Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 13, 1895, page 8

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flV. ^^^JW^^W^^^ er '--- v.-----' ' ' " .- riTHE;:"."iiSSi;X "' ^Rfe Ir'a^d^^ ": '.'i.V"J:" ." a mm ni l d 1 e s THE DEFENDER Valkyrio Dofoutod In the First Raco If you want to see the greatest values ever j shown in Essex in DWs Goods! CALL AT THE Bankrupt Stock Store, BY NEARLY MIME MINUTES. XlVttut (hi* Ciuill-lililiiu Ir|. Hoou IViW Uvrrliniilrri Tim M'linI W I'rnin ."< to >i Ullen uti Kloiiir Willi ti Mti-iuly New York,' W.-pt. 0. -T>ff.'ii"!<T, tho n In in In 11 m ;nnl l>nm/,<- linn t, iWeat<;d Valkyrie III. s rnintitt-M 'III' i.vrniiil.'i In tli*1 Unit, rif tin- nuvii for tin- America'*! Cup Siihn-d.ty iifonlliiK U\ thin table of Mllrlal tiinu::: - :.'i-. 'urn. Kin. Rlicno. C.Tini" Iff/.(i,iiT. i'j "n 'D :\->\\ *,",i '. ]. 11 r> in 21 I M) v, Vf.l vn> I'-'ii I'. .'!:;'i .'" , .', Vit r,{) .IdS tl .V1" II A rrKlr-fil rOn'-ld'T.'l I Inn nf tile cnm- parnllvc merits of ih,. two Imnhi rthfiu-si:. KJrjjf. Mint Pi'lVnder wan nn- 'Mii'NdoiuiM'rX-lhV handled than V;iN kyi-h-; :;.-r.,,],!, .,1,,. on: pointm her In any ;md. third, :<U,- tinrmn l)'-t- t<-r lu-rnn- th,. wind, though hm WMn 'd Hi.- wind hail unified Hn that the n e;dled run home w;im really a broad rt'fich. It appi-iii-M tlifit Pffi'mPT fnoljt f^t*T t ha n Valkyrie in :;IIIT wntlicr, besides li.-iitlnr;- her ti windward. The* KrurJIsh lm:if h; undrriiiilily fan tor In a lijrlil breeze-siieh as the ran* lr^:in with, hut i-vi-n n-.i-ii Mhc cannot sal ON -fi Saturday, September I4th,l895. BARRETT & Co JflS. D. ANDERSON & Co., BANKERS, Next to Abordoen Hotol' Essox. Monoy to loin on Fnrmoru' Nott-o; N'otm bought or Collected; Mouoy to loan on MortfiafjoB at owont niton and boat toruiu. Drafto iwmed imyablo at par atoll primiiiml IpolntB. Fire Insurance Agents, etc ERSOHAL Mr. J. It. Oliver, of WooditcoV, ipont Sunday in towu. Mr. G. 12. Forytho wan m London this week ou buuioouu, Keov W. I\ McKauy-io, of Laaminfiton, was iu town on Tuesday. J. E, Stono loft Ob Monday nitfkt to at tend tba fair at Toronto. ' Mrtt. E. J. I>oveIacu vihited trindn iu Detroit and Waluorvtlle thu weok. Mr..'and Mri. Frauk Green, of Ki&cH- vill* visited friondti in town thin week. Mru. Evana, of Oxford, Mich,, upant Sun day with uorhuabaud, W. H. Evany, town. Mrs. Wm. Laiug roturnod on Saturday, alter a aborts visit with frieadu iu Wollaud Port. Mih Etta Thoruton, of Ebhax, has baan viuitiui; hev niater, Mru. A. S. Tboman., Echo. Mr. ind Mrs. A. 0 Stimora rotnruod on Mondav after a wogU'h viuit with fnendu iu ' eautern oitUa. Mr. Win. LainR spout a* fow dayo ta Toronto tlnu wook on huuinoaii. n lao attended the fair. Mr. Wesley jjurdick, of Detroit, Mich.' ap&nt Sunday in town with bio parouts and other r*lativoa. Editor E. J. Lovelacu io oxpeotod borne oft Htturday. We hope bo may bo groatly benefitted by hio trip. The Apple Prospect. Mr. Frabk Hamilton, roproBontinK Ham ilton & Pritohard, Liverpool, and Thowan RiiHHoll, Glancow, is in Wootorn Ontario. Mr. Hamilton io out propoatit)g iu rogard to the export upplo trado. Ho boIioven that we aro filufi to bayo a year of low pricofl-. Not only iitho Britidb apple, crop unuaaally lart;o, but tba oontinaal output is greatly moreanod. Tho only outlet for tbtB laryo ntock of apploa ib tho ^Enfjliflb market. Mr. Hamiltou admittad that tho fiu rud Canadian appltu wore proforrd in Groat Britain o/or tba j^rean Europonn | vuriotien, yet tho large utock of tho lattor j would bo bound to depress priooi uatil tho AGUBou wna woll advaucod and tho lar^o atookit lioro ulno both in Canada and tho HtatuH, and the proupuot of a good orop of wintor apples, ho could not boo how pricoi weoo jjoing to be hij;b. Laut year aloo tbo Wtutern bitatoii woro largo bnyarit of apiiloQ, io tho EiBtnrri States aud Canuda. This yetr iboir cwn nfookH waro coniidorable aud mppl8^rowro on tho eaotorn half <i the uoutinsut bad only tho English mar ket to look for an outlet. Ho far vory Iittla hail boon dono in an export way, and ,i in too earlv to talk of priooB, BUrk'ft Powdorn, oach paoltago of which coutaint) two proparationa, ouo iu a round wooden box. the cover of whioh forma a raoauuro for onu done, an iminodiato roliof for GOHtivoncuq, Biok H^adacbo uud Stom ach, a 1 no Neuralgia and all Idudd of uurv. ono paiito, and another in oapauloa, (team % to 4 of otio io au ordinary dooo) whioh aotn on tho bowok; livor and otomaah forming a never failing porfoot troatniout for all head and utomaeb 'oomplaiutn. Thoy do not, an iiioiit pills and no many otker modi- ciiion do, Iono thoir offoot, or produce after conutiputiou, thoy aro nioo to take. 25o h box ut all msdiolno dealers. (jo chijic to wind w:i ni. It wtiuld appear that Dnnravnn'H only hn|>t> rinw is a drifting 'match. Twenty tluMisand pi-nplc on l^iard the Kfi-atrNt 'flotilla that cvt-r aH.scm- nicd t)ff Sandy I look u'ltny.iw.'d tho raco, iind tlw-re wa a Mrt'in* of hllarl- ouh jfiy when J Jt-f'Tidi-r cniM.sed tho lino fully two rnlnutt'K alioad of Lord.Dun- ravon'H boat. The Jny nf t he mtillltudo WiiH 11 n- douldrdly Incn-a.^iMl hy the fact that Valkyrh' led tin; Vanket* ham for the Or.Ht hour. Shi- walked away from nefonilor In a way that lt.*d KntrllHh- ni c u to fonill** tho hopt- that thoir day had to mo at Jlrlirht visions of thu America'.1) Cup tloated before their ayva, while- tin* patriotic Ameri cans who wen- packed tier above tier ori-tlui-many-decked excnrnlon hteam- era were very ulum. A hunh tell over the murine amphi- theati'i.-. when tin: boatn started, and all the Juy.M of yachting jieemed kouc* when the Valkyrie easily moved to the front and showed heel.'i to .Defend er. Cheers and enthuHiamn were nilw.'iliiK' for a full hour -when tho JJrlt- inh boat wan lending. There was only a live-knot .breeze at the Htart, and, as predicted, Valkyrie wu.s going through the water fuHter than the De fender In the light air. There wan a lumpy sea on, and quite a uwell caine In from the ocean, but thu buffeting of the waves aural nut the ilrltlsher's bow did not keep her back. She outpoint ed and outfooted the Horreshoff boat to the amazement of the preat crowd of spectator**. Hut after estabUHh- fnff a lead of a ood quarter of a mil'.', the wind having freHhoned, the cup hunter failed to hold hor own, and tho Yankee hepan to jraln. When the crowd aw It there wan a general brightening up, and aa It became plain that the product of American brainn wa.i picking: up her rival a cheer went up and tug boat whittles ncree-ched. Aa both yuchtti were boatlnt,' to wind ward, it Ik impossible to say Jutit when the Defender overhauled the Britten boat, but it waa about 1.UG i).m. when the boats had covered nearly half of the 1G miles of windward work. Once the Defender sot her (fait there wau no catchlntr her and aa the wind con tinued to freshen she opened up a very lurtfu j,rap between her utern and the bow of the Valkyrie. When Defender reached the outer mark she liad an advantage of :i minutes and iJ7 sec- ondH. There was a ble demonatration as the Yankee boat made the turn. The wind having shifted the run home became a broad reach, and it was of constant ealn for the American boat. Going home the gain wai -1 minutes G3 seconds. With the time allowance of 29 sec onds the Defender's victory was by 8 minutes -19 n'econdH. The wind was 10 knots an honr at the finish. The day's race showed Valkyrie III. moved like a ghost in n wind of loss than 6 knots and that she Heemed speedier than Defender In that wind. It "also showed with a wind of from 8 to in eiuHniMi (fiucii nearer t'ne r.op ui um; #<.*^ liewevor, and ho was cnnnldm-nbly to the windward 'Cor ilm Crlllidi Unit. I*.(-tli (h<i rjieii-H were riow well away, Hlunilliur, aa they hiul erossed, on the Htarhoitfd luck, Willi i>)iee(n cln;.*- haul ed, which, In tin- wind, meant Unit they v--i'e hfiKlliig alonu tin, riong lidiimi iihure. Vitlkyrle Was leading by a hnu- ni*:.I more an well an' tlte d|:;- tliliee rou Id lie eHtlmnteil from tho n'M boat. Home flhii o rue bidiliid her, vhlle Dof.-nder Jdlll held her wlndwiiid i'< s'ltlun, whlr-h to fiftnie exrent wasiii.i ohM.-t Io Valkyrle'M lead. Am they iqied ' .'. tin- <'.x<:uralnii ileef. inatmed' up l-i M'lndwnrd, and gave way and o^en.-d ' liiirr.iw Hik- through whleh riM.-i:i I';i:-.'!ed : 11M1 the Kap belwer-n the (w- '< ' '"' l'".'it-i, naiTow enough a( Unit, be r.'-ri to \ehlf.n :;]r)wly hut surely. Men- :i'i'jM.-r tin- cojil|iar;ilivr- speeds by tin* ;,I Min-nt ivib-s fit y.hich th'-y pa!';ied lie- " i,;i'idon heat!, fl looked ;'--: l; 'In- h;iii:lfsh f-rnft wan going Hire-. .""" the Def-ndi-r's every two. I.te- "i-ier umm poiiillng iip (o wlndwanl '-" Lt'-r, however. At IL'.-10.00 Defender went nbout and \alkyi-p. .followed her, fit.andlug >^l on the ,(orl taek. Thin Ih-ookIW "i" Defender apparently aland, but .'is tin- -Valkyrie was oniishlerahlv I" I he wind the American boat's lead wa.-i only aitimrent.-.ttnil Hi.- wtim In I'-Jillty some dlst:inr'e''crri. D'-fender jnin niiK'h tin- -inieker In stays, s.-ein- hir to whirl about mm on n pivot, Tin- ' ondltlons on those tivk:J wi-iv flll'fer- "it fl-oni the i.refedlng due. ;i,m the sea u'ns-then (,n th,. Imtiiii and the ya.eld'- rode easily over It. Nrow it was on Hi" u-en I her bow, and thev luid to r"t through ii. riot.h ynehts began t" pH"h and to spinsh the sprav from their bows. The Kneilsh bout >vemed f t" ride Hi,, waves more easily and with |p:;m fur's than Defender, but It wis'Plainly Io be seen that she wits >,r>l gnlnlmr as she luid nn tip- opiioslte ' '!rJf- Wt.II .She held her i,WII Willi e'ij.'n Then Ciipt. JlaiT tried an experiment and DeN.nder was se*n to leer away a trille from the wind. She rode the wuvt-.s much easier this way, and she at unci' bi-gan to outfoot the IOngllsh boat, thoiiKh of course she lost to lee ward. Valkyrie, sailing easily, work- <-'d iitlll further up to lee ward. Thiu was a losing yame for Defender, however, and at 1.12..10 she went about and Htood towards the 1-ong Island shore on starboard tack again. Valkyrie followed instantly and It was seen that the KngHsh boat was fully a quarter of a mile ahead, though :i little to the leeward. i*n the light wind and with the sea on the beam the Valkyrie had a decided advantage, and again she began to walk away from tin? Defender. The Amerlean boat made her worst (mow ing at this point of the race and it almost seemed as If she h;id a differ ent wind from one which was doing such good nervine for the Dtlnrnven <raft. Now, however, the luck turned and fortune begun to favor the Ameri can. Tbo wind became stronger, hi- rrensing from n or G knots an hour to 0 or in. Defender began to pick nn noticeably. . She not onlv pointed up bfdter to wiudwnrd than Vnllcrle. I* f'lie had done all nlomr. but' she now. semod to fcol as well and a Uttlo bettor* The Valkyrie went about and rtood nver towards tho Dofonder -n the pnrt tnelc, The lattor kept right on her eaurHP. It was evident thev would paps ejose together; and for the first timoHlnco then It was evldont that the existing relations of the boats would be clearly swn. Defender ww on'thfr ntarhnarij taek and had the right nf way. Would Valkyrie pas<< her h'twp or would she pass nstorn ? On thoy came, and the excitement was Intense. It looked as If the Val kyrie would cross the Defender's bows, until suddenly, just as they came to gether, the Rngllidi boat suddenly put about right In the Defender's lee and stood off on the same taek with her. shr had failed In her attempt to cross nnend of the American bout, and she would not pass astern. It was a cost ly move for Cnpt. Cninfleld, and he had not only put his boat about twlc? miMieeessfulIy but ho had also run hor Into his opponent's lee. In the midst of the excitement, at 1.50 the Defender went about, and the two boats separated again. At 1.54 the Valkyrie went about again, and (^ minute later the Defender also tack ed.Once more they approached each other as before, Valkyrie on the port taek and the Defender on the Htar- iwmrd, with the right of way. This time the Defender crossed the Val kyrie's bown, amid another deafening eheor, and, going about quickly, took up a position Just ahead of and to the windward of the Englishman, at the f-ame time showing him a neatly-let tered stem. This wan too much. The Valkyrie could not stay there and be blanketed. She promptly whirled about, and went off on the starboard tack. She had had quite enough of Jockeying, too, and she did not come about again until she made her final reach for the mark. The Defender noon tired of her course to the south- Have pleasure in announcing that their stock of Fall and Winter Importations are now complete, and ready for your inspection. We are showing the largest assort ment of New and Reliable Dry G-oods and Clothing ever offered in Essex. The Dress Goods Department is fill ed to overflowing with the newest crea tions iii Silks,- Velvets, Grepons, Serges, Plaids and Fancy Costumes. The Millinery Department is now open and will be found stacked with the newest London, Paris and New York Millinery Novelties. . Early inspection invited by Dieber&Bricker, The G-reat Corner Store. ,'crt instj Ward, and comlnsr about she, too, stood knots lv. I Fall Fairs. Grant Mouth WoBtorn, Jilaiiex, Oat. 1 3. Industrial, Toronto, Hopt, 2 11. WftBtom, Ijbndon^Hopt. 12 21. Foniuuuhir, Chatham, Hopt. 24 20. L"nmi!ij<tf)i), Sept 3-j 27. V\e* Island, (Jot. 1. THbriry, Cornier, Qatri)-- 10J ' "'^ , <hhU<*t<it Houfh, Harrow, Ool. U, 1W# Siortirfy, Whfetttlcv, On', 2$ H. A Well Kmowu ex Mayor Sufifarad fori Ywelve Your. Mr. Geo. H. Wilhuma, tho exUudivo raautufaoturor of fruit haBkota ,and ox- mayor of Thorold writ**: "I aufferod vory novtiruiy from niok and hervoufl head- aahtti unci biliouanesH forovor 13 ygani and had tried all advrtinod pillfi, powdurn and other, hut obtained vory Httl* relief, until ftbouttwo yoaro ajjo I bo/vau to iiftii Stark'B Poivdora and Hiuno then hayv boon Hlto a difforont man, and now uoldom liuvo a' lieaddohn. If I huvo any Unduucy that way Btark'u Puwdora p;iva ^nuiiidiato' rllf."' 1'riao 2,56 a box, ilvo boxet for 01, h'M hy ull modioina doalorH. i-utf. H0both windward work and broad rearh- inp the KniyllHh boat could not keep lb' pace set by Defender. Both yachts were somewhat in If1: fered with by the attendant fleet. Inn the patrol yachts kept a fairly eie;.: course except at the start and unlf-Mi It wan Just 12.20 o'clock when tl. preparatory pun boomed out and l! red ball was hoisted on the commit!'" beat, the Walter A. Luckejiboeh. '!!* > wind was very litfht, porhupH five mil an hour, and wait from the east nmnl. cast The uea wnu moderately Ktiii. Ii was -Valkyrie's own weather, iu whi"' rdio Ought to do her very prettient. 1 she did not run now, there v,',.s lit".*, hope for hor. Both boutw were pUki^ trp- alonff the line, close hauled on tin nlnrboard tanlc, and ho headed for lb Lonjr Inland nhore. Valkyrie amu- t- windward and Defender h d Just wr. cl through her lee, ho that she was.;,. parntly, although not actually abee.^ Defender had spread her uiuln :all,cliM topsail, Jib and may will, wlih her jib tcpHall in stops. Valkyrie had onl> rgaln, club topsail and Jib, with no stny. Ball. Now came the prettiest pnrt of thi race, where nkllful Homr nnphlp I.- a: Its highest premium the manoouvr ingr for the weather Rape. Defendei went about followed by Valkyrie, nnd boh ran back alonp , the lino with- {booms to port. Valkyrie went aboui upnin beyond, breakinp out a baby jib topKull and her utaynail. Defender Kept on her courao a minute longer. and when ahe> too went about on the etarboard tacit again, she broke out n number two jib topsail one nize. larper than the Valkyrie. Valkyrio went about off tho line and ran back to n;oet Defender, with her boom to star board, but well In board, and the wind o-i her beam. Defender meanwhile com- Inr up from tho southward close haul- ol on t!ie starboard tack. She had the rlpht of way and panned to the windward of Valkyrio, thu Ralnlns the coveted windward position; then ntcod for the line still on the starboard tack with the wind on her beam and her Hheets ntill close -hauled. Valkyrio jllvyd over and found heraolf to the lee ward of the Defender. In thlsi wise they xipproachod the'line. The rival cbompioNH calculated thoir time well. T3oth boat ii were to the leeward of the lino whon the fiturtlnKr pun uound- *d at 32.20. Both headed for It at once And pajuied over as followa : VoUcyrie, on the port taek, well up to windward of the Valkyrie, though behind her in distance. The Defender had unquestionably gotten the beat of tho two little en- oountern, and her friends wero highly elated in consequence. Moreover, the fact that she had been In a position to do so showed that she had over come the Valkyrie's lead since the wind freshened and that the weather was not in hor favor,. The English boat could no longer "outfoot her since lh wind hod Increased, while the De fender could still edge up to wind ward." The Defender rounded at 3,36.29, Val kyrie at 3.30.E2 and a half-mile behind In distance, Hor crew Becmod very Alow In wtttltig hor biff balloon Jib top- nail, but finally It filled, a beautifully Mttlnp Bail, and on she nwept In pur- Hult of the foflt-noctnjr Defender. The wind, had shifted bo that the run back woa not dem* to leeward, but was made with sheets only about one- rjunrter eased off and the wind comlnp over the port quarten For this reason the spinnaker was not net on either boat, an It could not have been held out. Now bepan a stern chase In pood earnest, but a hopolostt pno as far ns Ivord Dunrovcn'B boat waa concerned, for the Yankee flyer not only kept her lead with ease, but iralned steadily from the mark to the lino. It wan a race no longer, but a triumphal pro cession for the Defender, escorted by the entire exeuraloh fleet. TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. TUWN OF ESSEX |Wueheab by virtue of a warraut ifmued by tho Mayor of tho Towu TO WIT. i of Ebuox in tho County of Ebbox and anthouticated by thocor- porato seal of tho aaid Town beariun dato tho sixth day of August, 1805, and to mo dirootod comroandinL' mo to levy upon tho following lots or parcois of Iandfl in arm urn for taxos duo thoroon with coats'. I hereby fiivo uotioothab unlouatho naid taxeu and coats are Aoouor paid I ahaIl,ou Wedneaday, tho fourth day of Docerabcr, 1895, at tho hour of ton o'clock in tbo fore noon at Pock'o Hull in tho Town of Ebhux, proceed to sell bv publio auction tho said lands or no much thereof aH maybo anfilciaiit to pay such arroarH of taxoa and all law ful coats incurred: -i'Utu---------^ _____..... Lotn. Taxes. Costa. Total. 322 7 8 10 and part t)................................$18 OH 82 03 -$1B 12 200 (J................................................ 55 24 3 OC 58 34 181 1 31 32 AiUudfiB.............................. 200 .10 700 , i, 307 (5 15 20 21 33 i!4 35 3C 7 40 42 43 44 45 4(3 & 48 ":uj 1U ' JJ J1/ 3 307- 41................................................ 5 40 1 95 7 85 170 Middlo partBlG,17andl8.......................... 72 11 8 SO 75 61 223 11................................................ 13 54 2 04 lfi 58 170 2 and 3............................................103 32 4 25 100 fi7 181 North half of 21.................................... 28 28 2 40 30 38 303 4................................................ 31 'id 2 47 88 Otf 2G7 3................................................ 44 83 2 82 47 05 170 04 45 47 48 50 53 55 113 114 115 133 137 130 ani 4 102 40 5 70 107 i 303 NorthhalfofC.................................... 20 73 2 44 83 17 300 3 I fi 0 7 aodlO.............................. 24 40 3 31 20 71 -185 0................................................ 27 CO 2 GO 30 88 170 34................................................ 33 55 2 64 86 09 Block D.......................................... 4 82 195 6 77 Block 54........................................... 11 93 2 00 18 0? Block 4G..........................................81 13 2 47 ' 83 60 Blooka 48 and 41).................................. 07 40 8 58 71 04 W.D.BEA.WAN, Treasurer. I^eot, Sfl.RS 1H0.05 The njrtiro-a below tell how nearly nllke In their racing lerurthn are the two yachts : Defender. Valkyrie. Poet, fcenffth pn lond water lino. fiS.4ft IUho lino.................181.70 *Vn for&!i1o of maut to forward point of measure ment ........... ....... 78.BS ISxtrettie length of .aplnna- kor boom.............. 73t.1 Mnln iinir ...............<U.0S ropmnst................ K7.42 Orp*ftfth of topmnnt...... 4K.04 pemontlleulnr holpht -----12ft.Ifl Kfimiw root of null urea . .112.'2SRnclnr length .JOO.riO 78.0-1 78.01 ftfl.KO nrt.iw JWI.MO It.M '01,4 n WHAT THINK YE AIL OF IT ? Well and Strong after Half a Cen tury of Suffering, y" The Cure is a Wonderful OtTe . w^tswwti f* 1 Wrought by Paine's Celery Compound The Great Strength and Health-Giver The.Vdlkyrlo allowed tho Dufoutlnr.-'. scondH over a IlO-mlle eOiirso. 20,10 beon Ottawa, Ont.. Sept. 8.-A muti nnmei! Spartfo was found dead In a barn l. Th naeuaory of tho groat dincovoror of Paino'a Oelory Compound will var ho sacred to the thouoanda who hav* heou woadbrfHliy delivered from diaoaie and BUfferinc;. Tho uuitad efforts of this world'n medical iooon will novo* qual th* work, the mighty hfe-naving roBults* that kava oorao to auffororfl through tho virtues of Paint's Oolory Compound. The niOBfc dlfttcuifc, niontdiatronainM, and the Boomincly hard and tnoqrablo cases, aro Buooewfully ourod by th* fitiat modi- oino. There la uo.roasou why any mau or woman should dsunnirand pivo up hopo. while thoy can procure tu* modioiue that driven away diaeaae,' Strong and inoontrovortiblo proof too. <imony from one who sufforod for oyer fifty yearfl will t!tve hope and inspiration to to many of Canada's uuffor*rn who, up. to the pronont, huvo boon uuiuooonflful With phyHioiami and tho - cpuiwou udvortiBad tnodioiuou of th day. Tho rnarvollouB epeody oaro of Mvb. A. It, PurioiiB, of Button, P. Q., la&H created u. wonuarful Hsueatiou in that opeoiul aeotion of th Eaatorn Towuahipaip'l^rofeesional mn, buBinoQH man and farmers, havo dis- oiiBUod tho imbjeot, and to-day PaiuR's Ool cry Compound haa a reputatioa and a fume iu tho district that uo other modioino vor iioflaesystl. . Mra. Paraona wriUB vory hriefly, but to tho point; aha aayii : "I am doiightod to aend my tentiMony rogardiui; your Moat valuable niadioine, Paiue'a Oolory Compound. "Homo time ho I had Grippe which left mo uo lamo and waak, that for six mouthi 1 could nofceefc up without help. I told my huebund that nothing alee but Paiuo'a Celery Oohupouud oould help taei after other luedioiuoH and dootore had failed. , "After taking uoveral bottlaa ot Paine's CaUry Compound, I feel that I oared; I can now walk auA go up aaa down siiira with eano, a at I do tdl my hoaaaworir. Under tho bleBHiu^ ofGod aud^ypur Paine'H Calory Compound, I am now wall.1' . ; m :.. .s-\^$ ..... ...... -vj.^ -i A4 m S)^a c 67

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