Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 18, 1895, page 2

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' ' THE 'BSSi^; ". -^ ' WW. - l,i.-,>'r1'.' -THUS- ESSEX FREE -fRBSS I303EJ3C, oawftpJ 1^ - f".':>V" ( 4tUblUhod .Every Friday Morning JTrom the cilice on Talbot Btreot, next :Danatau Blook. Special attontioii is paid to ttiu publhm* Hon of mattor of local hnpm-tunou, aoour- ateaod rohablo report-- of Town, nui->,hbor- ing Townmip uud County Couuoit pree-eml- tyu*t local ind ooanty market reporfcn. uto " fclxeoarefu. and judicious management of Txipi Fbks i^tKUH, with ronpoot to tlmno iLtld other current matton* uf looul importune**, has ly-ivon it u, wl(lfc>npr>'uil protai^n in the . centre of Hanex ooauty,which in ruoounfaed as one q[ tho host agricultural diHtrioU in Ontario. TnK Pukk I3 menu in Lliu only medium circulating. thoroughly in thm central portion of tho Countv, and jh con aequoutly,without doubt,tho only thorough adverlimug in odium for ImiuiiuHH poo pin wishing to roach that olami-of otwtomurH. oonnv-BrONDKNOK. Our column* are always open fej't peaceable diaouHinon of bui^MflKiyfl^n )t. to tho puhlia welfare. Able corroMpoudj Hng localities events of ii BpboroB^ pleas/, '"* in all tho hu r round- reliable report* ol ring in theirHuveral n-r in at ulltimo' epiitinij itomu ol \J Bi&Pviy uiipoaod Iq forward oontri HaUonfl. , All communioiitjouH of a private and oaf JoulifU'nature, tihould bo no nnirkud Mi ttie ouihido of tho onvulopu. BUllHOllIX'CION ritlCKV Jl.OO par annum, utrioUjsJu advance, 3*i.6Jpor annum if not. ho paid; aim all arroarH charged at that \ atu. APVKUTP-KMISNTH, Tranttlcnt legal and municipal advor- tisammitH, notioou, etc," charged ui the rata of ton oonta per lino, for Ikot tauortion, and flvo oonta pr lino for each Hiibiioquaut iniunrtion.. All nuoh advortiHumonto uro mouiiured by a acalo of twolvo lhiOH to tho inch. Looal roadmfj aud othor nnlicca pub liflhod among looal uowh matter charged at tho ruto of ton oonta por running lino lor each insertion. AlluotiooHof ohuroh or Rooioty enter- tainmonta of any douonption, at which, an ftdmiRBiou foo iB charged, are regarded ah advorfcinomontH, and full advertming rate* charged in all gtich cimeri, Notieon of gath- 'ermguov mooting not for poauniary bone " fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully publiuhiid free of diai-go, . Spoatal contract niton raado for display or utanduiK advtR. All Ififtul orprofonnion- al oardfi under ono inch, 90 per annum, JOli Oil COUMKnCUL PniNTINO, ' Tho FjtRH 'Puhhh inh__JErint_inu De partment iH under tho auporvuiion of thoroughly computent mtiohauicH, and anooial attention io paid to thin brarioh" of tho trade. Our facilities lor tho elocution of all kinds of Book and I'ino Job Printint; are unoxcollnd. Stonin power prcHseo. A cull holioitod. naaiNK^H itnaoiuATroNH. All Job Printing and Tranniont Advortiuinjj accounts, ntriotly oanli. AdvorfciQiD( . ncoountd with roguhn patroufl are eottlod qnarlorly. Sub- oriptionn duo in advauoo. ' No flubacriptiou to tho Fhkk Piushh, or advortiHomont publinhod in its colurnnH will bo diHoontinaed until all arrourw arc paid in full. Ohanfiei) for inlyt'rtiomutHHf to soouro inaortiou in tlm cnrrimt iuhuu,' munt t>u handed in not later than noon uf the Tuun- day proocdin^, and uotico of kuoIi intend- lid ohan^o in required on tho Monday pro- 'ocdingr--------------------- Notice of (IntcontinuaacQ of adveitiHO* ' inontH munt be (iven at letiat ono week in aavanoo of the iamio in whicli, they are doHircd to labt appear. ADVIiHTIflKllQ, SubHcribGCH and patrona qenorally are rcqueatod to rfnd tho above ro[!ilat.ionii carofully, in order that confuaion may bO' avpidod. ua tliey wiU in all guhoh be adhered to. AddroHH u,ll comraunicationa to E. JT, LOVKLACK. PubUnbor tho Eubici Fmcc PnisBjUwV Knuox, Out PALACE STHAMBWO. "^ LOW RATBO CLEVELAND, PITTSBURQ, _ BUFFALO and ALL POINTS EAST BVBHV bVUNINQ UUYWBCIJ DETROIT ^CLEWEUMf Cotiucctlnerwlth earliest trains at Clcvclr.nd for all points Enut, South aud Southwest, Sunday Trips Jun,luly August and Septam^cr Cm Fouh THi*n ftim Wuhk Hhvwhbh TOlEBO.DETBOIT^'iBflRRlRf- ^CTOSKBV. THG "GOO." MARQUCTTH. 1 AND DULUTH. vo uew Ble*l piaueiiircr atentucro have jusi -i built for our ITpner Lake Route, costinp too each. Send for Illustrated pamplitet A. A. &0HANT2. . * v. *. OMTROIY* MIOH. DOROFT CLEVaAHQ WAV NAV. ft r.. COPYRIGHTS, \V I OBTAIN A PATENT? V6: b Wt anaVor and an hon^ opinion-Wrlto to - NN JkOO.t'wbo havftlisd noarly fifty jonr*" mwloe lQLtb p&tont bunltiow, Commuiilnw as Btrletlr oonridatitlal. A UnndboAU of.hi XarmaUoif coriuernlaR falrni* ana bow to ob> talptbom Spji^fren. Alton cotalogjootBieohah- loMiimlclQnt.(uo books Bbut free. aratJOints tdkon tltronuli Munn. 4 Co, rocolvd ilal tiotlooInthoHrientifltfAmerieatt. m>u t*i to lift inYontot. xhft splendid rrnpflr, ' " TPW( r- olefifltitly lllustmted. has br fur tho olrculatfon ot oxiy sblntlflO work tn tho -***A yoar- fiftn,Rl6 paplis Mnttreo. llldlng BdltioiLjmontblrrMJOft mar. Jinria in oolors, snd BhOtOBraphs ot nnv The'RIdh 'Boits"Foun*crrniftalny- River District ~ FOUR-HUNDRED MILES IN EXTENT. fanndluu HttUUnr* 4htlu <*crtlrtfnrs at lly(br HcbiHiI in Kltiilniid trull Klilp- i.,.<- to On-Ol.l ( Dimtry-^uuiidr.1 of iVn l>y Vuht IJluUftl lu Hull h I'ouikI. . Ottawa, Oct, Jl.~Mr. W. MeTnnos of tho Gcoloclrul Burvey-hitH Juwt re- tuniLMl from lilti Hold work In Un: Halhy Ulvwr dlntrlot. lit! miyn tin; ito'd bilt oxtendH over four hundred jnih.'ii, mill liundi-odH of olnlniu iiuve bon takun up. Thi-ro "an*, ho iitatmi, llv*.- [itnnip nilllH (ilmiK tin; Uulhy Itlv- wuh afroolcd HOj-'ylmt for, nearly qi'yvat er. Tliruo of thi'K.r ;in;mi tin; OttiwidU^i' uho wast unahl'^torciid for moro tj^an tlvo Hide nf tin- liver ulid two on tin* Am- Catarrh in the Head Jj*.a dunja;orouH dkeiuo 1>ecauso it Ifl1 liable to reHiilt in Iohu of'h(!iiHnK 01f Binoll, or (lovolop into ooiiEiunipUoii< Head tho following: "My wlfo lnui been a mifforof from catarrh for tho pant four yourd and tH^ dlHotiHobad koiio no .fat that lior oyenlj<^t mlmitoM Hfc<( time. .Bhe uffored ttoveru palnw hi^llo head and at timed "Win* ulnioiit Jted. About Chr!t4tmsH, uho com menced tukhig Hood'tt flurwnpnrlllft, inul rthico thnt time linn HlenilHy Improved, Bho haa tnkon alx botthw of Itood'u Hur- BapurlHtt and In on the road to u oomplctn euro. I cannot ftpeak too htghlyot Ifuod'tf eiicun nhle.' Tin- * 'u luulhiii '"inlllii ni: lip- huj.fjtl iunl niont liiiportinit. The lui'tp nl of tlp'M' mllhi iunurniit ii brhit of ipihl pvcry wei'lt, each biiolc lndnii ivtirth all tln> way from JIH00 to' fJOOO. Tht'i-i! in p.rriiL activity thriMiKhoul tin; 4fidd dliU lift. Tin' cliihiiM mi' nulilk- ly phiird up,, ni it I mi any an' woi'ht.'d, bvit very hijud.cloii^ly, and cim:-r- nut Sarmipiirllla, and I cheerfully rooommmd um-ntly lltlh' In uuaU- nut of Urnni. it."W.U.Fu Ho, ^ <*[ ^^ ^-i^i,,,.}"^ Mood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In tho publlo eyo today. K-lf/\y\/1* 0;lKr 6l!^ hah!tu:il con.itlpa- tlOOa S I 111S tloru riico^cparboy. n,i\(;i; or i a r.u. -TritAV.^. X tvrlnun trrldi'iit lu I'l'lrrboru llturs- du.v Muiu 1'n'ttnfii I*rfijii llnJty [I.irf Petrrh.r.t. (l'i. 1". '^n THirs^a1 niKlU a little : ft-: ' ': villi' piiHH nk< i" tr n i . Lii. ra Trunk lUilw../ ]i. ifl l;i i. t .- i-iver 2;> f.'ct I'llt-r-luo-Jj-iv, op n dra. brlduc . PtMMd^-^vho v/ere In- (h'OiK -aire.'.'! about .'I'm yards from tin? tirUKjt.-.hean the eriuii and hurried Lr.v.unhi th Mfeiio. They found the entfinei. r urn llrrnan jiiMt ciiinh.uf; up on tlur bunk the Ixifr^aLK'ii'.nn wan ciav.-!in^ throui^l the window uf his car, while tho pa's seiiKorti of (he ceacii wliieh had escap ed were lonkln^ on, wild with exoite ment. HaKROgenau lirown was in his cu when It'took the plunge, nr.d with bin /aj^_Mr. A. A. Murk, traveler for J* \: ' Kmik "cTX'd., Toronto. Tiu'.se two im-i weir- Ktven a t<;riilln sbtiklnir up. 'Th water bejtan to Mil-the our. The'mei- how over, fort mi a tidy ;-uci'cMh?d li reaching the ear window, and wit! (Treat exertion and the jiKKhuaiu't* * others from without, succeeded Ii laakhiK tluir way out, and w**ro n.-- stated to shore. Fireman Hayes wa; out about tho head, but othtTwiHt-v ha no serious Injuries. The bagKngemui nhio oseapr-d with slight bruisoH. Mr. Mark told the followlnK story "J v.iim sitttnK near the coal stove h the. front end of tin; baKRage car.wln'n the train atoped for a couple of inin- utefi, and then went on. In a few mliv utrs there was a crash, and the car 1 was In struck something, and tln'i dro]>ped. Coals bepan to Hy from Ht ntove, and the car was filled will- water. The coals coming in contac with the water, added to the torrlbl feellnpH I wan experiencing. I man- awed to shove my hand. through a window and put my head out am) called for help. A piece of timber wnf brought to the. window and the otliei man and 1 jjot. hold of It and pusht.d our.selveH to Hhore. T was under watei two or three times." Mr. Mark In the most severely in Jured. Hlft worst injury Is a bad brulsr- nn the left hip and spine. 11i:T fnee Is all(*htly out. as also one of hh hands. He Iosch three oanea of sain- ple.s, while the other batff-taKe In lin ear is also dentroyed by water. Th' engine and tender wll be a completf wrer-ic. Tho batrKUJIocar and coach "are badly damnfjed. Archie Jackson, the younp; bridge- ' tender, made, the followinK ntatoment . tn Ora'rid" Trunk Afient Hayden of Peteiiljo'ro, this morning: "b*\i'ent, over to .swlnjr the bridge for OUmouF'H Alllpator, which wan whistl ing to get through. Before gettnlg on the bridge r put up the danger signal at the semaphore. As t got on the bridge I heard the whhitle of the Uelle- yllle train, and it came up to the Honui-1 phore and Htonped. "It stopped there about two minutof ' and then pulled out for the bridge, j wl'ileh was nearly closed, but not enough for. me to jump off, "The nemaphore red ilpht was up against the train and It had not been changed since, 1 did not lower the signal, nor wan It lowered. "The engineer nlmply ignored the signal and came right on. 1 did niji duty and don't aee how any blame can be attached to me. The engine went over at 0.3O, or a rjiiuute or two later." Engineer Andrew** of Belleville said: "It was 0.20 when I stopped at tin bridge and two rod lights were nhow- irg; after waiting 10 minutes,- I puw the white'lights show on the bridge and remarked- the fact to my mate, who wan Htandtng on the bridge of the tender with ph-. The brenlnuin w;i standing- on the first car. The signal wan lowered. \ pulled- ahead. When within 15 yoardB of the bridge I could Hoe by the glare of the headlight that the bridge was'nearly cloned. I step ped off und tho engine, wont down. "We were going at the rate of six or seven miles an hour. My mate and 1 flaw the white lights, and all the crew saw the signal lowered. They will cor roborate my story. The nemuphoro if all I had to go by, and certainly at a bridge I would not dare to pull ahead until It showed .everything, clear. "The passenger coach wan damaged to tho extent of poo," Tho following pnsuenger's wero on board: Mr. Boar und wlfo, of the Nar rows, near Cumpbollford; Mrs. K. Lan caster, Imstlhgfl; Dninlol It.. Wright, Hastings;. John Welsh, tanner, Hast ings; noberfc Harston, merchant, Wurkworth; W. J. McMillan, Y.>st* wood; Mi*. FeltWell, .Cbmpbt. /id,- Thrf. eighth wants ' name could nut ha learned- ; Mr. McMillan cUmbod through trio window and sustained lirjurley, to his right leg of a painful but not Httrloua nature. . : Ti'afflo hfts been opened ag^lu and, th^ regula^ trains a^e'running. . ; It Is now thought t,hat the^e is no fatality/1 er1------*-- '- ^--'-*-- Jib', bodies though Munltobii to work us hurVi-sl laborers. The latetii and best I'.ml of gold. Air. Miinin-u stau r;, is on th'- north uf jjiiUi' Supnior. JWelopmenl of gold finds In the itnluy Hiver dlutrlct, he nays, is tvtnvdi i 'by ihe abuetice of rallwny I'ncilltleji. (>f the nlllecrs iind non-comnilsnloned oMlceis of the Knyal Kej;inenL of Cnn- ailian hii'aiitry \. ho weal to Englau't hist spring three liave been awarded iTelitieates of iiioiuiC'iiey In iiiuslteLry by tin- Ilythe Mehoul. They are : dipt. J. <.'. iMaedougull, Ht. John's; Hergt.-Major J, I). Allium, Toronto, and O. \V. Calloway, London. No further attempt will he made this year to send over tendi-r varieties of fruit to the Old Country, . Mr. Craig, horticulturist to the KxperlmentuJ Farm, will, during the winter, make arrangements for repeating the ex periment next sumemr on a much more extensive plan. It In hoped that cold storage..peeornmoilatlon will he placed In ninny vessels leaving Canadian ports, which will thus be enabled to carry to the Old Country shipments of Canadian produce of the more per ishable kind. According to the pnstolfiee rcgulu tlonn .sampiea \iy mail may run up to l'Vr nmuurniilA sbn rrn'^fdls)!*, I^r tttlmt.Vfm -tfarViily * .' Ui-rrlveA. RenfrlWv, ^nt.tjQot-.'H.-^ho weather Has been 'most unfavorable for a .largo meeting of the olectora. to hear Hoa. Wilfrld Laurler and several other lead-' lug members of Parliament. It wiu) ruining steadily when the train ar rived at the station and continued to rain until the afternoon, Bovural of the leading Reformers of the town met the vhdtors at the sta tion and escorted them to the Domin ion Howie, where they were entertain ed by the local nucoelutlon. Ih-tddeH Mr. Laurlcr there were In tho party Hon. Mr. Lnngley, Attorney- Uenernl for Nova Benthi; John Mc Millan, M.I*., of Seat'orfh; 0. W.. Daw son; Mr. IMevna of Addlngton, and Mr. Alexander Hinlth of Toronto. The npeakers were on hand promptly, but many of the audience, and especi ally the ladles who graced it with their presence, had not then arrived. The hall \nuf noon well filled. Among tin? gentlemen besides thnno before named who were on the'plat form were : Mr. T. Murray of tVni- broke; It. A. Campbell, M.l'.l*., Huuth neni'rew; Henry Itnrr, M.1M'., North Itenfri-w; Dr. Crnnslon and John Tler- ni y of Arnprlnr: A. A. Wright, lrehl- th'iit of tho South Henfrew Kefortn An- stif.iatlon; James Craig of Renfrew and John llr.'idy, Ihe nominee of the He- form party for the next Dominion election. Tlie eluilrmen, Mr. ' Wright, In his opening remarks, had no sooner pro- nouneed the name of Lnurior as being present than there was a ljurnt of np- plainii', which sbuwod the umrnimous feeling of goud-wlll toward tho Liberal leader. The chairman also alluded to Mr. Crady as a muh well known to the people of J ten f re w and who was generally esteemed and hud therefore been selected by the Liberals an their standard hearer at tho next Dominion election. J!e would follow our leader In a good and Just cause, and was the right man in the rlyht place. He (thi> speaker) had once asked an old eonduelir on the C.JMI. if he knew Mr. Luuiier, and on his replying that he did very well, an a Iteformei, and on being further a?knd how he did so, replied that the Reformers al.wayn paid their in rep while the Conscrvu- Llven always travelled on passes, and It was our duty to give them a pass out and relegate them to the cold shades of Opposition. (Applause.) Mr. Hrady was called on .to spealc,' and was received with applause, know ing the groat Interest taken by the audience In so eminent a public man n<: Mr. Laurlcr, and their anxiety to hear him and the other gentlemen who were* to Hpeak, hi; would not take up the time of the meeting longer. The chairman then read an address to the Hon. Wilfrid Laurlcr, leader of the Opposition. This was received with loud uppln.ufie. which was vlgor- Ait niit'ictldMit ommUta> Kw'iu iraw~ >. r*l Orntll (iT ii HjiIm- *><>'" Kntinii i'lfl*. ' Smith's Falls, Oct. li - - JetomV-.i WuMuOurn. ono of the pUV-at and 'respeuUid residents of this idaee, wiih drowned, to-day in JtUluua Lake.' Ho )ia-j been up to )i1m hununer eottngo and was returning In his sail boat, iiie upturned boat wan seen neur thi- share, but the body has not ' yd been re- covurod. liilUtl hy KpllKlitu f it rxl'i'i Aylmer, Ont./Oet, 11.-Mr, J. D. Me- Dla.mid, p op iolnr of the hiln ur..d lipolte fji'-tnr'y of this town wsh Instant ly killed here to-u ght by the splitting i.l' a v,o,,(i [i .Iky In the "nlave v/or! .-,; The pull, y n-ru k him with, full form on the l-:t side < f t e her d. smai'h'.ng hlsvkul. Me was a. br.> he;- or Rev Mr. McDIaimld of Toronto. Ua I bis flu- linn? Tlumllton, Ont., Oct. II. Th,* mn who w-'m bum d to ' oalli In :h- hou"-'- in Paris ihe , tl'-er nl-v t, nd who winl wild to have hi led fro Ifam lto . Ui believed to be H. Mu. Utnn, ^ ho wa" eoininitleil a -IP" t tl i < ng hi Dum- ds-'i lor i runic- n. vw. Th- man cm"" fioni -h': v.c iiity or U'lelpii .ind own-- 'property In I(V gu ' -ttirl Nlor;;, ID* bifdlicr -manage, th pr perty "nd sends him the j oc dn, a : v,' en v r he ii eelvi s a i omit t n e ho rents a Willie :iinj go-n for it lnui; spre . M-? is about -ITi yea.s o-f age and unuia: rled. I'u'tr ^>oin**n ifir.(cii Glasgow, Oct. 11. The lilgglnhotharn mill, In this elty, w s burned to-day and four women employed therein were killed. Ml led in r . '.";i !. Walkor'.op, t)ct, 12. John I'L-hgelly, lot ^s, con.. A, lirunt, v.a: InsianLly killed by being burh-d under a f.illlng eeajiold on which were piled three loads of oats. HI'. ESinmI Itn'Uy .EiuniMi'd. Wll Ite vale, Oct. 12. Mr. James Thornton of this pluci: met with an accident which nearly cost him his life. IMh brother Mr. I-Idward Thorn ton was driving a load of corn through a gateway, when he got caught be tween the wagon and the gate iiont, lacerating his head very badly. Ho Is doing an well an can be expected. itniir I'liluoiifd hr Knllnu Pill*. St. John, N.M.. Oct. 12. Edith, the i!-ycnr-old daughter of James L. Fln- nen, found a package of Codeine pilla In her father's pocket, ate a number of them, and died In two hours. i'i;i;uv iikk TitiiN i:i)udu;u. a pound and a half tu weight, provld- ounly renewed when Hon. Mr. Laurlcr ed they niv not <'f any commerel 1 val- eanio forward to reply. Ho began by ne. and that the maximum welglu Is remarking thnt he had addressed larg- rensonaldy r.quired for sampling pur , cr meetings, but .never a more repre- poscu. Vemioi-s of tea have been utuT/- smtatlve one, composed of the nterllng Ing tho pample post f r their yeomanry commodity to tin-Ir regular cu tomers, not :is samples, but as nn art lei of dorm stlc ivrpilrement;. A pound an-'i a half of ta has some co*moierV:i:i.l raluo and as tin* transmission, of such a-quantity through the mails is a trnn- gre>:sion of the spirit of the regula- tiopH It hns ben der-ided .to fix a sp ej- fic limit for the quantity of b~n, .which may pars th'ough ihe malls by sam ple post. Postmasters re ther fore en joined not lo accept, for transmission, as samples, pneka*'Os *'f tea crontnln- Inpr more tban one-half pound In wedght. Sir John Thurston, Ci-overnor of Fiji. 1st expected here in a we< k o- two Sir John has arranged to visit Mont real, Ottawa. Tor into and other Cana dian cities, with a view to acquirim* .nd dlH-emlnutlng information' whl.-h may lead to a further dev l-'p-^n of rode betw-.en Fiji and th various portions of Canada. If.- n Its for home by tho Wairlmeo on Nov, 10. . The case of ftt, l/auls vs. the Que n was argon, d before the Supremo Court to-day on appeal froni the judgment of the Exchequer.Court In a Hiilt by St. Louis for an alleged bilunii* di> for building the bridge over tho La- chlno Canal. The Crown in Its answer to the p'o'.ltton of right alleges fraud against tho suppliant In ch-irging for more tLme and nu.terlal than the worcalled f. r, and In putting on trr> 'pav rollu names of men never employed At the hearing the petition was dbi-" missed and the Court held that ow ing to tho wiipp hint having burned his books, by wblcn tho Crown could not obtn in the necessary evidence to*pr"vo its de.renco, every presumption should be made against the fiuppllant. Thli ruling waa the main ground contest ed by the appellant, who .claimed tha* the Court below had made- the do- struollon of the bo. ks not presumptive but absolute evidence, ami thnt th-: books were not . destroyed In view of this suit, but partly from custom and partly because a Royal Commission had been "appointed to examine tin* ouppllant's work and report on Its pro per cost, and he did not wish to sub mit his private nffatra to such o com mission. He als-v clr.lmed his care was Cully pmvod, independent of the beolcs. Judgment wra oseived. Clo- ofrrlon, Q.C., and Hmnrd for ap'ell'nt'. Os'er, Q.C., and Hogg, Q.C., fo re tipondtnt. A strong company Is being formed with a capital of a million dollars"to utilize the Lachine rapids for generat ing gas, electricity and power. Among the incorporators are J. J. Coolc and Jnmes Armstrong, of Toronto; T. Prln- gle. Q. B. nininnd, 8. Cnrslcy. Hugh Oraham and others of Montreal; Davis BroB. aiub Alexander FraRer, Ottawa. John A. Bain, David Lowery. Kara L. Brown, James A. Wallace and John D. Patterson, all of Brantford, and Lyman M. Jones and Walter E. IT of South Renfrew. Ho then spoke at length on the Manitoba, que;t'lon and hit* statement of his po sition wna vigorously applauded; hut be ftpolco at greater length on tho trade questton. the audience being evidently In full sympathy with him on that point, as well as on the extravagance nnd corruption of the Government. Those subjects wore also largely dwelt upon by Attorney-General Long- ley, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Murray and Mr. Dawson. The meeting broke up with cheers for the Queen. M'.UTOI !H AMU \OTK4 fteboauer WrerUetl In TrlnUy Rny Vlnnn rUl Mullen Not Prop*-r*uis St. John's, Nfl 1., Oct. 14. Tho Mchooner Winnie Poarce, became a to tal wreck In Trinity Bay during yes terday's Kale. The steamers Loulsburg and Coila, both from. Monti oal, havo arrived hero. Their decks were swept Sunday anil,. they were damaged in the Fame gale. The warship Buzzard has again boon cordercd to the wieck of the steamer Mariposa on the Labrador coast. The revenue steamer Fiona has ar rived from Placentla Bay with six smugglers, who will be tried in con nection with the scandals; The financial condtlo . of th) col ony still causs \:na sineas. The Gov ernment attemi t-- to minimize thft gravity of the o Cook, but ita refupai to accept the guaranteed banlc notes is consldoretl by business people to b most serious. MlKI llHUWrll, MlC Troy City UdiUlotltlh-y, IV1U HtlHll Hlhl.v ... Troy, N.Y., Oct. 12. Miss Amelia TV Haowclt, the city missionary, against whom the grand Jury at Poughkccpsle failed to Unci an Indictment on the. charge of aiding Oliver CurtlH Perry, the. train robber, to escape from the Matteawnn attylum, sayH that her friends are seriously considering'what' Iigul action should be taken in the? matter,of her treatment by the police ofilclals and certain newspapers. Miss Hanwell said thiU^ht^hfrtr been--pei' slstently persecuted by the police. 'She said she was visiting in the western part of the State before Oliver Curtis Perry committed the first train rob bery, and that who received a letter from Perry, who announced that he was passing through the greatest sor row of his life and folt tempted al most beyond endurance. Miss Har well at once wrote him, tolling him to look to Cod for guidance, and be faith ful to Him. But the robbery was com mitted before he received the letter. The missionary said that she thought Perry waa tempted to commit the first train robbery In order to get money with which to reach his sweetheart, who he learned waa dying In New Mexico. Mlaa Haswell said that when Perry called for her she told him to make restitution. The next day, the rob ber sent the missionary a package of jewelry, which was at once placed in the hands of a lawyer and .returned "to'ThiTCentrnl-Hudaon Itallrbad Com pany. Miss Haswell nald that she had saved the'company thousands ot . dollars and returned -property which Perry would rather have thrown Into the river than given back to the com pany. Miss Haswell raid that tdie had befriended Perry when he came to her because she knew that Perry's life had been upright during tho three years he was In Tree,', , and that the police had maliciously misrepre sented the facts about him. A Wide R >A preparation 6idriches and purl blood and assists in repairing waste must have a wid of usefulness,. Such a prepar, Scott's Emulsion liver Oil with Hy phites of Lime and1 The uses of Scott's sion are not confr wastingdiseases.likc sumption, scrofula anaemia. They embi nearly all those minor! ments associated foss of flesh. Scott &. Uowiio, UoIIuyIIIo, 50c. and $|. Short Jnui'iicvH on a IjOU^ Iff tin* thmiietoiMiu title of a prbfuaJ lust rated booh containing overojiebuij pages of churmui^ly writtuu, do&rh of mimrrur n^.ortii in Iheoonnfcry nortl . wt)&t of Chion^o. The reading matt] new, the ilhmLrutioiururo now, and th formation therein will bu now to all everyone. A copy of "Short Journeys \>u a' Koad" will he scut free to unyone who' onclotie ti-n cents (to pny posta^o) tt; II. Ilmmut, General PasHcn^or Chicago,.Milwaukee A Hi. Paul IU Uhiouyo. III. THE AMERICAN HOTEl e:sox, - Ontario. T? C. LUCK, PKOPTlIETOlt, HAS bJ J j* tliorni)r,bly pnintcd and rnplfttill with nuw (umituiQ by tlio preiiontpropric L.xvmi iiAUN rs coNwucnoM, I'irnt-Ohum Accomodation Guaranteed, WAITED Xiocai ins) '.Vxa_..... tiiiloiinifiii to h oar Ilimly Cauiitliiin Giowu Nuvituvy Hlool KURnifitetwtitilftfftetiei) V4>pf0outjitlvQl eudtdnniip. Cur miiruorieH nve tho IoV^bi. tho DfWlnfon, 'over 700 neroif. No fiufatltutli! ...iu-ordora, I'/Xolaaiye territory ond-UboralUi ON,_ to wbelo or ]mrttim iitcentii. Write uh. BTONK & WBiLWNOT (Vvtul 61hoo)Torouto,<)l. (The only rtiniory in OiiiNicla-having teatl! orohardit.) 44-ymi ESSEX VUV.AT lilt VrUtlLUTtt, yrfM The Tempi*) orn Souie tteutvttyr^A Duluth, Oot. -l'i. There waa on ex plosion In tho basement of the Tempi* Opera House, one of the flrwjat the-a- treu In the northwest at 12.15 yeator- day morninff. In a few minute^ tlw whole Interior was a mns3 of flames noon as they obtained an out- let- In half an h-'.iir the reai* wall fell. The bulldlnc adjoin ed the Masonic lem le, but a wall separated them. he doom between wcro closed and the Masonic temple was saved. However, the beautiful rooms of tho Boat lb-h Rite ConBratory, which were In the upper part of tho theatre, were d-btr ycd, toff.-tlrr with the records and lh< v.ry. The Insuranco on the double building: we $110,000 and ita value wa $200,000. The burned por tion wan valued at $90,000. Tho orlffln of tlio fire la unknown. To run .. 1].tt-UrU. Viouv There Ib very little trade.wlth prices ot-Btralfflit rollers nominal at j.'l to $3.10, Toronto froljfhtu. Manitoba piitt'iitH, $1 to $4.10, unci Btrontr bakuro', $3.80 to $11.00. lJrau Trurtc dull and prlcBH utcudy *t $11.60 to $12 wcHt. Shorta, $l-i to $10, .,. The local market ta dull to-day, wnftzGy ot lpronto, are seeking Ineor- with hiUch of n few odd curs of rod nt fliio nm-atlon aa the Da In Wnpon Company, limited, with headnuartcra at Wood- Mock; and a proposed capital of $25,- The French treaty Act will b0 Kftzot- tod to-morrow. It koob Into effect on Monday. The amount of inland revenue ac crued during September amounted to $Q57,D24t a decrease of $24,000 an com pared with September hist year. Tho roBt-ofnco Department will to 01P,-il\ mill white at (lie, an tho Northern. No. 1 Manitoba bard hi Htciuly at 70e, To-* iito frei[;litn. I'cuM Triuh' In quint uiul prlceii uteady. mien at 'IHVjC, nortli und went. . Oiita Tliii market in dull and prmea Htendy, BnloH of mixed nt 2lVjO west, nnd of white nt '%c. 'Vhey av6 quoted Iiore nt 25Mic, forviuhcod.- Burloy There la a fpilut trade, with ft4- Ine quuiltlcH iiud No. a extra netting at 30a to 3lo outuldo. No. 1 In quoted at -iOo, Ud Ko, 2 at Me. ' Buoltwhoflt Tho market In quiet and u- Hyo The ilcmnud la limited, with iutls outald* ut 4:ic. Outmrol Hlml wen* quiet, with price* uomlnnl at itbout $3,10. nhortly Ihbuo now Htumped envelopes cbauKod at jWVjc to-38a went. of the denomination of 2 centu tor use In cities whore tho drop Jotter system !h in votruo. The maj>uxlne of the Ottawa Powder Company, situate In the vlolnlty of Sudbury, exploded to-day. Several tonn of dynamite wcro In tho, rnaiya- Klne. Tha bundln*? was blown to atoms and a number of nelgrhborlntf fences were deutroyed. Fprtunatoly there were no houHoa. In, the vicinity,, and no losa of life rosulted, . ,em'.l,cu::':i; -linnprr .irre^Ci'i!. Batavla, N.Y., Oct. 12. Charh's Chave, the* one-lr-prproii Batavlan who recently stnrtl* d Nl.frara Falls by de- clarlnir that he would jump from th*- new Kapponslon BrldffO, waa arrested there last night and brought back to this city, "where he 'wna nmitp-ned Cyn the cliurge of non-nupport and Jiih'1. Slii'je bin departure to the Falls*, hh- wife and four ihlhlren have been liv ing In destitute elrcumta.anccs. HtrtieU Itn'.vii hy ItoUhrr* Hudson, Que., Oct. 11. On Wednes day ovenlnjr Mr. James Park, the ape t of the Canadian .Pacific Hallway, had about $1,000 in money and nejj-ntiaby paper In his care, and when he left the station for his "home, he must hav> been followed, for before he reach* <: his house he was struck down from be hind and knooked uneiriyeiouH. The rebbern, however, did not yet the money. Ib-lfrea sliliibulUloi'o ->n -*r' Belfast, 0::t. U. Throe thcusand nn frlncers' and th lr a!.latum.- m tv* fchlp-bulhllnpr yurd-i hero went on srrlkft to-day, ther employ rn lefuslpfr "" concede their d ii nd for hl'hrr' wa-; ob. The b her employes re -.\- ! a^ wo'rk for tho present. Tb mnUle-. have given n tl.-e that t' oy will strlk- on the JRtlv Just., .unlo;:* th-1. was-*.-? are ralued. The Clyd. 'U- b'l 1 lftv who, It v. as st e , would c -..pcra'F with tho Belfast men, a wo'rkiuu yet. . . _ (.tuk'VlitL' *I'huh1 lEbjiimeit Ellonvlllo, N.Y., Oct. IB. Slarvatin'r Is starlnjr the canal boatmen in tho ^ace. Their 475 boats are tied up all along the line on dry land. Many are ompty. but more are lined with .coal. For1 seven weeks not a boa! has moved. Tho men havo quarter ed their horscu and mules with farm ers, but they have, no money to pay foi" their heop. Tho boatmen usually make ten trips every senium, and they receive JS0 a trip. Has Just Received The Finest and best Assorfme Boots and Slioes In Essex, Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladles' and Children's Sho and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Lan Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourselves* das. Douglas, Slirn ot lio Ooldvu Rooi, Whitney Block - Fssex .-' it i ^-1 .-' 'i'i,'L -^-il Medical Hall i HondquartorH for all aobooU B'oks, School SupjdIIob, fltatiouC ery, Inks, Muoilogo, School Oxay-1 on, BlaokboarU BfueUea, Fasa DooltB.'oto, -; Every toucher, proaoher and student should have one of those/] p/itont Baliflr's Open"-Book Holde/^"1 l'rico only 2C cents, G. A, SHERRd^ Pharmacist, Esseij Cemuilwlon prices; I|utter.eholc6 tub 1 Ji ,1 onlv 'rhuJ n/-TS iiia U-ni bukers'. 8c to la'oj round rolli. havo made,..only fom oi -.ftve.-.-trlpa. 18o to he : laree rolls, V,\b to lfto ; cream- FaW of the, mdrf-iuivo- paid for their ery tub ut lyu to' ao>. ami roll* nt' 2io t boats. 220. KeffB ore tlr-m nt ItSo to 18e per aoM. - __-------_,----_! tor trei*u. Obeouu steudy at 8a to oVjo. ' Au Aurcl 'AvlrttM n*Bd. - NewTo-rlc, Oct.' ll.-*Mrij . Marfan 8eftorn., "who died a.t -Navealnk High lands, N.J., on, Sept. ,19,. was one of the oldest actresses on, the American stage. She waa Worn tn Liverpool, In 1ZXP, a Her mald#n name; was, Mender. lUtlTlBH MAttKKTS.. Liverpool, Oot-.12.-Wbffiitt no atoeki'rtd, Ka 2d,to as ay>l ; No. 1 paJltoruU,,6i'3d &f & : lurd, 2i>8 8d ; honvy bacon, 80h 0iT[ do., lluht, JHa Cd ; tallow, ^o stock; cheese, ftfo M. < ..'.-....',. > . iiMdpiir-Glue W^eftt off coast .steitay, on caea^ce rtthen <*"ia- "^i^mt. n eoasi. Bietay. MaUe oCC coat ad for Novi, and tfotur ft*'*-ii Hundred imirithtieJ l^>4f. Constdntinoplo, Oct. 11. It la now stated upon good authority that the total number of killed, wounded,, and missing; Armenians, up, to (late, - as a result of the recent rioting; in this city, In over 700. ' ]."" ' io(hi*r Unvi(l Ri*jlivt i^ndon.jOiit, i2tT-PrinP^sa; Adojphus of Teck eav<j birth to a non th(a mqrn- uturea .flieaaf;'^ rini ' Nft'."and ." ~AAA *s% Pi-fnrn AHnlnhii* '"An Tijw* ., -19 IdShtMt, Eiiiie*t(;;-'; 'J.A ortinff, ot , :Accurtx*'m'*ri.y , .Most Modern ^nd:'|urvft5rawlv>BV!:>' ',-S '.'.'^""V-^Si Yor etrfiiloeua orldfonuatloniwritp'to'.^ ";,3:S t:;s MAHLiN'PiaE:Ai^5;my^?i| 5152219545

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