Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, page 6

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/ * n. jhl jb: JbySS*#_x r'KJsa.iv jr j*Jt^.fci ' .>i I'-'Y S 3i Good Thing-, i? iish it long'" Pants to ordor for $2.90, rogulur price 1.00, m twolvo piUarns/(Vood. Pan,fcS to order for $.1.2/5, regular prion $1.50. m UvjIvu put in^, IMaolc. Buita to ordot for $111.00, regular prion $1(1.00, '['wood. / Suits to ordor for $M.OO, regular prico ^17-00, Twuoil. / Bulla to ordor for $15.50, regular prnio $IH.()0, Tweed., ' _Ynd so on right througlj^hcif entire ptock of Tweeds. e are bound to sell tJw gooda^ tliey are worth every cent of the regular prj^/but down to coat they come for wifte* to tfjiE deed. ft /id 111' CONflNUKJl.) -I'liti-h tli- JiplfftN.," MipMnUtl Miration. I ran no I I< aKVyou and j."> ni) '< If," "Hnl Ui'ii 11win in hi tin il, (i.ncl Ihotti- hfiy, In* lH doiipmnlo w ill pi uieni )oii, miin. 60 Te intend this to be a TRADE I Days. SALE o don't bo tho last to place while the stock is fresh. Our your order, but place it Are a in, DEWAR, I Dunstan Block. h J" "J" \ deal, ' I '.-i! yon, J iW4l , I i Hhi (HI " Hi) lunl. ik rtltp Inrwuid^uid tlio ex-eon- vlGt tfiivn il Hum.i tlltf to f 11 ii w bill weapon, hill ntnppud, fni lln'tUMHi t i/il lilH friend. Hid held linn lnu k 'Tim ptHinl' Mm!" bo uiied "He h.i't no pint td," i imrod Ntiatton, "' ,lK^,nt! himmdf hot*; am', H*t/tit|/ Lhu inui by llm Mdlai will) bnlli li mdu. h* tluilLf llltlimdf JLJILi ItT. "NoW.lllVII, till! pdllLH I OIICO M tin Union iiliilu'd tn the dooi; hut utnppctl i'idi i, t (j y3i\/si in uiuulei ill I lit* ^roiin Ix fniii him Km an if fit nit ton'rt toiioh had dinoWi(.;nd ill power fiom I Ik mm Iw hud i< i/-'d, the lii'ici- Ifulc faded finni lini Fue", ulncli glow ln.i\y, \in'unun, and dull; hm Io^h ImmiiIiI- cd 1 i iK>,it li hini, and In* luiohod fin vv n il, und wii i only 'i.iM-d fimn f lIIid^ by a rapid mo\cineul on ,*>! iiiMuii'h p u i an lio iivvutig hwi lino an i m\ lIiuii, wht'iu bin mx my t'ankbiiek with lying ii\'i mi onu Khmildi'i, ind Inn h-mhin o> ui Htarilitf heavily it till* floor 'J1! i" H!i<n,'th uhiuli hud lumnaLrd hi in wilIi tin* IIuhIi or moinruv which lmd oorno hick, li id piiH'ii'd away, und no win unco Uloiethc f"til)ln mibi ciln, nlonly r lining lil't hand to Inn ii'ck, \-'0.-it! bin tinker') wiiiidci <d ahoil' I In- Hi in ui hin umind ; wllth' ut III.lL IIIOIIK lit lll'lf M.IH flllltl) JM-llld <l|l i hu iii mi c inn i h< lIhitv liumnilii[f o\t!i of u, hi mii fdi in un <>p>'i i,follow* d by w>W'(!<i and Ri* |w on Lhu Hlrnio Undliiy, whioh liallt'd nb t lit' door.'ll t'liiiic a Imi)^, rolling Itiiuclt,followed hv a int'iiv latiL.'ii, and StuLlton, with a u >icl< iiiov LiuunL, raiui-tl hm bund and wlilHpt'riMi : TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. 'OWN OF ESSEX Win in.ah by \irtuo of a warrant i mi unci hi/ tho Mayor of tho Town Yl"0 WIT. of Euugx m tho County of Khbux and unthouticatod by thucor- jorato HQal of tho oa d Town bearing dato tho aixth day of Auj^uut, 189.J, and to rae r&irootod oomroandini,' mo to levy upon tho following IoLh ot* puroolH of landn in arroam \tot taxoa duo thtttoon with ooHta.__ 1 horoby ^ivo notioothab uuloan tlio"flaid taxon and nous* aro ooonor paid I fihall,oii IWodnotiday, tho fourth day of Docambor, 1803, at the hour of ton o'oloalt in tho foro- noon ut Poolc'o Ehill in tlio Town of Ehhox, procood to uoll bv public auction tho baid lands or ho much thoroof an maybo aufiioiout to pay uiioh arroarH of taxou and all law ful costfj incurred : Plan. 322 ^05 181 307 307 179 428- 179 181 303 2G7 170 303 300 286 170 7 G., 1 G 41 15 LotB. TllXOH. 10 and purt ')................................813 0.) ,........................................... oo 21 32 3Haudo8............................. 0fl() ,. 20 21 33 31 33 30 37 10 12 13 41 1"' Ifl & 18 *UJ at ............................................. 5 iO Middlo partolll, 17 and 18.......................... 72 11 11................................................ 13 CI 2 and 3............................................102 32 North half of 21.................................... 'J8 28 i................................................ 31 40 3................................................ 41 83 1 43 17 i% 30 53 33 U.J Hi 11 "j 131 1J7 130 an 1 1 lb2 10 North half of (5.................................... yu 73 3 1 "5 0 7 audio.............................. 2140 0................................................ 27 GO 31................................................ !J3 05 Block D.......................................... 1 82 Block 51.......................................... 11 93 Bloolc 40.......................................... 31 13 Blookfl 18 and 40.................................. 117 10 Coata. Total. &U 03 ns 12 3 0G 58 21 7 03 217 33 1 95 7 35 3 50 lb 01 2 01 If* 58 4 23 100 57 2 10 30 08 2 47 3Ji 93 2 83 47 U.' 5 76 1C7 Ul 2 41 32 17 3 31 2iJ 71 2 ii) 30 38 a si 3G 00 1 05 (J 77 2 00 ia 93 a 17 33 GO 3 58 71 01 Troaou ror. CALL AT May's Bazaar, down j POR teiU KINDS OP Window Blinds away Cbinawaro, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School SuppliGB, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and -Fingering Yarns, iTew Stock of late Wall Paper ESSEX Roller Mills* "The Common l*ooplo," As Abraham Lmoolu oallod thorn, do not oaro to armio about thoir ailmonta. What ttiey want m a mudioiiia thafc will oore thorn. The Himplo, honoat nratoment, "1 know that llood'u Saroaparilla ourod rao," i tho bout argument in fnvor of fchm modi- oino, and thiHU what many thouHand vol- uutanl yaay. Hood'M l*illH aro tho boat afcor-dinnur pillH, aHflint diKeatiou, ouro hoadaoho. 25. Best IMaoo In tho world four younjimaii ami woman to uuauro a Duoinouti i3uuoutioulHhoitbaatlltito.lla tho DtitroU Huuluona Unlvorulty. t)o- trolt, MloU Illuutratoa oittaloRuu nP ^ vr.. rVrti0- Uofrouceti: A.U Ddtrolt, W. P. JEWELL, Pro IMl HL15N JHtt, Boo'y SOUTH WOOD3LEB JAMKb NAYLOIl '.akoH annonBoinrf M taa , , County ot I'^wox.tliathu hadromodolml thnlfla- Uou tula opljortuuity ol psoplo cf tnoTowu ttfld 10 had rotnodeUnl th Jflo* box Holler. Millu' aooordlug U pliuifi uropavod by B. N. ^irluo, Bt. ThoniaB, and lias aled fioourofl tbo Bor-vlooa of lionqrt'r BtjiAokah. an exporl #ncod &tjd Cborougbly riompatont mJUor. TbniUlopE iho pooplo of tiiotown and county for the piitrouaflo bestarwod upon him in tho pflt, will iiuui-ftutoo BiCtlHfaotlouin tho future Gristing and Chopping: a So&cialty./ i THK BEST GBAD^a OF FLOtJIl, FKBD AND COPNMB3A3V KEPT IN STOCK AND SQLO V ^AP RtGHT PBIOKB. Cash Paid for Wheat and Oats* l5f IT MUST BE TRUE For ovory pomou aava that WRIGHT G. SMITH iYEukos the boat IJavnofin In tho Coanty of i ISbsox, It will paj you fco oorao to SouthjWoodyloo to buy yont HarnoMH. Stnok e^ooQct to uouo in the oouuty. Fine btock oE Horse Blanket a juflt opened ( out. CHAP I KB VLVIII. 10 stvi iiutT"- ._______ Tho lfn6c.t~w.iH M-p-^iti'd as I!ruLtlnon and Stiatlou Hltmd j^a/iing at each uthur, and ihi'ii at ihr iiu-uriihlo iiiibfcili) htforo them in iho uh.ur. Ai th"t iitomciit u f Liuihar voico, mulHr>d hv tho doom, but uLilI mlvcry mid oluar, i.ixid : "No use; not at homo " "Ono mom try !" . unio plainly to their mil. fnlloucd by a L'h'vct lj cxcculud roulado uuli iho lit t hi binsi UnouUt'i. uTrtluTn-u.n a ^liort pauiiit, und tho laulo of thuliiilcuippi'i pine of tho hator- box an if HoinoLlinii. hiul botn dropped in ; iho bubblo of niony voiooa, and dtauending lops ton waited till tho bint iimitid had died out, when ho opt nod tho inner door, and look out two curdi. "lidio and Guoit," ho (laid, as ho cumo back and ro l1o..i d tho door. J nut then a lino or two in pencil caught hm oytt, und ho u-id : "Coino to my rooms au aoon as you can, Nwa 4'P.(J." "hnpo"inhlo ." imiitorod Stiatton, tonmng tbo canbi on to the table. "Now, lirotti- aoii. wo iihuu vet at oiico " "You. Y*'K of conr .o. But, my d< ar lad, whuta pity y*n\ found me, mid I Loolt you thoro " "Too Into to talk of that, man," Haul S union, who wuu full of oni-r^y now an ho hiond frowning. "Hut Imoyou over h.ul any ucoiio hko lhu before' T mean, him ho lomrnod to hui former tmd'i" "No. He hiiH alwuyH boon ui you saw him thm moriung. lhu iim nioiy wa'i a blank an to tho paot Vom Looting and ilii) Hound of your vouio tnu-.t have ro\ivtd it all." "But ho made not the fain teat ingu of recognition." "No; nut wo cannot undoratand tbo working1. <f tlio brMii It wuh, perhaps, tho e\puuig ollort of hm reason, for look at bun ni>." "ICxpuing !" cried Stratton. "Yea ; but how m my more iluuhuuof reuoon may apring up before the light goon right out?" Ihcttmon ga/ed at tlio man maporplexod way, and bent over and touched htm, but thoro wnii no mgn. "Thin nettles it," naid Stratton at last. "VVo imiHt act at once." __"Yea. Whatuh.JI wo do?" "You nee, ho may have a hundred re- turiiH <>f Inn tncmoiy, ml como horo again and again tin ontnning and making do* tnamln ; and if lie liuu roaaon enough at tluse tinii'ii to come Iumo, what], toprovont Iiih going up to tlio ad mini I'ii und making a it'rnblu ncono thoro ?" Ibottinou nodilod. "Yon," ho aaUl liopoloaaly. "What, in- deed ! Maljolm, my dear lad. I thought h> going into hiding with him, and devot ing inymdf to lua oaio, I was doing you a gu-ai itervico; hut I'm getting old and wivk, I mippoao. I will go by all j ou nay now. I haven't un opinion of my own." "You did everything you could for mo," said Kt i at ton warmly ; and you must go on helping mo utill." "1 will do everything if you will only 11utu. mo," **Ti nut you." enod Kt rut ton reproach fully "Thoro, wu must act at otiuo," "What do yoti propimo doing?" "Making fliuo tmtfc thu man bus no fin thur opportunity of doing harm to any one." MYou will not hand tho poor wretch ovc_ to tbo polioe t" "No," aid Stratton iitornly. "I oannotj ho in her hunlmiid. That lllow muat not c mo from me. Eithoryouor I must al ways bo with him abroad." "Yes, U would bo best. Beyond roaoli of doing harm. Whoro shall I talco bimt" "Wo will tako him acrona to Franco Hit," said Stratton, omphneizlng tho first word. "LfOt'H got him to iSt. Malo. rilid ihon along tho coast to Homo nnaludod (IhIi- mg villii_.u, till wo can think out a butter plan," "fiood ; mid when will you start?" *'At ouoo that la, to-night. You could bo ready ?" "A man who can draw a little money in alwaytt nuidy," ropliod ltrobttson. inniling, "Tihiu I'll tiiltfl him buck with mo in a nab pack up Homo things, und you will join umntimoto catch tbo traiu whioh ineuta tho Southampton boat thia evening." "No- Loavo him with me," said ^rat- ton firmly. "Oo and gut your luggugo ready, and uuli for hin witli a cab at nine ; that will bs plenty ot time fof us to oateli the train." 1 *'But have you-r-witli him V td Brettiaon hesitatingly. Stratton laughed bittertv.' V- t 'J uliall Ihel tlMOtl u.ihi with fn odoiu at Don't In' iifr iid, old MluM,," he mid, ulnill noi try i <> niuiilei him i\tW Huh." "M\ di'iu Man oini 1'eiled Lhu old iinill repto M'liftilh "Well, und htiiiiiiin, finiliug iiadly ; "if } on di 1 not i X'k ily i In ok that, you h.ul tioinn liu/y lie loon of lt being minnfe to lenVO lllft With IIIV 111' nlnu. "f that is-------" filh red weakly. "Then , na\ mo moil' If* 'm me. 1 iihuLl ooi 11 v L( huy hm Hut It ii com Villi kuoiv that ' "At tiliii' o'olru k (lit a" i.ild Uretlii-nii huiiulv. "Y"ii ai it L urn you mjiII noi imud I) 'i _,h fi u ith him '" ".Mind '" il.I'd htrattou u it n a fuiule. "Yi-H, 1 mind it, but (t \ mir duty, old fallow; and uu aro going to do that duty to tho ond " lie wrung Inn old friond'n hand ait ho naw him of!, and ilien, with a c.iinploto cltaugn eoiriiiij* over IiIh i ouutenance, he e nofully loeUed tho door, ph coil tin in i<r k<y in tin pot lent, and walked nit-ad ily aei ohm m> whero Inn uiiwlcoiuo vinitor lay buolt in \i\h neat, with hm hand still playing furtive ly about tho ted Hear hehtud bin eir. }\)h eyi h ntaiod in n Inudftn way at, tho noli ear- [ui* ; and, an titration followed tlinin lio Hhudiluiod, and ilm whole m imio of that tor rihlo niglitcimo back, foi the oyan uere fixed upon a Htnwi only partly obliterated, and it was there whom hm head hud lain after he received tho nhot A peculiar in nae of njirinkiug ran tlirniigh Ktratton an he miw hnnttelf uguin pinning thiotlgh the Htiugyle and d.agginL! the man into the h it li-clu')L, while oiu.e moie lie bad to hght, with the foelnigu of dread of detection, and recalled liow he had around with liinmelf, upon tho iKceuHity for liulins away tlm wrlch wIioho eXiHteiico had been an a blight on Myia'n young life, and ulio, dead, nan tho great liar to their future huppiiU'Hi "And," he muttered uloud with a I itmr sigh, "living an great a bar i lor htill '* "If ho would but dm," something Hoomud to nay ; "and froo hor " But ho hIiooU hm Imud directly. "A vain hope," ho naid *'ii vain hope " Ho shuddeitd and elcnobod hut hainh, clouing Ins ey< h directly aftei, for a innd di'iung, hortthle fueling of triiiptatmu ban como over him. They were nlotio in ihtu nohtary room bo with this wioteh mIiohu uxtiiteiico in hut fiiiue luomon u wan a ciitdo ; and who now, aa lio lay hnek there fedih, vacuouw.'oxiiiting only in body, not m inlnd, watt a mere blot upon tho oart h. le^n uoi th . of the upaco ho occupn d than the Mi en t animal claimed an vermin, and whu h man criiHhod out of hit) way without com punction, without a micond thought. What am would it bo to quench tho fllitcoriuj. life before him? Ho must t'lvo up all hnpo of over cluflping Myra to bin heart, an hi* had given it up hi foru, nud nuflor au he had nufTurrd thuu; but alio woubl bo froo. '1 hen would never then be any poriibility of hm coming face to face with thm horror. And it would hu ho easy! Otjo firm gmiip of hu nnrvouu hugora, und tho feeble beating of Lhi mitieiablo wretch'u artorios won hi CeilHO. And after? ' Ihfitnum would roruru and find that hm piep.ira'ioim had been vain that the man w hm 1} mg bai'lc there in Ins chan di ml fimn alit the pieturimiH life had cimm to an i nd, an might havo been foretold after Hiieh a hi iniro such a iitroko. And it uruild lio ho (may ho oany, Ku.aiou opened his oyen und stood gaz ing down ut tho yacant face with the lids Imlf oloiied now, and remained th'uo as if faHouuted, luuiblo to drag himself away ti 1, with one vigtiroua wrench, ho turned and literally rushed into hm chamber to proparn [oi thejournny Ho wan ulnent about half an hour huforo he roiuniod to nuke a fow moro propara- tinnn thoro. Ho went about the rnn-n oning eabinot and easM to find mouoy and cith r necouH.uicH for liw joinne}, husying himnelf, juid lak- mg care not io lot hm uvea mm foi a mo ment on the hguio Hitting back in the chair and unoanily moving ftom time to unio, "Ifo in nafe with mo nafo with me," Stratton muttered an ho wont to and from hin bedroom. "What tlioughtit will fiuci ihcnmolven into a man'n houil at tinii'Hl" Tlni h mm had glided by till it had grown quite dark, tuid utill he wa bnny for the miko of occupying huiiHolf. But at limt bt could nee to lu no more, and bo weut soft ly to a drawer to got out matches and light hm lamp, The drawer croaked tis ho pulled lb out, and deiuhuud th- sound behind him an ol onoHoftly riiiiug from a chair, and a piece of atone grated an it wai taken from the mantelpioco ; but, rant, m thought, Stt it ton did not hear it an hj opiMU'd the box, took out and ntmuk match, which flanhed, and threw n bluish, ghaitbly Hght upon a liidooua faco, with bo mile it an arm ndsed to atriko. The next minute thoto wau a crash and n heavy fall, It wita about, half an hour later that Biottiaon UHcended the staircase, und <\n ho renaiiud the landing thuro wub a pulling and panting behina him. "It is you, then, Mr. Brbttlson," criod Mrs. Urade joifully; "I thought it wm you ub you pussod the lodge, and I am triad, mil wo Ijegmi to think yn muut bo dead and gouo. Now do let mo coino und tidy up your room, air, and make you a oup of ton " . "No, no," naid Biottifinii. "I inn gninn in bore. Mr. Stratton and I aro leaving town." "Mr. Stratton hau gono, nir. Lonutwido not at homo." "Whnt !" "Mr. Ouont wuu horo a quarter of an liour ago, and "aid liu'd lieou here oner ha foro. IIo couldn't innko no one hoar." "Something I urn happened then,1' naid Brottiuon to hiimolf, and a thrill of horror ran through Inn frame. CHAH'l.U xhrx. a i*r-Acr, ni' Tll.1T. "Well, if over tun strange gontlomoii did live in inm* it's Mr, .Stinttnn und Mr. Htettiaon," said Mrs. Bmdo uh ulio reluo- lanbly went back to her lodge, "NlootaU their rooms must be hi; and him ouoe so olvd and polite an awkwurd and gruff ju yon please." "*; ' She had sotno oauae for complaint, Bretti- oti having dismitssd her with* the request not io talkquita go much* ' In epite 'of the womaD'al doUntlon of Stratton'e ab*noef the bid nVin felt that n 1 inqit be thrr^j and utafr 'k/bo'flkin| tr'**- | L'OUt, (Hit,* W.1 t lllltl tlicil' KOh lime wifch hU heart winking more and more with dread, ha applied his lips to tho lettor-box ftftar forcing ((p_ri tho sprtng flp. "Stratton. if you ore t\w r Hbuhmi's aalttj^pnn at once 1" ho wiiUpuu-il b.udly. 'Hmto was iiruitllng Round dio-cily tlm bolt wim idiot bauk, and tiiratton ndmlt |.,d him, afterwurd inking a lotthr from i hn box, glahoiug at it, untl thru.tlug il into hi- potikot. "I'lnvt iv<uni\n uiutl you Inid said IhoMlwnn oageilv. "I 1 ihouglit how is hoi" Kttattoti pointed to lhu oh air wlii tlnr man lu> an if iiHleep. "Why, how liugyaid you look " i.ud llii'ttiMOii mwoitiidly. "Han thoro been any thing tin* niatinr ?" "Nothing intieh ; only I h.tvc Imij a Hliuggh uitb u inioliiiiLii wlnt tiled it. mm dor mo " "My dear boy 1" " It In a fact," said Stratton. " 1 found him with tliatpieee of rock in Iiih hand,and ubeut to utriko iim down " lie piiiuted to the uiuhhu'o fiion-i l>ing mi thu iable, nod then said (muling: "I wuu jimt in time to nave mvndf." "{Joed ItfiivuiiH ! Was ho n ingorniiu fin long V " I'm long enough. Wo h ul a ahurt Htmggli, iuol ho went down with a emMi, One inmnout he win treinendt oi.n v hi mug; the in XL holph'Eii an a child, and he Inn bot'ii like that ever mncu. Our plana iniiiit Ixj altered," *'No, not now," said Hrottitmn docinively. "Tho man linn been overexcited to day. Your pieHonci) scoiim to have rnuHd up fooltngs that have lioon aiileep. I ought nor to iiivo hi ft you alonti with him (Joinc, it in netting late, W have very fow nuuutt n to uparo," , "I'lien you mean to gr }" "Vd, I ineun to go. You ahall wen us to the Ntation. I liavo no tear ot hint ; he will ho calm enough with mo." "Voiy well," Haul Stratton, "anything to got him iiiiuy from hero. It In- keepu pn tuining violnit he muut be placid under n Hlraiiit," Stratton < pencil t ho door, Idueed hin travelling bag ouuide, and ciLine lack 'What does that moan ?" naid HrottiHon, point in^ to i hu b ig ,l Mine You do not nuppuuu I shall lot you go aloiiu," "You cannot go now. I have mana^d bun lio long, and I can innmigo him Htill." "Wn iilmll miss the tram," imid Stratton qutetlv ; ind taking the man'H mm he dn w it quietly thiough IiIh, ami aflei p-malng; to hccuio the door, walked with him down to the cah, UrottiHon following with tbn little VullKf). They icachoil tho nUtum withm fivu umiuten of the time, und noon af tei wni o ruUling down to HouthumpUin, Stratton thiowing hinmelf back in a coiner to duw a deop breath of relief ub they left tho biiKy town ouliind, and taking out hm letter, hut only to glance at the handwriting, nud throw it hunk. Their prisoner nanic buck to nleup heavi ly, and ho was lu a drnu.iy Mate aa tlioy wont on hriaid, lying dotiti qui' tlv enough in Inn buth, uhero they left mm and uunt on deck an noon an they were well out of tho dock. - "Safe 1" nairl Stratton oxuliingly. "Now, Brettison, that mini must ncvor uuo I.tiglninl again!" Thoy rciLched Jersey in duo timo, mid next morning wero In Bt, Malo, wluro tliey Btnyod two diiyn, making ni(|Uiros whidi rusubod in ihuir takmu boat and being landed twenty mtlen along tho count at a piciuicB(|iio. old-world tishing vilingo S'. Utiorge's whoro, lodging* being found, they both drew breath moie fieely, toLlmg at eiiHo now their companion haying no it led down into a calm, apathetic ntatu, apjui- onily oblivious of all that went on uroiuid him. It waH hard to beliovu that the dull, va cant looking man was the Hiiinu bt ing an tho one with whom S raLton hud had hlu lato terrible encounter; foi in apito uf the light, indifferent way in which he had Heated it to his friuid.iujiii) know hotter t ban he that ho had hcou within an inch-of Ioiit^tpj hm llfo. It wan hard even to Stratton, anil us tho dayn glided by in the peuuefnl ealm of tho tiny hay, with lU gtouuu of tiahertnun and women on tho bofi while Handu.or wad ing into ttio clear blue water to reach thotr boats, thu uui rouudingH made t hu filaoo a pleasant oanui in tho donert of imi ife. The rent wan nwuet and languornus, and ho pattHt-d bin time now strolling out on tho dry,warm tiaudii, thinking, now high up on tho giuony top of tho cliff,whom ho cmild look down on peopla enjoying their scuHjdu life. At timou ho would go out with Bomo of. the fiahormon, who icadily woleoiiied tho Kng ltsh fltraiigor, and talked to him in u formal, {(rave way, and in French tliut ho found it mrd to,fullow Moanwlule Brettison had hunted out a brawny pleasant-faced finhennan'o wifo,who *'*4 beou pointed out to him aa an !__j.U -:o. 2>*. If. If. Af**rtlt. No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH AS YER'SiM Btatomont of a Well Known TOoc( " No other blood uiiMllciiin that I baevei uieil, und I have tried tin in all, h ni ttioioiiKb in lis u thin, and t fit eti _. in.-ut/ permanent lures .* \yer'i k.h miiarllla."w JJi. JI. P. Muuui i, vMii.usta, Mo. Ayeft^Sarsaiiarilli Admtttod at tho World'a Fair. _Ai/f' 1'iUnfor Uvvv unit TmuuX*, ' Uiorty Kewtcrt, ttllwd .if Kiiho" That in what it in wbou travelling on tho fant tramu of tbo Chicago, Milwaukon it Bt. Paul Hallway; boNiden tlioro m no chanoo to "kiok," for tho accommodation" tiro up to dato. tho trainH koop moving right along and p;ot tho.o on time, Thoco linoa thor oughly cover tho territory bet woon Chicago, La CJroDHG, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Abor- doon, Mitaboll, Bioux Falls, Biouj: City. Yankton, Council Blufftt, Omaha and Nor- tborn Michigan. All tho prinoipal oitlos and towns in that territory aro rnaobod by tho "St. Paul" linon, oonnooting at St. Paul, Council Bluffo and Omaha with all Itneu for pofntn in tho far wont. WritcTto A. J. Taylor, Canadian PuHn'r" ARont, 87^,/' York Stroot, Toronto, Oofc., for ono of tlroir map timo tabloo and a broonura, fiiving d*ncription of tho Compn.tmout Bleeping Jarn. Tiokotn furninhod by uny coupon iickct agent iti tbo TInitod Statoa and Oan- id a. Ibo finetit dintng car Jn tlio world run on tho nolid vestibuled, olcokrio- ightod and Btcam-hoiitcd trainn of tho Chi- 41, mis Ol 4.A ^ % 3rd in *i. 15 I lt> at 4u luipnrtaiit <'onieieuce .uli.Lc ri.ifc \\ii^liluc,iou i *ti> I" * oiinuu r I Ik an Wttahlneton, Oct. II. Tl.oic \\ 111 bL an Impoiiant uieutln^ .n. thu htuto ijcpai tniL-ut tu-inuiiot,' tj(.t Lc.n il- I.u-hOutatlvoH ol Lhu l nilcd biaUb and tlii> j.uti.ii inui (J.ii.udia*. Uutt'tn ments. 1 lie object ul the ii.t-iiLiut. will he ii loi miihuu a sujipK'uicn- taiy tu tho liuhilnt; bta uiniLiutiuu and to piovUh: tor thu settlement ol the claims ol the HrltlHh uwnen whosi htiillm. craft were auljsed by tin- United States levenue eutteia pi lor to the an nouncement wf the ollichu arbltruttuii and nlBO antecedent tu the nioUiu Vivendi. Sir Julian Pauncefote, whu will be the nritlHh reprcHontatlvc, buy Just made u Canadian trip to collect duta truni the JJepartment of Minim and Kishuxieu, and also Information obtained by Collector Hllno. of Vic toria, as to the chuiaeter and valm of veaHulH and their catches, at the time of the solsiure. It waa theb< clalmo that Secretary Grohharn agreed to Hiitth" for ..450,000, piovltllng Con- crcfcs uHnrnted. It will, be remomlierLd that a bitter light reHulted over Secre tary GrfHbam'H recommendat on. Socr.1- taiy OifeBham went to the capital and labored hard with the senators to havr* the money provided. Thouc clulmH must now, In accordance with tho terms of the arbitration, he tuljunted by the supplemental commission which meets to-morrow. Tho British clalmo riRgrepate over a million dollars and tho Canadian** profeiui to bo very much dlsgUHtod with Sir Jullrfn'fi accoptanco of loss than tiO per cent, of their value. American experth, howover, who vloltod tho porti from which thews venola operated, ba\o Hlnco produced what thoy ropranl at. convincing ovldence that oven $IB0,- 000 wa moro than 100 por ocnt. In o\'- cefiH of tho real value of the property. if precedonta aro followed, notably thotJo Hot by Secretary Blaine the CanadlanH, will not bo allowed to pit with the coprnilaslon to-morrow at* members thereof, but their functions will he confined to an advisory capa city to Sir .'Julian. Secretary nine and his law' officials will act forth** United States* wlvlle Sir Julian will venrpRftnt OreB.t Britain Several HerdM of Huil'aocH And thomuuidfi of elko, door, etc., aro to bofottnd in tho Yollowotono Park. Ifc id tbo only place whero tho buffalo oan bo fount) to day, no moroilouidy havo thoy boon fllaughtorod. Thoy aro fjono from tho plainh ai prairieH.and tho iom mint now left oan thai tbo United ritatoa Govornmont l6t tho privile^o of living Tho Yollowutono Park i their homo and thoro thoy tiro Rata. The Park in patrolled by soldier., both Bummer and winter to capturo poaoha and ofTondora and oevoro puniHhment; ie raotod Dut tointrudero. ~~In nummor tho buffalo ran^o in the f>hlando . near Yellowntone Lalto. In winter tboy work over into Haydon Yalloy aud ourroundiuR country, whoro tho hot Qpriney and waters koop the auow meltod iiwaw Door jj,nd oik ranyo ovor tho ontiro YeHowHtouo Paik. Thns beaidoH tho groat marveln of naturo mot with in thm woudor- land.tboroare alao tho llnent flpooiraotia of our lar^o game. Tamo and dootlo, they four not man. SktitrihoR of Wonderland, an illustrated hook publinhed by the Northern Paoiflo Railroad dencriheH Una wonderland. It will cntbo h by Ciiah. S. Fkf., tbo Gflii'l Acont, St. Paul, Minn., upon reooipt of itix contu in utumpfi. ^ CAM'T dUET OAT llftDHCSS H0a0W tt'COME rtlDU F, ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A laigo stock, all now goods and latest Novolties. I fcalco no baotf seat on pvicoa. SCHOOL BAGS, ' I have a largo etook, sought at bottom pvicoa, imd can boat fchoin all for prioo and quality. Call and boo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck. Harness, AMD _._. Heavy Harness or EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large stock and it must go. Call and bog mo beforo buying o Ibo where Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. 1 *l >id -N ^Jiii-A ^m; . i\<"L ^y'- !;< v. id ^r-toOflkiM tr'- | ,,',_.- , , ,tvtodoorse.ttitBat^C^i^^^^S 7 B26C

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