Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 25, 1895, page 8

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l~.:... W, "........... . Not Mistaken . :::.^ljJU'ty-nino out of ovury 'hundred intending purchasers wan! Style, ' Goid Quality- and Low Priooa. That's about tho situation in a nut- h1mII. To pooplo who know the worth of dollars,, this otora ia dikdy bi'oouiiiiK ufi \ ttraotlvo an fldwora~lo*th"e"hoH.oy boo.' Our policy of selling roli.i.biLuHo.iilH'oaly at tho lowoafc poaaiblo priooa fnroatfh_ai'd product) Huom.H in moot! wir,h 'ho approval of a large majority in" Huh noiunnn.ny. Noto tho following quotations for this wotdt'y bargain THE FRENCH TREATY Many Questions Being Sent to the Capital. A BATCH OF IHULIMCS lEX^CIED. uu Gossips Still Busy In Regard to a Pen^^a^hruffie, \.......__ J. 5. HALL AS SOLICITOR-GENERAL Koekrr- 11 yardu ^roy flanuol for $1.00 9,5 yards-ahalu' ilaimol " i< ya,ads canton Jlannol " 20 yardH ^iii^hm " Jl> yardu' druSw guodti " 25 yarda print 26 yardH tovvollinftH fi yards tablu Iniori 8 yardH doiiblo fold plaid droaH croodB for $1 7 ladioB voata lor $1 , . 2 Hiiifc.s iniJu'H vtmlerwoar for $1 8 pr uhhi'h wool tiox fur $1 4. pr onraota for $1 4 pr Ufio woiuom'h iibbd lio ^iipora good j>i> */- cyliali goods thiH noaaou'out at _ Ji.7i>, $3, .RiiO. $3, fi 15 Ulsters and jnekotn, not thin Boa- boii'm Mtylea, that woro Hold lor $1J - to 7.00. If you can ti*o thorn tho prices now are ] do and U.OO each. Boots and Shoes 2 pr woman's cloth slippers f<r 2fie SO pr woman's l)ongola button boota worth Si.50, 3.00, tizoa -* to t\, your rhairo for l.fiO. S5 pr m-h's Bal and Congress, worth 2.KI, for 1.20. mon'a Bal and'Congrose, ox- bra good value at !'l, now 1.85, Mqu'b long bootH and rubber boot-, r^iHsoa' and children's nhooa at rook bottom priws. Dress GToods A table full of all wool droaa goods tho regular pricoa ranged-from tOo to 7fio. Wo will givo you tho ohoico for 89o yd. * Heavy twoed effect Buifcinf^ 40 in. wide at 12Je, 20, 35^ yard. A lot ol dross trimrai'igprTib about ono-third tho regular wric^T i-hiMlrnllait Ulfln Mt-ii Mi-ml nil Invlltt(losi lu lltn <KJiiiilJii lti*h'j Ti'hiii to VI*.i iltr M^Ht 4'ulimy Kll!)l luluuil KlMViiunri Ity fndow bliud complete for 1.00 rarda art muslin for 1.00, i pr #ood linon towols for .1.00 1.00 Twoods for COc a yard. Clothing For mon, vouths and boys. No nood to pay fancy prioon for well cut and nicoly made clothing. Moa's suit-* 8.7B. 5.00, K.00, 7.60 thnt woro 5.00, 1M, 8.00, 10.00. Boys' suits for OOo up. Monta odd pants for 7Co, mon'a odd vo*ts 7Gc, Our mon'a ul- sto' at 4 85 has no oqiinl in tho.trado. 5.00 buys ii 7.60 rubber coat. YVa can givo you pricoa on clothing not to bo found outside our establishment. Hats and Gaps' Beinu; denirouBof doublet out #very folb Hut wo will uivo tho public an opportuuity of buyiug Htiy lmrd Edit hat iu our Ht'jrc at th low prioo of 88o. Th oriKtpjil prioon, of thoe butn ranged from $1.2C to 51,60. Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, Table Oil Cloth only 2llo yard, floor Oil Cloth 2O0 sqnaro yd. Mitts, Gloves hoaiory, ladies' Gossmora, wool Blnnkots, Chonollo Curtains, CiionolloTablo Covers, Umbrollna, Top ShirtJ, wool Undorwoar, luco Cur- tninH, Window Blinds. Hemp and" Briissol. carijeta-at.pncos^iiover boforo ""hoard" itfiu'R^x. -v'o can auvo you money mi ovory dollar von Hpou-l. .--------------RESPiCTFULLY YOURS, CO JflS. D. flfJDERSOfJ & Go,. BANKE'HS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel Essex. Monoy to lout) on T'armnra' Notoo; NotflUbouijlit Of Oolloatod; Motioy to loan on Mortfjutjon at owunt rutOH auil bout turmii. Drafts luiiiiod pa.yablo ctt par (it all prlnolpal polutn.--------.......- ------- Fire Insurance Agents, otc. L 0OAI& PERSONAL Mr. and Mra, U. Lemond, of Maokinac, r viaitinf! thoforraer's sinter, MrH. R. 0. WhIUop, town, Mr. Wm. FeothRm.of thin town, will ceupy tbo McthodiRt pulpit at Loaminji- ton next Sunday. J. H. A'3amn. 0! Adamo Uron., whnlenulo minufftoturorn, Toronto, wan in town thin w*<>k. tbo guoRt of bin unolo, F. S. Adamo. Nfr. K. Xj. Parle oomplaterl hip tonr of niBofloting Mm M, 0. Tl. emploven' watoliOH unt\ oloaltB at tho varinuw Btttionn in Inn diHtridt, on Worinoftday lnat. Mrn. Ham Ri^ohio, of Detroit, in uppnd* irJK a faw day with Mrn, Ml Ritohiohofnro lAHvingto join hor husband who hnn no- euvnd a peKmanrrit poaitifln in Albany oitv, Now York. Mayor Bewai* in in Grand Rapids thin Wck, at tho bodnido of a brother who in twd**vniHKnnnrcical operation, to obtain rflliof from injtiri<?tt rdoeived roaentlv in Butto flil.y. Mon. Wifu Ad'lio Jonoh. wlio wan Injurfld in tbo railway ncoidrnt bpre on Oak. 2nd. ifl rooovorirjc hb rapidly an nan bo xpooted. flhobu Vmon paid 94/10 by the M O.'R. Co. in full compunnatinn for bor injurioa. A tbr/tp ynr-nld dnrj?htp>* of A!<X, Tlutlld, Cnnip Palmer, oh Sunday in nwnl- lowing a oheatnuh. bull bad tho trtffllc Idi*ed in hor windpipe, nnd iiatrrowlv eflonpflff ohokini; to death. Dr. Dwitr A UtoK^n^fo gave the Mithi ebild ralief. Qamuom, At Gofiold North, on TharHday, Oot. 17, to Kr. and Mr. Goo. Gammon, a son. AHiioxt, At CololiQHtor South, on Friday, Out. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Oltvor Abbott, a non. FAiiouair, At Sandwiob South, on Thara. day, Oot. 10, to aIv. aud Mrs. Joaopb Farouiih, a daughtbr. McGanh, At MaidHtono, on Middle Road, 00 Buudo.y, Oot. titli, to Mr. and Mvh, J. McOanu ir.,.a nun. McLacoiilin, At Edaara Mills, on Mon day, Oot. 7th, to Mr. add Mro. Lowid MoLauidin, a ujirl. FAniiun, At Fhbox. on Friday, Oot, 1, to Anil row Parker and wife, a daughter. Foiuest, In MaidHtono, Tuesday, Oct. 1,to J. ForoHt and wifu, a aon. Dixon, In Maidntono, Monday, Sept. 30,to JaH. Dixon and wiKo, a daughter. Donovan, At MaidHtono, on Sopt. 28, to Mr. and Mro. Donoia Donovan, anon. Whitmohk, At North Ridtfo. on Monday, Out. 11, to Mr. aud llru. It, Wbitmore, a daufihtor, Tkkuy, At Colobeater North, on Thurn- dny, Oct 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Oha. Terry, a oon. Ottawa, Oct. 18. Many auepitlon of lntorrrtatlon bavo arlvcm In connec tion with Ur- Fronob noiity, and n la oxpect(:d .vhut hi a day o*' two : Witch at rulliiiiii will bo Kiv.jr.. f'"^ Mlbly thu moat l.niKir.aiiL o.' tho c t^ fur ruiidorc-d ban rutvrtnao to k<> > -' French origin. Fur inatMiuu*, -tnu i)'>h.t han boun nubrnlttcU wmv.Ikt or no' IJi-oduot-i or, if iuiport^l. '-.. ti-om tlic l)iil.<d BiuioH. would bo >' - -tniaalblo innler tit; tic ty i.olu t 1-- ' conli.hi' d hut lu. JVt- d. i-i -' In that thyy wll Ir.o no admi: :dhl a reduced dniy. hut tii" hn; r..i whl bavo to ppjdu.i; coiicliud,'.- . 'ji<f a: ^ * the French url.;ln of tho IT "d.-. Recently upullciitiun w-h mad t'lhu piitcntn bmiiL-b, i> p r.nt-'nt or akiv culture, by a <;ii be: man t'-r u p;ibnl for u now device f. r ft.,;.nit hk nt hc 1 in order to nvi.>"d c(di:. 1 uin by v fin l'. Application foe ihe paio.1.1 was relme 1 on the jji-ound t..a'. a uliiiUai- b/mIc.i wan already .^ vo(;uc. 'ill- tjiif < .- inveiiLlcm e u-iii: t*.d vf n cods. T fl polntii of tin; co n"o numb, re 1 and In toixtcy weaua'r i. :it a.rcr '.hi:>- tlen a certain number of ti'-i:^', aer-o -i- lnR' to tho polntn o. t:ie ^ m, fli- ciU'-atlm? tbt* wi.y .Hhe wtiH KO'U, . \\ I k- mun'u code if Jiutrln'.' l'ot'. ti;jrnubi. linrf bi-on In existence t**r i'ome tirne, anil the only tr-und ujjon whlcli tho ur n.:- liifl; of a patera .to the Qiwbv. m~n could be JustHn-d would bo for a m*.'.' code, but 11 (it fn* I ho fiyut-rin. O I. 13. con, He ro'; ry ! the Domin ion Uille Alf ocl. tlon, ban received a letter from Caj/iahi olderrhaw, ycer*'- lary of the Fcdviul Itlft^ AHro.daii-'n of AuHtralla. lnvltlnp th Uo:nlnioa aii.'ioclation to th'lr Ulnl-y team 10 Kufcrland next year by. \viiy of tlio Antipodes, no that th to m could tu!te part In the Uifleivnt col nlal v.t\ m et- liii a and nrriv-- I'i Eiifjlaiid In Jun--. v. hi v tne Invitation iiiunue:-tH a very fraternal nplrlt. It in hardly lllcely _that-lt--wllL-b.CL,accftdrd t'. ai the trip would corihu.r.e 100 much time and'ln- J-'Ql.V-C-too t; an ei:pei.ue. Tlie men would to leavo Vancouv r In J n- uary and It wo.ild cost fullr *ii,')'>0 to wend the tcojn ourul the world, Col. Hacon will f-ubmit tho offer to the Council of tho Ult.A., hut a, negative anawer la alruot certain. An Iniprofitlnir report wai received at tho Marine Popartment to-day from 1 lie captain of the uteatner Nowficl 1. wblch ban jUHt roturno I from a vl.-lt to-Sable Inland. Tbo Island has* been ravaged by locuatB to such an extent that hardly any food Ih left for cat tle, horneii and wild ponle tuere. Tb". keeper of the l'firhthouno frtation haa requisitioned for GO tone of hay on which to maintain the cattle during tbo winter. In the Supremo Court to-day argu ment In the Canada Atlantic Railway Company v. Hurdman wan concluded and Judgment rcucrvcd. The ease of Wllflon v. .Tho Land Security Company, who next taken up. Action!in thlHcaflo wan brought by tho renpondent company for payment of in tercut under an agreement for aale of land to tho appellant. A cltlzon'H celebration was held here on Dominion Day. In order to Indue- the Young Capitals, who had schedul ed a lacrosHc match for that day, to Boloct some other d^ty on which to play, they were guaranteed the difference between tho amount of the actual pate and $1000. The deficit wan $597. The Incrofuie cluh' entered oult against the Mayor for the amount and to-day Mr. Junt-Ice Roue gavo judgment agalnnt hla worHhlp for the amount with In terest and coflts. The city, having guaranteed JfiOO in the event of a de ficit, the corporation will now be coll ed upon to pay the amount. D. H. Keeloy. Huperlntendent of th" Government .-.telegraphic Benylne J.n ttTound the Bay of Fundy flupetHntend- Ing repalrn to tho cable servlcV tViora. W. P. Andornon. chief enfftneer of the Marino Department, has left for Nova Scotia, to inapect a numbor of new UghthouHOB, J. B. Mllla, M.P. for Annapollfl, la In the city. Vmt flu* I-Ulillt* M/nlrUh Portfolio- U^tl .loliu Sliir.lwliuld'l NltUM Aipilii ti llin Huul-A tilMi .tf ( Inlt-Md lu k'.nulnkitl. Ottawa.- Oc:. 17, It 1^ expected that the Hiumui.e^ment of the (ippoUunieiit of the JJon. J. J. Currnii uu on of tlje Superior OuurL Judgeu of Montreal will lie made In u. few dayti. A proiniiieut Monlrealer who wan In town to-duy i-Jiid he licliuveil that the Hon. J. B. UiiJI, lal 1'iuvincUil 'C.eamirer of -jue- bee. will be aiiked to talu*. the Hollcltor Cit.-ticruUihtp. Despite Hie reports to the contrary, Ibe' ninior In again revived thai Mr. Cha-pleau will tihoitly re-enter the Mhir ictiy. 11 he eoiui-il hack to -JtUwa u- L: laid he will get the portfolio of Pub- He Workfi, Mr. Ouimei taking ilmt of Agriculture. Then Mr. ilugn John Alucdunaid'fl name cropn up again with a pf.'iJihtleney which liiuht to tho bHb-f that he may be Induced to accept a Fulcra 1 uortfollo sooner than motit people think. Tho Department of Agriculture hnn rtcelved Information that the pnmnuro 01 the importation of cIh-cho la Kngiand |3 beghintn); to touch very eloMoly the farnilng IntereHtw. The agricultural papei'Ji nie full of dlscu*udon of the uubjt'ct. At a recent of Cheuhlre cheew, at Whitchurch, the nuantlty dhipo."-'rd of ivuw 100 tfJiui, the month h&- fore the hlfflieat quotable price wati 47h (id, u hitluTto unprecedented quota tion ; but at the Heptemher fair the reached was 47n, and that for one lot only. Other lottj of the fluent ClKHhlro made were Hold at from 3.'m to -inn, tho hulk of the unlta rang ing between 31h and 41h. "It IH believ ed," wiya The CheHter Chronicle, "that cueJi a ntate of thlngn. can not exist much longer and that certain financial iuin fitarert many In the face, um1ihm there lu an Improvement in the trade." It waa further stated that farmrfl were obliged to ell at tho -prhwa quoted, being unnWc to keep their chofMC, It having reached tho Htage of rl'penenrj. The Chronicle addn that during the afternoon cheenc of verv fair quality wan retailed at Id a .pound.' Hon, Mr. Dickey io about to npke another Innovation In conn ctlon with hlfl department, whfch v. ill commend Itaolf to the annunUy increasing num ber of graduates of th.- Royal Mll"- tnry College at Klngflio^. Th*' nc^v Board of vlHltora, con.-!atl^g o* llv> memlicrfl, throe af whom mnt 'bo choen from the militia Htuff.wM Hh-rt- ly bo appointed ^nd Mr. Dickey his decided to glv repre ntatlon on thft Board to gnuhmtew of the Itmtltutlbn. They _.wlll .have- otio i-^proHe<itatl"e out of five.1 and posrlhly lw>. This de-. "clsloh on the pji t o' the Mlnlat-r will, doubtleHH, he appreciated by gmdu- fttes, who, It in needles to r^merk, eherlnh fond recolhiciiona of their alma ma tor. The Minister of Militia has r^elved communfeatl;>rB from Hi" aufhori'i"8 of Trinity rn:vc.-jdty, Toronto, *")tta- wa Coll ge. Di hop's Coll- g , LennoY- vilie and King'^ C-dhg. = , Windtior, N.R., all a-slclng why tlvy weru dis criminated Against In the.rerent revi.i- eit regulatlono. rcH|)ec!ing e tranoe *o cadetuhlp in the Royal Military Col lege. It will be remcmh"io; th t an order waa recently iHtie,] allowing matrloiilanta of s-ix C-nndlan univer- HitleH to enter the Roy:.l Mil.iary Col lege an-cadetH without undergoing ihe nyuol liei'dnuart^TB* ex."mIn.1 tlon. He- cau>e eIx unlver It en on.;y were e>>'-l?en complaint cormea from the collegos named. 3diedi:^ & M^aassHBrm '>'W*i OF Goods, To say that it is a huge success is drawing it mild. Never in the history of our business at Essex have we offered such wonderful bargains. In Dress Goods, clothing, Dry Gk>ods, Boots and shoes, carpets, Gents' fur nishings, Millinery and clothing to order Make YoururVr rtititttg It yon W6uld rflnit pneumonia, brouahitln, typhoid fover, Hnn porHietent county find ooldB. Tlieso Hlfl ill auk tbo wenk Mid run down nyetem. They nun /hid no foothold where tbo blood i* kopt pure, riab and fall of yitality, the appot*itp uood and dltieB- fcion vigoroqH,; with tlood'n Suroftpttnlla, thaone tmo blood' f-urifier. Mountain Oiinblnitr Ha a woudorfal fuDcination for many raon. Aud tho lujihor tbo mountain aud tho greater npioo of danger about it. tbo uaoro auxiouu in tho ordinary man, with any mountain climbing inutiuetti whatover, to a<:t to tho ton of that mountain. Thoro ia au intoxication, a fiery onchuiianm ubout it that puah on ono on and on., and renin tir. cd mntdoR and m Dpi rem uagmugootuugoto everlaatinuly keflp at it until tbo top is ifinchod and tho cojIiuu zophyrn that fan tho brow or the mountain cool your own tbrubbiut! tomploa. AmericunH have thought that it wua nooesHury to ro to Europo, to tbo Alpa, to Und any full grown inouutaiiid to noalo. Ii'h nil moonnhino, Iau't 11,000 foot high enough, with glaoioru, thodo ruokod, oraolc- cd oroaturea o( too and nnpw, aud* crutere and iiaBurou and jirooipioon to othnb ovor and round, tho rtamo ay io tho Alpe?; Yen, ihtiy aro all rj^ht bore olotia at hand, and Ifyouaro lutiiroHtoJ to kupw whoro and how imd when, juntfioud your tiddroBa, and nix i.-eutH in ahiropi? to Ciua..H. Fkm of tho Nofthof.n PjiciuoRailroud, BM*a)il. Minn., and ho will Hand you a book thab reoouutu a a!irob up ouo of tin- grairimit peakd of oarth, written by tbo goutleirjun whonr.ade tbo aaoenfc. , Tho ohaptoron. thin ma on tain la pro- funo|v illiiMfrated 111 half tono etoUiaccu taken by a photoutaDhor who auoorbpanled th party for that purpoao. If you aro in* lordhted enough in .your own country to desire to kuow about its wonderful Boenio features, you want thla book.- . UiriiM JOHN IV > A I'ORTtOMO. rhn lW-.1!enilwr r..r Wlnulpeu Mflll Pli- Inrlliird to lie f-ntrr PollMc Hut Noiit'mmiiHlHl - More Vive*. "Winnipeg, Oct. 17. Hugh Johri Mnc- Donaid once n-gain reltoratoH hi dis inclination to re-en tor politics. He fiayn he haa received no proffVr or r* portfolio from Premier Howell and doe*i not expect arty. AHlced IT h'i would re f ii ho a portfolio if offered, h paid It was im necessary and Inexp"- tUi-nt to answer one way or the otho-r. News hna Junt been received In the city of a moat destructive. p;alrio llr^ In the northwenicrn part or th pro vince. Over a dozc-n fannorfl In th'1 Vloladale Hettlemcnt have been burn ed out, tholr Iojimoh aver ig!n.*< fro in one thousand to two tbouB, ml dollar? each. A numl-er of perwon-*.-* e- vc-rely. injured whll*. ilgh'lng the tinmen. Two boyn, nam en unknown, are probably fatally injured. ivii,t>.iu\ >i:iit unurov. An Llbuitiiirle I'lifiner Hvnteii Into 1'ncou- iicli>ii>kii^4 iiii4l 11 m .liieinyt 3Iilo t Unru 111 in. Wiarton. Oct. 18. Quidave Hcrbahot, a German rowdenc of Albejnarle, while returning home from, about 6 o'clock thin evening, when on the 11th conceaafon ot Albemarle, wan act upon by a largo bur|y-looking man with grizzled hair and beard whd came out of tho woodn, and bad ap parently lighted ncveral utumpu that wero burning on tho roadside. Hcrb ahot wuh rendered uiicoiihcIouh in the struggle, and when he recovered, threc houru later, ttie leg of hla t'roueorn and tho alcove of hln coat were burnod. lUti umbrella bad also been burned, by hla nsHallant, but hln money'had'not been taken. There hi no ehio to tbo man. Il'trmmi Knlll'K 'itf V.Urtmr ' rhlUdetphla, Oct. iS.~*rho< steamer Wavoland on Sturday will carry from tbljt.port to Liverpool 30 Mormon aalntu. who; under the fotttorhu? wing of IluHm- W. W. Kidlo of Bait: -Lake pity, will for the next two yoart) roam at largo over England and the Continent in quest of convertH. rilllr.l Uim UU- iiixl <HliiNftlr. Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct 18, Bowen, uged 65 years, who for several 'eartt has beeh a clerk Iri tho Mercan- lle ApvVaiaer'B office, hot his'wife, ilttompted' 0 nhoot hla aon, and ther* 1 doinnitttt'd Hulclde at an ; early hour' I (Hla mbrnlnff at their rooma. 8803 X*d- cMfer-avenuc. Hon. Mr. Dickoy In h's reply ataten that no privilege hsm b-i-n conferred on universltiOH :i hul-Ji. The> new re gulation wmi :omp'y a convonienr-ofr-r stndonta wanting to ente, fie Ro nl Military Cojh'g , an it offerer! thmi .fn-cillties for local exam-nal fon.-i mor.^ readily than they had hi h-rt" enjoy ed. For thin. purpo^i; -hn nelecled the Bix representative hsUtutlonH' which are centrally -:ltyat(*o\_'lf, how- evet hO i>rnc'tico.Minfl.'UltTofl intervene the ]Jt j.wlll.LpiobaMy" be largelv ex tended. The arrangement is only n tentative one, elmply to .e&j how the scheme would work. The Undcrwritero' Asnoclation have made representations to the Govern ment that in view of wrecks which have unfortunately taken place in the Gulf during the Reason of navigation Just cloning, and the difficulty of com municating with Uellc laic owing to the remotenesa of telegraphic com munication, the Government telegraph linen should be extended to the Straits of Belle Jyle. On the north shore the moat easterly terminal point of tho telegraphic aervice is at Point Ksqui- mnux, and on Antlcostl Island at Bast Point, From either of these places the dlfitanco to Belle Iole light station la Dome hundred' mllea. The late Mr. Gisborne. for many years superintend ent of the Government telegraph's ser vice, often urged thnt a cable be laid from Kant Point to Belle Isle, hln en- tlmate of tbo eont being.$200,000. This may sem a large sum, to expend, but in the Interest-of humanity, to say no thing of the benetlt to tbo whipping In terests, tho expenditure Io one which will have to be faced before long. The Separate School Board has made an important proposition to the Pro vincial Govcrnmet. It la that the Model School for the training of French nnd English tenchern, which'lo now at Plantagenet should be removed to thli city. Thia would confer a great \*v(" fit upon the French population of Ot tawa and also upon the cause of edu cation, more especially an the boy* at tending the separate schools are jui\y- undor the tuition of lay teachers. The Hon. Mr. Roan ha;i promised to bring the matter before the Cabinet at > hce. The pXJlcJal report of tho Awnomnnent ComhiiHfrfflnQil/.,ava:i Issued -to-day. The afcKepxmont ban gone ,up.almost a mll- TTuri' and a half-and the anticipated In* 'create"of population* putting Ottawa ahead Jrllamllton, Ih more than veri fied. Ottawa's population i now 4i)r C74. LnfH year It wua -17,77'i, an increase lu the year of IRDft. The nnsoHHment this year Is'$31,230,270; last year it was+ THE GREAT CORNER STORE. BEL & BRiCKE G1SN. UAnUIHON'SJULTEJft- GALL AT TO Write A rite Io* for Woiuou, oh "Thk Couiitk'y of Ourn" Ifc iu anaounoedthat""G3rPr8mdont Bon- jauaiu Harrison i encauod iu writing r senoBof magitziue urtiulen for TboLadieo' Home Journal iu which poriodicul they will btigin in tho Doccmbor nnmbor. Tbo uotioa will bo called "This county of ouro" ani will couaiHt of ten urtiolen and pro bably more. Tbo ^aporw aro being writton by Goooral Harrison ot*p*oiully for womtn, to meet agrowiuu;, widugpread desire ou tbvir part %o intelligently amlurntund the workingH of our Governmorit and tliu^rnat National quoi,tionu. It tho aim of the articltiti to explain in tbo clour aud oon* oiao otylo for which tb cx-Prouident. is famouB, junt what the Uuitcd BUtes Gov* orumout mcuns;. tho origin and meaning of tho Constitution; how lawn uio onaotod and ouforottd; what tho powera of tbu ProBidnt aud other offlciala are; what tbo judioinry nyotom meuno: how our foreign Valatioim uro brought ubpntaud thoir moan. lug; how Congreatt aud tbo Senate legis* late, iu fact, a complete oxplana ion of the Government told in a popular way. Gsuorul IJarriuon writoH tbo artioten from tho Htandjnoinfr of a oitizon who undr Htuudw bin Hiibjeot. They havo no bearing ou politics whatever. Whilo directly in* tendod for women, tbo urticlcH will natural ly havo & rauah broader Hcope aud ]lkew<HO. interest moa imd oHpooially youug mon. - Tnu Lijudhko1 Houu Jouuix, PnitiADKUMIU May's Bazaar, i^on; Atih kinds of Window Blinds -away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Broc, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, V: Berlin Wools and Fingering;] Yarns, #L New Stock of late Wall Paper;?Sj ~ '..jfefl Kir ^Hi.ia Hnihu. Tjondon. Oct. 10, Sir Donald Smith Ball* for Canada on Bd'tUrda'y week. Ih*.continued to recover from the acci dent to hl arm, which, was not broken hut the muif.clt' wnH;Meyei^ly atralnetl while ho wa aiiBlHting at the debarka tion of frlendfl from a yacht. ___ ,__ ,... Jidlcn tho: British, AmbnBtJador, hrkrlht!' Sfit; 4r tir4l. WaphlnRton. /Oct. .-Jft-rSIr PauTicefote. tho: British, Am had ,d cohfer*oce Wlih Secretary Olhey this ;afterno*n ,"lh',Regard to a dalle for a further coflfernc!f6rjthe purpose of I droftiner ah ttKTeem^nt us to the finall Bettlement oJ the XJMirlng Sea award. v^ ilit* wa ajrreed pjflon. ' > "Body itestoa. Mtfcia ac EttHo" That ia what it ia when tmvollinon the fatit trains of the Chicago, Milwaiikeo A Bt. Paul Railway;. boHldua thoro in no ohanoo to "Uiok," for tho aooomuiddationa aro up to dato, tho-Uainft-kopp.Baoving'riKht along and Rflt there on timo. I'hoeo linoa thor- ouflhlyoovo* the .territory betweun Obioauo. LaOroHHd, Bfc. Paul. Minuoapolia, Aber deen. Mhoholl, Sioux Palln. Bipx Oifcy. Yauktou, Counoil Blufta, Omaha and Nor thern Miebigan. All the principal oltioH and towns in that territory aro roaoiiod by^ tho "St. Paul" liuoH, oou'nootiu at St. Paul, Council BluiTe and Omaha with all linen for points iu tho far west. Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paas'r ARont, 87 York Street, Toronto, Out,, ferone of their map timo tabloe and & broohqra, Riving , dnnoription of the Compartment Steeping lata., Tickets fnrniuhed by^uy oonpon iiohefc, afiet in the United States and Oan> , via, ,The nnpa^ dining cars in the world ',i .ron^n, tha ighted and a team jigo, Milwaukee ESSEX Rolior MiUs* TAMlilb NAVLOK *jLkoa this opportuoitj ol . j tj annouHo|u^ -o cno people cl tho Town and . ^1 County of riluaex, that ho had remodelodtheBa- 9ox Itollor Mil In according tft plans prepared by -; It, N. ?rloo, St. 1'homaH, and han aloo secured - tbo eorvfocfl ot UoDHiiT Sthacham, an expert- enoml nnd thoroughly competent miller. Thanking tho pitoplo of the to wit and eonut] for tlio patronapo buatbwod upon "hrm in tl post, will cuarantue sati.sfaotion In theVfatchJ Gristing ahd Chopping a Soecialtv. K THK BEST GHADH8 OP PLO0R, FKBDAND OORNMEAIi KJ8PT IN BTOOK AND BOLD AT BiaaV I-BIOBB. Gash Patd for Wheat and Oat*. SOUTH WOODSIiKE IT MUST BE TRUE mm For every peraor|iavs that * ':'i:!'-) J-^TSS| WRIGHT G. Atakofl the boat QarncBa in the OOQnty of| It will pay yon to oomo to SnulbjWOodl '<$$ \. - , to,buy your-Hruess^^?|^M/^ 61

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