Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), September 13, 1895, page 7

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ii-wis bskx" Asfe jpitctsael-. * THE SEIZED VESSELS. .11 *' ,'iv-*) [VV. Newfoundland Enters a Strong Protest. ' RELEASE HAS BEEN ORDERED, *nl" Howard .Uailti ], Ki-Uiirc Orf Xabrnilor-ComDtroUor Unllncc l^vr Vr lliiiiltitbii- Tliu nillrr^ <>M<-cl lo MlXnfl Wlirat-Nw>ty SntvH Irom Om <t'n|iltiil. Ottuwu, Out., Sept. 7, Cnntrollor Wullnuu U'jivoh for 11 nV Nnrtliwnut and BrltUOi Columbia to-morrow. Tim ou- tensilhUi object or bin trip' i:i U> budget thn CuHlomu outportti along tin: nrlt- Columbia bouiidnry In ivHpcct nt" which n-fiui'MlM for further facllltlcn hiivo roeentfy reached the IVpnrt mont. Mr. Wulldcu, wJjon In Manitoba, will aoiibtloMH endoavor to Uuirn \vlint arc tho fi'^pi-iHs for. :i compromlno on tlu- tiuhool fiUL'iitlnn. ' The m-Ht olilcinl notification of si'lz- diseased"lungs CURED BY TAKING AY fclV ^ Pectoral. " T nnntraotod a aovorn cold, vvlilch aottlcd nit my Iiiiikh, and I did wlml-lw often dono n nueh.i:;iHi>:i,ni't'laot(;d It. I UiciuMmsiiltiMl ' " '......>" mat olhocja^HHt'lH had Ihmmi mdiaul and iuik- cl/what -prompt Hti-pN bo talcon fur fe'Tr jvleat'o. Tho neizuro wu:i made by Cap), "Out" Howard,, but no re port wan nroivod from that olflcer In onnnootlon with Mm matter. Sir A. V. Caron sent u telegram over to lion. Mr. Wallace, who Immediately eonsdd- tirod the case. Departmental olllecrti hold that the vi-sneln have been Kiiilly of a technical offence, and t-doKramp vere accordingly Kent to polntti alontf the north nhorc and tn An Mount I In the hope of lntorooptintf Howard and imitriictlm; him In roleutv Hie vt (dn pendlni-r the receipt of bin ivport and con.'dderalion of the cane by tin: de partment. Sir A. I'. Caron, moreover, telegraphed to .Mr. Morlne what had been done and exprcKHed rejjret that su\y liierniveidence .shii'uld have been infllcLed niiun uv.'trtm >( vCHHela. , A roiVnnro to departmental reenrdn bIiowm- that Capt. Howard wan appoint ed acting preventive olUcer of Cur- tomn under date -lib of April lnt. He win MUlliori'/i-d to stdze any vessel n found Kulliy of violating the Cu.stom.s law, but -was enjoined to he exceed ingly cautious ami to be very mm- of bis faetti. lb* i.s not paid any .salary, but Ik to receive a Khnro of proceeds of any 'lines'that may }>< imposi'd. He Is under Instructions to r-port from time to time to the Collector of Cus toms at Qui'bee. linn, ai r. Wood, Controller of In land JTcveiiue, has hud under consid eration:* lvpivKeiun HunH of the- Do minion .Ml Hits' A^oeialion In reference to a der.'iidou of'tin* lU-partnient to al low Meoured wheat tu be mixed, with Th" bdl wiiiff is a copy sent ti. -Mr. W'attH, secre- Dondnion MilhT-s' Assocla- KrldJiy'u- date : omniaunl<-atIon of yester day's date was tlnly reieived. Instruc tions liavi: bci-ji Kiv-'ii to have the Klour !;oard .sta Idisle-d at once; The dr.te of the ineeii: ;; will then rest with thechairman. With regard to the postponement of ih<j der-isinn as to the vexed urn-sitou of mixing, I have only to ;iay thai thi- Ijej^irtment has to consider tin- Int^iests ,>(. the iumiIuc- crs -find of t.hos<- w 1m invent their capital In inovin^ the v.-e-M'-rn ernp, us easinii millers. t rifllnjr prnpnr- Manltolja wheat. am credibly ' In- ejt e,' which oe- *a Ivcrtenee, did ai-Hh-d -..f wheat e|i-vafors. Apart tn, every bushel :* purchased dl- Xo, 1 harrl. of bis nply tary ot* the tlon, und^r Sir, Your Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Httrhoyt Aw^Ih at World'B gal* . Aycr'a-Mlts iJare JnaiueHtion. and shipped this season ?^.00l) worcu of beef cattle and the iiauie may b said of several other, stations. Thin, with butter, pork, and all other pro ducts, am lies a line return to the farmers, particularly i\u they now raise all they require,, for food for their families, thai. b; tii say, ve^etabl^ (the crop of whhh is just Immense), and lots* of j^ond ln-ef an'd pork, toge ther with bread, . butt-r, ckrh und poultry. Another thine; t.,r very j^reut ennsequcner< is that inarly all the Implement de^ls are jiuld." An unknown man .\ a.i f iu:h1 "lead In J. It. Honth's lumber v,:nl at Chuu- diore this rnornine;. Col. C-ascol^ne, the ne.v i-iimmundant. of the Cnnudlan nillbia. no stranger to Canada. At the *:.. "f the Red Rfver exiiedition "f :n- i'/otl Col. C,;iHcoh;ne was A.U.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Sir James Lindsay* who was In comma nd of the troops at Montreal. Capt. Srnllh. of Marine De- PUrlment in Halifav, has lieeu instruc- ed to proceed to M ir;i m'^hl to Inv^stl- Brate ;i n-omt folli5'i.ei \\ N.-rehy lives were lo.sL. It. lias been decided to transfer lanv R Fltzslirunons, Deputy AVarden at B.C. Penitentiary to the InHlltutbui at Stt ney Mountain, ' Manitoba. FlU- .Hlrr.nioiiH is a pinil oilU-ei', but ran counter to public opinion In Urltlsh Columbia. Hon. J. F. Wood leaves for. the N*cj-th\\'est in about two week's. f ;eur;;e Mar I>nn- II, M.r., Alc;oina, leaves -&ir-,W,l.antper: l,n-n to- meet TYemier la.vr.d! and Hun. T. M. Daly. He is n nxious to ludoee the __ BY-LAWJSTO. 228- ~ A HYdjAW to prnviili* for tli*i rid*iin^ and puvmnnt o( tint Hum of HI31,OK, homy tho iiinount of iiHimnnmiH nuido by tho iVIuiiicipnl Council of the TowiiHhip of Maid MaidHtonn, in l\m county of Khmx ttyuiiiHt* the IhikIm and roadw in tho Town (f Kumo.' in oonutfutlon with tho I'nrw Tn.\> Drui.i, I'toviHionally adopted tlm l',Hi day of Amount, IHftfi. Wiir.Tiiuri tlin oimiioll of thn ninidcitlitllty oj thoTownHldp of Miiidubimi proourod an I'xmidn- diidruxl liy the ropiili ui thn I'lion Tap Drain, and alno prootnrnd pbniH mid iinlhiiat.en of th.< work to lit) niadVi and an uiiHmiHiuont. of tln> roid propm-ty to lnt limwillLtud by dm vaiudf of tlinluuld dndti ididhiK tin ikuHv an may bn the proportion of WnoJlt will bo dnrlved hiCoOHiKpinniitt of tiouli to- pidtn liy iivovv I'oail <r lot or part or lot, . ... ANh Wukuiiah tlin mdd ooiiiudl >.f tho muni<dpHllty of thn 'J'owiin)ii|t of Mahbdono dlil mirvi. - Ilut louid *ir tha CaliiH'll of.the Town of Kwiox with u copy of thn rojiort, phmti. iLioioHninnetti unit intooilliNitioiet if3 afooiHidd n( Mm work tit b doiiu and 0h rojxirt in ruiijuiut thureof e. an fullov/n, To' tlin Hoiivd. Pupiity-ltcovn and .Muideipal ('oiundl '.I tho To wi ad dp of.Middi.toue, (ii,:.'rfa:M]:r;,-In ao'cnlanao with hintnictlean from vonr liohnraldn body. I liiVo ndmn tho iiotlcci ni|;ued hy ll-'io-y lbi\v*dl, aorl hiivo oxniiiiiii'd tha.No. H', Tup drain, lcuov.ii im tbo I'nun dlidn boia tha toiui bin; bntwi-ea flni.llobi iiial tha ai ntrn of tlin fith copcnmdnii Midihdijiin to tint Midden )eiid, iiltrl lieu to rupoit horoon lui fnlleWli: I thai thiiL the mild'biiin wiih coiiMnadud idiovii [dxioon yuaot aito, and tlat thertt linn lie.m imthhi;[ i'ohh to it i.hini "Xt:ept n, fow li.i!'. tiiUuli out o( it ovni-y fiiw yimru. I uLn find Hint the mdd drain hi eriiutly filled ii|) mid iiiiudi Innund u\ unpi-ovonuuit. I find that tlinvu nr oidv id-ont :!lilt iLCiiia in tha wild Towdnhip of Middidotui thut can itii tho uaid drain, mid hoiuh of tli'it to n vary Hlii;ht oxlnnt. Tlmi^ ar I'M nv.vnw in tho TovoiHlilp'of (iniilknld Ninth and -Jilt ucrci. In tho Town of Km,e.\ tliut will nun the mild drain throughout itn outlro hnuitli. I (hid that It. ulll doiil., all ax pi-nuc ii imdiidail, ^7^7.1)0 tn put Milfl drain In cnod iitata nf rnpidr. Of thin iinunint 1 liavn I taxed thn huidii of tlin Tov.ioddp of Mindi.toiHi for luuicllt with .9"!M<), and Willi outlet linm-flt with :-i:i7.Hi. . Thn piinlu in (loslleld Ninth for oidlot with ^;wi.Ij!), and thn liindn in tlm Town of 11 ftri(ix with ^HM.Ufi forouthit. A(a:oinpanyi)i(.; you will IIml plnris,, prollln:!, iij'<:'atWjatiiei, muiitK, n.t limit en [Did all other papdii* nnumuaivy tor nnliluniKi In tha nloiudn/; out of I ho i^tdd <lridn. Thja ilrn in idiull I'd Unpt< Ih rianiir l'y a- <-a.\ on thu liinda and road a now iism'UmhI, iumI in tho Jtiuiio proportion, I'M-cpt tlin oiif'tnei.-r inxhiuna of the clean in t{ out In of oitiidou tliat thn 'prti- pi.rtion ou(;bt. to ha uhnniji'd, 1 Imvtt tho houiir to Im, [lentloimni, your obiiiUout m-\vaut, tSi|;ru'di JAMMH K. LAI '!!), I'. b, h'. Ki,oj:1(>(!L l.lHIM. Amfi WimitUAii tlin.fluid council in'of opinion thut tlin vapair of thn mild drain lit de'iirahlu, lta it thuraforo oiiactod by tlin municipal i-immdl ol the Town of ll^nx, puv.uaiit lo tin. pro viiuoiiit of tho MunUdiml Aot, bit, That, tho mild report, plain ami ontiinutcn, in fiOfur. mi tho aaiiia ndtito to tie? Town of VliuMiX, ha adoptnd, mid tint mdd drain and thn wortaicotinnnttid therewith ho nnnlo and con* tructnd in accord unco tlittruwith. !lrd, That for tho jiiirpn^ii of piiyhuj tlie Mini of SP'l.a'i.boiiii: thn union tit chanJial ueaijist tho mild lamh; o hialatUtod nil afnroiiald, other tluili road'l liolniifpni: to tho nilliili:ipidit y, tlin tnllnw- inj-I dju'uiul raten ovur and ubovo nil otnor niton ahall bo asiK'siiOil and levied in the fannii maiinir and at the itiimn litno 101 tnxmi ititi hfViod ajion the uiidurainutioiind lolii and parta of lohi and thn amount of tlin mild iipr.ciul raUit an uioiotutlil hliail )>\< nii;>ti'iHMl uinl lovlod iif;aiin>t oucli lo: or part ol lot, in tlio juar ihtt.*). *y- "S*^* Liht of ban and ptirin ol loi.- m tho MVnvn nf Knsinx HHs-osncd for the cleauini; or.t ol the l'tico or No. V) Tap drain in tlio Township ot MuididonR. (Jon. N T rian or r n 17ii 2(17 AM 285 MOO 2ila iM'j Mi'.i alKi Ministers tn day. Htfip at Iort Arthur for a I* in; a 13 i3> 3'ii: t::: A ('uiitnn s I PS' Hie bill. M wth of y ar. 1 in on-- i :mi ii .-iin'.'l A:" bur illmb-fl mrii'd i well as th who reall" Hon of tho ;;.j nnd who, last formed, i^a-ept curred th nni;rl not r.-rf-i\"- a from the port fl'OIll 11"- e;i: was f-itlr"-:' e\| re^t "rem T-Tt A r* bur <d<'vatnr as "ch aiP-d wheat," it I-* Iniporiant to detenTiha- what woiibl la- the effect of too restii'dJv" lr-r;fslat Ion on our great tr .psp'rt Mmi rn-ites. Our ' groat com pet It" r is Dulntli, and so-j ionrr an our prahh- who ts are mainly ; Wold side liy sid.- with the products of ]\rinnesota and D-krta In Fnropean markets, our methods taunt i . assimi lated to tle-H'-' ,n'" 'he coairollliiK ex port mnrkets, 1 f we initial'." restric tive Ir^l'lntlnn whl'di do*s ii't prevail there, wl'l not our i,roduet^ s--rk a forolpn route tn the s-a. ra iher than onhmP ' o th*. i xacl Ions demanded wlion sh'pp"d fr m our own ports ? The Atlanta- and Mori hw.'stem Rail way Co. gives notice of its Intention to apply to the Oovrnor-ln-Couneil for approval of im arreerm-nt by which that eompany b-ases to th*- Canadian Paclfln rtailway Co. for a pi-rli-l of MO years from 1st Ajodl. is!<t, th.* portion nf Its railway between Kf.'ansvdb- a .id a junction with the Canadian. Pacific Railway nenr Renfrew with option to the lessee to pur'-hnso the portion of railway pn leased at a. spi-fdfled pricio. The Canada Gazette contalr.s r,n- nonncemont of appointment of 1-Ton. ,T. C. Patterson to be Llutenant-Governor at Manitoba and of Kir John C Schultz to be administrator of the Govern ment of Manitoba pending Lieutenant- Governor Patterson's arrival1. The Gazette also contains the new rctfulntlortH defining" the /'rades of wheat and other grain under the tlen- eral Inspection Act. Tho Canadian Railway A-chlont In surance Co. has n-eolved -i license to carry on the business '_f accident !n- SUTiinca_ X^nurwrier of fit. OarU'irln"js people Lt'eiKieklng Incorporation as the Power Ropo and Belting Co., witlr a capital ] Of $20,000. The path of school reformers on the j Ottawa Separate School hoard Is a i uifllcult one. The Froneh committee | held a meeting to-night, at which Trustee La vole aHki.*d fonnal permls- I Ulon to replace three Christian Broth ers, who were teaeheiH In Garneau ' school, by two Sisters and one lay teacher. Acting under informal con- i Bent, Trustee Lavolo had secured the ! services "of two Sisters.- To-night, how- - ever, when a motion was made approv- i bag his action, two trustet-s Kd't the meotlnf? o,iu1 broke the quorum, Oscar MncDonell, editor of Lc Temps, baa m- j eolved a communication' from a legal . firm aCtlriff for Brother Plamlen of ' Montreal, head of the Christian Hroth- ' erH, notifying him that unless he with- ' drew his aspersions against the Cra- .Lernlty an action for ?2n,0OO dumages , wculd be entered apalnst him. Oscar i will not withdraw. j Senator Pcrley of Wolsoley, N.W.T^ ! writes to a friend In Ottawa that maio- ! I lnK all allowance for possible damage ; to wheat frorn every c.'iuho, the good : Wheat of tliitj season will equal nn'av- : Drage harvest. He goes on to flay : ' MTho crop Ih Immense. You nover saw j tho like of It. I will raise more grain i on. my, farm nere this year than 1 did ' In 22 years I farmed In New Brims- ; wick and more than I had in all the ; provlouB years I have farmed in the ' west. My lwys have a splendid s Hist- I toward, n play- Labra- - basing lung t<i ,sii'/e 'In-Ill1-. I!..- '-liter- 1 -h: v: l-.1.. Sidxod VeSStd.-l wliih* tliey lie- C.-iii) ot.-.l and -p".'. s a boa rd and : ol l. He a 1 i ai. bi-yoiul in- h t In; r,-,i,^-l.s were Ilevctitii' \'n' i St. John's, Klld., 7. In an armed cruiser, with ^.l, ne-n. a Cana dian revemif eolb.-.-;i.r naiai: : Supposed lO In- i.,S, ;],'. lj S b ing- stalling pianks ainir/ th dor coast, c.ipLurt: uteamers and ilir whole fishing s-tt!. ed nrad"-'r.. Mar! o;- two Newfoundland we redo adlng li:h. Telegram, put priv.-.- took them tn Qu> refused any inf'To fcu-miiig ila-lr o-,'. n : ..fiCi^cd for-.Jiav'n;j m- coa ling elear- anees .tblngn imtcn -wn mi thhs oast. He seized a ve:sel , p-m A'i v;i Scotia and her captain r>->bhd on th ground that she was a Canadian ,-uip, but Ifoward'a erew v.-;is f.n powe'.'.ul. I fe tried to seize an l-higlish rleaioer, the Paracoa, while taking a cargo of fish for market, but she rs a ,e 1 bo fore he reached the harbor, lb now tbr^atens to capture the mail .steamer Virginia Lake when she ma ice.-; lr r m-.xt voy- ag"e, but he will Mud nut h)r- rnistalce, as her owners intend to prepare to give him a warm re-cation. One fishing crew of' m - was compelled to a hn "don t'1** Industry, owinff to thH rinrli',', ir. h s -ausi-d general cnn^b-ri-^-i't >n . on '!.-- cna;:t. noboily knowliu; what 11* tuny next do. He has thi'eair-ne-] si ve,*:vi men with his revolver and ! pj ft-az-'id that he may shoot : nnv-1 n K-. No other Canadian ofb-'ab: rvpj- act ed In (he Ma mi -p'f'1. 'in iih"a.\s en deavored to work -m-nihly with th.; fi-'dieimen. ITownrd save lie has sp'-cln1 Instruc- l;ons from tho O"n'di:oi Government. No one h-re can 'm chi' hf>w stub a person could be main' d in th ser vice of anv self-r sn "d imr r'overn- ment. Tlie prob'em .II he a diilieult e*iie to deal with iieV-T C.ieadn s-'rids n. sponln.l steamer down lo tak charge of him. Howard do.daies thirds of nil srlvores. : rd to H'd/.e i-vei'y vh-"< 1 In seen prosper! iV" rra in. 'r' Government hr1*-"- reeeivd h-tters prnylnfr tln"-n! t'> relieve th* m of the rb\;; such a person l'nnn'ni.- rh' t. No doubt In entertained here tha' If Howard is not mad be far o\-e<-,M]ed bin orders, and that the seized VeS<el.4 will h* restored to their ov.-nm-p. but they will still le honey inprr, o-ndnir to the dis turbance of their Pm-hi'S". N T U hie. Tjotii nr jiartM of Lutn. No. o! aerei*, ^ aiock 7a lint 1 to KiS, U)H iatH, U)c each 1H.^ N pt. 1011 'J-a S or, Hi'.) y..j lot 1M1 roiill, .'JOlotn, lllcuiich ;\loth A, II AC, K lotn, Me ouch i lots L to .'10, :i0 lots, 10a each 1 lot 1 1-ii lots.;{ to la tt bloclai HO, Ml, ti2 *J IntH 1 to'.), '.) lotu, 10c each 1 lots 1 to 17, 17 lots, 10o eirnh L !bl0 lotn 1 to 0*1, Ma lotn, ll)c ench 1 loth 1 to 1, -1 lots, lOn eucii |l-7 hjta i> to 11, :i7 lotn, It 1; uuuh -0.1-1 lotn 1 to 7, 7 lotn, lOoeuoh 4 lotH 1 to 21, 21 lots, ;i()o H 13-20 loth 2a tu .i7, Kt lotn, liOu each 111 iotn :1H to -17, 10 lotn, MOcouch a block (15 11 " lili l'l "07 2 -i-a " m 1,1 ___L' _G9 1 " 70 ............. tft " 71 j ij " 711 II i " 7H . 7A -' .j'l. " 81 * . 34 " X~> a pt- H Ha w pt I pt lot -JH.i l\k at reetn in KaHex p', V I'otiil 'al. of Imp't. . . UJ HO iin :j 00 15 :i 00 15 .1 U0| 1(0 l 70 a 50 1(1 a iv, 701 'JO HO 00 HO JO 50 80 Names ot Ownepi. I'red. Kobiiihon. .1 iU llicliK. ^ti'rt tlarm Davis. D. C. Aitmley. John Milne. 1 00 ;m VI 70 t; -jo .-i nr* , 1 JO 10 ;i5 :io HO J 7 (10 SIM 85 T. Irwin. \V J Johniiton. C K Naylor. J Irwin Etituto. H IJ Labar. Tboni'ui Irwin. Jolia Milne. J Irwin KHlate, Cameron l^Hlnte. T I-rwin. T Irwin. J j\IcKwau. W U Jhaunan. Inane Thornton. C S K K Company, Town of Essex. :inl. For the luirpnso of pitying*tht!*sum of ^l~,.'M\, liuinj! totaltiniountanwspud 11 gidnht ntr*.-otH in town of Khsux, a tuitli<nent upeciul rntu hIiilII, uvur and uliovu all otlmr niton, bo liivlod in tin) Mini*: iiiaina-r and at thu saino tinio as taxes aro lovi'id, unoa tbo whole ratoahlo prOncrty in tho tOWU~/f Hshtix in the yuiir 1KI5. 4th..Tintt tliifl by lav t.lmil hn puljlinhi'd oucn in nvjcy, for four couheiaitlvo u' tin: K.khkx Ioiuk PHKt)H,*niiil i.luill efiniu Into tnrun 011 and uft;r tho tliml piiiiiuu" tluiVuot, anil viDlx.II bo kiiiiwu ami amy hi) cittd iih *' I'liu Pinju or No. 1(1 Tap Drain Itopuirfi Jivduw." JOHN WAbTKKS, ,ClerV. 1.........- "j* I lu-rid)i ceuify dial tl.o foropolng iw a tn.i- ct py of a hy-btw provisionally nilopted by the municipal council ol' thc'cornoviitloii ol thj 'I owi: of Khsox on tlm Uth dav of. AumiHt, 'iHW>. .TOIIN WALTKKK. Town C'lurliw. N'oiiuii in laa-oliv ^ivni that a Court of Revision, will bo lielil ut tha Town Hall, Etisux, on Monday, ih iltli day <d Sxi'tianbov, at tin; hour (it h o'clock U>V tho nurpono of liaai'iiifi and trial ot' iL|.pi-aln anida aiiiiinat the P.redoing ni.t-fcMsiiH'iit, or nay pari, tlicrtof, in tlm iniLiKu-r pro vided by tbo A4h0.iiiint:iii, Act. 11 notnai of hiich uppual la be su-rvud on tlm L'lurlt of tinu Muniutpni- Uy nt least tan dayshciloro tlin niciitiiij; of said Caurt. And further notion ih huiuhy filvon that unv < in* intonilint; to apply to luivn bindi by-law, nr iHiypait thereof, qinmhed, mum, wltiiin ton daji. aftm- tho fitutl pansiii|{ thoroof. miivo a notice in wrninn. upon thu Major or otla-r Iio.kI uthojr, 11ml upon tlio Llhirlt of the Municipality of las iutftiitieti to inaki) appliention for that purpofii!, to ouo of llnr >Iiijosty'ti Kuptirior Coiirtn oT bii-.v ut Toronto,during tlu* nix wol>1ih next oumiiua thu final passing ot this uv-hiw. JOHN WAi.TKltH, Town lClorli. Datel ai ICssitx thib li'h day of Aufjunt, 1H0-". he KetS twO- be u ill try whl b he 'bo Colonial a batch of take stops to "T of having in 4 11011 1 osi 4'niiiollai Diirrrr Olh< Buffalo, Si pt. n Canadian. Hotel. Nos. bl stieet. For :?5 yer-r- in this co-iatty ^'d lici-nse in Ids " .1 was arrested and vlrlathpr (he i'i v/hl^h prn\'i'1.. t b.a : Hie Cnll'-d Star* s Federal o!!b-ials a to edv.- pii liotid'.: ar.'i-c to ti:,. i,)v> o a\'(irsioii to - . , a iitauiTclt Cara"!.-. n,B.y:^iAN*'E. Oik; Of I lid im 1 <;ivo C i r \-> "-i""!il (I. Thoieas TT, Parcey. lo"-|.-s t lie l'hi'*ulre J i'li'l b!(! KKcliiuiKf- e ha? it tn ild in MMI' : -' 1 'H in quor r-Llt a la" lie for !,i,V"iiiiii laws. o e|i I"',--iih of P Ih] our. The <:".' I-.>( '.' "i:i have !- ;'lle-b )i:s an 11 and Is u r.'Nutuntud Mortoiisou, n well hnouti ciuzuii of Inhromin^, Miuh., and editor Siipuior l-'osa-u, wlio, for a lunii' tiuiL'.sui- t. r< ii from thu most excruciating pains .of niuuii.atihriJ, wrh cured, tiul't y* nr.-i tigo, by taking Aycr'n Sursapuvilhi, laivitie ! i.-ver felt a iwin^u of Sit f-incc PERSONS TO TRAVEL WAN'TKD. ul ftnthtul iientUmcn end ludicrt to tiavel for oa'.'.tbla-lii'd li'.use. Salary $780,00 anrJ Expenses. I'oMitiNi. porniuiinnt it smlnJ: also jn- oreiiHe. State retereiice and enclose ^elf- uddt'cM.-ed s'tuuijietl envelope. THE NATIONAL, ;Jl.ai7-3lN Omaha Bld^., Cliitaigo, Til. SOUTH8IWOODSLEE IT MUST BE TRUE 1'nr ov. ry pt-iHoa oayH that GHT G, SMITH M'lkes tlie best Harnemi in tho County ol Etmex. It will puj you to come to SouthJWcodslec to buy yonr HuruenK. V Stock Second to None in the County, Flue fcP ch of Horne IMankets juht rpened out. FoatWboao Skirt Sonet FOR CIVINC STYLE and SHAPE TO LADIES' DRESSES, j-,,01- iiulnby londiiiii Ory (hicdn Doalcra, A lij^lit, pllablo. ohuitio bono made from (piillH. It fa ttofb and yitddlnt: dnformlue* ruudily to loltlfl, yut divinp; propor nliapo to uUirt or dretiii. 'Lho onlyHkht Bonn that may bo wot without injurv, Tho Colobrated F^utherbone Coreots aro oortlnd with this matok'lal. .. 1 J. GOTJRLAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT 'it4>>.4d . - THE TRIUMPH COftW SHELLER , . . Thin Machine cotiHistn of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought irou hum, with stool tooth bolted" to the cylinder n,< as tube reversible whon tlio tcotli become wi rn on the Front nitlo. rnnninoin a perforated concftvo it'Ob nhfill, which tlie sliolled cnni juisdcs through into a sheet iron en so, with" a fan or cleaner attached* belovy, wliich tahfM a'l tho dual from tho gnun. l'ho chcajiest, bc>i", most hiuijiIc ami durable Power Corn Sheller in uso; sliolla corn perfectly clean in any conditicn -Hhollinpr and cleaning from ono to tWo thousand bnaliols of earn per day. according 10 pnwur. Dimenkions. Pulley,,lo in. diam* ctev. ' in. face; Moiioji, oO" to-HOo revoJutioiiH \mi' minute; Wcwht, 550 Iba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY & SONS. ABITS IN YOUTH LATER EXCESSES IM MANHOOD T MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN jj l?TUt PL'Chi T icnonuicn and folly in youtlitOTornxnrtlon nf mlndnndluuly t&ddoJf H I ML nCOuL I ed hy hiKtimdoxpomrfo nr conmimtly wrookiiiK tho livoft eind^utm-oFI --.. .,..:... Homo fntlo andIwUhor nt nn oarly Ujfo, th nro forced to drug out a wwiry, frtiitlofli njttd 1 men. 'ut the bloHHoin oFmnnhnnd, wldin otlii>rn nro forced to tltaflf out a wmiry, tmltlOfla iiQdjm midiuieholy i<:ahtnin:c., Other;! ronoh matrimony but ibid iu>Eioli.cour.ii>m(ort thoro. XnolJ |at the bloHHoin oFmnnhnnd, wldin midiuieholy i':;ihtoin:i>., Other.'! renon mainmuuy uiauiiu jh i(iiiw>i .-. .ij** v..u^, *.. ^vi^tium nre io-;:ul in nil Mathmsi of Hfn:u, Tlit^fnrm thn n"!'"'*, t-Ufi^u^rrMhcp, flin Tinlpit- Dtho tradnn mid lho j)roft!.iiioiih. g. RESTOR-BD TO MAMHOOD BY DR&. K. & K* W3I. A. W/vIjliEK, V:.. A. WAMCKIl. \ 8 Mna.cHAa.FKiatY, cnAB.FEimv. Ani:nTni:ATri[ENT Divorced bub united imuin W0 NAMES On TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT Y.'lllTTEN C0NSENT.-ff' SYPHIUS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CUP. ED Wth. A. Wnllcorofjiltli Stroot nnyn: "I-bavo nnffowd1 untold n"iiit'n for my "(tny lifo." I wn/iindiooirootwlion, youiurnud tKiifirnnt. An "Ouo of tho BoyH11 XoontruobitL-^ SypUilin and otlmr I'rivnto dlncn(in. 1 hdd ulcora in tlicU ii![rtitbrind4liroat, bono pnino, hair Iooro, pimploa on fnnn.linuor nuilu ciimoofr, omhiHionii, bocum thin und di'-iponduut. Hnvon dnctora troatod mo with Morcury, I'nta-ii, utcrThoy-liplpud 1110 hut could not euro mo. ____, J.t'inidl,.'iifrinndimhic'."JiiHstf>try Dr^.Konnwly&KorKan.ja or. 'JV.M'.m.Mit cured mo in 11 fow ucolci. Thuir trnutniont it wondorfnl.H1 %Z ^iuiiJ|,' nvtry day. I lmvo nover honul of theirTuilinif tocura in Hfllnnl :CUf.E3 GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED U CVpf. Cl.r.'. Turry n.^.v*: "I owo my lifo to T)n. K. \- IC. C^At 1-11 h'.. .-].! -tin bud hubi:'. At^l Mmd nil tho Hyniptoiuu n i Si.'ini.n! \\'v.i\- no.-is and bimnnuinr been, J.iniii'uona [worn drahi n and wciikoidnii 1 11 ndvic :iy vitality i v dontor, but irmniiid nt it wnu n K'lii imdi'i" ndvicn <>r my fnnu.. -.___., ___.. end t'Xperb m:n In uirhlri 11 nwrntliH w.- worn divorced, I iilinii cuiiKuliod Jirrt. K. tt K., who r'-ntovi'd mo to nmnhond bytlnir i\' Method Trrntmrnt. . ifolfcniiuw lifo thrill through liny rii'rvflrt. Vv'o_\viiro unitnd nunin and aro Impny. Thin wan "Si IMPOTENCY l8 VARICOCELE IS EMISSIONS !& CURED .ig nix >i . iltfO. Willi] IIIII l-> I UK"' '* " --,------_-------------___-----------------------,------ Drs. K, (tlv. ftroniiionttrHjiJp;*ci:uiMt:ui!id I heartily recommond. thorn. HSrlVs treat and cur* Varicocele, Enmsious, ^^ViSfDebii%^;s^% IVntklL:^ Gi et. Stricture Srfifcfr, Onnatttnii Q:sc/:argaSl Stlf AbusM Kidney unit ISladde* Diseases;_____________ ' ' ' i!f' 17 YEARti JM DT'TT;OIT, 2O0.0O0 0V r%D. NO'RISK jjj Aro you contomphitlnir mnr-" Om you" A>R!Ar'^r,w,"j,!,? Have you lost luippr nm ju inuitJininiitinir innr-OTj ynur Hlood bcon dini]nni>d? lltivoyou any woiiIcnoaH? Om|| i for otli'j-it it will do for ^'011 * Oil r-S.-'?:i;LV;.v h ;:Sfc'E. Noianttor wlutjuw tn;ittij*_i :'iuivI.*(" Uvicu^ot*Mon. -"pg-|j"SED' y/ITHpUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- O ,u^N?,AN^ritrino^ont C O. D- Nonamos on box*;.. 01- onvel- WVATE. l cott of Trot- SSfnt.FREE. ' ---- .!'afc-E""Nir^ tn ntod you, writ a form* 'i.mobt opinion fr: ^umH.n^nSwIi BOOKS Fn^T-lio tioldcm Mo^.tar" aUustratod), [on. J nclouo poHtiifro.'a conta. boulod. s HA 11 No. 148 SHELBY STg DETROIT; .MICH^ Noi 'Jflini lii^it. Soott'u Emulsion lIuuh notldubm*..^ atotuaoh aaothor'oouKh unwind:.r., ... ou uuv cuuiruvy ic iidL"'tJu'"; "s^-.i..i. to 1. u crop thjp" coannn. Just Ima^lno, at thU | Httenfiibonu tho ttouiuun. Btv-tlonCWolBoJoy). and from thin rau- | mmm|,ut'o and prouui.nci. nflinTv alone, thoro have been nold ' ' ' l the trado in nil hindafoE 'Builflin'p Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn .Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Dool\< Sash,. Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. Woiiit Bolo ARontn ingthu Conntyit'or TUB J^3E3^L2MCOT0'F* OfCluoifro, whtoh took IliihoBt Awardfljat " ' tho Wo'rld'a Ftiir. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. " A-wri'tton fiuurantoo with ovory;0utflt. Laing Bros, ,w ...*.&:']-. ^:; v^J^iv^iit^ y" * k* jijfe ^'. i, Vk: ^^^J^fci^i^iU^: A ^.^^yat i. * > v. V'*W: ^^^^MmMR 38

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