Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, page 8

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t^^\00:\"--:' .v.-./ vK^M>*B$ W0: 000,'00:01-,' :^~" ^^nV^:^^?^^^-^-!^^^^^^ lip:':.'* < >> &&:, ' liV' l# n W" P1' PIC ~ This cold snap will make you ask the question, "Where is the best place to buy an Overcoat or Mantle ?" We will answer the question by inviting you to visit the X MANITOBA MOVE Which Indicates Delay Replying to Ottawa In BANKRUPT STORE Where you can Gave from 25 to S31 per cent, on the abovo lines,;, ' ---- ' lOOFPairs of Men's Pants intTHATWERE$250i$3 YOUR CHOICE FOR SI.9T. 13: AND AN EARLY GENERAL ELECTION rr<'Pnri'"",IH tU-iini 11ii(l<i To Hold (be l'ri>vlii<*tnt tilt-rtlniik Knrly In llifi Voir-- Hmrty Not To Have i w noip<'tf Man., Oct. 7. Tho pro- vliiiMul Oovornment hurt appointed ro- jvlntrntloii clerks and revising bfflccrs. to prepare uml.rovlHO tho- votorn' Hate. The enumeration must bo completed on, or before Nov. i, und tho Unal rc- I'lulon before Jun. 1. It would appear Hint Mr." Oreohway's Intention 1h to nli!'olut<i]y tcfjjtofe$.o modify tho present ^iUii^iJ'JiJi^nd Hprlntf "- general elec tion beforu thu'. Federal Parliament pjj-H h i<?|i><!dhil Icfjinlutlori. Wheal Ih tii'^Innluif to move more fividy, Buturilay'H delivery being about a quarter of n million bushels und uhlpmeiitfi equally ilh largo. ' \n UiilU-Ovt-r for lr. Ilnriy. Kln'Kidon, Ont..' Oct. (J. The Conser vative!] nay another candidate will bo .named to oppouo Mr. Harty. It Ih alno announced Hint thono i;ullty of bribery In the laot election will bo pro- t-iecuted. KILLED BY A STAB. Alleged Murder Case at Sov rn Bridge. JESyiQFJUl 0L0 QUARREL- \oii;k i itox <iriAA. & S?t A GOOD HARD Felt Hat Given Away With every man's Overcoat or suit bought from us during '$$& Bear in mind that we aro the leaders 'of Low i-'rieea in Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes, % m & CO. JAS. D. ANDERSON & 0o.v BANKERS, Noxt to Abordoon Hotol-^ Essex. Monoy to loan oa Funiiorii' Notoo; Noton bought 0>r Colloatod; Monoy to ionn on M6j-trja[jon at owoot mtou and bout tormu. - . Dniftn Inanod payablo at par at all principal polntn. firo Insurance Agents, etc. 0^,^v^. gfOOAl&PERSOMAL Mian Ellon Juneau, of WoodslotlhaB boon viaitiiif,' Miob Lizzie O'G,inner in town. .Mrs. W. D.Chufor, of Park mil, Ont. ih tho gueat of her Hioter, Mrs. F. B. Adarar*. ^=j * Mipa Barrett who ban hcon lady clorlt fottho firm Barrett & rJoM returned to her bump on Sunday iu Tdouubufg. Mra. Barrett uptnt a few day with her busbartd Mr, Barrett of thin town luafc wooic. Mr, Graham, of Toronto, vitutod Mr. and Mm. Millar, of Alice St., thin week. ' Misu Olivu uud Mabol Leo -.who have hean flpunding tho tiuuiracr with Iriondu m fav{\\ rpt-IKnod to tlloir home in Milwaukoo on Wonfli^ ^ Air. f). J. tVhitudy, of Loudon, waa iu towu on Friday and Sutnrday. Urwi Wuimoc, ef Loudon, it) vmitin her HOU.'Xjawyur E. ^'W^morjof town, Mr. aua Mrs, C. Whituoy (iud family, oi .preBOOtt, Ont., uroviwitintl Mi'. D. Whau*y aud otl; or frionda in town. Mrs. (Dr.)_ A. S. Bontt ami elaild, of Owoobo, Mich., are viarrlug hor. pa-rnntn, Mt. and Mrs. John Hop^ook| end other frieadtt in towu, j Allan li, Bamfocd, of "WindBor, npent huit weok with hor friend, Mra. W.M. DoCow, Mra. aTodrowundiynviutlattioTdLlrow .'.'<>(JLiuamiuttUm, wore tbu/(uolt-.ft of Mrn, WarltDeUow during tho fair.____ ._ ; Will O. Xiriobin, of Toronto, formerly of ~E*HtiXt called on frioudw in town laafc weol*. vviil C. Ohoroh Hpoiit, a fow days with his par*jntH^n town tbitt wook. ' "Mri,' Ww' 'S, Suurff, of WoountoeU, i* ipehdiug aCfpw 'day's vial'Hug bis s< a, .. ', . Mrfl.L.Bherb.oJ! Hamilton, is viaitii g ..MrB-G. O. Youug, of Ebhcx. , ,li|ra. f\; Wabber,^ of Cilapford, Out., U vialtiug her aiateri Mra. 0. Kobarta,.to^ii* Mts. Blain oooo.mpaniod by her dad^hter, of Braxptoni are yleltloR lira. (Bev) Mm. "W;hjtjug, of Brantford, iu yifiitiiip bor Hiator Mrs. D. B. Labar. ."Miua Mary Hiokit, who had boou opoud- injj tho uummor with hor motor at Smith's Fftllfi. Ont., roturnad to her homo tbin woek. Alox. Laiufr in abnoat, this week on a bumnoHB trip to Loudon and Stratford. Roy. W. H. Piinooo oaeupiod tho pulpit of the Wmdrioi' Mo.bodiat ohuroh laat Bimday owiu^ to tho illnoBH of Itev. J. It. Gundy. Mr. FeetUara nuppllod hero. AliuH Ella UavidHon of Little Falla,Minn> ifl yioiting at J 1) Andoraon'o, Dr, Austin, of Cliioago, hatf boon upond- infi a fow dayH in towu, Dr H F Martini deutist, ifl iaking a fow daya holidaying at hia old homo, J li Nicholson, Into manager of rinnux Medical Hall," epont a fow daya with frienda.bero, Miyti Straoknn, milliuor at Diobul A Briekar'B, up till miduummor, jn viflitiny MiHH Effio Loya, J W Gihnou wpent Sunday with frion'da in Detroit,. Eobt Gregory, who wan aoriouoly ill for many wooka of fovor, in around '-attain and will bo able to roaumo his auty at M J Wiglo 4 Co'h Htoro abort',* fliat JtxuiXfi Bo^ "111 <Jo to the Muprrtnr I'ouel <Urn**rnlly <V<lltrd Ottawa. Ont., Oct. V. The apolnt- mt-ut of~ Judife (ilrouurd to the Su- pis>mo Court bench Ih Knitted. The general. Impression hero Ih that Judce acwo of tho'Ontario Supi\me Court will Hiiccoed Ju.stleo Gwynno, who will lllcoly retire at the end of tho protfont court term. I'nrllament 1 prorofrued pro forma until Tuesday, Nov. iu. The Imperial Parliament . having pitHHod an act 'conflrminy tho power of tho donate'to appoint n dtiputy-Bpoak- er, a proclamation wan Idauod Satur day ^declarlntt tho Senate Aet now In force. ail- .YuHan-Pautict-foto bad a lontfthy conference with Meaara. Itowoll, Tup- per and Costlcan yoiitorday In refer ence to tlio propwjed BehrirrR Bea- commlfiBlon. The MLnilKter"of-Militia vhilted the new rifle ran Re at Morlvalo youtcnlay. It Ilea about a mile beyond the experi mental farm", .and will be readily ae- c&HHlbte, na Hie electric raihvuy la be- Ine; extended In that direction. The announcement that General Oa- colirno would Holeet a Canadian oUloer aa bla aide-de-camp haa led to a num ber of appllcn.tlfvnH"Ttor~tlie p-ctdtlon;------ Bnoulrlea at the -different city bank show that paper wan well met on Friday. -A frl nd '-ca)Iod upon Mr. Courihey, Deputy Mlnlator of Flnancn, and lady ye.steixiay to oon- frratulate them on tl.o <iceaaion of the annlveranry of tilth* t-Jlver wedJInu, Stuvk'fl Powdora, oaoh^.ickano of' which. oontairiu two pre^m-fttiouB, ono iu a'round wooden box. 'Jna QQV3r of whioh forma a mnuHiiru fo-; Dll0 ^(jhQ( aD immadiato rohof for ooHtiVonoQ^ Siok lioadaoho uud Stom- abt &18* Wenraltfia and all kinds of nerv- ooq paino, and another in capsuloH, (from J >o 4 of ono in an ordinary dooa) whioh aotu on tho bowola, liver and stomach forming a never failing porfoot treatment for all hc-ud and atomaoh oomphuutfl. Thoy do not, a mowt pilla itud no mauy othor modi- oiuua do, Ioho their effeot, or produco aftor' coiiHtipution. thoy aro moo to tulco, 25o a' box at all modioino doalera.. A Timely Keemluadf, . ISaoh ouABou forcott upon our ooubidem- tion it's own pouliar perihi to health. The advent of fall (ludH many rcduood iu atrenjitb and vigor, poorly prepared to oontinue tho buiiiuetifi of life. Tho ntom- a ah ftud bowoU, tho ^roitt highway of animal, oaouqiny, Ih oHpooially liable to din order in tho full. The uorvotiti uyHttmi hiin ftlao nufifurad in the htru^le. Typhoid fevor and malaria iu parttoular llud Iu the fall that oombintitiou of earth, air and water that mark ihla eoaaoa aH eapeatally dim^oroiiH, The falling leavea, tho dooay. itig vegotablea uontnhuto their ahare of oontataination, Haqd'fl Sarsaparilfa fur- ulfthea a most valuable nafeguard at these important poiuts, and should ba naed in fall before Berioes tdokoiesa has -laid you hilt outvie .'iimiih iEi;iuie.>. 181* l*\'pp<*U it Mki-rlHluii In (Im' 3kfoli|lil(lon .tpponl \<vvi .Moilih OntJiihr^ rr<>wl(Ma rir'ii-'- *i- (.'lill '. Montreal, Oct. 7. rSlr Oliver Mowat, who lui-s I'tiun - ip-!i*ni fi'njii Canar.l-i fcince May.arrlvcd In Montreal Sunday d-fti-moon by ihe Uonilmon ulno Van- oouver, Mid ;ih t onlradletnry report;' had been llylnjr Iwiu't I'el'.tlnu to th> sitate of tlie (mtailo Premier'}! hciil.h, he wur eagerly KoUBht uft-'i* .by fr end?, political and olh -win . The steamer arrived at T o'clock, and at 0 Sir Oli ver Mowat neo nMi-d an Interview t" your eorrcHiiundont at the Windsor, Hotel, where thu honor-ible (ren'loirmn Js-Htaylnp; with hi-'i d i-uphter. Sir Oli ver ia the very picture of j-rnod health, and he evidently tak"n pleasure In downing once for nil 11 u alarniinu re ports that have ben Hfct afloat.^ " You tceo for yourael't," he said. , '* whi.Cher I am In a dylih? coiulllbn oi not. Uf, a man of 70 generally has more allmtnts than "'he of SO, but. aa you .Bfic, 1 rim in yood health, a.i you may als-'o say that, although we have had an exceedingly jdcayant trip abroad, I am glad to return to Can ada." . . _ Kir Oliver belong to a long-lived race, as It came out Ourim? the cenver- Hatton, an he Una aunta and unckii en joying good health In Scotland whoae dijoa are from !>- to Wl years. Iteferrlng to Ujc'ililef r-hject of hi- visit to tho otlur aiile, the Liberal loader eald that a dcc-KMon would be given In the prohibition can*; some ttmo next month. " Wr/uia you'eri'i* to nay anything aa to the prabable lojult V" "" ..... " "NO, I would mii.'I can Pay, how ever, that the c'uac waa argue.j on both HidoH, altho'.ufb, no d'ubt. you have had. the detallB by Hall.-," Tho correspondent, having . cfcrred to Canadian ali'alra' In Knghmd, Sir en voi* drily remarked that they we re thinking more nho-.n polltlca Juat now. Ho waa net In London at the tin"-, o.* the crisis,'yet It vna not probably (hut Canatllann could j-'lvo many pointers to Biitpna regarding the in.-cVjnory- mi alcction**.. Sir Oliver adC*.<i that wlr yroncral impre'Etlon ihore us that the Torloa \vo\ild coimo intti pnv/<ir but.not with so huge a majorJ'-y, nnd' il:e Mt- tie Premier aided, " T think tney have .a pretty turong Covcrnnient."' "I do not thlnlc I r'nn i^iy anything more that would he f*f . interest. I leave Montreal to-morrow mornin'T and liopo to reach Toronto in the evening," 4'ol<l IMint BUvU iu Tl'iK-U KiiUiul. Lincoln. Neb., Oct. fi. The goia fever Ih raging In this aeetlon over il start ling diacovory of plaeer treawuro In' Seward County, ntout 25 iiiUuh v. eat" of thla city. -Three .mllcn from Jin- Cord a Kmall pleasure i*e.-i6rt on jjiue. Itlver, an old gravel pit, out of which tho Iturllngton nallwuy ha-st -for yeara been ballu.Mting Ita tiMekH, luia boeh found rich hi gold duat. Hand, and gravel from aeveral adjacent farma havo given equally rich promlao. Tn all of, thorn tho yield haa boon-from J50 to $19G to the ton. HrUiilH Nlny Ituy IH-lrmgn lEny Tho'King of Portu-'- gal wHL urrlvtf-ht-Londonrxrn-Ootj ,'tl, Bcomlnglyon a atate vlalt. 'He Will bo roeolved by Ihe'Prince' ot'Walea. 'Lat er 'he will vlalt tho Qucon' at Hal- moral. On ,hl. ndurti to London a banquot In his honor will bb given, arid afterwarda. ho Will vlalt Maneliosjter and Glasgow, whern receptions will bo tendered him. peaiilca public, ho haw HortauB private buslnces to call him to London. Ho wanta to', ne-gotlato a la^Ke loan, and it' la^rT^erstood that he will. dtoauaas with Pyrlmo Minister 3allbury and: the Kt., Hon., Joseph Chaniberlnln,- Secretary ttf State the Colonies, ;tiie'purchaaeiby"(' arcac. Rrlt&lh c I>e!&e:oe,i Bay,i,on * the .east, odaat of j'A*rl6a*.i..WWIrtkovm'that Mr. Jolm Melnzt All^K'U ' llnvo Hiutb>tl HeU In the Oroln lik a ttnrroum ilovt Tlio lujurctl .Han Uronsut lo Toronto, M'liro He Toronto, Oct. 1 As a renutt of a wound .received ln^ a Htnbbing affray in ' a bar-room at Severn Bridge laat Friday afternoon John Scott died at. the Toronto Ocn- eral HoHpltal at 11 o'clock on Maturday night. John McKoazIe of ftevurn Bridge, tho alleged murderer, la In charge of Constable Sloan of that pluco. The the outcome of a fud which haa exlated between the two men alnec laat wpring. They had h bitter quarrel two weeka ago, and met again at Severn Bridge Fair on Fri day afternoon. Scott went Into Cleland'a Hotel, and there mot McKenale, and It la allied tho atahbhtg ocourred two or three minuteri aflerwardu. 'Conatnble Sloan ,W(iH proHent and Immediately arreated MeKenale. Scott waH atended by Dr. Shaw of Orlllla, who waa at Severn Hrldge for the Fair, and found the, wounded man'H lnjurlea of ao aerloua a uuturo that he ordered hla removal to the Toronto.Iloapltal with all poa- olhlu liaate. Scott wilh brought by hlH brother to thin city on Saturday. ' Ho waa ad mitted to (he HoHpltal at IU0 p.m., and wan ahortly aftcrwarda attacked with flta of vomiting. When Scott arrived at the Iloapltal \\u wan per fectly conuclouHr but waa aufferlng ter rible paid, At 7.-IB ho became uncon- acloua, and died at 11 o'clock. The wound that cauaod hla doath waa about air Inch wldo In* the left Hide of the'groin, and had been cauacd by a large pocket-knife. Scott'a brother, wife and 4-year-old child accompanied him to tho city, and are ataylng with frlendu at 436" Mark- hnm-atreot. Doceaaed wa.s 2'B yeara o.f...nffO. He ...wnflji hiuv mill em ploye- and had a good reputation, McKenzlo la a man of about 50 yeara otr~aff6"and la wdld to bo of rather dia- aolute hahita and of a quarrejaom.e disposition. Coronor jojinaon. tonic charge of the. body, and haa ordered' a poat-mortom examination to be made by Dr. John Caven. A warrant ban boon laaued for an Inquont at Young'a mortuary lo-nlght at 8 o'clock, when preliminary evidence will be taken, and tho re mains viewed by the jury. An ad journment will bo neceaaary to obtain Hlie evidence of witneauea living in "Severn Bridge. The body will be taken to Severn .Bridge for Interment to-morrow mom- Inn;. HiioirriH v in* iu;ii:\<:n DIEffiSFXi Ss BH&ara&'S OF New Fall and Winter To say that it is a iruge success is drawing it mild. Never in the history of our business at Essex have we offered such wonderful bargains. In Dress Gr-oods, clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and shoes, carpets, G-ents' fur nishings, Millinery and <?lothmg to order Tim (VMMU'n ruse 4'lo<.<:d t'.vldencA of tin- Irlftll (nilllllK'.tOli iim to Bit^iuiliy BeauharnohJ, Que., Oct. 5. The case for the crown In tho Shortls murder ti lal waa concluded at noon'on Satur day. "When the procecdinga opened tho room contained Uh uoual thron:.v- Shoi tin, atlll cool and nprlghLly, reaum- ed hla cualomary attitude and appar ently took no notice of anything bu: the froauolng on. the uunth-went wall. For tho firai time It waa neceanary to heat the court room. JJr. Luaaler was recalled and con tinued hia evidence regarding the ante- mortem examination and the reault of the autopsy performed on'Maximo Le- bceuf's body. Mia examination wan made to determine what state the vital organs were In at.the time of the mur der. He found all the Vital or gain* in a sound anrt'InMilthy condition, and the. conclusion he arrived at was that Lc- boeuf'H death wok caused by the bul let" which entered the body. He waa not croBS-oxainined. Evidence waa add^oad to-.*uy to aho.v that Sbortln h.;tc[ proua-si-d to oiu Mc- Y;car_of VdHcyruhl, to rob the cotton inlll aovoral tlmoy before the awful tragedy. Tho trial, It la. expected, will hi> finished by "Wednesday next, .The defence opened with tho oommls- rion taken In Ireland regardin;*; tho pi)Honor*s early life and hia alleged In sanity. , .- The . contonlw Of thla show that Shortin, [I not Inaane, waa an eccea- r-'*iavncte\\ llln ahooting at poo- ttic l'1'^ On the atrceta of Waterford and l\U firuelty tn anlmnla going to ahow that ho wail full of devilment from child hood. John A. Ryan of Waterford teatliled i.o.tho cornmlaalon that he waa a ached f mate qf Shortls. He aaya Shortls wan unllko other young fellowa at achool, having fow nu^ooIatOB and nlwaya act ed in an odd rriarier. He had a po.i- L'hr.nt for driving hoaillon.? over coun try, roada, making everything get out of-hla way. Other evidence taken up to reoeaa wan In tlie pame atrnin. AH thought tlie prlaonor waa. foolhardy to. a degree bordering on madneati. The prisoner atlll. mnlntalna hia Bang I'rold. ijra. Shortla, who la continu ally In court In broken 'down; Tho Irlflh 'prlCHt sat with her through tlv iiroccedincra. The excitement Ih Jn- tt.iiae. Hoarding accommodation la all taken up. , Uundreda of people, nr-t flocking to the town, and to-day-It: h eatimatod that there are fully 2,000 viaHora here. ' - The contention that tlie prisoner Short Ih, who atondn In tho Beauhar,- nofa doek Impanalvo alike to tlie damn ing evidence produced agalnat him and tho long.yearidng glunceti of hla heart-liroken mother, lu In rapid con- numptlon la ridiculed bji T)r. G. O, Villotniuvft of -thla city, the expert Hummoned by the Crowr.*. Needli>[; to aiiy, the Doctor alao acoffj* at tlio attitude taken by the defence with re- rnrd to the.mental condition, of the iLcciiHod. re porter, .the Hector, atated that bo con- fddered thq claim made by the JVlenda of the prisoner would not bo homo out by the velileactsw*-,-' .' ' / ' > '4 JhtJ IHvOrc.*-K hi milt* in Oeit Vcar . floliimbnfl.O., Oct. G.^Statiirtica com- rloted for the annual report of the SeeT rotary of State show that. fl.if-Ifl 'sulttf for divorce wore, brought during thu, year. Of these petitions 070 were r<v. riuod and 2,407 divorces were .granted, tho additional number of cases, still being In the courts/; i., .,..." ' ..:., Vnllv.| |n'JU\OeVifr!l'i<;^;,r:',,:V<:i*: , ^,,-%. M-^r.'tim^!^ THE GREAT CORNER STORE. BEL & BRICKE THE Gem and Canadian Aermotor Steel "^ Windmills Are acknowledged LEADERS either at Power or Wiadmilla. > f For prices and terms, address THOS. HALFORDI EBaex, - Ontario. Agent for Essex County; , i:ri THE PUBLIC OFTEN IM POSED ON. Proprietary Medicines /and Pills that are Utterly , ,' Worthless, When You AbIc for Paine'8 Oelery Compound do npt Allow your dealer to < Beobmmend Some- ' ;. ' '/.^-^ ;Y^r tb^re :ia"a;;v^t>mont ot double de^i)tidn ;|pri^^5 in ;>*;; ,oonn>ry.; ^ worthleoo liquid modioinoH and pills aoc (mttitit; thorn into tho stores of dealers,whf ofton rooonioaoad them when Pamo'n.CaUl ory Oomnouud ia wkf^d for, pay hruw and hundaomer profllor.';.-^ Thla worlt of faluoly rooommen^iaj^ sudHtitutind w>fwugh(','ltfitlir;i^n^')^M It oueourwfjeH. deoeption and falaQhood;^ brina Lhe publio to the poaition of BlaViii to tho will of tbo graepiug dealer; >t ^u(M to proloim hi]f(!riripH and agonita wber^t^ alok are foraod tq^buy what they'do pflfcaM for; and lastly, the vile work of Bqb^titnjftD iiusiBtB tho spread and oirbnUfcion':61|..>M p^eatioiiH that Hhould bo prohibited.byii ' .'.' * ififitffi ; Thin work of reooDomeiainfi(, :il"JJP||jj trashy toedicineB when Paine'eOelery <Jq; ponod la, BB.kod for, is meeting, ^i' jiifltrewarclm many plao.e.( The:fub^| ' iuL' an d.d edept ale ra aae being Bhtlii ed, and the money tov-#*infwC$l*$0 .poWnd fioea into the handa of uprig^j|ij| huijubt iJuieacBB men, oontonted Trit^raoai. ateptoiitiei,'\a]nd;,whQ.i(iwJiaB'i1a men.Wtimen and children jaati; w^U^W aekfor;:;'.; / ].",v&l^k^Si^S Xho fireat dedre of siok and aJBeaaed pie; ia i' naw' -life,; whioh:, meftna,^ ttVi^W is aurely - " ^-^- ^-- *--- Oelery. proved w otPai^qflle^imi

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