Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, page 4

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H^^^pnppiH * 1 f m l "S< .fb &?jli T m~ LUCK In buying- your Groceries. rtTY'THKM OF And you will get just what you ordej?: .--/' .A Qoo^Jlslfwereil Promptly OARFF & CO a Issex Free Tress. FRIDAY, OOTOBKU , 11 IBfKi. : AO'f.rtrOA'Vti- . , Tho horrible accident which osmimnJ at the M.O.ft. otoihlh(! iu thii town IhrL week, should havo iho offaot of beiilir-mitf the town authorities to notion. Notwith standing the fact thttt noVuml pomonH hitvo been killed at till* emuMlng at tlitWuut tijfaaii daririfithopftHi few yearn, tlio r*iil- way company have provided no proteatinii wh&lovor to pedorttriiuiH or tho trnvollinp paVilio, i*iu*y hundrede nf whom pium ov->r thin orouim> daily. Truo tho brtugiijjomun iu roquired to flK noruu through uxpruwH trains. Butuoyoral othor oxpreriH traluit, jwell a *ant freitfhtH punt* through hero all houra ot day and nitflit, of which no mmlng its nivou, Tbf fact that tho .crowning, from ito ami- airufllixm, in peculiarly dangaroun _ono, bo utterly dimrouardod. Enjouoor gwartout, at tho iiiqiifmt ou toouday.Btatcd that a norapn "t Talbot utroot north donld not Heo a train at the depot until within M "eot of th'j oontro of tho firab trade. At 60 feet back ono can nee only 224 lout onnt of Uie nrominfj. A train fioinjj at thorato of 30 milos an hour would travel 22*1 foot * in about B sooouJh. Tbia nivoa littlo time - for action and in tho oonfuuiou naturally roHuItiuc Irom fright, a person in a njj is more thau likely to moot withcatutJtropho Tub Fukk Pukbb ia informed that a Do- -^miuioiVMtatuto jyivoa towwa and oitieo pow- or to awa a prohibiting tlio npeed of truins in their botinrlarien to six mi'en an hour, or in lju of this to eHtabliHli raioii at all road orQfldioiiH, . Tho diLiiUurouH oundiliou of thin crossing roflootH neither crodlt on tho M. 0. II. or the town authorities,'ua'd~tTfa_towu oounoil should brine tho tnattor up at it first mooting; and not Iobo High t of i'. until noma aatiufaotory protcotiou in OBLabliuht'd- Xikxan JiiHt yo-itorday tho railway com pany tioilfc a wntchmim to guard tho oronn- Ihti. It i muI 'h poHitibu will uo .per manent. THEM. C.U. GUILTY. Tin-Jury JUtM-uvtt tlio Itsulwiiy to Ulinnofor the Accident. TIh iHijiiurneii ii.qiH-wt to ii.qniro into th-- lie-in "t vVillmm and Thou, Mooney tuiil DiMini' JJurlt, o-i'r.innor.d in iJt.-olt*M llatl at 1C tt'oluok Monduy morning ht-foro (^nrentir MoKonzio. (Juunty Ati.uiiioy Clark watuhed Tho uuho for tho crown. M\ Tnrranoo, of Kin^umill, Sxmndt-rHand Toraiico, Toronto, HohuitorH for tho Canadian Southern railway, lookod uftor tho intnruiitQ ot tho oompauy and Mulilou Cnwiiu uppourud for tho fuinlica of tho deooaHt'd. Tin.' hull wum filled with pi'cpl-t tinxi'itin to hour the dt'tuilu. Many Iriw.dti ofd>*. ooaiiod wire |r* sent. --------- Amont! M. O. Jt. ofliuitilH [ roMjiit wern tittornov Plinmutt and luudioul adviHor Bmith, of St ThomiiH. The jury wan oou.po^od of J. A. Diob*-l (lorvniiiii), tl D Andaman, .Ino Wortloy. C ft! .Johnaton, It Barn-tt, Win Gr'-'-uway, F S ArttimH, ilno Wuitora'. W A Gurduor, 3on Barth, A Lainj:, ! Jfi Stono. Wm Hurt wati th* flrwt withoBH, Ho wa ttbanc~I00-f*t"UAva-y...-w.l]OJi tho uofliiiion oo- ou rod. llo Haw tno Mooneyti drivo up to tho tvaok. Ho lioaid tho whitttlo aud hoard aom portion call; think* ho haur.d tltu ca1Tt(T>foYcr-th whiHtlo. -Within fouf or flvQ nocon'd'H tlio train wan upon them. Ho thinlw.thoy all triod tojutup, but not certain. ThiuKi the train wmi rumiiut' about 50 miloB nn hour. Tho time ho hoard the tram whtutlo huo wan about On- Btutiou. Thoro woro no natoH at tho oronn infj or other protection. Tho v'iu would bo about 25 foot from (ho railn wlion tlio train whiutlod.....Thoy wwro uoiufi on a alow trot. Tho liurso had not cotno to a full wtop when tho train iitruoh thnm- Tho driver wan trying to Htop tho horno when tho train otruok. To Mr, Tornif.'co, ho Raid ho won acoiiQ- loajdd io trainH and did not iilway^ notico tho wlii'itle. Thought ho could tell r.he opeod of trains, TliinkH tho ofcoara ohut off and tho air.brakoa applied at the cat- tlo fjwurd ou oaHfc oroMuing, about 30 foot from whuro tho ri^ wan ntruok. \ViS&^r. ARriAGE, 'Smith At Etrtiox, Oat. 2 1805, by Bv. M.T. Campboll, Mr. H rbarfc B'tuith, of Oonflold Korth to Minn Ida W. Jarrittt, of IlooUoster, Khhox Co. Smith At Ehbox, Oot. 2 1835, by Rev, M. P. Cftmpboll, Mr. GoorRo A. Buiitli, of GoHilold North to Minn Lauren ta 3. Jarriefct, of Itoohootor, Ehuox Oo. Mahtim KoojiwblTj, -At Ehbgx, Oot. 3 '95, by Rov. M. T. Oaranb.oll, Mr. Lomn C ; Martin, ol Chicago to MiHalda L. RooU- well, of Toledo, O. OfctroCH By Rov. W. H. Bhaw, at tho Mnthodiiit Parnonnso on the 19th inttt., Bamuol Church to 'Eliza. both Heuriotta Armotronp, all of Goh- .flold: ' Hy'lamd Bv Rov. W. H. Shaw, - ; Wjiliam Brown Hyland to Johhiu B. j?ottor, on the 21th iuat,, all of Maid- Btouo, By Rov. W. H. Shaw, ou the 2nd iHt Gharlow H. Riley to Emma PerkiuH, all of Goufiold. , . - . v \. The uuocchh of Hood's Saroparilla moon qwrinK aorofula in whatovar way it may mauifest ItHelf lHVoncliod for by thnuHMids \ who were severely affiotod by this provul- ' eui . dineafio, bnt who now rejoice over a permanent otire by Hood'H Bartiaparilla. Scrofula may appear au a humor, or it may attack the ylaudn of tho nook, or "break oat iu dreadfuV ruuuiuy sores on the body or liroba, Attuoklugtheinuoouttmeuo - - brane^-ic may develop into oatarrb or lodg< . ig in,'the lungs lead to conaampfcion, Oome . m H may a faithful Baoare of treatmani ,- with Hood'e Saraaparilla will ovrcuiuo it, ' lor working qpoa the foandafcion of fall di-, . eaawr, impure blood, the system \u olarified Aud vitalized, and vigor, BtreDgth and health refltoredjo tbo body. "Sou onoot bo wU onloflfl yanrlblocd la pure. Therefore purify your blood with Wilk tb l*<t Wood poufifier, H&od'a flarl Edward Moonoy, the faihor ot tho bnya killed. Ho ih a fMnnor livinL' in Sandwich South, fie Haul that bin two noun Thou., and William, Addie Jonow, Drtunia Burk and Uimn'olf woru in a democrat wagon drawn by ono horoo. William wan driving and wan ittiu(4 on tho right baud uidu Oonniu Burlt wan oo tho loft and Thoraan in the middle Witnono waa on the ri^ht hand Hido of th rear neat and Addio Joqoh ou tho loft. Tiioy woro travolliag Houth on Tt'lbit otroot and whon tnov oamo to tho railroad croHuin^ tbey first Haw tho traiu. Ho.thoufjbt.ho jumped and Ituow no moro untM ho hoard tho oraali- whon he wa4 fallinti. Whon ha yot up ho iiaw dIihh .louos lyiu on tho road oloner to tho . train than ho wag. Ho pullod hor back. Ho thon cav William Ijing on tho nidowalk a a couple of rodu fiora tho truck. Ho Raw Tliomiia lyiuR botwoon tho twotraoka four or fivu roda from whore tho; woro atruok. Ho had him a -mod to tho north pi do of tho traoU on tho sidowalk. He., thou Haw Douniti Burk on tho front of tho engine. after it had hacked up. Thoy wro driv ing at a slow trot. Tlio tram wan ooruiny Erom tho oaHt and there aro buildinpu on tho oaftt oido which obstruct tho viow, and ono would require to bo ' witMu tlirao or four rodo from tho track to nou uh far omit an tho ntatiou. From tho head of tho horpo to tho middle of tho rig would ho about twolve fodt, Ho wur aware Mtat thoy were'app'rouuhinj; a railway truck and wiib tliinkinn about tho trun and wan watchina for it. Ho uaw tho train first when thoy woro about two or throe rodu fruru the track and tho train ntruok tho rig in auoupio of neconda aftor thia.. -When flrnt, honn tho traiu wau wont ot tho station and hMiird tho wlii*.tlajurnt whon th oranh oamo. William wan driving and'aw tho trjiirt and pulled back on tlio linen, -partly utop- miik <ha borne. Tho tniui wont un.UM'1 tho onrye out of tiiht.. Tho train appoar- od to him to bo goinB very ia*t. Ho hoard no boll or whifttlo aud hoard no cao oall to him to atop. To Mr. Torrance Ho ^oticod tho truin aftor they paaaod thobnildlnjEH and William pudod back On tho borao about tho oamo tim. Bomoonenaid ; "Thoro jH the train," then ho jnmpod partly rolliot out with hio faco to thti wont, about Hix or eight foot from the traok. Ho could uotoay whether thowoin tho from seat attom(itod tc juwp or uot, Tho horeo ia Htill alive, althouch injured. ' " Albort ISviiUH, tihoomnkor of Eflaex. and b wua ou hifl Way to hiu nbop, whioh iu near tho railway arousing, about four or fivo rode from it, w'eat Hide, Ho hoard tlio tram whigtU cnciinn from tho ?a.ut. It wau about 2:45 in the afternoon, Juat then be aaw a with people in it - and nl- mont imtuhdintoly the train' was upon thutn. lit Walked to tho croaaioK abd naw. Lhe men lyiri th>re dead. Ho saw ono near tbtt hidtiwalk on north eide of tho traok abd the other a little touth. The traiu backed up and brought tbe third mun baok, who lay on the cowoatoher. To Mr. Oowan Immediately after be Jbeard tho whiah'e the aoeidenk oconrred, porha|w three or foor eooudi. Ho thoudht Iho train had juel oroiaed the road when he hard tho ahok of tho air bralttm ttoihtf on, Uo thongbt thla train wan i;->i"K-aH fuat ai auy train he ovor bhw Kouitf parit. It. wa**Koirjg nt least 46 lo fiO Tuiloa an,hour. Thin oroMinK i very muoh uHed- It Ih tho corornunication botwvon tho two buitiuobH portioiiM of tho toWu. lie oouuidwrud thin ,oroHBiti(,' a danf{oronu on. *-*-: To Mr. Torraucor-lt sumed no timo from tho Hound of nf, tin* wbintlti till tho ao- JZiL'j.'/LkJL'jyU!.!**JA.*iiL___Xt-l'd^'lit bn fivu to HuV- mi VmidH from wiiBifliii"hnar'd""ili whiHtlo aud whon the rig wan utrunk. Ho did not hinr the boll riuti. It might hato rung. Alliort W'iddiitj'ton, oiid )\t, wr.i, (I'duu' Ituni ilw Jul!-", ctiiin) lid Hiw (i iii t, i>i. a bicvoln Hud h iIm; ran ulirr him. lie (.hen lu Hid tho train whiublo an 1. witt(ih*.'d to hho if tho man on iho b'oychi wau u,ou*U tn oronti tho track. Flo did not i.on tho rift till Htrmik by tin- truin. Tho hioyntn man tuniod when hu reaohod iho traok.' H w"H qiiink flrnt ho did not notion tlio ri^f l.lll atruok, Ho Haw tho horno fall ou.'the ouih mUo, thou tho rij/ wont tin i\\ 'a cloud "f d'.'flt. Ho saw the men liKinl lynijj ou tho Uroi^d, fJ'o Mr.voo".:*n T'l'.u tmiu Hca:mel to bo nt, tho Htution.wiir.-' t.ho whi^tlo uniiii'ied nil-: tin: ..(,l):ts!un lfi')u jjlll.iir.' Tlio' 'lain war jjnuif.; vcry'laiitt, Ihmii.'ht n"t- iar tiom (10 mihii an hour, T \lcr.i'i^inrei',Bt Tlinnian.wahuuKiiiorr'nn th* liiiin which baa the enlli-ion. Tlio aueidout happcued al 1:30 p. ni. flow tinio. A time tabic irojnilutoH thoir wpuoil 1)01 worn talinnn. .Tin. r nulur timo to pautKuFo. iull'.ufML, us. Thoy were ilno^ to puiiH Itidj^elowu 10:57. Tho diMtimcH in iwoen Jtidfietown aim 1-lni-nx i 62 milun. Tbfrtnno (ram St Thoinaa to Wunlnur in 2 homy ami ti() iniiuitnu anil the diutancn 111 niih h Thoro tiro two riulwuyfl to oronn hu. i wtiim Bt ThnntiiiH aud Windsor, liuft Bt ThomtHiit 11:118 that day. buinf! I'M Into. It iu not a rul'i that a train an hour behind lom-ii hor I'ijiht of road to tminn oomi.ip; in .m oppptutodiraution, Tim only ulow down wim at Fai/^ii Junction. Whmi craitM are lalo tiioy run uudor orderw. Tin 110 min- n OHtidccu to run botwo-Mi -Sr Tluini:!:, ai.d Wiuditor inclndoii all t-toj"* and Hnw rl'.wMi, Hi! (yi'fjt hiw ordoi'rt from iho coiiiutjiui- and t.ho coiidu'if.or from th" toloi'raph id'lico. They woro running uinlur tti'ucnal orderii that cay. Thov aro ijuppimed b- make up time when thoy can, no ordi-rn libit day to not mitko up time. It. in up grud* hntwoen WoodHiou and Ehhcx. That day tlio avo- raye hpoiid botwoon Bt TtioiuaH and Khuox wuh tibout 50 miloH an hour. At the time of tho aooidi'Ut thoy woro runnnji about B5 uiiloH an nour. TIk-v fdow.d down at thti douhlo 'rack about 800 h.t.t caul nt the Htation t.3J)_ar-li5-aiJloH an he-nr. Tnmo i-* no rulu aboui Hlowinu down at thin cruttH- iii^ Tho day ol the accident bo firatt*;iw tho ri^ whfin about 150 foot of the cromiini! and Kouodad tho ntoak alarm, lie app'ied tho air brukoa jnnb ai they ntruck. lie wau Htaiidiiiff up in hlu ont'ino with one, baud on thf.* uuuineor'H braku valvoaudtbo 'othor tin tho throttle. Ho lot no the throt tle with one hand and held ou io tho en- l*iui*'n brake valvti. An lio lookod throuf-h the window, ho huw tho bead of 'ho horao and tlu'U oaw tho ri,' j^o on tho cru&Mu^. Ho palled tho wbiatlo und fjrudua'ly not tho air hrakoa. Tliey were no'clono to tho riy that thoro-waa no iihc in mttinn the brakoo hard, uh it would only iujuro the train without doinii auy good. Thoy ran about IB to 15' oar h.-ngrhn before- they titoppod. Thoy hud novon exproMH earn and ono couch, IIo wao not nwaro that ho wao broiikiiif; the law in running over Emcx ornHtiini! at Ii0 or U5 miloa an hour, and wart i-imply carrying out ("moral miitruo- tioiiH. To Mr Torruiice From St Tboraati to Wiudwor the avi?ra(4o time in -17 -1-5 milea and from Bt Clair to Wuiduor rouudhnuoo tho averaRo rato i 2 milon an hour, Tuey lot ono miuutti between Bt Thomas to tligh^ato, to Tilbury they mado u'p'hoi.-u time, to Comber thoy commenced to drop ayain. troin Comber to Ruacomb thoy Htill lout, from RiiHcomb to Woodaloo thoy bold their own and from there to Etmex iunt i*. littlo. Froiu fcjt Tbomaa to Ehhox thoy gained H mioutoH, aud thin wan made up butwuen Hiuh^atH and Tilbury, At tho thrun oroiiHiniiH oant of Kqhox Htation ho gavo tho usual two lonri aud. two Hhort whiHtlon, aiho blow tho ntation uigual and a whiHtlo to the nwitch flagman, thou ho gavu the lou^ ami abort whintlea for tbo Ewhox croflBing. Thn front window in tho online oab wao partly open and interfered wirh hif, view, ho could only hgo tho bear! of the horoo, hut wliou ho looked out of tho Hido bo flaw tho whole party, then bo at once pullod tho whiublo- but thoy woro rijjht on thorn, from tho timo ho flrnt bilw iho lmrHo till tliey etruok wan about S Hocondti. Tho boll works by otoam and riii^a continually from Bt ThomaH to Wind- nor, and from 10 milou an hour ho could t*ot to 00 or H5 railnn an hour in 80 rodft." When tho train titoppcd ho (jot out and oaw dmnn laying ou tho front of tho onfiino and Houm lo ho doad, thoy thon backed tho train to the aroasinu and tho dead man waa roraov. od., he hau hoeu an oiiyineer for ovor 23 > otiro and if bn waa tituudiuij at tho Hido of tho truck ho oould nof- toll tho ratu of upood it id mere fmeha work. . Jdhn Curry, the Qroman on tho train, wan called out bufcoould not 'add anything to what Eutiinoor Tyloraaid. Jacob E Fryer, conductor, Buffalo, thiuk thoy woro 1 hour and 37 minutcB -lain at St Tbomaa, and hln .ordora wero not to pawn BlHinark till 12:10. to moot ltd at High- tfati, keep tho main tnok, l un an hour and 25 mii.oto't 11to 'o Tdoivy* uii hour and twenty miu'OH 1-tto to Wni'>-or round bou"o and need not rogiator at Ou <uo. uot thia order trom (ho-tnnn di-pnicb--r at-^Bb Thomaii, it having tho hU[H niitt*nd"i:t'u namotinit, Uo'hunrd th c/m-.iuj wbinilo just h.o'oi'o roiiohm^ h<* Kmkox ^t.i ion. ' To .Mr TorratHi" I' u port! ^h-hh work to nay wh'tt too r:p"t<ii of a tiain ik when fltandinti'ou tlio ground, Alf-x .'dctl tr^io. baciiauoirian a' the' Hm huxnuaioii, H uuia ordertt to uo to 'iho oroHfuutf t-i h'\ fii'tl' to triivtillurn tho upprnaou of rruitm . ho fiatH luu orders from tlioopi'ra'or oc nt>tion u^nt, which over iw thoro, ho KOt ordoru that thin train NolU.wim an hour and forty iMtlrfrM biuj, ho uot no ordor to bo ar, th- fan but bo wan expo^rod to '\ba- there, at the, time whon aho wtiH dii" Hu* ordom iir* to bo at t.hic trdu t v ry day, but ho in ba>^aL!"iuaii aud baioihur dutiun to attend to. Tli-v do not oxpect him to Ko to tho'droHHinK until train ia duo ; bo mimaluall through paMBou^or traiua ; wau on Talbot Bt about lf>0 yardn away, nnhls way to pi^nal the. train whuu tho oolliniou occurred, Tho train paused before the hour and fovfcj minutiH wan up. It waa understood at tho Htation thuf he was u<>- iuu to tuke hie wifu aud other* to the fair. He remained only a faw minutaa. and timed himnolf to be baok before/ the train wau reported due. Ho wa at the oroflhu' and down to the etation before tbe train waa due, Ho hoard a whittle and took it for a freight train as be did not think No,. Bl oould hn Houear, Ho heard the wbiatle for tho flugman aua then b kn8W Jt w*8 tbe expreaa,1- -Then be , board'1 the^atook alarm and felt that somethlug;wkfi torn,; to happen, He aaw the rix ro upon tbe track aud aaw the horae'a head tbate as if if is EARLY To talk about new fall goods but ours are com ing to hand. The next ten days will witness the arrival and passing into stock of i ____ NEW BOOTS and SHOES Bought direct from Homo of tho b<?st numufacturors in tho Dominion at inside pricea and will bo sold at the closest pos sible, advance; also which lor stylo, fit/'finieh, durability and ^xcellonco of value will bo Hiiro to please tho most exacting. During tho pashlO days we have passed into stock New Dress Goods, Tweeks White arid Grey Cottons and General Dry Goods which are up lo date and oxoollent,values, OUK.GROOEI1YDEPAETMENT as usual is stocked with.ehoice fresh goods. Wo are having an immenso run on our 25eToa. Oall and flee, >- -. Yours for Bargains, <v a DtrirsT-a.1T &XjOC?z:< esseic. bo wan beinR Htoppcd. To Mr. Torrunco Hu a-died th"' opnra- tor about Nu. SI and wu.itold wlio wan onu hour and lorty miuuteii late. To u juror When puiiHcnuer trains aro late or tlu-ro are Hpoomlw, lie [;otn ordeni from tho aRt'nt aa to the, timo whon ho uliould no to tho orouuint!. To Mr. Torrance Ho wan awaro that pauHen^er truina make up hint timo ho me. timeu, but, tumally thoy do not. John opera Lor at tho citation. Ho told Mcllardio about, two hourB buforu tho train arrived that Nn. Sl.wmi ono hour and fortv.minutoH late, Thia wuh> about li o'clock, llo hoard a mcHBayo over the wire from tho train donpatchor to thiu effect. To a juror MeHardio ha alwayn been vory oareful and payn clone attention to traiuB. A, O. Stiraors, uhitinn agent, mud that while Mr. MoH&rdie did not aok permiH- sion to yo down to tho fair, if ho had douo uo, be would'havojjiyon him porruitiHion un ho ib a yory faithful man aud attoudhcaro- fully to hiM butiiueEiH, Ho knew MeHardio intouded boiny back in time, not axprctiug thiu train to tnuko up time, aiiHhu JHtiolmd ulodat hor top apood, \V tt Swartout, C E, St Thomaii, mud tho Bbhcx road oroaniuij iu orootod in ubuiiI wayi Tho diatanco from centre of track to lino of right of way in 43 ft, aim from con. fro of Talbot Stcrosinti to centre of ntation ia 570 feet. To Mr Cowan, On north aide of track in a building projecting nix f to ton tho ri^bt of way, From a. point flO foot from contro of north traok in centre of Talbot Bt the lino of vinion would otnko the truck 224 ft oant af orop.Bing, One could not hpo a train at iho depot, from the north aide, until within 43 ft of tho rail, A, number of othor witnoooea prcnont wore not examined, TIIK VEIUUCX, Tho jury retired about tf:8Q to dohborato and about D:b0 dooidud au foliowfi, That ob Oot 3nd, a traiu kuowu aa tho American Hxpreuu Ko31,tiu tboCSdivi-j flion of the MioliiRftu Central Hail way,while j travelling woHtorly throufih tho Town of Ehhcx, oarao into violoiit contact with a carriage iu which woro Tbomaa, Wm and Edwat'd Moonoy, DoniH Burk aud Addio JonoB, who woro driving nontheriy aioiiR Talbot St, whioh cvohuoh Raid railway at al moin ritjht angloo, by routiou of which col liuiun \Vm audThomuti uloonoy and Douio Burku mot inatuut doiith, And tho jurora flud that tho M O R io guilty of urouH uo^lootin allowinfi tho above mentioned train to run at a hij;h acd dan- goroUH rate of apood uot Iooh than *10 milou an hour tbrouuli tho muat p'opulouH part of tho Town of Eqbox, eHpeouill} uftor thg ropuatud aocidontH that have happened at tho fluid oroBfliufj, without having the track guarded, by gatu'Hor othorwiae, And tho jury aro of opiuion that tbe it aid oompauyaro reHponmble for tho death of tho above mentioned tbroo men. The jury alno fiod that thoro iu a dauaer* oua obHtruotion atthouorlh-ouHtorJy oorpor' of aid oroBHinjj, iu tbo form of a building which onoroiiohoH at ioant hix foot on right of way, obatruatiujj; iho viow of travelloro oominpt from tho north alonii Talbot Btroat; and iho jury rocommond that tho waid company put up proper (jatoB and koep a man to Httond tho name for iho promo tion of Haul cruHHin^. ale of EalUBoods- 'rii "WE have placed on the market a general Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, IJatn and Caps, Boots and Shoes and we are guaranteed never to be undersold, we are selling 4.0 inch Chevon suiting, regular price 46c, for '25c per yard. Storm serges, regular price 85c, for 20e. Scotch plaids worth 45c for 25c per yard; Tweed suit ings worth 75c for 45c per yard; Ladies' Kidd Gloves, worth $1.25fpr~fTWrT53ie^ worth $1 for 75c; fancy all wool Casbme^e worth 40ofor 5j5c.; Hos* icry.Heavy all wool, ribbed, for 25c, and eovoral othor oxtra valitos. Flannelette at ftc worth 7e; H4 inch FJannolotto worth 15c for 30o; Tnlilo Liners at y5c, Sec, 40c, all wortji lCc moro than jnarked;fjroy FliuinelB all wool, worth 25c for 2uc; groy flannols all wool worth 80c for 25c. -.,-' CLOTKl^G H W M OvcrcoatB, all tho latoat etylee and all are now goods. No old utoct that hag heon carried over. Prices range from $4.60,85, $7, 88, $9 up to 8J2. Uiators the same. BOOTS a& 8HQH8.. _JHftvitigF.bQuyl)t-a-fltoclc of Boots and Shoos in tho eastorn nuirkot at n low rato on tho dollar, we arc determined to run thorn cheaper than they have everhcen Fold in Essex. Call and hoo for yoursolvos. In.; Hats aud Caps wo curry the latest styles. Our grooorios aro always fiesli. Call and sco our 28 lbs of Baisins for ipl. Highest price puitl for produce. Vance's Old Stand, To Smokers To moot tho wnmnii of their Tho Goo.! 33/ Tuckott & flon Hamilton, Out, havo placed mar kut A Oombination Plug of o unto mora, (Jo., Ltd., upon the a T& B. J J' SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies n long felt want', giv ing the consumer one 20 febrit plug, or;,a 10 cent piece, or,a 6 cjent piece or the famous <!T'.&;^vJ>od'pf E. AUENTFOH m M . { -' aa MASSBY HABRIS GO: Carries a full line of Seeding ^nd^Harye'Btipg'maohin^.';-^ ery, Pumps and Windmills. A full, line of wagoiftft',^f^||| the Cbatham MT^g^Ooy/alao uiarkot w^gonarfan^ : *.- "<v ..WMf- top buggies and road carts fr^rrl the lieEt^manufaotw^rB^i^jS ' '," '-^'^c^^-'i-TO'li Oanada. All goods Sold under ti warrantee and at thie lc^:iri " ,-" ',-\^'\:-::S!.::u^.,. febtiiving profits. " ^v:'-'^^y i-:,-i^\'-^:i^m : aM^0^m ' ' JW^i^^'^S 'VW|ri^.\VV"v'.'..^V ' .y..f.^gj^vA^,fin^^

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