j^^i-L^ii^:..:.v::_......:..~ - M "TIT -THB $v\'- IK':-.: ' .fev^' El^EE JgfjfeESS HOISBX, aaa-xv Published Every Friday Morning Trom the cflioo on Talbot Hlroot, next [DuubUd Block. ^Spoolal attention ia paid to tlio publluif ID of matter of local importance, tuiour- indrphablo report" of Town,.tuii|!hbnr- ?awnhip and County Counoil proceed ^ocal nd county market rtportn. bio,, pefu. and judiuious ttittime.em<mt of El Pbbbs, with rflspViot to thswi und rrent mutters of local importation, it a widespread prt'hti^** in thoj ^ssex county,whluh Ih reootfuizud ' [e boet agricultural diHiriotu in lis FnicB Phkihi Ib tliu only placing thoroughly in tins of the County, and in oon- mt donbt.thoonly thorough Mum for bouillons p that ohms of mi IPONDK! TeTfaro. ible correspondents in all the surround- Ig looalitioH farniFih rolUble- roporlH of intsof interest, occurring in tlioirHOvorsl js; HUd tho publisher is at ull timoi- d to^-rcooivo intf>ronUn(j items ol Fom any disponed to forward oontri- in. px\l communications of a private and VooCdontial nature, uhould bo no umrkud Mio ouisido ol tho onvolopo. BUHH0UIikTION THICK. |S ,00 pur anuum, strictly in adva tioo, &.HJ per uunum if not no paid; ana all arrears charged at Unit rate. ADVBllTIHlSMliNTH; Transient legal and municipal adver tisements, notioou, oto,, charged at tho rate of ton cents por lino, for first insertion, and iivo .cents por lino fonouoh uubnnrjuout insertion. All nuob advertisomantH aro moanurod by a ttoale of twelyo 1 Hi oh to tho inch. Local reading und other notioos pub- KRbod among local iiowh mutter ouarftod at the rate of ton donta por running lino for eao"b inaortlou, AH notioou of ohuroh or. nooioty ontor- UiumontH of any donanption, at wbioh an admiHsiou foo la charged, are roRurdod tin udvurtiHtimontu, and full advertising rates charged in all anoh cason. Notic'oa of ga'th- eringa or mooting not' for poauulary bono- fit or aid. will bo cheerfully pubhshod free of ohargo,- -----... Spooiul contract ratoti mudo for diaplay or standing advtn. All loyal orprofeHnion. ul cards undor o'uo inoh, $5 nor annum. J011 011 COMMKBOHL 1'niNTINO.' Tho S?rks Piikhh Job Printing JDo- purtmont in umlor tho DUporviHiou of thorouRhly oompotont mocbanicH, and , upooiul 'attontion io paidtojjini bran oh of tlio trader Our faoiikieR Ii thog Po^m,"n of tho Wondorf'U Ouroii by odft.s for tho oxooation o all JcindB of Book and Fine Job Printing aro unoxoollnd. Btoam power proaaoa, A call iiolioitad. nottiNuHH itiiaur.A.TioNa, All Job Printing and Tranniont AdvortininC accotiute, ntriotly oaab. AdvortiDing acoonntn with regular patronu arb eottlod' quarterly. Sub- eriptions dtio in advance. No Babeoriptiou to tho PnKK Piikhb, or advortieomont publinhod in its oolumnit will bo dinoontinuod until all arrourn aro paid in full. -Changes for tulvcrtnjomtJiiN, to ucouro insortion in thi unrroitc isnuo,' mimt hn handed in m>i liLicr liian noon uf Ohj Tuom- day proocdinjj, und uotico of t>uch intond- fii\ ohouge iq required on the Mnmi'iy prt;. ooding. Notice of diRooutinuanoo of aiivoicino- iBontfl muot bo (41 von at loaut one wn;>k in advanooof-tho-iflHue-in which they aro detnrod to last appear. AUVBnTininin, Subuoriborn and patrons generally aro roqUQHtod to rrad tho ubovo ro^nlationn arefully, in order' that confuoion may bo avoidod, uu they v/lll in all canon bo ad ho rod to, AddrGHB all communications to >. jr. M.ovrxACi:. Publlahor tho Rijnk Fur.n Pnuen, KHfiox, Ont PALACE STEAMHHS. LOW BATED CLEVELAND, PBTTSBURQ, _ BUFFALO and " ALL POINTS EAST - MVHnV HVWNINO BBTWaHM DETROIT # C.LCVELANO-. Couucctlu^w-ltlt'carllcot tralnn nt Cleveland for all points East, South and .Soutlmat, . 6und*y Trips Juno, July, August nnd Scptcr,l:cr Or.: 1*oun TniWa *VH VJhmk ttHt-wawN 'toil, DETROIT 4 WflRKir^'"- >ETOSKaV. THB *iWiO," MAUQUU'i . ii, AND DULUTfJ, 'j. o ntiw Btel pnarteuEcr Btcrt'incra lmw jr--; t built'ibr our TJimer LaUc Koute, costing too each. Stud for illustrated paimilriY-t. :kaa, - - A. A. SCHAWT2, a. r. * v. a, DnrnoiT, UIOH. t)HHiT 4 wtmffl mt hav. ca arsapariifa That is Why tho cures by UoolVc BnrHttparillii.nrb Cuhks. That Is Why llood'y SnrsapnrNIa | positivtdy <]o<.'H euro tho nqvorost ensofj of Scrofula. SnlfcUlicum nntlullgtiier blo6d tliaoascH, even vhjja^uii other l)repnvntloii3'iuV<l l>vfisnii{^0,lH fa\\t That h Why^llKncstlmoiiinla hi ydfjtl'H SlU'SiipnHUll Hl'O nd will stand tho olosuut ^is Why tho peoplo Imvo con- in llood'a Sursaparllla, nn<l vr that whiUcvcr upponra in iU a3vrtiIn.o; 1 ntvlctly Iruo. That is Why Hood's Snraapnvilhi Js rocogr1i7.1v 1 by nil us tho Htandurd Imildiiiff-up mfididno. That Is Why it overcomes That Tlrod Feclinir, ^Ives em'r^y iu placo .of oxhauetlon, li/o lhatcud of languor. That 15 Why tho sales of.Hood's SarHapariila havo snereusod ycir after yta?, wluic othm. proparatioiu of Jess merit havo conie, held a littlo tem porary favor, and aro hoard of no more. . That (s Why Hood's Snraaparllla requires for its production the largest Laboratovy in tho woild. That i* Why \t U a truo norvo tonio,.curi9 narvousnosa by feeding1 tlie iii'rvos -Jn puro blood, and builds tip all tha or^uns nud tissues of tho body. . That i& Why Hood's Sar&apari i' ". Is tho Only True Blood Purifier yronolnontly in th* public ey today. Bo miro to yot Hood's and only Hood'n. rYour Liver Is out of or der If you havo bitter t*ttir otfon- bIvo breath, Blckhcadacho, slight fever, welghtorfull- noas In tho stomach, fc**rfcbnrn, or nausea. Hood's Pllla rouao the liver, euro biliousnefia, restore pronor digestion, expel accumulated irapurltlcB, ouroconittlpiition. 25cantn. Prepared only by ai.' Hood & Co., Lowell, Mans, U. B. A* COPYRIGHTS \K X OBTAIN A PATKN bi ... O In,the DiktO|iC.btialTi0 sriew f&rSmXXoa .con no6t'opk)iKtni.<tn'lt Iff. to CO.. whelmvf baUflfiftClysttrtyytjava' ienoo tp the Patent, bualnOM.' 'Obiuiuuihli;:^ B1tfMSTntlbmtlaV AMnri.I batik Win- loml nd aolentlda books put troo. olt- un- Bbn r brouirht widely befntetb* puhllowiUi- trpalatloa o( any aolentlDo verk hi the I7&1UV .Saiiip)fl coplqiBpntrro.,Y UW V0l(K. SHI tJllOAIIWAT, Tamos Daly, of Woodsloo, showa a roid stor horse and gont'a rider,raafcahed ponios, and a Leiooator ram. Ed Kendrick, MtiidHtouo, in ohowihK nemo flue heavy homon, uIho UorliBliiro hot"H, oomo oattlo and poultry. It, Moonoy, MatdHtouo, (tun ho inn honvy horse's, bonidea poultry, fluid roots, to, and Homo ontrios iu dairy prodnotu. County War don Barrott, of Gesto, bus a matched team iu hariiorfH, alho an entry lor tho host walking team pnzu. J H Wyatt, Ehhox, b1iow general pur pono anirnala, also a driver, bumdim ijoiuoor tor, Southdown and other Hheop. S'tobbs Rron, joamiu(!ton, havo thnir rtYoun Bonuir" on the roundH, and ho is one of tho attraotionu for brooders of faat took. S. Golden Wij;lo, Ruthven, bun a fhio Htnug of homes in the ro^dstor, j^ouoral purpono and draufiht ola^iioo, and i ^ooltinK after somo of the opeciala, ..' Geo T Harvoy, Olinda, 'shows carria^o and furru horaen, bouidBQ a number of ar- tioloa in noarly all the other ohiHhus, making ovor thirty ontrita iu all, Orlo Hill, of ltuacomh, shows huvcral Uouoral purpoao and hoavy draft horf.u, a Durham bull, an well an dairy products, flold rootn, votiotableB, oto. Jamoa Hnwie, of CoioheHter South, iu lookiufi after Homo of thu prizes with his string of liyhh horoon. Ho is ulno ahowinc somo nice i)orhai cattle. J W Richardson, Koqox, haH uuoio nico carria^o homos, on Iiih Htriini, beHidca IVjikttl.iru.hoj-H, iield rootd. and a numbir of oundidaiott for tlio hpooials. Calvin Cowan, of Blytlioswood, Kitn'soran" ontrios in the roudnter and curria^o cIuhhoh, also some Ayrshiro oattlu, Borkshiro lions, and other entries, IIo 1.1 lookioK after Hiram Walkor'a epccIulH, Mrs ThoB Morris, North nidge, is 00m* peMittf for priz^i offuro] for bflHf. lady driver. Mrs Morris in atony's at tho Groat- Southwoatoru, and iuau oxcellont cqse trionno. ^i'llK IIOJiSE STALLS. aOMliS l^iNIO AM1MALS, ANI> A OJLtEAT VAKIKTYSMOWW. NanioH ofKliu ICxiilbltora xvlio Help to Tlie Ro'dty MoMiitaliiH. . Alont! tho line of the Northorn Fsciiu'o It nil road u bound in lar^e guuio. Mooyr, dt'or, bene, t-lk, moliufam lions, oto., can !yet be found there. The tru<t sportsman is' wilWng t6 %to tuiiro for^thona, A,,h'>Ie (booH,q^llp^l ^^af.yral; ^ahie , lyM$rytp,,t published by tho Northern Pacific HsiUoad, WlU.be sent npohrcoefpt of four cenf*i)i stumps by Chab, 5^. Fou, Goo, Pass A^ni, St. Paul Miuu. Jim" M Hicloi I'hi'wu a roadster stallion. Iliaao JOlferd nbows a hoavy draught colt. Juu Graham, of Bcuth Wcodsloo, shows a nicjo" jJonuir foal of lflD5. Alvin Orton has his Texas trotter ontor- od for tho farnicru' trials of stpood. Vfut. Millon has uaiuu nion roadsters in hiu utrin^, und a ^cin'ral purpoue team. T, J, Dtwhirst, Woodsleo, shows a ihio rondstor and a yearling bull in tho Durham ohuiii, Howard Wiido, of. ICinc^viIIo, Iiiih a two- yoar-old draft homo, iiud a yearling ^choral purpono oolt. Jamos Shay, of Colchester, has a nioo mutcliod span of carria|;o horses, and a baff^y horso. Jiitnos Novillo, of Cottr.'n, ban novoral ontiif'H in tho homo list, In'sldosaomo poul try, grains, oto. A. J, Green shows a flno fdiy nircd by Stanton, an entiro colt by Texas Jack, and a nice roadster. Geo T iNowman, Cuttsm, has a nioo sarldlo horno on the ring. Ho also shows BOmo vcbite-oats. A. W. IJailuy, Amhorstburi;, shows a flno hoavy drsu^Iit stallion, "Gay Rover." IIu alc-o hIiowh houio black osts. Clias. Coulter, of Goldsmith, has two entries in the heavy draft class, onu matoh- oi .farm team, and a fino roadstor. Mark DeCew has somo fancy cntrioii in drivinu and htavy horses, luutchodponies, olo. 'Ho also shows a collection of fancy pigeons. ' Issue H. Thornton it Bro, ohow a match- oltoarn und a sadtile horse, Thoy also have a list of entries in swino,. oattle, vcj/o- tablos, oto. \Vm Nosbitt, of Ehhoxv has a (jouurul- lut of ontriet, inclndin^ hoavy draft horses, ooroals, f*rado Ayrohiro cattle, and Shrop shire sheep. NoIhoii Thornton hIiows a bug^'y horso. Thos Beattio, Comber, shows a bugtfy horso. .1 Lampman is Knowing his oarria^o stallion. Eli Bannister has an entry in tho hoavy draft olaHs. It II Brady, ot Cottsm, has a genotal purpose entry. Alex Peterson, Kin^sville, shows a road ster in ham cos. T Wiglo, Kiugsvillo, shows roft'Istor and carriage animals. RB Dingman, E-tnox, Dhows a nioobnfiBy horso m hurries*. U Pinkortou hIiowb his matched farm' team in horucss. A. VanEvery, South Woodsloc, ahowa' a heavy draft stallion, John Wortloy has his i;ray driver entered iu tho roadster olusa, J II Donnifl, Clirintiana, is showing oar* riaye and suddlo homes. Oliver,KJnblo, Norlh Bi'dR**. 1 a u muplo of genera 1 pnrpone ontri"*". .Tamt'o Pmith, Sandwich, shows u huegy horse, and a Uu mer'n speeder. J W Gibb, A mho tut bury, *how hih Per- ohorou stallion <aIliiak Chief." Alex J Wii;!e, ICum-sviMc'r sliows a tino four-yAar-old aarmi^e Hfalhon, Alex Beid, Loiimlnyton, htm n t!>r--\4Mir- ol.l stallion in thu roadster elasn. Goo J'unrco, Hurrow, Iihh a-<ir\vr < ninr* od iu'tho farnjfrh' t-piodiny ol *., ii. A riot-0 shows a Dpau uf p'ltiiow, somo roudetoroa, and also hus otlur u 11 tries. Ww Fitob, KlngBvilo. shown a saddlo horso, and is after thu host gout rider prim Ed Hagoru, Kin^svillo, ahowfl oarrU^o and roadster horses; Uo alwaya drives & stylish horse. Woo.'Wolfe,'. Espcxi uports . a pair of matohod ponios in a new baggy, also a roaduter colt. , . Thos B tot hard, Rusbom atatmn, shows ourria^e and heavy draft odlls, alno grklio Oaitle^ Wheat audbatleyi' .'", : T H DeOow is shoving his flno: oheitnut, dri Vflrs as .matched,carriage horses, alao a rnMohed team in harnovs B.M.S. am SOLD. Sir George Naf.e'p Old Vessel Dlsposod of. R HEW KNOTTY SCHOOL QUESTION l'<>tiitiil4Hl<m tn WttvA'rriiui; Itullroitl .HalJ Uub.idhtb lnv*kH-:itlni; (be AUu<ji l-rnii.liihul ttihiuc. on ground <Ji>rn-HlUiilliu' Htui-m 1V111 Itrtua bin***'- Ottawa, tlopt. 10. Tho'Staunch old ;rut't, If.M.a. Alert,, which In lft7o-C, ivilhntood'tuu dangera'oC tho Arctic Ocean, has been -disponed of by the . Dauudlaii Government aL auction, and tin* proceeds, MOtuu il8-i0, have boon tor- ivarded to thu Admiralty. Alitor the re turn of; Hir George Naren* expudltlon to the Arctics, the Alurt lay idle at J'ortfi- fiiouth, and .when thu Canadian Gov- tniniunt In 1KHI, aidced for tho loan ot a vessel Tor the purpose ot exploring Uudjjon liay, the Alert was transferred, lo the aire of thu Dominion Govern ment. For tho llrnt expedition to Hud- jon Cay In IhSl.iho Covurinuent Htoani- ;,- Neptune wan utilized, but in lhXii iiul lxsti, the Alert wont up to our Northern waturu. Tjj/o or-Lhrcc years liter that tho vessel wan utilised In ;he lUihlhouiu; service of Canada, but lie Was found to be both slow and jruvolldy, and for the Unit few years ;hn has been tied up doinr? nothing. The Imperial Government did not ivunt her any mure, neither did the Dominion, and now she has been nold l-J Mfj|tfc(j, An oillcer of the Customs Depnrtment ii InvoHthrntlnir the eharjfe. which was r.'id- in tho Houre hml session when lie tariff was under discussion, that a eljut.e of yo per cent, had been obtaln- !<1 nn corn ground lor fodder, under tin* 'al.se pretext that it lo being ground 'or human food, to which alone the re- )nto applies, Tlieie has been a good deal of fipecu- ntion as to the manner tho second or- ler In eouneil on the Manitoba school liiestion got into tho public prints and :; now pretty broadly hinted that tho ' ofty emanated from ourcca near the llismrehy. There \ti likely to be an- tthor Kchool (|uention before the Gov- fioon, an according to tolc- rraphio advices from the Northwest, I r Jinan reshlcnts there will petl- b.ji I .)th the Territorial Assembly and ederal Government for a modification 1 he present Kchool law so that the ..crman langunge may be both used vnd ts.ught hi the schoolB, Rtatlatlclan Oeorge Johnson has re- 0L-lSne 'Ueputy mrrrr-^cv 01. numm, *, menllorTed 'In' cOriruietion with thi Hltlon of- siiperlnterident of the1 cart-. ildifn- factory nt (.jimhec, wbieh "has; become-vacant throtiKh the death of Col. Provost. ' ( ' The awkward alt nation In which (he TOsdirnatlon of the.- remaining ^' Christian HrothenH has plueed the STronch committee of-the separate HehooU* Ih such that tho Minister '^ lOduoatlon Is to be appealed to I'oi' assistance, A letter whs forwarded to lion. O. W. ItoiiH, luildnK thaL K*j* parato School Inspector White be sent down to help organize a new staff ol lay teachers to replace the Brother..". Tin* faction which Is backing up thu ' Urothors Is desirous of seeing tho re formers placed In'a hole, as they say they will take nntlon at law to dls* qualify two trusteed, Phllbort and t&.' tour, so that thoy cannot vote the re form measure through the Board, next week. Mr. P7>stor Is expected to return to the city on Saturday. Cascoyne, Canada'H now eoinnmnder of tho mili tia foroen, has leased Kanuiollffc, where he will r-esldo. Several mblwlvon were fined at the Police. Court to-day nt the Imitnnee nf Detective Brown, aelliuv I'or the Col lege of PhyHlolami und !-inrK<'OHH. The contract for emnilruetlon of a UghthmiHe at On hot Mend, Ceorglan Bay, has been awarded to John Ceorge, of Port Klgln. Two foghorn ivieehlne:* and boilers have been ni.-rit up to this place. Tho Marine department Is ad vised that the new lighthouse at Dou ble "Pop Hock, Georgian Bay, Ih Jiu-.t completed. Milwaukee' capltnlintu to-day eom- munleated with the Tnterlor Depari- ment asking for Information in refer ence to a doslrrible Inentlon for iron smelting works In Cannda. Tf. J, WJclcham nt Toronto saw Mr. Haggart tn-dny on hehnlf of MoHHom, Boyd & Co., wh i eniej.ialn that ' w- Irifr to tlio construction of the Trent Canal the wuter In Utile Bob Lake Is being lowered' In the detriment of their milling opera Lions. Tho Marine Department received ed- vlees to-day Mini the Government slenmer Lansdovne towed Into Onspo harbor the schooner Pn^peblan with crew on hoard. The vessel Is fi7 tons register, nnd lies hnrl n hard time In the Gulf, having lout her masts, Hhe Ih owned by Pollas &. Co, of Jersey Channel Islands. Mr. Costlimn was busy at his de partment to-dny. He looktt remark ably well after his holiday at.-New Brunswick. Mr. Ives ulno returned to the city after two- months' rest In Europe. Before he left here Mr. Ives wna a very slek men end ban greatly benefited by his Knropean trip. TIHH V*M .1 MVKI.Y WKUMNC. LOSS OF FLESH Is -v^eakenlno;. You canpot af ford- to full below your healthy weight.' If you will take Scott'fl Emulsion o Cod-liver Oil wltl Hypophosphites of Lime Soda when- -yrni 1- -irtends,,J tell you you rive getting thin, you will quickly restore your healthy weight and my.y thereby. prevent serioufi illness. Persona havo been known to gain a pound a day by talcing an ounce a day of Scott's Emul sion, This seems extraordinary; but it is absolutely true; 4 m M Don Bcolt & Bowno, Bellavllla. 50c, a'<jSK.^^ M'.il.liiig H!nlih"<l <;Htii wh North Sydney, C.B., Sept. IS. A v^rj elvod a special.... invitation to attend i ^erloun stabbing affray is report-id to *- '----- '" - '-"-"---- nave occunH utiit night au^u' ".....' he r-onvenflon of tlio Deep Waterwf/S W'.'-oclatlon at Cleveland next week, 'renldnnt O. A. llowland, In his letter, i;iys; "It Is Intended to make out of he proceedings of this convention a ;ind nf text book upon the Whole of he subjects connected with eontlnen- al waterways' questions. You will, oh- :erve," ho adds, "that amongst other bings there-are subjects of special lm- irrtance to Canada, as for Irr.stane", he control of the levels of the great nkes' system, which Is ever a burning lueMlon, mmlo so not only by the im- >endlng completion of the Chicago ?snal, .but by tlv low water which Is iow Impeding navigation." "Mr. Johrj- ;on Im further Incited to contribute an LiUhoritatlve ler.iTJng paper fro pi Can- ida dealing with the cost, character mil utility of the existing great lakes md fit. Tjnxvronoe Improvement. The tbject of the paper Is to'demonstrate inu' much work, and at what cost, Canada has already done, compared I'Jfh the United Ptntes towardn de- rclopment of an International hlgh- vny." AI thou Mi the convention opens lfxt Tuesday, nnd the foregoing re- liiest only reached Mr, Johnson yester- Isy, ho will doubtless endeavor to for- I'fird such a paper In --,'ood time, having in excellent collection of material at innd for the purpose. Sir Mackenk* Bowel! arrived here this jvenlnfjr- after an absence--of two- nonths In the Northwest. The Pre- nier Is tho picture of health and as ictfve as a man of .10. Un will get lown to work In his ofTlce to-morrow. The Canadian electricians continued n eonvontlon to-day, when further In- erestlng papers were read. It was Icclrlcd to bold tho next convention in Toronto In Jnne next. The election of lfllccrn resulted as follows: President, I n. Smith, Toronto; 1st VIo-Prcsl- lent, C. B. Powell, Ottawa; 2nd Vlee- >reHldent, L. B. MacFarlane, Mont- Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Mor- imer, Toronto. Executive Committee: rVarron Y. Sopor, Ottawa; George 31ack, Hamilton; IS. Carl Brelthaupt, Berlin; J. J. Wright, Toronto; O. Hle;- nan. Ottawa; J. A, Kammorer, To- Wlckens, Toronto;. Carroll Montreal, and K. J. Dunstan, Toronto. Prof. Wiggins stated to-day that tl"!<'>! miles.from Meat Cove, C.B. Ar a wed ding ceremony nt tho houv nf Jlegl; ATcKachern a disturbance was created by parties under tho tnrtuonc of llquoi and during the fn.caa Hui;h Alexan der, John and Allan McKac'nern and John Donhoc were very seriously cu| with a wean supposed to be a larg-T Jnclcknlfe^Tljp^cutting is thought \'i ha;e ben Hone Cf. a rnan":VfTTii""TpJrtiJr Burton ra-urson. Th.- w -nnd' ed,- are- In a very critical condition. No arr_*ju*t tin'; - cnlity is so Isolated that it Is very difficult to execute process of law, and It is thought that the culprit could lot be. raptured and removeu, 'rem the neighborhood without the support if O n; :. M xvt Mil1 ABLK TO 10 HV WOltll." IK Thft ICeiiHOa lvcn e> tfllu Hon hy T. d'.jLlI t>r I'nr nun I'or TiiKlittC III' i>\\ it [tie, Winnipeg, Man., Sept."'20. There Is more 'pathos than reproach attached to the story of the suicide of 'I'hOn.a.s II. Pratt of 103 Susbox-nvenue, Toion- to, at Curberry on Wediu-i-dty. lie came to make un lndopeiub;;tL, livln;; by working In the hawst. ileld,", I ul hi.ding his strength nun;v:ai lo lin- ta^iv, took his life ratln>;- i nan he a -h.ur.de.fi_J;q_hls family, ',i li.- imiLive tor his act Is explained in ihe l'olhr.vlii;; letter to his son, T. -G.'.l'ratt, Ottcr- burne, Man.: My Dear Tom, My strength has fail ed me and I am not able to do my work, so have to leave It. 1 have n-j Intention of being a burden to e;lh-.w you or tho girls. You must do your best for your mother and the children now that I am taken from you. I tru:;t that Cod will help and preserve you. -1 hope that ynur healih may not fail In tlily country as mine has. I remain, your loving father. (Signed) T. H. PRATT. Hliort .lourneyH on a Jbo'ng' Iw tho tbny(ukrinic tiibj of n profo^ luHtrated book uontiumng ove&ootfDQj pagos of chartninfily written dworiMl of Htimmtr rohortnin thocouutry nor^b. i weHt of Cliioii(iO. . Tho rending moi'tai now, the illuntratlons are now, and thi formation thorojn wdl be new to aim1 ovoryono. A copy of "Short Journeyf on a Looj Iload" will bo wont free to anyono who will e nolone ten couts (to pay postage) to Geo LI. HrAi'ronn, General I'aPBcnger Ajjonfc Chloado, Milwaukon A fit. fuul Railway, Chioauo, III.. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Essex, - Ontario. I? C. LUCK, FIt01>KIKTO> HAB BKKN li* tlioroiifibly pnhitpd nud fopIflUlBUod .with in.w luinltuio by tho presentnroiirlotor. r.AlUlM XlXIlN IN CONNKC'IION, Plrot-CliiutJ Accnmodation Gnarantood. XKT A XI nr*t*Tl I'oco1 flM(i leveling W J%H JLXjJLP Hnbiiiiiun to linndla ou] Ilimly CioiihHuh (irown hmnery Stock. Wo Kui<r!)tfo mithitsutlon to roj^i'Ktmtatlvoo and cnstoninip. 'Cw nurnorU'H nro Uio lnvi/oat In -theJDuuhilon.evor 700 acroa, .Ko-aubuUtution- In ordorn- Kxcliioive territory and HbAraltmifl to wliolo or part time a con tit. Write us. HTONK* WELLINGTON, (Btiul ofllo6) Toronto, Onfc- (Tim only nurdory in Canada havlatf UBtlnfi orbbardn.) Hiim ESSEX tih:oiiv *# ta^Nr.' by tb* oT ItonlaU Iklnruiiftefl t llfltluli Axmiflntlnti 'London, Sept. 13. Sir: Douglas Gal- toh, who 'was aclncd with a fainting vbon he was reported" yesterday "'af I llt n-t.Ipswich last(nlfiht while reading laying tho storm would not vfiiU'thls fan address before the British Assocla- lectlon he meant to lmply.^_that I"t vould not touch here during" the first layfl covered by his period ofprophecy, mmely, 17th to lilst. The ntorln, he lays, will come- to Ottawa and will each here on Saturday, 21st, when It s at Its highest on tho ' Atlantic ,:onst. He' says It will bo a wlnd- itorm and may ho felt severely here. L'hc storm, he says, In at present rag- nir on the British coast and the. coast >f Labrador', and the peoplo of Otta wa Valley had better be prepared for lomelhlng big on Saturday. Several dilpowners of the Maritime Provinces iuivg telegraphed to -the. Meteorological Bureaus at Toronto arid Washington :or Information in regard to the storm. Tho temerature, Wiggins says, Is Voi-y low at present, and there will In ill probability be a fall of snow In. Northern Quebec Northwest' Territories to-night. . Posibly tho Government may appoint i commission to regulate the railway mail subsidies, as was done in 1884, ivhon two judges and tho law clerk if the. House of Commons woro n.n- polnted. Tho Grand Truna, nn wed is the-C.P.It. Is said to bo pressing; for i re-arrangement. Last' aoBslon a lively debate took place In the: House oyer a brother of Hon. Wilfrid Laurlor; who. Is a post master In a.small town In Quebec, and who was trolntf to. lost the job on ac count of the Public Works Deport ment buylner another building for/'a postonlco In the town. It now turns >ut that tho PostmasterrGenoral haa Sodded to leavo tho postotilcc where It Is, and therefore Mr. Lauricr's" bro ther will rotuln his connection as postmaster with the department. It Is reported that; A; W.. Forgot of fto^ina has boon appointed Indian Com-' nlHHloncr In the Northwest Territories. Phis Id tho posltloh vaeafod by Mr. Hayter Itecd who Is now Doputy touf, Jorlntendent-Goneral of Indian Af*. fairs. ' " : * The Speaker Of tht Senab? telegrq,ph> td the Clhrlt: pf th^aenate yesterday to! hteMy'John-J>uniie for tbe' Jpt'eberht'ln . Ihe position of housekeeper OJ. the'Bed Chamber, vacated by the. death ot his tloirj- Cor..^he. Advancement of-*Sclence, of which he lijf'proafaent, la-much bet ter. The principal feature of the morn ing's session was an address to the economic science and statistics eoctlon, by Li. Li. Price, the president of. the section. In tho course of ids addrtss Mr. Price discussed "Theory of Kent,' 'saying : . "The'theory of rent is not-a maxim ot conduct, but a rational explanation of fact. It has cortalnly seemod to me Uii-tt on a broad view, the tenant con siders tho rent to bo. property thai which is left when, on an .average of years, ho has rettjied a fair profit and paid his laborers tho wagos they com- m: nd. The landlord, as J'ar as I have been able to dlacovor. occupies. In his eyes, the position,, to use -tho; language, differently applied to the wage-earner by General Walker, In his "Political Economy," of a residual claimant. And such, also, -as I read the, thoory, In the place which ho nils thoreln. It can hardly bo doubted that one of the most remarkable changes of recent years has been tho development-of the moans and deduction, of the cost of transportation.'This change Implies a Iocs of the aflvantapos dorlvod from proximity to the market In the case of commodities \tfhlch admit of con veyance from a distance. Interpreted In the larijifuag of th.o theory of rent, English land, as respects certain pro ducts, has forfeited part of the-pro-> toctlon afforded by Its situation near to the market, With tho partial lo** of ..this advahtspft has also dle'ppoar- od part of another; for the deorea.se In the cost of transportation has.open ed tho European . markets to, the ylr.-* gin soil of America nnd other coun tries. And, with, regard,; tot prdducia which adroit of oonveyancef^rom, a. fUstfttioo, tho; fertility of English lahd,. whether it be due to the skill offflr'ahe*. raUona. of con>par(iitlyty hhth.' fftfm'- Inp or to natural du^tttlf fl Of soil; has lost pari of i^s advantage. In tW.Un- V-nn,p*er 61 thai theory,. of., fn^v W for- future ,pf ThPHe two , adva-ntap-efl in.- Has Just Received The Fmestand best Assorfmenf of Boots and Shoes In E^sex, Great Value m Men's Shoes and Oxfords. Ladies' and Children's Shoe* and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call and Eqarrtlno and bo Con vinced for yourselves. Jas. Douglas, Nlcrn ot the Golden. Hoot, W hitney Black - Fs^ev Medical Hall! Hetidfjuurtera for all school BgoUm, School Supplies, Stution- ory, Isks, Muodo^e, School Cray on, Blackboark Brushes, Puaa Booltti, otc. " "' Every teacher, proaoher ,uod Htndent houid havo one of those putent Baker'H Opon- Book Holder. Prion only 25 coutu. . C. A. SHERRlWr Plmrmnciat, Eenex. ;j Moi-t Modorn\snd proiTrctidv.*) T"v t'wnktjrii'J or iiU't>nuatl,ou -wiIir u* z-.::vmxi.Lm Fiwi.Aiivt$ Co., New Mnvf'. '"""Vi FOR TWENTY-FIVE X^ARft\.^ ^':fflbfi i