Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 1, 1895, page 8

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^;f^ . i... .. V If We're Not Mistaken Ninoty-nino out of every hundred intending purchasers want Style, 'Good .Quality imd Low PripoH. Tlmt'n about tho aituatiou. in a.nut- HhalL-'-To Maving poople who linow tlio worth of dollar^ thin ntoro m daily boooniin^ aa Jifctraotivo as Howura to tho hon.oy boo. . Our policy of flelHnsr'vciliablo gjoodii only at tliu "Imvoat pot-miblo pricow for ciihIi and produce aoouiH to moot wiih iho approval of a largo majority- in thin community. Noto tho fallowing quotations for thin woofcV bargain soolcur-i: 11 yurdH grey ifliuiiiol lor $1.00 ' 25 yarda ahakor flatinol " 15 yards canton flannel " .20 yards gingham '* 40 yards dross gooda " 26 yards print " * 26 yards towollinga " 5 yards table Inum " yardH doublo fold plaid droHH goocki for $1 7 ladies vents (or Jjjjl . 2 auiU men's underwear for $1 8 pt mon'w wool hox for $1. 4 \)V corsotu for $1 4 pr Ufiu womon'H ribbed bono {ov 100 puponrgood pins ior $1 " Dress G-oodsJ A tablo full of nil wooldropH goodu tho regular pricoa ran^od from fcOo to 75c, Wo will give you tUo: choit-s forJIOoyd. Iloavy twot-d oflfoet Buiting* -10 in. wido at ISiAc, liOu, 2nc yard; A lot ol dross tvimmingM at about ojio-third tiio rofjular-pricna. WARTALK IK LONDON. Brltnlr. Must Sopuro an AIU- anco With Japan. TO CHECKMATE RUSSIA IM- CHINA. WOODSTOCK .IN FliTI Welt'Omo to Mr. Lauriyr ami - His Associates. -t.windoi Jindu ^ nil] Jacket) New sty Hali $1 75 S^Jgoods thi season cut at 15-.Uifltei#T*2.C0, $, *4 pRTand jjiolcots, not thin aoa- Vatyloa, that woro sold for $!1 to 7.00. If you can use thorn tho pricoa now aro l.OO and M.OO each. jjfriplolo for 1,0b itw mu ili'n for 1.00, ' ' TVr^od1h^tewla for '-00 1.00 Twoods for 50fc? y*"*;.,. ,, Clothing TV' * *- Boots and Shoes '2 pr women's cloth Hlippors for *J5o at) pr womon's Dongola button boots worth .2,50, 3.00, ^oa l!J to 8J, you* choico for 1.50. 25 pr men's Bal and Congress, worth 2.(10, for 1.23. Bd pr men's Bal and Congress, ox- Jra good value at 2.50, now l.Bfi. ^foliinoTig*bootff-ftnd->ritbbor. boots irissoa' and children's dhoos at rock bottom pricoa. For men, youths and boys. ' No neod to pay fancy pricoH for well cut and nicoly mado clothing, Men's suits \\.75, 5.00, ii.OO, 7.50 that wore 5.O0, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00. B'vb' suits for 00c up. .Men's odd pants for 76c, mon's odd vo^fcs 75c, Our men's ul- flto- at 4 85 has no oquitl in tho trade. fi.uO buys a 7.5D rubber c?at. VVc can give you prices on clothing not to bo found outaido our ostnbliahmynti. Hats and Gaps BoinndoHiroimof cloBint! out evory fell Hat wo will uivu tliu public un opportunity of buying nay Wd tah Uat in our store at tho low price of 88o. Tho original priaen of tbuHe iiutn ranged from S1.25 to 82.50. ighest Price paid fox- Butter auclEggg. Tublo Oil Cloth only 20c yard, floor Oil Cloth aOc squaru yd. -.Mitba, Gloves' hosicrv, ladies' Goflamarfl, wo A lilnnkois. Chuncllo Ouri.ama, 'ChoncUo Tublo Covers, UinbrolhiH, Top Shii-t.i.'w-.ol tJn.dcH-woar, lice Cur tains Window Mlinds, Uomp and Brussol carpois at prices' nev, r lu-foro heard of in Jv^.;X. .Vecan aavo yod money on every dollar you upon 1. S. 0. A^DERSOtt ii Co,, BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel Esoox. Mnnuy to loiiu on Varmora' N'oten;Nntn.ibought w Colluctrul; Moiioy to loini i>u Mntf;n,;o!i at owotit niton and but turniH. . Praftnifianotl payublo ut pur ut all principal polntii. Fire Insurance Agents, etc. if social pcRsona Mi;m 1Ccaiin, Rociliustor, vmitwl fiicn.h) [in towr. on Sunday. Miim Surah, \Vribt, Maiilatone, viaitutl ricmlM in town LUir v;lc*1c. illr. Wrn. ti'iitiu left on ThurmKy on a Ibuuinetm trip toTulttfto, .Mansl'iidd aiul Anli- llund, Olno. ftliiia I\f. Kerr, accompanied Ly lior [ti'Jiul, AJion Kay, of Windfior, \iniud the [orihcr'ri aunt du BunJay lu-at. fllrH. Jon. McTufloQ, Arntr. KL-cinip-uiicd . )V btr hoiib Newton aiul Harry, hpi-nt Wed- j ioKU;vy with hor uifltHrrf, Mi^'.m thndou, | town. Mioo L'-iura Wi^lo left oh MDinlny to iiunh u eoiU'a of otuJy at Toronto, prior \c hoy clopai'turofor tho iWld f misHionury \,\x>r in .lapaii. Mr. ,h l'\ MuQuoon who hiiH boon in .Ima. Out., duriiin tho pimt two montlm, Lrvivo'l m town on Monday. Wo ure lluaHcjcl to huvq .T. F. with uu(juin. lothlntf.WoSoll HuKCrivca Bo.U tor Satit*riictioii. Mr." John Gayfer, dniKt;nit,Inornoll, /ritc-fl1. "Htark'ii Powdern (for hoatlaohe, L'eiirulKiu, oo9tivoeHrt, Htomaoli und fcbo tvor) huvo a vory largo Haiti and continue Ip'incnmBu tit* tliby "bL-oomn known. Nothing /o oell (*iVCfl bettor uatiflfaoUon." ,.Mro. D. GibfKHi,.couft'olio'nor, IiiuorBolJ, ^riteH;^- "1 have muni Stark'u i*owi3orK ^ith-cxcdlont; aCfoot. Icau lutrfijyroflom- icad fchom.bsvm^ given thop qwitoaji'jax- siiRlvo trial.", Nioe to taji'o,' Immodiuto ujd pernmnyut., Prico 2Cc a box at ull (tt^Muc.^oalGtg. Ho*k*4w^pr-......- ............... A cough whidh poraiuta day aftor day iould. not bo nefilootod any ionfior. It leaniiooiaiethitif;- more thank mere local :itationf and tho aoonor it id relieved, tho ifcter, Take Ayer'ti Cherry Sectoral.- It prompt to act and Bure to cure. Public School Hoport. UuiMii'iiity of attendance and uood work at. thorfii wi.Miitly I'xaminatioiiH aro necoimary for promo-Jon from ono clasri to another. WithouL thuHO, no pupil neod expect pro motion at th-.! half-yearly oxaininatioim. Priiiciparrt ruoiu, Entrance olanti; ftfttrlts poHSiblo 10; olrtainud: U . Jameti, lii}; U Groonway, .12; Jeuuiu l)ewnc, ;i2, B Gruenway, :10; II Mnnrn, :i0; H Kill son,-; K Naylor, 2; N Cotton, -Jli; K Luin/j, '21; h KfjMb, ab.iont. rlunior 1th. Murlw pon-iibUi 10; c-d: & Munro, 2Cr, i' AdamH 2M; Ij Wif'ln. '2:1; W Leo, 'J'i. K Alixnbtlur, 10; ! KHiyr.iHUli IB; R KcjDindon, 10; M Terry, 1-J; .larn-.-rt Wallace, uhnont. Junior third ; markri pohtjiblu 10 ; ob*.aiu- ud by hitihcht oix : W Thornu :i^.'A Lain m 33, B Hannon , G Wile M\ I" Siacoy 3'J, 13 McCaffrey lit. Mirin 'WiUiaiurt' room, Ht-nior hfeond iMarkri p:)H^iuleOO; obtninod by liitllu^t ton: : cti(aiy-i:i, L Tliorno 3d, F Uibhluy .1*, S Htonii ;i0, A JIowhuij IJij, H Haines 37, O Gonulov 37, I Uaviti 'J'.), O Goriiu;ll 'J!(, Miiiii AitidiiHorj'ti room, ufjnior and pui'uur. rucdiato hecoud clua*. Markh pOHtnble TjO; obtained \>y hi^hcut tun in clafii: O l^aul JH, K E1Uworth -it). L Allun -10. W Burton 311, M B-eiuan 3',(, O Hnbinann :)^, I\i Hobinaou 37, L Trowiu 31, E Laird 3*J, W Naylor 32. .Junior hccomi clash: G Cox -hi. A Nay. lor i';i, G Maylor 1-J, G RibhiHOu 10' R Oftan 3o, M Uuidi 3'j, V IIicltH 31, It Hill .'i'J. M Ilau^hnaiu J'.t, ,1 Eiiethiitn J8, Ji Sin clair 'JB, M I)eimora 27'. Alihri CruHhwollur'H rooui, iienior part hue- oud. Marku poHSiblo GO; obtaiuod'by hi^li- OHb tun m oUas: E PhiUipu -1G, M ItioUard-" Hon III), E L nnu 3j, G Dibbloy 31, AI Hob- iiiMon 83, U Duvifl 27, W WoHo 27, E, Gormloy iii, D Wi^huuan 2-1, A. WiUiiiHon 23. MiuH Bhaw'rt robin. Maries p.^cibhi ,j0; obtained by Mahout tt'n:~W E Boamon -10, R'Dowar-18, Oarrio ItobinHO.'45, E Hl-hI- tio -13, W Batoo f0, R Ilaunon 40,-F liicU.s 30, E Irwin J)0, Hto'lla May^jl), Lily IJ r. mon 30, * ""^ . jUfiau Hil11' room. 'Main poHHiblo 3; obtul'uqd by biRhof.lItoo: Poarl tipemau 33. Prui)Iclo proWn'HlJ.'.WohBte'r Hhj'ndroRB 39, Roy" H^a***5'1 4^,.,^M.Tlff-.,,MftfflP!-9.,..'^i "Mary^Sinalairlll, Arthur Loe 31, Julia Turner .ir/Willio Wilaon; 30, Jfirulo Btiek i.iiiii 'ii.-.-if :inif \yti- :... C . i . 'XijssIji ('(nit im! ilf* \<>i'lii>'rii il'ltitni - O.cftl SnU^' . Enirv*>* Oi-mij M|iciifjs ihMl, Now Vnrk. Oct. 37. Mr. Timhc N Ford f.!n.bI*M from TiOinhin : The Thucii-bn. iniblinhr.l frnii) fTonir XoiiK mi nt'iTMint of the :;ri lit diivoii- tlon Ix-twion lliuifda and <;hln;i, whlfili, unlcH.-i iNintradlcti'd in :m inilliorltntlvt* U'ay, <-hj)iiKf!- the wliolo nn\n>v\ of ill- fuh-H hi llic i'ur I'IniiL. J'tunnla \u i:n!d lo Imvo ohtnlni'd control of n iroud h'iV of Miinchurln ainl J*ort Ai thur, with ll.t: f 1 iii- iinidiornK1' nnd fortrrnHi!^/*'This rnMC'cMMhm will ).;ivyr-JvU,-t,^.!A.-yii nnval iitnlion and anJfniiti'f.'tfiKiblo iioidtlmi for tho (.'ommnjdi of tin? N'orlh I'aeiih'. The. rej-)orj/wm, n>cidv:d with in- crf.-iluniyy^ithQUKh published by Tlw TlnicH "Ih well Kroundfal, awl dhituiK! i-d by ^ w/ith omlnlouH gravity, ' "'? /riini.'H. having puhllHlu-d Un- moid /nipnrtiuil nown of many w<4iri, 7tn'r/holhIiiK to add or tnkf! back thi- rV'/tihik'; but other Journal** (Hhcuhk 'J/' matter norloindy, while alCi'CtIn;,' f/Ulirr to ilini-ndlt It or to believe that tiio rumors havo Htartud nfarcr honm than I Unnr Komk. The Rp'-etator Ih hold enough to i-ay that the nt-wH l probably true, and that Eni;huid hi not Krently <.-(ineerln"l If It Ih. The FiT-heh prefiH.oaMrcrly nceepts the r-.-Wfi, antl lnHlHtn that rtimlf<a Is cntitl- fd to liavo a frou hand lh the Yellow Sen. The TtrltlHh1 Fnndrcn Office? If client, but It i not ImprnhablR that the Ilon/r Kniij,' Htory has liei-n Inspired from tliat quarter fur the; wiKo jf noundln^ l-'n^rlisb npinion. Whethi.rr thl.-i Hiartling- cllMcloHiire of T'la.stom Meeret diplomacy be true nr Iireinatun; or false, two *.binpH are c-r- taln. nanudy, that TtuslFa Iiiih not feuiid Indeiniilly fnr China wlt-aouj, <-l.'- t:tji)iii|,' a valuable 'eoncession In return I'oi't -\ rtJitir in the liavlior wlih'h 1'uvsla in piIh nn ' covot:\ ami It Is net Improbnblf* that fihe has HeiMini'l a' least- the; ritrht of entry there for her roiumcreo and anchora'jo for her T'c.: clfie fleet. f'nle.'-s nnprland he ready to df.'elav<: ^vnr on RuphIu nnfl malrc an offensK'- nnd defenslvo allhinn with ,Ta:>un, miy bfii-i-'ain whhdi h:in been niade 'will J'" c:irrhd.ont Japan cannot luyht. Ttnn- sl'i alone, much an the ICnedlsh wo'ih' like to huveT , jier off or ivsl- taiieo. nor en n Kmdand dopeml upon ti'-rmau ^np]iort, id net; Uu:-sia ,i,ai'.. i.ii.Li]y irfvo nMKi!ranef;K at. I :<-i -lin'1 llrt! f'C'i'mrin shall not' f.'iiffer from th' ti-\y dlp!mo':; t ic a^reeo.cMi t. Lord Bi![(! bury evidently lias a foreign ques!:o'n on hi.'; 1 lands wlilrh will lei-avilv lax lr|s rc.'-iun'ecH. ibis'"la,- aft-r the or-eitpati'Mi of fVn-t .'. rlliur, will cunt' ol Northern c'hhia and vh'U:;'.ry eve. ( '.' e a. pi o'.erionttf ovrr lite IVrMn ihix-iM-iimenr. III P'll li:.l'll!ii|| With Ulis fh-llleil'-'-e tri ]".rill-li lrcsiljre hi Ka:;fern Asl:i. th" \*i-ii'-zu dap .'pie'-lion Is trivial Indeed A: other em rc-i-nnrtiinf sa>'H : Tie-re lias not lio-iiKiich nn outhiM"^ of h.'llle, se talk In >'ears a;" this rur.-ni lias e.'insi'd In heudon hi tlie past fe.^' hour:*. Ilc-speetahle joni'nnls. su'di as The I'iil! Mad Gazette, us.< sucdi Ian- Riiiu'.i' as this : "The outi ;\s-- wo-.:id madden an older and cooler natine t iKin Japan, ;n-d we shall have r< bloody war. If there \<; a.ny nerve and ! !u in tin.- counsels of Knejand. Shi"', too. will oppose It, ;t lid tfj t*'" di-a! h. T-'or ^ns ' it spelis tin- Io:-;s *"> ' f\-ery penny Invested in _Ghh"i,...'. ' i I .-'Is rd'rqi ilomi)!atifi:r""nT fhe I'mpIi c It ^p-l's I he ultlmat" but p* -rt n in rnh ef Miir trad.', and llc^.-ian w-;ir?h1 off \':'t Menu vor and SVdney. \\'o inn ' net. vl'^iPiiiFilv, at once, 1 .y dijilnni:: ' [- and by V.-enly ire- .air it. t-l r,-\'y ^<>H_-li>l~r- rc-cuveupat I' >n ol'T'.ir't llrimillnti, or:i' y h-dier s.latlon lliere may b... is t'" Fmalh-st ]'i-i;.:ai!de counter . n.evi-. ' "W'f oilulit n t once t.i, l.i-iii.:,' oe i -China ;;u uadru'^OiH.tsU-eii- i )of LiiS'-da's, ]e:"f~"j;:pan "*y*ei > t ii~ 1- ** h--r fl.-et uuhelped, at flie f>it; Id....d All tliis we oujrht to do without wr<h- for eoT,nYni;itio7i~dY d. (;i'!h-':" ; This fairly Jndleytr-t: ' vlui.i would ' " the temper nf the whY.'e ;:i'iti,-u ;.1*J-*-=- , without i f-C'i r<\ 'o pa rt.y. If lids' diido - Ti'i'.'fe movo by Uusula Its-ona :; an a'- cornplished fruit. The Tjomlon Htnndard, whlcdi. more thrm Tho Times, ma y be regarded a s tin.' Ministerial or'.'an, jo-ints an edito- ria.1 v.-hii.di inay b" eonlldently ju-et-pt- ed as rcpresenMiiLC l.oi-d Salisbury's views, and which Is suflieiently i'OPu.-t. on the China fpn^tion to suit Lho.imist ( xtrenie liuf-'sojdHibe-. " If," sa.\'s Tli" Htamlnrd, " flusslan oecupadion of Tort Arthur, disguised or ojien, ever he sorliiii-dy prop'*.-'" I. the v.'lndo <.' qm-^ t.i'n wili' opened and ihe various rhii'*;i"an pow ers v.dll act as their interests ^ball -tb - Not the lf-ust. remaiicabb- fent.uro <>i Tli,.. Standard's oditurhil is the <lef--]- enre liald In Japan,, whieli ' is t.rea.teil, hi -fund, 'as .a ^ri'iit power whose in!< r- ei-t^.are identical. Willi Knejanil's. "Th.r- shrewd aiid'cnuraf-veous sta.lesm(--n who direet the policy of that wonderful pe<>. pl'e. will r'-fuf-x* point bhni:: to K'lve wj:j If Russian occupation Is to be the se ouel lo thrdr w I'.li drawn 1 from 'I'net Ar thur," says Lord tfulbsbury'j: orj;'an ami b ' with a warning u. llussia no less einphatie: " If," It hays " tlie report that ' has boon flouted >. a J la lion d'Hss.aI, It may' aerve a use. fu! purpoKo by elk'lllnc- n dlstlnrt wnrnhur. that no meddling with th<;, exist in cr balance of jiower in l-'aPd r: Asia can he permitted either by .Japa: or bV Croat Ihdtaln." TW0-SMEKDII) 'MliElIHGS HELD KipoBuro toooldj damp wiiidaruay reHult in pnoumonia|unIeBB tho eyRtem ia kepi in vigorated with HoDd's Saraaparilla. Ui-itye Wiiikt**!"1* << I'.iiyintc Berlin. Oct. 27. The alleged treaty concluded between Kusshi and China H lehip widely and diversely diKnu^a'-id in VJtrlin. The Kreuz Zeltunp, In an ov the auhjoct, nays : " VVc can only enn- i*. Ive that (b'rnirmy'H comtent U< tliu nil' '} agreement- wouhl be ^iv-in In ex l.anee for equivalent coneeiiHlono to Ueniiaiiy. ' !f the agreement Is math* without the eminent **C (lel'tnur.y then (>l'many .will ho freed from nil oblbrutlonfj In.regard to the evacuation .of the Jdao 'Tunc .territory by - tha jMmK^L^.:^.,,. ,_ The nntl-Utmfllan ,""""v"'--------'" "'"'"' 11m tnlco a v^fy i)oHf The n ritl-Utmfllan .-uo^ni)nipfijDtfUji"iltQi^>' ^rnlaUc vlcvTv.f'Xlio -HltuatUm, predletln^rthat' We- tfpimiK of "-i^o'-xriH^u'-f^auyri^'wini'^riivo'-titiUtfu to Kurojic. Ihn IJIo-i-nl I,.-u.l-r 4'Iiik I1U Ou(arl Tour in Mr Oliver Mownt'ii f'miiUt- tuiiiry .11 r. Turd* ICt'ttll^H n 11U < 1-111^4 und ItiMilsN.h tin- Viflltltll <llii'hlloii- Woodstofdc, Oct. 27. The Ontario litumpliiK, lour of the blberal h:a.der^ was brouidit to fa olosn jnu-.t" fjaturday by two w\y Miiiliu.'iluMic mn<:tiiiyH--'jfjrr tho opera -.oi w IfluiULiaATiK tho fact that the iMiKib.'dueuL was nut mail.: .mull a couple o: days aivo, and "iily- hastily advertl:;. d, both the KyUe.-rilir.s Were Well aLLellded. U la ' lisljiuaii'd tlmt over ",>i<n> ji'-opb' wt.'re preseul a t .the tivu meetings. Tin- M'li nioon i;athei uit-; wan alteud- ed moi-Uj by the i'arna-l'S frmu tin- surroundiriff dbttrlct, while the towns- pi ojde availed themsid, ea of tin; eveii- nwr niivtliiK to listen to un oxpo.-.dUMi of tin- political ;vaspid.; 'cording to the Opposition. Mr. bainlcr spoke at both meeting, lie delivered two In teres I Intf addrcuses, but It waa easily dl;ieernihle that the Liberal ehlettaln was ilred out with the hard work of the last three w< eks. J. Israel Tai te also took the oppor tunity of del'endhib' iiip-Mdf bid'oro the_ ' l vvu audleiiee.i. At the uj'teriioon nuetln^ Sir Oliver Mowat.'Sir Uieliard (.'artwri|-;ht, \V. 'dlbson, M,J\, and Jamer. Sutherland, ALT., also spoke, but the three llrst- nameil Ki-ntleuien did not atay for the i-i-L'ond not hej-liiK, their phtoes belnj; taken by Mr. <j;u:t:y, M.l*., and .Mr. I lyman of Ijondon. Air. banner's afternoon upoech war short and was a repetition of bin pre vious utterances retfsmllnp, his aftb tudi: on the Manitoba school <iuestlnn, but his evening addreHH was u more leiiKlhy elfort. Me dealt with the ;arliT a'nd the alleged extravagant 'Xpendlture.H of the present Govern ment', ciitnparhie; them with the lij;ure:-. of the MaeUeii'/ie regime. He vigorous ly opposed .tin; superannuation system, and In conclusion turned hta attention to the statements of the pmis, ivjjurd- iriH; a'Tiorsonal rupture hetwemi Sir Illelmrd fJnrtwrlKht and himself. Thai itch was the case he emphatically de nied, and asserted thai llio circulation of the statements had taken pUtt:e-be cause the wiah was father to the thought. "The T-iIberul-party," said he, amid loud applause, "wan never more united thuiTVft-'i:r-tn-duy. Sir Hlelmi-d~CjW;|. u'ri-ht is one of my most 'aibd'e opV- I'agues, nnd 1 thank you for Sonitllnr. him 16 mi! to help expose the boo'dler.-. .and tho suoIcoth, tin? parasibs and Uie burnaeies .that are eatiit!routJbfa;eitt-e~ of thi; state." ' "- Tills was Mr. Laurler's llnale to the hitlr.- "Jt \n the ambition of my life to Tnrm a nallolV.^ It oxeppi tn the evaiiKelleal principle. *1'( ae on earth; tfood-wlll toward men.* T nave shown the position I occupy, It lias been my endeavor to work upon these lines. My polif'cird life may b" ' 'MPT or idioid, but wh-tlnr Ioiik or 'h"rt, when -the day. co.oes wlfen I oast eiose my eyes on.Mils fair eouri- iy that I love, when Us' day comes ' -h'-n 1 must' b-" fore anotln r triininiil, I 'can re'ndur't< stimuiiy-MliaL m all things, .lu-iv.ite or j.-ubHii, kr:own or unknown, I |-, sniven townnb; iliatend. and If | nmy fee! that I ha\e r. moved a 'prejuda'.-, even a sdnejc one, ihea I shall fe. l iiuit my life has not b'-n lived in vain. That is the aim I have .In view." Mr. Tarte dealt with the Manitoba clcoi (|uestinn and v.iMi the att.el-- j;ade again.-t himself. lie repeated Lie :.4's<TlIn|l that when he i;ot In :.e i:..u| ..Id city of Me. tivalhe would tusuli a ,ii'df,-e ;ie.d "invito" Mr, Mse- .' -|d to visit L':e !"!")Vi- the truth of t lo* strUetuer,!' " n: en. d in the "novel" published r: 'iiit .paper. : aid ,: "J a in_ here to.^Sii v. n i.d to sa ' ^T^f^fcrTnTirr-hohlfy. th:d*'T tliiu'-: th- i-'i ei,eii minority In ".i.tidloba h.v been tr.-.ale-l fairly. 1 appeal \r< the sense of jiml ice o!' all t!ae;p wl'.'i mar me-, > f tie- French majority o 'he. Lei:t.:-laJLiire ot.fjucbee we;v f;oii y to abolisji lo-muri-ow Ms- oilieia! use :'. tlii' I'hi^Ii.vh laimuaee and Frudbh .separate schools in provhie--, iy '.' Ton woid" .ay It was not fulr. and I would s;:y 'xui.-tly. I he:;: me. That is exactly v, h f has be( n lone lo my l-'reaeh count i v- nieii ni' M;i ni!dri. "Wlui.t :ise i be ("overnmont R*rdnff^ t(l do now'."' he nsla-d. "Mr. Ouhnet, spealdn^- the other d'y,' said tbit : _ . iary mechanism ^'. ould l>e devisi:<l t-> settl" the tfiiest Ion, and that It would b.- approwd. not only by all i'a.lhdle., but by all I'roti.. ejiun. Well, ilurlii'. 'lie l;:sl st.-: si on tie- f I.ivo'ji oien-l Phi!;."' fm- the reriuisl te meehii nism and f'oy did not t.bel it. They would find Mint.'the French Liberals of Quob veiv ae.'a hist CO'>reion, liee.-i ni',. I !e " ' -, - iir.s, i 'o-"seb'Mi. was not a. policy pf ; In ii-s ami they were not. K'dmr to stand- by If." WNMmhi Sl'"-'-ift. piv-sbb-nt of t It- NTorlh Oyfoi-d Ueform'As'soidat ion, oe- upb-d the. elie.Ir at th.- a lb erms's meetim?' and .rla:-' of Woodstuek at the evening ;;at bet'ii:;;. 'f'!u: * r'-.I::n Uai-jii-i-fr'-i .111.11,1 Herlin, Oct. 'itf, iulin^ that he wojihl hav-c to lanj-nish In the prison cells anot her six months be fore receiving Ida trial, has none com pletely l.iinme. -Hh: in::anily lw of a harmloi-B nature, however, but of tin. most idioUe character. We appears '.u have lost all reason and has been 1m- afdnlni-v that certain papem in hlu cell are "his babies." Ho Is nurslnf: hk; ImnAhmry little ones and his mind ap pears tii he completely deranged. Tiie severe mental strain on the allege J murderer soeniH to have unhinged he- Intellect. In order that his erratic movementn and peculiar vagaries in ay he closely watched, the Crown has placed an extra &uard hi hia coll. (numi Iti'titl III K5U Itnrii. Baturday oyen- IhK Jolin Mnrcombc.of MasonviUe avus found dead In the mow'of hlu barn by one of bin neb-;hbora, who waa helplmj hlnv to draw In corn otallcH.. Mr. Mar- ' <!f*itrhr-*wrft'"tol-o-pi^i the barn dbor and ^jitouitrsLjtoc. UxcJoHiL-cnmhitf. and wh6n , It 'arrived h'o" waa t'ouhd iyiiitc on'Ills face deud., , ' ".' 3SXSSBXi SHXOKB^L. The finest lot of High. G-rade Mantles ever brought to Essex, Woliavo pnralniHod from it Toronto imporior- 200 LatlicH' Muu- tloH mado up in the latoHfc. Amoricaii ntyloH, doublo-broaHtntl, largo Mandolin mIccvoh in Boavor Cloth, Ito'ugh' CIofcliH and Otnl Cloih at a great rcdtiotion Irom rogular priuoB. Oommencmg Saturday, Nov. 2, - auttinr 'il to ttflfl In litiuln. London, 06t 27. The great rlae In the pVlee of creamery or best butter bus cu-U8c<l/th0 Importation within toi'tnl^ht'Ojt 40,000 tubs from America, wfilch easljy .sold for from 24 to .28 jente a oouna In tho London market. < vVo will offer them at oxuotLy onoqunrtor off fcbo ropfular prieo: V . $ 8 00 atyliah Mantloa Roll for $ (i 00 10 00 12 00 lfi 00 Ifi 00 7 50 9 00 11 zr* V2 (10 Alao a lar^o a^nortmonfc of cheaper Mantlon at .82.76, $8.00, $1,00 and 85.00', til 25 por confc choapor than tho name good** can bo purchased for olaowiioro. Don't mifis thin opportunity if you aro in need of a mantle Wo aro also-hoadqtuirtoro for lino Fur Capes, notwithstanding tho pharp advance in fur guods.wo aro Htill sollinir thorn at old prices Tho MillinoryDoyartmont is agitinroplofcc with tiio now.ct Eng lish, IVencli and American Millinory Novoltieg. WaHhlnston, Oct. 27. A cablegram wtui recolved this afternoon annount;- Wg tho fiuddon death of heart failure .nnd pneumonia of the wife of-AmbnK-; -eador JiimeB B. Eustla/ at the rtfll- denoo of her pon, Georce.' 'KV Buptls, near Dublin; Ireland. - , ;.- {\ Z-' -^^rj,,'. :,^"~-^ T ;t,:.**. - THE GREAT CORNER STORE, l^35?g5Wt!Wagqg^^ FOH ALL KINDS OP Window Blinds away down Chiwiware, Bnc-a-Bnic, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Hooks and Stationery, Sohool Supplies, - l Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, New Stock of late Wall Paper ESSEX * fcs^^ Sttbuntli Soliool Convention. CALL Tho Eohox County' Sabbuth Kuhool Aejho aiation will bo buhl in tho Bap tut Church, WimlHor, Tuohday nnd Wodrmadny, Nnv- ouihbr 12th and llitii, 1805, eommunciutf ut 'J p. in. Tho tallowing in tho pro^rummu; . TUliSOlY Al/'riSIlNOON, 2 [i. m. -Devotional exoruiHua for thirty niiuii'oH, '2.110 p. m. 0[>f.*nint/ mldruHH by Thou. Fullor, Enq.. Ijoatnm^ton, Premdunt of tho AHHOoiation. Kcadji'^of minutoH of hint wuptinu;. 3 p. m. RnportH from tho variouu tliw- triotH of tho county. ii.'M) p. w. "Or^anizittion und Manu^o- .mtint," by Charlcn Naylor, of Ktinex. JJ.50 p. ni. "Tuauhdr'u 1'ropfLrtitiun," hy Alfred Day, gucrotary ot the Provincial : abbath School Aauocintion. "Touching Mio Lohhoii Haul Rejected" to a utnall boyn' claa^ by.AliHH Emma HftrdcuHtlo. a p. m. "ltulutioh of thu church to th Sunday Eohool." Kav. Mr. IIondorHon, Cornbiir. ' . ;"j.110 p. m,~"How to Promote Unity of Fctihng aii-i Effort- betwaon Churuh and tiahbuth School." Kav.. Mr. Galloway, Li'tLminptoi). 0 "Clouiuij Hxorcinj. KVKS1NO MlilJTlSO] 7.1*0 p. m. 7.-15 p. m. AddruHfiof wtilcome by Kov. AIc.'ViiiiuK- Rtsply by thu I'rortidonE". fi p. m; "Chiklhood tho Battlo^round of tho'lCiia'dum." Alfred Dity. 8.-15 p.m. "Tho Iiitqriitnro of tho Sun day Bchool," by Rov. T. Nattmmi, B. A. 0 1G p.m. "Attonlion, Itu Nature und How to Hconro It." Itov. W. Piitt.irHOu, B. A., Loamiu^ton, 10 p. ni. Cloitiug Exaroibufi. WliDHCHDAV MOUNIHO. fl.BO A.M. Dovotioual ExorotHOH. n.-ISii. tti. Election, of Oftlaorfi aud tho nnxb plficoof roootnit;. 10.16 a.m. "Eyo-Mmdod Pooplo,". by Alfred Day. 10.-15 a. in. " SaurahiiifithoHonpturou," illuiitjaUd by a ohaffc by Horaoo Hitohoobk Dotroit.. 11.30 iro Librftpioi Holptul to Banolav floiioolB.'VDf. Maxwell. ' It is hoped chat ull dologatoH will oomo prof*rod to diHoufla tho various nubjouts lu tho pfogrammo by Hhort a'nd torso ad- fllrqspqH.'Bo that the Convention may-he mado as helpful as poHBlble. A cordial lnyitation ia fektenped by the ehristun people of Windsor to the Babbatt School workers of tho County, tbeir bpmei will be tbro^D open to-Wloowie tbem. By setidinaadard to Mr. AIM. Barlet, a day or two btfnrfcJJrtf^pnven^Un bJlleU will Bazaar, IAJllJb NAYLOIt "iLiroii tniti opportunity or tuuimmoju , ,%/tno puoplo cf tho Town and County of Kniiox, that In; liufi ropiotI(il"U thoHfl- flox Ilollor Alillii ancoi'diiif,' to phinn proparnd by . H, N. ?rlci*, tit. TuDinati, ami has ikIhq lioouroil thu iMiwicm ot HoinniT Btiiaokan, nn oxpiirl- ihiik1 iinil ihoroiifjhlv u'Jinpiitont milloi-, . . Thaiiiduf,'tho (iDoplu of tbn town and oonnty lor tliopHroiiii(jo boctowou upon him In tho punt. w.iUijti.u-untuo fliitiufuotkm in tho futura GVistin^ and . Chopping a SoGcialtv. ' COUUMKAT, KIOPT IN HTOOK AN1> HoS ' AT JtlGP.T 'MtrCKB. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats, SOUTH WOUDSLEE Emporium. IT MUST BE TRUE Fnr ovory poraou|iav Lhfvt WRIGHT G. SMITH Makes tho beat HiirnoBa in tbe County' of ..-:"'" '. -BaBeiV-' 'It will paj you 'to come U' 8ori4n tytodsiee to,boy ybar^Hameiia. ; ' '-".'tl yJm Mi ?><\-rfaVlvS0$m '. Stock seoond to none ^^h'ecpuntyy/^.v.v^^j'^ FmDfctook'ot'Horaa. Blankets;.iaat'ioM^m'W^AJ^v^m'M 9961

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