; . I'WEl .Hh5Q8M29BL - - -J l,Ujlu/IT Scottish sits ornciu. The Enemas Favorite Season. "Victims, jof Rheumatism ' --Ml" Taken off Every day, Paine'a Celery Compound a Perfect oure for Rheum atism, Aro ybu/fcbmbcred in the vrnit army of r htnmaticf? If you uro, be wiirnod in tituo. Thin in the eoaaou roont fatal to a|l who suffer from rboimmtmro. Alroudy alarm and oouatorualiun in Hprcudiua in ibo ranka of tha suffering and diaablrd. To-daVi Buu-Hliino ohuorfl you; to-morrow aud nuccecding dayu, cold, damp, ohilliup and piercing 'wiudn may bring you to tho Very* of donpuir from ugouioH unci exoru- diatiue; palnif. Can you afford to go on bearing agonies that may proye fatut at any raomont? Gun. you n fiord to experiment with uroIoh* aiedicinea when yon know of Puino'ajColory Com pound, n ml tlio wonth rH it lmn dond for others? If you vuluo lifo.uuftko a trial to-tiny of the only infedioino undor hoavon that can banish your terrible affliction. Eaoh bottle of Pftiuo'a Oolory Compound in full of life-divine; virtue and power. It cannot fail in your ouho; aouro in putimntoed; what stronger promina cau you domro? Your friends aud noi^bbom bavo been ourod by Pajne'u Oolory Compound, Mauv of hcoreh oi medialneA; but viotory wuh thciru after using Pnino'B Coloiy Compound. Health, strcugth.porfeot vigoraud ooinploto viotory will also bo yonrH if you tako bold of tlio .' same great curing ugont. ban of Thl Elected n< Ike Heetlag # (lie MupHiuiA Council-Death f a Montreal/,,^.PcU ' 24.~Xho '-Supreme Council of the Anclont and Aeuupted Scottish-Kite, 33rd Degre*v-for.... the Dominion of Canada, ut thin mornlnjc'fl- seaalon elected oilluuk'H l'or the cunning trtonnlum u folluwH: Jllufctriuiia Grand Commundor, John W. Murton, JEluinU- "tcn; Ldeut. Grand Commundor, J- H.' Stearne, Montreal; Grand* Chancellor. Daniel Ki>ryr-Jvondgn;-Onuid Hunter of Cermonlo, Aii(fiin VV. liooi<ui, Mulit-' real; Grand MarHlwil, W. H. Thorne. St. John, N.U.; Grand Standard Hear er. ChurloM N. liell, \V(nn!pt;u; fcJecre- Lury-Uonoml, xiutfli Murray, Humll-' ton; Trouaurur-Oohbi'ul, Hugh Alex ander Macltay, liorHn; Grand CaiuaJU of tlio Guard,' J..J. Muuon, HuiiiliUiu; Deputy fir Ontario, J.J. Mason, Hamil ton; for Qui-beo, Benjamin Tooke, Montroul; for New Brunswick, Hon* It. H. Mhi-hIuiII, tit. John; for Nova Sootlu, K. i;. li't)i(l.or, Jlallfax, N.B.; for Brlttoh Columbia, John W. UJIIh, Bt. John, N.R Tlie wheat crop of Manitoba and Ut* Northwest lu bo in fir rapidly brought to the olevatoni ulonu; the line of th* Canadian Pacific, and In fact tho (Umntlty la lur^er than at the hiliiio date hint ear. I-'rom tlio lat to the 113rd of Oclohor there wore received 11,4%,- 000 bmihohi, afsahiHt ],870,000 buuhclit for tho ame period of 1894. The toUil quantity received from the beadnninir of the removal in Hentembor up to date iu S.Mii.OGO bimheln, as aj;aliiBt 4,83-1,000 for .1894. TheHe olevatoni aro the Lake of tho WooUh, Orjllvle's, tli Canadian Paolflc and nome others. There uus a cutliorlntf of jHJOplc in the Htrect thin afteninnn in front of St. Piitrlclc'u 1'reflbytery, and word passed from mouth to mouth that M|*r. O'Hryan of the Papal ilouiiehold, who ha"H been In Canada for nomo time pu.st, had uuddenly expired. TCnrjulry conllrmed the report. On Sunday Mjjr- wmi taken ucrlounly 111 while say tag mass, and at hhi.own requeiit the lasit rlteu of the church were administered M^r., however, irot better, but juut after taking dinner, and while prepar ing to toko a walk, tho learned prelate dropped to the door and expired. The directum of the Hanque du P.eu- ple, will probably have good now.1) for tho frlenda of the bank to-morrow. ' What hi new In the wltuation ?" was asked to-day . of President Oronley. "X think we will have good newn for you to-morrow," way tho reply."A meet ing will take place, and I expect we will be able to re-open tho doom of the bank on Nov. .4." It hi undcrutood that Mr. Do Montitfny of tho Jacquas Cartior Hank, will take charge of th* Bunque du Pcuple. Ill lU'MINHUITH Tltl U, l*OMY*-0\Kto] In Connection With tho Grand Trunk Railway. RETIREMENT OF Mff- WRiNVViUCKT. Tlifl. nwly-xiflrmtnnnt oure for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly oxpol tlio noiHO*i from tho eyst y tho iuithftil and por- slatont uhg fov'ti Barnaparilla. Thi^ twondorfny ^5y provoH aucconaful when II bthor^srcaTmont lmR failed to rohuvo Uoror. u- Mountnin Cllmbliiir Ha a wonderful faHciaation for many meo. Aud the hijihar tho mountain aud tbo greater Hpico of danger about it. tbo more anxioUB is the ordinary man, with any mountain climbing lDHtinota whatever, to get to tbo ton of that mouatuia. Thoro lu an iutoxioation, a fiory outhunianm about it that pualien ono on and on, and routs,tir ed mncclcH and uiHpiron flununiK oouruco to overlastiufdy kcap at it uutil the top w reaohod and tho oODlint! zophyni that fan tho brow of tho mountain oool yonr own throbbing tomplea. . AmorioauH- have tbouRht that it wan neqeaaary to go to Kuropo, to tho Alpu, to find any full grown mountains! bo noalo, It'u all moonnhino. Ian't 11,000 foot high enough, with cln-oiorH, thoso ra'okod, crack- ed oroatures of ico and anow, aud cratorn and ilaaurOH -anil procipicos to climb over '. and round, tho aarae as in tbo Alpn? Yob, [ifcey aro""aH"rlfiUt horo cloaoat hand, and you aro mtorootad to linow where and ^ow and when, justetmd your addrcfts, aud contH iu atampH to Char. 8. Fkjs of the irthorn Pacific lUilroud, St. Paul. Minn., ho will HCnd you a book that rocount jlimb up ouo of tho grandest realm of Fth, writton by tho gentleman whour.ade Fei uRcent. The ohaptor on thin mountain ia pro- r Jueely illustrated in half tone otcliinca taken by a photoKmphor who accompanied the party for that purpose. If yon aro id- ! terefitod onou^h in your own oountry to , desire to know about itn wonderful scenic features, you want thin book. Mr OKlftk* Ak for TluH to liavn hu Iu- VfilleHllun nit Id 'the Hunt* tin Ilia tirtiy irotiHorH. FJerlln, Ont, Oct. 25. As many ex pected, the Kurchlnakl murder cane hafi been poatponed until the .Spring; A.mmIzoh. An aoon an court waH called to order, Mr. Oulcr arowo and read two* aflldavlts, ono from Caroline Spring and another from Mr*. PowllnHkl, wife of the witneaa found yeutorday in: re ference to those notorioua gre troutiera supposed'to liave been worn by the prisoner while committing the dread ful crime. The affidavit!! Bald tho ori ginal cioth from which the panta were made contained apotB mnde by scorch ing while being pressed In the mill. The Spring girl Bald she made tho troueera for the prisoner at his home in the fall of 1891, and that when she cut them the spots were so numerous that she could hardly cut tho panto from clean cloth, and they then con tained no small epotu whatever. Mrs. Powllnski's affidavit said' that the trousers had burned spots, on whew 3old to Kurchln&kl in September, 1891. Mr. Oslor said he had to follow.this cloth up and have the stains analyzed, and unless a poKtponmont of tho cane was made ho could not have time to do this and the prisoner would not have a fair trial. Mr. JoluiBton In turn put In an affidavit from John Powllnski himself in reference to tho stains, about the same au that of his wife. Mr. Johnston said lie thought the defence's reasons for. demanding a postponement were not ttufflcient. Justice Robertson said lie was loth to put off the trial. The Crown wit nesses had been brought at a large expense, and everything was In readl- nees; nevertheless, lest an innocent man should be found guilty, he would give the defence the benefit of the doubt and grant the postponement. Mr. Osier and Detective Greer left for Toronto on the 5 o'elock train. SUCH. UKlXAItU Tltl.U,. -4 A. Timely Unmluder. locori Each Heanon fore on upon our considera tion itn own poouliar periln to hoaltih. The advent of fall fiudn many reduced in strength and vicor, poorly prepared to oontioua tho busiiiosB of lifo. Tho now-, sou-and bowels, tho Rruat highway of animal economy, to oapeoially liablo to disorder iu tbo fall. Tha norvoan ayntom has also RQft'oroil m the struggle Typhoid fever and malaria iu particular flud in the fall that combination, of earth, air aod water that mark this Heasbtt an espeolally dangeroufl. -i'he falling leaven, the duay- ing vegetableu contribute* their abate of ntimination. Hood^s Sarsaparill*, fur- e< a m*ut valuable safeguard aft theao t'rtant points, and whould !) ueod in before wtrious aioknesft has laid you Tb Dcfcncft mil lift I'nibtlonnl HiUulilty .Vo ftvl<l<mttt of a Htrneclr. Oswego, Oct. 25. The trial of Mrs. Harriet Kollar for the murder of Al bert Ktmpthorn, in August last, at tracts large crowds to the court house in this city. Phnotional insanity will he the defence. At the time Kemp- thorn.visited Mrs. KeJlar and succeed ed In overpowering her she wua un well and her condition will be pleaded as an excuse for her aleged excitable condition. Witnesses will testify that Kemp- thorn was in the habit of calling upon Mrs. Kollar, and others will nlvear that there was no evidence of a strug gle In her bedroom Immediately after the crime. Kempthorn entered through a small window. Itl'KSl.t.V lllIfeACIl'V. Vow run HellitVA Tho e8tiraouil* published in b#Ualf of tood's-SawapflnVa. They ro Wrtttesi by ioeafc people, who have aotuallv found IBi lir owu elperlanoo that Hood's-Sarsap- -i-purifiea tbo blood, nreates the .(ippefcite ., ^Irengthena tho sytem and absolutely ,p.nd ^!'^rmanontiyxureayii',d'eeaBoa,:orued by K; impure or deDoloot blood."-"" ' Mv A. Trrnly HhIH to Havtt ll**u (4tmiI VfUh Cblna Which Would <ilve Hmula Pve- tlniiiliiauee lu llir Kant. London, Oct. 25. The Times pub lishes a despatch from Its Hong ICong. correspondent, who says that he learns from thoroughly trustworthy authority that a treat was recently concluded between China and Russia, by the pro- vlslone of which Russia obtains the rh,' c of anchorage for her fleet nt Port Arthur, the right to construct. and work under Russian management the Nortchmcck and Tsltshiar, Vladi vostok and Tsltslhar and Port Ar thur 'Railways, and other commercial advantages to which tho "Most favor ed nation" clause in other treaties'Is not applicable. China, however, re serves the right to purchase the rail ways after 20 years, at.a price to bo settled upon. The Times remarks editorially upon the startling character of tho despatch and sns It expect!? an ofllclal denial will bo mode, but hints tnat such a de nial may be Ignored. Husaia, It adds, cannot possibly imagine .that.itho 'other, urreat powers will view with indeffer- enco an enterprise which would con stitute the- idotftruotloh-< of othe<'-existing' balanco of power, and; which |s almost unparalleled in 'Its audacity. Russia Is well aware that tho magnitude of tho changes, In: the movement now,' rti ported are such that sho, could not earryvthem out unless she had doflnltely resolved to,,abaudon. tho paolflo polloy of tho last relg/j and; plunge Into vast and dangeroya aatiyUles. ...,. . Tnll* nr Trnslor*r.'ihViip' **'** Rome. 6cW: 24, RUrriors'dt the con*- templatod .trenstarl.ofiJtbd'^aeot^C'thsi/ Ppacy, to Avignon'. FraJioei-havA^bcoJii .rrrlved, hut ars not credited hei'e, v TJio AU(Niil Uoiirral MnupK-T HhM fa b ilmiHl.lorliiL' u Lucrative rfr Vrom NW VofL - 4!tliu C<>lill>uliy llotid-; 1'loati-tl tu Luutlmt ut u C ml Hiiur*-, Mohtreal, Oct. 25. The many rrlend- Of Mr. William Walnwilght will loar . with regret that'there l iilroiiK probii bility of that'popular ollleiul resign bli the olllce of assistant general munuK**' of the (Irnnd Trunk Hallway. i*om time auo It wiik stated that Mr. Wai." wright wuh to become president an general, manager of the lUchelLeu ** Ontiirlo Navigation Co., but there luu been no canilrmatlon of this report Jt is undwL-Htnnd, howuver, that the <n sl.stant general manutfur hay been of ftreel an Lmpurtaut and lucrative po sition in connection with tho Trum .Lines Association In New York CILv and that Mr. Wainwright has the ma ter under consideration. Of course uamo Rumor Is; ut worU locating a ^uccestor to tho 'man win.* has been for so many years one u; the moving spirits of the GrandTrunu and the name of Mr. atuvonuou l1- prominently mentioned, Mr. JJavid Morrlce, the well-knowi cotton king, has juiit completed a aur prlslngly happy deal In the Londm. iiit'iH'V inui'l.i-'L, mul at the same tliu hrotight a lilg surprise to- CaJiadlaii money lenders. On Jan. li the Dominion Cotton.Com pany's G per cent, debentures to> th> amount of Jl.auri.OOO, all of which, ar* held In Montreal, and other parts o Canada, will fall duo, and Mr. A.. -V Oault, pro*-:Id(int of tho IJnmlnlon. Gim.- ton Co., bus received a cable from. Mi Mnrrico saying that the istitie had botn made- In L,ondon at ! 1-^ pi.-r cent. The news was well received on. &&* street, for it means that $1,500,000 o( Kngllsh money will be brought t9 Can. adu. Of the debentureK coming du on the new year the Ilochc-higa Uanit holds $100,000, aisd -a like amount Is held by the mimlnary of fit. Sulplne. An important meeting of tlie Banquc Du Peuple directorate wan held' t*v dny and it was decided to open the rioors of the bank to treat with the deposit holders. President Grenier ex plained to your correspondent that the bank would not, however, be open for general business. Depositors hold ing $3,177,000, Including the Govern ment flepnslt, have signified their ac ceptance of the bank's fichenie and Instead of.making tho first payment six months' hence the bank Is no\v In a position to pay 25 per cent, on the 4th of November, With the amount In their valts thehank lms; now $i,8f)0.000 at Its disposition. On the 27th Nov. there will be a. meeting of stockholders when the future of the bank will, he decided upon and. in. the meantime legislation will*be asked for at tlio coming session of Parliament. tMrm%m ktitiTAiN .i.\i> Yi:\i:zri:rA t# The l.ritt'rn Hfiit by Mr 4 liiiin:>filalh ilifi <iovi-ninr t*t UrliUli ^uluiiii Washington Oct. 25. The DoiUSy Chronicle of. Wept. 27, u newspaper ab Georgetown,. Denu-rara, containing the full test of Rj^ht Hun. Joseph Cham berlain's letters to the Governor of ItritiBh Ouiana, has been neelvod'hei t Mr. Chamberlain recommoneded tlie plaelnjj of a Maxim gun at the point on the Uruaa River where the colon ial inspector and his asj-iistants- were arrested by tlie Venezuelan^ foraea, and tin* establishment of a Hlmilturgufl at another point along the frontier. Mr. Chamberlain's letter also sug gested the advisability of cuttttng a wagon road from Port B ere ma-,; .i dis tance of 150 miles, southeast through the rich gold fields Is the disputed ter ritory, ami coupled with this was a reuuesL that Lhe merchant!! of (ieurge- town slviuld furnish the m*ney to build It.. Appreelatlni? the scarcity of the police lArce at Georgetown, Mr.. Cham berlain recommends that tlm corps of firemen In the city be aboliVhed and their membership added to that nt' the local police in order to augment the latter ranks. Air. Chamberlain's recommendations if Tlse Dally Chronicle fairly rcllucts public opinion In Dememra, do not meet: the wishes of the coI'ojjtstB. The Chronicle editorially ridicules the Brit ish Secretary for the Colonics. It j\iyt- tlie only effect of the planting of n Maxtm irun on the Uruan would be Its capture by the Infuriated Vcnezut-I inn. thus affording an -Instructive objec: lesson of British Incar>aclty to proton! their own Interests, inasmuch as the British constabulary at that place are so few In number that they could be easily overcome by the Venezuelan.*- on the opposite bank of the river. The Chronicle shows that It would take sever) weeks at least to transport the gun from Georgetown, and the citizens of that place are too poor U> consider seriously the proposition tn hulld the rond to the gold fields at their own expense. So far as abolish ing the corps of firemen is concerned that supiTestlon, the paper adds, would rot be tolerated for a moment, Mr. Chamberlain's letter lo'the Gov ernor of British Guiana was writton about, the first of September a fort night or so after the receipt of Score-' tary Olney's memorandum to Lord Salisbury, In which ho elaborated" the Interpretation put by this Govrnrent upon tho Monroe doctrine. The sho'.'i- nefcs of time which elapsed between the issuance of Mr. Olney's note-and the forwarding of Mr. Chamberlain'f letter to the Governor of Deme ara is regarded by dlplomatts as an old en- incidence If It be not pregnant with significance. Although tho arrest of the colonial police occurred a year ago, no notice ..Was, taken of tho matter by tho Brit ish', authorities except a sharp note demanding an explanation and re questing from Venezuela a promise l hat-her soldiorn should not cross to tho right bank of tho Uruan. ^ To these requests the Venezuelan Oqyorument, It hi said,: replied with an emphatic negative, since a promise to remain to one side of tho stream would- be a tacit admission that thf remelndfjr of the torrItorv,wiis"a"HrIt- lsli poHsopsian.an admission that Veho- ,-nueia.1 cap, not, .It'ls'-clalihod, be per suaded, to: make. The revival of the Incident at this latoday Is'donstrhW by -dlploipata to mean that the bou'n-' darv dispute Is the Inspiration ofHng- land's, sq-called ultimatum, and that for this' reason her request for an apology and ao possible Indemnity Will meet, with an emphatic refusal. i, ' "i-';'..'^ ;. , Octv:.25i-i-Xhe-lervI* a^pe In the Shortis trinl ift all in and (fl6ui-t adjourned td: aUQ^ counsel to VhartcM H, Jtuiahltaw, Sick Headache CUREO PERMANENTLY ' ' 'v BY TAKINO Ayer'sPHIs "l wan troubled a lonu thnV' w*Hi *}'* lieadiLOhu. 1 tried Kood 'wniW1".,, ( ? rfleonimendfcrt for thin onuluini.i 1,,ll'lfc was nut until I Began taking Aycr's Pills "*i Hint I received prnianent tienodt. ij- niiildo box of rheao pills frued me: Iron* hoadaohe.H, aa4 I.nrn imwa well imni.'"^, 0. II. nuTtiiirxcH, Kaat Auburn, Mo. Awarded Me<lal atWorld's Pair JLyer'n SarstnxtYiUiL in tlte licst. nriiEE DEiirro date. As a Result of tho Hamilton Hotel Firo TII3EE OTHERS IN DANGER YET- Ilk-*. lUrli and Her l(*b> V*>ll Kiioii^h ( JL^iiVe thf llituiilla^ I'liu tlercuvtMl U'OIIIIIU Yfllfl llAviHlllI i;V- imrleiicti lM'alU or Kiev. Hainllton. Oct. 21. About noon to*- day two of the Koch children, who- were rescui.-d from tlit; (Queen's Hotel, on Tuesday night,.- when it was oiv. urer died from the t-tS -cU-uf Inhaling the smoke and lire, tuti* iiatiie, the i- year-okl ghl, is not expected to sur- w*e. i lu: death oi the two boys to- d.ty, 'I ony and liernlc, makes three deaths from the (Ire.. Mrs. Koch and he*- uaby, have rucr.veuud sutllcleutly to leave the hospital, but Mrs. An drews and Miss Oranan are still cou- llnud', and liave good chances to re cover it pneumonia dues not set In. tn tbat-cmko, the doctoiis-^H-yT~M--*,T-3"nnT" drew ii' chances for recovery uiv t-ligi-t, as idie was exposed to the cold for a long tirhe after she was taken from tlie burning building. In an Interview to-day Mrs. Koch- tiald, she and Ihmt husband had gone to their rooms when there was a . ( at the front door. He .respond ed but found no one there. Then he ULiivd, and iu a few minutes Mrs. K'oeh noticed the baby choking. Then ahe- t-melt'smoke, uroused her hu:;b:ind and ,with her baby 1m her arms ran to. ilie bath room and escaped tu the looff of an adjoining building, whence .' he was rescued. Mr. Koch immediate ly ran to the doom of the hoarders i.itd help,yelling fire. Then he i;an downi i lairs and gave the alarm,' and re- . Lined to rescue Mrs. Andrews andi ihe children, but In the act of doing mi he fell. Detective Boyle Is still working op. i iie caye. Street Car Conductor George*' icholron Hays he "took a st ranger ii.un the corner of King and Jamos^- : .roots on Tuesday night and left hhn at the (.jiH'en's shortly before 2 o'clock. ' e was probably tho man who rapped' .-t the door and thea disappeared, and' .-oilie think he may have done this .ail. i*. warning to the Inmates of the hotel:. The actions of a young man. who was oidered out of the hotel late on Tume- iuy night lays him oipen to .suspicion,. Me boarded at the hotel some weoki? 'i';o, and went back on Moriday night.. Me had no money and the proprietor f-'ave him lodgfng and brenkfaat. but told him Tuesday night he could keep him no longer without money, ard Ihe young man, a stranger, left tilu- hotel vowing vengeance. He said' hi: was going to Montreal. This. mornLng Rev. Dr. Tjaldliuw- pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian . Church, after a long Illness, died' near Georgetown, where he has for some lime resided with his brother-Iiv-Iaw. Angus M'cColl. He was f>5 years old, Veconped was highly .esteemed in this* city, where he has been a pastor foi Jf years. J-Ie leaves three sons, Hir.'h. Ormipbell and Robert.' The remains will be brotrght to the city and on Sal t-relay afternoon the service will b" held In St. Paul'a Church, after which. The "remains, will be sent to Gfcorgc- -i.owu. --where- the funeral will take idace. Gtoorgo I. JToaaee^ NURBEBrMAN, Ruthvon, Essex County. Poach, Pear, Plum, Apple and Quinon Treos, Rdhiih, Evorureona, Horry BBahon, ItttHpharry, Blaakborry and Currant Bushes. AU fimUoUsfi floods. Bavo agents' Big Profits ! and writ* fdr price*. Wo will cheer- folly answer you by return mail. Alia every rwpqot. mm - $12. ihe tradn)In all kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, ___Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS ;Mo sre Sole Auntn iu tho County for THE: ^LE3nEl.]VEC>lTC>Tl.. 0( ChioaKo, which took Highest Awardn[afc tho World'n Vair. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits , at lowest prices. A writton guarutitoa wifcb every Outfit, Laing Bros., Essex. J. GOtTRXfcAY & SONsT^ifiSE^ ONT . THE TRIOA1PH CORK SHELLER This Machine-eonaiafcsof a horizontal cast cylinder, .with wrought iron bars, with stool teoth bo I tod to tho oylijdor so as to bo rovomblo when th tooth liocomo worn on the front nido, /making in a perforated ooncayo iroa hbell, which tho shollod cow? passes through.into a sheet iron onso, with e fan. or olosnor attached- bol'ow, which takes ail tlio dust from tho grain. Tho ohuapoBfc, host,, most simple and durablo Fowov Com Shollor in ueo; aholla corn perfectly oloun in any condition sholling and cleaning from ono to two thousand bushols of oars pey day, according to power, "" ^, Dimensions. Pulhjy, 10 in. diam- ttr^Htivfaco; Motion, 300 to 800 revolutions por minuto; Weight, 650 lba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED J. GOURLAV & SONS. ..v Feaihorfeono Skiti Bon^! FOR CIV1NC STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRESSES, For a ale by IoadiunDry Qocda Donlors. m^mmmmamimmmmmmmmttimm A. li^lit, pliable, elastic bono mado from qnillf). It in noft and yielding conforming readily to folda, yot giving proper ohapo to skirt or tUesu. Tho only Skirt Bono that may, bo wot without iujttry, l Tho Colobratfidiyatheirbone! Coreeto are eorded with] this material. * 1 CURED! STARTLIMG FACTS FQR DISEASE VICTIMS. UrCURE& GUARANTEED OR A/O PAY I iPr VnilO Noroounnddoflpondonfcr,^oftkor dobllitiitortr.tilrioiliwrtnilnKfi; nAnm- AliL full i bitton eiifiily fnthruedt-nxalliiklA and irritnbtn: aym liunkon, rod until blurred; pimploii on:ipfuoo;. dwam* and nlirht Ioiihom; ri'ittitMit; luuTfinrd lookina:; wnnk hnclc; bone pnln^; hniratoaot alcors; Borothroat: vnrioocoln: dnponitui nrino and drninB nt; nCeol; di^tru()tf^l; wantiof coufideliccK look ox onorffy and HtronstUi WE" OAN OU&tS YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY rtt& K* A K> JOHN A. MANX.IN. JOHN A. MANhlK. ;. CKAH. TOWKHS.. ffAR POWEHa. n ^t m* .A J1KV011E 'IIUCAI'MKNT. Al-TJJIl'i'likATUBNX. ' U^VOim XUUA'J.MKN'r. AJ^iu.U CUWXHhMT' HO NAMES OR TESTIHOItULS USED WITHOUr WRITTEW CONSENT, VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AHb IMPOTENCY CURED, John A. Manila ajrB:r-,,sI'W8ona of tho obontJoe* ti*j.| tht%t* of uayly lanoranc^omui(UiKl nt IS.year* of age., I ( triad aovon ttiodloul QrmH and *pent$0OO wifriootar^iL Ittikvo up In doApnir. The drains on loy syaUm wor* WMkoninur my Intelloot na wall a* my rt<aal aad physical triad aovon ttiodloul QrmH and-kpeotf I.wivo up in doApnir. The drain* on WMkoninurtuy Intellootna wollaniyo: . . ^- lifo. My brother ndvlwulJna uh a hut resort to conjalt t>*8. Konntxly & Korann. I oomxntmtmcl their Hew Method i Treatmont and In aim wooka- trnri a 'now hiaii, withjiow lifo and nmhlthm, .Dhla \ma fou- ywra uo, and Paw 1- tun Harried and happy. 1 reeommAnd theae reuftblol ::M uaaoialhbi to all my aJHUhxl fdlluwineu. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Tiic- vlowi of early boyhoedl laid tho jEonndatlon of my "ram- IiHtor'<4ih--ki^t(|tty Hfrfr* and oxpowaro to hlbKMl d- < _._, ___ ___expom... hmim complotwl tbo iw^eok.. I bad all the .ayoipttsmt ->of. Novvotu Debility unkaneya.emiMilons, drain ua urin*, nm-v6aan(ww*, week beck. oti Syphlhj caoMd-ma hair1 do ' 1 -fall oat, bone paliui, tileeca la month and oatonRO* blotoh(M on body, etc, X thank God X tried Dr*. Kennedy JcKortran. Xbay rwtetodma to health, ylgor and'happlnwr. lis, Varicocele, EureiJ. ,CHAB. EfJWBug, , t$T W* trsat andcura Varicocele ^missions, Ntitvoui Dmliito^Stminai Weakness,, Glaet, Stricture, fyfhiiis,: Unnatural Dtsc/targes,, Sdf A$us*. Kidney>a*JBladdtf Diseases. w ' 17 YEAR3 IN pRXRpIT, 300,000 CURHDl1 WQRtflK- REr\DER!:^ia Nw Method Ti^tin^wilTcai* jot* What it haa dejne for othem itwiUdofoF voav CONSULT/------ ----- ------"------ -------* ~-i-i-~ *~^s, P^13rNOllAMBS"OS^iy WlTHOUf7WR|TTEN CONSENTS pf|i.J XATE. No medicine 'ope*- Bvwrytrklnir confidential. Question Hat arnd coot or Treat- mo nt, FREE. ",, t}\:',^'^H" W8^SHEfcBy"Q^:i1 4s 0.-' C^d-.y ,w Method Treatment win arayotr. hum ""f.'flif ""T "fT^riW Xc Itt:l)W/J,tJjj 'i.* i'V '.V'!/i;.Ji