ik-..?:- ' THE ESSE# Abb press / ' h'.' DON'T TEUST TO LUCK r;.'"-. In buying* your Groceries BUY THKM 01' . . . , And you will get just what you order. Goods Delivered Promptly ji____ J* lN <i .&&; ' *-*> m&>&' !e Essex Free Pross, FIUDAY, NOVEMIlKlUfi, 1805. k Hoiufi Kshwx TeaoIiWH. Ebb 0*iVoMU*>ii M*tilil. 'riiifc. ** an ty fccaohera' convention hold in tho a*'High School Thuwduy nnd Friday o,qt, weflk wuh attended by all tho tcmori- in thq Boutb Hiding of Kwnhc. Tho vontiou opened Thursday at 11 a. m. 'dovdtioual BXoroiiuiH lotl by Mr. timith t'lieamington* Tho uuditoru' report be ing roud mid approved wuh udonted on motion. ULICCTIOM OH OtTtCKHH, Tho olooMon of onion m whtoh followod waB carried through unanimounly. -Dr. D. A. Maxwell. Vioo Prdti. Mihh Loo, Kingsvilla. Boo. Troftd. C. H.. Fuller. . Diruotcmir-MoaHra. JjUoUbuiu, Smith ami J?iurco. __AaditorB Mohsith. Criumwollcr and Hou- ^erHon. Tho motion of uoo.-troaii., wan aocdiii- panied by a motion to grant bim 810 your- ly for recognition of hia Horvicoa to the iih- Booiafcten. A few trioro minor huainess traunaotiouu wore dinpoaod of and tho oonvention nd : ourned till 1;30 p. ib. TJpon retmmiuK buuiuoan in tho ufter- uoon the convention wuh addreanod by tho Keprfluewtativo of tho Standard Dictionary Co., aftor which Mr. Pinreo of Harrow rao-do soino uenslbln romarkn beforo-.ltitrn- ' duoing bin Hiihjtiut of "How.to touch cjaoimal friu:tiouM to b-ninttwrrt" which ho so ably bundled. After tut intern) laaiori of u few minuton the aouvoution adjourned to. lini gym nasium whoro an oxcGlkui exhibition of fauoy marching mid gymnouLicH in charge f Mr. i)aut wan soon. Club uwijigiug undor Mr. Ounhmii'w up- erviniou wmi given by tho High school pil|)ilH. Tho photegmphor thun took a jjjipj^vjf tho fiH^emblago ut tho' front uf tho building. Mr. DaOow, preaidoutof tho Ilirfh nchool board, who was requoutad to Bpoak on bo- half of the hoard, mado a few itpp;oprialo remarlrii. Alox. Luing reprfcHc-htatiyo of tho HeHofcorra Co., than gavo an oxbibition of what might ba taught, by Llio uno of Huh fnntruinobt. f Quutitinii drawer whh tliHfiOHfd of by Mi-mini. CniHkwolIitr, Ili'ii-lflrflon. Maxwell and Miau Huratoh* Tho minutort of fall mcotin/y wuro road ami adop'.od on motion, dm volition then adjourned to meet ut Jjuu niiu^ton at. tho on] 1 of tho diriotoni. To Tin-: Tr.,\i;iii;ui av Boirru I^i:x: IjAJ'IKH AN!' (illNTLKMKS, Yulir ilttulltioii U kindly drawn to tho faot thut wo woro not uhlo to got; over 'ill tho work on tho program mo dnriup our uhort ntiiy in tho Town of liygcjc on Nov. 7th a rl Hth. I am dure that all who woro tnoro iipout u very nnjoyablo time and uero greatly honufittod by tho papfr rn'iil mid al.'io by tho profit ablo dinonmuonH tli-it folio veil. T, fin* om, fool very unrry thnt. -vc il;d u<*t Iim -r tho pupuru mi "A Clone-, .p'.iou >jf Moutal Growth" und"XJtoraturo" l>y our worthy ItiHpculor, Dr. MaxwoU, nud alno tho paper on "Holino! Munugomorifhy our entutmotl fellow to.ioh-r, Vlr. J, W. Smith. At our Convt'ntion wo loitrn mm-y now thingwihat prove very profitable to uh in our itftur Huhool life. I do not aoo tho roa- nou why tho Touchero of South Enal-x oun- %*" ' I"' i " .' .;b!^, A oommiktfl annoidtiuy of Mauarti. Voa- fSjlOPi AtUiiiHon and Wijghtman mado a ro- portj rooommondiug tho mo of tho Hclin- torraVind fiubmitting it to tho uRBooiation 'for aiw^oval *wl uanotion. Adjonmod. L \ Tnii 1SV1SNIMO UISI5TINS. A rottHflfMblttgo i tho Methodist church lclf tho evoiiing. whora u moat intoronting o(\turo wao J^iven by Kov. Morgan Wood U00jY)fltrait u^w Hio u-unpiooH of tho hh dBor\tion" Aq^^toUo by Mellaril. Gur- ofcl]0^\K:rioghnff1\Walla3o aud Luing. -and amofltVnf,ioal raoisjbora mado tho evening \mjoyablQ'onY . M , iritri>iYWHBIQN. Anothorl v votionRloAfloraion-^KaXat 0:lfi by dt> Minute Swideaby Mr.VAmos. adopted. V piovious mating rond and A. C. Copeh? "How to tonoV,d ,!u^ a a^v p"11L'r " with which bo\ geography toV)QffinHorfiM maunor. jwHtruotivo A dinowmiion fol tho geography in.uSp^^ on tho rao^-or ot Boboolo whioli reault\ at proaont in '|JwMi> ommonding to thfiudVl iu a roaolutionVo tho publiHhing oi a gffoational department inoro mapH and illmtra.l(PBrP*1Y- ooiitainin ' TUe qiietition drawer,V0,1H" MoRtirw. Oraimwellor, HonX ntfcoudecV to by Soratoh, oooupiod'couHide'ry.^o." ad Miss Mr. Dainty thbn introdue^!** timo.. _ "HowtoHfiourooxproaflivo roV^tlio Hiihjoot, was followed by a hearty dV^^g." which which numerous good pointH wV^ub^o" in to, An adjournment for dinnoV0 ruto'r'roA ' wan takou. ' . -\ at l"'t0 VThe toucher in tho Hohool" wum jeot of .Mr. 'OrasHwolIor'H nddroed,ynOB,i'v WttH gtvou in ilu extremely 'good ' nV which Mr. Voadon of Kingavill)}' yavo '.flUnunr.' oollottt paper oh 'FJfow.tor *^'i'oh "the"" :x: of purticiplow" and wliioh ho jiundl nn inHtVadtiv0,:way. not hold their oonvtntion twioo every year uh indoiHi in other oouiitieo of tho Province, Surely wu do not ' want to (jet behind tho timoK and it i.h quite evident that wu do not know everything an yot. I confndor it a i*roat drawback to tlio tonchorrf m South Ephox in having juot otin oonvention every ynar. What groat advanoomout can wo expect to mako by Hponding two dayn, in faot about a day and a half, with our ftd- low toachont in diBctiufjingKO many dillionlt mattora that wo havo to Hlaggor through during tho ymtr ? I buliuvu thiH ih one roaiion why wo hoc ao many now fucon at ourcoiivoiitiunfTevory timo. If the toac horn would got together oftonor ami dinouHH luuU-orH of oyoryday Hohool life it would bo timo and money very proiHabl_v~nf*antr. . tuincoruly hope that those tduohorn in South Bshox who work for tho good of thoir moIiooN i^a wo] I aHfor the good of their poultotfi will think carefully oyer thin and hit us jin and aoo if wo cannot woll afford to Hpfind morn time in the discussion of diflioult ina'.turH "an wa-t done in former tiinoh. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for this hpuou, I remain, YourB truly, A TiiAoinsit. BRITAIN'S PliliMlHH MalcoH a Spoooh ;\\. tho Lord ....._....... Mayor's n <nqwet......_....... imm affairs "a\\ ro'ic .n-til i'-ft it I ii U itflii io .\li-4>l Alt < oiii|M'" |a|t. . til n'.i- iii-f Mill- H" I't'.'ikliM't'*-I L'l'iivitlrdii-e ,^>nii! .tn .Vi'iKli'V <.r J'i. u.'Jiti;.. <.iu-. ut .'s,,(hiim I t-.u.: Lt'-mltii], X'.jV. 1:1.- 'I'll,- uviutl !.. n'i u- I '.'i\rn I;;, ['.[ * !i::i Hi- ::L,:!iii:.. :i in '; !. lt ii. Mic Ciilhl II;. 11, t-i.-- o c.i-ion I"' n-^ tin.1 t:T In;; ovr d1 Ihr (..-iih't! ni.-',i:. u a- i^~ ot" tin- (ley i.i' 1, ...u <i! by S r w'n,.- h-r iltt.iy \.'ii.-. i.i, ii>" . \..ri:> ni-i>f nl !'!i .j;.; .l .it) ."I li.e I'ri.i.*.: .'u lic-l-i'l" :;..-! <nii' ; nn:.....t-r.i .; I ill- Vii.dlnl I" . I bi' 1 U.>|Ur. , .L.Tl.K.r !,., I 'fi., t:......i I'.I" I'J l-...i> "ft, H]U L:j, Ihe j i ',,i .-ni ": 1 ..! .' -. ' ;.'. .<:; ii,,.! !...i'ii ;-. ii b;.)\y ^ nl( .1 u :'i : . I il I h.-L L ll-' V ulll'i till*'i , : ').,. .' .. li . ,.. . i n i'. ii .t: i. .....- . i :,i| ;.i it i ' .>.... < 1 il . J-i' ' . . in' I ... ,.cy, ',. ii'.;'.....IK Mil i ! ' :,; !l In. ', c hhrl ;. i\- r 'I- .'. 'U r! ;T <'[' N- '. .! ;, i'i ! ..u '.' , i.ul in Llii- ":-*i.-*.'> r.-l I .u: u ..'.,: '. .' ; ; li'ii In ; !( bbr ry >! t! i- (bi i-i i, \". ; \\\ v>- nv lly '. i"l , '. ;. < \v:.f l >'. ]> li'. 1 t oi' tin- :. I'Mi.v. ,! I I-- I i i"*- dl <!' the I'ci'c'it ! i I in1,. 'Hi' n,:!l i'l, . ' << . d ' "I Iff nilviit ]-:f:i, 1 n rd'ii'i m > :'::\>: li" :.U';ui'i.'d it i -rif>f 1'<i \i. .nv i\>. 1.-. ;'!-' i i >o ib' .!: .,, of LuiYls hi | !u.- i-nn *,I::i[>) i ' ! - ----------- Wllli-Il. ]|f! M, hj'fl I) 'II I (:\ 111' \ r- ;i: ['in!. inr-n:vt. t.r.i il',.:r i(',:n-i., I-..: : ' '1 ii il'l in: I I ';." i' '1 i ,;.; I :> ;:" .i !' fu '1 ri.-r oir:: :i . 1 ' ] ahinr.i. IU: wiir, uni'-li h.truck i j i "ii i i,,. I 1 "'n't il l.i.v I b.i- I..!; i , - ' . '"d ,i '.Vr-' !. i!: I >,. i' ;; ii, i.i.j' .;.( iv i!i"i:j;hl 11).- 'n. U'ji tfi' pnr.b-ul;.) b.K ; i.tanfji', but bi.'uaiiHo lib- ojiln:.' : .it in.l to It v:n' a v. ry lit ' '-11:1 'i!nn 1," "hi> .nahl, "',v!i i.tii'./t.-r may n i. v -n bi ll|;:l l'i'K,loit. l,o IL -.: t iw.- . a " .,. ,-. ;.) w i he way oi' eoinrn'rt-.-, v.-.- ai-.; i 'jual : i- ! I" u::, 'and m.;,v bi-tl; \vi'.!i :< '>. !>:! t.aiiaiihi'.lty on tin- atlioii o:' an; p " - tii.s v, ii,i i.bink to '..x.-iurti- u^ ii*iin lhal I'o'niholl anil <-o.,iiiR:rdtil ri-/.;ion, -.nd ndi'- i!::aKiur ihiLt if wu are ad- Mltti'd' tm y fa u lie:-1 in In tho mar- lift.-i ol' Lht; world, ('.'lie-.-i':'.) I yhould it; Horry il' we i It undue Heii.slttveneH.s !n tin- nmUiT." l,ord S;i;i:dmry re ..a lied the worila "[' Ij'tid i >i-aeoii^ib !d to ;ju- i'b>'f|. lhal :!u-!-' v.-.'jk ri-oiTi '.' i. I'nUi liif ( ri," In.; . eld. d. "::il '.hi Ourplo.V ibidr t-i.i :;;!.-.-; \-. i:!:. -1. t :i.i:ij;^ in ; c: i r ' ! : vi' hi ;nr'[!i. r. i art ol' the V'trld v.'lr ]-. n,atb-i: ar-' ird ho'j.-rae-fnl a.i ii" ii *i . d ihoy ar. in t !i" I'ar i-:a-l. J" 11 c ;ii .ii Hi-- :.;:! lo-i ,ji May la.nl. -- ntdi and Kiuadan Mib.it:;-;.id is ; L t ' ii..-:1a:.U!i(Mdf( , ui'n! ,.. a Lo iU'oh.-i.'t ii.- .\' ii.i r.i;i ::. uulbb.* i-'i i: f.1: - ....;.s i..:d mov.-d tin- le:diu.s n;' Hi" . iMl.'di iiaiioii t.o lli-ir liar . i;,: pai.l ol. Li.f a li, I,:.. -. a i'i""',aliy lur'iiti'.ud.i.:-, tb-.'ir le.i d- - ) K. id Hi re- , i ; ...I;,; \\ ; , Win-:' .ii.ii.., i.it-nt :.ad cue mi'tM. til: I. ;i'e;i.Luiii at nil i' i : a i u'! i daii.r.i.-ni- and -' -. ba- in-.- GESTO. Mrs. MoLmnjfhlin, of Edgar and Mm Biihtii" viuitod frieuda at Loamingtou laia weok. W. n. Clifford viaitad lno old friondH l)ei* latit woolt. . Mr. Gtiflo him removod from Mr. Graig'H farm noar the ono ho ban piirchaood oat of tho Maldon road. Quito a number of houo woro Hhipped from hero on Mmiduy. Prices aro depper- utoly low. "' Miaa Maggie Campbell if) yory low from coriHumptjon. ; COTTAM (Oro wdud out liut week.) Mm. John TilUy went to tho Hospital in Datroit luudy to rii.coivo mp.dical nip. Tho two nono itro nialt with the fovor and Mr. Tilley \u not fnllv reenverfd from bin niolc- tieua. Word lino boon rccoivod from A, Wttrnor who took hifl thronhing iniioliino out wont near Calgary, that ho hiiiulono no throoh- int; byoauso their wau no grain to (hroHh. CropH aro very poor. MrH, Alv:n Orton'ban tho fovor, MiHH A da StephotiH io now ablo to pro- Gido at tho orgur in ohuroh. Mr. -Terccy K"llott writes a favnrablo Vooounc from Hainv Hivor Dintriot, -TflE- mmmn centra Will iwao'M'^B '**!' m>glo. fire for, ropntl tru>.. f-on0'^wl! 20Lh (ind yjt, ,od Jro- tiirpingN6v'.^s)fcli,'n6 Htopbvor ll(>,wcd(i to al! aUiitmH in C^aft-da.. ad to UoUeit. A). w to ^bhitii'qn.^^A'B^vlu.'WVtertorti.Y.! jlSS'^PA.'^bmoJi: G:?.A., . T^roV*tQi 0;W, KUO) .'.TOHN h\Vi ' A.O.BTIMB] . o. . . .> .: i'..ei!u: r'.Lil a.i. io:, :'a i[-.- .;"el o:i 'l'ur!-..y by t!e.< tltr'c \>i>'. *>. - -ii 1 ' cii :. uh,>da nl in lly a reread lM- t'1 .-iiillai1.. Ib- liad soM] rm'ao ii.-rt- r.:ab.:' rri'i n't nan.e the aa^eit'oa liau iha biilb-ie bad won a jvr. at -vi<jt ty o-.-.i- ..'!. : a '. "- t'Tiii^-i- ii Irul e;iven the Ih-diHii .-.li tb'.y - loa l " >:id !hut he b.r. : .if lied r.ddiMl a bom.-ifid to thoHi- made in May r(|ulr- .: lioini.Lhlnjrlii the rn'.uu- of an !n- !. mat innal eonind.*-: h n. iiiat \v.a:i a e.U ndrtako. Ib liad icvi-r ridded to I he deiiaind^i. He d d off* r a .Tabnitut: di-ir.aud, a i'lmph r wny of ohtalnhb'T ihi! name end; )>m If It whh preferred ; he i-rerent Mnhnron--ed.".n mnehinery slemld continue nPd'be nupervlaed by :i niiK'd eo]nini:-:-:"U. 'I'lic d email els of .the- ' banidt-'H wi'if.. HiiltHtnntlnlly that n pnii'ortionnl Tiu:rl)r-r of Christian eri-;>"('.y<8 rhould ]>" added to the exe- entlve of tin- ]irovl::ix-s. oontalnlng a hirpre 'mm11-fT of VrmenlanH. He did rnt eont-rd thnt hl;t proposal was the I":lt"i\' Tin- ^nIt-,/n preferred the'other trni)i>:il r.!.!1 1 :. 'iVirnHy fell to the ' icronr.f1 'i'lii' r'.a-.i:i ihn.t he preferred to be rhl o: i.titj i|i'(:M,on via-, tils s'l'oat'hor- ."/ iif the -ijowera appearing In these C:i; e? aw pai li^aiio of one re- i:;>;i.i rather th:',n nf another. 'i'bai \'.-onbl be oxce"diiu'ly rlanfjeraun. !'. :i-! t-tl t Ii:it the Queen of Great i:rita!e rrb >i rv *Kn'e Mohnmmedana than t!ie i-dtaii, mil that tho BrILlHh *;nvi'iii;:;i': t \r. onJd Itetmy Um . prlncl- ! * .tppo:!r ao a p;o. Li/;: n i:i vast an em- jdre. 'i'b' I'be-fo-nment hnrt no. other rl-ity tb-n 'n "l'lr-'/ :tbMolnte Impartial ity. It:-- \]< vo v to do entire justice so th: b b'hnslh'iai and .Mo:dem.H wouhl ol ^i-tve -ifi.e'i other's rljrhtr'. nr-d pui^iue flair own Indr.flliMeH In oonlld nee find pfi'we. (.'( jitliuilnir, I-i'ij d iiallsbury H:iid : I nhoi Irl have Im.mmi ^htd !t'our pnipottaln eiiiibl be dive-led of titiy apro..rancr of party, aid "bVj,' i\ ii.ve afcflurcd our IM.slem fell (<*.'/ "ubjecto, who are r-n'nnir lie; nrojd. Jo;.':'1! -nd orderly HUh .frrln of the C-.i.V'ri, that they may rely on the lirpei Inl'Oovernmcnt. \VUh'ic-tii>nl to. -Li.u rcBUlt of the no- i^ol.iatioun, u' the ret'oime. -u'o ouvneel It;to cllect.tnoy would .u'ive tho Armen- hili'i every ynoupeet Unit a nation could du.'drt pfONpoiUy..' i.uaro, juHtlco and j-ai'e'ty, to lli'o :vnd property. .But will they he ci:ribei| out ? '..If tho Sultatt r:'iii bo. T'onmirdetl to tflvo.jUMtlee totlu) Arnieni.iiai It wl.l not nl^nlt'y what tho *' oxnct nature, ol' the auulertnjitlntv .may lw*. Tf ];o; A'vill'nor hoattUy .renolvo to rio jiiMUoe'. to thorn Uie\ mo.Ht -Jn^-iilnua eoiutillullon that. van. bo,.framed will licit avull to protoet. oi-,.aKstt the Ar- ' nienlanu/ Only tln'oujih the-Hultan can * any'.i-ohI'p'ji'iiWinfrnt -WobrIiir bo con-', .' fttracT nir: hta- .Bu'WWts. What-' \C-' \1:d Of tho pubfc-few-daya is a roiniiidor tliat winkr ih near and in HiiggOBtiv^ of warm Clothing. The Great Question Ih, whore can we get our wan'tr* Htipplicd to tho host ndvhntagc ? Wc think wo can give you The Coriect Answer LOOK AT OUll I'lUCJJrS; Mtin'H IJoji.vy all wool Friozo TIhtorn from 8(i Mi.n'd JJroHH OvdicorUH worth ftil.ijO for t7 lloyH' all-wool I'rii'iH) tJlnterii, extru value at $11.M) Mitii'ii lino douhlo-breiiHttd Pea-jauiudu from 9 I en Men'n heavy nil wool doiiblo-breiihted fiiiitu from *JI Mun'ii nnd Uo>ii' Undorwear at rooli hoitoip |irice.-, Mcu'h Hutu in tho newoht iihapL-n jnut to bund Meii'ii. HhotiH on the vi ry latont lantH junt reeoiyed . "" Aiid whiln providuiii for the men and boy.i, ue have not for^otton the ladien. Wo have rxtra viilneii in Urcnn Ooodti, Mantle Clothn, I'uni, CJIovch, Vooto, IIciho, Cometfi, Handlierchiefn, etc. BhinUotii, BhuetiiiM, Yarn and I"lannoIn from tin; Kin^nvillo Woolen iMilln. S~ Yours for Bargains, DUltfSTAltf B1L.OCK, ESSE2T. that T ean lie fair; It would tie danger ous to i'X|.i\';;h tho iipinions Unit are on _ib^-IipibJui;.t tliey ii:.;aiv tl,e e.iiisi- of bin'i; and ;.',o.'d urd'T '..'ibcdi, above ad b ; i; : t hr, I'l. f :i:f en pin -. t b Milt li - II lint jii\'e ihr:e re., wi ti, ->\-\\ I is t o J'olb't-'V 'I'hfr Ilret iiusv.vr t : : ..at ;ibove all tn-Mlii's, :-ll oori.br: t.b.nn of tho pivii'i';-1 in tie- i;.,i i r ' ,:-. i.s !'l'rjvide:;re. fll ib if .'.oil ph. : ' (o i l't it fo, has1 (,'e!i-;-n:lr'i,d tb t p. i -'.. U-:\~ find "o',:^ b'nii ;'b:^-.- .- ;' no-..-.. >. !. !r*nl 11 i- < iovi-i'r e-.-i ' 'jj ' ' "i..v"-- t t.o ib' (ln'iin, :i i. d w!i '\ ' -1 llu't- It I:; null'. poi--ri ' li ! ' ' e ' T- tf.n, if he ii'a : :".h jn. :- Ii'o end le ?"' :i"ot .'i r.y r.ioi-f t hri e :'. " :' '}<< l:l::"h*\ L on <ni'th ." ruin. I-t bs ::ot. *"-! f " ' m y r'-iv. "' >.i " i- *i .-St* :\ e. n- "::y, ir.niniy I r- '-iv.Ml thnt for i!ie_pc:*v of fair's'on- I: :.i It. will 1-- r..'(-:-tv a.ry t.btit sbe r!"."ld -Curd. The rb ej'or ','.} that I' tbi' < i\ ii):a;.n IOnipIre I' itn^frlled It "r that will 'bren b-n it. It would In- the dnnrev tliat the P..-1 "be >: ra d \ o o'.lh r na t In".':". ib1' Ivlre: ,-M | '-a ! ! n-o!-t 1 o-v.-i'f'il nd (b.vili'/f'd in l^ui'ivpe in a da!i'.re:'m;:- .'.o'il M.i Ij-'b'iey -b pivi'Uteii Inlnb'in'.' i.i ' h" albe !on that -miii' si'"- 1 i-o .-x o lid i':--('i!p" tlie trevt.V aii'l try to :^-i- b the (|t:ciiliii|i in it;; o\.n ,,i..i:in.-i . .'.< ('"'"(. 1" '.- I'ibil rim' than >..)'.:, ::m.\ '.a-y ' b rid to^^i hr r b., t fi.* j-,iii'.ii. .a .'.' !- m t.li y .(ber.iiidov:^ d v,m"!, Ijii.d S,il!;dmiy deelitreil that'lb.* be- 'dibai ite; |iu\vi';s '.,,. tji.,;'.Ml^h- ^v i < : o!\ i-i| to oo-npi i\, [< : " . i,i':ie", r|'iiid:--y. i'-....-. tlo'.v would .i t wa:- not for hlin to p.ojdtey. Tfe '. ht !. , but tin. re v/ns riuLlthi'-r In the '..-. i'L r:( ]H'JVi I'M IO f'.ril..." :e t..oSe 'Vll'l ' '.'. '.ih! p. ri., Viatte nd. f,nvi-i'o .lU'iit, or ... .-..n a v i'.u- vcdi'i; of those wno \;ould ,'itj::: nn Llie "HLoil.an eilleia-. til'.' biuii::-; ip'ei.-:dty' of llie hour,. Unit tin'.y t-;ive thu comnioii blibai.iii v>( t. ood Kov;;.TiHient to thu.se ti * .b r tb.ui, i u'lu.'i-r.y.) In cnne'.tu-don, Lord "::!:rbtiry raid , ' Thniii.t.li'"ir the nr-^etliitior.;- notliin^: I IM-. m&.%zz:.. (i November and December, j ATiiT Cheaper than tho cheapest. ' DRESS^GOODS Black Solid worthQOc tor 65c; Chevron Suiting^ worth for 25c; wool Serges worth 40o all ehndes; storm Bargee wo| 40c for 25c;-snow flnke Tweedt 42c ior 30c; our Sfec line] plaids lor 25c; Henrietta .worth 50c ior-S7^c; Tweeds both| foreign and Oanadinn inukeVuwriy dowrfbelow all, Havi bought a lot ol panting at a very low price we are giving public the benefit, math $7 for $5 and '$5.50, made order. Call and see before purchasing. READY-MADE CLOTHING Overcoats worth 8 nnd $9 for $5.75 15 00 10 00 Men's suits worth 9 00 arid 10 00 for 6 00 " - 10,00 12 00 8 00 12 LO i'iirou.ui'i'if the nr-^ei l.'ii ior.;- i i n t n -. watt imir.:-Ksi-d more Htn>n;rly upon my OimtingS nCRVJ inakeB tor IOC yard odnd than tin.* cIIkpomi i-n of tio- ,...-.'.'-. HATS AND CAPS Hats worth 1 50 and 't 00 for 25c and 50c. _w x Caps worth 75c and 1 00 for 60c and as low as 25o. GLOVES ei'ii to* act ti)^.-;liM', and . tli. * Ir i.ii'oi'nuii'i s'onso of the ap]).ill:n;c dan^r *r e.iy ^epnration of tht.er ;ietinn m!e hi pro- diiei;. Thosi;. an onp; thtm v/h :i are popularly reputed to be rer-'tlop;?, hwe vied wiili tlu: uiheiH in Heir an::l-'ty to conduct the didbiiitle-i to iL \'< rltible If-Huc. and iiave conducted theni:-:elve,4 in a*manner that sdiouhl (.ht'ttt.-r hri'i^ all tlio powern Into line, moved by the tommon ambition . ami noble aim of pionervlnK' tho peace- of ChrbsleiuV-im. 'J'hia in a very cheerhu-r eymptoni. J hope it may ho the foundation of a h.vKlein of action thai, will la.ut t'oi This isgenui 50c, 60c, 75c, 1 00 all worth 15 per cent more. Underweir from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c( 1 ,,,______........ _, ,.....,. LW. BOOTS and SHOES-we handle nothing but-the'bit many yeai.s to eome. an'i mat in thifc goods at the lowest m'ioefl. Ludifie' kid worth 9, no fn*. 1 '9LI'd by the daiiKern and exi^encleM of ' ^ OU 101 1 4U, ijOng liOOtS aJwaVS the oheapesfc ' Call tim our time, we nhall find a solution of aff% ('/, vrnyaolTTan .,/! vr,-. ,-Cll ^. Koim. formidnbio prob.-en-; which oP- afc I01 yourselves and we will convince you tha^t this is tie1- cheapest place in the west v Groceries fresh and the cheapest. ' .'.";. . prnbieir.i; wjuch op- prca in.', and ahn.Il in due Lime be r.blc 10 put a .Hiop to Liiai condition ol arm- ud 'peaeu ' which presses now on the induHtrba of tho world." Ujton Ha.- cor.edunion of hla speech die l'lline Minister wua K'^oted \. .idi lend and pvoloim'i.d cln -ih. Lord H..h:b.:ry, fl.r Aimhiu-l Illuki- Dtaeh. tlie ' Jjord Chief .J'ti&Lloe u:id Utlil.'1'.'l h\ o!:c!. '.I he .-orninff' l:*ost,' tn iiimentinj-: on L a O :T-evh it t..u, 1.. .1 L/... l i..'jr o,..d r. thai the pu'lud ot the ;..u. t ,i:':i p. ^ba llon luiM evpht'd, 'J'lio pal onee and truHt of the HlK"]ier;i of tlio t:0..L/ of luiiiln arc exhuiiHtoti. The CM.U'n'iun I-hnjilrc may continue, . but Lh.o d /in Jits pium-nt .Govr-run.ent hajj beon tieal- of Uu pio.-ont Coveii.;.-u.it h;iM boen scaled by tho Tolly uf llio Sultnn and idn (.iorvivi;t:i. 'Xhu Tally ^ews' cordiiiliy -f.pprovt"? of tho :\ 1 ecli, "MIk x.ordn," it tfnyu -Will help to alh-vb-re tlu: \iu\\:c Ua! on i-ial.urday a^ltotiil tHe monoy mitr- ketn of the Uordh.eiit. Me cvklohlly docs not believe tin, 1. thei e Ih darifver, of wiir, hut the fnture is; uiucrtnln. Tho day it of the ."'nri-: hi. i-hii'i.-po are niiiiiheretl. (in the ipu'i'L fns id.' low the Ottoindn dynasty wtiltall and v.*hill- will iv 1 laee It, i.,01 d SuliBhury doott not onlbihten uh.' ' * . ' Tho Tlni,en 'M\yu : Lord. BnllMbury Hhowv.'d the world that tho idx powerti iK.o renolvt'd' to n<;L ta'iolhpr-In'-tiU'tha". r"i>ULor.-i:i lli:r Ottoihan l-hi-.plrw. In thw lion Lhe ln-.L-'oi't ol tho-npoooh to 11. . You way our oneap food nnd not be aeri- oubly hnrt by il; but youoftbuot^takocheap rnodiotURy wbliout poUiv/f initiry. If .you iiHB. anyiqubjttjtmfia for Ayor' Haradparilla, yoii dfi oat thflporil ot1 yourhealth,,'p,hp Vance's Old Stand, J. t: FlllCI THANKPUIj: FOifc rilMCKOY Tlio ToKlimony ot ThoumiiulN WlioIIuve UmciI- Moi'.tli AuH'ii can Kidney Cure'. A fnond in nitod ih a friend indued, It. ItiiH.hrtun'bui 1. tho way *o Iohc out* trionda 1 h to:try thoni, ,U.in ao \tith u moditiinti. So many inuoibinuH nro triol, hut foanft' wantiny. Thinri novnr tho .ohh*j witlj South AmorluuVi Kidnoy our'o, U in is ktd- nuy'tr'oublo that m >hu uilmont, It dot-e. uot' oiiro unything cdwo.; Tlmre in not u oiisoof Itlduyy triiuhla, howovor,\be it over si diutroatdutf wlioro quiok reUf: will hot. 'bit|wn( and by awliitl,^ patioridi alto- jfolher reiudvyd,: Tho pro^JC 6ft,h pud ding i in ilt^fitUiiicof r!t/un'd,whHt,l,H'he,ro ;faid Ib wliut thnnBatidfl aay who lttiyi:* v'pped; To Smokers lo moat tho wmhea-.of thoir ouRtondirB," '."'. Tho Goo. J3. Tuqketfc & Bon ' Co.; Ltd.,'v;3 Hamilton, Ont., : have pUoed uponTtW;" tuu.rftot " A Combination Plu^ of !f,',,>j lsM&MSilwliS& :'-1. ^>; ^'J^^t^^S^f ,f- '"l>i^L'"aA""-"......." ..I'.tU.L.tllMMMBII Ji Sim : ' 'vTV'ifl Anpplios i loiigiHt nrantl(giy or a lQ*oet^'pifeceiiOT^5,;0m 11822021