Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 8, 1895, page 8

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n-mm '^i^ifffff? Hi- . W\- \t. 'X ^f|Mij|||^pi|P|ff ip^pip^ ^M$$-.^ 'ill SP" VHE *i,SSl-Ji HHEH FWESS If We're Not Mistaken Niaofcy-nirii out of every hundred intending purchasers want Stylo, Good Quality and Low rrioos. That's about tho situation in a nufc- Bholl. To saving pooplo who knowtho worth, of dollars, thin atom is daily becoming ns ufctraotivo as ilowbra to tho lionoy boo. Our policy of selling roliublo goods only at tho lowout pOHmblu prices for oaah and produce sogiub to moot with iho approval of a largo majority in thin community. Note the following quotations for this wook'p bargain sookord: ' i THE FRENCH TREATY inpprters "Protosling Atfi'ilnsi: the. WoKUlaLlons. CIRCULAR SErtf TO COLLEGIUM 11 yards grey flumiul for $1,00 25 yards nhakor Uunno! 15 yards canton flannel 20 yardw gingham 20 yardu droan goods 26 yards print 26 yards towellings 6 yurda table hnon 8 yards doublo fold plaid dross goods for'$l 7 ladioM vosts ior $1 S! suits mon's undorwoar (or $1 8 pr men's wooIjhox for $1 4. pr cornets for i pr JJCe woj 100 pupoj DressIG-oodsJ A table full of all wool dross goods tho regular pricoH ranged from 60o io 7fio. Wo will givo you tho choice forUOcyrf. Heavy fcwood oJVoot nuttings 40 in. wide at 12Jo, yOts, 2/5o yard. A lot ok droaH trimmings at about ono-third tho rogulur prieoH. iuUo\- .f.iniiagoto for $f rets "' " stylish goods iJuR seaaon out at v-.7C,.SalS2.C0I$B, %S5 Ulstora and laoltota/not thin bou- son's stylos, that wcro sold for $3 to 7.00. If you can uao thoin tho prices now aro l.Oo and U.00 oaoh. $1, dote for J .00 ^WJUUU>i .7-niutt ui'HijV 1 AO 20 yards art muslin foiV V 1 pr good linen towels for* ' 1.00 Tweeds for fiOc a yan Boots and Shoes 2 pr women's cloth slippers for 25c BO pr woraon's Pongola button boots worth .50, 3,00, sizes li-J to %\t your uhoioo for 1.50. 25 pr men's Bal and Oongross, worth 2.00, for 1.25. DO pr mon's Bal and Congress, ex tra good value at 2.60, now l.Bfi, Mon's long boots and rubbor boots, wussoa* and children's dhotis at roek bottom pricoa.' Clothing For men, youths and boys. Nonood to pay fancy pricon for well out and nicoly mado clothing.. Men's suits 3.75, 5.00, li.OO, 7.50 tliut woro 5.00, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00. Boys' suits for 00c up. Mon'u odd pants for 76e, man's odd vests 75c. Our mon's ul- ator at '1.95 has no equal in the tvado. 5.00 buya a 7.50 rubber c^at. We can givo you prices on clotliing not to bo found outside our Gs'tablinhni'mt'. Hats and Gaps - BoinK (loairoiiH ot oloniHff "ovir evory -W( Hat wo wilt ivo tho public an opportunity or liuyiuK ny- urd *oIt lmt iu 0Ur flt'jre llt tho low prion of 89a. Tho ordinal prioon of tliouo hatH ranged from %XM to ftJ.fiO. ^As^e^ Pr*ce paid for Butter and Eggs. Table Oil Cloth only 20c yard, door Oil Ololh .20o sqnavo. yd. Alith, Gloves hosiery, ladies' Gossmers, wo )l Blanltots, (Juonullc Curtains, CiWne'lle Tabic Covers, UmbroHitrj^i'op^hhrt^rw^oTTTiidorwcar, .hcio Cur tains, Window Blinds, Hemp and Bmg-ial aarp-jL-? at -prioos newr. Ijjl'm'o heard ol' in fe-*x, -Vocan savo you lmmuy ou ovoiy dollar you spend. & Co, IAS. D. BANK12HH, Moxt to Aberdeen Hotel Eoaox. Moimy to loan on KiTnmmrXotiJK; Nntfia bought Mr Uolluotoil; Money to louu ou Morlf'ti^ofi at owont riitoti and bout tonnu. UrnftEi IfiEiiiml payahlu at \niv at itS principal polntu, fire Insurance Asonts tc. SS^OCIAl&PERSOMAL .1. CI. Nicholson, Detroit, wan m town on . Wmiflay. rTihlj^o Ilorno, of Wirnhor, wan iu town on rdonduy. John Wa^uc'r, oE Lyamui^ton, wan in towii on V^eUnoythiy. ftlry. G. K. ForHyLhu in under th pny- atcmna oarii at prosont. . Mrn. AlhortBon and Mian Smith havts returned from their viit to Dotroit. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. nouduvuoii, attond- 'ml a wud'litifi at KiuyHVillo, on AYudnoriday. Miii, Wheoltsr, Brockway, Mich., in vitiit- na; hor'brother, Wtn. Pattornon, who in -note. "Mrs. Uriah' Bona, oE Ehscx--Town, in .VioitinK in town with rohitivaa and frienis," Ki:ho, Mini Aliao llonHm'i.n roturnud Immu Miid wouk from a four montlia' vucatiou to Toronto ."Junction. Mi'H. T. II, DoCuw roturnod from Alio- ^luiny oity, Pa., whoro who huo boon vidit- in^ for a few ,dayn. Mr. lUnify .Williarufi, oE XJtioik, Mioh., r&Uifesd Vha too&all R,ruc pUyod liord on viufcimUy, Men, Vana(otr aad son, ErupHt, of Hieam- in^k^n, iuh vieHiuy hor dauK^tor, Mnt.E.L. Vark, liowu. Mi8 O. E, WilliuniH, of thg ymblio nahool, iu unublo to attend to lior dutioa ou a"niouut of illutttm. Mrfj. L^obt. Btruoliau i attouUin^ her Hlwfcor MM. David MoOaufllnu'd, of Dotroit, who iy daugoroualy ill, : Mian Lillie "FoubiHtor, who lias been vis. itiuu tlm MifiweH Sfcraohaut rotunnd to her homo'm Detroit on Tuuaday. Mlag Victoria, Wijjlo, ot liiugavilU, ao- oSmpaHidd by her brother, E&rle, apout fltfuday with Mrs. M. Jame, town MN Maggie AitcUtaou, of Wardivillo, Moimtuiii Climbing Hilh a wonderful fabcmution for many mon. And tho hi^hor tho mountain and tho gruator npicu of dan^ur about it. tho inoro uuxiouri in tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing iubtmotn whatover, to Hot to tho tun oE that mountain. Xlioro in an intoxication, a fiory ouihuHiasm about it that puiibesj olio ou and on, and routH tir ed mmxloH and limpiroH ilaynjuj,'coura^oto ovorlantiui'ly Iteep at it until- tho top in rcuohod and tho coohnu zophyra that fun the brow of tho mountain cool your own throbbing tornplen. Americunn liava thought that it wai DfcceaNftry to p,o to Kurope, to tho Alpn, to find any full grown mountains to Hustlu. It'a nil mobuhhino. Itm't 11,000 fout high enough, with ^hunort-j, tliosio rackod, orauk. eil oroaturiiu of ico and hhow, aud cra'.or.s and iiaHUren and j^ruoipicoH to climb ovtir and round, tlio Niirno au in thO'Alpa? Vim, tlirjy aro all ri^hc liuro oloso at UuiHl, and if ycm aro mtcrontod to Imow whnro and liow and when, jiiHthond your addroHa, and hix contn in utamp- to Chasj. S. Fi;k of tho Northorn Paeiiiu Railroad, St. Paul. Minn., and ho will Nenil you a h)ok that recount** a climb up one of tho grandest ^oaliH of earth, written by tho guntluiuau whoir.adu tl'iR HRcont. The chapter on this miuutam in pro- fusolv illiiiiti'iitod iu half tono etoliirnrH t'litcn by a pliotoyraphor who aucompimiod the party fortliat purpouo. If you aro in- tiiroutod enoiiuli m your own country to desire t.) Unorf about itu wonderful ajouio i'oaturefi, you want thin In ok;; Nothing'Wo Soil HaHG-ivon l*et tor HutiHractlon- Mr. .Tohn Oiyfnr, drui'iHt1 TmjerHoll, writfB: "Hiitrk's Powdurs (for headache, neuralgia, orpitivuHeHH, Htotnach and tho liver) havu a very largo aalo and coutinuo to incroaac an tlmy become known. Nothing we noil givcH better fiatiafaetion." Mm. D. Gihuon, oonfectionor, Inu'eraoll,- writ-cH: "I havo miod Stark'u PowderH with tiOfillgnb aHoot. loan highly recom* mond bhum,having givun thm qnit-oaa1 ox- taumvp irifd." Nico to tuko, Immociiate and perruanuut. Price 2Bo a box at all modiciw* doidoro. Nov. luc. BIiortjt/ouriieyH on a Lon^ Roud Ib the cliRrauierihiio titlo of a profuauiy il- hiQtratedhookoontauunti over one hundred pages of oharmitigly written donoriptloue of tmmmer roHorlain tho country north and went of Chicago. Tho reading matter ib now, the illuatratioiiH uto how, and tho in formation thpvolu will bo uow to almout ovoryouo. ..'", ' f A copy of "Short Journoye on a'Ikhik Eoad" will bo Bout freo to anyone who will euoloso ten eentn. (to pay poatagti) to 'Gko H. HkaffoIid, Gonoral Passenger Agent OhiqagQ, Milwaukee'A^ti, Paul Bailw.ay; Ohioiiao, III. .' AJ w **'%. Tlic <'Ium'4o Bti-^'ilr.u^ iviKr <H1(<'j' I'll.ut A * .iii. *' v i ii iu lit 13.hi* i'.'..I in t-JjUiim- Ottawa, Nov. ;i. Tin* J'Jep.'irimnit i. (.'UHlntim has- como In lor uiiniildt.-r- Iihlo hiu'tdi crlthMKui of luti> li>u mil- L'h'nntM linpni'tlii).'; wln-.-n , nri'l utlnr ^oudu iiii(|i.-i' tin- 'new I'Vencli tn.*aty. TlicHu lin])ort;i tltuii- .won* nni'h* (ai ly In the iiumniur. nnd tlu* no'idii k-n In bond pr-inllng" tin- formal pin . hunii tlon ((' tin; tn.'iity. \S'ln.h tht- in-.ity \va,". proelahnid to he In force, ihrnv w:i: a riiMli of djitricii nnd in vury many (- n.Mc'i It wiih found that the .mjiorti.iH had iiiiKh-'eti.'d to tJi.-eurc any ."/Idonrr that tin- nood^, chicHy win -s, came fioni J"ranc(. .Hiji'li I'vldt.riu-'* wan In Hihted on, but tin* iuBiHl--ii.:.- rubied no L-nd oi a ittorin aniont; inipoitorn. Many of them ojicnly declar-:-d that tlu,* CuMtonui roquiivmi'iHs de.itroy..-d all tlie udvantjif:';*'.'- ii the tiikiy, ami coin- plalntH to that effect |ioii..:d into the iJopiirtniont all laVn week. i'lie out- lar to collec'torn thruiitflioiit the Do- mlnlnn1, whlr.:h it is hoped v/i-U ccmove all illlllcLilty. The departmental ln- Htructlom- aro di.-nl^ned tn farrilitato en try by affording Importer;-' Lnne to fur- nlnh prool* that lhi-fi* goods :.r.* reallj- entitled to the benefith of the treaty. The eii-f-'iiltii* read;;: , " It having come to the notice: of thli* department that wiri^-a mul other guoihi claimed to ho of French origin, or the origin of Horrn' one of the eountrli-h nnmed In the memorandum, ;.ro being entered at varhnn- porta under the Freneh treaty without the lUMililctlon of proper cvideneu <jf the origin tlien;- aro hereoy notified that tho. In voices of such wines and i^ih.-r goodis miiHt be accompanlt.-d by a itrltls.h Con- tjul's certilleate or other equally con- clualva unci satLsfactory prncjf hhowlnt; -t-lie-orlgln thereof. "In cases of importations of such goods already in the country, where the Consul's certificate has not been obtained, entry may lie accepted un der the treaty upon condition that the Importer b'*Vi:B lllH undertaking thai si j eli cert Idea to or or-nally -joncluMve and. fjatlsfuptury proof will be furnitthed within a reasonabli; time- to be named, and lii'doL'uult of which to amend tin- on try and pay the additional duty, puch undertaking to be written on the face of the entry and signed by the im porter; and as to. all importations, to arrive, the coiibuI'h certificate or equal ly conclusive and satisfactory proof of the origin of the goods inus.1. be fur- ninhed with the invoice at the tWne of entry." - v The maritime- Hirt of appeals w;is concluded in the Supreme f'ourt Sat urday, the last ense on the lis' havlm: hi en'settled nut of court. .Mowat" v. I '.osfun Marine Insurance Co.' was argued on appeal from the decision of the New Urun.s'wk'lc Supreme* Court on a special case. Tiie action was on a marine policy insuring appclln nt's goods on a schoiwi- cr t'c>v a partlcul-ir voy^.ue. Il was tin oi"-en policy and on the cf rtillcnte was ji. ['lause' providing fhur tlv- i-ornpany should not be lin fde for pai I ial ]o^s, except from special perils. The policy it.'-elf limited Hie a pero-nt- age. The court below' hold that the certlfu-ote governed ami gave jud:,': ntetit For the company. Judgment was rest.-1-veil, rainier (...(.'.. for appellant; Wcldo'ti. (i.e., foe rr-si^jKinient. Tlu- cciiirt' at! jo urn cm until AVedru-s- dny n.-Kt. t he i;th. v. hen the ease of IV]rip. v. Char'eb'ds will be argued. A...('liincsi- firm in Montv.-m1, ijunn Tatiig .",.' Co.. |s In tnaiiile with'llie. f iislnne; over t li po^.^.-ssiort nf .rLboHl ri:'i pounds of pr"oni""d opium.- The i<- t-i-ri ni' ih- (liticer . who i-coh- t! si.-i/.ure of the- (1n\p; and urrest-'-d (.)\i>\-Tiling, slat's lliat the-op'uis: '.vos ii"- dVuiMod)y smuggled.' The c.piur'] vr- firf.'|:tre('I fr.r :jiii^I'!iv.' n lid > vnlu. 1 ,-it Pin a poun-d, tin- duty lir-'ng ?." a pound. \\ m, Mvimi:ti>\ it:: t ;*. A .Man i'nnn Vienna. On!.. ,"'||N t'rnn\ ;i d'.r.IE. Train \v:\r '."> in o .:. 'r A\'innipcg, Nov. ."?.. AVilibtm .Vc- Curdy died in the dm era I Mesp'ltal here to-day, tlu- result of an .icchii.iU (jii the C.l'.it. a .short distance cast of the city. lUcOunly came west two months ago from Vi(:iina, Oiit., U) work in the harvi.-st fields. lie was cm ployed nea r 1 traiidou. IVin-j utiabl-- to colli.-cl his wagcK he 'atr.empied to steal a. ride home. lie got this far on tho way, whon'he fell off, ami Ids ]< ',- waij severed. lie was taken lo th.j hospllal, whore the wound was dress ed, but he suecumbud to ilie 'shuck McCurdy was about !M years old. iHE'ri.Bti.N's i;ac:e.y i-vi:-i'iee3:Mi:.\s'. A 4(ii-n ^ii())id-iit SaVs II*' t4 Old mul Oi'al" nnd Tlnd Out. New York, Nov. 3. Harold Frederic cables from - "London : Air intiniute friend of the -Marquis of DutTeiin sayn that nil rejiorts that ho Is to succeed Salisbury or anyone c-U-e are untrue. lie fs old; extremely deaf,' \vh dly tired out, and lucks forward cctgi-rly to re tirement from public life next jcar. A Utailli lelli-r hKtps <JMll Lotulon. Ont.( Nov. 3. John M". Sin clair, toiler for the London Loan Co., and .son of pr. Sinclair of Toronto, loft tin; oiiice suddenly, .and tie.- only no-, tl-.-e of ln.s departure which thu inan- a^eiy Mr. M. J. K*-nt, rtccive<i urC!( a draft to* 8O00 on %i*i father. I\r. J^ht- ckvir MHjt' ti)> aad l^jaJde -ln'-oJI th.J r>ra/.t. Ttt* y-onnsr mr., in 23 yeai'S) of ixg't, and hitil ben in tht Tradwtf' JUiuk. HI* whereabouts art unknown. William Knelt Sfclrlartl lo Ex-iija. AVo-idstock, Ont.p Nov. 3 William Buck, M ywira.of no, won of Keaiv Ihtelt, farmer 'of CJublcn, wao kickv.'/j yesterday morminir-by one of bin fath- er'H hortief.i, fWmi tht* erfecta of which Ilo died |lhj*t nltfht. ^WtH-ilimni-hi* In 'I'lirViiif* '*.', can mlMHlonariuu at JHtllft hnvo com- pluliiudthat they aru in. immliwnl diuiy twr, and A, AV.' Torryl. tho Amea^carli: MlnlHter, and M. It. Herhort, tlic Jtrit- lnh Charts U'Artalra' will ttKuln;demand tlHtt tho'Po'rto pi'otoet thorn vom at-, .tuckH by the MoHlemo- PiHttirlnincos are reported at: Byla- nilc, Khurput, Urfa, Blvau tuxitX PlUrbe- kir. . Ktmsston, l^ov. 3, DuHnff ldfifc' night the vault at St Mary's Cernqtery (Ho 'tragedy; Mr. -CruIokMhankw Dlot> Frorr* the Wounds Inflicted. HIS SLAYER COMMITS SUICIDE. .lobki >'lilllli>*' kl-j<ly l-'ntind Lying Arroti 111* < lilld'-i 4:rnvn uml u ItoVuKVer nl III-4 .Tlir JlollVr tor (h HH'iiHlitLf WnU mi AdV-'t-H* IkCfllMloa In 4'iHivi. CobothK, i.tcf. 31. Mr. John YouriK C'ruIoUiduiukii, tlie lawyei- who.wuM Hhot la.Mt ulifht by John PhlllliiH, died thlw uVenlnif. He wan born at I'liiinvllle, hi Hamilton township, about 10 milM from hero, and wan the non of 'J'liomim C. Crulclcfdi.thkii, n. w<-;ilthy and idjjh- ly roHjieoted rarmer of that townimlp. He wjim eduented at Vioturla Lrnlvr- aity, whence he Ki".,diluted a IU, alHo reetdvfd tho decree i*l M.A. from the name university. After actlni? for fioino yeani us prlm-liml of tin; Col- boriie Ilbch School,ho h..-Kiirr Mi-- prac- tloe of law. In polltlfti ho wiiu a < 'otmervntivn. hciiHj neoietary of the (VniHorvatlve A.1!-.- noelntion for thin i'ldinj-r. Ho wan u member of the Ancient Order of K'or- cKlerH, urunni i. tl, and about ilk. yonru of u*:e. ^.-' The hody of JMillllprt \v4ffJ found tTil*i morning In St. I'eJtr.'^ceinetery, lylnK irravo with hbi [ volver by hln Hide told too 'plainly that a fiuloldehad taken place, Mr, J laker, who hull Kom- to the cemotery to arranjre for a funeral to morrow, discovered the remaiiut and at once notified tmief of Police Ran kin and County Crown Attorney Korr. rhilllpH v'hh about &" yoartt of uro and an old n-wldcnt of Coboiirff. Tho moLlve for whleji the nhootln^ took place in an follow-: : Mr. Crulck- uhanlcH Ihih been conrtuotlnur ix eftHe- In the DIvIhIoii Court against Imlllipit ro- lntlnp; to a lot of land whlrh Oruick- MhankM' client claimed lie had palt! for and not received any deed: thin pro perty adjoined Mr. I'lillllpa' property. Tho case wuh decided a^nlnnt Mr. I*hll- 11 ps In the court this wi ok, whereupon he entered Mr. ('riiieksluinkfi' ofll^.c yesterday and in said to have used abusive Jnntfmitfd to Mr. ftruicUiihanlta. Mr. CrulckHhankK at one-* entered ac tion for 310,000 for aland r opfainHt Mr. PhllllpH. -This ^o enru; ed Mr. Phllllpa that he committed the deed already dcBcrlbcd. DIEBEL & BRiGKER Offer ." (.1 iinpi iiiiif; in r-v. 1 ei yj,. ojx^UUli*1" u i rb J V^'! 1 *brnlnHl>T5W7i,"()iu. A IN NEW .'XT. Dress O-oods, Mantles, Clothing,1 and Men's, Boys' and Youths', Overcoats. ? u i 1 All oiu* <i3-inab Drofiq MnUonfj, all [flnuloa, rorlaco.l to lfio yd; 25 piocoa 41-in. t-wiilod AmtworrCloth voducod fca a5o yard; Boat puvo wool !JB-in. Sorgot-J, all flhad'os, l>v 25o yd;' i .11 It WHI'lli'M AITOIN'IMIK.Vr Ah CoUr-nttik- of i'uvfoiiiH at lloiUk-nttl lo It* KlMlf lit OllCC! ?.rontreal. Oct. HI. After a Hojourn of two dtiyw, Hon. Sir A. 1J. Curon, Mn, HaKfrnrt. ;md \V. It. Jvch have return ed to the capital. It Ik not likely that the' honorable kcnth-men ever before heard .^o'much plain talk from their very friends a.s him been thch* lot during the forty-cl^ht hourn. -T-liuv. wuro told tliiit-uuK'KH- Itobert K.. White, ex-M.P., for Cardweli, in ap pointed collector fur the port of Mont real not only M on f real On tre cjuld not bo- carried, but that no re- Hp.-clablo candidate could bo brought forward. Tin- AlinlHteni returned to Ottawa n'li-r promirlmv thai Mr. White Khah be-tho coll- otor at one-, and that Jndffe I 'OHtef Will he the riOXl. IH'W HUIiatOl* for the Pedford dl.strlct. it In aluo Intimated that Kir William 1 llnj-T-'-'f-on haH coimi'ittt'd to aceopt tho fe.\'eriunent candidature In Montreal Ciulre, but this is doubtful, as'he bus taken little or no activo part In politl s. I'h.-fore leaving Sir A. I'. Carou said "1 think everything in now all rlsht." SCn'OKI' l- SECEMBI.tTi: MriBOOI.S. I lie Itoimtii Catliolli-u Hnlil (o EIuvc Dlscov- flred a HrliniH- to t'lrciuiiv-iH (lie. llaidl-tlui Imv. AV;inrdpe^-, Oct. HI. The IlomaM Catholic hierarchy Ihih found a way of K't'i'f-r public fum.lH for tin.' ruppori of church .schools, def-jjiit. thu onaet- ment of the Alanit(d>a I-.o^iKktlure for- IdddijiK collection of munielpul taxes therefor. The plan adopted Is to net the council of a municipality where -Jtonian Catholics are i-i a suf ficient majority to vote u .stair.d. swm for charitable purpose:-., to he di^po.^ed of by certain oflicen- oh exlKtnici'.s The Separate school Is put forth ns thft exigency, and tlu- moi.ey paid ovor. Some taxpayers object 'o this kind of charity and are taking action In the courts to compel a refund of the money. If til-.- carte la not successful no doubt tile law will be- amended a^nhi. Serious, trouble has broken out hi tho li*th Ilatt. A number of mm claim, there hn.s been Irro^uhirlty in tin; mannKeniant ot the Ualtulion ftinds. and until thoro is an invejitJKa.tlon" thoy refuse to siirn the pay roll. Col. Holmes, Ij.A.G., bus pi'Omls-.-d an ln- voKtiijatlon. The llo ii Ida tors of tlio Commercial Bank to-day passed a .10 jier ei ut. di vidend, ' nmltim.; a total Co p-r con: how received by tho depositors Itev, Mr. Orubli, now holdli's;- riTtii- flloim in the Anglican (diurohes here, cloiji-u Nov. -1 aud koor ' to Chatham. A sr.iEti.i'.rT i[3;jmon. ' Toronto I'coplo llho .lBdiiriM'il Bliirii Olhvr n-t Ekcnd Haven liiitlici'loir . Oakland, Oak, Oct. !..--Anions toe overlain^ ]iaHH._-nj:v.or uriiviiln Ln-i )alcl:iud Monday morn hie;, was K '.ward Scarli.-lt of Toronto, O.nuuln, wlio liad boon has tily summoned to the' oily by a let ter from his ulster. Miss Kittle U. Scar lett, whom ho had mourned as dead for some years. ' lOdward In tho son ot! the late S-ir James Hear.lott, formerly a wnstyhy utul lallUfL-iidal 'XA&.n of Toronl'o. Tho fiunlly 'itf,tj_Hr .jj-aivW. iat 'iorop-ao nemo In f^Vuth CallJurnki. '^hc fryOior ' i\U\jlltortly .nftt-rxvartl uiid KWw.4rd retum- vd to Toronto. Th*rouj;h tionut inl-iuiub'-rHtaiuline;, Mrs Koarlt-tt received no tidlnfm ot hlfi abnence and- wa- I'al to bslh.vo lie wau dead. " . ', .-. Ha In turn thought tho ua'mo o-f hiti, an letlcrH to their . Hoijthe^n rriilrnrnia addj'esw failed to reach tnoni', Yo;jterdny, was a happy I'.iiKiinlon. 4'lilun riijliitf }{*>v Ih-bl, ' ,;.,..,:i_^i3ilnn^QcL^^^ ^iKiWlrUiiBtiilmtmt or thb Chinouo war Mnd'etiinlty, Hl0(i0,000 podndH.waa paid to Japan by 'tho linnk'of, JQngland to-. day nnd that roi r>>( oVitatlvca of China arid- Japan woro pronent at thvbuntt and formally wUnohmetl the trttnnforof. tho money from thy one account to tho other. ' Ootnwall. Ont., Oct.:.3V.-rr5. X " a^n, Cor.iWfilVa leading baker/ utderitally. shot,'at Sumrteratovfii whileVdU^k shorft^n^ He d'-" He ppuli'.. be\ g^t i t*>. shorel' Cfiflfc all wool Estairaaino tiergoi/, all ahacloa, woco B.5o, uow CDo yd. t| Ludicfl' Mantlos will not last lonf?at the priuoH wo aro oilcfiuo; ^ tliom at; on all tho fine mitntloy in hLocIc wo olt'or 4- off tho ro^nhtt* .' prtco. rjj Tho Millinery Department ia again rnploto with tho nowoab En^-tjj liah, Fronch ami American A[illinory Novoltiea. |*| In Mon'H and Boys' Suits and Ovorooatn not only tho Urgotifc % fitook to Holect from, but tho groatest yarioty of afcyloa and Depend-J ablo Suitfi and OvetcoatM. , _ Special lino of Boys' Suit?, slightly dfunacjod, woro ft*>>m $fl to $8.50, ehoico for 81.50. P| 35 Men's Ovorooata, last yoar'e stylea, woro 88 to $$11.u1), your $1 ehoico for 81. 20 Bovb1 OvorcoaU, la3t year otyioa, woro 5, $0.50, 7, your,t! pick of tho lot 2.08. A laivro aasortmcat of Mon's lino Black and Blue Boavor Ovor- coutH and blue and black Irish froizo Ulstcra -fromr$rr-up-to-l-f>iOO-, Tho now croationa in furniture ma'io oxproaaly for ua are uow to hand and roady for your inspection, '.i J3 j THET5RHT CORNER STORE. e ^3 Ou tjood prodnctivo I-'erm Property ut i, A 0 per cent. Htraij^ht. CALL AT Bazaar, Mo Valuation Fees. tSc"OoiiYoyaucni Bono up iu Neat, Stylo Fire and Life-insurance. A.-E. LOVELACE, res SEX, ont Public MttllOM! Rtsp**"t- Retnilarity of attonuunco and good worlt at thtioo weoltly oxaminiitious aro uecQKHary for promotion from ono tduRR to iinofbor. Without thc'HO, no pupil ucad oxpuot pro motion at the haU-yourly oxamihtitioiui. Mitm CranHwollor'o room, nonior part hoc- ond. MurltH pouHiblo (10; obtainnd by biflh* cut ton in ohiRs: W Stovonnon -ifi, F Lain^ 1H, -T McUurray -il, N Loo, -10. A V/oUo 40, K Lbwib '10,.13 IMn'llipa HR, A Ed^ar QS, XV, GruriDwollor 1J8, E Drvjh U5, F Sianon. Mifj Slmw'ii room. Markii ponaiblo .GO; obbtiinod Iry hifjhoitt fj#n; -W E Boamon fiO, Add HiokH'tfO( Mftf{io Grow 50, Carrlo Robinson fio, J Sihhou -18. J WtaDaUL'aH J8, Lena Worcloy 46. E ttattttio 4G, a Allen U, BoatriooKlford 43,' Miim Hitll'" room. .Stark* ponuiblo 25; obtttiufidbyhiyhoM ton: Koy HotHlorHOU 23, Bttthloy Brovw 20, tiordotj , ^oruyihe 18, Kruit) Buok, 16, Mary Sinclair If., p Hrowu ll>, Feurl Olivor 15, WobHtor Hbyn- drtiHB Ifi, Brio Gardner 14, Fmnkio Hart 14. GO; obtalnodbyhiKlioat.lO in olaitr..'.Bub- ior and lutennodiato olaaa. M Beeman fill, M, Phillips 49, M Rob. iiiHon 46,^j Allen 43, A B Bnok 48, K laird 42, F Burdiok 89, A Wifihtqaan 37, A Uobmaou 87^ 0 Wigle 86, E Bile worth 30. FOH ATjTj KINDS OF Window Blinds away down China ware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, '.."; Novelties, Books and Stationery, ' School Supplier Toys of all. kinds, .: Berlin 'Wools and Fingoring-^ Yarns, -..r^i'i New Stock oflatoWall Paper '-j M $ ^ ESSEX MiUs. W TAMKFi NAYLOH *uitoa thin oi>|_iorDiiiiity 0( ;*\l County ot IiIhuos, thatliu bun roriodoltul thoEB- '-'il hlix Ito'llor Millrj aocortlfnf! U* phuiH itroparod by .' H.N. .-riott, St. Tlioniao," ami Inm aluo Boourod .. tho Hurviiiufi ot Uoiikht. HTUAoirAv, an oxpori- onnoil jind thoroughly tionimiLmittinHlur. L 'J-Minnkinj; tho-pfloiiioortno town nnd conbtyj ror the jiutronftRo bontnw Upon iilnV-4tU<thi paHt, will cuarimtoo natlndiotlon jn tlio tat^rS, Gristing and' Chopping a Soecialtv. a?ni3 BISST GKADT.JH OI" PLOUtt, irBBP AN OOKNMJ'lAJi K13PT Itf.BTOOKAND HOIiD ATiaOHTlMtTOHH,-, Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats.- .it- . iviusr/BEnriiUEr'-' %?3i For overy pomoplsaya that 1 \ '."llm Alakes iho beafc HarhGBainFibVUoSlaty^ It will pa) yon to oomo W 'BtrattJL^cSwr '. to bn'y your. Harhbiw^/i';-!/ Ont ig viaitinfi ber BlBtor,r"*Mi'aa' BoaBia ______________ __ _____....,.. . -T,,.,,,-. 1375

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