vM TALK t;v: 1 OF THE TOWN FKIDAV, NOVEMBHR 8, 185, The buaineuf. man need have no onron Aa to the diupuiitiou of hitt warofl, Nor wait (or trade with wistful eyes If he will only advertiao. The Fjikb Prbhh from ow to th.i vtui at 189fi for 1.00. Ehigx ilitfh Bohool notoH uw unavoid ably orowdcd ont thia wtmk, 0. P. ltHon,roiresientinJuutin, Gillian & Co.. Hamilton, nailed ou ua yetor<Uy, A Biatio lumber nalo ih now going on at Mr. DoCw'h mill at Camp I'almor. The olothiiiK trade iu boowimu with M. a. Wi^lo A Co. . If tho dead could' r*md tboif wn obitu- nriuB thpy would pity tbo world that hurt lost them* Anion Williams, Iieamhi^ton, hiui ^rown thin yea/ what aro prouoimeud au oxculluut mimplo of ptmnuts. I, J Wijjle A Co, have a new fanning mill ibcichfuiKu for wood, I&ttaex council cf tho Canadian Ordor of Chmian Friends will atteud the Baptist church m a bodv Sunday woniiuK uoxt. Scotch tweod hu:Ih tuade to ordor, roRU- ar VJ2 for 810.05, 10 da>n only at Hmith'tj Tho .Lord's HUppor was obnorycd in tho Baptintchuroh horolant Bunduy, tiurvinoH wero conducted by ltc-v. M. 1\ Cumpboll, aBHibUid by Itov. Jacob Hoi*, Cottam Phiiun. X)oii'fc-for(/ot to hoc thu lar^o uwioi'tuient of high (jrftdo uiantUn lit tho Great Coruor Store. Someone ban discovered thut milk in an exoullont Hubatituto for soap in wauhiug dishes. Still, tnat i no oxcubu for tho dairymen who would worvo dmh-wator for milk. JJadioN remember tho KnTatr^imlo of _' ;_U)UiitlCH, coiamuHooii at Diebol & Unckor'ti Saturday Nov. 2nd. Tho ftHboHtoH pocket iu a novelty for fall trnusariu^H, but tho youK mon of'tho day need wo uoh firo-prnof umintfomonta Most of thou) find ib hard to Icoop monoy iu their cloihmi lou/j onouf-h to not warm, .25 IbH bright augur SI fit Sraith'ii. "Tho Mothodidta of North Bidtfo.unt hold- iuu revival iorvicou undor tho 'diroction of Ihoir pastor, Uov. W. IX. Shaw, anfiintod by hiu daughter, Mro. (Itov.) A. E. Saundorn, niinoiB. Tho proHptoto for uucchq aru vory ouconrflfMiig. l"f ' Spociul haloon dreHO ^oodn; boo our 25o 'lines equal to regular 00 ami 00 contnoodM. Alri^aP/- Gitiion who haa buon imuiiLj.;- inytho bank for J. D. Andonion & Co., ban roaignod hie poaition to Mr. Ada.mo, of Harrow. Mr. Gibhon'w iutentionii aro to covnttiencc a loan and inHumnce agonoy, and a bio to pubh the bicjrelo hnhinoua . a little ntro[ior. FarmorH do yon want mouoy at 54 pr oont.? It eo write A.. G. Bakur, Loamiiio ton, Out. Tormn of payment of priuaipul to kult borrowaiu. Ou WedneHday ovouinti whilo all was qniet sotno ono attempted an cntrauco into '33, A. Winmcr'n houuo by raiKing ouo o1 tho hack windowu. Mm. Wiainor, who wau aloua iu tho hoano, iiumo^iatoly gayo tho alarm and the 'bur^lftr' viLuishod. '. M. 7.'Wiftlo A Co. aro hoadqaartom for over-cofttu, Huitn, uudor-clothiug, ota. for mm and boye. On Wednesday niffht at tho Amorienn Houuo id a drunkon brawl babwueu a Cot- tamito uamed Hoopar and "Diak" Camp* boll, tho lattor had on of bin earn ohowed by HootJfar, pretty much uftor the faihion that a canine tipooiea would do huou a dio- fjracttful aot. Such conduct dcuu not a^" poar to bo of auy couHoqucueo to our town COQBtablOH, Choiou of 200 hard and noft hats worth from 1 CO to ft:i oaoh for 25o at Smith's, oho wook only. At tho meotiug of tbo Epworth Loagao of Grace Motfaoditifc church on TuoHday eveniuR tho following ofliaorn woro oloctod; Hon.'Bron., Bov. Dr. PaHcoo, re-olootcd; y?rcn lat vioo-ProH., ^M& Thornton; 2nd, Mian Hall; Ird, Wm O. Wiglo; 4th, A. B. Cashing, ro alootad; bcc, MiflB Boimio Hiek; trena,, Minn Delia KoVnnean. Minn Etta Hall wob appoiutod organiet. Men'n ovorcontB 811.Oft at Smith'a. Mr.'W, F, Hioww, who .ban during the paat two yoarfl hewn making bin homo m Milwaukee, returned to Ewnsx a fow week* ago with tlia intntionn of remaining in hjH Mfltiva town. Ho hun opnnod up' a oonfe tioucry etoro iu liiu fathor'o old utand nosl door tq tbo old Tomperanco Hall. By thoroughly overhauling tho old atand W. ...$. haHgotnuaat litVoatoreand ovary daitj w.iy thataoonfootionory koopa oan b* had * with oyaturo in oouuiotion.. Buoosbb W.P. At laBt (he long agitated hfo protnotors at tbo M. 0. H. otounlnii in town have been completed. During the past week or ao ad at the oroialtiK and thor*ttlt in 'that tliera ar four Ktes. two at either (tide easily operated by th* flagman in the. cony, litt?* houoa built eapeoiolly for that purpose. H aiti in his towor and with two levers raiaea and and lowers tho ^atea at hi *ai0 Tfa*re'oettainly oan ha no harm dona a| thia orfaBing uowr uuleaa tbo 0agmau ds- aires tp hold way-farera for an hour or two. \ off on all Lactiea' flno manilaa at Diabel *"'"~ ?------^*"w" Mr. W. EMJBii-Jor.JjeftmmRton, who formerly ran a baka ah op hero, waa in town on Monday. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wiloox attended the w adding of tho farmer'e aibtor.Miba Kyoliuo, i n "Amhfli'Btbnrc on Wednesday, M". J. WigU * Co. have juat received the latest HtyM in hatu, Valentine Bhortlu, tho Valleytild mur- dtiror, wum Hentouoeu ou Monday morning I ant to bo hanged on Jmniary H, lBtifh M. J. Wiglo Si Co. are having uifruatrun on ihoir 25o ttm. On Saturday, Nov. I), 1895, S.- Sooord will noil nnotlior lot of uue oowh, at John Itonn'u livery Htahlue. D. fiinolair, Allot. ftomomhorwo undoruoll all otliorw in bnold anil hIicioh. Smith <t: Co. ITiml Mbiall boy. Say, daro nint goin' tbo no ftohool fur tli-root of tho week. Second umall boy. Voh, I noa tlioro-H yoiu t-bo a tsHohoni1 invontlon. Croat bargiiiuu iu all linou of dry ^oodu at Smith'n. Tho man who invontod the wire mat- troun in dead, Noxt to tho man who in- vaiittd aleep, bo. wau one of tho world'H groatoat bonofaotom. Oleiirin^ ont all ladien' coata at cowtw and UHfioy. G. I3.B. ACo. Mr, Oh'an. Maylor ih adding to bin Haw mill hero in Egncx a handlo factory wbitdi bo oipcotH tohavo in full running or dor by tho brginnim* of(iioxt month. 25 and CO aero furmfl for Halo. G. E. Smith A Co., Ehuux. Tbo human raco in dividnd iuto two claiiHCH. Thono who j^o ahead and do omo- tbing and thono who nit down and inquire whj ib wawn't dono tbo other way. It in said that tho applo crop of the U.S. will reach 0(5,000,000 barrels. Tliat'n ono barrel apieooall around to thom. No won der i-hey are habitually WLRfiiuc tho world. On acormntof the oontincod drought all tho crecltu emptying iuto lake St. C]air aro dry, and tho farniorn of thin oomifcy aro great lonern, iiorao of them drawing water twenty miloit, The collector of tfixcB will bo in tho ofHco of \V. D. ficMirann ovcry Satnrtlav until further iinticn. Three por oont. diacount al lowed ou all tiuoo paid during this mont-h. -15-fii "R. McLean, of Harrow, Ehrox couaty, waH here on Tuonday, tryiu^ to diapono of a county right for tbo manufacture of a co mbinod wagon box and rack, whioh ha hau patontod," Forout Free ProHH. A covornment IuHpeotor hau heon went out to visit that part of the cennty poRt-cd with hog cholera, and ovary farm on which tbo diHotfso in found tho ownoris Dompellod to kill evory bog for whioh lie getn two thirds tho value. If your local paper ban trod on your toes a littlu in performing itn mi'miiou don't got your back tip und abuso tho editor, but atop and tuka a long breath, thiuU far a BuaHon, aud aeo if you can't remember Homo of tho kin.dnouu it ban shown yoa in tho pait. Thou refloat that it may not be lony uro yen want a favor again. Tbo Salvation Array g'tvo a grand ban* quat and jubilee on Monday night. At in o'elocW p. m. tabloe wore npread with ovory do lioaoy that oould bo had in Mr. J. E, Htone'o show wiow. After everybody had par taken of a hearty dinner tho guoRtu ro- paired to the barraoke to hoar tho jubilee, Tho local qorpti waa roinforaed by officorH und loldicrn from aoia;hborino; towns. A yory nncaonsful hunting patsy was aeon near McGrofjor Friday. It oonnitttod of Henry Vollana. T. FebtypUao, A. F. Shuol and that woll known nirarod,|Alex:. O'Heil, They had a iino door which tnay ohofc near Walkur'H oiitrfih, which wuighed about 40 pbunrto. Tliey alao had aamo partridge and qunib There haw been Bovoral deer Hi?en in that looality, but probaVily not quite ao mtiuy deer ua hunters. All tho nalt wolla of Canada with tho exception of tho Wiuduor oHtabliBliraout have buun piirohaaud by a HVf.diaa.t8, tho moving npirit of which iu John Ranuford, of Cliutou. The priooH liuva.boan Jadyano- cd vary inatorially. Tablo and dairy imlfc ib e-iuul to about 20o. porj barrel doiror. Barrul e-ilt baa appreciated 16a., and uaolc wilt lOo. Quolatiouaara now : Barrels, 81; coarno ar.okti, CO.; .flao HajUa,..JJ5o.l dairy, fll.fiO. Tbo new pump houae which tbo M.G.R. bava juat aQinploted i* a very oommodioug ono and nffordn a groat many more oom- fortH aud advantagoa to their faithful sup- cr*ntondant, Mr, Hatch, who for many yearn'has porformod hiHdutiQH'in tho old one, whioh wan no credit to auy railway Company, with oul a murranr.|TIoy havo thiHtimo given him an entirely new houae, touring tho'old ono Jown0Drai9ing tho lirbund whioh wa alwayfl a low, uruddy place and Riving him more room both ih- aido and out. The old boilor and eu'glne hava been removed and| mow oih'U put in tbeir place. Mr, Hatoh haa tv> trouble to koopinct upntoam und faole proud of trio now pump Iiouho which doeu predlt to the Of. 0. R. Company. DiuitioH. At Goderioh. oa Tueo^ay Noy.. 5tb, Maraarot, #ifebf Vfra Inaknon, and mother of Mra. C. Ij. CruBiwoller, Eanet. Use there woxilH be in our constantly telling you of the merits of our goijdr, if we were an unreliable house, but we have alwav^' mken STEPS TO Ladies'.. '.i\ \. *. . " * IriHure you satisfaction. We are bouncKto ple/Lse you and we know that we cannot'do it with priO^JJ.ilone,and no we liavo high qualitiefl as Henior partner of our firm and lo h prices aa junior partnor of our firm. ECONOMY Commands you. High Qualities tempt.you, low prices booonyou to trade with ua, Below you will find a few little Bteps to oconomy. OvorcuatH 93 Ulstorn $5 Mon'ft Smtri W ^ Mon'H Suitu all wool SO Men'a l'autn $1 Mon'ii Pantu.all wool $1.50 M'bu'b Iiraaoa 10c Youtha' Ovoruoati- 95 YouUib' UlHtornUnO routliH' BuitH *:i.5() - - Boyit' OvorooatB $3.o0 Boya* TJlfltom S3 Childron'H Bultn 91:10 Knoo lJanta 15 oont u Wishing to roduce our stock we will for the next 15 day* offer our stock of ladies' Coata at the following prices: LT N ""T"TF>iC'60 & 00 4 50, choice for 2 65 3, 10 00 f. tlBO 8 00, 00 14 00, 4 25. 1 25 and of lateBt style. J^o trouble t 'egular witk Oak Hall Clothiers. W. A, SWEET, Mgr. . 13 Sandwich si w. Windsor IRSTDHCRKEMyRDIiR the Vnrfllct in tho Case of Tlvjociore Duirant WHO MURDJIi.0 BLANCHE LaMO.H W-: im Av.-il^^'^M- tut- >eii-iilwiiul trim IViiJcii Iui.h .t^lluU'il Mil II t I'll t-V' ,ht CliiMii I i..-..1.' b*l<*i.i'} nl liii: ^ r.iiu it *.i'. \1 in n>l . ,rj-,.;u ..J i - Jt.tiC ii. n b'raiic i:.j. Nov, 1. Th".' trial of 'Mi.uiwj*- lju::'iiu; lui* Lht- ijut/'b-r of t.iaiu:iiL- Lai,,uia, v.;,k:ii ha.s br.-ea ouu J. I In.- : u.iJi.ilH Jl.ri liOl'i: lor M.'Vt'1'U.l Hit JllllH, IX LI I lit.M Cl:.-L:t-1. 'J hf l.'it.SO' ' p.m. t i-duj', .'..(I till.- lii'.si baliot i'i.:: ult.-tl In. u Yur- <i.v;l ui iiuirdci' at ihu ^u'tofc Owivcw. .. ^ .. u 11 ili: i iicar-'i the V/Q& - i.ic.h i-..- t.s i. < I i'i . :aW\ bo I.i:li - J. by :o:i f i .m i in uiMjt, 'fiw .<.' '.. uii 1...1 .. .'. .vi.H .'iu i). ui'liai.ar ... ii it w, .s il.,.;)..!'. iu Lh.ii, hu had it ' Ui.ml iu iui ., i.-:-,h ihu'jury.. 'IMi-,: ,'.rst i,v lltiiu l:.;-, ii.- liiL*r '-nai.^cii Lis inlni ..-. Ill '1 i\Vii, . tj.iiod lo . U: r.:" lu.-r a. i" u.i; in*) '"iiuly.iu !:its il "V . lit.- ; L'i:i!it' I oiJll- i'iUS lu tlie l.i.i. A...l \l Vt'f.ii-t wlilcll j i-ln'i hart t)0"ti mlui'a- i. ubti/luus lu < cxi-fjit thu ..: p. il'Miuy "i lils h.tur t;.rr*ii,,u i'm: 1'Wiy trial ilio vi.'mIicl o the jury u.u.a.s witli -.f:.t:iul uiJpiu..aLion, ..iiitiiiil t.'ikeH it :uiiliy uml..Hayu ho has i.ui >"^L lo.st hop*;. , uurnuu wan born in Toronto and iIk atu.y of his crintc in a:s I'oUowh : <>n lie lliini ui.' ApriT la t U.aneh.; i-i: mom kit hVr home at HMU a.m. and u'ciit lo thf Hb;h Ml-IujciI for t;.u morn* .iiut a ssIoji. in th.- al'UTimon she ut- 'i ' dud' Lin; Normal ScIumI i',,r cunldnK 'dis.H.s, wliieh Hiu- loL about ;c o'clock.. Ak she wallccil irorn "tliD Hchool In com- ii'iiy with Mbs Minnie Edwards, a ycuny man steppoil up to her, raised his hat ami escorted hor to the- car at Clav and Powell-strceta. Tho two nat 0!. tho ea.Mt side of tho dummy and n.nV.In that position to MnrUot-ftrent. Kn route to Markct-Ptrect Mb-s 13d- wa*da sat Inside of tho car and paid clptie attention to Miss Lamont and her escort. Sho saw them Inst'at -Market and Powell, where she lol't the car, and proceeded down Market to T"ourth-F;treet. - An tho e:ir an which MIr* Lamont and Mlsu TiMwardu 'rode pnas.-d th**' ctnor of Powell and Onl'fornK MlnebR May I.nnlirnn and.Allco Pleasant, who t ton (led tho Normal Sohoo1, and paw Mins Lamont there that day, noticed tin.- younpr lady and her escort alttlntf or the outFldo of tho car. nianche iLamont wan never a^aln fieen alive by any ono who knew hor. She fa Mod to return homo and hor dt- nr-poarnnco van roportoil to tho police, They not only failed to, flml her, but v/v.tq unahli* to jrot a clue wmlch would nhrw whether she had IW'on, murder-. 'f\'1 or hnd cloned. 1'he latter waa the mot accepted theory. It becamo known tntit a young man man had nfl(jorted the mlealaij jrlrl from the school, but his identity v/tm not established at. the time .. On April 13 the mangHd body of Minnie wnyama, who had been to church : on'the night of Fridays the 12th, waa found In the library of Ema nuel Church.. Tht discovery |ed to *h inveatlgatlon, and the finding of ^be remains of Blanch Laroont on the tnp ih ii,r of tip* townr or '.no onurvrn. Slit* had be.-n strangled to death, and the nmrkfl or the murder.jr'H nnpers wer.- plnjnly to ho seen on tie ne*". A\'bon the murdor or .Minnie \\M1- I I'm1- be(*aiTio knnvn suspicion was lilrcci.-d towards Thendor.* Purranr. mi1 wln-n di:teet|vi'*s went to hiu holism ll.y fnimd nvideiif-c In his clothlnn I" v.-1 riant bis arnst, Til.- two school Rirl.s previously Ulen- 1i'b"'d Iiim fis the man thev had hooii I'iiw tin* Normal Pehool with Mltm La mont on the afternoon of April 3. limn, tiei -tutun. Mir lli-ninl I'IIj'm Iiilialtllaiitn Terrified ->y jiii HjirdMimikir Himcn .mit tlninutrr lo 1'ruin-rPi-, Itom'o, Nov. l. This city wan visited hi' vbdimt Hhookfct of ijarthfjuake at fi.;0 o'clock this morrdny. t*ot>pt' wtire h'mL!I from their slumbers and lied t(j ilil;- open aquaros, and the i*neatest craistiM'tiatloiT prevailed. Tiie convent of Santa Maria MaBfflore v.un i-'reatly danuiK"d. A port If n of the-outer wall wan overthrown' and I-iirt of the CfcUlnu'haa fallen. One or th* inmates, a monk, waa injured. The sboclia were oonuned to the Pro- viiio* of Home.__They wj're felt very ^tronpfly al the Caatt'Mt Hom'anl, but th"* damage done there wan not uerioua. Two clockH in the observatory ( topped the moment the {.remblliiKH begun,each Indicating the hour 5X1, The shocks created a throat panic amorux the Inmates of the prison and a mutiny was attempted. Troops wore r|ulel:ly called to the itt-'iiist.inee of the Ue-'porH rind In a hliort time the mutiny '.van HupproHM-d and order ivstored. Tli- I'ope was awakened by the "huokH. He was perfectly calm, and uf- t-,r rinlnp: made haste to enquire the news from the city. lm-,;stii--:!:!on discloses the ^ fact that th.- danaf-'e dore by the quakes is tvi-eb ^i-eatei- tbiin was at first t*mp- p'j:Jed. Four pulae..'S and the Hank of Italy '.vetv so sliakrn that Uioy are rendered Vi.e rj:ilH.;'.:io (.Mlesrulchi. ono of the lal.'ieeH In It'trne, nr>d livf a the;* '"....." ""it c'.iur'. 1'!', ;".ro rrrl- t Ht St 'OiT" ly '" i .' 'j:C. TIpj build iiifr of th' Mlnlsti-y of Fin ance was slbrhtlv dnimured. The qual e rnrj*; iill th<> hc-lls In the city, and doors were idiakoh" and win dows smanht.d everywhere. Every coat in now show tho goodH, SoinethingrSp In Overcoatw for men.^Heavy sor^^-aH $0,00 line for $3.95. Extra heavy Triei^ storm collar, regular $8 gooda for $4.95. Don't Miss!Them! Injthe faccfofJajriaing|inarket in Boots and Shoes . We are offering a special joh lot fine Shoes for ladies, _____r^gularj5^JSL3.A) line, choice for '$1.50. Men's long leg Hoots, regular $2 line for $1.00, 2.75 for 2.20, 3.25 for 2,40, 3.60',for 2.7.6 and 4.00 for 3.20. Witk each pair we give free a pair of heavy woolen box. Bring, Your Gash to Us glfgyoujwant to make a good investment. WhitnejThlock, IP Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel . -^i Arc acknowledged LEADEES cither ag Power or Pumping Windmilk, For prices and terras, address THOS. HALFORD, Essex, - ". Ontario. Agent for Essex County. Ill** Ni'iv 1'roiieli (ImIUkh'I <.|VrK nil 4hi(Ilri( Paris. Nov. ' 1. MlnhrtorH lied n meeting Inte'lawt evening and decided upon a HearchiiiB lnvetitli?a- tion Into the Southern Hallway n"an- dais; to mibmlt the Cnrmatix Glara Worlcern' Htr Ice to arbltrnt'on; to modify the MadnffUHeu,r treaty; . to neato a colonial army, and to intro duce In the budget for 1800 a provision Imposing an Income tax, Tt waa aluo decided to offer the fnr- eben portfolio to M, .Deer3In, formerly French ambasHadot* to Eiurland. - , . N'ovu Krollti Vyuu*>| VIY.. luul. Nuasau, Nov, 1. The Hdiooner Ocan Lily of HaUfux," Capt. WaH.B. with a cartfo ofloKwoel trom Port Ail Prince for New York,Was. wrecked on'the Hog- Htiea, Bahamas/ 6n Oct. 24. The voasel In a total losH. Capt. Watts and his cr*w have nrrlved at Inagun. The cap-, tain reptrhj that the cargo of the Ocoun t*ily la salvablo. A JapHiim*e tfntiltir*. . Hons Kong. Nov. 1, The Japanese have captured Kate hi. a great Inland town of Fonmoea, which haa been In poesaion of the Mack Flajfa, aadthc Moltfton of tha latter Is nowdM^imla Qnartorly aorvioen waa hold iu tho Moth- odiHt obutoii horo on Banday luai. Kov. Pr. PftBaoo offiaintod and a large crowd waa prononfc. Mr. S. B. Greon in having 'his roBidooco on Talbob atroet ultoratod. Ho io haviuR the roof rained aud another qtory added When flniihod it will bo a naat roomy renittunoc. Ib will bo romemborod that the Hfo of William Honry Hndarnhofc, 'murdurod in WardeU'i woods, lor whioh orimo hiu unolo, John A. Hondereliot, and W, D. Welter paid tho penalty on the gallow, waBiuaureiJfor 811,000. wh'oii yaa tha motive for the comimuaiou of the arimo. Tho policitn were mado payable to John A, Hunderehot aud the deceased's father, David Henderflhot, of Wa'Ulttgham Oeu; tre, who haa bjuu prooMdiuKaagalnBt the Covenant Mutual of Galesburg. III.,, to - cover the 5,000 rlaU held by that company. Aotion will alao be taken in a few day a against the Mutual Weaerve Faad Xiife Aaaoeiation of New York, tp reooTer 86,000, the Amount eArtl^tiy'fc^miW'lhf" M+.-pt deceased. The baae, >> will be fought out to bitter, end'B. B. Oaler, Q. C-, baa beau retained by the defendi-nU., , I'armera-do yo wmna iiioriay.M 6J p tipnfrl: If * <>'-wrll A. G. Baker, Iia^minie. Up, Ont. ; Terma of paynieat of priooipal toui* birrowara. '"i.;;:;. My^c--' Hall! Hoadquartera for all aohool Book, Sohool Supplies, Station ery, Inky, Muoilogo, School Gray- on, BUoktottfU Brauboa, Pa Books, eto. ,r ,'i Every teacher, praohar an* , afcudenfc ahonld have one of ihoa* patent Baker's Open.Book Hold**. Price only 26 cants. G. A. SHERRIN, . ,.Phwomoi8t,ia^'r;-# 1 '" .':"i^ ^ make the miatako of Bing aadine or olhw ..^ liMtiQ purgaitivea.' 'Allthat ia neededfr*<v^f:% Wild doae of Ayer'a Pili -: to reatora tfca,'.: vi'-'il woTemen* of the bowala, and nt.tu^^wj||^"^ do the reat. Thr keep ta Bya>D* teJ i'<:--Y'i\':-^M IMtrfMli order. "v;-W;!S '1. . l)r::^'M.-,^: ^' ^a^ 95