Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), November 1, 1895, page 2

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Mw^m V i ?' r? fKl* "ft" rer -THB- * ESSEX FREE PRE8S miT,, 03WT7- ,ir Published Every Friday Morning 4 From the cmoo on Talbot Btraet, next (DanaUa Blook. V Special attention is paid to tho publum tiou of matter of local importance, aoour ate and re'I able roporta of Town, neifrhbor log Township aud County Oounoil proceed Inge, local and ooanby market reporta, cto the oarelD< and jndioloua manaRemont ol Xua Fbki Juntas, with respect to tboao and other current mat torn of local importance, has given it a widespread proati^o in the centre of Esaax county.whioh ia reaotinUod fl one of the bent agricultural diatrioU in Ontario. Tn Fmck Pnane ia tho only modium oironlatinj; thoiouf{hry in thin central portion of the County, and in eon aoquontly,without doubt,tho only thorough advertising medium for uuhjihihh people wishing to reaoh that oluaa of oaatomorH. j OOnillCaFONDHNO*. Our columns arc always open for the peaceable dlaoutiHion of matters pertaluiu- to tho public welfare. Ablo oorroepondoutB in aN^^TJJUtround ing localities tumi*hjgM!G{?rMi6ttil ol events of wtoreatjMJjJ^^jjj tholrnovn0 nhercBt and yM>|Kfiahor M at all timet pleased io^gS^0 intubating itotna ol now* Iro,^|J5y>'diBpOSOd to forward oontri AU-^Cnmtmioationn of a private and leptial nature, should he ho markod Mi tho ouiHide of tho onvolopo. auiiflaurpTioM tuioa. bX,0O per annum, atriotly in advauoe, ) 1.6 j per annum if uofc ho paid; ana all arrears charged at that rate. AlWKHTiaKtfUNm Tranaionfc legal and muuiolpal adver- kiaemoutu, notloea, eta., ohargod nt tbo rata of tou oentH per lino, for ftrot insertiou, and five ooutH per lino for oaob Hnbaeououfc lnHortion. All auoh advertiflornouta aro raaiutured by a aoalo of twelve liuea to tho inch. liooal reading and othor notiooa pub- UHhod amonK local uowe mutter ohurgad at the rato of ton coats po** running lino for each insertion. All notices of ohuroh or eooioty ontor ~t*iumonta otany doeoription, afc_whiob an admiBaiOo foe ia charged, are roRardod ui> advortirieraflutsrartd fall advertising ratoo harmed in all such caaow, Noticoa of fjnth- erin^a or mooting not for pecuniary buuo- fit or aid, will bo oheorfully published free of charge. Bpooiul contract ratoa made for display or ntandingiidvtu. All legal or profession- al cards under ono inch, $5 nor annum. J011 OK OOMUKMOUfc I'lUHTIKO, Tho Fhkh Vmtau Job Printing De partment is under tho suporvisiot of thoroughly competent moohanicH, and snocial attention is paid to tbit- branoh" of tho trade. Our facilities for tbo oxooution of all kinds of Boolt and Vine Job Printing are unexcelled. Steam power prosooe. A. call solioited. nrJBIHKRO.ILUaULJLTlOHB. All Job Printing and Transient Advertising aououuts, strictly cash. Advertinint! aoobunts' with regular patrons aro sottlad qnari orly. Qnb- oriptlans duo iu advanoo, No subscription to tho FitKR Prkrei, or advortifjomont rmbhnhod in if a oolumnH will bo discontinued until all arroars aro paid in full. . Changes for adyortUQinonts, to ooouro Insertion in tho current imiuo, must he handed in not later than noon of tho Tuoh- day preooding, und uolicg of buch iutGud- 6d ohaugo id roquirod on the Man day pre ooding. Notioo of discontinuance of uovoitmo- uaonts must bo ^ivon at loast one wonli in auvanoo of tlio mmiu in which j they are desired to last appear. ADvisimoBao, Subsoribers aud patrona geuerally arc roquoatod to read the abovo ro^alationn earefully, in order that confusion tnav bo avuidod, as they will in all ouugsj be adhered to. AdclroBfl all communications to U. JT. TLOVKILACK. Publlnher tho EbbbX Fiibb Pmsnn, Eguox, Ont THE SALMON MATTER \ ' if ' fi'ii Sf(INfa6t<lrMy Settled Id th#Old 1 Country. . ^ THE FROZEN FISH MAY BE SENT IH- ' (I'.n^. ABOUT THE SCHOOL QUESTION. Tw+f. rrinetU OpInUu Cabled U Tlia Vam- 4n 1'imti* Uld *!* Th Bpori Thmt sir. lluaduk-4'M i'ou- Irui IId llnu i'auclld PALACE STBAHBRQ. TO LOW RATHC CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG, ^ BUFFALO ano ALL POINTfi EAST HVHHV MVUNINQ WBTWUBH DETROIT # CLEVELAND Comiecilu^ wltli arllcit trnlus nt Cleveland for all points tnut, South nnd Houthnest. 5ud*y Trips Jon, Inly, Augutt and ScplombQr On) CUM YHIftt hhn Wwwte BnvwattH Toledo, Detroit^ Mackinac ^CTOSKQV. TJIB "GOO," MAROUCTTG, AN DULUTJL uew steel pi38euicr uteamera lmve }uu \ built for our Upper Luke Iloute, couthiK v each, fiend fat Illustrated pamphlet. A. A. OOHANT2. . r. * v. *. DMTnOIT. UIOH. DORfliTaGiryaMiB.mAH m.n Ottnwti, Oct. 25- A cablegiam beon received irowi the High Commis sioner stating- that u setth-meut HatlH- fuctory to Important hud Uou reu/hed In regurd to tho Ihltinh Columbia. frozen fish mutter. "Jt will be remem bored that tlio other day a consign" inent at fro/eii/uuluion i'lom UiUlsh Columbia wuu/lmpoundcd lu ljuiidon by the Flshnj/jngcifc* <'onipany, on tin ground that^u- n^h vveie willy tiou . and as It IjpPlH' rliNc :n*u.'.un lor tiout In I'lngluij^thelr suli- ivm D.ohlbll'd. Thcio IhjJtj doubt that tin- natlbiuCoij concluHjKi of the mutti r U. dut lo tli* pi-onoirfcedi opinion of 1'rof. rrlnc. idy"i of Ji'lslu'ilei. uho, luiv- IiUr JuutTMBrnLd Horn a lengthy vMt to Tlrlthth Columbln, ^. nbh> to 4p( ,iU authorltutively on the imitler. I'ioi Prince's vlewi) weie cabled lo Thj Times, and In thin way gained the fuP- cbt publicity. Tho rimili will be to enable the companies which have em barked In this eiUeipiiHu to continue It wlthouflet or hindrance. The Htatemeilt In The Tat onto News of Thumday that the fjovcrninent had decided to notify Mr. Jumeu Iluddnrf that hhi contiuct for ij. fast Atlantic ctoumshlp Rcrvlce In at an end la a puic fake. Kir Maekonaie BowoU states that until such time as the Imperial Govcrnment'ii decision on the applica tion for a subsidy to the rant lino had been received thci e would be no change In the Government's policy. A communication has been received at the PostoMlcc "Depnitment from the High Commissioner intimating that a number of letters are bclm; received at his onleo from thp Dominion addressed to Canadlan.s vhsltlng Kurope, which aro short of the lequlslte amount o postnfre. Nowspajier readers ought not to be required to be re minded that the iate of post- nRc on all letter^ to rjicat Hiltain Is Cc. per hulf-ouiii c The iate for Canada and tlv I'nii-d Hlutea Ifi !te per ounce, nnd It is e\ l*h nt that par ties forget the dli ioiicv in wtiKht at, between the Internal rate and the Ku- loiiQan rate. The attention of the public In drawn to the ponto(llre repulatlons which re quire that onlv persons who have li censes from the department can le gally sell postage stamps. The recent arrest of partlen In Toionto for clean ing stamps 1b an Indication of the vigi lance of tho postal authoiitloft. The maringoni of the Garrison meitri dinner to General Gascolgne are kick ing themselves be aMe they did not Invito newspaper representatives to the function laat evening. The banquet Is admitted to have been a splendid .success, but the Ottawa mllltarv men. have lost all UudoH of It from the'fact that no report If forthcoming of the two principal speeches, the Gen eral's and Hon. Mr Dickey's. The speech of the Mlnlntor In acknowledged to have been an exceedingly brilliant one, and Important as outlining his pollcy-an admlnls rutor of the Depart ment The peeiil ar calibre -of some men who are entrusted with arranging" for Important events may be Judged by the intimation which came from an Ottawa officer to a newspaper mar? thatthe latter would be welcome to a seat in the gallery of tlv banquet hall as snon as the sp ecli'-s commenrd. Needless to say the important conces sion was not accepted Tho newspaper correspondent^ hole are not yearning to he Invited to the banquets, hut they expect to be treated as gentle men, Tho major portion of the railwoy 1c gislntion next session -will apply lo tho great west. Among the applt^aUoi *i of which notice is given thin week is one for a charter to a compare to build a line from Winnipeg Ct Grand Rapids, thence to Hudson Pn" with a branch from Grand Rapids to Edmonton. Another company poeKr to build thiee llns in different direc tions" from Edmonton while the "Win nipeg Great Noithein (Hugh Suther land's road), will seek an extension of time. LlBbRAL LfcADERSJT INGl-RiiOLL- a. Qr, >%MUrfr -fid *>rcy 'n *lr tburflasliu l&<|iMaa. v, InseraolL bntf Ocfc,* 2G.%lM demon- Uullwi lo^Hoju \V5|ffrldfttailrier by the Itt^nu^i^ouxuirU\(pralti ,th\B uU ternoou , xieaded anyth.nK Of the kind vlt hofore bld licre. Thy distinguished paily arrived on fn O'clock train and were m**t by the Young Uberalfl, tho town council and ihoiiinndfl of cUUoiih At the depot Mr. Wattorworth read the following address to Mr. l-iuurl' r, which \um gracefully n-sponded to; Honored Blr, The Municipal Conned or the Town of Ingeiuoll beg to ex tend to you their hearty welcome en tills, your first visit to our county, und feel certain they only voice tho sontl- irn<nU of the vast majority of oui 'citizens In cxprcsulng the delight with whlrh all classes have looked forward to thfit visit. And whilst your liberal frlendH aro enthusiastic, wo fool cer tain that many of those who have been heretofore your political oppon ents, uie anxious and pleased to have this opportunity of meeting and hear ing so distinguished a Canadian dis-' cu<fy the political und queh- tlonn now agitating th- public mind. And vvn, as a public body, composed an we aro of both political parties. must disclaim any intention of lnW- duclng into thin address of welcome any expressions of a oontrovet sail character respecting the politics of tin day, but we honor you an tho ch<w*i leader of one of the great political parties of our country, and should you lie the one chosen to guide th'i ship qf state, wo have every confidence that your every act will be to en deuvor to keep pure and free aud un tarnished fiom scandal or wrong do ing every department of government, that you will keep free and untramel- lod from Government Inteifoiuncc tlu- avenues or commerce, tnereuy allow ing all tradea, callings and professions to follow that vocation which seems best suited to each Individual cane, thereby dealing out Justice and equal rights to all sections and portions of tho community. L -i'1-' \ m. officially authorizes A pioccsslnn was then formed, and st.tti n.< ;.l that no advances have been headed hy the Foresters ami Oddfel- made to Premier Greenway looking to lows' bands, Hon. Mr. Laurkr and hln a compromise on tho sebool question." associates were escorted lo Ih rc--- The following gentlemen have been dence of Dr. McKay, M.L.A., where chosen as tho Board of Visitors for the IT WAS A EDtE TAWL *)< * O'u. (* _ "T LAO I ylnff Oo^patdn Sent Out From Th Arhbl>ho *t Ml. BAqire ttd to IIkv Apnroached lUe iloVrrnmeaK -Mr. K. H WHHn^lity V4UldraW His BudguitUou Nw Vrom Llio <-'ni>l(ul. Ottawa, Oct. 2\. Hoth the evening papers contain a dtupnteh from Now York, which states that a special from Winnipeg Intimates that Archbishop Langovln, head of the Roman Catho lic Church In that province, has sub mitted a proposition to Premier Green- wu and the Manitoba Government, it hi reported, for a compromise on the school question, and the compromise It to he accepted. The terms are un derstood to ho these: "Catholic schools may be establish ed, but Avll I receive no financial aid from tho Government. The Catholics, how ever, aro not to be taxed for tho mippoit of tho Protestant 1'ubllc hooln The Catholic School Hoard v ill be supplied with machinery to Im pose taxes on all Catholics for paro chial schools, except where a Catho lic parent prefer to send bin children tn the Public schools. Thin compromise will satisfy both Catholics and Pro testant t, and end the utrUgKlo." The foiogolng, emanating from the source whence It did, looked very fishy, and enquiry In tho Manitoba capital elicited the Information that the Winnipeg liar has bem getting in IiIh fine walk. A private 0 -patch it. m city states "'Rev.Futhu pel- !h i'm pii\ ate H'eietnry to Archbishop the tKNMHrXA WUX KMlftT V)V*4'iirt<* tho HiVlUh Uvrnmetht Hl'iMpl* n;Ylldr a^StlnJHM Airrr+ n " , J N*W York.'pet tkr-A row-Ktirtp'tetlt p.{ Caracas, Venezuela, telwr h' as follows i J uk*d PresM -m ' ""Polr^simJUtiO' yfcatdrday'"-Afternoon to mnhii ' Ine TT: position of Venezuela, in ugitid In die demand of Great Britain that V parti tion be made for the arrowt of Uiltish -aubJ<icU,-n.mPthat a aettWnmt of the boundary question between the two countries bo arranged. While the Rie- nident maintained a certain degree of diplomatic reserve, I am able to say, on the highest authority, that the Government, as well as public opinion, disbelieved In any attmpt at unjust aggression on the part of lOngland, and conthlofl In the Monroe doctrine. Hhould, however, such aggiesslon oc cur, Venezuela will resist heroically. The Venezuelan Gov* rnment, H am Informed, Is still officially uninformed in relation to England's ultimatum. A special from Lima. Peru, uay : A leudlng article in The Comoroln de- elaies that if the United HtatiM Is to retain its. prestige It must make Us Influence Impressive In the qutstlnn at issue between Great Britain and Vene zuela. If the ITnltnd Btates lenialnn Inactive and suffers u blockade of Venezuela, KntrlanO may not yet lie triumphant. Tho result would pua- Hlbly he nothing more than that Kng- Innd would retain of the Guiana roust rnly so much an tho guns of her ships could cover. they woio entertained. At 7 o'clock a monster torch It ht pioeuiflon was formed and epeoi ted the leader and hhi friends to the skat- Inc rink, wlee tho sp akln-r took jilace The irn* en e ,*-tru' ttu was bcautlfuly d-coiat d for the occasion With lings and hunting, while numer ous nppiopriate mottoes adorned the walls On reaching the rink, which wan fill ed to overflowing, with from -I0OO to 5000 people of this and auroundlnr: counties, the appearance of the lead- gib was greeted with a perfect o\ atlon which continued for some minutes. Mr. James Vance, president at the Young Liberal Club, occupied the chair, and on the platform were Hon. Wilfild Laurler, Sir-Oliver Mowat, J. Israel Tarte, Kir Richard Cartwright, Hon. David Mills, John Charlton, .Tnmen Sutherland, M.P., for North Oxford, Dr. McKay, M.L..A., for .Smith OxVrd, Sherltr Urady, Registrar Pat- tullo and other prominent liberals. After a few introductory remarks the speakers of the evening were In troduced in the folowlng order : Sir Xllchard Cartwright, Sir Oliver Mowat, James Sutherland.Hon. Wilfrid Laur ler, Hon. David Mills, J. Israel Tarte and John Charlton. Mr. G, \V. Haie, secretary-tieasurer of the South Oxford Reform Associa tion presented the Liberal leader with an addres.4 on behalf of that organiza tion and Mr. A. P. Gundry read an other on behalf of the Young Liberals of Ingersoll The speaking did not terminate until midnight. Hon. Mr. Laurler charac terized thl3 demonstration as the largeat and most enthusiastic of the whole perles. The meeting was brouuht to a close by cheers for the Liberal loaders and by tho band playing God Save the Queen. -------------- Royal Military College for the ensuing year; Col. PawoII, Adjutant General ; Col Duchesnay, DA.G., Quebec; Col. 13 Smith, D.A.G.. London: Mr. San- ford Fleming C.M.G., Chancellor of Queen's University; Mr. D. MoPheruon. who was one of the first batch of graduates from tho Royal Military (" allege, and has always manlfented a lively Interest In the progrepn of the Institution. He has been chosen by Mr.DIckcau the representative of the Graduates'* Association on Visiting tho Hoard. Mr. D. Pottlngcr, General Manager of the Intercolonial Roil way, is In the \irt mend Mi'* it MoWl " *nLondon, Oct. 2fi. Mr. William T. Stead, formerly editor of The I'all Mall Gazette, publishes an article in Tho Westminster Gazette, In which noway* that Kngland ought not to belittle tho significance of the outburst of Ameil- can sentiment over tin* Venezuelan question. The Amor leans, lie said, have built up a navy which they have no me reason to be proud of, and tho Monroe doctrine Is now one of national faith. "When the twentieth century dawns upon us," he continues, "we will have to recognize tin, Un'tcd Htates as ft naval power of the first clas'i Never theless," he concludes "oui case Is so iitrong that we need not fear to refer the question to an honest nibltiatlon* but first reparation must be made for violation of our territory." A Vrarli nt imerlrmi l'nprrt. London, Oct. 25. Tho News in Its Issue to-morrow will say in connec tion with the Anglo-Venezuelan dis pute ; "If it pays American Journa lists to circulate lying acocuntfl of In terviews that have never taken plac* doubtless they will continue to do 90, but It Ih unfortunnte-for their attempt to create Ill-feeling against this coun try that Mr. Olney is at fee head of the American State Department. He In not only an able lawyer, but a broad* minded man of the world. There 1 .no fear of any lack of courtesy be- city. He states that traflic on tho road | twecn him and Lord Salisbury or Sir uirm: uoni aiso sku iii;^. Mrs. I.nrriimholuf Ih Fre*. Ottawa, Oct. 23. The Baskatonp murder trial In Hull ended this morn ing In a verdict of not guilty. Mr- LaFramboise was Immediately dla- charged. Mr. Kellnr Admlu th* Hbofttlujf. Oswego, N.Y., Oct r. Nothing sen sational has developed In the Kemp- thorn murder case bore to-day. Mrs Kellar, who admits the shooting, sit* by her attorneys, and appoars to tag. but a languid Interest In the testi mony. The prosecuting ofllceru hope- to be able to show that Kempthon wan In Mrs. Kellar's house for at leasf three hours before the shooting, and that he was killed while he lay sleep lng on the'bed. rflflultnr 4'oliirl<lriit*it. Chntsworth, Oct. 25. David McCluro of Wllllamsford and Robert McCluro of thin place died within two days of each other. David was 73, Robert 17. They came from Ayr, Scotland, in 1SIM. having been neighbors ever since and each leaves a widow and nlno children. \N COPYRIGHT** I ODTAftttU*if*A*BN*f'< meat opinion Hw Cuuailluu 4ppla Hold, London, Oct. 26.-At Liverpool to day 2771 barrels of apples brought by the steamers Cephalonia, Mongolia* and Vancouver, were sold at auction. Canadian Baldwins brought 15s tol7- greenings 12 to IBh; Kings, 19H to SGm! and Boston Baldwins, 15B to 16s. In London .820 eases of California nenra woro sold. Winter Nells brought frjwi Os to ISb; Eantern Bourrca i& to 1G? Duchesse 18s, Glout Morcoaux 2ifl and Bourro Clairjeau 13s, i * . mit>t in <hf> Ulp, rtl Clinton. Oct. 25. While George Coop er' and two other young men, named J,Wilier i.nd Chldley. wero out shooting JMUXer it dpped and Xoll, his gun was dul clmrge*, and tho charge made>an uirlv ,tV?dilL"jy ^ rt----------'" * '" iKo)- *. ipt kimww and an boncot oplploa, wrtt to' N N 4t OUi. who hto bad DMkJv fltty fm*t* icrtnstioa onoarnlni( PntealM una bow to Otw W1A tbwn sent ri>. Alio a cauJogiw of pftohtrt- m * .."<> tiffjwgftV i.wuw r(&t taken tK? bi5 broeBltf Wl *^ Ho..Mta ^ij^fttes'-'sff^ iY idhct n Cooper's hip. ft ,. pt*<i m4 toy in* rtiuvh holdlin. nUA1slep> Oct.'24, The French trana- ,lH>rt .aanton^^haa arrived here from ' Madagascar with a Un-ge number of 'JnvWId soldlbra ori board. SlMty-four ,dled on tho voyage, U of them since the Cailton Aa^ae^ Por.t, Said* , AA\.( f.,l((MIer. i d fAUftpna* pa.# Oct. 2S. Maater Work man. Wilson has called the miners' 'btrlKo om for.the present'The minora e %i KoMdK^ qvU^ workjfL$fLtQ th,l, n>or|t Ualxluff the iKourth I,lf<t I.oU In Hip Hum lltuu ITlrfl- UcHlgiiutlnii of < ol. Cihuon - Dr. I.nidlnw'u luiifrul Hamilton, ;t -G. Ibis n ornlng ITnttle Koch, 10 years old, died at the City Hospital, making j fourth death whicli has resulted tiom the lire at the tjueen'a Hotel on Tuesday night. The child was opoiatcd upon, but the hot air and m->ko inhaled had ^o af fected lier that medical assistance was of no avail Mrs. Andrews la In a most precarious condition, and the docloi.i have aLandonod all hrpes of her re covery. Mlfis Cronan, although not ser iously 111, has not recovered from the ner\oua shock. Hundieds of sympathizing friends gathered along the streets this morn lng and viewed the funcial procession to St. Mary's Cathedral, and thence to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Thv-ie weie tluen hoar^tM : Th Hist bore the dead body of the hero.c father Anthony Koch the &econd the bodies of Tony and Bernle and the third carr> 1 lit tle Hattle to her final resting place Tho members of the Tnirtocnth liegl- mont nnd citizens of Hamilton, (--ener- ally, rpgrct the fact that Col. Gibson has resigned. He received his com ml r- alon In 1865. He was at H dgew v In IMG. and In 1879 won the Piin..- of Wales Prize at Win blcdon. In tho oi- dinaiy couiso of promoto.i l^leut. Col A. II. Mooie will succeed him. Lleufr.- Col Moore was spoken to thK morn ing regnrdlng the change In th iv>;f- -*nt and he said : "I presume I shall nucceed Col. Gibson, but no om-i ial an nouncement has yet been made i< jury ing tho resignation or the nppo ntmont of his surecsspr." The announcement lo not official,but la substantially < orripf, thoupli the re signation ban not yet been forwaided The body or Kov. Dr. L 1 a wi I be brought from Rtowarton to-morrov and placed In St. Paul's Church, whr-c the funeral service will b^ co .ductod by Bov. Mr, Beavis, Prlnclpnl Cavon of Toronto, Itev. Dr. Fletcher and Rev. Dr. Bums, At 2 p.m. the cortOM* vlH proceed from the church to th" sta tion, whoro a spec'al trahi wir lervc at 2.HO for Georgetown, whore the re- malnH will be Interred. Tho Inquest on tho death of William Turk, who was crushod between two buckets in tho T., II. & B. tunnel, was hold to-night, and the vordlct wufc returned that he came- to his death from nn ncldent caused by tho negil- eenco of those In charge of the work. fu picking up fairly well and Is quite oqunl to last year. representations continue to reach both the Departments of Public Works and Marine In reference to the proposed extension of Government "YoTeTrfunh-ttttra-fce-Rollo Inle . That action cannot long6r be delayed Ifl evidenced by the. announcement Of the underwriters, that unless the telegraph system Pi extended, there will have to be a general increase In rates. The past season has, been very disastrous to insurance companies. Ono concern has entirely withdrawn from Cana dian business and another ban shut down temporarily. Mr. W. Cook, of Lincolnshire, Kng- 1 land, one of the tenant farmer dele gates who visited Canada In 1803, ia In the city. He was so delighted with his experiences In the Dominion two years ago, that he determined to come out to Canada to see more of the coun try. During the next two or three weeks Mr. Conk will visit different points In Ontailo, after which he will proceed to tho Northwest. The report which Mr. Cook furnished to the Gov ernment In 18s:t was one of the moat Interesting of the batch sent In that year. The Department of Trade and Com-, merce has received the annual report of the International Bureau for pub lication of customs larlha. This bu- teau has its headnuarters at Brussels mid Canada is a siubscilblns member to it. The Inst report urges all the dif ferent Governments to transmit the customs documents necessary to en able It to issue the various tariffs which remain to be published and to keep to date those which have already appeared. During the past year 35 tarltls and G9 supplements were pub- lip lied. The plan adopted early In the year of sending to England militia ofllcers for a period of trnlning with imperial tioops lias worked so satisfactorily that it Is fully expected another batch will pioeeed to .England In the near futuiv. Information was received here to-day from Winnipeg of the somewhat sud den duath of Mr. J. C. Nelbon,surveyor of the Indian Department. Ills home was at Aylmer, near this city. Mr. Nelson was a most efUcient officer. General has made an Im portant recommendation to Mr, Dickey with regard to the new Issue of the establishment J st. It Is to the offoct that the full number of seigeants be restored to tho dliferent co^-ps. Mr. Dickey promptly consented to the change, which will doubtless be appre ciated by th so who take an Interest In the welfnie o tho militia. Mr Grant, representing the London Smokeless Po dor Company, had an Interview with Mr. Dickoy to-day. Tho Minister cabled Captain Gaudot, rm- perlntondent of the Quebec cartridge factory, who is now In Knglnnd, to vIMt the smokeless powder company's e&tabll jhment und report upon their product. ' Julian Pauncefote, basador." the British am- The Only Spiffs&imilston ) Oil emulsified, or of digestion and aa~ To this id added th, HyporphospMtes of Llmo and' Soda, which aid in tho digestion of the Oil and increase materially the potency of both. It is a re markable flesh-producer. Ema ciated, anannic and conaiunptivo persons gain flesh upon it Very rapidly. Tho combination ia a most happy ono. . Physicians' recognise its su perior merit in all conditions of wasting". It has had tho en dorsement of the medical pro* fcHsion for 20 years. Don't lnjMrtuaded to taJtt m tubtUtuU/ Scott ii Bowne, Belleville. 50c ind $1, A cough which porsiufca duy ftftor day Khould not bit neglected any lon*or. It means homuthinfj- mora than a more local irritation, uji'l the noon or ib ia mhovod tha bettor. Take Ayor's Chorry Pectoral. li is prompt to not uud mire to ouka. 'i B oily legated* MJkwl at Ease" A rubify Rioter nun hiimk. Falflloy. Ont., Oot is. Jamee T. Seymour, who had been attending Harrlston High, Ejohool, camo to vlalt hie parents here la#t Friday." * On Sunday morning he sold he would take a short w,alk< beforo hla father would ga to church. He did so and has not been soen since. He la 25 years, of ago; dark complexion* brown 'eyeel about five feet, nine, Indies high; dark brown hat with light-colored band 'find blndlngTr t' Any word Is requested ;to<\be t4h?sraphd ,to. ;and atithexi Ttie D'lhrVlllI Heel ltn*|)H->tit Mm, Now York, Oct. 2b, The Duke of Marlborough has not as yet had an opportunity of tr representative, substantial business men of New York. Ho wl. ree, a few, "at taunt, to-night, at the dinner In bo given in his honor by ILL. Tlolton tho well-known banker. The dinner will be g von at thr- Union League Club and will bo a ft no affair. Asi It Is given by a private In dividual simply for a Hoclni purpose, there will ho no apoeoh-rnakl ip* oi special foimallty, Ther.* " will bo botwten 40 and GO gu'e*t, including somo of tho bank president^ and thoMo of trust, Insurance and, other compunlef, ns woll as dla- tlngulshod lawyers. Among others who will be presont nr0 the Motfarn. Joseph H. Shoiile. B-nyton Ives, Geo. Clould and IQ jf. TJerwJn. Great and thoroughly re< liable building-up medicine, nerve tonic, vitalizer and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story: Hood's Cures Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "The faco of my little girl from,tliotimo Mho was throe months old, broke ont and wan covered with scabs. Wo gnvo hor two bottle* of Hood's Barsaparllla and It com pletely cured hor. Wo aro glad to rocom- mond IXood'n Saraaparllla." Tnoo. M. OiBLma, Clinton, Ontario. Bo uuro to Get Hood's Hrtorl'c DJHc wytotak* That is what it is when travelling ou the fast traino of tbo Ohioago, Milwaukee & Ht, Paul Railway; bosidcH thoro in no ohttuc to "kick," for tho accommodationa aro up to date, tho trains keep moving ri^bt along uud got thtro on time. Thciu linen ihor- oughly cover tho territory between Chicago, La CroaHa, Ht, Paul, Mimionpohu, Aber deen, lyiitoholl, Bioux Fallfi, Hiomt City. Yankton, Connuil Blufls, Omuha and Nor- thorn Michigan, All the principal cities and townu in that torritory aro reaohed by tho "Bk. Paul" hnos, conueotiim at St, Paul. Council Bluffs nd Omaha with all linea for points in tho fur wohI. Writo to A. J. Taylor, Gunadiun PuHw'r Agent, 87 York Streofc, Toronto, Out, for ohm of their map timo tables and a branhuro, Riving description of the Coraptirtmont Sleeping vars, Tickotu furnishod hyuny coupon .iokefc a^fnt in tho Unitod RtateH and Can* iJu. 1 he fincot dining cant in the world run on tho uolid veKtibulcd, eleotric- ightod and Htcam-houtod traniHof tho Ohi- j&t^o, Milwaukeo &. &t. Paul Hallway. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontar-lo- EC. LUCK, PBOPItJKTGlt, UAB BKSM thorouRldy pninti-d uud replmiahed With tmw lurnituio by tho proRoutproprietor, LAIIOH DAI1N IN CONM.CTIOK. First-Clam) Accomouatlon Gnaruntctid, WANTEDS ourlliudy Cannalmi Grown Loom atld TravelInt, tiU 10(111) t0 h&U(ll Uy CaniLdlnu Grown Ntuaeiy Btook. Wo Hunrautfo Biitltifitctfon to Kijitotuistntlvoa and ciibtonaoiB. Cur numeric!) aro tho lav peat In tho Dominion, over 700 ncreii. No iiuhfltitutloa In ordors Kxchiaivo torritory and liberal torma to wholo orpart tinrio nnentn. Write uh BTONH A WEUjINOTQN, (Bead ofllcn) 'i'oronto,Ont (Tho enly nuri/ory iq Gnnadn havbJg teellUB oroharda) 44-Bm SSjv and Plaoo In tho world lav younrf mon nndwqmon to Boouro n Btiiilnoan ISdnoiitlen, Whnrthand Mo., In tlw Dotroit HiminosR Univomitv. Uo- (rolfc.Mloh lllnatratadcotftloujio ITn'u Ito'nrenocd : All Detroit, W.IL*'. JWWEIiU Prua. P. it. HPBNJiUlt, Buoy. Best Money to Loan On good ptoduotivo Furni Property at 6J,(t (J per cdut. HtriLt. Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoi and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call and Eqamlne arid be Con-1 vI need for yourselves, Jas. Douglas, Hlgn of Iho CI oldn Boot, Whitney Block - Essex Sttfeat, SlmpUritt Strongest, Solid ; Top { U*ctlvr. MARLlN RIFLES m Lightest, Workloar. Compact. (m(1 "f <IM No Valuation Fees. lr-. Kfuiintftl Will %|lt <nnrt. (WaHhinton( Oot. 25, Mrs. Leland Stanford, \yho hng ^oen In Waflhineton ifor tin* past ten will leave for Ne\v .Vork on Tuohday ot next week. After a' brief stay In that oHy*;ho will visit her nld home at Albany. She (Will i chmi ;mhe*' *i fhort tilp . to tho' .principal oltloa to{/ Canadar'/retUTDjnK to' Waahlrigton *wJt^ft*.TUi^(ot Pe-' aembr(; whpn* nU$ proposes remaining e^OooviyalioinK Done up In Neat Style Fire and Life nsurance, i 7 A. E. LOVEtiCl Mot Modern Mad proercs&lVa 1'or tinialoriij or IplQripflUpn'^ifijLo to THE MARLIN FIRE ARA15 CO.; ,( ..,; New Hvn, Conn. >. \> FOR TWENH-FIVE DUNN! TKECOOKSBEST FRIEND 185

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