Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 23, 1895, page 4

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THE ESSL^i FRB&,J?RES?5 We Want to Sell You a Bill of Groceries. And convince you that wo soil tlio fine OBt good ill tha lowoet figures in JiIhsox. Oourfcoons ircntmont anJ prompt rtujjfyf'y. a. mgarff & CO lgEssbx Free Press. FRIDAY, AUGUST"23, 1895. TlioOx-Kyo Daisy. Tho Crcamory Guzotio, nublitihod in Iftwa, contain* tho following : "Moat evil thitnH In thin world havo an Ugly look. Thoro iBBomothiiiK about tho Hotrponfc from which wo nhrinlt infitiuctivo- ly; tho thintlon of vurioim lundn, by thqir upinflH, proclaim their nly dinponitiou; thtiro ih wobouuty in tho oocrUlb burr thut wo Hhould doniro it; tho homo nettle and tho uniny ni^htHliaUo^roclaun^Jo^overy otran^or, "Wo are a bad lot; binvaro o uh;" tho acont of tho ra we<id und jimuon nio enough to Hay, "Wn want nothing to do with you." In gonei-al, ovil thiiiM" and evil woodH, an wull an uvil ruou, have uu njjly look. .Nature kindly putu tho appro priate mug on tho bull-dozor . and wiy, "Truut him at your peril." Ihcro arc, however, oxcoptiniiH to thin _ruIo. Wo have it on tno bout authority that Satan'onii traunform hiraaolf into' an anfiol Of Hfihb, and it ih a mutter of faot, attcatod by larjju oxponoiioo, that tho moht danguroua man aro thono that can put on tho fair Rooming of outward culturo and Htimulatol houuuty of purpono. Tho hwuu liua of oxcoptioua to tho gonoralrule pru- vail m tho familiofiof iiqxiouh weodn, and uuo of the uiOHt noted of thene \a tiio ox- oyo diimy. One of tho moat common 'XulainutioiiH of the farmer'^ wifo when nhu firut aeon thu ox-ovu damy growing in hor husband'a pus turoH ih "Oh, "John ! what a lovely ilowur ! You muHt ditfit up lor mo and plant, it jn tho garden. AudJohu.uood-naturedmiin, to pltjano hor, doan thin vary tiling- Win n hor frioudu como on a vinit in early Juuu, alio can hardly wait until uhe has tulu-u thorn into tho pardon to uuow thorn the lovoly "Mar^uorito," uh who culls it, and when sho returns to tho honao porhapa playoou tho. organ "Marguerite of long ato." Tho neighbor women want tho need of tho lovoly flower and in due time the town- ahip in well Htooliod with ono of tho wor^e ouraoo that ovor viuitod a farm. Fivo dol lars an acre would bo a amull oatiniaio in pluoo on tho loaa in valuo for every note infoutod with thin beautiful.but danguroutt. plant. When a neighborhood in wall in- fentud with this plant wo doubt if it can ovor bo exterminated. It in coming wont very rapidly, TIi*j flnldHtnOhio, PonnNylvanm and Maryland woro almoht univirnully white with iU beautiful bloom hiHt dune, and uuIonh it ih fought with tho most duterminod puruii-t- once it will in duo timo r;nra<= tho west. Woconoider it a far more dangerous weed than tho Canada thimj. Wo had it in ono of oar iioldn uevan or tight yuarn a#n, but by porainteut uiggiug it out by the roota ovary timo it began to bloom, we Huacoodou' in eradicating it entirely. Tina' jh tho only tnothod of lighting it wo are proparod ut thin timo to recommend. ItkitlJV*)li Vm< ICnncX. rutronn havo boon in groat cvidnnoo in thm ridtiid latoly, and at no pluoo have thoy been in grout or ovidoneo than at their picnio at Hlytlionwood where thoy too fitly colahratod the viuit of thoir larger artillery. IjRHt Friday thoy invitod tho Uuthvon and EoRtx baeoball toamn to givo an axhibition of the great Amorioaw Kamo. Hut thoy omittod n few trilling urriLngoniantii, mich hh a ground linkable to play upon, no the team.1), not willing to ditmppoiui their piitrons adjourned to Ijcuniiniftiin, thf Mecca of KHex hull tuhHtjin. and thoro the followim^-toa[U3..[;tiarmiid an entbuaiuntie crowd for a eouplu of bouiM. ' lUlTHVHN. Gord. l-'ox, e A. ItcChurlen, 2nd b ' W. Canoadden, r f F. Charter (Detroit) [ G, Ortn, l f G. CuHoaddcn, ^ b 1J, Shauka, n n B..Iiuou, o f L, BouHnoy, lat b KHHEX. W. Noble, o A. Gourlay, l f T. AIlUon.B ii 11. W. Sawyor,.'Jb .). U. Gourlay,'2 b J. Whito, r f F Cotter, o f H. 1. Doming, p N. BueUluud, 1st b Fall Fairti. Grout South WeBtorn, Ennex, Oct. 1 3. 'Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 2 1*1. Woatoru, London, Sept. 12 21. Poniuuular. GUatham, Hopt. 21 26. , Loaniiugton, Sept 25 -27. Peloe Inland, Oct. 1. Tilbury, Combor, Oat. 0 10. Golohofltor South, Harrow, Oot. 15, 1G. rtomnoy, Whoatloy, Oot. 2, 3. Starlt'sPowdorfl, oach packago of which oontainn two preparation^ one in a round woodon box, tho covor of which forma a muaiuiro for ono doiio, an im mo dm to' relief for ooativoiieng, Sick Headnoho uad Stom- aoli, alflo Nouralgia and all kinds of nerv- ou pains, and anothar in oapnulHi (from, -f to. -J of ono in an ordinary doao) whidh aptn on fcho bowolii, livor and atomaoh forming anovot failinfl porfoot troatmont for all ho ad and idomaoh comphuntH. Thoy do not, as moat pillo and no many othor modi- oiuos do, loHe their offoot, or produco after conatipatioti, thoy are moo to take. 213a a box at all modioino-loalew, ' Itlenex made a HtunJy kick on thu Pluth- you pitohur wlio liad boon obtained for the ocoaiiinn thoy nay "to work on tho gnu liue," but .finally the dinpute wan com- promiwed by Uomiuj-;, of Leamington, going into tho box for Ehhcx and Kuthvon rotain- iny thftirgna O lino. Itntlivou battled fimt to thu tuno of five rmiH, tho othor Hide being retired by it triple play of Alhaou, Gouriny aud Savtyer, Rbudx uesurod ono trophy in thiu half. KuLhvun wan abut out in the iiecoud and Kanex Hcored three, In the third Ruthven tot onto the ball and run up woven count- era, while Ehuqx Buffered tho presentation of a gooHo egt;. Tho fourth gave each two runo, but tho fifth again gave Huthveu aovon with Kaaex taking only ono. The uuxt fourinuinga wero good exhibitions of thofcamti,being pretty oven, Ehaox jotting hovftii out of the lottery, while ltuthveu drowfive, thus giving tho|game to Kuthvon by a two to ono a^ore. Both toaniH play good ball, and but for tooHQ outnolding on tha part of tho home toum tho Hcorea would hayo boon very oven. Dflmina pitched u magnifiaont game, while the Kuthvon twirlor waa worthy ol his biro. Singles and doubles wero tho rule when the hnttora did have good eyes, tho only throe baggers beiug scored to Gourlay and Buuklnnd. Wat Snydor, of Leamington, makou an udmirablo umpiro, not a Binglo kiok beint! made during tho entire game. A return match in expected hero on Labor Day. Comber vm, ICnhox. Tho Cornbor Basthall team osime to Ka- sex on Tuesday of hint week, to jduy a mutch yamo with tho homo totira. Tho viuitorH woro dofeatod, bowovor, by a ncoro of 25 to 7 runa. Following nooro tella tho graonomo tale : ptUKX INNINQH. NarooQ. 1 'J 3 1 5 C Total. Noblo 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 A. Gonrlay 1 2 0 1 1 Chatterton 1 01 1 0 1 -1 J. Gouriny 1 I 1 J 5 J. White 010 0 01 2 Bucklantl 1 0 1 2 Brjwn 1 0 1 a Stone 0 1 0 1 0 3 HutohiuBon 0 0 1 0 1 Total -1 9 0 3 1 0 36 COUOB* INNIHOH. Namoo 1 2 3 1 5 c Total. 8. Glyadalo 0 0 0 1 1 Havolook 1 1 0 2 Warrou 1 1 0 2 J. Clysdulo 3 0 0 0 1 Hartford 0 0 0 0 W. ClyodalQ 0 0 D.Evaud 0 0 Kott 0 0 0 0 Taylor 0 0 1 Total 3 2 0 0 0 2 7 Vila GUI I <l i-<m* VSnemy. ' Rtvofula often uhowu itself lu oarly lifo and in ob&radtemocl by flwollingg, abuoenatn hip duoaue, eta, Oommaaptioti ia scrofula of tbo Iuugi. Xu this olatin of disoasil Soott'u Emulsion I unquestionably tho mostifflliEible wediomd* ' t MANITOBA'S HARVEST Another Wook -Will Soo tho . Bulk of tho Work Ovor. THE WEATHER MOST PROPITIOUS Ait i;iiroiiriitlitu lr|>ntrli 1'rom fc'llot >lo(iii(l Hi" Ity.i I'l.clhm lu Wrut-, \,ll. lwt Hull way M-Htiillll*-* Hint u l*olK<mlM i'tlH** 111 >ioiltf<-l. Montreal, Aw;. 17. A gontloman In thin i-lty rucelv'ed the I'ollowlrii; iU;- iiin.tidi to-drty from Pilot Mound, Mail,, whli-li np).'iik:i fur Itnolf : "Tin/ nritfiil- lloi'iiL weatlier litlll provalln. Twenty- livu per cent, of wheat <n*u.p will be out to-morrow nU:ht and 75 per cunt, tlm fulliiwluir Saturday. The farm ln- bui-ur:i dlKtribiit^d thnnuflmut the country uni bcim; eiiKcrly nnupiiud I> and tlio Willed uveragn I'roni V~?> to $-IU per month. Tin; lmpn-;dun In that Uu* Provincial GovcriunciU. esthuati "T :> biish.-lti to the acre Ih below tin' mark ami that tin; yield will at k-aut In,- lis bushclH pL-r uere,'.'. Tli.: litnn labonrra. liientlumal In. tho above ilcniiiLtch won; sent up tn Mani toba and Hie Nortlnvt-at by tho (.'ana- linn Pacilic to the number of -S-lii, who nrcupled llvu npeelal trains uml I!) earn. They were drawn irmn On - tai-io, gucbec and New liruimwlck, :\<<\iu: SO per cent, belnfr from tin: flisln named province. In 1891, the year of the hint ble; crop, a number of men went up to the Prairie Province, but not 'mo many us thin year. In reply lo a question ynur correspondent wan informed that of this little army SO per cent. o.C them are real laborers, who bare all found -work, and the probabilities are that when the har vest Ls over many oi: them will -Mettle down In Western Canada. .Despatches were received here to day asking for French speakers to pro down to Westmoreland County, N.M., where the nomination takes place to morrow. La Patrle has already le- Kiin a campaign-on race lines which will be continued among the French population of Westmoreland, Mr. Trirtt:, M.P., writes that he thinks a- lottery In aid of the Mani toba scIiooIh iy a mlHUlce ana would cr ate -i serious misapprehension In many people's minds, A :-ad enno is reported' from Mnnt- calm-street. Three weeks .ago Laidercr Trudel, married Mian Llllle O'Brien, and the honeymoon seemed to be bright enoiiR-h until last evening, when the lirodc, by some means or other. swallowed a dose of poison." It wan thought that the woman's days were numbered, but sho lived tbrouerli the nltfht. fp-id althoue;h very weak, the do-tors believe that they can save her life. Two'fatnl railway accidents are re- ported.An unknown man wlia had been be^KinK" from door to-floor was struck by a train near Valois and killed ln- ntnntly. This morning1 a man named 1-a l-'i'anee, who was crosHlne; the Grand Trunk at Stratbmore.waH also run over and killed, flotb bodies wore brought tn the city. l^red .7. Clark, arrested yesterday In connection with the TTaynes-Jonklnfl arnn ease, pleaded irullty to-day. as lieine; an nccensory lieff.i-e tlu- fact. Mr. Tarte Hays. nft<-r ldrnself, Clnip- lenu and Anders left th_e Conservative part v because Intrdenmee and bigo try held all three by the throat. The Fratliorlnpr f America's Caledon ian f-*ne|et|eR resiilted In Wilkes-Harre, Pa.. boliifT Hfdected i^ the next place of meeting. The oflleej-s eP'eterl are ns follows : Presldciif, Peter Klnnenr,, Albany; first vice, William Simpson, TOT-nnt'i; second vice, N'aMian Tlfiss. V\'l]kes-Parre, Y*n.; secretary, Peter lloss. New Torl<; treasurer, Peter^Me- Kenwn. Cliieae;o: assistant secret a r v. John Plclcen. 'Milw/iukee; manacintr commit tec, James Trvlne, T'biladel - phln and "William Penth, Montreal; chaplain, Uev. 'Dr. M'cLeod, Hcranton, Pa. n<mii\ i riov on iitin Mit. ito\vi;i.i, IZiiuior That Ho lint llmi <>0T*roi| n f'on**i OnHtlNH'iiry Vancouver, Auff. lfi. There is a good deal of comment current lure regarding a rumor from the cast that Kir Mac kenzie Bowi-11 has been offered a nomi nation for a constituency In 1 Jrltish Columbia. Hurraid, the new constitu ency, ls supposed to be the division that Is referred to. W ,J. Howser, the putative local Con servative candidaterln not popular with the wire-pullers, because he has so eagerly sought the nomination. Mo has n .strong1 pull wit h the rank and lllc. The Liberals and labor men are sup porting Hev. G. It. Maxwell, a Presby terian Oranpe orator, "who, It Is said,' would have a tfood chance evuii op- l>onlnff Sir Mackenzie. Tinder thcsi.* circumstances, it Is hardly Hkely^tfie Premier will become a rcprcsentati\- of the Western Province. Holmci (<> Up Trli'il In Uilrnao. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug;. 1G. it has practically been decided that II. 11. Holmes, the allowed murderer of Min nie and Nannie Williams, H. F. Plte- zel and half a dozen ethers, will p;o to Chicago for trial for the.murder of tho Williams Kirks. This, It Is said, was the outcome of a long conference held In this city last evening between Mr. W. A. Capps of Fort Worth, Texas, nrul District Attorney Graham. After the conference Lawyer Capps said that he had urged the district attor ney to allow Holmes to go to Chicago, and that Mr. Graham could hardly re fuse to grant his request. . I'tnil* Thoi: n el [EmnHiHM hy I'ln- Warsaw, Aug. 17. The town of Przy- tyk, In the rtudoin district, him been entirely destroyed by fire. A church ls the only .structure In the place that was not burned. Four thousand pur- arc homeless. The fire was of iiu i :ii-!!::i y ui igin. PLEADS "GUILTY." Since the arrival of our new goods we have been repeatedly charged with the enormous crime of un derselling all competitors. "We plead "guilty" to the charge and Will Pay tlie Penalty ! of increased patronage, which is already flowing in upon us, and will continue to sell New, Bright Fresh Goods at prices that are all in favor of the buyer. We have not space to enumerate, but invite all who are looking for genuine bargains to call at our store. Yours for Bargains, DtT^TSTjELlT BLOCK. BSSE2C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. npnilKK I"IIA.MK HOUKKS, IN TIIK liMHT L part of the Town of Knnox, will bo nold chuap. Apjily to or to W. D. HUOKTiK, London, ,T. H MoKWAN, Tux Collector, ICniiox. CAUTION. ripnK PUliLIO AHE UAUTIONI-ilJ AGAINST X negotiating for threu promlimory noted, two of *.rj(J liuch anil ono of oltiior "TJI0 or&^tTTTCtr about two yi'iim ovordmi, held b'y'.Sinn'uol i'j. IJiiim, uml iiiiulo by N. W. Trim bio, an pity luout of imid notes bun been ntopped. N. \V. TUImHLE. Kbhojt. Ann. WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. 12 .to 2 I v .1895 Special. axem-Hion ritten on all ruilwnys. KHTAitia3in;n ISliH. CANADA'S FAVOiilTK LIVli STOCK UXllllU'lTON, CASNOT I!K Hinil'AHaKI). Kutric-s CIohc: Livu Btock, Sept. 12; all ether Depurr.montH, Sept. o; Final Puy luont in StakoH, Auyu^it 15. AuRtimi-Sttlu-uf-Bnolha and .J.'nvilfjguH on Hfouudn, Au^unt lijth Speoiul Attruotioim: -Wild En,st Show, oO Puoplu Ariilm, Turku, KkeiltH, LudiOH of tho TniUifih X'.-ilacu, etc., with Ilomoa, CurnolH nnd Dunkcyn, ituci ti hunt of othora, Prize LiHtH, fro^nuumort and ConditioiiH of mile for BootliH free. Cai'T, A. W. Pohte, Thoh. A. Bnowxii, Prenidont. Soorctitry. A Week of Bargains! We desire to close out the balance of summer goods and have made big reductions in tho following lines: Ohambraus, Ghallies, Lawns, Prints, Ginghams, etc., etc, and all othe"r wash goods, as we want to make room for our NEW FALL GOODS . . which will arrive this week, Having bought them in the eastern market at a cut price, we will be able to sell them closer than they have ever been sold in the past. ""~ *:' ljBt7.-t.1h-III!IU -j|-| SPECIALTY IN__ n-at*ayytiagyniwwft. To Smokers Tomoettho wihIiob of their otiHtoniora, The Geo. K Tuekutt A* Son Co., Ltd., Lliimiltou, Ont , hayo placed upon the murKt't A Combination Plu^ of t & B ?? SMOKING TOBACCO This supplios n long felt wau't, giv- iu^ tho coiiBiuner ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 oonfc piece,, or a 5 cent, piece of tho famous '""I1 & IB*' brand of pure-Virginia Tobacco. Tho tin tag "T & B" is on every pioco. r\R. PItOUSK.M. D. Univoralty of Toronto, M.B., Trinity Univor HltvM. O. I*. S. O., Into of 8b. Bftrtholo-mow'ii Honpltiil and Moorfloia'H Koyal Ophthuluilo noHpUiil.Lonrton, T'lnijlftiid. Biiocial attontioi) iilvou to diaoftiioo of tho oyo.our, noun and throat. Odloo bourn 11 to 12 a. in., 1 to :i and 7 to H n. ;n. Oftloo and rotildonco, 05 Ouollotto uyo., Winduor, oinioiiito St. Mary'n Aondaniy, Tol. I0&. ORDERED CLOTHING AT SPECIAL PRICES^ FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. I A % Vance's Old Stand, % Essex, j heAdquaktebs for E) -n" "! :n . Inilhiim Chatham, Au;v. J7. Mary Kllen Sul- Jivu.i. 17. win* drowtu-d last nlfjht hy the u.jaittinii oi' a rowbout In the river. WoodFfifk, Aupr. IG. Mt-H. John Swlt- Kor, niv-d "0, tiled Biuldonly yesterday durint;1 an attack of opllepny. Htf.rrlcHi Mitn IouihI Uvmt In .lull. .Frank. Bauer, aijod 40, a brewer of Waterloo, Ont., wan found dead In t)io County Jn.ll yenterday. , H-t*- was taken thoro at 11 o'clock the nitfht before and com mitted on tho ground of Insanity, l^itnlly IKitv-c In n.ieiwy XVlioatloy, Auk.'KI. A loam ran awoy with Mr. nnd Mrn, Jonathan Itemvick of Itomnoy to-day and throw thorn out Mrs. Itonwlck will die, but hor ^onband may.rocoror. wooo^e x^x-iobfxxooxivjis. Tlio Great Hiifrlluh Ilomcdy. 8(mTaakagea Guaranteed'ta promptly, and pormanontly euro all formn of Ncrvoua Wealiw8a,EmittalQ)itt,ftttcrtn' 'atorrhen, Jmyotenon and all . cjfeata of Ahuna or KvacBBiH, gffitcntal Worry, eajoeiatvauait 7irfarAttnA Aflnv of Tohacoo, Ojiiumor Stimu- JMJ01 o anuAjtm. tan,^ 1(jJi[flh mmyUml to Jti. flrmttv, Jnaanitv, Coimumptton and at early orawi, TTnu licn prcncrlhud over IlSyoarH In thoitwinda of caiic&i lit tlio flii/y IletlnblA and 3IoHt'.t Jttoittatno known, AakdrujiKlHtfor Wood'w )(lioiipIipJ*njlf hct ortura Homo wot-ihlotm modloltm In pluco of thin, IiicIoho riHcoln letter, mid wo wilt aoiid by rutuirt tiuill. IVIeo, ono.^aolftiaw, tU . 81^. Out urii pleoMt uhi vSU iuw. I'nmphlou troo to any wldroy , Windsor, Out.. iVuuCl , Kaaeit by ah dru^^ta. Hold in '/' PLOW REPAIES . OP ALL KINDS. Seed Drills, ALWAYS ON HAND. V.:';t ' p^^^^^SM^^M^^^ ' ' "' .*i-l?r V',',.1;i^'w

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