895, page 5

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IS;r~^ Pants to ordor for 2.00, rotfiilur price. $1.00, m twrotvo paUomn, Twood. Pints to ordor for SIt.iJfl,rn^ularprido $1.50. in bwolvo pUtorn (, Blank. SuitH to ordor. for $111.00, regular prioo $10.00, Twocd. , Suits to ordor for 14.00, ro^ular prico $ 17.00, Twoorl. , Suits to .ordor for $15.60, rogulai* prioo $18.00, '[.'wood. A.nd so on right through the onfciro stock of Tweeds. We are bound to.sell the goods they are worfcK "tiKory cent of the regular'price, but down to coat they oolue for 60 Da We .intend thia to bejja IAKING SALE o don*c bo tlio lasb to pluco your ordo-, but place it while the stock is fresh. Our JFJ^TL*%t G-OODS Are a in. ;> \ \? Dtmstan Block. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TOWN OF KSSEX) .Wiikiu-ah by virtue of a warrant itmuod by the Mayor of tlio Towu TO WIT. I '>f JSufiox iu tho Gauuty of Ehbqx and nnthunticatod by tho cor porate iioal of tlio said Town boariujj ditto tho nixth day of -Vu^u-Jt, 1893,- and to inc "^rooted oomraaudint; mo to levy upou bho following Iota or piiroela of landu in arrotirn ^or'taxcudauthorooii with.coytH. . v Ihoroby flivo nofcioothut uulouatha iiaid Uxoh and nattta are noonor pant L (mall,on vVodnoddny, tlio fourth day of Dooombor, IB',15, at tho hour at ton p'alouk in tho foro- loon at Pook'u Hall in tho Town of Ehhqx, procood to noil bv public auction tlio nuid imdiior ho much ihoruof an may bo aiimaiout to pnyauoh arrourn of taxon and all law- Jul ooata inaurred : Lotn. ?lan. l; ;*22 7 8 10 and part 0................................ M (1................................................. 81 1- 31 32 33 and 58................ ............. 107 Ii tf> 20 21 33 31 35 30 37 -10 -12 -18 4-1 -15 10 & -18 ;i>7 41................................................ .79 Middle purtn 1(>, 17 and 18......................... ~^3 ................................... 70 2 and 3........................................... 81 North half of 21................................... OH 4............................................... 07 3,............................................ 7fl 64 -15 47 48 50 ii3,o5 113 1-14 115 133 137 131) anl 4 :')3 North half of fi.................................... 00 3 1 5 0 7 and 10.............................. :85 0.......................... 70 81. T " Bl B ' Blouk 40........ BIooliu 48 and 4'J Tax oh. 813 0!) 55 24 CofltO. 92 03 3 0C Total. 15 12 58 24 20'J 40 5 40 7 03 217 33 U fii 40 83 %:EEEEE:EB:-: n 13 103 32 28 28 31 14 102 40 20 73 21 40 27 li'.l 33 ')'> 4.83 11 03 31 13 07 40 1 95 3 .50 2 04 4 25 2 40 47 83 70 44 2 3L 2 i'. 2 54 1 05 2 00 2 47 !* 58 7 35 75 01 15 58 100 57 30 08 33 03 47 05 107 10 33 17 2ii 71 30 38 . 30 00 0 77 13 93 33 00 71 04 W. D. B15A.MAN, Troatuiror. ;uAwu4umovb it'CflHC rnojj irness Emporium. TRUNK*, VALISES. A lai^o Btock, aM now goods and latest TWovoltios. I talco no back flo'aj oo'WiCG3. 5CH00LBA\fiS, V I have a l\rg0 Rtock, flight at bottom prian9f und can okat thorn ail for priftiAand quality^ Call and, soo then- IBICES A WAV DOWN - OH Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harnesi OF EVERY DESCKIPW|oN , A largo ^fcook and it rnVafc go. Call und aoo rheS ' boforo buying . elsowhoro Everything in the Ho\se FurnisbMig^Line, ' '.J?* S. Adams, two (l0ora,etUt o(BeU:*CrlaWorki(fitterI Short .Tourneys ou a M>ii Kourt Iu tho charautoribiio title of a profuuoiy ll- luatrafced book containing ovorono hundrod pagou of oharmiu^ly wnttun donoriptiouo of Hammer ronprta iu tho country nortii and west of Chioa(4o. The roading matter in now, tho illuHtratioiiR aro now, and tho in formation tboroin will bo uow to ahnoHt ovoryono,- A copy, of "Short .loiirnoyt on a Lonn Koad" will bo Hont froo to anyone who will ouoIoho ton oonta (to pay poHtk^o) to Gko H. Hkai-tohu, Goncral PiiHtiongor Afionb Chicago, Milwaukoo & St. Paul Railway, Ghloftco, 111. Httitliy Your ('miU4!6iieo. Tho Quonoim of Hcol'n Sariinarillii m oon- quevrinfj Rcrofula in whatever way it may mauifefttitfiQlf mvonehod for by fcliniiHauds who were novuroly offictod by thin proval- ont diaoaoo, but who now rcjoiou over a permanont euro by flood'n Baraapa'rilla. orofnla may appear an a humor, or it mWy attack tho Mlandit oi tho uoolt, or br*>iWc utin dreadful l'unuint; aorou on thu body\t liruba. \ttfiokijjtho muooun mom- brttuo.Xt ay dovolop iuto oatarrh or lodg ing m th\ ltiuj(B load to obnanmptlon. Come as it mflj\a faithful Boouro of treatment with HoodV Surfiuparilla will o-voroouiojt i>r working akpouftho foundation of nil ilia- uaaea, impure wUp(3, the flyBtabci \u olarlfied aud vitahzed, \ud vitfor, eiVougth ami health, restored to\be body. J.'W \ Catarrh oan be Bu\o*JBQ(lly treated My by pnriryintf the blo\d- and *b one ^uo blood purifiar ie Hootf^a BarBapirUI*. ,:'" '.*'JSKit""" & . tItw^I^mhS 7->, . l' '(Mai'fefri By o-ido i^j^isr-viriXjHi :p\mN:isr I'til UK (IONTINUKD.) "Tlit'ii Oiiilliium'J tinuld' hnVo tin* liorau ' ill oliiilHo I't'Hilyat. iiiiy liiito JiMNiHlmiruluibo to tmm." ------- A ntnm ai r'i"i <:ainn ovttr StiaLtou an ho flnialioil hia nanii'tiitiiit, Tlht car waa to lift wuiiiiiK nil tint Hick frioixl wur lirfKij;!'1 <vor, and tlimt lliuy would ntrtrt, ut, onoo un, pct'linp nooiinr. H wan to lm ri'ndy lor t limn to iiUn. at. uny (itii'S fir llui invuhd wax itipihiiniisj und ji, \ias* vuujiirluin wboti tlmy won hi cniitJ biK.'lc, SMaUnii onilld dn no innt-ii hill uiuL, Hu iliirml nut itlimv hi mm-It' inv fitur lltu ailiiiliid hii^'lil hit (idL tiat'iy; and lu kIuhI- htri'd ill tlid lihtu of Lhti nld iinui *trolling rtlniul (in tho kiliuIb and tiiicouiitt'i'iiig Hmb- tiuoii mill bin oliai^i). lint- Ii** fult tiiui Iuh nlil fiiiMid would tuko :nr*i, mul, (;nin^ Imnlc to liin ronmn Willi tlm inli'ntimt uf titrcm^ liiihHidf lo wait pittiiiittly, lu< Wrirclii'd ihu iuiii lino In all it.i ({lory (ivnr tint >.u.i nf (im, whilo tlin ctoiichi und'niiutii aioiuid Wimd oho hlnXn of itll'ul^inn. IniiiK, It wan iinpOHiiiblti U> liolp a f<!*liu^ of I'-Iiiliuii iDt nai iiri' winiliul iipuii liim full of linpu anil j >y; ami t,ho <lnti'M)iiniiUou to nut manfiuly miti wnli ^niw mid Li"vv in Straihdi'm Iiichhi. mi, in i>b<>dii!iii!H ti> n i haii(.;lit, Im wiif tn when- u ^'Ihhii hnn^ in UiO [jiitiMi^f; nf Leo litlhi inn, and took it up* tn hl'i window. It u'iih wi.h i luoldiiiif; hnart ' imt .Iim ad- jUHtod it. mid loou^lii, it to I-1 ur upon the piotly litllo L-liuliMiu lii^'h npun tlio elltf, ijnviTcd Willi t!r<M*|)iTH, und uiih tt-i icrriiori ^mdnii a m;wi of ll.iu'i'ia. Hii HC'itiiHwl window nf'(-r windou', hut iifit a houI H'uh vihihlc, niul n tur a timo Im tjroii(,'lit ii- I ii lii'nr on tlio IimImii'ii omui^n lit tli loot of tins oliir, wliurn ho kiiw tliu rtinokii curling up cU-ar and liluo, though it W(is fjuitit it iniln away, DiIii'h lirawny Krench niitHO Ht.ood oninidi) in ilm rnrly morning mniKliim* kuitttn^ Ttm li'-di^rni'in wiih at hi!) boat niiiking iinmi) n'puirn, whom it lay buiiom ur'^ard, and bin .wifu wan fjoing in anil out hu*y ovir lioumdiold atlairs, but it was ton oarly for aign of tiio oilntr occupants. After a timo Snattun wan emntnontid to l>rnlcfaHt, and, after- lAVRllowintf a littlo Lioad und nolluu Inunily, lui in olii nuto that tlmcar and drivrr wen* ru'idy, and wiihtho uiciitincnt (^rowinp, toturiioil lo bin pUoo of obiiorvul ion with tlio ylusu, wliuru ho wan jmni bv tlio lainilady, who itiinai'kod- to hoi noli hn\v aiixiouu moiiHicur wmi iiljoutlim trmnd. At that mnmont thu filam wau irombliug, and ilu oyo-pioi;o hooiiioiI blurifMl; foe it iviwi fixed upon tiiu liyuro of a tall, frracuful woman, mainlhig outfddo oim of thu win ds wh in tlin lorrao.] ijarijen' of tlio litily i:hatoaii, with u hand rai^id to uliadu liur (iyeif, mi nha liiokcil along t|i<i <:oiuit lino, hut -uppaarad to hii .fiazin^ Hlraieju at wliuro Stratboi) w.itched hor with tho ^I.iuh. Onu moment of (lolirioun jny uh ho oh- inrved her foatuim, tln'u all wnn nlurriMl, and hu cloned uj) ill.- (^Iuhh ; liu dureil not, ^;ni<i( for lib brain swain, und whim thu in- Hum! deniio in look (<iti*u.morn imiiio over liim, and he yieldeit, tuo (iuum in its oft, whito, cliiifjiitg drapiii y, win tioiie, und*hu qlertily tiirru'd tIm ^\n^n np'n ilm oof.tiigi', to wiilcli for Lhi! cuiuiii^ m lSnai-iimn, till ))JH eyoH rui"ii-'i."i 'O disliii^uiili ilm plaeu, ' Hi: fi.dt Hint liicy niti'bt. to Im on their way now, wliilorilm ncoiipaiitJi of :lm hniisu aliovu w<!ro ut their iiiuming umul; but tlwro wuh iitill no Fii^n, aiol aiioliitT hour paHHud full of t;miy for .S'ruLi'-n, till ho fureud' hininiilf 1 o bchov; ilia: U: et tiijon wiib ucLinc; tor tin: I'D*', mid that tlnnt; must bo good reiiflfjn i'jr.ii.M ko'jj>iii(* hack. lie look thu jjiins a^iun, and concluded why hi:i frietnl lud not immo ; fur bu pjiw a group now u;)"U tho lorrncc, noil dirnstly after.could truuo thoir de-icent boyond' kite cot triL'i) tn thu fiando I be inl"> ml Ii rut. with ;..yi a loai-iuy; 11 bin rrn., i < < , iho iitatoly lljurt; ot Mtf.-i dcriol'ii, ami la.-itly Kdio and (incsl; ami all no cinso In him that lio could mIiuohl niui llu- li.vprcH^i'.'ii on their fvaturoi -in tliuy Ni.'pped mid wnllc.-d \t\n\i tho cot- taK'! Iin if about to conio in bia direciion. Strattoti'h heart for thorn was tlin lio^siliiliiy of Uarinn itpp'-juiuu; at iImj en:* hifjodoor, but' i-iiey uirin:ii ii^'uin, wool, on towanl tbti moiii ho.isl. iiioi suoii disiipin-iirud ' Iji-yoml tho ioi;l;9 winch lay >oath-rial uioo^ lilU blM'fc. ' Jlretiiaon will bu lu-io dit ncily,"-thought .ShHtt'Hi, and after waichiuj,' for a fow iilMilites a llioiiejiit. hIi licit i.iui; l bt-y Would perbap.4 come iilniif* i!' p.itli at tho top of tin* (j ill', niui itr i he' I hat lb is nimbi In- !io ho liuri'ii'd out, to warn tlio ear driver to be ready. Hardly had lie returned to bin room when the landlady appeared to aay l lint u boy wan 'licif! to deliver a inesHip.- io huu aUitie.and apon (;>ing out a heavy lookinLi-puuiiant .uuioiuiced *,liat ho wmi to go on to thu cot* Siraitfin caiifjlit up bin hat and 'started, lull of anxiety, lor it \va tividciit that, IS.-eltiaoi) was ha vine; tiouldu wiib thoir i-b-ii'lji!, who waa per ha pii nhntinato and irt'tiul. while h.foru lio was halfway thoro lib l'{*an to retool not- brinjf'uy tbo car, no that, i buy niijibt have atari ud at nnen. Hut ho felt noxt ni'tiiiutit, that it wad fnliy to bring a u heel' d vehicle down upon Liiitt honvy ftauil, and iiuupinj,' a iilVa'i-p look- our for thoHu ho wi.tliccl t,n avoid, and lak- iiir ad\rinit-ago of every fhelttniue; roeU, he at length nuiclicd t|ie cotutRa, at wbouo door ho wan met. by tho titilioimnii. Stnvtton naw nl. c pjl unco that dome thing was wrong; but boforu lie con.d get out a woi-"! thu tinhonnan'n wife, ivho wuij evi dently 6iilIflii.nK from tciu\ utamiueriMl that alio was deimhiLud 10 biivo to nund for the iiioiiHii'ur. '*' Where w my friend !' Quid Stratton, vharply. " In Iuh chunibiT, nionfiiour, oxceedingly ill," Stratton Imrrlod in, to find Brettinon in h*d Uioking pincln-'d of chouk. Iuh oyen Kitnknn and hlu'n boiiaath .tho lidn, and pr- t'octly innenuiblo. "What duoH tbia meant" orivd Stratton.. " We did not hear tho gontltnnuu moving thin .morning, but my himbund buitr<l blm Hiirring in tho night uir; oh, you; and when I wont to call him he anuworedso atriitigely that tontorod and gave n cry, for ha looked an if ho,wan geiag u> thudtmth, unoimiour. "I watilfld to aond for you, but bo for- bitdi) mo. He a aid ho would bo hotter upon, anil I made him tea, and gave him noni cognac, and ho grew' better, thon woroo, then, hotter again. It itf lomething bjtd with bU throat, monsieur. Look, H. i -H worae, qulto blue." '.; . Stratton gawd *t the lirld marks la horror./' k "Whore ii Mr. Combs, our Invalid?" lis aid, beginning to tremble sow. > .. . monsieur, ha Intlsied upon going out on ths undft with hit attendant Marffot" ,' - >*v hieh way ?" gimpd Kl ratton. " Vomlitr, inoiiHloiir," Hniil tho wniiuui, pointing io ilm noutbniiMt, > "Ilore, get (ingHao; hittlm bin faen," pant- fi\ Html tin:, half wild with honor } " und nniid Honii'one for tlm uoaruHt doctor. Quick. I hIih.I1 bo bauk Moon if I livu," Im unit a^ he riiHlh-d off through tho ' dnop, loaao naud . to find and brn^ back their ehargi) before he.unoouiitorird the- Jitrreldn on tbn hoaoh. Ho aould not o fur for the rooku thai ntroWd the horo, whioh wim .pparomly doaortud. Tho inn boat down upon bin head, and tho effort to ftdvunoo grow mor pidbful,, and yot he prtjued through m&Zd after maio of stones falUn in hugo mainn tr'TU tin) ill (I'm above, without tiering t1gn - till all ut onoe, an bu ptHHod r<Munl <>iut bn^' iiinti.t, bi-yoiid which lay m:oreM cf otlioiK eoveriid with bainacln and v.eud, ho liiuud viiicuH, and Htopped nlioit, bidden frmu tin1 group btfnte Mm by ono of tlin rnoili, Hut toil bad b-mn iu vain, and a jmilomi, lnn.i|denlug P"K "bfit through him. There, noun- forty Vnnlu away, Bat Barron Ujion a bu^b boulder, bin Inick inop])i!d again ut a rnidt, and bin attendant knitting a Hhnrt iliftianco bank, while Minx Jurrobl nai on the hiuiiIh rending bftunaih a groat imn* wliado. Tho admiral wuh Himdting bin eifjar, lacking down at Bari'on ; I']din ami Dues! wmu tngeiiinr; and Myra, pain, gentle, ami with a smile upon her lip, wm u lie ring tlm invalid a hiinah of f^rapuu, which hu wan gently taking from her hand, "Tbo past condoned," ruiid Stratton tn himnelf ; " tliu future.--well, be is her Iiuh- Imnd iift-T all. Oront HeavoiiH.iim I raally mad, or in all thin a waking dinuni." Ho Mtairgoruu baok and nearly fell, no trrribln wan tho ruh of honor through bin brain, but ho could net draw away liin eyen, and he hilw thai, llarrun was H)ioakiu^ and bidding out Iuh hand that Myra reHpoudud by laying hern Wit bin bin palm, ami thu flligniM I'loued llpoll it linger* that i.ot Inany bourn back tnunt have held Hiiittiuou'fl throat in a deadly grip. ' CHAl'TKR IAU. JIJMCH IH VROM HOMEi "And that is tlm woman who told iim iihc leVed mn 1" laud Strattnu ns bo diew hai:k buhiud the rooku and walkml -.lowly awny. Thure was a ntraugnly niingli'ti fee'.int* in liia bream; one moment it was honor,' ilm noxt dihpunt, that thoy two Hhould j iii bandit; n|ie no youoij; and bi-mit ilul, im uiij- maturely ugud and litllo bo tier t-'ian an piiot. Tbim it wuh ininery then despair, which swept oyor bin iioui to join forcuH ami harrow liim ao that he felt that ho o<iuld bi-ar no more. It wan tho tboiigl**i ^f Brettinon that biivud him juHt'an tho blood wan ru'diin^ to his bond ami a ntrnke waH iiniriiiHUit. Hu hud loft his frimul apparently dying, and hud runhod ofT to intvu Alyra. While J -wjih wanted there," bo muttured in a weak, piteoun way. ** Ah, it has all beun a dream, aiul now I am awake. Poor Ijretiiaoii, my beat, friend afti'r all.11 For a few moments the blood fliiHln-d to hi* temples in hia roueiitnicntugiiiiint Myra, ui;d iliuu against Clinmt ; foi, after all that lie had him on the piil nii;h[, how could lie cutinjly accept tbo p<nil.ioii lie occupied and remain tacit and content tbuie wit k hat man in hia eompaiiy ? " Another tilavo to a woman's ohaniii !" he aaid, wiib a hitler laugh. " Poor old I'ttrcy ! liow can I hlamn him after what J Imvo done myualf for a weak, coutunipUbie woman's Baku ." He aLopped short, grinding bin tenth to- i^othfir in iliHciiLmcnt, a^aiutit himBclf ; foi Myra'.M KaiUywaHtiiil face tomu heforo In'm wiib her oyua full of ropioacit. "It iu not true," bu cried; "it in not true, .She could not, help heiidf. Thu-y have diivmi her to it, or else-------No, no, I can not, think." He moved on toward the cottage,"'threwb- Miig bin way niore by instinct than .night among the rooku, btii- only to stop slum, gain, horriiioil by tho thought that now a.-.Hiiileil bun, Thai man Bivr'on or H.le it wan not mifu that, bu nhoiild hu trimied with Myra. It, wan madness after what had taken p'aCo. He ihnmI hiM.fiogerii into his earn a^ it to tihlU out the voice thiit. Hi'eioed to urje these things upon him ; but tho voice wan within, and be habtetiud on ntni'ii rapidly till ho reachud the cottage, where the fish- i'1'iimii'u wife wiih Imihing's fore head, and she gave him a frightened look nil ho entered. .Tlin old friend'H eyes ..wore opened, and he looked wildly at SiraUon as lie untoieil.aiul tuubly rained one baud, " l).ilo !" bo whispered, as he clung to Stratton. "ITuhIi ! don't ta k." "J nniHt," be said feebly. ',* Mind that ho dneu not leave the place. To-night .you must get, help and take liim away ' "I am right, then hb did attack you ?" " Yes ; lint long after you had gone. I wan asleep, wbunl wai .awakened with a mart, thinking you h>id returned, hut I wan borne back directly! lie had ins by the ihroat. Malcolm, lad, I thought it was all over. I-Himggled, but ho wa* too utrnng.. 1 lomembor thinking of your words, aud I hen all wan blank till I saw a light in the mom, ami found thrum people attending mo. I bad awakened .thctn with my groaim. T ey de not grasp the truth. 1>oii!t tell ibein, Let thorn think it is an a licet ion of I ho throa*7-biH we miwft novcr trust him again." '.. " Thoro wiH bo no ncod," said Stratton bitterly, "What do yon mean ?" . . "iio Han gout." "."'You^havu let him osospo T No j you hiimled him the police. Oil, my dear hny, you shouldn't have done that. Tlio man is mad." * I told you I should not do ao," said. Stratton, coldly. '*Yim are wrong.? " But you stand hero. Good Iloavonn, man I Thoso two may moot. Don't mind me. ; I nm bntter now. Go at once." "No ; I uball not leave you until you are fit to move." "It U not an illness, but an injury,which will soon puss off. Go at once. Mnn, do you not see that he niay find hor, after nil." . "He,has found hor," said Stratton, slow* ly, and spuaking hi a Btraugoly meohanlual way. ' What!". . '.'Orthey have found him." And ho told Ihe old man all he had seen. , Brottuiun heard hltn to the tad, and then faintly, but with con vie tibn in his; tono, he cried' i "I.npossjbla ! It cannot b*' trow" .Stratton looked at liim wistfully, ud ho:>k hU head,..... 7 i lis wm \ ' EVER "j'-'i M THE Free From now until 1897 fox* only $1.00, to new subscribers, SUBSCRIBE N If yon wish to keep posted, now is your chance. Send in your dollar . to the Free Press, which gives all the local news, and news foreign. The Free Press is clean and neat ly printed, and is one of the leading papers of the county of Essex. As this chance holds good only for a short time, you should not fail to take advantage of it at once. V 1 .S : ' !.*. if ' . Address all orders to L. CT-' SAOV'S&AGSt : ',. i'| "! -J,.,1 ' EDXalOB AND PEOPBIETOK. r'i'KV-i 79 99

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