*' .-\.')!"' 'y' '^v H K*. K H'WB'iSH mSimm |i>,.; This cold snap will-"xn;ake^yoTi ask the question, "Where is the best place to buy an ^iHHfc Overcoat or Mantle ?" We will answer the question by invitihg you to visit the BANKRUPT J* STORE ! Where yoircan save;, from 26 to S3f, per cent, on the above lines. lOOSPairs of Men's Pants THAT WEUE ft2.50, $S, YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.97. A GOOD HAKD Felt Hat Away } With every man's Overcoat gg or suit bought from us during X-^'i the month of October, Bear in mind that we are the leaders of Low I'rices in Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes, CO. JAS D. & Go, BANKEHS, Next to Abofdoon Hotel Essex. Monoy to loan on Farmem' Notun; Noten bought or Colloatod; Moooy to loan on Mortj{it!jon ut o wo Fit rut on and bone tormu. Drafta iafiuoa payable at par at all priitcipul pointu. If ire Insurance .A^erits, otc. IS 0QAI& PERSONAL N. J. Jonca, WiudHor, wuh in town Mon day. Philo Howard roturnod to Chicago on Wodjooiiriay. Darinft Hopgood has rocoverod from bin attack of favor. John Laing wao in Chatham for a fow day thin week. Mrn. (Dr.) Arthur Scott hao returned to her homo In Owohao. Mibh Lillio Millar npant Sunday in Wiel- *or and Walkorvillo. Mm. Albortuou and Mibh Smith aroviait- mg fnondwin Detroit. lilrn. A. G. Baker, of Leamington, upset Tuehday with fnondH in town. Miaa Lillie tfoubiator, of Detroit, in viaitmgtho Mitmea Btrachan, Irvin Avo. Mra. Doohatadcr, of Wolland Port, ia viflitina; hor.dnaghtor, Mrs. Wra. liamg. Mifio Audio Coleman loft on Monday on an ox too doil vjait with frionda in. tho oaut. MrH. (Roy.) T. Atkinaou, of'Dotroit, In visiting frionda in town and vioinity thin wook. * J9LtTn!rars. A.J.Briokor and dau^htof, oH Watorloo, aro vioilmtf thoiV~fl0uT-2dVr-0r H of town, Mrs. Robert Proatan, of Lamingtoiif it) yiniting Mr. and Mra. Stephon Willnn- uon tu town. I Mm. Howard Wiglo and lady (riondfi, of. lingavillo, oallod on Mr. 0. E. Naylor, Tuesday. 13. Iuntinior wuh in. town ou Satur day aud Sunday flhakniK hands with old frionda. J. EJ.Doauo, of Dotroit, aud IVlins Gray, of Walltorvillo, called on Mrn. II. W. Allan, Sunday. Mmftl'j. fTall, who hao bean confined to the houuo from a Bovaro attack of fover, lu Mooverlng. Mr. and .Mrn; E. L. Park, accompanied' by their mother and . uuolo, spent Kanday- in Leamington. Mm. J. Sudden and Miwa II. Thonun, of Cornwall county uro viaitin;; Mr. and Mr a. CJ. J. Thornan. Aiwa MoCautiland, of Pickftriutf, liaHheon vinitint; Mr, James Nuylor and othor ^rrondn in towu, Miiigoh Addio and Victoria Wi^lo, ol Kiii^Bvillo, wero tho euenU of Mth. Alei. Walluco on Wednesday. Miau Btraolian, who has boen vi^itinc hor friund, Minn Lay, returned to her home in Southampton on Monday. Ru^no Plnmmnr, whe recently removed Ilia tailoring buHinobu to Dolta, 0,, vim in town ou Sunday una Monday,. MiHuJenino Boll, of Gait, who han boen vibitin^; Mch. Jan. Dalfirloiah, returpod to hor homo on Wodueadny, Mm. G. S. Smith, accompanied' by hor brother Mr. I). Loraou, of Norf.lk, in vibiting her non, Mr. E. Ii. Park. Olum. Ilumbor, of Godorioh, in in Edhok county juot now viintin^ hia oiator Mra, JoUu Koaue, of Colohotitflr North. Mra. Burdotto, Mrs. Brion, Mrn. Naylor and Mro. OUuroh attended tho county W, C. T. U. couvoDtiou at Km^avillo hiet Fri day. Mrn. Burnett and Mro. Dunk, of Moa- ford, Ont., have roturnod homo after vhiit- int; their oiator, Mrn. J. Q. Bloano for n fow WQekfl. Mihb Lizzie O'Connor, of this towu, waa married in Detroit Tuoaday to an Owohbo KGntloman. Thoy havo gone to Tolodo on thoir woddinE tour. . Dr. H, P. Martin, dontiat, wuo obliged toroturn to Kortob (i^tun IuhI wook, aftor navluR juot arrived hotwo from that plaae, owiiiR to tho illnoiw of hifl non Harry. The little follow has ninoo reoovorod and tho family aro all homo. * Kiu^avillo yarnti, blankoto, Hhooting and flanollyat mill prioeo, at M. J. Wiglo Sc Gp.'i.r: . . |We hoII all wool undorwoar for naou 45 GOUtB G. Ii, SlMlttl & Co. School Report. Report of B. S. No, 7, Go86oId North, for the .month of September. NamoH aro y'von in ordor oi merit. 4th olann; B Mooro, M Cowoll. Sr. third: B Phillipa, V Valado, P IIowo. . - . Jr 3rd Xi PhilllpB, GOowan, 13 Oowau, M Valado. Br 2nd-rG Koas, A Stookwoll. - Jr 3ud-~M Quoeu, 0 Graham, L Stoek- woll, 3ft. BaEjjitni. . tarfcllwj Slookwell, B BUBBoyP Stook- well* WYalado. ' , .: Average attflndauoo for the moutb 48. 188 V FuLMnf Teaoktr. TWO- T.0B0 Issued by thb"Po.stbfflco Depurtrnent- WORK FOR FiAlLWAY C3MMITTE i'otv t\ni Utillwuy {'oiiiitiUtou - Ifolhy^ ukKl.lHtill Cut- OtUiwu, Oct. 10. at tho ruquejit of liuvoral leiidiut: baiikM, tin* 1 'imL-ofllij'j' DL-partineut h;in diit'hleU to h>mi Iji- tur cunlu ot tho deuoiiihitt-llnu ul! liti. The bunk atutti V V Ih^y will be ithli: to nut1 i'i.'vnrnl lliuiiHiind of niu-'h fiiiil:; in u yuar, an tlu.'y will be ul" i;n;at '.id- vu n to )^i.> iu Llii-in I'm* in.-1 id in]-, hul '>- tlCL'M l.ti tUnitOllii-I'M 111 pl'i'lul*i:IK!L' HI ill1- dliiary letti:rn. 'flu: ilt'imriiiH.'iit. haw a I mo (k-eldoa m Ihmihi a oiiu-imhil IcU'ji card for une In towmi wIki'* tho ft.- i:.i im dflivt-'ry h.v citnU-r. i;niuirl(.:j hi Liu- Maiiin; iJcpai'tinvni lii-duy I'llrllcil the Ini'ni'ninilon tlrii ]|-actli*iilly nulhiliK hau larn <lqilo iiitif'i; i in.: hi.1.1-! nit in \vlth lL-Kiird to t'iLi ryuiK luio '.'licet any nf tin; mveral iniKi-^tUmn which have Ihm-ii made to the Uovr* nit*nt if.spi!i:thiK a nuw Dominion 11.ut. That Home action will have tn lit; taken noon in evidenced from the fact that tin; Province nf Ilrllbih Columbia h.is jUHt uciiulriMl a new coat ol* nrmn, and lia.s dineanled lllut which' vrh a umv vlvul from the crown colony dayn, vl/.., u crowned lion uLandlnj.; upon an Im perial eiuwn. The new eoat of ariim granted tu ItrltlMh Columbia by 'he Cullej-ve of Heraldry In (leidffned to t.'X- lnbit the poidtion of the province an an Integral part of the UrltlKh empire, and al.o to mal! plain the Indivlduullty of the province. It .connlntH of a nhUld upon wlileli the Union Jack Is exhibit ed, the national enf-ir,'n belrur the emb lem common to the whole empire. On the upper part, of the nhleld there are fix alternate wavy linen of white and blue to represent tho Hen, and on 1L a golden Hun-HetthiK. This 1h doiilRnod to indicate that the province In thn moHt winterly part of the empire. T'i dispel the Idea which Home people might-have that the iiottlni? nun wan n wljrn of HtrenKth, tho motto han been eho.^cn.. "Splendor Ocanu." that in, 'ra- dlnnce without nettlne;," Thono words Were miocl by a Roman phllofiopher in the reltfn of Kmpemr Tfadrlan to de scribe, the mm. and are cxprRnlvr* o- tho fact that the buii'h brilliance never wanes. Tho old mat nf arrrm haH bean retained to the extent of making It tho croMt of "-Aohlevomont." en It. 1*1 termed In heraldry, the crest corjulHtLn? of a Hon BtandlnfT upon tho Imporl'il crown, nppoarlnrr above the nhleld. Knn"ortlnir tho 'nhleld on tho loft l.q a ?tae;, wapiti, which repreuontH Vancou ver Island, and on the rUrht a mmin- mlri Kont, roprcRPtitlnp; the Mainland Of TtrltlHh Oolumbln. Tf thin coat of nrm.H ho substituted on the Dominion Unix In-place of tho crowned linn It -vill only .inrve to Btron/rtlu-n the patch- ivork Ulifa and' lend to a stronger de mand train ever for tho almpllflnntlon of tho present emblem bv nubHtUutlnfr aiirh a Mfruro pr tlmt of tho maple leaf. The next meeting of the Pallwny Coti niltloo will be held on Frldav.Ort IS riiore if; nulte a InnRthy Hut nf cases to ho henrd. Tn ndditiun to a number of ji PpHenllonH \vh!fli have b(ti prevloiin- ly under consideration, ^.-veral new ui:om will he connidi'ivd. The Toronto, Hamilton ft Huii'nlo Jtnllway has hov-- era I appIh-utioiiH, two of them affect- In^ the IlamlUon. Grimsby & Ht-unis- vUle eltetile road; unoilur referring to a Junction with the Michigan Cen tral Kailwuy at Welland, and another M'l'lyinK to the cropsln^ of the high way on the west bank of the Wetland Canal near Welhind. A formnl order w.UI be isHued valld- atinp; the permission (-riven to the City Council of Toronto for the temporary ero!--Hlntr recently laid over the C.P.R. trncks at North Toronto, so as to al low tin! Jlctrupolltan .Street Hail way con-pany eonii'cLion with the Toronto Street KaUwny, In order to convey water In tank cars Into the cltv. When City Hoiicitnr Fullerton made applica- ticoi to the di;iiailment for such per il, ission It was promptly granted. The attention of the Deputy Post- rnastrr-CcnenLl was to-day. called lo tho proposed, utilization of street rail way cars for the collection of mull matter In eltios and towns. Col. White nald the department was holntr uracil to try the experiment, .hut, necordlriR to Information whleli.had just r. ached the department, the syatem had not boon a siieeeHs in Kiifjlarul, whom it has been In operation for some time. The lnut report of tho British T'ost- mnHtor-Ooneral, which has just reach ed the department, states that in sev eral cllles the system of attaching let ter boxes to tram cars 1ms beeA tided, but oxeept in IJurtdorsfleld, whore It was first inlroduceU, the imblic did not appear to make much u.se of the ac- eon:inndatlon. Col. White thinks If the system were Applied to Canada the result would be the same as In Khfilnnd. . The period at which tho annual sta tistical returns of different railway companies of Canada should reach the Hallway Department? expired on Oct. I, but out of MO railway companies In I be Dominion only 55 have sent In thoir f-'tatcruontK. The dllatoriness lies on the part of tho smaller companies and en ofllcer of the department has been sent to the headquarters of several of the companies to urge them to hurry up. Often Government departments are reproached, for not petting out their statistics earlier, but in this particular case the departments are nut to blame. tip to the 7th of October, or 28 work- \nr. days in all, fin!) vessels had passed .through the Canadian canal at the "oo. Tho amount of tho tonnage wan .ir>r.,KS7. Oflicero of the Fisheries Department have seized at Murray .Harbor G7 cauen of lobHters, thu property of the Hon. J\',1.>avloH of Georgetown, P.W.I., the allegation hciii^ that the fish were oauKht and canned during the closed eo'uuri. Mr, XJi.lv Is coot ends that the lobsters were caught beyond the three- mile limit and therefore out of the jur isdiction of tho Dominion. The depart ment, however, will not concede this, es the waters of Northumberland t-HraitH aro denned to bo strictly ter ritorial waters of Canada, Mr. Dnvln threatens legal proceedings. Th'j 'irftuirtcrit In the IlHherleB fi'^o ti'Duc the Supieme Court was proceed ed with to-day s.nd concluded at 4 o'alcek. Mr. Iivfrur- concluded his re marks on behalf 'f Omnrlo and Rrlt- iiih Columbia was heard for Ontario. Tb Al.t"rney-Gfn- eval o" Quebec presented tho sepal" te position of hlH'j.r vJncc and Mi*. Clarke did thotiliLiro JVr Mrltlft Columbia. Mr, Koblnwin, Q.C. th-n ropll 1-am,l the court reserved ita docltil'in. To-morrovv the,court will heir the appeal from tho deolf.it n or the 13% horiuer Court in St. IjOulft v.*. the Qu-en. tin ctisn airainat Contractor Bt: LouIh, ./Jt Im reported that thu Government l/itcndii to mdke an additional Walk round . the hnno of. Parllajnent/ Hill, Kroethin In the nature of c iriarlne rive. It wUlroake a mweh; longer circuit that tb present Lovera- Walk. "Don'tGrt i:i.-il Hiuld.M Tho Konoml niippo.sltlon U that to "get rod headed" is filan.^ forgetting ungry. Thin Is based upon the prevalent hollef that red headed persons are more fixcltnblo and Huhlo to Hiidden. passion than othor poople a belief hardly In harmony with tho fact that tho dark haired, dnrlc Hkln- nod rnequ of Southern oilmen are more highly strung and violently passlonato than tho fair haired natives of tho North. But does not the luiir really and actual ly change huua under tho moro violent emotions, just as does tho complexion? Thorn are plenty of instances where fn- tonfio. fear and mental suffering havo blanched hair to snowy white lu a few hours. Will It. turn red with paflfilon? "I know lb to.bo a fact," said a lady frlondof mlno, "with light brown hair,In whieh thoro Isn't a tinge of rod under ordinary cltcum- RtnncoH. "I gob terribly angry ono day," eho con tinued, laughingly, "and my hair turned rod an could ba fortunately, it went hack again to Hb normal condition. A brute in human form cut off tho tall of my pet enfc, I could havo seen that man hanged without.tho qui voir of an eyelid, I bollovo, My huflbnnd oumoiu about that tlmo,and, without knowUig the eauso of my wrath, suddenly oxolaTniod:-^. " 'Why, Alllo! yo\iv hair la turning red!' " 'Well, you'd got "red houded, too,' " said I thinking of the Hlang for getting angry 'If ftomobody had chopped your do,B tall off.' " 'liur I don't moan that,' ho replied; 'It is actually getting real Look In tho ghifis. It 1h queer I never noticed It bo, fore.' "And, don't you know, I looked In tho mirror and, fliiro enough, my hair wuh of a dlatlnofi roddish lingo! I wan fio Aston- lshoil-^far I then Hupposod wltn him, that my hair had boon changing for somo Mmo and that wo hadn't noticed lfc up to that moment. **'! must havoouugkt It from Maggie/ said I. Magglo wan our Irish Borvantund hor huh* was juflfc dory., ' "Wehmghod ho inuoh abdufcitr'that I soon got in good humor again. And then Twonttotho glass again to loolcatlt ami I let, H down about my ahouUtuni n \v both oxanUned it. But. don't you know, it wuh jUHt iih usual. Xt Wasn't red at all) "After that I riotfoed /that whenever I lost my temper 1 gp^'aJLheodod- tav tho timo being." ; Thu average po]J lucroftholaw loreluc lu upuuk- ORIQIN OF THE pRlVERS RULE. VVIij' Aiii..rOin* K,-,-|. i.i (! Itl^ltt. tiiul I'-iiulMiiiii-n io ilic i.'-i:. nf tin- lto.td. Ill A inoi'iea, (hn ml" of. tint ro.ul lj l- WayH to keuji to the ri ,:nl. In Knglaritl on the contrary, the unwritl L'.n law declare* that thu InTt, In tint mM< tn ho taken. (hnV thU divergence Im to bo explained hoi* pu^Tiled mnny porsonw.....-..... -..___ It Would bo folly lo mippotft-thai ilie variation wau uamied by any reimon Iohh (tuhiitantlnl than riu*' nene^ltiy. The Kng- llnh rule luiH.exlst.nil I.- > n limn Innuenior- lul.and an nrhllrary n'rnj-.nUm would have oeeaHloniul extreme and altogether nmnlloyn. eoufuHhin, Thoao Who lnirotlimud tho ehango Into this country were the :lr-;t; settlors In New Iflngland personH who were habituated to tho ancient order, porr. nm who would nnvor havo drniumul of u ruvolt; against 11., deMpltu the rtiholllouH Hplrlt lurking uebrutty In thoir blond, 'l'hiny miiilo tho ehang for the Hlmplo reaMon thai', e.avoful driving d- mauded it. Since the time when thu ltnmnnn built their magnllhujiit roadways in"the furl-her- 1 mo.^t \u\m tit thu wea" ihn HrltoriM have en joyed good roads. The driver naturally tilts at; tho right mid n' hbi Heat, whom ho has the free use of his right hand, while tho re I uh MWlng cUnr, .Sitting in that position thu hub of hl.i rlglit forowhenl In jnst beneath his eye, It Ih whorn ho eau best, nee it, mid an ho follows tho Kngllsh rule, keeping to the loft, If ho bo timoroiiH, It is easy for him to ho miro that he In a yard from tho threatening hubs of any pasnur by. If hu he a Cockney delm he can deftly nlclm hy tho other vehloh) with never a bit of spaoo to Bparo, On those crowded roadH there lu need of oaro In pacing, lent tho hurry ing wagons como In collirtlon, Hut tho roadH are broad and smooth, and ho would be a fool, or blind, who drove dangerously oil the road. Wore tho Kngllsh' driver to turn to tho right in passing ho would ho obllgod to Hit at the loft end of his went, or olse, sitting on tho right, ho would not have before, "bin eyes that projecting hub which Ih tho danger point for collision. Tho ensn is nltopfuthor dlffornt in this country. Tho eowllke manner in which Indiana pursued their way has given a name to that method of movement, known uh Indian llle. and that habit of tho aboi-l- glnoH rooiub to have exerted a dbmstrouH influence on the white mon who conquorod them. How else can wo adequately explain tho ntraniouH fashion In which, gohoratlon after generation of otherwlso intelligent and forceful men up and down thin R- publlc have mailo vtnuU which at tho best can be drlvon over only in Intdan fllo, aud with never a flhuntin;< place? These blessed StaieH are notorloum and oxoorabln for vllo highways. In some neighborhoods there aro roads, but tho bulk of thn country l-i lattlood with pro- poRtnroiiH Hhainy. 'J'hat thlH bad quality of the roads was greater, although exonn- ublel-hen, In the early day of colonization In apparent. There were Htumpft, holon and l)du!dern In the -roiulH. Thorn wera ravines often enoii'*li at; eithor hand. Whtui travulMi-s f.*.nn opponltodirootiona met lo tliat'poriod ilie driver rooked little jf clashlng-4mbH-UiM--uu looked^aluirp...to OHcape a mishap in the ditch. It was thon natural that, as he w.w a team approach ing, ho dhould turn oat on thutsiilo whore hi.-i position allewed hlni to obsorvo more carefully I-'rom that tho cus tom grew,' and by Its simpliolty and rea- Honiildencrfs naturally super.seded the older law As In most things, the environment when It had nin-t'i change nooesBary, canned tho.chango to imiuo to paaa. Ij.;L tho man wlm d:;es not credit this ox- phinatlon take a drive uvcr a Vormont eroHS-road that, can be found whore tho way runs close to a c!!T and no turning to thn right Is posnlhla. Tin will find that when he meets a lea ls I wagon and must yield tho road, turning into' tho gaping ditch en tho'left, he will Blip to the loft end of his seat very swiftly In order that ho may keep a kectiTye on tho exact route of his outside wheels. ___ThiMrhd._jwllL convince him that he must sit and turn out on the riiiuo Hide. If he bo a drlvor be m sTj know that ho has an.advantage , at the rigid, end of His neat which the left doo4 not afford. Thar, the lOnglisli system is tho hotter for good roads them cm be no doubt. That It could bo adopted in the United States gonorally Ih impossible until tho law makers and tho ro ul 'makers produco worthy highways. llimbtlcHs in the case of that millennial event, the change would bo mibtly wrought by its own merit. ST. If BXSBEX* Se BRSaKH,, Great Special Sale! OF New Fall and Winter Goods. To say that it is a imge success is drawing it mild. Never in the history of our business at Essex have we offered such wonderful bargains. In Dress Goods-, clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and shoes, carpets, (rents' fur nishings, Millinery and clothing to order THE GREAT CORNER STORE, &BRICKE ./ sy .=KKs Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS either a& Power or Pumping Wmdmillfl, For prices and terma, address THOS. HAL.PORD, Essex, '- Ontario. Agent for Essex County. THE PUBLIC OFTEN IMPOSED ON. roprietary Medicines and lis that are Utterly Worth! ess. When You Ask for Paine's G elery Compound do not Allow your dealer to Recommend Some thing Else, Yea, tUMG iH a vaBfc amodnt of double deception praotiied in th oouhtry, The double deoaption impofled on a too-ooBfld- ine people, just men the mkigi f wnrthloBB liquid modioinen and pill it and pntttng them iuto tho BtoroH of doalerH.who ofton rocommood thorn whon Faiue'u Oel< otry CJompouud ia aaltod for, boeausa they puy lar^or unrl handfloraot proflfca. Thin work of fulooly rocommendmfi and BudHtitutinc in fmughi With touny evils. It oncouragae deooption and faleahood; it bi-intie tho publia to tho position of sUtga, bo the will of the grasping dealer; l-t tends to prolong fiutorlnga and agonies when tho oicU tiro foroed to buy what they do notaBk -j for; und liiatly. tho vilo work of aubatitntlixj aasiata tho Hpread and oirouUtioo of pro- paratioan that Hhould bo prohibited by law. This work of roonomflndiu(i poor and tniHhy inoilioinoH whonValno'flOolery Goiii^, pound la naked forf iH" raoetin^ with its,;/ 'jutjt reward in many plu-cea. The pubetitat-. .iiV; ini* and dodoptivedealerflaae being ehnnn- ^::pfi od, and tho money for Paino'a OderyOom :. pound fioon into the hande Of .upright and ,,,.;v .hoiuiflt bniBuoHS uoon, contontod withmoder. -fr aloprofltH, ad who aro auxioaa to giye . tuba,'- woman aud children juBt what they .'.,^,'<J aak.for. ' The j^roat desire of sick and diseased poo , -.v^ pie ia u- new hfo, which means , health^',"('$ Btronfifch and hodily vigor. ThiH oonditUp;,^ iHBuroljrandBpQedilyreftlizea when Paine's y^ Oolory Oompound is used. Thia faot Ifl;;:? proved tivory day by the unraber 'ot."teh-;/'j| kaohiale reoelyod from ocrod peoplevThfl^p clergy, medical tboti; bankers./^ftrc^anWJM and the every day peopl lestify m lft^|^ ' of Paina'a Celery C^roppDnd^j^p^'J^^e^^i cannot be shown by lhe'jpMB^'few;W:'"Sftl^t; rnedioines you areaakad to aV^'v'^-^^r^ 39 09