Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 8, 1895, page 4

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I'.'- I ^ yO':lii?-y^^^tt%'.! ' *'. iJ ..... "^fl TRUST TO LUCK In buying your Groceries. BUY THHM OF And you will get just what you order.* Goods Delivered Promptly CARFF & GO. -*&? Thj^Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, NOVBMNEIl 8, 180.1. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. *" KNAlftX:. ISwhhx, Nov. 3tii, 1H05. Council mub in regular fleamoii, the reeve in .the obair. Preaout. Ileovo, doputy roovo and conn oillorn Goof(*o Earth, J. A. ttoao, D. Whit ney, .7. A. ECioUh, A. RninoB, J. M. Ilioko and Prod Kobinnou. The mmntoa of proviaim regular mooting and upoaial mooting were road and adoptodT Moved by Mr. MeDoutfall.aooonded by Mr. Whitney that Mr. Barth bo authorized to look into tho complaint of Hana .lolimion regarding bad oroimint; with power to act. Carried. Moved by Mr. J, A. Hiokd, nonondod by Mr. MoDoimall, that Mr. BurLh,.Mr. Wlnt noy und Mr. ttohinnou bo u committee to moot a committee of tho Methodist church to Hottlo-diilcroiicjwuyj-tiia4iiiyjiiaijt of nido- walk with "Mr. Kdj^ar. Curried. Moved by Mr. McDougalh ncooudod bv Mr. Ituiuou that tho uroiiido: t of the public library board have tha uho of tho town ball the flrnt Friday in Docembor. Carried. Tho following acoountH were panned by the Finance oomunittoo; Ww, LaiiiR, oleotric liyht Tor September and October, &lb\f8. E. J. Lovolaoo, printing, 832.85. A. vV, Gardner, salary for October uud oxproHft oharpofl, $-11.31. J. 3ormley,ilual half year'** aalary, S'20. J. MeClintick, watering ntr.jptfi October 1, a,- and 3, SJ.oO. Thoa. Robinson, (.2 ci-nt*. George IJ'irtb, work on fair tiroundN, -$17.-26;-. W.33. GiillaiiKer.punipiu^ at wm< rivorku,- 3.75. - W. H. Richardson, water service, etc J. R, MoJUwun, commutation of tuita* for Mr. T. J. Barrott, 8-19. Johnfltou Broa,, material for fair ground, B.75. Laing on fair urouuda, ftQD.ijo, J. C;Dixon, 18 torn* coal at $3.y0 for wakorworkf), SYO.'^O. N. T. Jonon, work ou fair grounds, Si". 87- .1 os*ph TowuHend, work on fair grounds and flushing'inuiiia, 89.87. C. Walltor, work on fair ground*, .60.00,- N. T. Joueu, work at waterworks 810.75. Wra. Wotto, ditchihe W.M. J. A. Ilioke, matorml for waterworks, S2,*0. ' ' N. T. Joitca, workoQ Htroeta, 83.-K5. Signed, A. IUinicq, for Finance Com. Moved by Mr. MoDougall, uaoonded by J. M. Hiakn that tho report of the Financo Co mm iU oo bo adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr, J, M. Hicks, Boconded by Mr. Whitoioy, that all porHons cloainni" off the romaiUH.of tho old mduwallcti ia front of their promisesoan havotho material. Car. By-law No. 232 taan'thorlzotho buildiufi a throe foot piao plank nidowalk on the north uido of Alhort atroot from tho town- lino to Mudora avonuo aud a four foot pinu . plank afdowalk from Albort Htroot on tho wost fiidn of Modora aveuuo to Talbot etroot wan than reai a Qooond and third timo mil fiuully paRaoa. CouuoU then adjournud. Joun WiLTKn-i, Clerk. MinutuH of-lufit royular mot'tiuu and of Hpicial moctiu<4 wore road and Wuro on mo tion udoptod and uigned. Tho Doputy-Woovo wau appointed com* miHfiionor to clean out draiu on tho north towulini!. ('(iimcillorn NuWmati an*l Milieu wero u)ipointod commiuiiioneiH to coiintruot l>ridfen on outit townhno at the lOtli and 4.1th can. inattM ov*tr tap drain No. 71. Tho following ordorn on tho treasurer woro paused: Jon. and Svdney Wyatt,' rofund ntatuts labor tux, 8!). .lad, Jeffrey, two-thirdH value of aboop killed by cIorh, 822. AV:~J."Tjov6Iai:u, v.,t]niii^ nlieep killed by doj;Ei, tfl. . J. T. JjV.tK, "repair of culvert on went towulini- and Maldoti road, SI. U. L. Lamarah, n.r. ntatuto labor monoy fordiv. No. a, T. K.t8!|. Ton, Moyi-rH, ^ravollinfi on Gamoron id., nrnl for 1HM, no. H. Cliurcb, wood Hiipplied to Campbolh 81. J. Writer, weok'u board for Campbell, 83. J. Buclibf-rrouub and wife, charity for month of Novi-mber, 35. J^ AaHtin, ahuegnnr, Court of ReyiHion ou aHHoaament' roll and Holoetiu^ jurora, 81. J3. J. Lovolace, printing tax deinaudn and rocoiptH, 87. A. Duncan, ^radincr ou 8th con. road, u r h 1 for 1801, 81. P. Bodoll, two-tliirdfi value aboop killed by dpi-B, 95.33. Council then adjourned . to Saturday, Nov. 30, at 10 o'clock a. m. KOCXIKKTHH- South Wooduloo, Nov. 2nd, 1805 COSl-'IiCLO NOUTII. Town Hirx, Coitah, Oot. 10, '95. Special meeting of tho council; tirdnout. th Bflove; Dflputy-ttoove and counoillor Kay. Tho clerk read u lofctor from tho Landed BankiuK and Loan Co., of Hamilton, auk- lag tlat iha repair of the western townlioe dtain bo coufeimaed north to theboundarlqa Of the Town of^Ewi***-" Laid ovr, By-lawB Noa. 85 ad' 8tf woro road the lirat time tiud proviBlonally adopfcod, iha Court* of Revision to b held on HaturiUy, Not. 80. at 10 o'oloak a.m. ancl 1 o'olook p. w. " Council then adjourned to Saturday, Oot. 35, at one o'olook p.m. Iaao JAc*fl0H( Clerk. OotOBKatfi, lfl6. Couaoil met pariumafe to adjournment, all (he mambflre preient. . Council met i u special uefliuon to accept the collector's boudftmen and diflpoao of otbor buaiuess. Mombera all proHaut. D. Maroutette. tho collector, offered tha following bondnmon : Jotioph Hativo, J. B. Ronaud, P. Marenlette, 3. Diomcr and the collector hiuiHulf. Tho boudameu wore deemed Hatiafuotory. A by-law for appointing tho Uopnty-Re. turuinc Ofiioeni and fixing the placed for holding tlio olectionh, was road the usual numbor of timon andpacHod. Polling flub* DiviaUn No. 1 at S. B. No. 7,, (Byruedaie) Paul Dioubourg, D. R. O.; No. 3, fl. S. No. 2. John Fitzgerald, D.'ll; O.; No; 3, Uniou Hall, lluncomb Station, J. F. Giroux, B.R, O.; No. 4, Town Hall, Bt. Joachim, S. Ducharmo, U. O. A by-law to chanqo tho prtHout oyatem of atatuto labor to tlmt of a paying syHtom; Hint nOo. Tor ouch day be oharpjod, and that it bo collected at tho af<mo timo hh otlier taien a ro colJooted, wan road tbo _ aoveral times aud panaod. Thp'TKTtopajjrore will vote on tho by-law at tbo municipal bolero- tiona. An account wao prosfinted from Dr, Andor aon for attendiuc the lato N. BouUor, an indigent. No action. Tha Ruaoomb Station road qaoatiou waa acain bofore tho counoil. Mr. H. B. Knin. tor appoiuing for tho petition; no one con tra. Tbero were 95 namenon tho petition. Pylvenlro and . Ladouoour, that Rec-vo Doviel intorviow Mr. A Fcnner ro the pur- oliano of land for road asked for by the potition of Frank Hogart and 95 others. Car.. Olivor Dawaon notified counoil that box drain in front, of Sonthoro Hotol, South Woodaloo, waa blocked and could not carry the waters through, and aakad that It bo opened and tilo placed ia. A by-law to refund tho nurplua ou the lltli. aon. drain and tho Potta drain to Mio ratoimyera uitorGatpd, wao read and panned, Sylvoutr* and Ludouoour, that l>Bputy Huovfl Wilcox ha empowered to prouura tile for box drain complaiued of by A. D*waon, the parties interested to plaoe them in at their own oxpenao.' Gar. * Wlloox and Ladoucour, that the Reeve. Clerk and Trotuurer prepare the financial statement of tbo year, and have it ready for next meeting. Deo. Uth, 1H95. Oar. , Bx>Treuarer Methera* tlme'foraaettle- haenl wae extended to the I8h inefe. Adjonraed to mot Saturday, X>eo; 1B95. " ' ItlAUOftTONB. Town Hktx*, Maitow*, Nov. 2kd, 'OB. Ooanoil met this day purnaant to ad* journmeuc, all tho mombori praaent. Minpfcoaof tbo previous meeting were read and on motion udojitod atr-T^ad-and ui^nud. U. Hayoe raportocl one Bheop killed by unknown doua, and pre-onted valuator Queon'a estimate of lona 81 50. On motion of Moaars. XJJunt and Prio, Mr. II aye wuh paid 9'J.HU in full Batiafaotion of hid claim. J. H. Auatiu prottouted bill of .filO.dD for HUwU furniwhod Botay and MatHhull, pau<j- otH. On motion the Maid bill wau paid. Tboovoraear of highway* for diviaion No. 'JH reported to counoil that th fouuetsuulou' iuii tho weat tudo of lot '211 w { in 3rd eon- oaRaiou waa wtill on th road allowunuo and that lb oouHBqtislico of tliu ho waa unable to iln bJH road work in this part of hiu boat althoujjb much uoodod there, ana rcquuHt- ol oounuil to oaunn tho removal ot tho aaid fonoo. Moved by Mr, JSUiv, uoootided by Mr, Prico, that tluiolork be inctruetud to notify Njt, ThomaH Smith to romovo immediately tlio iiaifl fonoo complained of from the mud road allowance. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kllia, uoconded by Mr. Price tliat tbo clork bo iuutructod to notify tho oouaoil of Bandwioh.Soukh that Maid* iitnne is at all timou roady and willing to contribute Uh proper nharo of the ooatu of IceepiuK in repair tho brid^ea ou tho town- lino bot.wuon the towmdilpu of Maidatone and.Sandwich Boutli aforoauid. Carried. In tho matter of the jrarnialiou betwoeu Uriah O. Btoman, primary creditor, and Win. T, .Tonou, primary debtor and the municipal corporation of tho towimhip of Maidntono, .(larniahee. It waa moved by Mr. Bllin, Heenndod by Mr. Prion thut the matter of payment of 810 ko allowed to stand until judgment inuuoa out of court in tho nuid matter. Mr. Small, of Kinguyillo, reportod to tho council that he uuatained damage to hiu waggon ou one of the pnbho hi^hwiiyn of tho towuuhip and retjuoHtud oounoil to ctim- peiiHato liim for Humo. On motion of Mohhhj. Prico' und Damm Mr. Klliii wan iuHtruotud lo hivoatiKute Mr, Small'H complaint; and roport theroon at tho u-ixt nicotine of counoil. Kenneth Wilson pronpiitod a bill of 80.75 from Mr, Cummiford for gravol fnrninhnd by the latter for uno in road diviaioua Noi.' 32 and ,'M. On motion the uaid bill wan paid, -------..... On motion of MoHura. Ellia and Price, Mr.-K. Wilson wub granted 80, reru:d of statu to labor on lot 2H8J, N.'T. R., for '01. .Complaint having boon made to oounoil "hut tho Ontario Gaa and Oil Co. in laying pipoH for the conveyance of gat* acroHH tbo nouth weet portion of tho township of Muidstono failed to rontoro to thoir forrmr Htato of usefulueoa tho drnmn and roadH with which they oamo in contact iu the proHecutiou of the work of laying tho said pipe, it wan moved by Mr. Ellia, seconded bv Mr. Plant that tho clerk bo instructed to notify tho Haid Gas and Oil Oo, to put tho druiuH and roads along tho Hind lino of pipe in tho anmu condition uh they woro prior to tho laying of tho said pipe. Car, On inotiuu of MeaarH, Damoi and Plant, Mr. Ed. Price wat4 granted 825 fer tho put ting in of a tile drain ulon^ lot 7 west of Filto Creek. Mr. King reported to counoil that tho bridgo over tho King dram wau out of ro< pair and requested that it reeoivo immedi ate attention. On motion of oletary. Plant ajitl Ellin tho loovu wau aut^oriaod to ro* pair tho uaid bridge. Ou motion council adjourned to moot again on Saturday, tno. 23rd iust>., at court room South Woodaloo. Of the past fevdaya is a reminder that winter in near and ia suggestive of warm Clothing; The Great Question Ih, where can we get our wants Hiipplied to the boat ndvantngo ? We think we ean give you The Correct Answer. LOOK AT OUU P1UCES: Men'n Heavy nil wool Frioa<j TMstefa from 8l> Mou'h DrooH OvercoatH worth S'J.oO for $7 Boys' albwool Frieze Ulatera, extra value at 8.T./J0 Mom'h lino ('l(mble-br*ast.ed Poa-jueltetH from ftl.fiO Moh'h hea\y all wool double-breantod finits from 99 Mon'ti and It'jyii1 ITndor^oar at rock bottom prices Men'fi HatH in the newest aliapen just to hand Mwii'h Shoon on tbo very lat(jHt lauta just rucoiyed And while providing for tho men and boya, wo havo not forgotton tho ladies. Wo have uxlia vftliieii in Dvohh Goods, Mautlo Clotliw, Fare, GIovoh, VeniiH, IIouo, Cornets, Kanclkorchiefn, eio, Blankots, Sheeting, Yarn and Flannolfi from the Kingsvillo Woolen Milln, Yours for Bargains, w vm IDtTl^STii.lT BLOCK. ESSE32C. kindly pormittod to take bin place. For bhe rout of the half Easex had a littla the advunttigo but uo more hcoring wau dono. In tbo Qecoud half tbo local team eon tinuad to have the advantage but, it wan twenty minutes beforo they again acorod. Alax Gourlay.again putting in thu uhof Tho M. A. A. team now made duspuraLo effortB to oven up things andonco narrowly missed doing bo but no mora scoring was done. In thit| half Eiutux played ti ruuoli more agrtsmvo game and only the brilliant phtyiugof Collio and tbo throo McDouald-i provontod a big ncoro. For tho M. A._A* MoDonald und Corbott ou tho forward line did tho heat work. For Eahex there woro uo weak wpota though Gourhiy waa not in condition owing toj a yery novora cold and Laing had not (|Uttu reoovorod from hia aooideut. Tho half back lino did oxo optionally briliiaut work. Cuumngham Hur prised many by the magmhocut gaino ho put up. GonrJuy and Eandcock com-. bmo btatitilully. Kmg played centro far the lirbt time and ho played his puwiUMi iu oplondid form. Fuerth did aplondidly iu goal and Short at full buck wau almost. nnpregniblo. Gourlay wanui reliublo uiui effeotiva an oyor. Tbo uuxt gamu iu bo twofm Windsor and Ehhi-x in Euaex on the Kith inut. rP^LliL GOODS iiEAOUK. :.irx. Laat Saturday according to tbo Hobedulo tho Al. A. A. to am woro to oomo to Ebboi, and they did. Aathoyhavu ulwaya been a Urat class team and tho present holders of tbo Walker cup, it was oxpectud that tho gamo would bo yerv olpao ut any rsto if tho viaitora did not win. However Es. aox havo un oxQoptionally oluvor team thin year aud the hitherto invinoiblo Datroitorn were boatou, by n. uoore of two* to one. By proviouH arrangomoiit totween tlio -man. ayarti of tho above loams, II.; Williaiuu of Utioa, Mioh., wau chorion as rwforoo aud at a fow minutes past four hoo-illed the loams to the following lino, up': M. A. A. Goal F BAoDonald D MflJoiml-r W MoDbuald/ Jaobman Ooilio Northwoed Houdoraon Ferguaou [ Corbett J Wales I BMoDoualdf The M. A. A. won tho toaj Ba0lt3 Halven Contra Bt { Lt Etiuex Fuerth j rihorc (,J Gourlay (Copolund . Utotts AUisou King L.ig Cuaniiighuui . 1 liaiictotok '{ Gouilay ohosing the Fatally lturiicd. A httlo girl, 7 yearg old, the daughter of Avid Mornoau, of 233 East Sandwich st., Wiudnar, was fatally burned uC tho lioma of her unolo, a farmer named Langlois, in Bundwieh ft*nt-&n Sunday. Tho child waa at Iter uholo's on a viuib and whilo loft alone for a abort time bhe started to limine horaolf by throwing lcoro- aaue into tho kitaheu stovo to sou it burn. Attar throwing in smalt quantities tdio ullod a oup. In throwing tho cupful into tho. rtro ibo spilled hoi*a e^hor olubhing. Thu ilamc aboti ouii und her drotm took flio. Iu a fow noeonda she was wrapped in flor aoreams callod her uucle to her a>t.- oitanoo. Tho poor child wan enveloped in quilts, and the (Ire HUjothorodout, but not until she had boon frightfully burned. A doctor wau called from Vviudeor, but the child's lire could not betiayed. She diad in a fow hourH, after anfYoriug [jroat upony. Sale For November and December. Cheaper than the cheapest. DRESS-GOODS Black JSoliel worth 90c for 65o; Chevron Suitings worth 40c for 25c; wool Sergen worth 40c all shades; storm serges worth 40c for 25c; snow ilake Tweeds 42c for'30c; our 86c line of plaids lor 25c; Henrietta worth 50c tor SV^e; Tweeds hoth in READY-MADE OLOTHING- Overcoats worth 58 and $9 for $5.75 Men's suits worth 9 00 and 10 00 for 6 00 k" 10 00 12 00 3 00 "" 12 10 15 00 10 00 Shirtings heavy makes for 10c yard /mKETi HATS AND CAPS Hats worth 1 50 and "1 00 for 25c and 50c. This is genuine. Caps worth 75c and 1 00 for 60c and as low as 25o. G-LOVES s 50c, 60c, 75c, 1 00 all worth 15 per cent more. Underwear from 40c a suit up; all wool at 90c, BOOTS and SHOES we handle nothing but thereat goods at the lowest prioes Ludifis' kid worth 2 00 for 1 25; 2 50 for 1 40. Long Boots always the cheapest, call and see for yourselves and we will convince you that this is the cheapest place in the west. ( Groceries fresh and the cheapest. ... '.'it i rift- VSi :weatorn ^oh] with thu nun and wind in their favor. King kicked off but tho ilrut nub failed, On tho return ftfqDonald panned Copeland and ahofc, Fwrth rahoved, Colli* rotui nod. Waloa tiitid to hqad the ball but Short checked, but Gourlay miaaei the bull and Honderaoa pc.ored. Thialeok. od bad but Khbox ofc together aud for a timo the fun did fly. finally Short fot the ball, Walea attempted a oheob but got obe instead, iheu Sbork noade a brilliant rnn up tho fleld, paweol to CannittRUam he to X&ing, thenoe to. KIo att4 > * Uourlay Iwhp aoored by aho that R^aaed Uae poat ' ,Wt in a colheiou aud YoBna ot Bmx Wboat rod por buuhel Wboat, whito Corn Onto Timothy B^od Clover Sued AlBlllQ Hay per tou........ Bi>of per ovyt........ Pork Mutton........ UTidcn......... Libiokoiid per lb...... Jiuttur ...... 'Lard ...... E(ifl, por doss ...... PotatOL'9, por buahel Oniony . " Applea TurnifB OarrotH Boots ParnnipH Turkeye per lb...... DucIch ...... Celery per don ....... Cabbage > * *. * > i G2 to 20 to 1 4 00 to -1 1 00 to 8 GO to 6 CO to i 00 to 7 lfi 10 30 to 50 to 7fito 50 to Hto 02 CO 30 '21 cn 50 00 (10 00 fi" 550 3 60 7 10 10 IS 80 (if) To go 40 50 ^0 0 8 1 00 25 HI ram Walker A Son- Mnrkei Br l>orl No. 1 Rye, per buabel .... w 1 old Corn 1 Oats 1 Barley '** to 45 20 It Vance's Old Stand, nour. Th ftbove prioea areipaid by, Hk Walkor Boub, Walkirville, Ont^.;;^;;^^-.^/.;;^;;^.,. BwincriuN, At Blford, on Oot. 19, to Mr. | und Mru. John Sweetmau, a uou. Gammon, At Gowfiold North, on Oot. 17( to Mr, ud Mm. Geo. Gammon, a aon. Htkdiuok, At liuKcomb, on Oot. 21/ to Mr. and Mj*, Joa. fiodriek, a daughter, UuaaAito, At Edgar, on Oot. flO, te Mr. uwi Mrs. Thoa. Uu^grd, a daughter, KRNtoN, At Woodnlee, ou Oot. 81, to Mr, kiiJ Mra. OhaH. Koayou, a von. BnooKKU, At Cotum Plain*, on Nov, Ut, to Mr. unci Mra- Wto. lirooaor, a eon. Chaw, At Gento, en Nov, 3rd, to Mr. and Mre. Kobt. Oral?, a eon. VicKEna.-^-At Goetteld North, on Nov. Bid, to Mr. aud Mm. Win. ViaHra,a JKURhter. Hsiii. At Colebeater North, ou Nov. 4, to , Mr. and Mrs. John IJeil, a ieu. Dohl, A* Norlb Weodalee, on Not* 4, to Mr. abd Mre. Pred Dobl, a deu^hter. Kat. At Gump Jfalmar, on Nov. 7, to Mr. i' Smokers v^ To meet tho wiehee of their oURtomen,, V The Geo. E. Tuokett & Bon Co., Lid.,"[{Vl Uatniltou, Qui., have placed upon the|H:^ tntLrktst, market A Combination Plug of "T & B." SMOKiNJSTOBAO^tiM , This supplier. H.long.;feli^'^iivM^ intr the consumer one SjO/.o^^pR-^ or a 10 cent piece, or*a B;-":o*nliyMJpp.-M of tU4 femoor'?^A:fi^fiS^ ^:/:^^ para yirgi su $mimt$8^r ;:fi*',iT.* ;7--y.>"/ x?SBfe'. 214875

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