Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 15, 1895, page 1

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pps?^ ______Wm$?^^ :f^ff^^^^^^^^?^-Z- ' ......'in ; i '.'- .- 1^: WILKINSON'S Ohoicn JfVfili Orooi rios, fj/jV.77" P"VlHil)U8, TtmH, Coff(?t' * I^V." and Bpiaon, [ 'f fiE.?!.*ilUi!?01* *u Crockery, 1 * J, Christian t'ndoavor Society:;$ Bti fuul'H Churoh '"$ TUESDAY*-. Eva.r'-wgyv-a9'-r^ 1:1 very body Homo. VOL XL No 40 ESSEX, ONT. LfRTDAY, NOVE'MBKU 1G, 1896. WHOLE No,667 [v . '' Thor.u in no sentiment in buHUie^R. Wo want your trado, but not unions we can serve" you jih well or beter than others you to be the judge, All we desire U n fair comparison, and a trial pur chase. Your money back if ' unsatisfactory. ' We are es pecially Btrong-in-tho----- ----- Shoe Business it present* . We bought heav ily before the recent raise in prices and ean wave yon mon1 ^-oy ^juie_-k-frpt bui the best. makers1'-goods, bought, direct from the factories We do not allow any misrepresenta tion k to effect a sale. Sheep- skiM id not called Don^ola here J^Pf^^OOH ijiill' parade as FrenM^uif. ^V W- - ____^C #COI\{\ESP0NPEN(Ei Cutr DuxYcrrr, Musjioka, Nov. '.<, tBDfl. U]-:.ut Kiti-i: I'liu-iu: Our minting party ami veil I'nrly in Kuushuiui, northern part of thin district, on the (jvmii utt of Tuesday, Jfl'h butt., and wore upoedil v lodged oom- . lb*. Kedn of Detroit. tip:;nt Sunday m fortalily at the Montoitli House, one of tho JbKAMINCTON. .1. I. Ilallam of Montreal iii in town. Mr, I lull of Ilatniltori in in town. town. Or. W'ujli; of Kinf*nvilKi win in in'.vn Tiifhiluy. iUru. Thomas Adams h-ft Wednesday for Detroit.. * Men. Leonard Wif-jlo in viMtin^ friends hi Kothyen, Airs. Wesley Moore in vuiitinc fiiendu in Hli)i)h(iiiu. Mr. mill i\Irii. tfoaly of Wheatloy tipunfc Mondny in town. .T. K. Grcuuhill'H n.-mdenee dm Talbot iitroet, i.i undcr^oint,' improvements. Dr. Courtney of Grand Uapidii in spend ing a fow diiyii in town thin week. il. Chamberlain leave a today to iittuud a Sabbath nolioo! convention in Windsor. Alex. Guim lian purchased the roindonco oMtobt. SioviiMHOii on Marlborough mreot. Mr. Sheldon of LuddintJtou is vimtin^ inn hruMior, Win. SIkjUIoii of Tulhot Htruut oant. J)nriu'i I'roiirfur liutipuruhauod n barn from J. Luoimnl and will lumovo it to hm own property. Mih. (Kev.) Pattor-ton left on Saturday inoniinj,' for London tit attuuil tlio fuuerul- of one of lutr friemJH. SPEGJflL StSQIE SALE. LadioH* ho lit 1 glove ^rain but ton and lace ..Shoes, Sewed and standard screw solos at $1 pr. ladies' -fine J)ongoln. kid button Shoes patent Lips $1. Ladies' heavy <jraiu laced Shoes gl. Ladies' line Imperial kid buttoned Shoes, tipped $.^.7 Men's heavy laced Shoes $125. Men's fine duugola Gaiters new goods, all size;-', $1 sizes .U.25 pair. .Men's extra heavy grain Bluchers, bellows tongue, riv eted sides, heavy hojes, three rows of pegs, special value at 82.25 pair. Men's long Boots full 17-iu leg. made by best makers in Canada and warranted, 82.50 Mun'ttiine Milwaukee grain leather, long . boots full leg, good fitter*, warranted water proof $3.50 ChiTdren's strong laced ,Shoes, pegged, 00c pair Qb.ihi/en's oil ^rain button rf iftlaec 'fcho'eB, 75c. '*?fgfc:6t store, biggest stock b'^ Mst valuea in. Dry Goods, Grc|5eri(5s, ^Clothing, Mantles and Millinery. Highest price paid fur farm produce. 100 dozen home made Socks 'wanted. OLINDA, The rpgiilur quarturly Hervicer. in M. K, Oiuiroh ln-ri' ou Sutnlay Noy, '.i v/iire lar^e. ly alteiiddd. ' St-vi'Tiil f'.t' our vontliH wore out. on Hotm', of uiirtityory odor on Ilallowti'on, Nth. [Jhnniburh, wlio han lifcn viHitint; her ij:ui^|]t.i r, Mr.i. lcii I_,-.-o hen*, Ima ro. turniid to lu-r homo iu Michigan. L'T.-jy l'hiliips is ill with thro'il- 1 riuhl a Dr. I'lu-.'li"^, of 1 j:auiin.;t.on, in attending linn. \Vi|| Oopcl'ind who h;m spent tho Hiim- nn-r wiirKin^; ou Cittiiwh l ImIuhI,, Iv.i:i i e- tuiuiril h< (o hiii Unulo Ilrin'i IMiilippu. Ihiuh IMiiHppH Imd Inn liand Ijadly in jure-! while lending mi uii-ittycow oiiO d:iy lu^twtMk'. 'J-'htj animal attoiiipUid cohreik awity, oun in^ bin lii^^with the anup at- t'lelifrf In f lit1 I'epe, Noirrn uujgk. ItinlnLiil AnIi left for lunric! in JK von Kn<-<land Iilv.I u't-L-lc, n[:.:r it i,-\t w.-i.-Um visit li-jrd with Ins brother*, William and Satnnel and otliur l'clit i Viui. Willium U'tur tin.vr-d n lirn'inc out of Etinv-H lnHt wcult for Dttvicl IVIcCreery. It iii ret up :: Lot 'J77 'I'. U. S David and Uudulpli Hoyer.H Imvo dnhorii- / ed a larjio numher of cattjn in. thin j'lart during tliu piHt, two or rlirco weolt!*; they dehorned \H of Thoioan Williamx Ayr Hhiro herd hint wnnlt. Mr. Williiuus nays iii an us pur inient. 'Aur ESSEX; ONT. WilliitMi Lankly tiifn.l lust l'rid:ty in Perry {.;<,.', Oiiio, of fuvcr; Iiu wuh a resident of llii-i towfifhip for yovorn-l yoira (jiij'ajyecl in funtn'iij.;, Ui! wuh an ' KnyliMhiri.'iu and \v ii- i,uly nl.'ouL 11 ycai'H old, Inn fntln*i* and other I'Ci'iLtivfi'J rcidu liero. lit) leavon a wif<- >-nd a larj^o family of young children to inonrii hin HiiJthm taking off, 11o;>, hhin^htorin^' by wtiolenido has boen f^oin^ on lu'ro for huiiili tla^'H. Itmnc 'J'lioniton didn't husk onrn lata IMinnhty untl Timnday, he wan away down in iMuihoa limiting for tho ranoah: wlin took hin hursfi, democrat waf^yon, ImrnGfia and robo liiHt Miti'dny night, without hin p*>r- iiiiHsion. Wo aro inoro than <;liid to report that lit) rueoyorud all Iuh property and 1iq. alun tjuptni'fid tho two trtitnpH who had taken hia t^oodHHWiiy, Wm. SiSHini, oon- HdLliln,] Iriatitt overtook tin*in and tln.'y hud a preliminary trial in Luamincton on riicnday it 11 fl woro of con mo found guilty and both wro committed to tho Jj.-tn&x Co- t^oal ut Sandwioii to ho trio'] at tho next court. One of tho raHoitlii workod for Ihuuq thnte years u^o, Hov. W. H. Shaw in. on^ajed holdint;' Bl'euial rolitfiouH HerviooH in thq iMothodiiit Oluirch liL-ro, hoiu amiihtod by hiu daughter,' Rev, MrH, SamuU'rn, of Oluouwo* Sho io a lady preacher of ability, and an excellent Hfngor with u muHical oleat- aud ludy like voiof.-; uo a Hpoahor idio in oarnoHt, dtreot, oloar and intonne, counidornblo intoroat hiiH been urouHcdf.and good dono to many; o^io of tlio merabofa, and oldorly fjontk- noan, IniHbeon ootiv'inood of tho Hmfii!lna of tohaeco UBiiigv ami tho peruioiotiH ox- oniploto the ritdiiK and rlseu (^unorutionB,. and thank'God his moral caumgp has thrown (he old Btttan of tobapoo away, he eaya lie wuh liuvt'-r ho huppy as he ba bean aince quilting the uao of tha aotmraod narcotic poiuon t^Jwicco, f-ivorit" i't"'orii I'or.toip'iHt vimtoru to thin m; it inn, (Jiir voulo wad from l^iHujc to llnjifinvilh', thi.Mico to ToroiHo, via tlamil- ti-n, theucii via Ihirrio and /Vlhuidu-hi Jiinu- tion to MunUoka Wharf at Gravuhunit, wmi'I'o .ve (Miiltarkc-d on the Muiikobt Na- fiijatioii (Jo.'h Htu:i mnr for "up thu lak*iHM. 'I'h',* ride up theuo pu:turt!j*itie lalcoii of tho ' > ii hi^hlundn in ono of the in our- de lightful in the provinuu. While ihe lakeu - -MiihIcuIol, Jnyupli and llosiinan aru from i- n to uvonty mito.s wida..and nearly forty onion In h-n^tli, ono nan niMirntily iato ahead o- the boat, at any t\mo, for a further diti- t.'tueo than a mile or no, thu view iiein^ eb- htruetoi by hundredrt elf pictorenijiiu anil i.UnoHt bare rooky itilaLUlii, crowned with iiiitivu timbfi*. Much an pineu, . liemloeltH, c-jdarn, etc. The boat |jft Gravonhurtit at ubitul. !>:;i() p. ni.. on thu 2!Hli, and, that btdiin onu of tho duyu on which bho wa Huhednlt'd to oall at BruuubridHo we were forUinutn om>UKh- tu enjoy a null up tlio JUuidto'ai rivtT to.that Hmart littlo town, the neat of tho duitrict. Navigation in bt.loulied hero by tho Munkoka Falln, and rupidii, neaily fifty fuetbij,'!]. Thu river id o imrrow that in many pitmen wo could hardly prevent la id lord Thrasher, of the Aberdeen-, from attouiptiufiUi j:unp to the Hh'oru. The trip on the hiken is ahio varied by yjgW4 of the Hflttler'u Jiomonteada Heat, tered nlonj; mail). Hhorcu, and by the ( enrnfi of pictiueHOjie Jittl.-i faimrnor eottn- fjoi uwMai and erected, pnuoipal ly by Toronto people, ii'Uhon^li many otbeni who are f-ituiiviti- onou^h to JIOH40HH udrmd* here and there. Many Afnertotim ahio liud at- triiotiou here during the auminar m Jiithn, in aiif^lin^ at.d oth'jr upm-Ls, while for in- yalidh tlie northern ohmiLto it* c-xeuptioual ly enoi'vatin^; and rt-freHlnni;. . To retnin I-1 our trip: f).i arrivii.ijj at It-u.--',!Rri, t he extreme tn/rtliorn puini on tli" lakefi, wo found abiut nix inrdieB ! :mo\v on t!ie level, and tin.- wea'her Dinor; what colder than wu aatieip<ilt:d. Tu fnot, thi iitmospli'-rc v/;i^i e^ce^dintjl y dry and--uracin;; -;ih they an- pleased t'u term it. biu'tj. Wo found tiur (riiMid Dr-Lveott ihe tiCttler with whom wo tirtually "eamp" ut the wharf, with a team to portage our bn^L'it^i; to eainp. A'( the ride wm one of litteiMi ut ill"-* and th-! intMi-ior of the Ihitel ii.u-jh prei't;i::.o]': ft :t ride on ill-, ton of a wa^t;-ini loud nf l'u^^".'^o utter tw-t o'clock p. in., we d< eid.d to :itop ovu-r iihiht, and tramp out t o rviinp in the morning. 8o our bu^;^ti;e v.'uh diH',iatidn:<l for a trip over one ot the r-Mi^he-it roada that an KHex eounty fai'Mi'-T run iirni.;n'ne. In thii; country the a^ir-aion m not for gravel to put on tin' fnpri or the rondii, hut. for a pn.CCHrl llf ].:Vi'ilili^. Tl tire lire ijllt oi'.u or two rcnlly paH--b{o "rnad-. ' in the dirilrict. Ti:eHf w.-i-" con-itructe.t [n imnpaily under GoviruineoL patronage The bowmdnp 1 uteri u r obntruetud by i'oek^; liivainpn, and o:l(er iinpi diin'-nt:. wliich rh-.Vettlerii iniuit find the moiit coiiveuieni way of avoiiiin^, .The-rcMdl in that it would Liu a dilTicult inatti-r to dud a, tiiib.: of. nti';n^ht road in the'entiie district, and tlio intiln through tlie woud . will thruw. a man l,(d"f hn; in(j:>" i.i. a very HllttrL time iinb-H,; he elo'K-ly consults liis cuinpiiHH, Thin in necessary at tdi tiniesi indeed, unless tli;j':->uu in bhin- liitf. The walk fmni Rotissiiitu to Mr. Dray oot.t'a any.ihiii^ Troin twebvo to twenty in den wn h marie iu a little o\ or three liuiirs on the inortiin^lollewiii)', our ari'ival at'the former placti. As tliiii wars the aOtli ot October, ant dee;' ao-iriou w.uild not open until l-Yidav, Nov. l^t, aMtiaudn wore jliveii a fu.loo;ih,p with iiibtrtictioriB to bu prepared lor duty on mo morning of tho lt, Ilearinu that black bunt had been plentiful all Hummer, a Hcntturcd exutinuou wan imidb to tho wooiIhiu Hoaieh of '.Hinuu" of Bruin. After a two dayu torn roll' it- wuh found ihut he had oyidiintly none i"to winter quartern with tlio appoarance of huow, ati uoiU(4:i.ri of him wore to bo found. Lotu of deer Hi^im were found, but none were killed no, r.ot one. Your humble uervimt hiia' a tinu bin fellow with hormi on but uK tlio HoaHOn, was not opou,1 and tj10 auimul 'wouldn't utatid htill ho watui't lired at. It wuu a cIoho OHoapo however, horn an attempt at infraction of tho (,'amo lawn. Tharo iu every rcaHon to miHpoot that Jack Alliuo, the hardwaro man, wa "nonuijj" about tho deer haunts in a bus* pioioiia niaunor, hut uu up to IntoBt writing ho him not.brdufetht any froy.on door into campjit id fjouoi'ullv oouoodtid that ho hatm't violatficliuiy.of Ohief Garao -.Wattltfja Tilia- ley'H ordorH. Of oouy^e tiitiro i a reason forthm, I ahuoHt forgot to Hay that two or thrt'o otthe -'boyH" under UJo^ll]ano^ of. Joyl Wbltnoy and Vliciigv Abo", bis rlflo trayot1 ho far from homo ia their search for beaiH, that they dfd - not return until after Home uneaBineBBiyaB 'felt, ftou- er*il fi'iBilado or tmusktitry ,w\a,,tired from on nip ^uartersXand u^l banda L^d houtod thoiriHolves honrini. Of courne, Joel minut ed .the idea thai anybody wan lout, but thoHt! who not iced u-iy thai, bin hair didn't ho down until after \w hud been mfulv- in oamp for Hevoral liourii. I'ronijitly at five o'clock on tho morning i*f Kridav, Nov, In'-, all hambi Wvro c'lll- od out. for the fray. K'nivn lind bei n iibai'ponul, and u;uini that hud Irirdly bm-n ma n for a yoar. were lovingly oiled end rubbed up, .Alfnal (.hirdlier npoi ted a bran new rifle, and utt iicoMHeipinniio, wanted io jrtmnl the mo-u dillicult jtoint iu tlie weodir On (.'.uariuil-eiii(; to bdn rbiwn the iirnr, deer that yentur.d within tlireo inilua of linn, he wiui nivuu tlio pent, of honor, and inudo monarch of all ho ujrvoyod, All lomdd were iit,al,ioned at "runu" i*i vanouli piirtii of tho hunting ^roiindu, and tho lioundw ntartod. The fl-ot-footed deer m;tttiered in various direetionH, aud run on nil uitioi) of the 'boyii, who, for vuriouu roauonn, failed to ^athor thorn in, One Hilly doer, of ,thu_malo psriuiaHion, wan fooliitb enough to taunt one of tho hoytt Ly walking up aud looking around a tree about fifteen yardu away. Tho bold hunter, how ever, exciidt-'ii himself by Haying he could not lind tho triyuer of hiu r!|le, until the deor took t-ho hint Hud Hcimpnrod up tho bill, followed by a ahot which only hfuiton- ed hiu upood. I'Virtuniitoly fur thu bono r of thu camp lie ran pretty clonely to another of our party, who be^im "pumping" the ahots at him at the rate of about 7o to tho onnnto. By 'iiomo tinaoeountable mitt chanuo a utray bullet took effect and bin deornhipeamo down. Frank StottH did the deed, and now the camp coiling hi not hu;h uiiou^lv for Friink'n head. Auothnr^w.a^ abut by a party of iiottlern who Hoom to fuku a Hiipreiuu du'ilibt... pi , hIdwiii^ our party how to gather thorn in. Ot eournu whon tho iiowh tfpieatl that there wan a pvonpect of "Vffiflion^for dinner, tho entirn party, headed by the hero oT tlie day, marched holeninly to camp, imd did not I'javo nntjl the veninon ateak had been iiiunpled. Of ooui'itc, no more deer were with Mm Hea by our nide, and the blaek VMiku with uliiriy Mnawcod, now it ebaioiin^ villa lino i>:;.,iii an i.ld'niin, W-> i.bnUi.'.bl- uiir when wi-re evet- hut ' oir.'i wo b-ft the iiea, rock:i and villim f-uteri'd U| on the b tr- ren Kniiiiiu cr.nnp.iyiia. The (tuet wm terrible, tlie In'.-ai "t.enildi-'ciini" and hilbi uniiitermiti-'H, Tb.i' hi ud neir [J-,iue waven int-i Jiii;;-! bili-v.'.'n ;tnd tliey bj.....! ' ' luiit in the'iievi-n heiUirie bllbi. Ifill iti'tei1 hill we toiled up. cfi!i.>itod l"i" :r. hrn moment ami llieii 'itrii'.Mlb d -up 'iii'di . Siijypbuti 'i:id ill" < i]|.-l up Kdf, WiUidl )i !wa\ri i'dlle, 1 in -; n' n < parallel!, to tbr netti'-! f;jct. u:' pu-.hiii.'; ;i we bet! in to urn* tin) fnint line of tha' buiutiful llivief.i.; tlui eoaif. whudi Hanks (ji;iio;i. u.'ii'tiind we'd. Soon v/'.i Were on- tenn/.f lb" 1 ay amid a fon-'tt id inntttn and a will'ji'ne.i'i of crauea and through tho web of cordon v, e i:'-uld nee Oenoa with its buildiu;:*. <n\d dirt. It ni built upou a iiiounlaii; Mi'e in.l from the nea lo')ka hi'.e in!! '-t '-at euiphitheiitro. There .vo 1 iv thi'e-.' d'iyt tmd .villi i.he nblp an our /bold we in e-iuip.itiy with two other \in'-"c ui b-i1, m UMidn i;alli(in up into Genoa .vbfi ,w iii.w (!ohioibui' moiuini'ut uud 11:-.i*i' p-.dai.-eii and made life a bur den f- r iiacknien, whom we noyor intHiirl- t btcvole li(i thu liilb. in tlie infernal plainn |."d tu patroinue but with whom we hailed killed that'day. Hi^vural of t,h* l*ioy.4 werj almost "in if' but not quite. Alfred Chiruiiur declared Iiih deer did not venture within the three mile limit, while th,, Hiiido anvH that Alfred wan f/iwi asleep un- (U-r an nvei'^i'i:t:n tree. Of conrne A!frcd'n frifiidn dni.i't believe <l word'of it, and it i:i e.\pecL'-d lie will uirlio iijt ( Io- ' tppoi'lu- nitit h ht-trici" eato|i 1 ift* in -bid be: fui'ewo!! atjiiill. (Jn Haturday, lei* I'C.isoiM, wluch would he considered vu 1 j.I in a Jeyal court, m> mm.' il'.jtr wen: killed, although r'u.doui shootine wins the oriie-r of the day. On Muiidny nearly all hsndH utreixled Aimlician church neryic-iii in a little hi-hoo] leniMi) about, four edle.-i ciinp, and were i.urpn'ued to see .<. H(iod-yiz-.*i,l c-io^re- -i-,^-UL'U..j.'re>-i<. uf._____ Tiiis (.rlon ...v) j< upp.u-- ently chan^eti if>, (ho U- iter. All hiindu Were ahtir a'., i\v* o'chudc, nail after a hearty breakfast, hiudi only us one may oxpiritj:iu wiicij lu.this wikt country, were on the *;reiiii(i? b.lore it.'Ven <.'r-.-,.-.\i. /Jc- fnru half p-ist ei^jht u'idook, i1 run deer '.Vel'ti ] V* J Ii i* on Ihe tjnjunii, :u,d Kevr^ai OLber* Imd a:.: i'--\V i <-r: i .n.i.- ./ , .tl' ean i)e- I'ev.t ii Jnrin/r1!. isiciti i.f him* v. Thfi about Koine. ^Swotit Mailed Troio u:i unt-i our veiuu neemod an (fry as the '.n-:\abr;*ft un. There wan no water to he Iintl^- "No lumpen, no townn, no riiimi (even they have vaniidicd from tli-i r. forl.iro region) no people; all we could nee on the hori/:>n wan Ht.'J'titer'u ilnnio anil that deemed u mir- iiriu, no lony wi wore in reaching it. The man who wrote poo try about thin eaiu- pa^iia dfhf-rvL'H the luweiit round in Uanto'ti purgatory. Wn winhcd more than oiino that, the ^ct'tiu bad not Haved HoiHt. Wo had for the Unit tirno implicit faith iu tho Homuhiii and HetniiH and the wolf nti.-vy. Notniujr buta h)iu wolf would abjdo m rmeh deiiolatencitm uinl idie woubl take earn of thu boys just for sociability, These aro tho ihouihtu we indulged iu before Htemt,' tho city but tho last lull wan oliincd and the Niobe of natioua wan before us. Wo shouted for joy and thrilled with triumph.' We folt iih Hroat, an proud, and as exalted an evot^K5Tnrr^Dti*nitTritIr~fi,TiTinrrR^TriitoricH. The murble \vildei le-ss was ourh; belonged to our eyes at leant. to iiimi- partui-u, anfl hil-;' 'h;fi i iui" re Writ. A. G - .'i i. who was fnrtimar c eniin^h to hi :.,,'-. *.. I-. .i" * t.v- r biou^ijt, into camp. (-*' c-.i," Will .van tickled all tin; way to hits Ii ui!u. On b'Uii;.; iiHiaminj.l to-fi ].;h t, on the (}. T , ii iu fcuinl that lie Mian-b; nix f'trt-t, si.'. iucIi.-r, without, rubber hoot si no. Of cMiroc it is expected he will corne down to bis normal mi/j when he ^i-r,h back to Ki^ex. Alfred Gardner killed the oilier nu-ide the three-mile liupr,- and Alfred's tier/ e,nn r*ji-t.s in itn new case to-ni-bt. Tbc other lucky man was our^uide philo.-opber and friendDraycott, Too fellow^ .viio did the Kbootiuj;, and mi-wed their opportuni- t.ic'H will not; be mentionod thin ti in op-be; eaijHo they hayo promised not to permit ouch occurrence!] iu the fuLuro. Well,. (,;oud-bvo-lor thiu time, and I may ttill you noinu more later en. K. -J.'L. Foroisrn Biuyclo Tour, A HI'IIOIAI, COUHKHI'ONDBST niiTAlLH . 1TIH UXVKll- IHNCE, TO l*lU;i', I'HHriH jihadkhs. Duaii Mu. Knrron: . . . Tho eturuul oity. wan-nO ihUom away whon I oloood twy hurt letter; I din not tell did I how wo wont nwimmint' in the. Med- itermnoan? Wo did atlOo'olook one tuoon* li(*ht night whon wo rode ho near tho aoa that the Hirouon out on their roof, and tho mortrifudH ou tho imaginary dolphhi'n buok and thu munrmru/4, luppint; wilvoh op the hungry bench all iillurotl iih aud wo left our. wbutdfl and" erawlod down ,the blaolt rboltH to;tho Ktid of dry ooaweocl Cvhioh tho tido had loft f.nd the Bunhad dri^d. But '"ahurkal'-yoir oxolaim, Oh,.,,voH,\bnt wo had forgotten about them and thoy i\'oron'fc at home. It Wan a gloriouH swim. 'Wo reached Oivita Vocohia ' that \iif;ht and after getting into the alums of tho oity and being fairly mobbed by the rout;boat element jn Italy -wa found a rospoottble lodging aq3 elept. Early in themprnin^ wo fctartpd ou^to make Homo that mprui The.fumpae old Anrelian Vfaj was onr' ad, and at first in the dawn ing hotjr Cuttle, ilood, time and lire have- worked upon the city"H woudern; no too tho Van dal (mil tho Onrintum; but whore they have obliterated a work of art, they have left hintory, romance and letf'uid uut'i memory ttii-t imagination are overwtiehnud by tlio deinunda upon them. But lnhould jjo writing" in blank verne if I continued thin straru lon^'- You know what we- f-nw in ltome. One without mu^iii'ition would hoc little more than a quarry in the Poriim, three hu^e old water Units iu tlie Tautbeon. aud Colohcum and Mauaoleuru of Iludiia'u, and an old tdiureli with nbout .half a mile or" ilHele-M columna 111 a circle around tlie front, dooryard, would lulcijiinte- ly deiicribe K'., Peters for hirn. Well we had iiuH/jimition. aml-we yrew poetie, bom- hustie and ehi-picnt at the proper tiuierf. We j^ol ainbitioiih uud iiHceuded Kt. Teterii dome and you urn't very fv.r from fbu oivuias GiAA-'M (lite when you are a', ' the top. '(.'he i;uide Uok niake.-i you aivitit. aroiilii'l after a bit of fouifain-i, itntt uld renin; 1 ih of v-'idb.' Tlum we did ibo Si.,. tine chunel, a r".urn like ti hu>*e c'ot'tin box and fully :<n dark' and ^nH'Tfiniv, but with Hninu of tlio World'1 n raretit art ^eniri point ed upon the walln. I'jikewihe the Vatiuan and i>i Bculpcnr.t'an I pdotiin;. Our !;-:'rl i',i I' no", <d-u the name and situation are irmiMatuJ, wa.-> the "Hotel of the Sim/1 in thu piazza of Paradise. Now when wo wa*y driven o\i\ of Paradine we went 1.0 Naphi-. and. that; is the doviU own eity. Atti.a' u^^-il-^ our bike.H on b-iard the " Wei ra," the boat on which we Wfi*-' to ret J I'll tu Anitirica, we ttpent a day lir"Na|den. We bud madu a I'lity-depodit on uiir wlieebj when wc onteiial Italy Mid wero'io^i'-t it baek when we should Sueh a tinu- ;i:i we had trotting thut money. Kvery eutttom bouso ul'liuer told uh to j.;o to (joieljoby aud at last I was ordered to ^ct tlio ni^u ituro of an ollieer who wan homewbur? iu the bay of NapleB. There wt:re only 5,000 boats and shipH there. ' 1. t^ot the iiervieoH of an .oarainau who knew the ol'licer and we ntartetl upon our rjurjat. He rowed around overy individual neat in Naple'H hay but we did not find ihe oflieor. Tiion I became desperate aud told a head ol'ltcer at the cimtoin houae that it wan. an ootru^o to dally t'<> about a. plain mattiU' and I, made iiomo vuuu threals abour, the U, &, eorifuil. Thureupon he id^ued my paper, which he ni'^hc hayo uono ii hours before, and I received niy' money. Then wi- boffin. ni^ht-Heoin,,.'j. In Ntiples that coraiflia chully in watching tho poople. 'Boye an old an twelve roll iu, the dirt, naked, iu tho Htroct. Older boy.i have a raj; which pamew over the uhouldor and holdn up a pair of trouuoru which havo neither,definite diviaion for tho loga uor tho couiplotouewH of 11 skirt. In J^aploH youif biihineHH ia cvorybody'H butunoHB. If. you turu a corner Homeono rumi and ({raflpo your uhotilder and with frai: tie fjoatioula^ tionn iiifornm you that that jbu'd the; way, !.'ThG way to what ?*' you ui-'lt. "Why>to whore you are nointf." Bfc'-.t am tfamtf anywhoro," you reply. "Well that" ioti't tbo way auyhow," In tbodarly .'moruiug ou the-foilowin^'diiy wo Haw) milkmen ^o- iu'ii around withbans unci untita aud^ milk- "tnR thorn' before the doora of cuatomorfl, Gladly wo osoapod tha dirj^ vjou. .and an- noyauooB of Niiplea and boardod tho tender which aoon convoyed ua to'the "Werrti.1' From the deck aa the boat left tho bay wo took u Ubt look fit Yeauviuu emokidg tranqoillV in the dj^auoo. Wo paflBodjtue isle of Capri ancr aoon osoopt the iaiut blue of tha mode tain oun QoaBt, ther# was nothiugbut toliat mUrvelloub aoiutialating blao -of thar MiitJiterraneau all ahfcut us. ,Nigbt,'pkn& apB^pdipA and.wifchjftedawa then d.scided not to inaulye, um the hour of de- fat und greasy -^^^^^^^^ to nee their i \ ., .^^^^^ikT^v'ot out to at "^M^fl^^^^^^^^^ft^/%^;. youenduro the- descripno more Hiinnet? As the iiun dfdu whole sea from the homzou to th} vest idde had a robe of (-"old.- Above thia w a red Htuinod cloud. .Then almost magi cally the goldou robe wan withdriiv/u and fioou wan an onciiantiiu;ly Hprexd, Thin in tune noerned torn into otripii and be tween the linos of tiold wore hmm of cor- ii1o;lii blue, finally tho wind (loomed, to blow away the tfildud film and that Hoft Mediinrranean blue lay like, a riohly bro cade! sill.. In the iiky thore wan a ^old rayed fun upon which oolorri came itad went as if vibrations of tho penduhlnr of . beauty. There it wasn't uto bad; or did you nkip it? Wn pastied the Balearic IhIiukIb with their rocky, ftoamed aud convoluted cliffn, Tho alioro looks v.h crude an if just rora tho (Jrsatom hand. Then tlio count of Spain a ntern aud rooky nncoennioua- ot .headlands, proj-.entmt! a dark, rude and forbiddine; tihoro and behind wore ujiow Cajipud iiionntainu. . Africa too wuh Hitflitod at last; u torif* low shore rising jinit oppoaito Gibraltar to a mountain peak. Gibraltor i^iell is a-ntapendoiiH reck ' which wo up- prouched from the roar and thou, rounded to where we unw tire lonfj utono iiuawall and tho white and yellow hoiiHuii above it, on above burned vegetations and at tho. Htnnmit me broken led^o of tho lofty rid^e. The boat stopped live or nix hoursi there and th'?n net nail for America. We bf.'t.;un to make aciuaintiduseti aiij] , worried out, the creeping hours Htud-y'intf them. There was the Puly who witntcd a "price hfit'of thu piisnenaurB" jind whosd sympathy w-'Ot out to tho steward in the ollou'inf1 beautiful phruue "1 ahould think tho waiters would ^et tired a brio^tu of 1,'ruhs to tho wominu." Then the baby faced i:;iKj^t.iit man who isn't holplbiiH at' all but insists that, he is. He bad crossed a di.zou lin.i s a:id yet couldn1! sleep nij'iita for fear tiie boat wan yoiug down. Iiu wendei' d wny the motion of (lib noroW wasn't, uiiiizcd f:-r iQ.ikin^ ieo cream or butter. "All it does mm is to make tins J beat (ro." ho uddod, nniv.dy. A iiveat cause of tlio huh wan the Water 111 it; oo ho wisely concluded. Thhi follow wsn alwayu "surprised" and "dead with /ri^ht" atjeco- ry new event on board, He called all the; waiters ""dniys" and soino 'pucr "MitryH." He had lived evurywliorn four yearn and when he panged amoue; the Azores he don- scribed bis dwelling in oaoh villajio'that wo nii;hted on the inland shoreii. Then thore was the fihip'a paud which fcorlurotl uh . fr.mi early morn \\U dewy eve. They did';,'. not mind whether thoy were in time aa lonj; an they made twine onoujib. I must tell how there wore four women and/yyo' parrottt iii one atato room and then m-ft rnyi Irieud and mysolf uafoly no hint' * for wtitcbittfi our travelu with est and close. C. H Ijitoi-UK^-': .niovembei Acomploto and immediate rAolutioli of transportatio.' molh^K inyol/intf a roduo- tionof froij^lit clnu^ed on (.Viio from tho Went to New York of froi/nO to (10 pur aunt., la whutiH predic:od m the Novombotr . Cosmopolitan. Tho piii/i proposes/ uairui htihtaiid inoxpounive oot-i-u^ated irou.oyliu- docs, hung Ofl the aliuh^ rail, aupportcd on poles froin^'oroHH-ariu tho' whole Hyatom involving an expensn of not more than ilfy tuon huwrtrod dollars a mile for construction The,rolling "took iii equally nimplo and' ooui^iirativoly luexpoiiHiyu. , Couti'uuoua i\i)ia of oylhidpro, moving with no iutorval to iipoak of, weald oatry more tfrahi in $,,- 'day than a pi/udrnplo track railway. Thia :. would oonqtiitatu 'a aorfc of fjralu-pipo, line, Thei' Goaoiopohtan also poin.tu ouo the probable abolitlou of street-oars before thu coining. horsoloflS earn ago, which oan bo operated by a. boy ouaephalt pavements '/it 4 at a t/jtul eipenao for labor, oil; and ; inter-/,yV-jj st, eft not more than one dollar a <Hy.;'.>..'...-. , ' ,.' J W-'^. tiff 'A ..^fiffe , '.i-i: , ,, .v.- ';.'(. / . . ' '.Cwtiirrh I lljc Head ."' */b due to impure blood und oahot) be oared/ with local applioatious. Hood's Saraaparil- la hay ourei huudreds of' oases.' of catarrh becauat it purifloB the blood and in this way remove* the flauae. of tho difleaae,.'^fc also builds up the -system *ud proventi attaq^B of pnonmonie, diphtheria and typhoid'fey. , er. ..,,: '-.vV",.v^.,il Beod|B Pills beqme,theJvp^U79'*^^i^JjS tio .with OTery -one1^ihjB'.triB^,'tn.^*:46^;'f " i.'.:,/,"'-"J-^- ly^v^W^ ','v'.'a^S

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