Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 23, 1895, page 7

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* r 1 t '>;??* i * * "Pi H; h;SSi^X jKFcjk .* jr^^WStiL [R8. JJuaj)smaw\s invom;io7 'A v? i, ,rawny Btood XIt> UH yue Mrs. HnulHhuw roHo from h.'i- muit at tho dinner tablo. It luiil boon ratlh>r u quip. rttnner, and hn hud to dr. Hourly all thu talking^ ~JL llradMhaw op.-tuMi [he door and Mr. Ga.rawuy (of Gray'* lu JMace) nollo- od that ouc-h avoided looltlnif at tho othi'i*. Kaim-Ht HradHhiLU' olnm*d the door nnd came back to the tuhlo. Ho cria-lc- <'d u walnut, nml, on opening It, tlm-w H Into (hn life. " V wild Mr. flarraway. *Y-," mud yaunjr Mr. ]!ind"hfiw, violently. "<)f conni,. lt'n had. Wornt or It Ih that you never know until you try." "Hul all the nuhi arc not bad, Itrad- shaw." Jtijuhdiaw jriunled. " Any thlmr wion(; nt Whtlohall V ' "No. WhlldmH'H all iljvht." Mr. nuirawav oweil hhi imccumi ao a Bollcltor mainly to knowing exactly when not to do the wron*r thiiiff. "I want to aide you fiomothinp;, Our- fawny, Do you ever have people coin ing1 to draw up deeds of aeparatlon?" *-*l you; prottv oftr-n " "Well, would you mind helnj^ of nom^ uho to me and to Union ?" "Why, rertulnly. Hut you two don't want to be Hcpunitt'd ? Why, man. alive, you haven't been mnrilcd a year !" "flarrnwny, look here. We Imvo had ^"roW- a t'dMputo, or whatever you Hlco to call \t. We have nKicod to part." On tin* plnno In the dining room up- ptalru a chord or two wore struck, and tho clonr voice of Mrs. Bradnhaw'H rang out. "You hop," naid HiadHhaw, pcrfeetly Jolly over It, "Thore was a sudden atop and n, -craiih on tho piano, in though tho player could knep It no longer. "j-iook hero, Uradshaw" Mr. Oarra- way pasisojj hhi hand carefully over hhi smoth hair "look here. Call at my phico at 1] o'clock to-moiiow morning and I'll do what is wanted." "Thank you, G.'.rraway." "Shall wo go unstalrft > I must ar range with nor." Tho dnmuro, little clock on tho mantelpiece In Mr. d.irraway'a chamber Htrnck 11. A am.tll boy enter ed with a card. "Thank you, ,Tud, Munv the lady In." Ml. Glbsion withdrew with Ids work to tho outer ollh e, btepplng aside at tho door to permit a .slim, fig ure to enter. "I had no chance of speaking to you night," nam Mr, tlarrawny, "ex cepting to ask you to call. Hut I had a brief con vernation with Brad.shiiw, and ho nsmured mo you had quite made up youi mind about the mat ter." "He Is, Jn this particular instance, quite right." She put her lips together "And bo 3 am to draw up the deed of ooparation ?" "If you ploafie." "lt'H rather rough on me," went on Mr, Gangway, wRh an effort at humor. "Why, it Heema only yostenlay that I waa hln best man, and you and he wont away to Noufchatol, and we cheered you as you loft Victoria station. Do j-omombcr ?" 'Would you mind tolling mo,, hon the document cun be drawn ?" "And do you lemomber your first dinner after your return, and how Jolly wo nil were 7 Why, you wore as com fortable ilh anything, until a week or bo ago." "What I propose to do," said the atom young l.idy. with just tho sus picion of a catch In her voice, "in to go abroad with my aunt foi a year or two and have tho houHe Just as it stands for I-Jriust to H\e in. He can get a housekeeper, you see, and------" "By Jove !" cried Mr. G trraway, "not a bad Idea." - - - "You think you think It will work all right, Mr. Garraway V" - ^ "Oh, yes." "It was our quarrel of last week parted uh, and --" "Well, will you allow me, as an old friend, to give you a little advice ?" "I should advise you to make up this difference of opinion with Krnest. I'm told l)Ut I'm told that all young couples have their quarrels to beKin with, and they do say heie again I .speak, of course, as a mei o burnt lor that the Waking up Is always the most de lightful part of It. ' "Mr. Ganaway, 1 thought w.u would j argue In this way, and It is \, ty ffood , of you. But my mind was made up tj More I came hxio, and nothing that - you can say will alter ft A woman must judge for herself in these mat ters," "It Khali be put in hand at once." "I should like to leave London this day- week." "I dare say," .said Mr Garraway With great amiability, "that that can be managed " "There Is only one question of a ^housekeeper. Somebody must bo there lotfk after the .servants" "It la there, I think, I can be of some Stance to Erin st Air. Garraway ^spolctT -vvtih genial .ussui.ince. "It ho happentt that a Uhm ot mine Ih look- Jng for precisely a situation of that "How extiemely foitunate." "She Is a good inanagei. She Is a *\yjdow and she has had charge of a "house similar to yours " " "That's capital. As I say, I Fhouldn't JiJco the house to go tu i ai It and ruin. When could thin old lady come, do you think 7" . .. 1 ' "This who ?" "This" old lady this widow. When J^Could ahe come ?" ' "Oh. but" Mr. Garraway smlk-d ' pleasantly, "you are labeling under a Slight miatako, Mrs. Hiadshaw; the lady Is not old." "Qn. tfho Is not young, I suppose." "Woll, 'aa n. rnatter.o^ fact, she is rather young. By-the-byo, I ought to have her portrait hero aomewhere." It had coat Mr. Garraway one shilling, th!s cabinet photograph, in a shop that morning. Tho shopman couldn't tell bin* who It was; alio was an exceeding ly pretty g(H In demure black, and tho wily Mr. Gnwaway wan content. * The'bunch of narcntisus at tho lady's bodice waa bobbing up and down as she -continued to look at the photo graph. "You sec, the thing la to get some one o would mako poor Bradshaw corn- able -and not compel him to bo al- nrjyti at tho club." <, ^ribe put *h photograph dowfl on tho Stable. " rthifl lady/' said young Mrs. Brad- iithaw, deflnltery, "ulia-ll cvor come flnto my house." i ft i* hoini/ lli- p of Mn,i<i tlio Town-(if A. WY-LAW toprovido fortho ruUlns and pitrVimmfc of thoiuiin of SIMi.Or., amount o( uBooHsmotit mucin by Ilio Municipal CouiiuU of tho Townrdnj MuldBtoim, In tho aniinty ot Kmhox, iiyuitiHt Hie lamlw nnd roads in tli KriHnx in connection with the l*uo Tap Druui. Provisionally udoptod tlin IHh Hi\y of Auuinit, W.iti. Wukwx* thutiounallof thu mwiUl^allty oj tho TowiihIiIp of Muhlntann pj-oourod an nitiuniii- iitlon tohonmilo by inHon ooiMt*nt for miuh iturpOHn, of Jim miUI lomillby ]ivopoiK<iI to Ih. ilridkioil 1>V thnrnilalr of thu I'lion'1'iqi I>miti( il (il0 procinro 1 phuni uinl oHtlillnteii ut thu wn-I( lo Ut. lulfhi .uiVim aBiiii.iiit of tli rml l>w}l>rty Jj U b,;iu.iUtml by tho ynpiilrof thoj^tld < BUtlnu UH Mimrly iiH may-bo tlm rrr"^l<>" "r '"oilIU, will bo ilnWvtn! Ill ooiiHuquiHloo nf niuili to 1,Ui Awn vK?mu Ow waW^^ ' i]lt> 'fowiiHhlp of Mftlihitonii did Horvii thnlimul of tho Oounollof tint Town of Imihox with noon/ of tin* wmort, plittiK, timnuMtum\u find HMoainoiitloiiMumiforoMuldof tho work to bo don and thu roport In rmi]i(iattliiironf m im folkiwii, To tliiklUiuvo J0auty-Hoovti and Minihdpid C'ounoll of tho Towniil (iiJNiMSMii'N,-In aoudk-iUiKio wKli imitfttutiotiH from your lioiw CANCER ON THE LIP OTTOED BY Saraa* parilla AYERS "I oonsnltod doctors who proicrlhed for me, tnit to no pin pose. I mittorml liuigony Hevcii long youw. I'lnally, 1 bocim taking Ayei'4 FUisnparllla: in a woolc or two I noticed a decided Improvement. Kiicour- agnd by this result, 1 pm.soveroil, until in a month r no llm iinre began to Deal, and, nfier using tho Nariaparllhi for aix months, thu last tiai'o of tho canrordlHappoareri." Jami 4 K. KirnoLUOKt I'loreiicovlllfi, N. B. Ayer'so^Sarsaparilla Admtttod at tho World'H JFaiy. _ J.yjtiJU'& 1'IJLIjS Meoulata tho JlawiiU* ' No,' 'agreed Mr. Garraway, sweetly2 "quite so. Not In your house, BhO will, of couiho, bo In Ernct-t's house. I am sure that on my recommendation "Do iou mean to s.iy, Mr. Garraway, that you would leeommond a person like this lor such a position ?" Mis lliodshaw had tien from her chair, and spokr indign.uitly. "Now, Mrs Hr.idshnw, p.Lidon me. I can't allow jou to spt ik 111 of any client of miiif 1 have iv< ty reason to believe she is a will-hied younff lady nnd nines Inun one of the best famllli m I li.ive nil dmtbt in my mind that she win in,ike 1115 friend nrnd- fihavv \ or j e.mloit M<* Indeed." Theie was a tup at the door, and the fiinait hoj enteied with a caid Mr. Gaii tu.iy v..nt toward the door to ieei iv- tin' n<i\(omer Not before, howovei h hid seen the handkerchief go to Ui' iyn oi tin >oung visitor. "Bnidsh.iw,' In wdiNp ied at tha door, "li-ten to me, man. Vour wife hi In then, crying. Go and kiss lior and make it up." An hour and a half later Mr. Glar- iaway <-aunti'red back. The small boy Judd followed him into the room and put sonu -iiiaiie-t^tH*r--t7Tr-tliT*~ni'e7 ~* "Mr. apt! Mrs. BiaiMiaw gone, Judd V" demanded Mr. Gairaway. Master Judd said "Yos.sir." "What tlio deuce are you gi inning about, Judd V" The excellent Judd said Jt was nothln' hpcclal. Being ju-essed, how ever, Master Judd confessed that en tering the room about JO minutes af ter his master hod left lie saw the gent and lady kissing each other like 1 o'clock, and an 'appy as------ "Judd," said Mr Garraway sfverely, "I am surprised at you 1 am surprised that a man Just now peihaps of ten der years, but one who is possibly des tined for the hlgh"flt honors, tdinul'l be guilty of the highest impiopilety the gross, unprofessional Impropriety, air of noticing a matter of this kind. I am surprised at you, perfectly sur prised at you. Would you like to go to the theater to-night, you young scoun drel ?" St. James Budget. BY-LAW NO. 228 lp of Miiidittmm, eiJNiiJimii'n.-..... .....-....................-.................mublo body.Ihuvo taluui tlm iiotido tilifiiod by Hoinry Ihiwiill, mid niiViMixumliKiiltlioNo. 1(1 Tiui drain, known uh tlm I'nne ilraiu rroni (ho town Ihui botwettu (lOiinold nnd Miilihiton*), nnrth ulotiff tli* e ntro of tho fitlr mmodHiilou Midriiitomi to tint Maiden road, uud hnj; to ronott hnruon tin fol1mv(i:-~ Iltniltliut thu iiald drain wmi coimtruotod about nlxlorm yonrn ugo, uml tl at tlmro had boon iinthhiif clone to it nineo oxeapt u few logr* tiikou nut ot it ovory fow yourH. I Film Ihul that tlin naid (luihi lit fft-outly tlllntl up and iliiinii in imuk! of improvement I ihid that thorn in (t only about ,\tH) noiori in th.i iiald 1'owtlnhlp of MuldHtoiia that cun uno thu mild druiu, and noinn of tint to u vry itllj,'ht oitmit. Thoro ar.tVJOuor^ii In tlm Towmihip (f Gouhohl Nortli and 'Mil ucron In tlin Town ut \Citiiaa that \-.ill uhr tho nub! drain throughout ltd ontlro lunfjtli. I hii'l that it will oont, nil (ixpeiiKoii included, b7.K>7.00 to put nnid drain in {food Htato of Of tlilti amount I have, tintori tho IiliiiIh of tho Towmihip of Miuriiitmiu for bnnoflt with mm 10, aiul with bmuiflt w|th @i:i7 II). Tho (andu in Goniluhl North for outlotwlth yllhOftt), nnd tho lundii in tho Town of JJiimox with i?]3J,(Mi for outint. Aooouipuiiyiiijf you -will nnd pIiinn.proflloH, Hpooliloationit, iiin<nii- ninntH, cHtlinntoiinud all other pnporiimiotiFmary foriaiidauon in thoclfliiuluif out of thu mild drain, Thin drain iihall ho kont iu repair by n tax on tho hiiniu mid roadn now aimoniiod. and in the iiauH) proportion, oxoupt too oiiKliHier in charj(o of tlm ohnmiuii out in of opinion that tho priv portion oiiflbt to hoohiuiKod, I havo tbo honor to ho, itoiitlornen, your ohodlont rtorvant,| (Hiipied) Ilmiflx, OrL1.18fri. Ann WiuaiUAii tho hilI<1 counoil hi of opinion tlinttlio ropair of tho nald drain In donlnihlo, Do it thorofnro unnoted by tho immloiptd counoil of tho Town of Kimox, juirmiiuH to tho pro vliilonii of thu Municipal Aot, Int. Tliat tho iiald roport, plann and oiitiuiatoii, in no fur iui tho namo rolato to the Town of I'm/ex, bo udoptod, and tUo naid drain and tho worloi conuootod Lhorowith jbo uiiido and oun- tiuotud In aocordancothoiowlth. Hrd. That for tho purpoiiuof pay Inn tlio iium of >3I1II 0*i,lndii([ the amount oharfiod acidnst tlio uald lamlii no^honollttod ay nforonidd, otlior than roiuhi holoufdni; to tho municipality, tlio follow ing Hpeolal niton ovor and nbovo all otnor raton ithali ho aiiiioitiiod ond loviod in tho Hinun in an nor and nt tho iiaiiui tlmo ail taxoH tiro loviod upon thu undurnioiitlouod lotii and partii of lotn nail tho union itt of tlio n,id mioolal rntoii an iiforitnaid filial 1 ho aononfiod and loviod aijaiinit each lot or part of lot, In tbo yoar iblt.'i. J. GOUBiAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT JAMKH H. TiAI'tD,!'. h. E. Lint of lotn and purtn of lotn in the Town of Knuox mmoiiuod for tho oloaning out of the Puea or No, 10 Tup drain in tlio Towmihip of Maiihttonc. Con,or Plan. Lotn nr parta of Lotn, No. of iicron. N T R Plan 17'> it i> Block n i Lot 1 to 1CB, \m lotH, 10o oaoh 18J VrI. of Imp't. Named ot Owneiii, & 15 Prod. KobuiHon. Kiltern itnd I'nro Water. Tho comforting notion popularly en tertained that water which has boon boHed and filteied is absolutely sate for drinking purposes, was rudely as sailed last week by Piofe^sor Hay Lan- kcatcr at the Ituyal InMltution. 1'hat brilliant scientist made the startling utatement that such water as good old Father Thames supplies Is netually safer to drink, though teeming with microbes, than pure ftpilng oi hike wa ter J A domestic filter, it appears, Is worse than useless unless it is boiled and sterilized every twont\-toui hours We have been accustomed to boll our water, but to boil our llltei will bo a new departure In domestic economy. The explanation of the piuf"1 sor's as tonishing statements is that tlu harm- lens bacteria which abound In ordin ary drinking water are the suoin foes of the typhoid and cholera germs, and promptly kill them off whenevt-i they Intrude themselves Into theii socio ty, but both thei-o microbes can live and nourish In pure distilled water, from which theii invoteiate enemies have boon banlshfd. "People h ve been add ing something like a hundied-fold," said the profChHor genially, "to the bac-. Lerlu In their water by filtering it." Thoroughly sterilized water, afUr passing through a now filter only In use a week, hns been found to contain two hundred thousand bicterla to tho cubic centimetre. The moral of Professor LankoHter's lecture io that a little knowledge is a dangerous and unrelia ble thine;. -Correspondence Episcopal Recorder. " N pt lay " H pt 1CU " lot 181 to 211, yoiots, lOoeuoh " lotn A, B &C, 'A lot, 15o eah ai!7 lotn 1 to :i0, :i0 lotn, 10o oaoh 2HH lot X 2B8 lots :i to 15 A blocUfi 81, 81, 82 alia lotn 1 to U, I) loka, 10o each 285 lota 1 to 17, l71otH, 10o oacli HOO lotH 1 to I>f), :Jo lotn, 10c eucli ain lots 1 to -1, -1 lotH, 10o each a.'15 lotn 5 to 41, .'17 lots, K o euch 3 12 lotn 1 to 7, 7 lotn. 10c ouch JJO.I lotn 1 to 21, 21 lotn, HOu H0:t lotn 25 to .'17, 13 lotn, fiOo ouoh ;ju3 iatu 38 to 17, 10 lotn. 30c each block 11,1 *' (111 N S It ' 07 It (id tl h<> II 70 II 71 M 75 tl 7 tl 7H 1 1 70 II 83 II 81 <l 85 o pt 1 85 w pt pt lot 283 streetH in Ehhox Totul 8A 10 80 2-5 35 J i\l HicUh. 2 5 35 Mrd Jano DaviH. 3* 3 00 4 15 l 3 00 1-5 15 V. C. Aimiluv, o 1 00 1 110 1 1J-10 1 70 i 3 50 1-7 10 John Miluo. 5 1 1 3 70 ft 70 ^11 13-20 7 201 13 7 m G :i oo 1J 81) T. Irwin. 7-1 I 20 W T Johnston, 2 1-5 1 50 C li Naylor. M 80 J Irwin KBtate, 1 55 B D La bar. Hj 1 00 Thom'ui Irwin, 4 30 John Milne. _ . m 12 70 ,1 Irwin Edtato, U4 I) 20 Cameron Knluto. 7^ ,1 05 T Irwin. at 1 20 T Irwia. / 10 J McEwan. 24 1 35 i 8 1 SO W D 11 en mau. 1 55 Isaac Thornton. HI 7 HO C B It K Company, HJl 27 00 Town of JUhhox. - ,v9133 85 Hid. For tho purpono of payinfj tho mini of ?27.'i0, buniR total amount uHfumuod again tit utrootn in town of Etmox, a Fiuniciont iipooial rato hhall, ovor mid nbovo all otlnn niton, bo loviod In tlio (inniu nianuor and at tho imino tinio no taxoti aro loviod, upuu tho v, liolo ratoiiblo propnrty in tlio tow n of (hmox in tho yoar IfiiTi Ith. That thiti by lav/ uliall bo publmhod onco in ovoiy woolc. for four coiinacutlvu tlm Kiiflux Fhkb 1'arnn, nnd hIiiiIIcouio into foroo on and aftor tlio llual jianHiiifj thoroor, audjuhall ho loiovvn and may bo citod an 'Tho lMicuorNo 1(1 Tap Dram liopnlrn Hv-law." JOHN WALTEHB, Clork.; I horohy certify that tho rorcpoiuB i a trno c<py of a h>-lnw proviiiionnlly udoptod by tho municiiMil council of tlio'oorporatlou of too Town of Kwiu\ on tho Oth day of Aiifjuut, 14U.1. JOIIM WAryrKHS, Town Clurli. 3Sr<3"I-XO^S, Notico in lioroby kIvoii that a Court of JIuvIhIoii, will Monday, tho (Ith da> of Koptoinbor, at tho hour of H n'cl o bold nt tho Toun Hall, Khrox, oh lock p m for the purpono of liein hid and trial oruppoalH mado aguhiHt tho fon'MOhif* lUiHor.'nuent, or any par: thereof, in tbo man in r pro vided by tho AHHOHHinont Act, a notico of mien uppual to bo Horvod on the L'lorlt of this Municipal -ity at loant ton duyu hoforo tho mootinc of oaid Court. And further notico in horohv given that any rno intonding to apply to havo imch by-law, o> any part thoroof, qiuuihud, inunt, within ton daytiuftri tlio 11 Jul piniiihii,' tliuroof. uorvu a notict hi wrltiiiR, upon tho Mayor or other head olhcjr, and upon tho Clork of tho Municipality of hiti intontiou to imdto application for that purpono, to omi of Ilur Miijunty'ti fiuporior Courtw o! bawat Toronto, during the nil vvoulis nuit onHuhifj thu tlual pitonuu: of tufu hv-huv. JOHN WILTRK8, TowiUClork Dated at Ehsox tbii 0th day of August, ISO'S Vr. Natamael Uortonnou, a woll known oitucn of lulipemiHg, Mioh , anil editor Superior r', who, for u, lonu tuuo.iiHf- torod from tho moHt oxcruciatiufi piuns of rlieuinutiHin, wan cured, oi^htytari ago, by tiiluuK Ayor'H Sarniipanlln, having never folt a twinge ofjit since. WOODSLEE PERSONS TO TRAVEL, WANTED. Several faithful geiitlernei. and ludiCH to travel for oatahliHhed hoiifo. Salary S780,00 and Expenses. Pohitioo permanent if smtod; also in- .orenno. State ratoronoo and ouelone ^Holf- uddreiiHcd Htampbd ouvolope. THE NATIONAL. 1U6-817-318 Omaha Bldy., Chicago, 111. llio Itb'vclt) n I'ultlle Jleni'l'iu-ior. Each day It grows plainer that we must add the bicycle to the list of hu manity's benefactor.-!, Already tens of thousands owe to it health, strength and their first intimate ac quaint.mce with the out-door life. It hUped 'the (armor, who foolishly despise n, ))y adv amlng the fight for. good io-kP a i, ,.t filled tlio pookots or langu'hh ng own is of country Inns. It has mad,- ihL impitry boys and girls a quainted v\ 1th the luothcrs .Mid sla ters from tli. ii:y Tt pr,miH s to do away with th rtnj Id t' shh.n of long trouH.r to r-t-J,v t) nMIlMna Ulo graceful knlckeibo kois of 0],j, Tt pro motes uq'ialitj . It dlBeour.igc*. 'tho aepaiatlon of the people into hostile classoi. Tin- bicycle is a domocintie midline, a faithful 'ervjint, a luxuiy and u ncI cot sl'y, gioat and cheap. Jt in a good dor tor, a deMruvor of tho blues. It dose vs (he mo'iument which It Is bul'ding to Iti'oT in tho shnpo of a !,(iilthler, happlei* people. New York Woi id. ooo- W WILL NOT BK UNDERSOLD. I'lii' beat of Leather and ftrHt-cJano Work- in itjMifjV All liaud work. Evi-ry llui n< an t-old hy mo mado in Wood- 1' c. My Stock of Liyht and IIoa\y HiiruurtH ii nmv coniplero, and a uplcn- did rlock nf alt Horao Goods. UepHirmg none promptly and chonp. WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Wooclslee. THE TRlTfJMPH CORN SHELLER Tliis Machino connisty oVut hnrizontal oant oyhndor, with wrought iron hunt, with rigcI tooth bolted to\lio/Njndor ho ns to bo rovormblo whontho tooth licoomo worn on tho IVont R^^Vii>g i'1 " ljorfonitcd conenvo iron nholl, which tho shelled corp paH^olBfcN' i'to a slioot iron cn&o, with a fan or clo-mcr attached below, w]iiclil^B^Afho dust from tho gram. Iho clieapoat, best, moat simple and dm-abl^^B|U<"" (Poller m uho; alioUa corn perictitiy olcm in any concliticn MlreB^H^^ftlliPB from ono to two thousand bufiJiolfi of ears par day, according to jiowort __.^i^^^ Dimunsionh. ruTTo^l(N^HW^JJ ctor, fi in. lace; Motion, U00 to 800 revolutions por minute; Woij'ht.fiCOlba. EVERY SMELLER WARRANTED. JH COURLAY & SONS, M 200.000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. U&-GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! JHQLE Vflll 0 Nwrvonanml donpondont; wonk or dohilltatoil; tlrod mornlnM; nonm- u[Tr 11)11 f bltlon oanily fatlannd: oxcltnblo andfrriUblo: oyod unnkon, r<Ml rind binrrod; pimplnn on fnco; drfiimn ana ufsht loHPfa; ri'Htlnnn; hnpfturcl looklnp; wonk hnck; bonn pnln', lniir loomj; ulcer*; ooro thront: varicocele: dnpoHit in nriiio and drninfi nt ntool; dihtruetful; "want of contidoiico: ltiokox onorcry nnd iitronftth WE OAN OURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRQ. H,, & K* JOHN \. MANr.IN. JOnN ,\. JfANLIN, CIUH. POWKIW. CILVa TOWBltB. IJKiroiU! 1IICATMKNT, 1UU.VTUK.ST. Ill 1 OltU IUIlA illl.Nl. Vl'uu IUILXTU1LHT. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Mnnlin nnyn: ,lI was ono of tho conntlonu vlc- timo of early imiornnco conininncod at IB years of ano. I triod iovon nicdicul lirmn and npunt $000 without avail. Ippwo up in dcHpuir. Tho droiuii on my nyntcm wero wonkuninK hiv iutollrct nfi well rm my noxunl nnd phynlcal life My brother ndvinnd mo n1* a lnnt ronort to commit Urs. Konnody il* Kt rgnn. 1 rommoiicud tholr Now Mothod Treatment nnd in a low works wmi n now man, with now lifo nnd urulntioii. I'tiui vviin four j<*urn n^o, nnd now 1 apj jjiami'd and happy. I rfloominouiJ tliono rollublo opocialifito to all my nlllictod foliowrnuft.'* """" cures Guaranteed or no pay.-confidental. varicocele, Emissions m* impotency CURED, "Tho vicon of oarly boyhood laid tho fonntiation of my ruin Lntnr on n. *lKay ltfo*' and oxpoimro to hlnnd di- fioasoH complotod tho wroclc. I hail nil tlio Hjniptount of Novvoun Dobllity nnnkon oyoo. omlnnionH, drain in urino, fiorvonnnofia, woalc bnolc, otc. Byphihn cannpd inj hidr to all ont, bono painn, nlcorn in month and on toiifpin, blotchnn ou body, otc. 1 thank God 1 Inml Dm, Kfiuu i]> it KerRan. Tlioy rootorod mo to health, vigor and hnppinosa Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. cius. rowEite. -t$T We treat and cure Varicocele* Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, SypJiitts, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases._____________ 17 YEARS IN J3ETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. EJlCAnm 1 Aro yon a victim? Havo $ on lout hope? Aro jou ennlfrnphitinir mnr- nLnL'Cn rloRo? Han your lilond hi i' dinoiu-od.-1 Huvo jon run .vciiltni'-H.'1 Our Now Method Treatment will euro you. Wind it han dotu> for oih. :s it will ilo foi -on, CONSUtTATION FHEE. No mnttor who lnm tn-uti'd jou, write for an hoiiff-t opinion Vmn ofCharRO. Thnrffon roononnblo. BOOKS FnEE~uTho Uuldnn Monitor" (ilhi'Uratoil.), on Dinonnon of Mon. Inclono pontno, 2 cnntii. Soalod. ETNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PFW- VATK. No modlclno o^ nt C O. U No names on box^a or wivol- opoo. Evorythlnar confidential. Quostlon list and cost of Treat- mont, FREE. _____________ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Wo. I48SUEL" Vb DETROIT, MICH. ARE tho trado in oll.kinda ot ^Building Material, Woodwork for'houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, i..;;,mj SbingleB of all grades, Doors, Sash, [Chestnut Coal. Z-WINDMILLSJ J(Wo nro^SololAKontH inltlio County tot\\, |Or!|0hiqugo, which took IlihOHt]AwartlB atg tho World'H ITair. Send two-ceut stump for our a^-poiro Cntnlotfue-A work of Art Monarch Cycle Company* Retail Salesroom, aSo Wabash Ave. Lake and Halted $t3.t CHICAGO, ILL. fe*3vgggg^^ ./ H,J ^-" Can fumish|eithev Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. - A'wriUonUuuurahtoo with*ovory|0ufcfl6.|| Laing In Vour lllood! Io the oauHO of thut tirod, laufjuid fooling whioli aHliotu you at this Hoaflou. Tho blood is impnro and h an h ono ma thin and poor. That la why you have uo HtroJtfth, no uppotito,1! oaiiuofc aleop. 'Putlty your' with Hood.H SarBaparilU, which wilt^ivp you an appotito, tone your Btolaaab, uud invigorate yoar uorves. Hood's PUIS are easy] to take, oaay in aot ion and euro In effect, 25o. ... .^ ^ ^ "CauHb thou minifltor to a mind diseaa- rl?" aaUa MRObetb. Oorfcaialy, my lord tho oouditiou of the mind depends largaly^ if not BolAly, on the oendiiion of tha atom- aoh, livor, and bowels, W all of which DOtnplaints Ayer'u Pills are "(he Bovereig^ oat thing on earthi" Impure blool ii toe cause of bolls, pitftj plos and other oraptioni. Hood's Sartfl^ parilla makoBriohf rod blood and givei ro ue wed vigor. ' > "" ffJ ^ \. ^ tik- '^, ,f.SA

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