' . . f ^^^ppp?T^W^^ t XHli J^fcvtSJ^^i" FREK PRES New EMBARGO MUST STAY AT THE CanTTcIIan " CaUlo IVIuhL Bo Slaurrhtorotl 'on Landing. Bankrupt Stock Store, As a result of a Comparison nf v Our Prices, with ifcS^Pres fox Gap Dry Goods, -to-wear Clothing, Ha-ts & s, Furnishings, Boots & Shoes The Four Corner Stonps of this Business are Reliable Goods, Money's Worth, One Price to all, Cash Basis. Buffer and Es;gs Taken as Gash, BARRETT & Go NO STOCK CATTLE ALLOWED TO LAND Hie Steetmt nms ol .ll!i'i*ril I'ltiiro (iiti l)v<*iiMt' h>r M.ihUninlmr ll(c Kui Inn I>l\ IsllMI, ||| | III* llollsr \ I'ltCl'.I.l j \i> ( ii 111 jji' ii -jiii id ii Uir i| ui'- UlTCil UUslOllill'll't. London, Aii(f. 17. In tin: IIi>ump of Cuiiunuii,, |it.(|(i\ .Mr. W'.iti.r Hume Tjum/t, J'n-siiJi ill oi l1i l:,n-f| oi' A/'.rl- cjuUiji'c, iii ii'i>lyinj,r In m qn, ; tiuii a:;lc- eil hy Mr. U. .1. Pi !' , . .nd In- wail invai'f thai innnv pitr.miM d< tdivd that tiii> ( !nv<j iiiia-ni iiiluw Mif ihi]nirtatloii of (',( nudum I'iilll--, hut tin- int^rfntn of fa niici!i ! i it-rally linpf r.i t i\'<*ly dc- niiuirh"! IhaL i'\ it.v ! iiapl I"- talon Ufa ill' ! 1 I' ill! I itilllft Inn nl (Ih,) ,'iM". I lo wmiM III' n I - r - - ini'i-M th.ii <'an.i'li.in catih In- :-hui :hi * i i-ii :ii t in* inn I at Which tln-.\ u<iv httnhjtl. Mr. Koti'- (nldcfl thiii mm ii-i-.-nily as July IS two animal;. Ilia! h.nl ln-i-n hnnlnl 1 rum (,'auaiia \w n* imnul in hi- ini'i-ctod with jih-iii n-iiin uinunia. I li*j i]y iim to 11 iifi'ihin.1! n ski*d on the j Kllfjjffl iii tin- Huum- nf < 'ouililoii:*, Mr. ! (ienr;;r Oir/.on, I'mb-i Kt-nv lary fur i ]<'urfi;-,n Allair:;, .said n wuuld not h 1 ad vi.salilc lo i aiM- the <nn- .si inn ut! irioncv cuiiipi iiHiitinn for the mui'ili'i' of the mis.'-iinrlaficH in China until punlsli- nn-nt had hem inetnl out to tin* nuilty jiurMJiui, which was ivj^ardfd n,s of pri mary hnjjrirLancf. Tin* 1 Inline then (ielinte.l til'- luhlroHfl hi reply to tliu ijufi'ii'.'; amendment proponed hy Mr. William Itedmnnd, WlUeli U'.'lN rcji-< l.'d hy a vote of lir>7 to ii':;. .Mr. I ti-ilnmud V. a mend me] it called upon thi* * ioveninient to deelare tin Ix* policy in regard to Home Pule for Ire land and ai.so in regard to the reform of tin- (jfind haw, tin- cnnipul^ory pur- t:li:iM' of land, the K\ icted Ti-nantn' ami tin* iii'^ijht i l.il conditions of Ire land. .Mr. uTthm's auiendment di> inaiuii-d immediate U'^lnhiiiun in rela tion to Judicial renth. .Inhn .1. <'iane.\, Paimlhte, mn'vil an amendment tn Lin- address, pio\iliiu; anuif sly for pnht leal prh-imei : -. Sir Matthew While It id ley. Secre tary of .State i'or Home Aii'airs, said the Government would make a - thru*.. oii|;h i Nomination of the case; ol tin; prisoners whose n-lca^e was asked for, hut In* did not dntiht that I ha (let JMons ol his predecessor in nllh'a, Bbrht iron. II. II. As.|Ultll, were en tirely rhrlit. John 'Uedmond and Timothy llnr- rl melon. In a ph-ns.-i] manner, com - pared ! nine Secretary Pldley's kindly toti" a nd Mr. A> quith's "non-pus - sums." declaring that It c^ubl not b.-> sail] new. ;m formerly, (hat'tlie prison dnoi's shut with a clnnfrr fler.-ild \V. Itnlf.nir. Chief S.-eretaiy fnv I relnnd, ' depreeatfi tlie ;is<aim,p - tlon that he would not enntlniie t!io prdicv adopted hy Ins jiredecf-sor, Tha fa in e |n liiei [d- f* a:, n l':i i ii - tfra v-- of- fetiee^ nf-a iuM Hi-1 la w thai had j.;ov- ei'ii'd Mr. Moi'ley, Iip saiil, would koV- cru 111 in. Tlio Dvllnoiilor. \\\ tlio Ku|ftmnl)or numhur of tliu Dolinti- iitnr, which Id uitllml the Autumn aancainco- minii. Ntnuhor, tliu iliiiplay of funhionH hv Mic doming juuinon i" uxonptlounHy liir[(t>( ii'iil tho'iit.ylaii urn liaiulnomo immitili to t*11it tlm inont (ixiicUul! tuute. Tho inmio iu ulito noUluVfor tlio-viirioty uud qimllty of itii rtiiuiiiu: niull-'*,. Mm, I'l-yoi-'ii atliohm ou Mm Riu'.if.I Coda onutiniic, ari'l Miiit mnuth The Dohutiuitu in ufiniiidcrt'tl in n moat, iiitcn-Hlinti w.iy; AmyUnynou, n fumouit (innluiLto nl Oittun Oollo, writ*m of a liirl'n lifn thcro uml at Ntiwnhnin, tliu two heat, known J-in^linh (;oI1cl'<! for womon; Ivlith M* ThoaiiiM, in uouuootion witii Ur. K. U. KUintt, talluinf Woman a a a Wfit'ir, and Mary Bohuuck Wool man pniotirjully ti'oiitu of 1'lain Ncodhworlc an an Kmploy- nu'uL, Mni. l^iira Miller Kirhy ountinuriu hur valuahln norinn on Kindor/'artiin Work, and irarri(jt Koith V'ovhttn u,\vtm further in- it t ni ui mini in lhunt Wuco ration. Tho lIoiiHfliold Departnicuta urn wall nmrniuiiit. eft in thn (Ilmnnin^ anil Preparation nf .MiatH, Kntiionaljlu Cookery, Tho ihanifi. kiHi[ier, anil Prenervation anil llunovatnm. Itiitriiution and Kuturtainmonl aro provid ed m Around tliu Tea Tahln, and Homo ' i Novel ArnuHuniuutH, and Tnu No went j HuuIch aro rcviuwfid. In Knitting, NottinL,', I Tattiue; an I Orouhotin^; now ilunimui arc I illuiitnitutl, with dtaiuriptioiiH for niakiii^.. Hul)MOription pneu of tho Dolintmtor, 31 J por yoai or 1^ Cfjntu pur mn^lo uopy. ' Ad-1 ^ drenH all cnintnunicuttoiiEi to Lho Dalinoatnr lJiildin}tin^ Co., ot Toronto, Lunittal, 'A3 Ilijlimot.U Ht. WuhL, Toronto, Out. DIEBEL"&' BRICKERS^ of Summer PREOBS CtJW m wo m: iu:ritir ^iHn:ii. JAS. D. a^DERSO^ & Co., BANKEE7S, Next to Aberdeen Hotel Essex. Monoy tohmii on Kurnii'iii' NnU"), Ntjli'.tUouelit or Collcutnit; Mnaov t" limn mi Mort-tjur.iih lit owuht rutob mid litjiit turrih. Dnifta iasuod puyuhli.' ut ptu ut ull| |n un-ii nl |10illtH. Firo Insurance Agents, etc. t\ii-jneH. K. Iiiiiarjii aad Ij. Welnter who liaV'1 hi-a-ii virtitinn Mihb S. Itobiunon, re. t.iniL'd to Walkt.rvillo tlii^ wouk. Mri". CoUmiui and Mrs. J. V) 'Stood won in WnidHor on Mondav attimdm^ tlm fun eral of iIn- latL' ,'oh. Gundy. ?i!ih. J. Mulunuy and childron an 1 Minsi I'illa Walk ;[', of Niiijiara Fa 11 a, ary vnntine thtjir Mirttu**, JVIrM. SB. Llreun, of thin tOA'n A I'urllaJin'titnr.v OwttmitO'e Itcnini'itrnili lis litiipO- ,i hi Itrtt.ii" Lnndnii. An", Pi --The i-unimittee np~ p'daP'd hy tin Ito: lu-ry (Jovernnient to consider and r< j "" n|) 'lie suhjeet is.'-ued a report lu-d.iy, rreomaiendine; that tin- llietl |e S\'; telll of weights ai|<l ineasMi'es lie iiiiiin dialely It ""aliped *;nd that tlie rse of t he system \>-: m.idc Compulsorj' ufh'i two yea is. n " iim".,ir< a (inCrreiir)* hi. -A mr.-tnn-c of niein- iii^ <>]' i 'oniiimns in - clll relicy (|Uestinll. ln- 1 o I'miiioK Lrnidnn, Auk hers of tin- I tel-e^l ed 111 thi eltnilnr, the .Manpii: of Lorn*- and Sir ^Villl.'lm Hoiilij!'V, uiah. wa ludd to day, and il was ]vs>d\'i d to appoint a p.t rlhwneiit.irv eumndtlec to prn- ni'He On- holding of an uitei uatio/al inonev erail'ei'enee. in areordanei' \\dtll -vn -vvg^-- Mish Alice RurnoH, ot L inlun, is rua- tiCaliuj; ut tin; Uuynl. Mr. Franlt Waittr^, of J)atruit, spent a fow 'Jaya in town thiH wunk. Min3 D. Tansv, of Dutroit, is Hptmdmg ft tew days with ilrn. A. .). Wilcox. Mr. and Mrn. Goo. Jjitin^ anil family c tiled on IOshux friendi ou Monday. i\lrn. Lilinif and (duhlren will npond a wtaik in town. Mr, Weo/IlfeU Jl. C. K. opontor, High- [ ti'n'"'im>t imi' hit i n.iueeil hy UoIm-im \a. -^ Uti spent a'fow'dtiya thii week th ^ueat Kvm'-ll In tin- hist !hm e o: / '.^unmiM, uf Mr. old \Ir-i. .1. A Uo ie, mid otlior friondh ffl' t'jjyn. M irjtt I, una Eb iriitLrdt, o! (Jiiohoyyiin, Alicli , who tian Iju-on vmitinjj in-rfiiend, Miiim Muud Howard, loft for homn last TutHday, INIiriH liL-riha Fox, of Olinda, who hiib Nuimrotf lor 4lvrr 0 Vi*h-m Trlril KCvcrynniiir mid K^iiiploytid 'I'tvo ; or'iriiroe Ductorw. ' i A woll known farm or hilj'h : Lot 'I'.Vl, Tlmrold Towmtliip, Wolland V. 0., "l-'orl over ,'tU yearn my wile had been a oufforcri from moht droitdfal licadachoH ; at timua; thuy uero ho bad hIio could nojtlu:r hit or J lio down but bur head uteined an if it-! wuild Mplit. KIjo tnud eveiytiling aim I could hear of and wan attimdod by two or, t hrtiu dnctutH, hut could not. find reluf j until wo Jli^^fark'H Powdi-TH for In;adai:hO( | hiliouiiiieiiH, coHttyonoiJH, nuiiral^i:t and tliL 1 liver. Since then hIiu ban been free from huffL'riue, and any tonduuoy to pain Stark'H I'owJurii iomove iminediatoly. J'ln-v urc tin- ontv HU'dnmio hlin over tiot that Iihfi bL'tin o/ lumtdit." Jonathan I'ajjc. 1'rico \i'm a box,'a bxoa ^1, at all mcdi- cine doalurn. Nice, mirnediitto and per- miuient. July 2li. A Wtirnliitf t( SiuoUcr.4, For Hottin tirno pant certain doalcrr* have hi-en Hclliuti inferior brand h of tobacco when "T A li" it! indeed for, tlnih nnf only trarling en tlu; reputation of the manufai:- turtTiljut uIk) injuring tho halo of tho article, The (i( o, K. T"Ukott tSi Hon Co., of i lam- illon, liave tuken the m ituir in hand and in'i'iiil prom outing the oil" -nder.H. HmokerH bhould ho careful to huu tliu "T V Ii" htiitnp on oacli pine as, to ^ain exlia oO pieces bent itH wool CliallioH, ro^uhir price 3^e reduced Lo 10c yiird. '" - 1 o piet:(;s colortsl Pcti^cc, 7c yard i>0 piucos IJi^-in. L'rintH Hu vd 15 jdecca black and wbiLo (,'liallioa rodnuod Lo lOt; yard fjaclios' J^U; black Linse rc- dtiuod to 10c pair r>0 puii'H t'orHcta all sizes for DiSc pair JJ do/i ladies' VcatH .">c each Special reductions in Silk Mitts and (-iloves -1 "> pioco.H now ..Kliiuntdfjtte, special ut ."it; yard Mow criiiaioiiH in ]\IoulottoH [ hi J'ink, lihie nut! Croam ^aLuiO. cents a yard. All summer DrenH Fabrics at coat and undor, Boots and Shoes Mch'h red J*lurvcst Shoos MonV find jJ8*lgoln Coru groRM $1.00 puirX. LadieR* Polinh t'orda 7oc pair JLadioH' fine Kid $1.75 pair calNfcc- Dongola- Men's Tweed J'ants 1,00 pv Mcn'ri all wool Tweed .suits reduced from 7.50, 8.00 and !).0IJ to 1.1)8 a suit li0 ronnmiitH of iJresii Goods tit half ])ricc. Men's Cotton Socks throo ]>r ^.1 cenia- Special reductions in carpots Luco CurtaiiiH and Oil Cloths. JiiHt opened 1;"() now ladies' Mantles, Capes and \Vraps. Call and see them, The Great Corner Store, S SaLE OF LflNOS FOR TAXES. Tu\V N OF Jj^SKX l \Viu:ki:vs hy virtue of a warrant itfiucd hy tliu Mnyor of the Town I'O WIT. i o( KdHex in tlie County of Khhox and antliutiticated hy thocar- profit, uuBcrupulous deahrri tear Lho tae; i ti; p'/ratn ho.iI of the aaid Town hearine ('iato bliu sixth day of Au(,MiHt, M0r,t and to mo otlior branda and tmy it it "T X "just an (ood." B" ILIld CONTINUOUS SUFFi:UING UcMNJJCIO^S^VltV. ur^Ink the (lovi t nnient to <--i'-i ipi-rn -o With the ot lie]- p.p\' el'H in the eiLlliny of siiidi a fniifi'i'.- t'f . I I'l-...... c;ins;;ow. Au^c. Iii. - A I .. this city tn-d iy nf irnj. ; flirui c:it tie. from nil p.. i': try the ileelsinn of < h th.'l t SUCll I'Jlt t le !-,hoillti I e at tlm port at which t ln-v en t. t in*,' In, i nf Citiia- )! the eniin- i lovernnient ; ] l ll"llti-n-ll Vel e l.'HUloil, that Mio Uonch, formerly <> N. W, oporutor here, lHt-pondiiiy a few duy.i in t^n. huv.u Hpotidin;; a week in Detroit, called on i wah ilenaunceil. uml ii w;^ m^.-lthat ,, . r , ,, .-..;_ ' the an!rr aln he all >\.---<! to he fnrwnrd- AIib. h. .1. hovokee ou baturriay on her eci lo lhf.lr ,l,.Hthi:i tlon:. Tt w.ih iiIho roturu hoiii'i. ~ MauHm. K, Witliiiini and -Tohn Brown rtiturnod on Kundny after a two weokn' biuyidu tour in eiiHturn citne.-i. 'J'liey re port p'eimunt time. MrB. A. Wilcox, of Anilirtl.iir. i, muh. Mr 1Lml ^^ w J> UuW(U. rotnrncil Uat ing Mr. and Mr.4. A. .1 Wilcox, town. MrH. Lfuo. Searn antl ohil In-n tire vinit- iiip; friondo on Pulou Iwhind thm week. Miwu Nellie Nohlo, .f Huleotowc, viHiiua friondd in Ehhox and vicinity this week. Mro. -Ion. WiuterH, of Djtroit, viHitnul friendfl in town tiitur lay and Suudu^. Mr. and Mm, Saniu<-1 Hiudiie, of Dutroit Bpsnt Baturdhy gud Humuij in town. Mm. K. J. Leveluco.aceornpuuied hy Mm. J. 0. Whitney, of Uodiioy.iipQiit Monday m Detroit. Mi'H. It jbort .Slrink-i it id Mian Ktli.d. ot Kutlivcu, vlmtod Mr-* K. Piuminer thU woek. Mirtrtttii M. Walhtee and II. MaoFarlane paid frtondii in South W -nd-loo n vn*it thia week. Mr, Ulliitt, of Piorut), Ohio, i.-j viaitiuu br nuicu, Mni. ,T. K. llpbmno i mid other - friends in izwu *.^IiHH Nclhu Iliirriii and Mihh Mabol HwViitih^lnim, of Dotroit. aro the uuoHta of Mioh IiliusioDymotr. Mrii. Thofl. UobitiHon in in Windoor at- tondint(harm)blir, Mrs. fi-iutcc who ia datijjtifouMly ill. Minn D. Wighi returned to Eatju* ou Suuda^ttflor flponJini* < . cou Ho of weeks at her; homo in Loamiugton. Mrs. Wra. OhuroU and Mm, W. M. -Do- Cew nrb Hptmdiutf a fow dayn wltn fnouds -in DAhbli aud Windsor. Wedneaday nf tor .n fow da^H. 'ft Pionour CuLLukh, Cedar Hunch. Walt ruportu htivitifj a tii^' time with Bnoker'h boat. Mr. uwl Him, Win. Trimble, Kr., who liave aj'oiit, no in ti tnuu witli frieudn in lite eatit, returned to Khbi-x last week, where thoy will re-idofora Lime, Mr. K. .1. r-iovolnuo, jf the ISh^hx Fan: Fi;i:hh, accompaniea hy Mr. J. C. Whitney of tliu lloilney Moruury, lofr on Mond iy for a trip to tho Hooky MountuiriH and Pnoifie ooaiit. Tliu Mihmbh CiriiQ, Mabol and Minm- Uni'fithn, iieeo'up:iniiid hy thoir mothei and MiHH Stelhi Wickt-tt, of Wnlkorville, ciilh-ri on Mrn. DoukIuh, Aliou St., HundiiMr. GiiffithH will rmuiiiii in Kshx for ti low dajH. ITIvute PoHt Cards, Upou all cmrdii inttuidtd tor uno a pri- vafn pnit ctdi-, tho \\ord "private poat catd" mtiHl bi: diitinetly printed or writ ten. The muni: and addrcho of the hendor muy tio iinnicd on ti o tucti of (he card, but the fico of the card in not to be utiod for adVQrtifiin^ purponbH. PrivutG jiuHti onrdH inn.t not e.xoecd a tiW,Q of -'X lu'ihfi iti h;ti;:'h In' three itlld fivo-oiuhthn ineluH in width. Curclu ox- cjodinu thoiio luniiH aro to tie troutod ae intiiilViuTyntly paid luttent, T*lv to Pout Catla at?o not tftunuiEBiUo totU'J tlu'iiod Si-uIuj*; vresolved lo npp<ul to Mr Wnlter lluino TjOhr, Prcshlent nf the lionnl <jf A^rl- culture, on behalf of tlie irnportern. Di'.Mn:::., u> 4*i\AiA Pniimtrd \<"o Hlfiini^ftip lAne From 4'op** illume i" Itiiutr'iil Onpeiih.'Ltren, Aug, lfi. Tho United Pi'etfs rcju i rentutlve here learns that the ThliiKvalUi Lino is conslihTlnK a proposition to run a. direct line of ehlps lit-tween CopcnhaKon nud Mont real. It Ik rpiiitiiI opinion that If tho line bo e Hthlisheil, It will Kivatlv de velop Scandinavian Immigration to Canada. i i:i:-tii;t: ouns coiiin*,. riny TlioiiHiind gitij!;iri Worth Ordrrril Tor <'iiiiimI1iiii Hilli-mm. Hullfnx. N.K., Auir. 1C At tho cloao of the. HhoothiR: of the Provincial Ttlfle Association VcHterday-. the Mtninter of Mllltla, Hon. Mr. Dlckoy, presented tho prlzeH, and recolvod a eomplfuiuntary address. In replying to It, Mr.-Dickey Bald lit* would do overythlhj,' in hhj power to further the intercHts of tho mllltla ofCunada, and would mm that they were provided with bettor uc- coutrementH. He alBo utated that an order to the amount of $00,000 had been pdvoii in London for Lee-Met ford riflou for the ubl' of the Canadian militia. l.ouC4'd by Itiilifiirliiiix. Sofia, Aupr. lfi. It In reported here that one hundred villagers were Ichicd In tho attack on Wis. 9 hy liul^arians on the Village of Janakll, In the ICIrdjall dlHtrlct. The lnnurKntH lout ton men. No women or cliildrmVwero killed. ________________ mill Hiilurltw In Hllvir. Wafllilnpton, Aupr. 10. Yesterday was pay day for omploycu of the oeveral Kxonut'ive Department, and the free, nilver enthUHiasta wore paid entirely In oilver in bundled of coin weighing" sev eral youndA. ___________^^ T\' 'Tin MHuiid Hw Win Hliiiircd. Mount Sterllnrr, Ky., Aug. 17. John JohnHon, colored, who murdered PoJJes- man CharleH lavniia Juno 1C, wuh hand ed to-day. Ten thouMtttul people wit nessed-the execution from the top of a hill. ' OlienrTwo Domon ol Soulll Alllorlc:)ll KIdiiry t!n r will (ilve ltoliei In ilin ITloui X>1utrofHlii^ Ciuom ol Kidufy Trouble. Il ib a fullticy to ur^ue onu'n nelf tutoiliu hehef that Hiilfcnn^ wlif-n it uoiik-h upen iii munt iio patiuntly endured. Uuually -ulforiuc can lie leinoved, if ono Uuowh ot ihe niemiH mid way. Much Htilterin^ in borutt hy thoKe who are tumhh-d with kid ney diiHiaHC. Tho disiniiH at timcH ih Iteon. liiu in South Ariieriom Kiinu) Cure nicil- iciuu that is a kidney Hpocilio and nothing i.nnt though noihiu^ IuhH. a hhvh, hufe, tinu -|hcily remedy into he found. Kehuf in huu: in li-Hw than hix hours. Sold by J. Thome. 200 10 7 i3 217 33 (,I TooK One-Hull IKotlle Ol Smitll Ainnrleriu Illicitluullc Cure iiikI <Hj- IMlned rorlort Itillol" Tlilw Hem i-dy ftlvi'HKCollcr in u I'cw Xiourw. and Uttiiully flu row in Ono Io Throo Uuyu. J. II. Gin re tt, a prtiniiiient politician of Liverpool, N. B., nnikim, for tliu bonefit of tin; publio, the following ^taiemont: "I wua t^ruu.tly tiouulod with rheumatto paian for t number of yuura. On noveral ocoeluJouq I could not wiillt, nor oven put my feofc to [holloor. I tried ovor> thing and all local phyHJeiaUH, but myHufiuiiuu ouniinued. At Iant I waa prevailed upon to try youth American Uhounmtio Cure. I obtained porfect. relief before I h id taltjh half a bottle of i\ih rnmtidy. and to day regard it t,l;c ouly rtidieal ciiru for rheui.iutiMUi." Bold by J. Thorno. Illd Von MCverTliliik That \ou cannot bo well ui.Iohh you have pure, rich blouu? If you tiro woudt, tirod, 1 uiguM and all run down, it ih becauHe your blood in impoverished and IucUh vital ity. Tboau troubled mav bo ovorcomo by IIoo i'u BurHupai-iUa bucauao llood'a Sur- naparilla niaketi pure, rtuh bloof. I; ih, iu truth tho^roat blood purifier. Viii-atloii Tliim In at hiiiid and in uladly welcomed hy nil. eopocialfy tlohe whnMt dutieH iu life h.tvo cauHod thera to ^it-atlv run d iwn thoir Rvotom to lUHt-t the requirement!!, pliyn- ical iiuu iiHutul. toiouif upon thum, Witli bono and nthniH, it in important, wliethor at liomt;, m ihu imibhore or in thooouutry t'mt noma thought !> g.vcn todiet. aud an ftnther UHuiHtanoo to tiutun., a good baild- ii.u' up modjoiiiD like Hood's BittB&patiV hud banfc.ho robortod to. If the digestif - poor, liver dermijjed audi frtqubnt heft eliL-r (ieom to bn ihs rule, 'Hood'fl luuifio all^hia au<l.ey-'1<1lfl yfl^n? boiHf iurn to their;him and beBrflVn^Tu, ;tt'n- frftided otato f nind kud bodily health. directed eornuiandini' mu to h;vy upon tlie following; lots or parooh of landn in arroiirH for taxuH duo theruon with coHtti. 1 hereby uive notion that uiiIuhh the 'laid tax*i4 mid o miA ure aooner paid t Hhall.on Wednenday, the fourth day uf Deueinbor, lH'.(,j, at t,\u> hour ot ton o'clock in the foro- noon ut IVok'rt Hull iu tho Town of Rhhl-x, proceed to nell bv public auction the Haul liuidh or mo much Llioruof an maylio tmfiioionr ti p iy Hitch arrtvi.ru of taxen and all law- fut-coats-incurred : IMaii. Lota. TuxiiH. Cofctn. Total. H22 7 ft 10 and pint II...............................fj;i Oil $2 0:1 SIT) 12 M)C, fi............................................... .lo 3< :t 0C flfi n IH I 1 .11 U2 ICfandoH............................ :ji)7 ti lo 20 _i ;j.j ;ii un ;!ii \n iu 12 i;t a 15 in & 48 307 '11................................................ 5 10 . 1 'Jo 7 35 17U ai.ddle partH Hi, 17 und IH.......................... 72 11 3 50 7fi fil 'W, 11................................................ IS fil 2 01 If- .'iH 170 '2and:i............................................102 32 ' 4 25 300 57 11 North half of'il____"............................... '28 'IH 2 40 30 AH no;i i............................................... ai -iu _ .J7 :*3 o 2(17 :............................."................... -H. till 2-83 -17 Ge ;7ii (ii "< 47 in so s:i :>:> n:i Hi Ho iai 1:17 lai) an l mi>2 10 70 ltt7 1 30:i North bait ot f>................................... 20 73 2 14 32 17 300 3 1 r, ii 7 aud 10.............................. 2-1 -i0 2 31 ' 2ii 71 2S,-, fi...............................................". 'J7 m 42 JO 30 m 170 34................................................ 33 65 2 6-1 36 09 Block D.......................................... i 83 1 05 77 Block el.......................................... 11 '.111 '2 00 18 Oil Bloelt Hi.......................................... 31 13 2 47 {13 60' BIocUh -IH and VJ.................................. 07 lfi a fiS 71 04 ------- W. D. BlflA-MANv-TrortHurar. I'ltlKST AND l-AUiailIONEU MUu itfiiKuln Wolody. *>t Ilumllton, lumlllr. Ae;iioiv Olehrotcil nnr- riial E*ow<lvr, oji iomiuilalloii ol'ISev. I^ftllmr Xlineliisy, and fcroiiuri It a <-raud Ueinmly for Mnlluonxu. Having himrtel! been bitnofltod by the line of Dr. Afinew'uCatai'rhul Powder, Kuv. Fathor Hiunhoy, of-Br. Juriuph'H Churuh, HumiUou, Out', followed tho counaol of the good book, and onriiod the fjood nowu to utherfl. Ono of bin parirthiouoru. Alias Mai^nio Melody, had beou a nufforer from influenza. Fathor lliuclu:y know how tiiuoh i^ood Iuh remedy had douo in caae o( cold in the head with himself, and, recom mended it to MiHH Melody for hur cao, who, over her own Hij^naturo, linn written : I have uued Dr. Ajniew'i Catarrhal pow der for it.fluiiss<i and found it u uvaud remtuiy. In fact it nave mo rnliuf uinmHt ut onco. 1 can with plonouro IiiKlily xo- comraond it to all who aro eufforin^ from thiu malady." , t t . .. Ono abort puff of the broi.tl. through tho Blower, mippliod with enoh bottle of Ur. Acnew' Catarrhal Towdor, aiifunen thin i'owdor over tbu aurfaoo of tlm nuz il pne- Hfiiniit Vaiiilour BUddoliuhtfur to.une. it roliov'oB iu ton minur.oH an i our.m o itarrh, huv fevor, oolrin, lioudnoliu, worft thiout, toimiliiiH nl doufiienn. CO contn. Bamplo bottle and Blower hoiH on ra- coipt of two 3 oont HtumpH. S. G. Detohou. jj Church ut., Torunto. Raid hy J- Thorno. Mu Vowr Illood' Ih thtt-aaBo of tbiit tired, luuguil feolmg which' aftlio'B yon lib thin woacon. Tho blood in impure and huu beaomo thin and poor. That In why yeu lmve uo uLrutigbU,. no appetite, tianuot sleep, Purify your with IIonil'.H Surflftparilla, which will,lve you au appot|t tone your Htomaob, and iuvuorHte yoar norvoH, CLEKK'S NOTICE First Posting of Voters' List. Voters' List, 1895, Municipality of tho Town of fl3scx, County. Ol lliSSGX. Notico ih hereby tivon, tlnttl have fcranB- mitted or delivered to the poroonH men- tinuud in the third and fourth Hootiona of "Tlio Votwrs' LiBlH Act," the copied re quired by mid hi oi ion to bo no tranumitted or dolivurod of tho hut, made purHuant to mud Aot, of all pernoijH appoitriuti by tho laot revmod A^Homint'tit Ho|l of tho saiu Muuieipalny to he muiihil to yote iu the naid Municipality at olootiomi for members of the LouiMuiive Aniicmbly mM at Muni. otpul Klectionh; uud that Huid liut w&u first poatod up at my office ac tbu Town of ' FjQqox, on the 15tli day of Auuuafc, 1805, and remainn there for iufipootion. Elootorn are o illc J upon to oxamitie the naid Iit, and if any ommuonQ or othor er- rom ure found therein: to talto immediate pronoedingH to have tho miid orrorn cor* rooted aoo'-rdiuK to law, Dated thio IfSth day of Aumwt. 18KB. dNO. WALT13KS. Clerk of tlie aaid Municipality. 'fi "Ci;oBt tnonmiuintor to ft mlml diBoaa- oi?" anliH Maoboth. Cortairily, my lord.' ,.^^ tho condition or tho miud dependa largely,'/"'3^ if not oololy, on tho oonditiou of the, atora-'.,$if noh, liver, nnd IiowqIh, for all of whioh' *,;':v^ oompkmtB Ayer'n Pills are "the Bovereign-.'.'i^| out thine on earth." . ,' " T-.^j Impurp blood U tlio o-tiwe of boilB, pirn'.,. V :;-|f plea and oSh.or orjiptiouu, rlood'B Biraa- puritla makes noh, ri'ii blood-and give* re .':;t>'i newed viijor, . ' '""' '; d :; >^ ^ilSI s^fg^ .^ 4