".>..' ( " .' Hrr*"- WILKINSON'S von Choioo Freeh GrocoriCH Provisions, Toaa^CaHGeH and SpiooH. . Spcoial lines iu Grookory U- ' '1$ ....J : Christian Endewror Society Bk.lPftal'8 v0hurh, ' ; ;> TUESDATi EVO.f NOV.I13 '/^ P Everybody - Come. VOL XI. No 45 ESSEX, ONT. ~ FBIDAY. NOVEMBER 871896. WHOLE No. 566 Crtfr stores are ftllcd to over flowing with seasonable goods bought m the cheapest mark ets tor ciish, and marked, all in plain hguroa, at the lowest possible pricew consistent with good quality. Your money ba:k if any .purchase made proves unsati&foctoi'y. Ladies' strong Cheviot Serge Jackets, good fitters, and this season's make and style, all si'/esat $2.00 each. Ladies heavy black Beaver 'Jackets, full' sleeves, heavy reveres, latest'eat, all nixes, $3.50 each. LadicH* stylish Gapes, of re versible Golf cloth, with hood $6 each. Heavy Melton Dress Goods,, double fold, warm and durable all shades 15c a yard. .Extra heavy <19-in. Bnu Be weed Dress Goods, 6 shades, \ 35c a yard. Henrietta Cloths 40 in., black and colors, at 22c a yard. White wool Blankets, heavy and large at $1.75 a. pair. Good grey, union Flannel at 10c a yard. Heavy grety wool Flannel in plain and twilled at l5c a yard. . Heavy standard Shirtings 10c a yard. Ladies' black cashmere gloves -.-- 15c a pair. Ladies' seamless heavy wool Hose at 18c a pair. Ladies' 'smruleas blue It oashmerc lioso 25c a pah* Men's winter Shirts and Drnwory, heavy ribbed, ;U 25c each J,cta'a fttrony knitted top Shirts 4oe each. Men's fine HoaloUo Peak Caps 75c each. qS^^ GObFIKLD NORTH. Mr, J. Gammon, Hitnuark, it* viuiting bin Hurtor Mr*. W. Itrookr. Mr. J. W. Brookor iw on tho uiok liit. Mr. und Mm. Rnhurfc Gordon, KtiMost, oftlhid oil old friumht oh Bfcllo ttivor rotid hint Sunday. Tho Bap^iHl ohuroh, ttullo ilivor road, gavo a phonography oononrt m tho- ohuroh Wadnenday night hmt, ^rooeodtt SIB.00. , The MatbNdiBt fllturch Hollo Itivbr road wan olouod on'Sunday Inst owing to quar torly mrviu which wuh hld in Olinda ohuroh. Dr. Milieu, Whoatloy, accompanied by bin family viftikod bin parontn hut wook. Mr. W. Dawlwmt and daughter ur*< both ill. GEHTO. Mrfl. Nicbol, of BUmheina, ban boon vuitiHg hor daughter Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mm. ltoadhouHo,. of Leaming ton, vniited Men. MoLftHghlin on Sa;turday- hutt. - . _,,. . Mm. Blight aiidtwe daughtom whohavo boon viftitiug Jriondo hero roturuotl homo iftHi weok, MltfW Dolla Kruld ban b'cou vinitiug hor brotbor, ]):*. Rodd, of Detroit. Mr. L. Butt ban purohanod 50 acron of land from Mr. Barrntt. Mr. McLiiughliu.fir. ban bad bin brio k chimney rebuilt that wan dnmeliiihod by Ughtmng uomo time ago, Mr. T. PhlllipH ban bad brick foiuula^inn pi need undor hm bouso, ulno a brick ch im . noy built. A werblint; in likely to tako placo beforo lonf. Don't bo inquisitive! Tbo iniiiual toa and pnli'io nieotiiig iu coniiootmu with Gi'jwto oburob took placo on the l!(Hh Oct. the effort wan qmto a flllCCQriH. Mr. I,'nink SwcHt jr..lm't bouri very buny for wl'uIch piiHt rnulcinji Hnrt;urri. ]\lr, Joai-pb KwwuL buo reutod hut brotbt:r'H farm for livo yoarn, D"v. J. ('ivpta* our popular baildor iu biiHy putting up u now Iiouhu for Mr. Coul ter. LHAMmOTON. Minn MoOlonu, of Ituthvon, upon i Hun- duy'nt Tjo*uitrd Wi^lo'ii. Mjhh My.lott luitblti to reuumo bur dution iti tbo pqblio uchool. Mr. Milln aud family, of Bottorln^ton nl. uro rottiovinji to whoatluy. Mm. Nnluou Moom, 3rd con., M*rHoa( \u quite ill witbun ulotiruUduort* throat. Tlin "Notioeu to TmnHpttmuiru" on tbb Hobool nroinl wora dentroyod on Hollow- o'on tiif^bt, 1/ra (J)r.) Muxon Iquvuh to-day to ut- tond tbo Atlawta Kxpoulfcioii. lb ih oxpootod tt,t dint and bar buHband will roturu In a fuw wookii, fottliny ran hiffb on. Saturday with ro j^ird to thu ni^li Habool quotikion-. It ap- pouru that tho counoil thought it wiHo to wit bold anrtain logal advioo from tboo who objuob to bttvo tbo dobool outttblin}icd. Tho quartorly Morvioau in tbo Mothodiiit oburcb Bnuday wote largely uttondod, Kuv. J. Galloway, thu pnalor, ^roaahad with miioli f>arnuMtnun and pro lit to an apprci. iitivo con^rogation. Hov. Mr, Scratch aH- niiitud in tbo adtuiniutration of tbo aattt* tnont. iJLVTHKSWOOD. i: KINGSVILLBi 'Cbo Kauffinan Broii, arc orootiii^'a fin o (jruon bouoo. Mm. Chan. Lo^fjatt in upending tin* wobk with friondn in CoIohitHtcr. Minn Wiflle and mother bavo roturnod from tboir viaitwitliPoiitiac, Mich, friondfi. Dr. Clovuland and M>. Swan ol Ootroit npont HJablmth with Alox. A.ugufllino and frrnily,. Tho Curkin and. Dr. Andrew Wiglo block will bu illuminated with'olootrioity. Sov- onil other huinnUHH plaooH aro o3tpootinti-..Lp^ put inoandfjHcont iit'htH." m-^.' ' Tbo wator intako at tbo lako in boini*o'n- bir^od uncTtboronubly oloanad out. Nuvor iu tho biatory of Khuox was Lako Erie known to be no low on thin nhoro an at preiH'nt. " " ' ~ ' :Cb'mp1aintfl aro boinfj raado daily, .yea, uifilitly of a lot of half-bruincd boya, all over 15 yeurH of ut*o, who (.ongie^ato on Mainu lit..inid malcc a Iminiie^f] of 1 iihuI11tin ladieH and [{'jiitn. In fuel wo uro Horry to way it, in not Hafe for u ucmtloman. and lady to plow up Main utrodt without bainu: tmyad or otljurwirio iiihultuj. On Satu-r- day ni^litthioo ooupK'n wcro vulg'.inly in- Kiiltud also an Sitivlay (jvonin^ tliroa |u:1ioh whilu Panama .Sinart'i) cor/ior, had to listen to abrtctMio Jan^ua^o. In Ciuot of Toboo 'Kennedy too tired aftor bi;J day's labor to be around? If no wo adviae tb'j oonucil to C,ivi.> him iL'n aHMiHtfttit. Ttit?r.'; in cno tiling .fP-K^KFONPENCE- '.1 -,jV"Mt3h,s all wool Soeka %]; 2 pairs for 25c 1 . Miraea'Tum O'Slmntor's 25c each Millinery iu]^ry Goods pricco. BootH, liboes and Rubbers, Iai'goafc stock aud lewost prices in tosHOX. arooories 'Frosb, Clean and Olioap. ESSEX, OHT. In thu item-* of )aHt weok. riiferonoo waH mado to a ecrtiiin mode of pnnihbmopt in oonneetinri with ncbool teaohin^. W aro von* Hurry, indeed, that Homo readers lmvo auppoH.id and mtiniaLod, that tho refereneo wan iiifu'le to Ulytheawood' koIiooI aiul itR toucher. And itpp'.iiirin^ in lilythoswood itenih, ini^lu to a oortair;' extent jmitify iliem in tin ir Hiipnottition. But quitu tho oontrury. W'u tako tliin our i arlieiit oppor- J tunity to ourrout the impreKuioM that ' lllythe^wnod fiehool wan re for rod to, and to Hay tb'tt if no initiation line boon aouo our presnit teiLchr.r, lo aHSure him and otborH that it witstjuii'j uiiinteutioHal oil our part. It wuh, porhapfl, an'-error in jmlgnaeut to placo the ittTii uudur the oaption " iilythfa wood". IV-ur bo it fronV 'your coi'renpon- dent lo Fay ono word iletriniental to our [tri-."i;nt tencher, for wbnuij wo cherinli nul ] in;^ bnt thu JundoHt regard and bent wi!-in . Under hin guidance then- bun bei-n an ooi:ardon culling for Hbvoio disoip- liivJ^p'ii'tio'ibirly of tho nnturo roforred to iiict- v/tek. We repeat tbo itatoiuent: rily'Iimwood nolioul wan not reforred to and we tmsil thin npolony will uuOi.:e to riihiabuoti tlio mind of tho erronooiu idea that tbo ooeurrono'j took plaoa in BlytheH- wood t-oliuol. And hh our preue.nl toaclier in to louye at tho tiiid of the your, we winli him iibutidunt hu^cohh inbinnyw Hphore, and anaiire himrtbat our bunt rcftpeota .will follow him. HANDWICld. Tiiinptation wan too Htron^, Lonin Yomul- blood hau ltft lha qarpiiHbyr's bu.rtcb awd Bono dek uhooting. Our GHtimubUi townnruiu, G. \V. Mason, has uold bio haodaorao ronidonco on Mill utroot and willithortly remove* to l^otroit. Mru. John Gihaon, (neo Mary Baylto) in Buffering from cauoar. ' Bho ih to undergo an opumtion in a few day^. Clureiioo Mason iu patting in a ootnpleto nt'ato of ropnir tbo bouno be purchased from iHruel Bplitlo^, Kimono Erault ban fitted up the rooms over hiiJ' nmub markot and taaon up bis rowidonoo tlioro, G. R. M. PonthmdiH our now. tax oollea- or, H, 0. riardwooil bavlni; roaiyned to iio- obpt a position in nome medioal iMUtltutiou in Dptroit, , Tbo Komtin Oatbolio l*rbytory onu not; bo completed nt tho upaoified time. Tbo luraborJwrqd;oedarv.wll(h which it ii lo be flniBhei; liftvlugj t'o^epqa^r-ffom British rU fiolfitnbia. v.-.v,-- certain, r,ln:n; aro about il do:'. ;ii (loturtniu- jjd citizens' who p'roponu to put tbo uvil down tliih v/ui:k if Llioy lmvo to break the law or Hmnii ktd'n lioail in thti attompt. On Friday evening Jo^ho J. VVij^lo, uon of Kobt. J. Witfle. arrived from O.iadwood. tSoutli Duootu. ,li)nuo wan horn and raittt:d" in Jvin^'Hvdlo and tlii^ ui hi;i JirKt visit l*omo in a# number of yynrn. IIo iu in clover utit, thoro, holding tho poisitiou Of choi:k clerk in tholl. <t N. W. K. 11. waro roonni at %7i> \>uv rnoiuli. About 11 wuokn a^o while unoccupifid and waiting for tlio oru truiij to arrivi', hctoolituily uudurtook to make a coupling of a flat oar loaded with httihl milri. Tbo rails projoutiu^ oyur tbo crifJ a foot or two ami whan tho oarfi ciinie io^c-iIkm' lu^va': eaii^iit butwuiui the liumpi;i* and end if a utet:l rail, !iqouo/,ii!(j bin body in a Hpauo of livo incbon. Ho buii- f tain.d jl fraoturo of thfloolhir bonojvnd two rihi* wen- cruhhm'l. Aftur bni;-fi in'thJi bos pital ihn;o wukn tbo railway j/ompany ^ayu him a paHM home with (it) daya vaca tion und allowed him half |iay while horo, Wlren ho'rt'tiiniH lr will bo promo tod to a bettor j )b in thu oJlioo. Moral A pinch, if not ion bird, in all flunky Duukoy Doroy, '-^:--w -**lM,'-^;.-';'-,Jt-* ',4. , Several Ilerils of liuil'iiloeH And tbounandn of vl.m, door, etc., aro . to bo found in tho Yollowatouo Park. It in tho only placo whero iho buffalo can bo found to-d:iy, ho lucrciUiHtdy liavo thoy boon slaughtered.' Thoy aro nouo from tho plaiiiH and prairn.'H.and thfc rern'nant now loft can thank tho Unitud Btatoii Govftrtmiont for tbp pi'iviU't^ of livintj. Tbo Yelunvutano Park in tboir homo and thoro thny aroHafo, The Park in patrolled by noldiorn both aummor and winter to capturo poaobo and offenduL-ii and nevoro ^lutiiuhmonr. hi motod nut to intrtulorti. In iiummor aim buffalo runga iu tlio mountain, neat YoltowBtone- Lako. Iu wititor thoy work oya'r into tlaydon ValloV; and iiiirrofintlinfr-country, whoro tho hot upri'njiii and watorn koop xUo anow meltod away. Door and oik ranRo ovor tbo ontiro YoUowHtono Pnrk. Tlma buuldon tbo groat murvoln otnaturo mot with in tbiti wondorJ. luml.tbcr/JtiVe aloo tbo Uncut Hpeoimeufl of QUtlkrtlo Kftino* Tamo and dooilo, they' four jiobmau. . SkutahOHot Woudorland, an1 illuBtratod book publfthod; by the Nor thorn, Paoifio Bailrbftd dtWibfifi tbia wonderland. It will ontbe b Uy Chah. S..^Fbb, the Qea'l ;AKept( Bfc.iPAil;' Miqu.V tipon receipt of 61% pantB lj/utamDfi. A Ill'KCIAI. COHUKHI'DMOKNT lK'f AIt.4 1110 Ki'l'lilt- IliNCIt TO VllVAi rilKHH JlKAOHUH. Dia Un. Huitok: Wo fol m> proud of tbo m-nnor in wliiob wo clinidd tho Appnninou that I am U"it; to toll you flrnt and improfiiiivoly thai wo roaulietl tbo highonfc point of thu paiiu with- outdoing any walkint; wo rode in the tmddlo Kl miloHof up ^radu.atad tbo lawt 10 vorv* utoop. Of coiirno'you don't oaro if wo rodo with ouo l*?n and witii both oven ulmt, ISditom aro no far abovo intoroiit in pUy- nioal foatftl Well, wo had both oyoH open. Wrt Haw Hunhuruod IuIIh, dried up moun tain oourneiH, rcmuinn of old'Human aoriuo- ductu and thu plain and u^ly mountuimton all mdeii; nono of tbo ^candour or Louiuy of tbo Alpii. About noon wo punood rnouutain tuwmi whoro 'tho wholo -population!! wero lyiiu! UssiJy upon tho mountaiu-Hido, amokiuff, fitmc; and tdoopiuu m tho nliado. AVo unw mountain.valley'fudcii complutoly covered with chuhtnut troon, and from tbo tiummit of tbo ptiHfi wo aaw Pintoja lyinfj thotifiuudu of feet below uti in tho valley and from that heiuht wo began ono of thono exciting plumjod down into tho valUy. Tho road iu liko tho tntok of lij;htnninj4 and our upoed wa* only a few kuota an hour lcun tlian that Hiimo plionomona.' Soon we roaohed the luxuriant vimm and vef^otarjon of tho'Timcan valloy. PiHtoja in a quaiut, timo-Btained city,* ho duHty that it might have travelled a long journey itnelf, but aw it i ^imrdud by a wall and moat and many Boldiorn, I tiiiHpoct it ^ot its duHt from other 'ityavoIOM,- It wiui noarly Hubfiot when wo left that oity for I'Moronco. The road wan lined with tlio bouHOH of tbo contadime, and many a beautiful Tohhu walked ntnoiin her companion^ anu wove batH itud other thingH in utruw. Only hy ubius,' miper- bumauu uloouunco did I puriiua.le Hurry that ho did not need a utraw hat. But. darknotrnVnime to my aid and wo could cot neo the beautiful i-i^uoran any i..oro. We wandered in tlio i;luum thron^ii iiiniuner- able suburban towtnj, pushii.^ our way itirion'^ thronun of ruv.dlerH of :he lower Clausen. Iu Italy, everyone livt.M out of doom in flirj evL-uiun. l'aliana liko to ex- eroiHe ilieir Iuii^h and tlio dirit'ordant crieH made uu foel very iitra:'trely indeed. Yn- dero were hootini/, simull urchins ytiJuiji, Ulrlfi ^i^tdinU, motht.r:; Horuamm^, and children uliriekin^. Lainj'h w^re v:tv raro ami Hariul in bi/. . rm ana ^rotL-Mpin curouru, Floi euen at hint .. i; i tho moon just noiiiy ovor it. We pasnod tlio ^u id fcuard.itnun at tho unto and were riding iu the enchant ed city. Tho munio and crowd in a Vii\.y.xu attntetod uj and in dial pin/.y-i v.m foiiiid a deairablu huLcl wl.uro we rehtod ;..: -dly troin our Ol) milo rule. WeH'iM'l two dayy in Flore no -'; and .saw I havu luiif n luimi to luaiCe. \ou rmui "lio.'oolu" to U'arn what we .saw but I WlM C)il!itu^Uti a f'-W tllUt;;ri. Xll'rl'C ih thu r1! (ti.l.u:o uitb it.sah'v townr wlneh r.iH-.ri, n .i -;m|,t nl'iHt, and tlio 'fcupvfb domn nf t;.u Ciitiit-dfill, and that iiiai.mve ritone priHoii of art, tlio 1'itti [Vilaeo, mid, liniied with it by tho corrodor ovf-r the old bridge, tbo Ut'hzi palace. Then the doors of the Baptifitry, one of which Michael An^t'lo Ban], wiih worthy to bo at' the entrance; of Parudiwi; Santa Croce, the ca* bed nil where 1'iorenco haw buried her famous doad. Moftt charming of fill are Iho mu^- inn, ti'ivU with tboir guitars. Tlp'h.'- ;'air mnaioiuiiH haunt tho oafoa and are roal sironft to attract custom. Wo loft, Florence ono hoc afternoon and followed tho uonrac* of the Arno down to Pibiv. Tho river wub iiuiidl mid miuldy and tbohillu whiob iihaped it.i coiU'HS wero dry and parched. It was on thofodowing morning that we reached Viaa aftor pu.su- iu^ tho nif^ht in a wayaide inn which waH diKGOurayiue; on tbo oxtori ir Lut contained a ourpriHo bedroom with froHcoon and laco if tho air abovo wan burning (jla.HM. .Wo find Haw tho Moditurranotm at about hum- Hot. I can neo vividly now tbo hi;bt ^re**u of tlm Hhoro, tbo dark ^ruon o( tho waiorn, und thu dKop bluo of tlin ntU of Klh, near whiob wan th rod of the Butting hud, flanked by dark (jray oloudw with bray.ew od'nOH. Wo pureed our mindH of one pop- ula f allnoy. All routln do not lad to ltom*. Moot of thorn load auywh< ro ol;c. My ro. collections afo a mixture of the horrible and tho bnantiful. I nee littlo fUbin^ yil- lad<M wliaro td nailnrn are nmnibblinj; wii h market women about the price of peurn. I neo tho fhuthmg wutiirH of b(irl/jr dotted with whito fiailtt and that 'biJ&jj^teM plaoii to obalk-whito road* i)4ffl wim thJ no idnulo iu whiob-to mead puncture*, uji- copt tho nhado of railo Htonoit. Then riHtii tho bine ontlino of tho Appuniueu and whilo aduiirin^ that wo uomo to a Handy, ugly river with no brid^o and wo lmvo to fltand and ncorcli until tho ferrymen tirrivo, Thia in followed by a blur of uut; boat aDd blaokborricB. Ono ni^bt we rode too hi>.o, and at laHt in doHporalion we nought lod^injf m a cantlo mtuatnd hi^'b on a hill to wbene (iiimmit we toilod. We found hoveral men there whouaid in annworto our plea for a bod that wo rrmat ank thn onptuin. Tho "captain" oumo out and waid that it wim impoHHiblo, wo mu*)t ^o ou. Wo. draped pur whoeln down to tiie plain and pedaled laboriously on until wo found a lioune at a ratlwav crosHinjr. (jar ploadinnn finally uacured nu a bud bore auti a promiuo of milk in the morning. At dawn 1 board a. kneok and bu.de tko visitor to enter. Ho did. Tt wan our hont loa'.tinj; a yoat into our bedohnmiter'.' He Keemod (iroatly in jured bocanno we refmied tbo ^outmli brv. erace. We rode on over waato landn which look muoh like our Colorado doacrtH. By tho roaditidcH tire rorniuutiof mimfiivo ^ateii which liava outlasted ^lioir walin, and tboy aro overgrown with vineH. On thcho planlis romn herdfi of white, lou^-horned cattlo vory pictnroHtjuo. Near tbo ugx aro oc aanioual lemon-otchardii and cork treeH. Tlio mountaimt aro very near the aboro at tiniGH and old medieval citieo are (.een perched on a hilltop and tlio houhtti built cloriely .together around tbo ed^o of tlio hill no they may serve as a wall. In one more .letter I will relate the remainder uf our venture. C, H. VahTynk. W C. T. U. Truth 1 Strttiij;r than Klction. The nie-o litthi Htorics th&i are tnventad and blahn-idwd tc, omphaHiEw the oluntfO for tho bettor that cornea from KivniRjnp , thu drink cannot axcounMn intarnHtlng in cident tho genuine utorioH of mn\ Vita, Xko . editor haw jimt before him a lottef from a yonnjj niiijj who joined tbo .Uoyal Tomp- hirs in Canada but riturnod.io the Old Country a fow moiithfl a^o. Uu left hii Old Country home entranced from , hid family through drink and oanne to this j.^of tbo Atlautio an onto ant and waadr^ ' jjl^jlroppod into a Royal Templar jar Montreal, where tfiord wore workinjf; jd^o. IIo fonod or. revival m*J( Bron. Dunnctt al and wiu led to J. O. Pclc's' OixMuntr' curtains and a canopied bed uLI very clean. Piaa ban all Hh attractiotni iyi one out of tbo way corneri'. "Wo rodo odi^orly to that corner, and aftor the ftrht gUin,pnc ivt tho leam-n^ towor, I found ray. aelf i ," foi- feer that tbo tower would Ioho its equilibrium bofsro wo iikould reach it. Wo ninnd and wiorvoiud'fur ^ timo und then entered tho pathodml noar by. When we oitim' 'ijit, thoro worn yovflr'al Gapuaiuiau mbuka und tbreo blind boj^iirn oxaminin^; our whoelo. I had to repair my tirVhomo and-tho blind inaii, in Hptte of tboir infirmity watobed thu operation with bronthloHtt jnturoHt. W oxtrioated ouraolvGH trom Vwx and bognn.iLvidp to RomowJiiob I shall luivev roptittb. I hoartily roootnmohd to' bioVolo ridorn all of randa and olimato and conn- fcrice through whiob wo had previously pRHBod, bub who ovor undertakes that ride to Uomo Hhould have tbo opidermis o-T a Bulamauder aud bioyob tiros as imporvione aa. an armadillo.' Ah my friend expreased it: "Kvery vegetating tbin iu thin infer nal country grow* a thorn." The toads are no dunty that tbo tires rolling in tbem sound like flapping Bails md, the heat Je as Thin week J. O. I\;cli, tiie clothior mi(| hatter, nuh been moyin^ uito and hettlin^ in lii^ new pretnUoH, tiie old McLean etand, corner of Sandwich .- trout, and 'Quellotto avenue. At a hue hour on Thurndav ui/;ht every.thiu^ wah m apple.-piu ordtr, anit youtorday the public wero invited iu to see the nia^mtieeiit and liuelj-arnintfoj stock, iiy di'jt of push and energy and eloie per- honal attention to business Mr. Peck -luta built up an iamiei.au |iat;i;iiu^i:, and muro coiinijodious ]iruniiMen had to ho sought. The 'Ji;|iortunity j:re^tHite'l itself in the eioMiij; up ,of the J[c.Le:tn X Co. ij'u-,ine^;i and in iht: tuci: of a k^en competition :dr. Peel'. bU.';CL'i:det| in rfeeiirm..; wliat [;j one of tho bust staiidH in Lhj wbol ' city. For the lait inonth WM-luinn h.tvu beuii reir.odellin;; the front and interior until til 'J premier) itr-; -circply leeo^uizanle. The: dour haw been inovs>l out of the corner and itb placo hii?-j been taken by a plate KhuiK window, vhich, with the old wen torn ! window, utulies tt splendid front almonfc bayaViaped. All tho wmdowH ar.: in pluto glasH. In th-j iJast and went windows aro incandeHcoiu electiiu li^hta of dOU candle power which rfhed an. illumiuntioii eipiul io .fUinlij^ht. The iirnt thiu^' which attracted the at tention ye^tordny wuk tlio window dresfciine;, in which a. verry pretty and urtintio el't'-Jct had been produced by allowing dark ^ooJh on a groundwork of pure white aud {,'reun( an arninyement which, bnuijii malte-up and equality into uevero relief, Tho Hhiall window wan thu work of Frank Kuhu, while, Ed. GiK'iac dreiiaed the hir^e ono. Thu work brings them boih mucli credit. Stopping within, thu interior ih palatial in appearance, Rpleudid mirrors, piaturen and tropical dl)wf:rH. contributing to tho general effoot. In tho ceutroof thocrouud Hour are menu' huitu, und on, tho-oant aiu> wont HulcH are .rnenu1 furuiahiiign and hats and ftint reaptclivoly. In tho year of tbiu tiaor arc a finely fitted up offtuo and ro- poption room and oyr thcao art! a gulltnv whioh in occupied wholly with tho mor- obuni. tailoring department.. : Tho vccoiul floor Ib ftliap a hundaomoly firunhed room, a featuro of wkioh; uu well ao thabbol.ow. being the full and comploto proYiHion mado for the comfort, and con- venioiico of jfittfcronH. Thoro ure .plenty of upholHtflrod-BeHtfl inviting nam wbije doinel buiiiiieaw, und largo mirrom run from iloor [to ooillti^ On thin floor uro hoptboy'a* and obildrqn'a olothtug and man's overooits, ^ Yesterday.uftornooaaiad ovoning the pro-, oeediug* were enlivened by the proaenco of tbo fomouB Bohuiunn iUhtrumontal trio ot Detroit, who from the gallery discoureed 'sweet harmony. , AH day long and daring the evening tb flooVajvere throuH^d with an admiring at tendance und a, big stroke of -buBinoe* wan don^ " ' l'-:""^--^",;" - . T Wtoyal Temp- now aoquiLinUnceit umouglt - lurw and turned over a now n|t' tdeuu well in thin country, aud ut^ yearo returned aoroiin thu hou an! \vl united with bin ' lamily. liju happituaaia not lttrougor than bin gratitude aud ho taken pleuHUro iu letting hid old Morula know how ho iu getting along. In hin I ant letter lie Hayw : "Tlio loHuouii I learned in tho Royal Templurn will never bn oraMod from my memory. They have been tbo moans of weaving a chum of Iqyw and comfort around our liowiu. Whan I finihli my work and havu my wifo aud children around- ms Hinging from the copy of 'Trumpet notes' I brought ovor'witb mo,"while I play tbo concurtiii a for tliem, I fool uupromoly' happy. I think 15'is my duty to lot yo know how happy wo nro ana how woll lam getting *n buo mine I watt reaaned by tho Koyal'TempIar Order that I liavo been able to overcome my woakneHH andj d.iffi, cultiei. There are peopln living on tbo name Htrco: with mo who aro getting three or four iibillingH a week mora than I, and yet They are not uk happy, tboy aro nob ua wd| idatbed, and their children are not aft clean and hoaltby. It Heoma to be u eupri.e to tbfcw, ftfld ontj ut them wan-bob eu6u^h to ttfi'k me how it waH. I told him it wad ull thrcut-'h drink. I upend no mon ey for drink and liavo no .drink iu my howe. In place 'of . giving tho publis- houne part ot my'uionoy, wo bpeud it in olothoH and the children are. ablu to go to ohurch and Sunday hcIiooI, I wt'ts put down an a fanatic when I returned home, ami. uomo of m;- friendit wero openly offouded hecaube I would nut take a mug of boor with them. I thank God that timen aro different now. I hecured employment, and have *ot uIool; well, and I can neo that, through my jrerhihtenco thoy have conic to reHjU'cL me. f am nctboaritin^j, but I feel that it ih a duty to let you know that I airf grateful for what waa dotio by the Uoyal TernpbirH for tue in CanuLla.1-- " <J 4> J^il't iVXij'i- 'J'tv, Lady Henry Sumoreot, the groat Eng- liiih huidtir o<! teiuporanco hitu a groa troth iu the following ; It often ucomH to mo tb'at thoi-fl aro litindreda of cbriutiiinu to-day talking of , joy mid peaco,upending their IIvch upon ,' the mountain-top and wrapping thorn-' ;, selves arn'-ind tho oomplaconcy that thoy' are ho safe in that great nurgin.y multitude' that all iu well with thorn, and that tbo gi-LMitheavon will noon open and lot t|iom. through. But tlio Lord in not tlioro They are alono to-day, tilono, hh they look into the great world. Whoro in tho Lord to-day? You go with mo up thono garrJt' Mtop.H to whoro that woman uitsi with hor lieart bleeding, and dreading thu footHton of-him wlio Hhouldbotho vory joy of her life, and yot in hor lonoly uorrow, with tearw trickling down hor faoo hh aha liatonw for that uound, thu Lard ih iu that place : And in our great oiti-ft to night thoro aro children pattorinj; around tho 'snowy . HiroutS with p'alo fne-t proeaotl up ugamur the eoolt-ahop only to iot u flmqll of'.tUat- for whioh thou- littlu aouU are loncing, and thu Lord in with thane children to-; night, IIo looks up and down bbosii busy' atroutH, and He uoeii man and wowoo who' "" mil thomuolvou OhriHtiium ptiHuiug on. Whoro in ono that niiU tako thoso.littlo oncb in liin attiiH and tako thotc home? \Vhat iBifc malwd tham horaohaH but this awful en rue, rtiul who nWall drive the davil out? I'hfcvo lifioH in my own land yU'oug mew filling wiidi li|tlo bubes m their lapg, trying to undo'tho'etrJuail ot whioh thoy know uo littlo, whilo she who boars tho ntcrod immo ot cthir Is lyiug a eouseleits : :. heapupou a bod of utraw. And the Lord m in yuoh a houflb ay that, aiid he ealla both ' yon und nt into this great, and "worltl of v; f| 'sin, to go ad kneel down by those siatera! ..f' atrioken down by this awfnj aoree, -ftnd'i^i5 raiuo them in our arms, bnd tell them;-.of^'/.{j the groat hope that is yet for tbena, aui-V\J drive, this dmon out by pxayer and '.fast-ffi% T: - . * -V /v,.Iwd r tbe-raBtala 6ut"^tho familiar'-|i'S party-flry-^may beajpplied^itnlol^W'^-A^ vroU aa to men.-|hWia of' fllseaBe,;;ttyfc|$p ..InTk in' tho W.oo6t;ateT,^rnod'oaV^hy'^'^|^ Baraap&rilla rb effectually as the old poat. xcaeters ar diBpUced by a new. adminitra*|i5i y..-:.""v- v':^^:lli m *$M