Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), October 11, 1895, page 3

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.r/ViSl ta. $m&.* t$M-? WBSBJSte: &; It it"' l& :i- }'rtuit Tliu KiitKuow In our lost number w&.' diHqnaaort tb heading of a lettor. Wo omitted for on go to one important matter, and tnatie, that tho. bonding Hbonld gener ally bo written on tho iirat liup./ fte- ginners in tho art of lottor-writing fro- aaontly-orowd tho heading to tho W of ie sheet, forgetting thnfc tho mrflt line la tho placo iutondod to begin any writing on tho pago. HomotimoH, whun. only; u lew wordH aro to bo written on a pugo, the' heading Hhould be dropped below tho ilrat liuo, towards the middle part pf tho pago. "Whenever the quantity to bo written it* Hmall, it ahould ahvayH, be placed on tlio page in ;mib a tyay that tho margin above and below may bo about eipial. So mtioh then on' tho heading of a letter. Wo Hliall now devote n few lined to tho next part -the Habitation. Thin, in a frioruhihip lettor, Hhould bo placed on the Hire next below the heading; It should be written with a margin, to thoj left. In a hnnmoHH letter the nulu^ation should follow tho urtdroHH, This \h but reuHonable. In n friendship letter, which ia but a familiar talk, wo do not care to begin with Mr; and JVfitm Bo-nnd- So, but wo at onee exi>rorin our relation-' ship by tiBing imob/ifcofcmH an. "Dear, friend," "Boar^r/ouwn," "Dear John,!1 etc. In a^VlitHinoHH letter tho Habitation "oT mioh tormH a "Gontlomon," "Sir," "Kirn," "Dour Huh/' etc., and, .as we Haid heforo," alwaya folio wh tho. addronH. > . Wo Hhall now connidor tho address. In a bueinoHS lottor tho iiddroRH Hhould begin on tho line next to tho heading, orm tho name place that wo.giya tl^O. salutation of a friendship letter* Tn a friondahip letter tho addroHH should bo placed at tho lower loft hand cornor of the (nto,.u-given in tho lottor wo pub- HfitiWcl^ri'.oiiVltwfc iastto. v irjrai-AiuanAt-w. Wo promiHod'in our hint' to dbal with this part of a lottor. In our railroad haste in thouo daysr and our consequent tendency to mix things, wo often fafcgot that thoro it! such a thing as tho viuiA- , eitAi-n, If tho hoys and girls will turn * to-our- Wiarton lottor ob givou in our Irtjfc'lBSuot our Vnoaiiiiig will ho cloar to ihoin. Our Wiurton lad ilrst acknpwl- ^or.ooein^of the [lojfiar from; VVI ijrd '\ frionil, antf. eongrafcuh^odi Jm^ jnjecojeH at his bxapiinatipn.. in procootlbd to toll him about' a Visit from tho Brantford hoy's brothor, forgetting to .begin a now paragraph, With :tUd; change"of subjoot. Having toltkflf.fchie visit-ho gocn on to apeak of his intended .trip to Dotroffc with his fcithor, >forgotting again that tho now i ._ i ,t ___i-i v.. .....Tii', j.l...^ INGJM The Date Decided at Satur day's Cabinet Meeting. LIITLf OIHER: BU SlHtSS WAS DONE ) hiflilettoh |Tn'our Hooond '.number, wo, prbsonteA, tho'lotfor as it should Hovo ' cdiiierfrbin any boy, who' hoped, ns ho - tojte un.(. ,to, Iio eiUlocl, within a fow^ . weeks, a fourth chiHs pupil. ' (A"-paragraph ,'iheu; 5h apart of a com- poaitiuo oontaining.o-oorioo of nontoncou, ttyftroa^jii" of onq.^ubjecfc.. ,'U^o ipi\rAr, g^iph'WiJf be long or,short, according, to-'ilio'number of sont'ontiqH rcntiirod to _. dtffloUHH thb;particular subject in hand. Thoro aro several rules given for tho arrangement of sentences in a para graph but wo shall not trouble our young readers with more than one or ". Wo. Tho opening sentonco or son- toueed should prominently set forth tho subject of-'Uio.paragraph.. If thopupils will turn to tho lesson on "National Morality,1* given in tho fourth reader, n'thoy will find good examples of para- graphing. Bright was a Was tar of' Eng lish and his Hpo6chea"aro the use of tho language. Tho paragraph, too, -must possosu unity, by which wo m,ean flui\>. all the ^ontencos in it muat "rq|ato to tho.Hubjoct introduced by tho ilrat .seiiioiieo. In a lottor tho ilrst parngranh should begin just below the salutation. Tho succeeding paragraphs should begin, either in line with the first or a little more, to tho loft than tho first. Tho pulilio school grammar, pngo 187, gives an example .of tho latter method. A lottor presents fully us neat an appoar- anco by haying the hocoiuI and follow ing paragraphs bogin in lino with tho flrftt.; Wo did intond'publishing in this issue a businosH lottor wriWon by a young clork. hut wo think it advisable to dis cuss the other parts of a lettor before giving such an exercise. Wo shall closo our talk on the imjeaohapii by asking our young friends to write out tho fol lowing, paragraphing it properly,, and. correcting any othor errors tnordih; On the morning of Thursday iho 5O1 of; February the London Gazette announced' that Ins maJL'Sty was going on .well- and was thought by the physicians to he out of danger the hells of all the churches rang merrily and preparations for linn (ires were mnde in the streets but in the evening it was known that a relapse had taken place and Ilint the medical attendants had given up all hope the public mind was greatly disturbed but there was no disposition to tumult the Duke of York who had already taken on himself to give orders . ascertained that the city was perfectly quiet '."and that die might without'difficulty be pro claimed as soon as his brother should expire the king was in great pain and complained that he felt as if a fire was burning within him .yet he bore up.against his suiTcnngs witli a fortitude which did not seem to belong to his . soft and luxiirnus nature thesightofhismiccry _affeitUiis wife so mrtclnharndic fainted and Was carried senseless to her chamber the pre lates who were in wailing had fiom the first ' erhorled him to prepare for his end they, now thought il their duty to address him in a still more urgent manner William Sancroft Arch bishop of Canterbury an honest and pious though narrow-minded man iiKctl jjreat frce- ripnvit is time he said to speak out for. sire you are about to appear before a judge who is no respecter of persons the king answered not a word. There is no bettor practice in compo sition than the above. Tho toachor might ask pupils to write out tho exor cise and to hand in papers. Whon our noxt issue appears; those papors o6uld he returned to tlio pupils and by them compared with the oorroct reading, which wo shall try to give. The boys and girls will, wo lenow, enjoy this littlo examination oh composition. It is just a foretaste of what tho entrance and 'public school leaving olassoB may look for no*t Jfuly, If your ubild iw puny, fretfal, troubled with glanlul r Hwolliima, inflnniod even, or sores on tho JieaJ, fuoo, or body, % Course of AyerVflareap it ills, in ecedod to e*p 1 the; oorofuloua ha mora from ' the hfpodJ,XM.-oonHryoo begta' to givn.this medicine tbo baiter, ' - Xo DUlon \1%* Ueobr4l/Toufifalna, <h ! Date f .tfevUnr.*' PrlUlrnf^t-Tme,^ I'remlnraM J*t MaM<* ' Invull Ibo UliiRMan M'e- donnl^ Moiinmrni. Ottawa. Oht.. fiopt. Thurflday Nov. 21,. biiH been ohoHon . uh Th^nka- tiivlng Day this year. This l about the Biuiiu period at the year as last year, althoueb. tn 3 8I>4 the date fell on ..the fourth Thursday. An ordr In .'council was paused .Saturday HxlpR ^he, i.alat. ' Thankiurlvlntf Day In the HUiea la ono week later, viz., Nov. 2H. No 'decision wa renehod re^ardlna" the date of iho-mpethur of I^irliament. Mr. Goorifc- JTohkison, Dominion Hta- itlstlcan. >ft.Ter> Nova,-Scotia yostor-, day for "a w*'JI-t'arnd vacation. Mr, Johnson and his start Jliave boon ..hor'4 aL,wor(c all suinni:r op the, Htuti^tloal, Yoitr Hook, wlilch Will be put on tho prewi this wt'ck,.iu). tlio lout of the proolsheetH, In paiie'forpi .were read yeflthr&aY.; Tha- vobime for' lflMi. con-j. -8latH.tif two parts, the record and th-3 abfibrabt.' but It Ih much fiillcr than piecedlng volumes. In. the .huhds of public mon tho vqtunn- will 'be tho means of dlopolllnK' n vast amount of Ignorance,,now prevu.lJInK' about Can- ad|t-;antft )ipr; rdsoMrees'. Jn the preface Mr, JfoliiiHon ilttlnuly oxproHsos his In debtedness to McsMrs, J. Wllklns and J. Skead, of tlm stnttxtlcal ofTlco, who, as In former Isyues.have pcrforrrtodtho work of completing-tho'tables'In"the "abstract," The Marine Department has. award ed a silver watch oneh. to four flnhor- rnon of seaside, Inverness County, for the Kaliant rescue of two nclirhbom whoso mihlhff- boat-was o*pHl3ied-ln a jwiun.ll. ' ' Hon. J, C, Patterson, Lieu tenant- Governor of Mnjiltoba, Has everything In readiness for bis removal to Wlhnf- pOfir, and will leavo In a day or two, provided'his health Unproved. Tha ^V^noh comjnlUftft, of tho Se parate School Board; :'pri'qfc Saturday nljyhtivnd.aprtolnted tiip-reo.u!sffcp nhm- ber of teachers tollll the places of the Christian Brothers, 20 In all, who re signed on the 20th. Most Of them aro from .this ;'of Uicm 'having' Ontario Normal School certificates; Father Jacques of St. Jean1 Baptlsto, parish, In this city, bus returned from 3te. 'Hyoclnthe.' Whither ho went to en deavor to secure three Brothers, of ano^ ther order to cohio to Ottawa us teach- or, but wna net BUocesyfUU -lUIIV OKCItl ITKI> Ull DIJilltHE, UMM DEFICIT. The ShowihK Mr. FbUr Makes For a Yar. JUST $4,079,532 -IB THt HOLE'-' Oilft Hictlau of tho V*r,ucU torr*-. Im Mh<U London', fiejit.' 2fl. The PnIl'..MalV, Gn"*ttfl niihllHhPH n hpofilal dlsr/atolt from -Tain- tnmtave, Mudiijfiiaeiir, whloU nijys thnt iiiiWH of a florlouu lOuiraetetr1 lifts been re ceived in, recard to tho portion of tlt. Kronen An tho JiiorthwcHt front. . Accord* Itifr: to thope ndrleoH. Gan, Duehemio has bien onenffod to fall hnqk npo<.Mcvntnn- i:na with"dwrawine riH Advance' Kiinm,: which lm<! reached KhmJv. (i(im[\cn from Aatnaa'rlvo, The retreat of tho French has rcHtornd the cdnfldenen or, tjjn MiilntrnsRys. A IjirL-* nuautlly kof nrnm hud ronchoil the oimlftd nnd la eounoquence peetdc who, foinu-Hy wore thinking of tllKht nro now voluntrerlni; to Roto the front. It Is re ported' Hint the nliyideal condition of thn Frnnoli trnopH at Min*ntnn(iim Js hucIi Mint, tl'.nro nro hardly -00 orrootlvo men left. Tlii' forocoinjj dlni)atch benrrt no- mite,, lint Ih prctfuninrt to be Hiiftlclontly ri'eent to;* flnocrlbo tho cxlHtlnjj condition of tlihiKX. iUU}H |BW1S<^.'itfKAjiTKUB. lEnxy Tlmm ou die Ijilx^a Putu Cnttin HhlpM III eoiiuuluuleu Chicago, Septr -*-tVchsc1u arriving hffre report a nca on Lake Michigan yesterday and the day before such us many old mariners bad never met with before. The remarkable advancn in freight rates had called into ser vice during tlio last .ton daya every available vessel, and many of those are now being heard from as Injured or disabled/ The steamer Atlanta of the Goodrich Line, which left Chicago for Grand Haven with 25 passengers and a full cargo, brolce her main shaft off Grand Haven, and wan left help- lens In the heavy sea. Her distress signals were seen by the steamnr Sioux City, which towed her Into Grand Haven. Wreckage of an un known steamer wan-floating Into tha harbor of Mantlnquo last night. llnffflnrM VAttt-r the C/fii-^ fc'nlrtr/-. St. Petersburg Sept 20. The pri vate chapel of tho Petorhof Pnla'o was entered recently by burglars during tho night while the Caar was sleeping In; an adjacent part of the palace. Similar laxity on the part of the police lately-resulted' In a Are destroying an apartment called tho Silver Salon, In the winter palace at Tzarskoe-Seloe. 4. N'ew VorU Villiic** .IM**'/*'. Newburg, N.Y., Sept.1 28. At Marl-, boro, a small village near here, the JfiJxchango Hotel and surrounding buildings are burned, and tho whole village Is threatened. Help has been sent from hero and Kingston, .1 Ulluiiuliffl Klrviifoi* minimi, Milwaukee, Wis., Se*pt. 28.- A wheat elevator bolonerlnpr to Paine Bros. & Co., was burned last night. Loss 330,- OuO; partly Insured. Torouto HnrUetn. iriniir Twde Is qnlct, with prices uncUuHired. Htraleht rollura arc niloted at $2.1)0, Toronto frelfjhtfl. . Itniu Triiclo dull and pr'con quoted at $11 to $ll.fl0 outside.-SJioftH?in to $14; Wheat Tho fooling contluui-tj. firm, with offerings limited, Jtted winter Hold ut Sic west, nnd white ut (i'Jc on the. Xortli. era. Mules of now-No. 1 Manitobaihiird at (We, Toronto freights, arid ut 70c, Mom real freights. Peon Trade Ih quiet and prices unchang ed, there holnir hsIoh at iSc, nortli and west, and at 'ilie, middle freightu. ' Oiitu prleng utciidy. HalOB of mixed at -2 1-lie, oulnlde. mid of white at ll'io ^ 'Mi l-tlc Unrley Tlioro Is n quiet trade, wllh feeil- Ing nusllllen quoteil at Me to ,'l2e outsldu. Jobbing ni-lct'M ; OblcUeim. frenh, HDc to 10c per pnlr, dueks tMH to tJOc, ijeeno nt 7e, and turkeyu So to H) per lb. BroHHed liogu'stendy nt $5,50 -to $."i <\0 ; IwcUm, 10 t-i!o ; rolls. 7 SlAc to Sc ; ulimil- der niemi, flit per bM.; iiichh pork, .fli.^0 to $1R - -*" u j--e, \cal, 0 to.-Kc: Ininbti, 0 1-Le to S. Liverpool Sopt. red, r.-Ud*to Bh" id; ^o,i o iVf!Sln "ftCi to. r.s 1 \tjl; eon... & wJi Sr "'fl/ .pork, M* IMi inrd, 30h Odi'lSnvy bSco" 'H' ud.; do., lluut, :r(|..Odt,tullow.. no""lo.^ LoiidiMi, Mi pt. ^.-OloHe-Wnt ofT rm.xi: Hi la, on imhhiiuv tlvm and Ikhh uuiWe..,\iali'p- og eo,u onhMi oir niiKKage firm; * ' Mvi1i,!K]itl.-('(hu;-.Ai-|Ht)1t aim nt Bk n%,' ,{"-* JT'Ht ,\.V n".d for Oct.. hIicI'ISh 'ii.?,;, for Nov. Maine :lr?m at Sa Wrt for Ki>r.v rr<n:\*iniit>ii.T**i - r*neti Trcmy fiwnW HM" 'jfelTcct - Hlr Jul lull rniinrifoi nt Iho Capital - AliuiMulta'l A<lVerUarmont. Ottawa, Ont., Oct. R.~The vlait of 81r Julian Paunccfota to Ottawa haa naturally awakened renewed lnterosl In the settlement'of the Hebrlng Sen question. According to advices re ceived here from British Columbia the BQalers of that province who have been waiting ^or a long time for tho amount'-'of damage* to whleh Uicy aro entitled under the Tarls award by ron ton of the 13ehrlnjr Sea sei/ureli are delighted at the. prospect of a settle ment In the not very far distant fu ture. Their request that the commis sion shall sit at Victoria will bo car- rlod out.apd the Government Will en deavor to secure the assent of the au thorities at Washington to the Hpcody appointment of tho two commissioners, one. representing tJrcat Britain and -Cariaduv.the othor the United Stntcd.ln ordtr that thoy may commence the work of taking evidence without do- lay. So far us the work of the commis- Bloners Is concerned, their decision, if unanimous, will be final. Upon points. In which they disagree they will re port to their respective (SOyornn^cnts, when, 1/ a settlement cannjbi'ba n.'iach- cd^thrpugh tho UHuar.dUitytn.ata> ch-i-n- nefa, the servlcca of an umpire In tin- person of a representative of a ncutrul power will be Invoked. 1 SJr Julian Pauncefoto's present visit, to Ottawa Ih to discuss with tho Gov ernment certain points of procedure In reference to tho ecwnmiuslon and to leiir'n"fully tho vle'wia which the Domin ion Government hold.'Oni the part of authorities here thoro is/ every dis position to push matter's;:..a dnorgeti- cally ns posslblo, bMt thoro is no tell* MiS what objections, tho Unl(.ed-Bbj;tcs- Government m,ay."conJure up. Certain ly that Government so far has not manifested any deposition to expedite a settlement of'the dispute' Qlr Julian has been kept vory lousy to-day. 'He and Lord Westmoath worr- cntortained at lunch by. tho Premier this afternoon at whlob l-U. the Min isters In town wor^..! After-' wards tho British. .Ambtissadpr. made a 'formal call_ on different MpvJatcra and thcn"vlslto'd tho Supremo Cour'i, Py invitation of-tho Chief 'Jmitlce, Sir. Julian occupied a seat on the Bench and remained until the Court adjourn- o^^lm^mtrnTT'to the argument at Mr. Trenholme, Q.C., In a case bcRrro the Court, namely. North JBrltltm. and Mer cantile Insurance Company yii. Tour- vlllo. Blr Julian waa asked If he could; give any 'Information regarding the ulti matum that the United States Govern ment la reported to have forwarded to Great lirltnin In the Venezuelan ques tion. " I know nothing about It," he re plied. *' It has not passed through my hands," " Then there may be no truth in the report?" "I can't nay that. It may have gone through the United States Am bassador in London." After leaving Ottawa, Sir Julian In tends to go to Quebec, then to Toron to and Niagara Falls, whence he will return home. The account books of the Dominion for the fiscal year ending June 30th lnnt have been closed at the Finance Department. The total . revenue on account of consolidated fund was $33,- 929.800 and' expenditure 18,009,341,. leaving a deficit of $-1,079,032, comparer with the previous year. The flgureg are as follows: Revenue $30,374,693; ex penditure, $37,565,025; deficit that year being $1,210,332. In his Budget speech last nonoion tho Finance Minister es timated, tho deficit for the fiscal year shortly to close.would bo four millions rnd a half. TWh deficit is less than was anticipated, .The total net debt on tho 30th June wna $252,099,172, or an Increase In the year of 15,816.4*1.1. During the quarter ending 30th September there has been' a decrease of the debt amounting to $2,330.tfl7. Moreover, the financial stntnmont for the three months Is of a decidedly en- eouraglng character. The revenue amounts to $8,010,1.6.1 and tho expend!* hire to $5,G37,027, leaving a surplus of over three mllllonH. As compared'with enrrcspondlng period Inst year the re venue showp an increase of nearly JfifJP.OOO, while the expenditure Is de- erenood by $230,000. Upon tho urgent representations of \Tr, Northrup, M.P., the Minister of iWnrlne and Fisheries* 1ms decided to allow Bay of Qulnte fishermen to use m InoR until the commencement-of the ' lose season on tho 1st of November, Tills will enable thorn to use up their old nets, as in contemplation to abolish the use of selneH. A militia general, order announces that Mnjor-Qenernl Gaseolgne has as sumed command of the Canadian mili tia from tho 1st of October. Regula tions for entrance examinations to ftoyal Military College In Juno next are-also published. An Important change In made by which matriculants of six Canadian Universities Toronto and Queen's in Ontario. McOJIII and j Laval In Quebec, the University of Wow Brunswick and Dalhouslc Unl- vp'-fdty, N.S. will be allowed to enter .is cadets on their matriculation cor- elflentep, provided they come within the ago limit, that la from 15 to 19 veins. his Is an innovation upon which Mr. Dickey Is to bo congratu lated, and will doubtless lend to a. large accession of candidates for ad mission to the college. The Marine Department was noti fied to-dny by' Anderson, Mackenzie & Co.. Montreal, that their barauc-, Yuba, R7!) tons register, was wrecked near MIngan, North Shore, but that the crew was *?nvnd. Thoy aMkurl the Government to defray the oxpenno.of bringing the crew up to, Montreal. The reply sent was that tho owners muttt rare for tho .seamen, as when n Dominion registered vessel'Is wrecked In Canadian waters tho sailors have no claim on the .Government for.assist ance, i A proclamation^ will bo Irsued In a few dbys announcing that tho provi sions (of the. cemmerclttl treaty with Prune* have fione Into effect The f'eparoment of Trafle and pommerco 'neMvtfd cable adVices to-day,that the t'tlOoAtion ijegotlations were" nearly Himpjeled. ' , {V:' ')# Manitoba Govornmenti Is evl- tM.uiiurul narven this year, rn" in ii ,VRt*f udvlcts from'Winntpog uiTitkgiit ifUao that A. X McMUian^haS bcun r*- ' uppiilnlid . ittlKralJim .HKCiit of ,the pjp-) | vine* In Brlbaln, with head-j .(pMKinrH o.t L vBrpopl,. J..t1! , '. I." Suprem*' CoUrt^ of;tn<Uipohdent I Toitsters giVes notice of application to ' Parliament for an Act amehdlng its charter of Incorporation In-tho-follow-, ahiouut'of maximum mortuary benefit ( fmm three tliouSand to nvu'thousivnd " <J(Uars^ a.-Xo enublo It. to layout in 'United .Status bonds, or In similar m*-' curitlOs in Great Britain, or, In arty othirr country In which It may ditslrc to curry on its business, such, amount of tlio surplus as may ho necessary to meet tho re- <pilrementn of mioh eounlry with regard to the dposlt of security by hi- HuranC.s' eompaiiloM doing bindnesn la rfuch eountiy', the total, amount of sucli liivi-jitmentji hot. howover. at ail" time to exceed ojie-Tourth of Its total availably* Kiirniuii or accumulated funds. ;i To HtVlkc out of tho Act of Incor- exemptlng lt OHUROH DIRECTORY MBTaoulST ,-~Dr. Pasutm, Pastor. Sorvioc Tory Sunday nt 11 a. m. nml 7. p. m. bubbutl Bohool *t fl^O p. m, O. IS, Nay lor, BuporlnUnd- ent of school. UpwoiUi lingua pray' rmootlai TtKjaday eyonlQK at H oljjlouk. pi aye* meeting on TnniBdayovouing. Oaenon ok Knoi.awd Itov. A.lj,HovBrlyp Id onmbent, Bt. Puala, Khboz. Olvinaaurrieo flyory Munday at 7 o'olock, p m Handny School at 30 u. m. I'rlnltv Clmroh, North Hldg* Dlvluo Borviovti ttynry Hiimiay at a p, u).: Hub duy Hohool at 1.45ii. ai. Tho eubllo) are oor- 'Ilolly Invited, ---------.__---------. ,._ _,----- .w^rw,^iii..i*lW/i MARRIAQK tlOKMM*^ L \.i?fe E^lRaBSBI Ji ComOrniryuftlfc j " g*-&T Iaeaer of MorrlafiaJjloenMH. :=? J'nttHjivTiflnrxN. W. M.MoiijIu^, i'lintor- Rot ylBngonUbbbuth u(t U u. in, and 7.30 p, lit Bub- I ba*h-3qlif*)l n,t'2[a(io. fa' X-roSor un atlusaiiu PiiBtor'nbiblo oTtiiiif on Tuonuay Ttt7;30 p. rad Boolal Union ou Woduowditv at ,16p. nnminlly tu.the CJovr/iunnuL of the as rots nnd. llabllltlofi of iho .court and of lis Income and expenditure In rcHpoet. of mortuary, benellt and of nick and funo'ii! ijeneMl department". That' tho superintendent' of insurance may from time to time examine the bonks and vouchor.",so as to Verify the anual. state- men I. That a deposit of J2n0,00fi shall be maintained with the Government, with 'newer to Increase the amount u may ho deemed necessary; that no member shitll be liable for any neseiMH ments. dueH or fines to order, or for any itebt or liabilities of tlio order, bu; all such payments hall be voluntary, but no member or his bohodohry; shall bn entitled tn any pecuniary benefit ?>f the order durmtf the time that ho !s In default of any Nueh payment. finglneor HubldKo telegraphed the Department of Hallways and Cianalfl to-day that both mitre sIUh of Iho guard leelc of tlio Galops canal bad Tieon re moved and that' the now guard-lock was completed. Tlu- 'iraflic through tho'Ttldf-au canal nt th'ii port during the Hcacnn .hint oloplnc bnii been somewhat better than In lRrtJ: Tho total numbrir of steamers and b'>rge that passed through tho canal wns Hll.nH .against Vnfi last year. .Sir Charles IT. Tup|v>r.biK rfimoved, to lrts new residence In New'4CoMnbtf*"gn. Mr., TjOwo, 'Deputy. Minister of. Agri culture, hns retiirnod from Manitoba; Hon. Judge Gowan of Uarrlc is ln'th-) city. Senator Sullivan of' Kingston Is fn town on buHlncss wTth the Department of JuHtiec.______; ~~Wr kllvert. Acting Commluaoner of Customs, left for Hamilton to-night on OfTlOlfll bUHlnCHH. Professor Llppen, the nowly appoint ed Director of Separate School*), hun commeneod a detailed visitation of tho different schools. uur, H<Auru KKTcr.n i,wet >Vlnkilprff-k-<( JLutrrt <otinilMi(ly TUmt *h- Ar*|mbitii*rn< In Hlndr. Winnipeg, Oct. 4. Friends of, Mr. W. E Scarth, positively assert, deuplte de spatches to contrary published. In Tho Free Press, that he h/'S been appointed' Deputy Minister of Agriculture to suc ceed Mr. John Lowe, and1 what lends color to their assertion Is tho fact that Mr- Scarth has tendered,hit resignation n preHldent of the Manitoba Club, and apparently Is preparing to leave, tho city. .___________ " ,x ui\<;kto\ uvK-i:i.KCTXav, 1r. K IV. Hmrlli Ann In <'linxpn to Oppfliio w, Unvty. Kingston, Ont., Oct. J. At a full con vention of Conservative delegates from tho different wards in the city, Dr. 13. T-T. Smyth, Q.C., was to-night chosen'at* the Conservative candidate to appono ITon. W. Harty at the byc-electlons on tho 15th Inst, for this city. i'okiv r:ui-i:ii i k;in y;i-:\'ri;s<;r.n. lUi-iKHTCauumi. Hov.M. V. OKaipboll, Pa tor. Horvid(*H utioh Hnlibiitb ut U u. ia. uutt--*- p, iii. I'myui- mootlhtf en Wednfrnday ovonlbj),. ut H o'olook. HuutR iron, AH are cordially wol- OOliHlil. Uomas (U'ruouc Kr. C. K. MoOe, Pimtor, Horvint ovory othur Hundiiy niN-UOji. poMcloH from * Government Iuspeoi^>nv m--^ ' ' i-1"- on IimjIi diiirii and m.rm/m afc,10.!Jfl UNDERXAKINO Rlj0m1rt*h6r mid PmJt aihom and fMtanroL _. , Utsttoakw.Ot** i^M i'M ARCHITECTS. YOUN A. MA.YCOOK, AIICH1TBOT, *o. , noom 10 and il, FlmfDc Bvfldting, .. **mm. Got;, i: p. Halvation ;AiimvW-V U-"^t6UiOti. CapUlu< Halvatloii niuetin^ oVWndundity, Tlumilay itnii Huiidny ovtthlimn; l\*>-'tind MuHy, Saturday ovuuJMf auiiap m, UuuJiX" *IoHiien uiuoduss for ohtTiitlaiJs i-'nduy.^vBiirtJJ' ,-l0(1-li a. m.__aun day; Kuoo Drill 7 iu, wi.'.ovory WiUCOUIiJ. All. IVTH T>.; A, WIHMBn, PurrlnUir, fttiliultor, Notm .fym Publlo A..' Woiioy U>. Ioilu. Offlceii, l>ui iituti JJluolr, up-Htulfti, Knnx. 4Jy Tli. I'l-ITKUH ParrlBtor, Bolloitor. Not** - Public Money; to : liOau, : OfUoo ovi 'Urutbutu' Ban ic/Kufiox.Contra.'. CiXjAPKE, HAIlTXiKT A BAIlTLET, Harrli ' tcirs*ta.: OiilopM, Mndbury Ulook# WIuiUo Prlyiitu fiiudfi to loitri.* ' ' ' - 'A. ti:VLLsniMt.'B. A. 1 r HKNIIY C. WALTEUH, UUP., Attorney and ComiHcdortat |u.\( BolleiUir la Cuauoory, I'fOOtor in AdmiriLlty, J'litmifc Holloltor, with AtMnnori A liulnhba OoiiifroflH ut. Iwosfc, Doti'olU, Mioh. (Canadian . uiulniB iMfuamb pfimonn in tho UiiIUmI BtutOH collated.) * Hctormiami Impitrlal lltuih, Hfnfox,Ont, . Ji Ii. Jppt^rd. temp,' IlnrrlnWr, ata,, Kncox, Ont. M,A. Wimoor, U(p, hatrlfttor^ oto., Essex, Out Tlie Miirpliy1* * 'mini ^ulliy nt VJnduay '.IrhIz-m Uf*-*tlvi* <;oai1 Itamiil ferinA Is KliiU'-tuui. DIndaay, Oct. fi. At the Assizes here before Chief Justice Meredith, the Murphy, counterfeiting cases were tried. Allan Murphy was found guilty on throe chsrgoa of uttering and was sen tenced to five, three and five years. Fred Murphy, lf>, found guilty on two charges of uttering. T,i"e was sent to the Ponetangulsheno Reformatory for three years. RIehrrd Murphy,, guilty of one cTnrgo of uttering, nnd wns sent to Kingston for five years. William, Wellington nnd old man Murphy, were 'found guilty of having moulds for malrlng nnd also counter feit'coin in their pcfPOHalon. Tho old man was recommended to mercy and discharged. William was sentenced to seven and three years. Wellington Murphy received five years on the first charge'and three on thn second. Tho eentencofl run concurrently. . in uiK:iti:[h wiian: am ;i:r. ,1 in"glict-'tt frlmi' riimrii by objection ( ii l.uver. Bummerfleld, ICnn., Oct. i Julia Fmnerty. aged .'10, has broken down under close examination and.confessed that she murdered her mother, Mrs. Mary Flnnerty, rged f>7. She com mitted the crime, she said, because of her objection to th ^ult of James Mc- Oeenoy, a young farmer, for her hand. Tin crime was committed with a hatchet while -the victim was asleep; ^WSO.Oim Inreiiillary Itluze In B-hllit.l.-liihln. Philadelphia, Oct. -i, The sash and door factory of HufUH It. Thomns were burned to-day. Lohs $150,000. The Ilames aprond to a row of dwellings In tho rear, find also ignited a stable, owned by Henry Oo!can,causing an ad ditional loss at *5000. Tho plant of the Gontlnenttil Prowlng Company was slightly damagotl, Tlio fire was In cendiary, CKXtiiAh AHKitivw' MEDICAL. 'ryn.PnonaH.M.u. Univeralty of Toronto, M.B., TrluHyUnlvor altyM. O. P. 8. O., lato of Ht. tUrthplomftw'tt Hofipltal and Moorfiald'ri Itoyal Ophthalmic HoBpltnl, IJoudou, Kt>(*|iind. Special uttenldqn, ulvou to<H*uaB08of thooyojoar, nosoauAtiiroftt, OSloo hour* U to IS il. tn., 1 to il aud,7 to So- iai Oflloe nnd r^trldondo, OS Oucllptto ayd.; Wltidtjor, opplto St. Mary'fl Aoadiiuiy. fEolt I0B.'-"' '- -' -pvltfl. DBWAK.A MoKMNKIK. P.A r>MWAB, M.D.C.M.,&\T.M.H. Mono* Gmdu- ate'Ti-ialty univornlty, Moaibor ^oUogtJ Phyr ioiu.uu una Hurcaonti) Out, liealdonae, Talho S(..MaBt, ,. ,-. a.'McKKWZJB, M. TD. 0. Wf,, Corouflr, Now Ybtk i-orib tlradurtta, follow Trinity ft Iodic nJ Oalleffoj Graduate Trtolty Unlvorfilty Ucaiiiuwo: Tulbofc Ktrofet, W66t of ULO, It,. OUlctt boura 8 to 0 a. m., 1 to a and 0 to 8 p. w billed In Cmporlfd Punk block, crouud lloor, noKt to.Thorno'fl drug Btoro. Toltmbono in oonneotlou with offloo dtid reel- donoo. ' Ordom leffc' at 1'horuo'a drus: storo will bi proiiijitly at tended to. YAUB. BRIKK & BUIEN. Jua. llrlrin, M. D L. IU, C^lVfl.,-ffrailUftto of Queon'tf Uuivomity, Kiii^Btdu, moinbftr of Col- loffdof Phynlolmifl end Hurfloonfl.Outarlo. Orod- uatrt of Now York. l'Odt GxadliutO Medical Col- 3.-W. Ilrlnn, M. D., C. Jtf., V. T. M. O. Hotjqr Krnduuto of Trinlfcv Mbdldal Oollnijn. Honor ijraduato of Trinity Unlvorelty. Member of.tlut Colloito of PnyniflianR and Smpoonn, Out Glad- unto at huw York. -Pout uraduato Modlcul Colloco. Offloftovor EtiHox Mcdionl Hall drutf ttoro. Ooniiultatioa roomn, both on cround iloor and flrfltdat ubovu. Tol(jp)iooo In both olilcw and ronldOnoo. All calls attended to from bulce, ftrua utairpr r roaldenoo. itooidonoe, Talbot Btroot, front of fair arounda. DENTAL. HP. MARTIN, I>,, B Ii. D. 8. Graduate ^In Itontlfitry, Ilqyftl Colloft^ of Dental flurftoous, Ontario, and ' unlvoniity of- Toronto, Ohojra<ui,modorato. Offlco, over JQrion &' Co draft Htaro. 18-ly VETERINARY. Wn. RlOHAJtDSON, VBVKrtXNAHY SUE i OICON. Ilonorary cruduato of Ontario Votorlnary Oolleoo, Toroulo: merobor of On tario Veterinary Modioli] Homofcy; DJplomint in Dmitiiitry; trouXe all dliiuiuiuii or doKioutioktod nnlnialu; uUlo.dehornod bv tbo tutout lmprovou Loavitt olippor Calls by telephone or tole- Ijrupli promptly nttouded to. RpHldonoo, four doom uouth of yrint uoill; offico In posb of lion building; Inflrinory, dlrootly oppoalto. 80piETlE8 .- -'ji^i. v*.'1 t'0,,0. Vv-EKTMJHVJUSE I>oago Ntt L mooUovory TburBtlaK ovenlng at IX Oddfellows Half,luthirdatoreyDonttanBI m Viultinrt momboruuf other lod&etwill reoeI'T4:>pi p-aternul welcome. J. JOHNSTON, N,TQ. .-^'X; OddfoUowfl'Uall.DuiiBtan'a Block, ontbtM" <lrdTnei(Iay In e&ch month. VlalWrai flAived. Members of ubordinata todtffi; in m^^tarafllotl'*". InvlUd to Join, 0. ^^B?-wiATa MKKT8 KVKBT, Hi FrldayTv Andrei Tarkor; Booretary; 'FrodBriot. TflADB. : ^ n*d Womur, Oaptataj t; Turner DUmi OouBT/iioxAii. no. mi^.oT^.v. Moots second and fontth Taevhv month. ln.l.,(XJXJe.. HftU, >t. 8 Vitltfng brethnra -will be RlTetr a , qo-.wa.pftABT Taklnrf effeot MayJlUiii, 1HW. Mall Exp. Detroit........ .WipdHQr..... , Pol ton........ tMnJdatoueo KflBQX.......:. , Wobdsleo... rtusfiomb ... Comber...... nidcetowu,. llodnoy,...... St'vWokidaJ 7.ip, ' H.Oft 8.11 8.2a 8.M7 OAF, )0,t7 h:ho aim. e;H> i y.!ffl Jb.Bn Exp. a, tti. OAD , I0.JQ' B.47 noma wkt< lLflfl 1.05 F-.'^H-J Aooid ,ljn. 4UO, 6.0B fl- ^1 7J r.oadon......... ;t. Thomas... Ilodnoy......... , 'lttdgdtown,...,w eombov,.,,.;,,',: M llUBoomb......., Wood Bl be....... Buex .....^...... MBldBtbha Cr PeUdb............ Wtndpor......... Detroit^......... pjwrr 12.10 - 'x*e Ml 6.00 R.OU ft. u 0.4B 7.10' 0JJS, 10. w ii.-a Hid 5*^ Akkiheratbura; toral Xraliia. -\. po. 0.10 8.2K 0.28 e:to a.m.,, 11.M 8.1B 13.08 Srift 7.1B UW^.aO'j EdgarB ; 7.00 ~V.i/Qti, B.t 113 30 8.SB MoGreatlr M O.'('K80 1 1U,M) 8.Sa AmhorBtborg fiW.^Ub.* All trains are run on central Btandard^meS which la sixty mlnutea utower than Essex' time. For information and rates J te; colon ist a movluK wost apply to John G. Laveq.JPc naaaar 4tent, Bt. Tbouaaa, O. W* llugBle0,Ge oral Paflaeuger and Tiokot Acont, Cbtdagoj I or A, O Htlmora. Aflont.Esaox:, V- L. Em & D. R. Ry. TJCUKTABIjK NO. IB. taking etfeod Batwdai JunoM, 1B0.K. Traius rimby^aaUrn Btana* ard Time Daily oxaept Sunday - < tJ I'd i 6 A-M-A- M o.4i.!ia.oo 0.-17 12.S0 ojssliaw LAND SURVEYOR. JAMES B. LAIIID. Provluoial Land Burvoyoi and County Bsftlnoor, Ken ox Contro, Out OfUoo, Dunatau BlooU, upHtaira. AUCTIONEERS. HBKKY HEDJtlCK, Auotlouoor. BnUe promptly attorn!oil to, AtidreaB South Woodaluo, Ont. Poraona deairisg to soouro m may luavo word at tho EaKK Phkbh nUlao, tf H. HBDRIOK DniNcriAni, raioENBKiD auctionekh * for tho County of Eaaox. Bailiff of Wlchtb DIvIbIoii Court. All Id ode of Farm and othor Balos conduotod promptly., Katpa roajonablo and rurulHbi'd on nnpllo&tlon. Enquiroru may apply at W. 1>. Boanmii'a ottloo, or at tho ofllol': of Pfvlalou Court Olork.Mr. Johu Milno. U.fiil 10.08 10,13 10.18 10 35 10,33 lO.Ji! 10,62 10.50 11.10 11,^4 11.81 MM \\M 11.63 11.C9 1301 1U.13 13.18 19.23 I8.?l 12.40 ip- it J V2A& r (1:20 C.87 1QM (J 47 1.10; 6 61 1.28, 0.60 1A0\ 7.07 ..2.0O| 7.H 2.10. 7.B4 2.60 S3 7.43 7.B8 4,10 BO 4.H0 4.60 B.301 fi.46 6.06 (5.16 0.20 <U9 (1.G.1 ,7,10 8.17 8,22 S.llQ tiAO 8,47 8,6 0 00 0.07 0.12 020 0.81 J'. M. f. M Bl'ATIONa, riep Walltery'IoAr Walliorvlllo Juno. .........Pelton......... ......+ Olddaatle....., ......t Paqnetto...... ......McGregor ...... ...f New Canaan.,. ... i Marohfield , ...... -Harrow-....... ........f Arner......... ...... KhinsVUla...... ...... Euthven ...... ... XjeaminctOd .,. ......WhSatley.....: ......tltODWlok ,.'..,. ......Ooatswortb ... ......+ Gloirw6td...... .........Merild'......... ......f Baafcon........ ..;... SandrsOn ..,.,. ...lOedar'Sprtngg... Blonbelm Junot'n ...... Blonhelm...... i-.;.....tWilkie......... Ar Htdgtttovq Dop *" A 0 10 004 8 67 sea 8 47 843 866 809 8 23 8 11 8 01 7( 740 7 34 7 15 710 'A*;w S.O0 5.40 6.aa fl;17 o.ia 6.00 Ue 433 4.00 4.00 \9,4Jl 8jl6 6: 1 ITlitfi Btntlonfl. Trains atop only when ther aro pafBt-URers at or for tbeae staflOna^ i Mix* train b are at) al tiuioB feabject to beonnoallcd" tPi':UtTM'--tD.\4tBiUtmqlrt M\rrmn& '.Atovftntaeia- ds api ^dve^Mlhe i.f^urn which,the province ppwieaflea Itk'ltluh Hiibjkct* lianrlflimml In Vm*Kiela Urltlkh .tlluUtn- l.lhvl .,( In llcunin . Colon, Oct. 4. Tho British Minister at Bogota hao boon IlbclleouHly accus ed by the Bogota and luthmlun prctis of having an Interest Ifi the claim of Punehaid. Mncteggart and liowther, a London, 11 rm of contractdi'H, against the Htate of Antloqxiiu. Kowh 'has boon received, hero from British Guiana to tho effect that three more BrltlHh -BUbJecta have been eolzed and Imprlsonfid by tho Venezuelan nnthorltles. The matter baa been re ferred to London. . "rwtt rill'rd by a I,n*(t*g*r Train pttaw-a. Til., Oct. 4. Corydon Phelpi for many yearn the leading stock buy-v er and shipper of.this city, a,nd HehiV' J. Itlgden. a painter, were a 'nasHeng^r train- here yeatorday. and rarm-TH M-rlair niifBl ""',,, ^.-rWheat. de)lverle'. at npunty e!evatQra: areilncreiwli)Bi-to^ fi&fa ft&uri* iheinff.almostn^-aiiai-tieri; JOHN GOIIVLKY, IjIOKNBED AWCTIONBEH for tho County ofEnuox. All klutle of farm etoulr. milea, oto,, aonduoted promptly and on abort notioo. nates roaoorablo. Porn on q dcalrablo to nrrauKfl aaloa may 3oho by calling at tho I'mm Pihaaa oflloe or by applying to . J. GOBlirjEY, P.O. Box 165 EBGex.put. 17-KANK UoOLOSKEY,. Maidatooe, thirty- 1 nevon ycavn' oxporionoo as an attotioueerm. the County of Ebbox. Sales con duo ted promptly, and on roaaouablo torma. Vartlos deelrin^ to fix tbo dato for a. sale oati.Bavo ,thomaelve* ^ drive by oallln^ at tho If hub VmtM ofliaa. Wo havenrrangod.wlth Mr. MoDlonkey and will:flx the date a forwaloH by teloj-rapb,entirely traa at all oharga to tho peraob holdlnd the solo. Ad- dronu Frank MoOloHkoy.Mahl^tonoCroBB,Ont, 106: .. WJW WOOtiliATT. m BAKER. THE oldest bualnena in town. Eatabllaue 1876. Firefc-olasa broad and oakes of :al kinds. Wedding oakos a spaoialltyt Gwoorua iirovialons. flour, feed, salt and pork. . Confeo- tlonery, orockory.slaeBwaro. Canoed .raita and vegetttblpa of all kinds, Goods promptly rtt livored to all ports of the town-. J. M. HIOKB. m>tt ".. ,v..'.. WANTEtt To buy Furniture at pncea that are: riijj down,to LardpaiJ,\and prepaxed to iqrnv ..AND AND LOAN ACENTS . -j^*v,- -. .JUQHAfi, Conveyancer, Com* IT mUaionar, In Hlth Court of Joatlca; (Jealef at tha Ioweat ,rt^ Mj^mM: aadi^ldf;IaKirnoflta^nln,tb.P,ttxe]lal ba^e prempfly ^ndld *o/^0all at right clone," Kindly call aildijia goods, it will pay.yon to: rfo^Pil1"*' ing,el8flwhora. Jt;cptRydg;nbl 'f Kli^-^y>fJ:7A ., 1 ipeoialty.,' ;^er^^^n'M r, shape; - All neoegaa>y carriageo-fawjfe BnaiQeBBlarbmp^ly.iltUa^i^^kfll^" VVU1 epmpm^;piiwa^.b;^ of any. town, ;Pave two fli good oo^dUtton, abd^lU'ii^! _ r _, >-> ^^^'^ri:-.^^^^:i^! 9J!5S^^^fv-bt;^ 1559

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