Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 23, 1895, page 6

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W ' !^ffl^2 1 / ./ ' 1HE fc^S3J X KKBh PKKStt 25 CENTS! BEST. OFFER EVER MADE. THE ESSEX FREEPRESS - s Far the balance/^ 1895 for - J i TnBW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADDItES E. J. LOVELAdE, Proprietor, Essex, Out. Wlf]\[E it) 'l^E DEEE. Ta-^T OHIO. ZMA.JSTVIXjIj'B EnB3Ni<T 't > in. roNriMu.n.) "iiocaiiBu you know nothing," crivu tratton uxcxtodly; "becaunu you shall know nothing. One ia enough to a crime, if ciiiuu it wan." "All ! You cmifoua !" cried GucU; "then you did kill him '!" Stratton made no reply, but looked firm ly and uorrovvfully in hiu oycu "I know it your manner betrayed you when wo wuro in that room. I boo nil, now. You closed that dour." "I will not bo druggod into anji/uouiei- nion," Raid Stratum fiorculy. "It is my ufiuu-t, and I will toll it to none. 1 havu a right to keep my own oounnul. You have a right to denounce mo if you like. If you speak, you can force mo to no greater piuuahincnt than 1 gutter now." "Then it is all true ?" grmuiod Guest. "You lolled him, and hid him theie "." StruLinn uttered a mocking laugh. "That, door !" aaidGuoabhuakily. "Twice over yon have stopped mo from going there. Your niiuiiiar hid boon that of a guilty mini, and I am forced to uhnro the knowledge i your ei line." "No," aaid Siratton, apoaking now with a Imfe of calm contempt; "you share no knowledge hare no knowledge'. You Bay I lulled him and hid him then-; where arc your proofa ? You have- brought 111 the police, and they have Bcaiehetl. What have you found '! Again, 1 any, where ittro your proofa 7" Client looked at him wildly, and hiu hpu parted, htit he utton-d no Bound. "Lot mo rout, my good follow, lot me real. You arc waning against your own liupplncan in trying to pry into matters that arc untight to you. I will not bliglii Votir future, IVlu> (Juuut, by lotting you liliiiro any necreU of mine. There, good- molifc. I want to ho alone." Yhiest trted tn recommence the aigumont, mid to miLfltei tho limn wliu louUi-d bo piti- fuley weak, but somehow this nih'-i'H mil Wh too powerful, ami ho hud to yield, leaving tho chiimbeni at lust with a tdiuj- dor of hmror, and fooling that ho could iiHvur tiiUo Stnilion by the hand again. ]'or I'"' mun nyi"J ehuugi-d. Thum whh ii mocking, almoflt tiiumpliant, look in his eye* an iio took the lamp from the table, and followed Guest out on to tiiu landing to ataud theto, holding tho light over the massive balustrade- for hiu friend to ilefloimd. As Guunt reached tho uattwii, lie looked up, and there, by the light which tell full upiui Siratton**! face, waa tho strange, unlinking air intenadh'd, und with a shiver ho hurried ucrnan th inn, fooling that the myutery had deepened inaiaad of being cleared. Ilia intention waa to hurry hack to his own chambers, feeling tlrut it waa impos sible for him to go near the Bourne Squaro, knowing what he did, but the yearning for one to aliaro his1 know edge proved too Htreug. ; "And I promised that alio -diOuld share Tjvory secret," lie aaid to hiuiBolf. "Whom am I to trust if I uW* truHt h_r ?" Tim result waH that, with hia brain" in & whirl of oxcitomeiit, and hardly knowing 'M-hut he did, he loapod into the lira cab, and uritfod the man to drive funt, while he sank hack into tho oornor, and tried to wiak plans. * "I won't toll her," ho decided at last. "I'll we* the admiral, and ho will advise me what- to do." He altered hlfl mind directly. "It Will * betraying por Malcolm," he thought; Imu Hwuved round again directly after. "I ought to toll hint," lie snid. "It in a duly. He wtood to .him almost Jn the fjoafrwu of a father, and, for Myra's sako, ouehl lt> know ; and Heaven knows 1 Want Wiupmiti to advise me now." ne changed bin plans half a dozen times neforo he reached ilm .iquaro ; but that of Lfdling llio admiral under aplodgo of aecrecy wan mi the nBcundaiit ulion the cab drew up it the door. It, wna opened by Andro-wa. "The admiral in !"' he aaked. "Yea, mr, hut he's aaleep in tho library. Minn Myra i in her ohiimhur, sir cotvuiy well to-nigh'., but Mian Kdith ia in tSr liawiug room." (Junat went up-itairn, and, upon catering, j^l lo rushed at him, when all lua plana MiMifc for naught. "Oh, how long you have been/'al e pant ed, mi she caught hiu hands. "Have you s.'cn him ?" "linvo you found out anything V "Yes." "Ia it dreadful ?" "Too dreadlul to tell you.," l.a replied sadly. "Thou I won't know," she said, with a sob. "Oh, my poor, darling Myra ! She i* ill die of a brolfeu heart, I know, 1 hnow." Guest tried to comfort her, and nhogrou mure calm. "It was good and honest uf you to come Mi.tightiome, to tell me, I'eicy," alio said, and Guest if. U horribly guilty, and wiahod he had not OHIO. "It is dreadful, you auy ?" "Don't proHH mo, dearest," ho said ten- Jorly, "'J'uiHt mo that ltn is bust for you not to know." "Puroy, dear," she Haul gently, an she laid hot" bund upon hia arm; "you can trust mo. I always know thorn must ho some thing vory titrnliln to make Air. Miration bohavu towaid poor Myra au ho did, and you audi Intvo hemi plotting trnd planning to find it out, in the hope that, it would provn to bo a trouble wo could bridge over, and biing t|ium totfutlmr again. You have dinenvernd It all then at laid. V "Yen " "Thmi tell mo." "I cuimnt I dure not." Kdio wim nih'ut lor a few moments, kh "lie sat fining straight before her into the dim ly lit back (haw jug lonin', her eyen sulIiiM'd With teats, a>Miln) it last snid m a wlnii- por: "You aslted inn the otlior day if I would ho your wife." "And you promifieil m<' an atnwnrwhon I knew all," said Ciunfit, oiittnii/ tlm ground from benuath hi'i font. "And now y*u know, mid I'd toll you," alio naid, baldly above her breath. "Yds, T*eruy, some day when we have made poor Myni happy." "Thou it will never bo," ho said despair ingly. "Lot me judge," idle whispered. And ho told hot' all. "But but I don't quito understand," she faltered ; "you think, then oh, it is too lioriihln , tlion, ho had kill ed poor Mr. Itrottimni, his friend?" "Yon," said Gui'fii nlowly and thought fully. "It inu(it have boon that. I cannot uco a doubt." "Ah I" Thoy started to their feet at tho piteous nigh which came fmm tho back drawing- room, and it uii'i fidlou-ed by a heavy falj. Myra had cuicri'd in time enough to ht'ir tho terriblo charge, and for her lifo seemed to be at an end. Moauwhile Ktrattou had ut'iod motion- Ichs, fuzing down into tho dark pit formed by thu staircase, with llio light ot tho lamp lie hold fllumog full on but haggard face, made moro painful by thu smilo which con tracted tho lower parts of his countonanco, till the hist echo of bis friend's steps died out, when ho turned slowly and walked into hiu room, closing und fastening both doors. Then his whole manner changod. Ho rushed to the table, sot down tho lamp so that the glass shade rattled and nearlv How out of the holder ; then, cross ing quickly f-o a cabinet, he took out a de canter and glass, poured out a heavy draught of brandy, and gulpod it down. Tho glaan almost dropped from his band- to the table, and ho clasped his brow, to utand staring before him fighting to recall his thoughts. Twico over ho threw his head back, and shook it as if Homething comprosscd bis brum and confused him. Then the stimu lant ho had taken began to act, and ho wont to a drawer and took out a new Kcrew-drivor, with which, after Hooing that tho blmdn worn down und~ tho curtains drawn over tho wind aw, ho croaaedto tho door on the left of tho firoplaco; hut only to turn away again, and take up tho lamp and placo -t^mn"it lilamJ, uo'LhuL it should light him in the work he had in hand. ITo wan alert- and engoi now, an, with iloft touches, he-forced the ncrow-drivcr under a piece of molding at the top and front edge of tho door, wronchod them olT, and bared some half dozen screw-heads. Theiio he rapidly turnml and withdrew', laying thorn doun ono by one till all were out, when, from an inner pocltot, ho took out a key, unlocked tho door, threw it open, and went into tlje bathroom, lamp in hand Placing it on the poll-died lid, bo rapidly toilud on till thcsii HciewH wore taken out in turn, when, lifting the lamp uith his left hand, he threw up tho lid with hia right, and stood staling down into thu hath with a shudder, which rapidly paused away. Tho lid fell with a heavy, dull sound, and, with a curious, wnndoring look, ho turned and went slowly hack to his table, set down the lamp, caught it up again, and walked into tho bathroom, whore lie again set down the lamp, tore a fly-leaf from a letter in his pm-ket, folded it into a spili, nud lit it At the lamp chimney. "Will it burn slowly or explode at once?" ho said, with a reckless laugh. "Let's sec !" and once mora ho throw up tho hd. huipuruc "Terrible, little ono," hv whispered "Too terrible for me to know ? Then I ,iut not hear it, I suppose ?" "No " "Hut you know it, I'crty," tdm hiu.' .Miemiely ; "it's too terrible. thn, b-i MMI." "I have been trying ban! tn find out the ' miHo <if bis conduct." "And you liavo found it out now V and I'd give anything in be $.v .^uciriint as I was yeslorday.*' . "Oh, bin, Peu:y, dear," aho nh .-xoittidly. "I must'know that," "I cannot I dare not tell yon." "Not trll me and you fluid you lovuo Ml-!" "Ah Ide with all my heart." "Tlion you cuinot keep aiiviliing from le.'1 "I'll toll your uncle, and -isle bis opinion fi.t." "5To, no, Percy. I must know now J miiHt, indeed. No nritier how turrihhi, you cuuuoi kmip It frmn, mil," "Hut it is like heimying th mun whum I'd give anything to aave,"" "Save? Have from what ?" , UIIA1TKR, XL. urn jus s\itE, Kdio rushed to her cousin where uho lay prone on tho carpet, her face tinned toward the shaded lamp, which throw its soft light upon her faeo^unl, oven thou, in her hor ror, tho girl thought hud never looked so beautiful before, while, as Guest, full of *o- morse, joined her, ho folt ready to bite oul his tongue in fin put out rage against him self for a boyish babbler in making known to two gentle women bis fearfnl discovery at the chambets. "Shall I ring t" ho aaid excitedly; and ho wnnludf way to the boll before Kdie chck"d him. "Rtng ! N ; you absurd man !" nho cried nnpaiienily. "Lock tho dnoru. No body must know of this but us. Here, quick, water." Guest wan hunying to obey the busi- iicsslikw little hniiy's or dura about tho doors when elm cheeked bun again. "No, no j it would iiiako matters Jworso, Nobody is likely to came till uncle loaves the library. Water. -Throw these flowors out of that groat glasu bowl." Guoat obeyed, and bore tho groat irridos- cont vessel, from which ho had tossed ronm orchids, to her side. "That's right. Hold it closer. Pcor darlingl My dun rest Myt?a, what have you done to have to nulW all this terrible pain t" h There woro drops other than the cold ones to besprinkle tho whito fwoo Bdio had littfd into lit r hip, as nho sat nil the floor, bonding down from Mm" to time to kiss the marble fotehoiul and contracted eyelids uh she spoke. uI*eroy, dear," sh.t said, au ho knolt by her, helpful, hut, In pite, of the trouble, full of mute worship bo Uio clever littlo hoHv before him. THE rACE. b n ! i Tho .lii.w und LylliU ii4 no (mli'X at Mi-iita I 1 .ijmI |i[in'.i r, a Th* ctd'' 1] \>h\ d'tiwi'tmlst, Pi. JjOUin KcdilriMon, I iy, du\,n in ['li-h- WOfd'li imiin1 coininoii prinr*l]d( 'i loi 1 h" i-X|>lauiLtU)|j not uiilv o! rh.ii ( r : n-i Lcm|n r.iiiH'ul, Imu (il"o 01 [iioIih Inn i)i in eiipntiiiii, bwj^thc irubj-c u.' ill___Llv.I- ui'c.'C nTM-iTifn 1I1.1i Hi pi cj ' i i 11 1- II Itinn triui' fi'i 'i ihi' impi < mind to tin* fitfi*; lli.n I to -ay, 1 mi III i^iiiiiI hi'.illb, ulin |]\i . \, 1 tl, ,.n 1 - 11 Huilnd jitom.K b, in likely (n r n It Jib> ni jn'il'i s lotril In i- " that In- who niim iimv \< .id. Tin mi. l- clan, for lii'itaru'i', i 1 "h it ;;\" ini' 1 1 tin1 eycM, and the pi Ii t, 1m sum 1. '.- known miMon, hi nlmoini-Uly noiiil Ii 'I over tht' cheek huin-i anil und' I 1 Jaw. Dv, Uobliuiiiii niiiU' all v.-nin -n from the Dpeiutlnn nl' hi' tlieoiy. ; * MnyH that wonii n 1 xlnlill but fev. <>-\- npcluoiiii tracen nf cnioll mi.iI li.ll * n e Upon facial utlLlitidii as ( nrniiat'i d \\ in men of mature age, \vlu*r u|"mi i ,k upeaker lerna1Kh, "Now we know why the uirlo -l h ' In novels uminlly ImuIcm ,111;-- 11 -, , n KUzcm ut 11 CrUllldlllj,' mill U'tlli 1 eye wJllcll Mei'ill1- to tllia h > ,1 < 1 1 uh { nciijii-T, The \ MM,in nhv. \> 1, proof; of friiilt In hh Jaw m bi^i lid'.; tKit the adveiiiure'H cannot t-r Lliifjuished facially from tie In, ; Innocence. Thl^ plienone 11011 iln become more Inh lH^ltd.- In Hit- 1 : Dr. Uobln^on'ii :u Ii ni e \\ b\ In. not 'Wp* elal 1 ini'tlf ual stlniult ' ( it a 'deviation In tin- It-.iiui'-;. 0/ I>v woman : Why dot* the ma-filii imitiitlon thiow iiji th1' t*i-1j -li, - Hpeak, and n-lu1-' in inlnin th*- d .ia 1- tei', of Hve with tin- iv, u nine, ^ K which uie V.Hll le DIl tin le.itur "I man ? How in ni\ ,1 paim v.on'<( sparod our iiii'-iisp* ( ting lire 1 I.., (nii.i we but Nee the n a I I Ham lie A 1 nioi y <m, tlie cnnviiH, as 1L un'e, and iIImc < i\ i.i Hfhemi's of the aitlul Huitrlv ining m the Mile ! Weill ill OU^hl to b i> ctownhiK * \ernplitnatbtii of mn p filogiiomhifs *-.>: !' in or pt< turral ben 1-.- al; and yet hiu- ]> i(ijt m iiim so i-omiil- ' - Iy that lie ej-tn;,. s f. em the p ,,,( n under a cloud ol w .rda." Hut It Heeiiis that tin:* ih nol the i,:. t hoi'Iouh defect ot Mr. Ilcililiinon'.-. . 1 -n "I prlnciitles. Accident, he ;.'!:. It' . 1 1 make the Just mm look I !<. a >, o drel; "for," hi>-- lie, "the m b- n' r ImptilseM u-elllriK f,,|-th |.,,m ;i i i - cd emotional L-enliH eiianei- u 1 along- flianni Ih UHiially dreupl'-d l Innoeint cilia nt*-, and 111.13 pi kK e an Impression ne ul> :d ntlcal w >h th u which act uinpunleK 'inine I'm m of \ ie( . "You may be an horn st ti*- tie d - you may be the j(Py oi a 1 who leaiy know you; and yei you ate rat.d t carry tlie .stamp of\ merely )) - cause the 'inolet ular impinses lia1. e a BciiHo of Ironic 11 huinrir ! In sueli a * m- It will be s en that, In spite o,' utit- wanl upiiearance^, not only b; there no KUilt, but there may be also a com plete- absence of evil Inclination.' In this airy way Dr. itubhiM.n-illsmhses a mysteiy which is ot vastly more im portance to the community than hi.q speculations about the cause of the vllkitfo blacksmith^ frown and tho in fluence of malt liquor on the brewer's drayman.....Does this facetious phys iognomist plunge us inlo despair mere ly for his own amusement V In our opinion, every nlan of bl nuchas char acter and evil cniinten uu-e ought to call on Dr llobirisen, and put him to tin question. L,< t our friends with th hand-dn^ look and tlie heart of gold, with the open and tie- g'.L'iu- of a\ ri-e, with tin' gentle tongue ami th i-ir- hiddliiK i-cciwl, wait on th'* oracle In a body, and demand why their much n< ry of nutrition, which is In admiiable Wfirhin^ 01 der, jn oduees sie.'t tacl '1 vag.ui'-. Is it destiny or diet V Shall tiny bei unic vecftarlm*, er stil.m t o the unmerited toiiuie of an inexorable caprice ?" Liteiary TMgeht. Sl-llUOl Nlllll 1-1 I I -. Those who are just i<- ivinj.? celled shou'd exchange photogiaphs with mi another, ni at b-a^t autographs. ii hool giiis will limit 1 stand the q ..- tathiu 1'iom Vhgil : "Hiurj olirn jfieui- I111; be juva bit," bill fot the b'-nejit uf those less advnrued it Is translated: "it will be pleasant hereattt-r to re member tin se. things." Ho careful, nls-o, how, In your imxl( ty to be rid of ohlldlMi tasks, you destmy compos tlon and exercise books. It in nut advisable to keep evei ythlug\ but years hence, you may wish you hid preserved icport cards, essays or drawing-s that would bring back your school days. bUWAMJS JUKt. I'l-nihlllie .S|t(>iii<1n'b4. A delegate at the recent National Council of Women compiled the fol lowing "shouldn't" during- the n-adhig of a paper, and just when she "shouldn't" be doing anyLhingr of th kind : You shouldn't be extreme. You shouldn't sacrifice your Individ uality at tho nhrine of fashion. You shouldn't allow your dressmaker to stiffen 3 our summer gowns, except with the very lightest and most pliable material. You shouldn't wear tan shoes with a silk or any dreuiiy gown. You shouldn't wear high stock col- lais with bowH, which make you look as though your head were tied on they ari> passe. You shouldn't wear a floral collar, if your complexion is faded or Inclined to yellowness. You shouldn't have your uown meas ure more than peven yards around the hem; five und a half If you are small, four und a half if you are sensible and fjmall. You shouldn't carry a flower, lace or chlffon-trlmrried parasol in town, ex cept for currln(?*3 use, You shouldn't wear a silk or satin bodice with a linen coat or skirt. You shouldn't wear silk or velvet for travelling; washable materials or brll- llantlno ai-0 the best. You Hhouldn't wear bloomers with out n skirt, unless you wish to look vulgar. You shouldn't wear a cloth cap In tho summer, cither for cycling, firolf or toiinia. It collectn tho dust, and Ih vory warm' Straw or duck In moro up-to- date und comfortable, 4 You shouldn't Ignore fauhlon alto gether, l You needn't be In tho fashion (fSyou do not want to, and happenf to b an exceptionally pretty woman. Thlp Is for tho men : You shouldn't wait till Sunday for a shave, unless y/ou' are on tho "outiv** with your swe^t- tioart:. l(<- SnntMlied I he Ciorln'i'v and l"cit*nll iO'* ol mi l.l<itTl3 < imi le**. ' Albeit I'Mwaid, I'ririee of Wiih"t, 1*1 puluph the inoul popular man >*j "'""- . nl. This prjpiihulty hi din to bin I .1 -.I spoils and all innuly trail*) u 111 11 me pa 1 ti' ulai Iy commendable ill -I , e\--i of ih* average Hiltbdiei', A1' .1 youth hia audiiolly and uppiuelutluii oi , .joke, < itle r ilm a perpetrator or \ ict mi, wei e well known. 1'in1 01 hi'i erly 1 se .ijiiiileii resulteil in her -Majesty Hie tjuci'ii fooLInK u bill lot broken cro kei y and wreckr-d I'uinltur* wlih li tin yuiiuK i'rlnce cann ed In the house or one of the lesser Niemhi is ol the nobility. A ratliei elderly co'iinlesii, \vho*e quick tempt r and Mhar[> tongue drove even her sei - vanifi away from, her, advertised for a fo.dmflll. The Pliliee, to wllOSe e'll'M tab., nf the pi eullat It les "I the old ludy had come, rcolvcd to teach he:- a leLson. He therefore, presented him self In (llsg'iiiMe at her ladyship'.*-! house and applied for tho position of foot man, The f'mintoHM had Just Mulshed Iter bii ikirist, and inishliiu ler eh-ili hick tiori tie- table, liviU ucted, the "eivaut to brills before hei the applicant. The I'lliu-' was tbciefore iiMheicd Into th'- room. The count cms looked hi in ov" r II Hiu his It * t up. Apparently ple..-sed with tin* upp. ar- aii'e ol the 1'rlnce, she said : " Let an- iM'j nu walk." Albeit I'JiUviiid dhl as cirnmanded. and walled bukwaid and forwnid n-\- eial iinie<, ,i( ross 1 lie lloor trom one > nd "" tin 1 o an to the other, now walking- briskly, at tie- reqia st of the old Udy, and then paeiri;; slowly, as she wished t*i obtain points nn this srnre. This ]>erf(ji innnce ovei, th-- countes-- oideied him to trot The (linliii*: ro mi still the ih'.itte of action, tie* I'rln e tiottid aioiiud It s.'vei.'l time. When this c\erels' uiei (ompl-t'"d, biv jj i: (lime p. a slindstill ii'-ir ih" licid of the t.ible, win Ii the eoillltes-- \\,iS se t I'd. Jli-r lnd.\j-hip .seeined pi* ."-ed, 'and was JusL on He- point ol asklntj; t'u young' man som. ipn-silons about him self when he shouted "N.e\ M*-e m , J ()[l i" Giasplug- a < ( rne o: tin table cloth Mi ml., In one hiiini, tin in:, 1 . . <: round the loom, pulllnt; tie- cto'-key r-lf on the Ilo'M' In a heip, knoekltiL, over the furpitur\ and tlnallv uindingr her ladyship up in the folds of the cloth' lie th'-n bolti d for the door, !on\ ing- the fj'uint ss sjnittei I riff and shouting-, and tho servants running- about In a distracted way to liberate their mistress and quiet her r;iK('. In the hubbub arid confusbm tie* Prince escaped. The next day a check from th* keeper of the pi ivy Purse settled the amount of the damages, and likewise established'the Identity of the mischief-maker. New York Herald. SEED FROM A MUMMY. How un KnjrliHlumin fiot 11 Now Kind of I'eun for St*ml. Gardeners will be Interested to learn that J. Davis, of Wood Close, Bromley Common, Kent, h;us growing" at the present time pens which are the pro duce of sound pens found In upper Hgypt In a mummy case about three years . j?o. The saieophaijus which con tain eil the mummy and case In which the ixirents of these pens weie lonnd was discovered In a cavi tomb situated In the valley of the Kings at At-saseid", which is about an houis' ride west from the Nile at Thebes. The dis covery was made by a par ty of live gentlemen, c onslstlng- of t\\ o Ainei 1- 1 .ins, two ('ambridg-e students and the cousin of the lady from whom the spec imen peas now ki owing- at Hnunley were obtained. The inscription wont to show that the person entombed was Memptah, a younger son of User-Kheparu-Ua (Set! II.), son of Uainest'H ]I., founder of the 1 Ighteenth dynasty, Prince Memptah existed about 1..170 11. C. Th** valley in which this tomb was discovered in the old burying: place of the Tin-ban king-s of the s-'venteeth and eighteenth dynas ties, and most of the tombs arc remark able not so much for their size as for their exquisite beauty. All of these two races of klng-s were buried in this val ley, but only about one-half the num ber buiied (about forty in all) have yet been discovered. The peas are much HmaHer than those of the present day, a fact which Is possibly evidence of tha lmpiovumeiiL which has taken place in the cultivation in the modest Interval of '1,000 yeais. Nnrltierii TibrtitM. The fact has long- been recognised that the splendid phenomena of the Northern Lights, or 11 mora borealls, are due to electric action producing* luminosity In the upper regions of tho atmosphere, perhaps i-eventy-flve miles or more above the eaith, where the density of the air Ih exceedingly slight. Hut the precise manner in which the electric eneigy acts In such a cas-e remains to be explained. Since the discovery a few months ago of the new constituent of the atmosphere to which, on account of Its Inettness, the name argon hus been given (tho word cornea from the Greek argon, moaning; "lazy, idle, do,!ng nothing") imny experiment;' have been made by chemists to deter-' mine the properties of the new found element. Among the experimenters Is the dis tinguished French savant, Monsieur Ilorthelot, and at a recent meeting ol the Acadomy of Sciences he made the very Interesting suggestion that the Northern Lights may be duo to the argon contained In the upper atmos phere. He bason this Idea on the fact that, while he was experimenting elec trically with argon contained in a test tube, a splendid fluorescence was de veloped, the light of which, as testod by the spectroscope, resembled that of tho aurora borealls. He thlnkw that argon, or some element associated with It, may. under the Influence of electrle currents doveloped In the high regions of the air, produce a fluoroscent com bination, giving rise to the strange lights that we observe there. ,Vtili-ltmi. The puor drunltord lay In the gut ter while the thoughtless crowd jeered, Along cume the good-hearted citizen and" placed tho unfortunate In a stand ing position. "Ah," Httld the crow.fl. "he ban been there himself." ' So shines a good deed In a.unughty world. Consumption. Tlu; inu*s,ant wasting" of a con- Miwptiwj can only be overcome by p* "crful concentrated nourish-* j.n:ttt like Scott's Emulsion. If m.;s wasting is checked and the ti in is'iiipjdicd with strength to .it tin: disease there is hope * : recovery. Scott's Emulsion n' Cnd-liver Oil, with Ilypophos- I iiiirs, does more to cure Con- ."iipt-iou than any other known . urudy. IL is for all Affections of II or.t and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bron- (b'lsnnd Wanting. V^wf-hUtJr*c. buu't&Bowno, BellcvllliJ. AIIDruoaluta. 50o.A$t* BUSINESS CHANGE. A Partner with Capital and Horvicos' wanted 111 the nioiit central insuranco oftloo m i'etroit. No other businouu affordu ail, Nino, riorujuuent und luri^o an income on 1 hn amount invented. 1/ thm intorcstHyou enmo to Dutioit at once for oonndotitni in* teiview. Apply '21 Went Fort wt., Detroit, Mioh. LOANS. "Money loaned on furmu in Eeihgx on ciihv it-rum. Apply pcnionally 120 Grmwold , Mich. CALL AT ay's Bazaar, FOIt ATjTj icindhop Window BlindH away down *liirm ware, lirjc-a-Brac, h'ltnoy Goods, Novelties, Uooka and Stationery, School Supplier, f'oys of all kinda, HiM-iin Wools and Fingering Yurns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. - tj-. * POYv ut v '^. tin StaiC HEADACH?: anil IJci:rV.ij-"i . i ;:o MifliUTCjt, ai o O u .: To u". , Ihi.i- i' . , ihiiL.,, I'aiii ni tho Suic, C'o.i iti'r.u.tT, . -ipul Livt'r, bid br^iiih lu -.i.iy (.mcil .ibn rujeilato tlie bniwJs. vcflY W/CE TO TAUB. *P:ilGE 26 QCNTQ AT DtlUQ STQUEGt ilnternationai I>i<Stionary !Invnlunhlain Office,School,nntliramu't Now from Cover to Cover KueceRMr of the "UnahrtttiietL" fctniHlfird or ito U. H. <lov't I'rlnt- ig onici'.tiior.s. SuprcntoCourtniid of nearly all thu Hchoolhoolui. "Wiirmly onm- mended l>y Htato Hii])erintcndonI of Belmolti, ami other Kdnoatomfil- inoHt without num ber. Tho One Groat Stnutlurd AtttJtorlty, Mo wrltea Hon. D. -f. Jiunvor, Jimtlco U. H. yiiiiromu fourL A Colloco X'renldont whitens uX?ar X " 'it(io with xvhlnli tlio y flndit the X ** wiu-tl nouclit, tor nennrney of cloflnl- S "tlon, For ttit'iiotlvo mothodg In Indl- "ciithiRr nronuncliitlon, for torn** yofc "c unprohonulvo BtutomontH of tnMH, "end f >r jiruottnil lino rM a wofkln^ "illi'tloimry, 'WohHtcr'Hlntoriuithmal' cxct'lj. any othor nhiR-lo volume." G. X- C. MISItur/LMCb., JPithUshors, vSpriji/'/Jo/d, J/iws.. Z/.8.A., udr* flnnil to 1lin ]inliilnlir>m f nr fre<i pnitiplilct. uviionociiuyciiciiiiii'iHiiHrioriiiicirut saitlona. Vucatloii VlkHtfi Io at haud and in filudly wolaomod by all, eopcoially thoBo whoHo duties iu lifo hbve caiiHod thorn to, gtoatlv run down their Bvatora to moct tho roqniroraontu, phya- ipal aud meutal, (oroorl upon them. With tiTioao n-nd othcra, it \U important, whether at home, at tho Boaghoro or In the country tluit ho mo thought ho givon to diet, and aa further nuaiBtnuoa to nature, a good'baild- uiif up mediciuo hlto Hood'u Sareaparir mil h. et. il'r*i-hortod to. If tho digeatl< , poor, liver'-d and frequent hea trln raroni to bo ' the rule, Hood's ehnno alUbio wd ouadlo everyone io turn to their Inm nnd in a fredded Btato of mind and bodily health Tho hair, whtu not properly cared for Iohoh It* liin*r', beoompBoriBp, h^rab, and dry* nnd-riillH out freoly with ovory oomb-,-,)V| ifi' To prov 'nt thfa. tho bGal-. drealoi In f,1' '^ the market iHAyot'a Hair Vior. It Ira-' < parts that nllky ^Iohhso enaeiitial to perteot , J Wakueun w the aymptooi, impoyeriah- ' ;"^*L et\ (loot tlie csmo, Hnoi's SrAp*rill "^^ th** our*. It make* the weak Vtron. ,-^- i*a ifiii. 'Mm^&!' : :^^^ j> -i! Yii ' I ' 1 ' * f i J 6484 38

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