V.vf Vf rN ESSEX FREE PRESS i >ubllhed Every Friday Morning From the cfHoo oa TalboG Straot, next iDuusta-u Bloak. Special attention ia paid to tho nublioti* tion of roattor of local importuned, uoour- ate aud rehablo roporta of Town, uoii'.hbor- ing Towuatup aud County Oouudil proceed- inae, local tad county market reporta, oto,, the oarefo. and jadiotoua mauatfomont of Tub Fqice Iranian, with roHpuot to thoHo and other curronfc mattorH of looal imporLunoo, has ^ivou it a widottproud prtmti^o in tho centre of Eshox county,which in rocotfuUod aa one of tho host agricultural diattlatu in Ontario. Tub Fukk Pukhs ik tho only medium oiroulaiintf thoroiitfhlv in till1 oontral portion of tho County. ud \n nan aequouMy,withbut doubt,tlio only thorough advtirtiHiiig medium for buamuHH puiplu winning to roach that ohtHii of ountomur/H. OOHIlKHrONDKNCK, Our oolumuH aro alwaya open for tho poaceablo diMiuaaiou of tnattorn poftahiin* to tho publia wolfaro. Ablo eorioupoudoutu in all tho ^ ing looalitien furniwh foMwbj^flJjJoTti" of KVoutH of itoroat,ooounJn|lj^hoi{lnflVorill tiphow, and th mjjjm^PXA at ull time plouaod to rooj^^: r()H(.mft itflmil 0| ^fl^o focward oontri iibwu from i< buttons. j. d ^RmunmationH of a private and ^vrlJKial nature, Hhould bo >io marked ^o otiiniuo of tho envelope. Hunacuri'iioM rniois. *! 00 per annum, utriotly in advance*, Ji.oJpor annum if not an paid; ana all arroaru ohargod at that iato. ADVlflUTrHKMKNTH. Tranmont lojgul and municipal advor- tiflumoutn, nuticou, oto., cliar/jod ut tho rato of ton contn por hno, for unit ioBortion, and live conta per Hno for oaoh BUUHeqtiont inaortion. All nuoh advortiaumotita aro moatmrnd by a uoulo of twelve lmoa to tho inoh. Looal reading aud other notioun pub- liahod among local iiowh matter charged at tho tatoof ton oonta por running lino for each inaortion. All notioon of ehuroh or aooioty ontor- "Uiinmonta of any doaenption, at whioh am adraiRBion foo ia charged, aro rojjardod aa atlvortiRomouta, and full advortimnj* rated char^od in all nuoh caaon. Noticoo of qath* enur^n or MootjngH nob for poauniary bouo> fit or aid, will bo ohoor fully published froo of charge, Spoonil contract rates mado for display or atanduiKadvth. All lo^al orprofoanion- al oards under one inch, $5 por annum. jon on coMwunciAi. ramrwa. Tho riiKr Faraa .lob Printing De- partraouti in under tho ouporviniou of thoroughly compotent moohauica, and upociul attention iu paid to thin branch" of tlio trade. Our faoilitioa for tho execution of all kludH of Book aud Fino Job Printing aro unoxcollnd. Steam powor proHueo. A oall aolicitod. llUBlNKflB.HKODnATIONfl. All Job Printing and Tramjiont Advertimnu acoountw, otriotly oanh. Advortioina aocouuta with rogubu pucrona aro aotblod quarlorly. Sub oriptiona duo in advanco. No anbnonption to tho l?nKH Piu:rb, or advortiBomont pubhahod m it3 colnmna will bo diaoontinuad until all arreurtt uro paid in full. Changoa for adyertineinuiit'H, to ooouro inaortion in the curruut ibhuo, maot bo banded in not later thau noon of tho Tuoa- day procodiut!, uud uouce of uncli mtuud- od ohaugo ia required on tho Monday pro- ooding. Notico of dittcontiouanco of auvoiciae- nionta munt do tiivon at lonsb one woak in advance of the iaauu m whiclij thoy are do&xrod to laat appear. ADVICllTlflKIta, SubHoribora and patrong generally fire roqueated to road tho abo\o refjulationn oarofully, in older that confusion may be avoiuod, an they will in all oaaoH bo 'odhored to. AddreflH all cocnmunioatioua to U. J. LOVKXACJb. rabliohor tho Kanux riiKB Pui ho, - TChiiqx, Out PALAOB SYtiAMMRS. LOW RATnc CLEVELAND, PBTTSBURO, _ BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST UVHRV HVHNUJQ UOYWISDM DETROIT # CLEVEUNE? Conuectluir with enrlleut trnino at Clcvdnnd for all points Cunt, South aud EOUtUVTCit. Sunday Trips Jim*, July, /lugutt end September Ont, TOLEDO, DETROIT^ MARKIKAt \2TOSICHY, TUB " ^CO " >1AQL'CriL'. AND DUi/JTH. vo new steel paimeujrcr ttcamcri lnve 5'iit i built for our Upper Lake nonte. costmjj' too each. Seud for Illustrated pamphlet, fcsa, A. A. SOHANTZ, o. r. * t. * DUTHO)Y MIOH. o * mum mm m. wl COPYRIGHTS^ \H I totVrAtft^'A'PMfvkH'f^ For u jot nswnr and mi ,bonpi(t opinion, write to loal imd oJentiao bivotui eot True. ^ . Patents ukon thronph Munn'A Co. rocotrn peelftl notloo M> tUo Haf entlllo Atuerlnnn. ana too* ar brouubt wldoly before too public with- ,Bt ooflt.te the Inventor. Ttii, Hplendbl bjip*r, ------------------------------------^ - > vAt <) tutu ' 7MII0NAL i'ULia Tp bo poUod on by the Conser vative Party. YKE NOTE SOUNDED IN LONDON Al to OpenliiK of (br Ke* Olab U*u# of tints Yoaa<'vuerVntlTs-Uon <J. R. Poller anil ll<m Or. Moiilasne Ihtt Orjttoi-4 ni th l-Wfinlnif* London, Nov. 1. The new club houe of the Yonni; Mon'n Condorviitlvo Ah- Boclatlon of London wan formally opened to-day. 't'lu* uvtiit wuw the ou- ctu Ion of a Cv'lolnatlon that b't-jtan enily in the I'oienoon and umitliuied til] tho Hinall houra of tin* follow iui; AUnuitcij, and \ i dtui' b> ti.uu J.i.tM.ii,, ..i wcio on hiimi witn < aiyiaKiM tu nit t tin m. tin X'ihUtuu U tht> iim they in i U i tl iK'j^l ol tin* club 1 I'll LU I tl 1L11I lion. John II.*i,[T-ij/ u.hI Hon Ui AIontHKin- airhi-u u ii u b\ iIk Tti- ii-i.Lo jtriLlit ' . ... LI t iitni ilii hom oi Ciidl' <KlU!.< th- 'nil j fi'od^iwini .Sum .1 ALter an inCnmj.tl u-'i'tion at tin Tccuinaeh lloinii thivAllnui' i a u>nt to I he London Clun. H\!n it- tho> had lur.clH-on. , At 3 o'clock tin i JuiiH . L l\\<> now club houne win tluuvvn ofifn lor th K(.option of membi'iH and k"o-.lh Jjuiln^ the ni Lli ii'i'in j i 111 - hint ml u el (i !iei ved tu nii'inbt i , .mil i.ih st . and all the wlilk a tin Injj quai U'ti* favored tho i^itlu-jiUK withn vbitw.'ai ed bill ot fim The public tmi<>tlntf held In the audl- tnrfuni In the meiiinj; w.is Iuij;ely nt- tt nckd, the chanibei belni? Idled to It.s utmoHt capacity. hlioi tlv after tt o'clock tin* euitnln licit and Un-ii' was prp^entcd to tin' amlknep a blj? array ot local and \1 Itlntf etdebilths The featun* uf Hit John CnrllnK'.' i.pptaranci' btioit thi* audience to ft rrnally open tln_ club was the o\a- tion he icci'lved on rhdnj; from hH chair. Sir John la tvidcntly a man of lit roic proportions in the eatlmatlon nf tho jieople of London. In hla five m-nute'i' Bpeoch he refened In a pon- oial way to theCovi inment policy and dCEdntf he declind (lie club foi mally open* Major Tlioma l't attic, e.mdidiite- elcct for LomIhii utnl Mi InKiain. M.P., each ia\oied the laidltnce with a few appmpilate rtim.irkH Whon the chairman celled on the fcuo of Ilnldlmand." to addiena the ai dlcncn, Hon I)r Montapae arooe and wau received with loud chi'er- ItiK1. It was iitfulnnt tlU* ad- \lce of hlu phVHlclan that he rttended the. meeting, but ho could not realat the tomptatlon to be pro- sent on ho niornoi able an occaalorj. One tiling that pleaded him to-day wna the proMonco of bo many ladloa at the re- tcptlon. It wa.s a hinirco Htth1- I leaiiuH1 to him to have bo.en called upon durlnpr the aft* i noon to preside a* tho fniniatlon of a Maple Loaf League for the promotion of Consrva- u\ e and national principles ThlH 1' iifrue waB to be composed exclualvely o(' lad lea. The aptcrh made very com- ]>Iimintary remarks to the ladies gen- cially and he predicted aucceaa for the Maple Leaf League of London. "^Vt un ffoine- to have* fiome bye-tloc- tlona hi Ontaiio nhoi tly," said Dr Montague-, "and I csp^cl.Llly invite Mr. Lauiler to come along and take part In them In considering Mr L.iurier and h'.s policy 1 would like tej asik two queHtlonH : Who are Mj. Lam ler'a companions and what aro Mi. Laurkr'a op inonn " One of hla ccmpanlons Ih Hon. Mr. Lorigley. a gt ntleman who ran a campaign in Krova Scotia on the crv of ^ooession and thi> d+i,riiptlon or the Dominion No matter how dramatic illy Mr. Lnur- ler may atrlkc JiIs_hLart In oxpn Hilnp hi- loyalty to Canada, all his p.itilo- ti'm countR for nothing \; hen It I- lomomhered that he Is i sponsible for nurh dlaloyali'-ts a^ Mr. Longle^ anel other annexationists Dther compan ions of Mr Laiule are Mr. John Mc Millan of South Huron and Jos ph Israel Tarle The mi ntlmi of the lit ter'H name causi d rn;ii-i of laujjite ai did ali-o a eiuotal'nn fiom a -ptecli of Mr Tarte's in 1S77, w Pen lie lefeired to Mr Laurier aa a man veneei od on the outside and a commonplace and iredlocre ability. Aa to Mr. Laurier* i opinions, where does ho stand on tlie Manitoba school question ** lie say.s the Ooveinmenc snonld art- point a commission. During the two last sessions Mr. Laurier attacked the Government because we nad rot set tled this same question vears ag t. (Laughter.) On the trade queatlon ho has declared for a <-ort of free tiade policy. Up to 187G he was an out and out protectionist In 1S78 he wan a commercial unionist In ISS9 he was for commercial loclproclty, and a few years after he wan for free tiadc as they have It In England. Xow It Is being secretly circulated that the In dustries of Canada will not be distuib ed if the Liberals are returned to power. This Is all false, as Hon Mr Longley has said It is the manufac turers of Canada that the Liberals me* after, and they will destroy them if they tjet the powci to do it, Th** lit no uncertainty as to the jMrtfey of the Conanrvatlve pai tv, Pio- tectlon to Canadian Industiies Is tin* backbone of the policy. We will give up tho markets of Canada to no one who does not give us similar ndvan- tagey in return. A word or two an to the Sault Canal We were attaclcen In Paillament for changes being made in the canal as it progressed. It was said that boodle was behind the changea. Laet week Tho Olobe devoted four pagea to the canal, conRratulatlng the Government on ha\ing nuvdc these very changes. Two yeaiH ago half the cheese bent to England waa consumed by the Brl- tlsh people, while It supplied only on--* per cent, of the butter. We asked for a vote of $20,000 to help to Introduce our butter, aa we had Introduced our choose, Into England. For that wci were attacked, but we kept on In our course, adopting the cold ntorago sys tem. Tho rooult Ib that this year wo havo sent twice aH much butter to England aa laot year, and to-day deal ers In Montreal cannot get enough Canadian creamery butter To ho ont to England. Now our butter la on a rtrm basld In England. Wo are building up a great trado This Ih tho written opinion ot Mr. Derbyshire, president of tho Creamery Asssoclntlon. Wo In tend-continuing in tho sumo policy of helping our farmery to extend their markets. , Tho Elnanop Minister, Hon. G. W. Foster, Wils loudly cheer- od on rlMlnsf to address the meeting:. He had no Idea- of the magnificent spectacle awaiting him In London. He .congratulated- the Youn# liberal Con servatives on th temp)e they had erec,*- 6d as a centrd of politics in western On tario. He congratulated the- ladles-on ,the ,Ird,erepf:. manifested by, $hem , In k r^'^fW U7 1 **M } I' 1 V' - ,'.-" / THE E89^ FREE tjr^sps Hon & ct'iicoi iii. ti (-.anuua. in tou tu. place In measuring tho progress* of this country with that of the oountrk-H f Europe, wo must remember that the latter have been in tho proeemi of n- volopjnnt for, century after century: Homci of thum fotr.jnore ttiun a thou- and yearn. Two centurlos eyvorn the development of tho tgreater part of Canada and it Is mt main thiin Hu youia bitok tnco faiirnlii 1 egnti her piogroftii ai a whoh* and united eoun- tiv. And, yet, who of oh \wnild chimgr Carudn, with Its billllaiit pioupcern, for any of the old onuutiltii *r lOn- rope V One thing noticeable In tcgard to Canada to-day Im the met that the count*y Ih at vest im to the ntntiiM the Dominion oeHiplc an a nation, The public mind Ih at n st on this ques tion, 1 eeair'e tlieie Ih a deep nud unl- \eiiuil neling uhtoiul thru the I'ntuV- of Canada In within the hmdi of It* own ioj]jIo to n.old, aid develop, and that mound II and nhont It, ki < pin It In pe*feet nal'oty. Pi tlit- grand old Iippeilnl unity of tlio empire (IH-ui, hiar.l The petition of Canad i Ih dlf* ffient from what It wns in yearn iiao Jp ninitlier point of view Ten yeni ag'- no ope thought of us as an Ini- ptrtant factor In Tmpeihil inttnidn No one pointed In Can ulu on llm mnp and said. "Hnlinld the ernhe of the oiepiie Ik hold tin* Imperial pithwuv t'i the Pacific and tli enstt*in Imlf ol I he emnlrt1 " Cnn.ol i (o-djn po--'-1 hsil In mi net nimnit' n >t dieitmd nl i ftw yo n m ago gie it miner 1 osnuie h acres t>f vligln f.oil '1 * tlned to beennii the gramny of (he amuM f'annd i Iiclds tin kv an In gfogiaphlcul pofd- tion stiinellng ns she do Milglit In tin- centre of tin pathwnv fmm the olr! isle^ of Euinpe to I he ea*t and the \ 'Hi fslnnd contlnf nts of tin- Paclhc, wh',ii a new empire pi giowing tip in spl( ndor Another qiustlon for Canadians to eon.slder it! huw c.une we to b.- what we are * Oui piogresi Is due to our laying down and cairylng out reitnln Hni s of policy, to the building of In- tei-eolonia! and tr.m i-contIntntal iall- wiiys, the consli uclion md th eponing of our canal <ystem 'J'ln building or gieat MnoM of cnmmunleatlon \>y untt i nnd lainl was the In ginning of tin Cr.nidlan nntlonal polk v. Eollowin? that ]>olley of inilwny and eanal de- vi Iopmont came the pollev for de- velordng Canndl in Indii1-tiles. Club i that policy the lndu'-'trlos nf Cnnad.i an* growing euntlnuouslv find lapldlv Out i>roducts are being miM Ii m.iih e\erv countiy In the woild It Is tin glorious duty of the Lib i al-Cemqprv i- tive paitv to continue in thW pollev and to eai rv It out to Its legltlmnti ccnelusion Allust'on ban been made to a question whlrh now appeals on ihe pnhth .il herixem, tin vexed AI mltnh i qehool quffltlon, as* tt is call'd One thlnf I wi'-h to point out 1m this Alii. Al\D MRS. BOYVBKli h HFAD OF THc FAMILY IN( /* CHEf-ftFUL MOOD U jidndu riiut Up U th* tirtJt Aiutn- ei.n e'ruult Hut u Llttit)., Wold Kb.dl. u Nnw 1 limiH -1 Im u Ihu OM-Tfma How- *<r U ot\ Hlu S.ii* Aifiiln. Mi HowHt-i hud been reading for un hour the other evening wheu he laid u* hie hla puj)er and said to Mis. IIow- tei, who n,it near him sew lug: "I wM Just woudei Ing w hat men do who havo no boni< ', und how muio of Uiost* who haM' homo i approelati Ui in in I rhj mine ' 1 am glad to kumv you aie aatlb fled with your home," leplied Mis ISowsi i "Of cour.ie I'm tiathdlt d Why tihouldu't I be? T don't bulh ve theie'n a htiu-c la the state better ki pt that, this. It Ih alwajs -qd -sp n t n an. nothing Is wasted, an I >oui bump or uidtr Is tomt thin/' i enun laild' ." "1 m .iwfullv t'l.nl I i heui you s.ij, jo," nqdltd Mm I lav or, ni In r fan light) d up, 'T ti> ti. do my beat, l>uv thei' aio llnus w-lun " "Wlitii I in a i* iilar old i i .Liik " lie finished with a laugh "W' 11, don't let tlifi t worry you. No matter how now ,i crank I rmiiA, \ \u tion Is not one for wlileli the lahi'ial- Cencer\'ativ. party 1;. lc^pon-dhle The ei.nsti'utlon of t'.uiad.i res* on--llde foi tho inti oduetlo > of the ([iiestlon in the politic 1 hoi l/.on. Tho Idbet al fonsr-i vative laity ]a*opo*-cs to ali'de by tin constiI ut Ion of t ho count i v ami Ke. t the compacts of that constitution (lie,ii, hi'.ii) We must taki *ondltlon as we llrul tliem. v.e must talo tin conditions under which \\< IHe reo graphical, laclal, religious, .tin! de.ii Jivlth tliem as they actually exist. V.y mutual conciliation and eoirpiomhr.H became possible for us te> bei ott . confederation It Is onlv b" nuluil concllhitfon and comp om o niat- we can hope to lemnln a coniedeiarion Howe*\ er deep ro it eel my piejudlct-j may be as a puMIc man and as tin keeper of an Cv<cutive tiust, I must sav to myself, "Your prejudice must remain epiiesumt when tlie lights pint liberties of anv see tion ot the j e- nt of thin eonfedt intion aie concerned" Oui position Is is < lenr .!- 'he sun light as icgaids this sr lined mestk.-i , but wlio can toll us whit lositlon \' Lamler assumes In loirud to it The lea 'or of the Oy>[ oslti >n con demned the (iov eminent Jieeame it didn't settle tin e<uesilon \ oai i ago Now he pleads with the people oi en tarlo for a commission to <*\nm'iie t" to the f.iclf) and th reby delny its set- tleim. at. Thu Gov ei nil tnt ph ads tlmt even-handed Justice be (loin In tin matter We take all oppor Lulit tles to Indue e the Manitobi Goveinment to light the wiong complained of so far a*> they leason- ahly should he lighted Our Govern ment goes fuither and plainly slate ^ that If In the end the minoilty has i grievance which is not light id by the power which can best lemsly it, viz the Manitoba Governnn nt ihe n It i the duty of the Liberal-Conseivativ Onvei rn'ent tn take all rensonabl and proper methods to have the wrong righted. {"Applause.) Hon. John Ilaggart wa.s next cnlled As the hour was giowing lute he re frained fiom making a long f-peoch. He refei red to the geneia! policy it the Government add piedleled that tin Government would in the 'nming elec tion be sustained hv as lar^e a ma jority as existed In the piesent l-Jwus-e After the piocceellngs weie biouglr to a close the Ministers and rntmber* of the club went to the Teeamsen House, where a banquet was held in honor of the event of the day. big a crank I am, jou ate dulv appro- tiatod. It's funny what notions a man gets into his In ad, 1 .n t it ' ' "Y-*-s," she leluit.intly rep Hi el, tully i dl/aiig tiui t hi v*. as 11catling' on dang' itius gr iiirnl "Hi' ha' hi' Do jou r'-nn-nitjei iiow I trltd to put down tli it b droom car- I>< t and neaiij killed mvself to savt That-fpioja- j tilTy-eoiitH' That wja one ot mv cnnlty YIIK HDIIKSC <1, HUH. Rlr llnrlieu/lr Bunell I'lilult* li-y Will Imi t(IJiit<'il tml(ii1)l\. Ottawa. Nov. 1. Sir Macl enzle Hov ell and Sir C. TL Tupper, n turned fiom Washington to-day Spt alcmg to youi conespondent this afternoon the Pre mier stated that the Mlnlstei of Just- lee and himself had been corct.ally ie- celved at Washington, While not m a poMltlon to indl < t- the nature of the conference hud u 1th Hecfe a y olin-y he (Sir Matken?le) had '\eiy icaso- to believe that an amicable b. s s vo. id be reached, under which the clain s oi British Columbia sialers nu compen sation on account of 3kh1 Ing ^< ' sel*/- ures would be subm tt d io aihlia tion. The Piemlei adthd tint eveiv desire was manilested by Sei retaiy Olney to have the matter uroii'ht to as speedy a settlen ont as i o'-s 1) e. The Piemler lias evidently little doubt as to the insult of the next gen- oral elections. Next week Mi Macken- Klo leaves his comfoi table (pinners at the Russell House, whore he lum been located for ho many years, to take up his residence at 281 O'Connor--] i e e< His widowed daughter, Mrs McCar thy, will Iceop home for him t'"" Premier will have M< ssrs Pnlv and Dickey as near neighb >rs. Charly *"i* Maokonzle hits got a dit'teient tip as to tho ranult of the approaching appeal to tho countiy than the on? Laurki gave a few (lavs ngo. The Canada Gazette to-morrow will contain tho announcement of tho ap-., poJntment of Lieut. H. W. Wllboiforce of the 2nd Dragoon Guards to be aide d camp to Ills Hicoollonoy tho Govcr- nor-Q(neral. 35'. D. Shaw U appointed Huh-collec- to- of customs at Loth bridge, I Controller Wallace ways thoro Is nn truth In tho report nun,< out from here that ubout 2ftrcuBtom ofncom are to he suspended In Montreal shortly. \The Supreme Court was not In so- si6n to-day. To-rrpi;row the*, last two cniefl on the Maritime H^t Will he dla-j po^ed olf' and will bring1 the present tprm .tc;,a|CloBet It.ho-b lanted jexnotly lio'l'uis Ami tion t j ou r.*uie(iihei now I t hi! h i hi!' Hut we gt t along all light," sain ."lis Mowser, wondeilug how sin could ltid the ronvi is ition to some otPe*r ai.hjcc t oi (ourse we do, th mgh there ara ttnn s when I ought to be klcki d for m> toollahness i)n the stieet car Un other day I got to thinking about my buying- that ihx- e i ape, and I laughed till c v ei ybody loolo d at me. U'.^n't that a daisy ha! ha! ha!" "Any news In the evening i>apei "" hr queried, as he held his sides ana eniffh i "Nothing to spe Uc of, and don't you remunber of mj LaUmg a lit to sit ji In a-himmoek on tho loof, and how one of the iopes luoke one ni^rht ana ha' ha' ha! It' some of these tunny men could g< t hold or my ulventuie- w hat a let tu it the\ < ould mnki-' II ve \eu foigotten wl en 1 took a elose or that dandi utf-ei idkator for spi Inp: took ha! ha' Im'" "rI hat was tm ny, indeed," laughed Mis Hawser In spite ' brr fe irs. "Funny1 It was dawg-gone funnv ' And the time I had the grippe -md thought I wns going to die ha! ha! ha! I expert I'm the bo i ei nk of Amei le11, a nel \ on dc-ei ve a peiishin for b-arlng with me bo pain ntlv Do you i eeall the* d.n I cam* home ind Jawi d around a1 out .'.he set or my i o'l i i nd you til t ovei > tl th.it I had been veaimg my night-shiil all day ha' ha' ha' It'.s a wonder thnt you have sluod It with me as long as you have " "Tou'vp had a good many whims and notions, hut I hope you'll re form Jn that direction. I expect you've thrown aw iy ?;i 000 since we wore married In Indulging- in your oddities." ow thrown away?" sharply qur- led Mr. Iknvsor, as he Instantly sober ed up. "Why, you've paid as high as $,10 for a horse not worth $50; vou'va boucrht pK*s it a high pi Ire which ye had to give away; you've bought hens at IL' apieee which never laid an egg, an 4 " "Aie you talking to me, Mrs. Bow* sir'.'" lie demanded as he rose up and Htond befoie her. "Wlij, yes," she replied. We w*>r- having a good-natured talk about some nf the fool is Ii things you have done, and I------" "What foolish things have I doner Just nnme one single thing, will you?" "Didn't you pay $300 for a horae the pucoeas ot (he Liberal Conservative one irianth. A special sitting will be patty}' <>'>-- ,lV i \ , , t) .h64 next week,' when the Delap v. /Thqhon. ,ffe^tlAman,dIie^teatri^ atT ^iCharlebo^araUway.caJwi-win be taken tention of hl aud'rnca to a tew yuy^ *"" *' W.AflNT TnAT MltBICflOAPIfl A ORANlti rDHA ?" which ran away and smashefl ovory- thlng and nearly killed us both tW# ilrnt tlmo you drovo him?" Mho timid ly a.iked. **I bought a horao for $300. He waa a beautiful animal and aa gentle as child. You optwwed hla purchase, ami to carry out your fell designs you went out to tho barn in my ab sence and drovo tacltw Into him," anpl pounded him with tho snow-Bhovtfl.an'd othrwlHo abused him' tinul h wa frb/h^ejmd to death." ./ "^'hv. Mr,. Hqwissr Pi 11 'why. Mr. Bowser,' m*. Toa hu'-p r"urged me cvltl* tlirowlriff away Itiv-vs^nd/- of 'dollar* foo\jshly. r an* li hue i* N'mdhUt tnanj aie an Instance of my wasteful ex- tiavagance." ' t don't thtak you waBtffully ei- tfavasanL You ulniply do .jdd thliiffH and havo cranky notloim." "1 do odd tliliitfu. do 1 ? Ju^ men- il'in one Instunco, will you? 'T luivf, I'ruky nofloua. have 1?- Just spenliv 'die of thostj cranky notioi n ' "Wayn't It odd about your w^atlna your night shht aiuuiul all day?" "N'o, tiu'iLin, It ii,L"nV- not when 'lu* elrcumntahcta aie ooimldeied, it ivim simply a put-up-Job on youi pan, hd I won't Impel I', l! ( live to hi ii ihejiiH.iud ymiiH ol i' Nei^v, .bad u Ing t tanky. When h.ive you tllscov ' - <-d any evident r thai I v-as a ('limit ' "VVunn't that lln-i", ii|n a it ml J ide V" she In Hltatlng, v ejiailed. "Not n bit of U - not tin idlghteni Il was just ItK'll ii pun hitLe us .lll> . eiinlble man would >niake, nnd til onl> i "ii son It is now in I he g u i et is b< - I'iiiihf you <ut the jopi i and ^ 11stpft i" plt-ti'j io tllfiphty yoin spiu-. Mm. 1'ow *r, you have .n oempIUhed >our e>b- J < l! ' "\V wliat ol)JiH-t'" "When you ))IW mi. i [] in,r cuinltin In my own hmnt um in at It up >oiit mind to spoil iny evrnlng You hav 1 Mil* so I w an nt \ < i '. t L> i -naUn eil i. my Hie, [ f,( t mit to liiifluand Iip i good tho , ami you maihin sl> <iu > villairoudy linm I tin irmvcri tion Into a e hamu 1 to ve\' anil dtgiadc nn I hrpe you It el hi ttei'" Df-jdle hej yuais of ma tried lit" , Mis. 1 tov/ficr hail madi* the m in take oi ijiecifving hei hufjh.ind'a fmlts to hh- fae t , i vt n tin ugh he volUnliullbifiiij'ht the matter up and eonti ' i ! tin-in one bj om and fln nou th t hb ' thiL sllenn wa lu i '.ifist r fugt "Itight In ti* In mv own hf)iisc iiul hv my own wit* I ha\. bin i 11 a *o tlonal whim^K al and ei inky' ' < x- ehilined Mr. liov.^nM* as he v. illud up and down Mis Hows i pin d her medio and ni th no lfply "I have th nun av ij tnll'lons of doi- lais I am an ftbj. r*t fur rltlleilli " Mis. Howse-j Lnntlaued her work and uialntalned ,d- nco. "In my good nature I paitlally ad mitted that I bought a hammock for IJ. which wub well worth Si, and what do you do but hop on me and charge me with being tho biggest foool In Ann rlci! That's Juat the way with all wives, give 'om the slightest lati tude and thoy will try to walk right over the husband. Mrs. Ilowser1" Mrs RowF.er held her needle sus pended in her hand and looked up. "No wife can he happy with a feiol >f a husband' For the next two houi> I .shall he busy In the libra iy auang- ing paper? for the lawyers to-monow; We will try nnd avoid "caudal, aim [ shall ,ilk>w you enough to hv * on uufoitibly unl.11 ypu find another iisb unl om- w ho lias Tin faults! If any one calls aav tin t I am not a| h 3me Wom in, good night!" That Tired Feeling Hood's Garsnparllla Clvoa tho Desired Woalth and Strongth. You olten hear people coiupluin 08 Weakness and a tiled, 111,11 down feel ing. Tho oaii*o of tho trouble ia lmpuro or impoverished blood, and when in tbis condition it cannot curry health to the or^.uu and tistmes of thu body. Purify, vitalize and enrich the blood v.*. if u IIouiVb Siirsaparilla and these dis.ifi eeablo feelinga will disii; pear, liacaiise the blood will then (air" health aud vigor to every oi^an of the. hotly. ^^n^o^pfa^ C. I. Hood &. Co., Lowell, Mobh.: "Gentlemen: Ab a tonic and blood puriller I heliovoIIood'tiSriranparllltt In tho vory I>f3t. My wholo Hyetom was entirely run down, rind It nppenrod to moua though thero wen but littlo blood In my voina. I was ho v.esk I Coufd Scarcely Cot Around to do my work. I finally began to.tak Hood's Farsiirnrilln, and nftor unlnff five bottlen I found thnt ray Htrongth had roturnod and my ftppotlto wns vory much bettor. In fact, I now'fool rb Htrong aa over." Mns. Kullbv, OWellinatOtt Avo., Toronto, Ontario. Tirod All Ovor-Could Not Sleep., "It affords m much plonHuroto testify to tho merits of Jlood's SnrsapnrlUn. My whDio aysten v/na run down. I folttlrod all over my body and could not Bleep at night <ind my ajipotlt* was vry poor. X trlod fioveral phynlclana but with poor Buccoai. I hoitrd Hood's SarHnparllltt Hpoken o( no highly I dotermlnod to try It, which X did with great results. That tlrod fooling ia gone, my appotlto hi good and I fool Ilk a new woman." MHfl, JGATfiEitLKY 132 Elizabeth St., Toronto. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 Is tho Only True Blood Purifier promluontly before the public eye today. And It b tborD.'ore the ideal bulldlnff-up medic hi 0. Bo Buro to get Hood's. Hood's phis Sayssss.'S; Best Place la the world for youint met nnd ^roain to aauro it BafneH Edactiop,Hliortband,nt<].,t thu, Dotrolt BaaltieaB Uilvoitv. Bo-j troit, Mlob.- rinehratocl OBtnlosut THECOOICSBEST, , '\. ^iiifeKri^ ' - i ^ 1 V * ; e ' ' 1 '.aerr' f tr. Bowser,' r '"'1 ttrowln A GREAT MED10IHE. Cod-liver Oil is useful beyond any praise ith;u ev^r won, and yet few ai c willing or can take jt in its natuial state. ScoU's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not offensive; it is al most palatable. Children like it. It h Corl-liver Oil made more effectual, and combined ' with the Hypophoejjhites lis strengthening and Jlesh-forming pawners are largely increased. ])tmH l>4 pirtuadtul io ari-ejU a $itt/tltuU / Scott II Uownc, bollDVllld. 50c. and $t. " Turn t|io rancalw out" the familiar party-cry may bo applied to udorobea on well an to men. The yonna of dinoaBo that lurk ui tho bloou aro "turned ont" by Ayor'fl Sard aptirilla im nffootnally ua the old pout- ncawt ero ai 0 ditiphiocd by a now udrnluiHt-*v tion. 't -------------------------------^^,- n orti K<'f<4l. Mind nt Kao" 'J'hat in what it 111 wlieu tra'volhnj; on the fimt trainii of tho Chicago, Milwaukee *t St. Paul Railway; bofirlea thoro ia no ebanoo to "kiolc," for the uccommodatioua aro up to date tho trainn Itoop moving riyht alou^ and got there on time, Thouo linen ihor- ou^hly covur tho territory butwoon Chicago, La (JrouHa, St. Paul. Mmneapolm, Abr- deon, Uitoholl, Sioux Falhi, Sioax City, Yankton, Council Blufiii, Omaha and Nor thern Miebigau. All the principal oitioa and townH in that tomtory are roaohed by tho "St. Paul" Hiioh, oonnootiufj ut fib, Paul, Council Bluffs und Omaha with all lined for pointu in tho far weafc. Writo to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pami'r A^otit, 87 York Streot, Toronto, Ont., for 0110 of their map timo tabled aud a brooht|ro, giving cb'Honption of thoCompattmont Slfiepin^ >ain. Tickeia furuinhod by uny coupon tckot uprnt m the Ulnted Statea and Can- Ja. Hie finest dining caniinlhu world run on tho'flolid voHtibuiod, oloofcdo- lejhted and otoam heated trainu of thil Obi- <iCi Aldwaukoo A St. Paul Railway. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, Ontai-lo. J? C. LUOK, PKOPIUKTOK,* IJA8 BEHM l/ tboroujjlily pidoted aud ronUmiflhotl witli now linnlturo by tint proiKuittufOjirletor. LAHOIJ UAJ1N in conni:ction, rirnt-ClfUio Aoonniodatlon (iiiarfiutood. W JVXll .1JMJ Buloiiunai to hkui.r nui IInidy CfiimiliiiiiUrowii Nuniory Stooge, W Kuurnntfi) uiitidfuotion to roprcfientntlvoa and dutomcin, Cur mirnorlea uya tho hutfoefcin tlio Dcujiniou,ovor 700 ncrou. No HUbfiUtutlon in orrtorn Excluaivo territory and hbnndtormH to ^holo or part timo nnontn. Write un HTONK A WKLLINOTON, (Hoad olllco) Toronto, Out (Tho only uuruory lu Canada havintf toHtltifi orchiirdn) <U-3m ESSEX ^ Has Just Received The Fmest end best flssorfmenlof Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in - Men's Shoos and Oxfords, Ladles1 and Children's Shoes - and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land. Call arid Eqnmlno and be Con vinced for yourselves* Jas. Douglas, NIjth ot liio Golden Hoot, Whitney Block - Psse^. 5feUt Simplest, Slronifost, Top Receiver. REPEATING WLE5 Llhtc-,t, Easiest ! Wofklnff, Moot Accurate, Compact. Mo*t Modem and protrrwalvo Vor cfittlot-uo o>* lnfonnntfoa wrlta to THE MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., . New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. 1"< BAMHi POWD VlfeU' ^mMmmmm 18