i' ' "'Eh tea* d s-r- 52=? iV-J^tf \Vjfe;.W v,--t V1' fc'.M !k_.;-jjJ'to'Oj^Uijl~ > '-:* e w ibr the r .oiran. oi OOTODer ">, Til Jj\ THEIR- % >. m \ & h ,', fvT ^'* *'i t- 9 l .47 ft ' I * '..I i C; &.& ti tv li V' ^j ^ / 1. > l.'l', I 1 JU la *J .;'.. Ci.-^ ,";.> * p ;' h ft J V. ;.^,,;-H :! \\ U ;' -.7 .V, Vi>J W/ w laaaV Ni^ ',v 1 ?! A - 5 aJSTT fco make October the banner month of the year and offei." the greatest G-Dnuine Bargains iff new, up-to dr^te reliable merchandise ever attempted by us. This G-igantic Sale begins on MOiNMY MOMINtt, r0BER 1st. Gome early and share in the "Plums." h Dress Goods Department - . . FineHt French Noveltica in immense variety, comprising Now Orepons, two toned ef fects, Novelty Tweeds, Boucle Cloths, Columbia Cloths, Fancy Tartan Plaids, and numer ous other novelties, t ' 15.pieces Pongor Silks, all the newest shades, also Cream and Blacky regular price 40c for 30c a yard.--------------------------- ....... r 20 pieces Japanose Silks, all colors and black ni 50c a yard, the regular 75c quality. $1.35 Black Peau De Soi Silk, every yard warranted, for $1 00 per yard, 20 pieces of Tartan Dress Goods, sold everywhere at 35c per yard, special sale price 25c per yard. lyOrcninaiit.of Dress Good*1, Tweeds, Carpets and Flannels, at exactly half-prfce, 15 pieces of All Wool Dress Goods, la'&fc year's goods were 25c atid 35e per yard, for 10c jgejrjyard. 1 ' 54 inch Costume? CTatlts, regular price 45c per yard, reduced to 25c per yard. 100 PAIRS OF ... . ...CORSETS... ALL SIZES, ...25c EACH SOI.K AGENTS XT KfcSEX VOll THE GELKUU.vTKD . D. & A, CORSETS. Yard wide Grey'Cotton fur He per yard. Good Heavy CI it y Cotton for -lc'por_ yard, . Yard wide Illcachod Cotton for Cc jior yard. 10c: Towelling ior 7c \}cv ynrd. * l-"ic Pure Ijinen Vido IWoling for lOu ycr yard. I\irc Taljle Linens at 2r>c and JiOy per yard. 1") piecoH Flfinncllctto for 5c per yard. Now Put torn Flannellotto for He per yard. All Wool Grey Flannel I for 15c per yard Best Cambollford Grey Fltmnell always sol1 at 35c. yard, for 25c yard, 50 pair Kid Gloves, slightly soiled and damaged, for loc a pair. 20 tfrosH I'roKH Iluitorts, for Sic a do/.cn. LadioH* Heavy lUbbed Vesta, with long hIoovcs, J2^o ench, Ladies' AH Wool Bibbed Cashmere Hose, the 40c kind for pfie per pair. 100 puiiBof Ladies' All . \Vool Vests and Drawer^, for 50c each. All 12A and 1 no Prints reduced to Be per yard. t, "2.-2. inch Print, regular price l'J-J-c, only 15 pieces left for (ic por yard, flic LarRo Bizo White Eiderdown Blankets, fer $1.25 por pair. Curtain PoIob, completo, for 20c. JKollcr BIuhIh, complete, ior -150. Men's Suits and Overcoats, Boys' Suits and Overcoats . . . Men's All Wool Suits, not half Ootfcoa, bub guaranteed Pure Wool, ov yonv money will be returned, for $3.75. Men's Heavy,All Wool Canadian Tweed Suits, for $7.50, worth rega-' gularly $10 00. Men's Extra Heavy Pant3 for'$1.50. Boy^B 2 piece Tweed Suits for $L25 and upwards. Men'B Ovoreoats from $3 00 and upwards. Men's-All Wool Extra Heavy Frieze Overcoats for $7.50, Guaranteed Puro Wool. We have not space to tell you one-half about our Clothing Stock, Wo show the-biggoRfcHelootipn of Styles, Shades, Patterns, Materials and Makes in Essex, Don't buy a suit or Overcoat for fall and winter until you see our Stock and Prices. Meii'H AU Wool Imported Shirts a_nd Drawers, regular price 75c, for 50c. . Men's .Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, th^> regular 40c kind, for 25c each, " 100 Men's Christy Stiff Hats, for 25c each, UDIES?-MABTLK and -MILLINERY, to on exhibition. The ladies who have been here and have inspected our magni- ficcnt stoekH of ffl35|i0(|y,. Mantles aild Furs, say there is noth ing like it west ofrit, Thomas. Kindly come also and give us your opinion and see these values. Indies' Heavy Tight .Fitting Jackets, box front, double breask-d, ['or 3,00. Ladies* (Japes, newest creations, for $2.95, '!,iniiu'-,'Trill>' Jackets, in hn Beaver cloth, mandolin slodve? dolible_Lma.y.tedv-.clQHe/Lcollav, for 10.00, , A rcgalMr ;j8.U) Mantle for 5.00 The Millinery, you must see it for yourselves, all the newest English^ French and American Millinery novelties, at astonishingly low prices. Cftft'*t&4!!&f2*&^^ oots ,,'VVj h h m a We sell the celebrated J, D, King & McPherson Boota and Shoes "V^l Why purchase shoddy truck when you can buy these reliable: 3 makes at very low prices? ' I LADIES' MEN'S and CHILDREN'S RUBBERS, j S.-j And Hundreds of other Bargains in Carpets, Ladies' Furnishings, Men's Furnishings, Hats and Ca* Furs, Buffalo Robes, Blankets, Mantle Cloths, Men's Clothing to Order, Etc :' -&] With every $30.00 Gash purchase yon are presented free of charge witli a beautiful Solid Oak: Folding Table. Rocking Ghair, Book Gase or Wat-Not. 4 . We are your obedient servants. |i||fe >. :$$& ; >i>?m 02166139