Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 23, 1895, page 3

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Li .^ 'uuimtu&iiiw T HH, J^SSJiJC FRKE PRB8fc i e.' A FLASHLIGHT FOR TIGERS: I'*Ih (rlclty Ainll'*l to u Nobl" **poi( 1< Mi> dhmch'*. <>f TmllH-t>4>i<(ll\ Ahn i,Tl.'lr I h'M Klcatrlclty haw now b(wi_jip|iil'Ml ll^t't InijitInj-r, and thn "MjuiFi th * IiiiI1ii.ii Junjrlo, bcffii-p b<- pull 'h iikaim* of liln ijiin, tombc'i " |MI"" ' .\hldi thrown u floiul of llirlit ui" ' luvy. Thl'i may rob ||;jt'r-liiitl'U' ' ' murl) ni' IIm romancf, but II I'1 'I,M.|K'( uul Llimi far iicvci-jil l.icf i*. \vfll-il<'fipfd tb.'ci-M havi* hu-n jrnth.'M'd " ll ' "'llltut' tllf> I'k'VOl HI'LIUK' '"'nt U him born found alnio'it Imp""'I* ' to duuv M/ri'i'H Into Ui' "(" " l|ll,in <ho day ju-ar thloltly nettled \> Hh : India, Hut at nlb'ht ibl" I" ' " " " MimiillMhcri by plui'liu: " * ' ul tMlv' ' In doiin- convenient pi " l"'11' lhi huntiT m.ty bo hidden '" nniliU'di Cut ufln- tbo tltfiT liH'i ."(r-nh (I the blao 1 of the fiend animal, aad h.i 1kuii In U-ar Hi*' niiT.i*u<, U l'< dllllrult lot the hunter to take aim wllbniit see'n blm. Thhi lia't now l>'cn ulivlntod bv Miliar ln-r an eleotrle lltfht dlnetly ovi i* ll varannH. At the IiiHtam that Hi.- ll^ln In turned nn tin* thv r is to : l.n Hi il h M-h uppeimmee that he does not mo Tbrcr.i niv not In the habit of Inokln" up, and It takes nevei al <-* < omU h< - fore tin1 animal H'IiH/J'h whi-i e the n-\. Mtr.inKL' lli;bt com on I'mm, Thin pan , uJiJdi la1 lnakos before endonvnrln/f In ci-r/ipc l.n (iiiitu iiiitlkdcnt to enable tie- ftpijrtwn'in to take aim and place a lur^e, i'Ub'itanthil bullet In a vital put of tin* tiller's body. "At pi't-'ML'nt," s.ij;* the in\' iitii nf tlilfi ayMtem, in a letter Lo The S'-l.-nt i e American, "T uie a battery of -K lai" coIIh, filled with mil ammoni ie. I' i very heavy und eiinibi r.'iomo, -iml th" Hrrlit only a five-candle power tamp Tta rocoaimoiubitionH are that the h-M- toyy U\ (jood for the next ten years, and only wantM an oc anlonal inline up "f the celhi with water, and nometlni ' .1 little l'rcHh (-al ammoniac Ah 1 cm only txo Hhontlnpr during sk months of the year thin Ih a /^reat advanta^f. Th" method of UHlnK ' aa folIowM Kroa the box containing the coll.s T ha\e a lino of wire (double, of cournc), hiij ?,) to 40 foot Ionpr, alipped onto i-acli enii of the box by butteifly nutn, the lam , Which I*, tied to a branch oT a tiW* Immediately over, nay, 20 feet hltfh, th bait belnpr at the* other end, "At about twn. yardn from tin* bat tery there In a connection, T think rall- od u male HWiteh A Mbort lln*- of wlie about three or four ff-et lonj;, males the connection to the fore eiyl of m 4 J-Hle; at one end of the HhoiT length fs a female nwlteb to lit on to the .Lbov- malo one, and at the other end tw Hmiill rlnprH tiro made of the wins Theo rlnnrrt are fastened by tuo b'-^ headed Hciewn to the bed of the Co'i- noctJon On he.uinK tbe ti^er ut tli" kill, T aim np nearly In the direction a* I can, then a MhThT-pre.MMiire of tin thumb mnlcoH the electric connection and the light opfna riprht over the ti ger." Thin Helen-tide sportsman a No em- Ijplqycd accumulatorH, but they did n >t Heem to bo adapted to such roiu;h fvorlc. Ite is now fitting himself with ^ {batLory which may be nurried on th' bolt like cartridpreH. Thirty nut-h batterlCH can led in this way, would. It |i estimated, b. H bib clent to provide a IG-eandle power Ufcht This Hystern of nl^ht hunting. It his been sutftfestort, nii^ht well be i.mplu\- ed in huntlnPT hie; frame In the Kockh *.. New York "World. TIPS 0W MANY TOPICS. EngUmd imports GOU,000 worth of po- tatouH every year.___ GUATEMALA'S^ BLUFF. THE LITTLE CENTRAL AMEPICAN RE PUBLIC THAT DlHFIED MEXICO. I'ruMldunl llunliu I*Iuyi<l n |l iioruU Ohhi Hut 1'hiiilly <'o>iuu>it<nl t< *ui Uxunhit, I*i-TlH. 1'ouulhlii J'.nniutltm ul u X'di-iuniiunt CJuUrul Anwtiliun Vitliin, Ifevot* thoro wuh-h country fertilized with iho blood of vuvolutlonlHtH It, l-i Cen tral Amorlcii, It h a very quint, wook, Intlooil, which doo'inotwIln(i!i'ianuprlHln of Komekindor otlim- la CJnatomala, Ni onragua, ironduraM, Salvador or Co.'ita HIca, the flvo alleged ropublicH known nu Contra 1 America, Prior to ]81i0 bhunv atatc*j, toKethor with Ihu two Mexican provinciwof Chlap/iH and Hocommco, con* Htltuted tlio vice royalty of Now Spain. In that year thn Central Americana vovoltcd and diove thn hntrd ,Spaniard4 out of the country, but instead of dwelling loKothor In unity, nn brothers should, thoy begun to The wedding i'l"tr ia wui n on tlii left hand bec.iust , in symbolism, th ritrbt hand la autlioiity, the left obedi ence. J A curious old KiiKlish law fmbado Btroot hawkeib to sell plnrns and <m>- plen leant m-iv.uu.s ami appu-iuii-, ahould .steal money to buy them "As blind uh a mole" |H not a si nilb - comparison, a.s the nmh. is posseted oisotnl oyoHlKht, although Us .-v, 4 (1I, very small about ttie size uf a nun- turd weed. In cmiHequcmv of a. pure water mij.- ply boiner piovlded in Indian tow uh, tin death'rate amoiu- the troops .stition- ed there \\nt\ bwn redUL-ed from G'l to 15 per 1,000 hIiicu 18(i:. The Hmall waists- of French women me belkved by some HJientl.sts to be the result of heredity. Akc-h of t fdn lacing, they j-ay, have producd a pliy- fllcul peculiarltj in the nation. SIiooh wen- hliu'kem-d an eai ly nn th third contmy. The substance used McemH ta ha\e be- n iarnplduk mix d with rancid oil; ioi, in . n old rormuue, a man in ejected from a company of polite persons bfCiuse lie bad just blackened hi*- ahucH. and they caul! 10^, endure the ^mn. To cheek thL- intbix Into the countij of foreign laborei.s, the Fiench ad ornment ba adopted a seib-H of sti In dent measures, th< chiej ..t them b-in^ bompulHory natuiiiUzation and com pulsory Jiervlce In the ann'y for all the foreigners who are unable bo piove that (hey have complied with the iawb lt.K. ulatlna; military aervlce In the iaMU of their birth. It Ih now contended that thenc- naturalized French aubjeuta a'-e a social and a politl al dane; i-( j.n,j ihttl> althouprh naturalization baa. In m my coaes, been forced on them, they should bo debarred of the political and iiicul advantages which should accrue tiom the acquisition of Fiench nationality. To Hystcmize this ostracism of the nat uralised stranger, ci veral bilks lut-ve been brought tbrward in the CUmmbcr of Deputies. One of them, devised by Count de Pontbrland, propones that no naturalized foreigner slmlJ be permit ted to hold the rank of odlcer or non commissioned oflicer in the army, 11- Hioutrn liable to serve na a private, and that no naturalized foreigner shall bo eligible for any legislative or i dminlB- tratlvo function, unless it no happen* that his naturalization g'oi-s back for three fronerutlons, The hill o' M. do pontbrland Is supplemented by anoth-1 ,er. Introduced by M. de M.-hy and VIh- count do Montfort, which is only alight- lj leHit hnrah. According to the i anumt oV 3flil, the number of naturalized for- olffners la Franco Itt only 170,701, w bli the non-naturalized foreigner* nnmbef not less than 1J30.2U. %&L ronrinio diaz, i'i;i.sipi;nt of mi;xico. quarrel anions thnmselves, and organized tho live republics whose naineq have al ready been given. 3;J very body knows that among tho am bitious and proud of all nations the Ppan- iah-Amcrican stands at the lioad. With Ills inordinate ambition he couples Cim merian ignorance as far mi knowledge of the political pi ogress of other peoples is concerned. lie considcrsliisawn littlotoy nati()i'_l]ie^iiuaL-pariecL,govt'riiiut!iitjon_ earth Jfehnsouu jjood quality, like tho average Hritiulicr, he never knou'H when he is whipped The only foreign power for which tho people of Central America hIiow real con sideration is (Jreat Itntaiu.'wbich, many years jtgo, obi.lined landed possesion in that-pari oi (he world, among them Ilritisb Ilouduru^, which adjoins Guate mala on the e.'Kr. Anotlier piciihanty of tho Central Amei lean is that he i nuver so happy an wben(|uaru'ling with .somebody. Tho high caste uescend.nits of the conquistudori'H licver work. They devote themselves to running the government, and lot tho half- bieeds and Indians earn a living for them. Occasionally they get tired of doing abso lutely nothing, and then they "work up" a revolution. lake the barons of old they gather about them their retainers and Bteul whatever they can lay hands on. .If they succeed in stealing enough thoy usually oust the president of the republic and become dictators on their own ac count. If not, they run away to homo foreign laud where they live in nnliiruco on tbe proceeds of their military and poli tical camp iigns Their poor dupes arc duly exeeuled kjhc power*, that be; their property, if tiny luue any, being seques tered "for the good of the state" i. e., for the benefit of bis excellency, the prusi dent Once in awhi> the "soldier statesmen'* of Central A met tea attempt, to bring down bigger game than is found within their own limits, but their game of bluff never frightens the parties assailed. A few week^ igo thu republic of Guatemala, wdiose nflairs jum now are administeied by President Jose Maria Keina IJmrioH, undertook to frighten the .Mexican* by de manding, with a gieat deal of bluster, the adjustment of a bordu- difficult) which, everybody supposed, b.ttl been settled "in Wb2. (juatenulan troops invaded a strip of Mexican territoi \ belonging to the state of Chiapas, destroyed a few lives and much property, When President Bariias wan called to account by Mexico he proposed arbitration to fix the boundary line. To this proposition Mexico replied that tho question of the boundary line had heeu settled in 1823 and confirmed in 18W, and demanded from Guatemala, an apology and tho payment of an indemnity of $1,- 800,000 under the tin-eat of war. From tbe day on wdiich President Por- flrio Din/,, the able chief executive of Mex ico, sent tho ultimatum of his govern ment to Harrios until tbe adjustment of the trouble n few days iigo, both countries' were making active preparations for war. Tbe population of Mexico in csLiuiatcrl at 12,000,000 Its army is ivull equipped ami drilled, and, if necessary. 100,000 troops could have been dispaichid to the filiate- < i ^ TIIK SKAT or THIS RECENT TUOUIILK. malau frontier within two weeks after th declaration of war. President ItnvrioH wa aware of thoNB facts, but may novortlioloia have boon anxious to flsht with Mexico. Ho know htK country to be bankrupt and his people to be generally dbiHatisflod with the olig archy created by tbe eider Barrios and per petuated by hiniKolf. The elder BarrloH was a wonderful man. He established railroads and telegrapliH in Guatemala, gavo tho country religious liberty: bit ruled U with a hand of Iron. His L'l-ear ambition waa the unlncatimi of the Central American republics into a powerful confodeiiition, with himself uh 'Mm a tor. In thu pursuit of thl schumo he iitsulied the tbbi-Hklun,o<l goverumout of- Hcialsof Salvador, thereby preclpltatluK a war wblcli ended In hlH'leJith. Hisyouug and Immeufculy nealtby widow. Went to' jWow Jtorlcnrtor tho dictator's fall, aim has ever slnrn boon one of the society lead- vrH of that city. H lm** been mild that Huf- ino Uariins wa'i killed by officers of ids own army at tbo battle of CuohuhuaUa In J8Wi, but this ehargo bat never Iwou prov en. It Is an indisputable fact, however, that while acting an president and dicta tor h mint millions of dollars out of f!uu- tunuila. Ifls trusted lloutenanLn knew that Iholrcliluf was feathering his own licit at tlio expanse of tho people bo prn- tended to love; but Instead of calling him to amnuit followed his example. After the battle of Oaehuhuallu the Guatemalan secretary of the Interior wont directly to the capital and stole StfOO.oOO, the entire cash balance left In the national treasury. Kver iilrii-n I he country has been in finan cial diMlnillles. It Ih possible, therefore, that young Bar- rio'i was- in earncsot. wdien ho defied Mexico. A war might have won for him the imp-- port of ihu (ax-pii)ine; population of Gua temala, and thus insured his continuation in ofllec. Being an ahlc diplomat he might, also have succeeded In inducing the othcif Central Amorican republics to espouse his- can<m. .Snob an alliance would have made the threatened war a more equal struggle; although oven then Mexico would havo bad tlio advantage of numbers. Tlio republic of Guatemala Is* divided Into twenty-two department1', has an area of 10,800 square miles, and, in lbOO, had a population of 1,-I(i0,017, including Indians and half-breeds'. Thu capital is Santiago do fJuatemala.sometlmcs called New Gua temala, a city founded in 1775, two yenr'i after tho destruction of Obi Guatemala by a great earthquake Tbe now capital has a population of 00,000, and contains anujn- ber of remarkably fine buildings, among thcun a cathedral wblcli is considered a model of architectural beauty and gran deur. Thu old city of Guatemala was founded, by Pedro do Alvarado, tho famous lieutenant of Cortes, who con quered Central America. It was do- btroyed by a flood from tho volcano dc Agua in 151L, A year later it was* re- founded, and remained tho center of .Spanish-Amei ic nn culture until 1773, when It was wiped out by an earthquake. The town of Antigua, a prosperous muni cipality of 11,000 people, now occupies tho site of the ancient Central American me tropolis. Among tbo other Central American re- puhlk's Nicaragua is best known In this country, owing to the projected Nicara gua ship canal. It lias an area of about 40,000 square miles and a population of [-1)00,000, Costa Kica is the .southernmost of i he five i ('publics. Its area is untimated at y 1,000 square miles, on which it supports a population of yi.'J,:jo."5. Honduras con tains Itl,-100 square miles and a population of .'ISO.OOO. Salvador is the (.inullest, but moit thickly populated of the quintette of republics. Its area eoiiNists of 7,1253 sfjuare miles, but, it has a population of about 7h0,000. Together tbo five, republics have a population ol about ,'1,^5,000 souls, fully 55 per cent ol whom aie Indians. The pint* whites constitute scaicelv 12 per cciJt. of the population, tho other 33 per cent, bi ing hall-breeds. Hiould (he Central American republics have (unci tided in fight Mexico, their union would have proved permanent, pro- \ idi'l tin alli( d go\ej iiuu-nts bad suOeed ed in defeating t heir powerful antagonist. Had, on the oi-ln*r hand, Mexico been the victor, President" "Diaz would, no doubt, ha\e gratified his army and people by an nexing 'he richest and most fertile states of Ceiilral America Hut, war or no war, it ii leason.ible to hope thai the Guate malan ugllaf ion will lead to the forma tion of a confederation as soon as the five little olignn lues can rid themselves of their dictators, al whose bead stands the ambitious Ilai nos bolur ln*:r(*y. Planetary Generation and Transmission of Electrical Knergy B. elcctrosphero showing circles of gradually diminishing rotation; K, interplanetary space; D, curve of gmdually diminishing rotation; I'\ V, currents of electricity flow ing to tlio sun; S, direction of the sun. From Dr. Ileysinger's "Solar Energy." Thlu VI nn Sti'vmtMon. It was difficult to name a living artist in wqrds that could bo compared with him who reminded us at every turn of Charles Lamb and William Ilazlitt. Thoro arc certain who compel words to serve them and never travel without an imperial bodyguard; but words waited on Stevenson like "humble servitors" and he -went where he pleaned in his simplicity because every one flew to anticipate his wishes. His style had the thread of gold, and ho w*aa the perfect type of tbo man of letters a humanist whobc great joy in the beau tiful was annealed to a flue purity Ly his Scottish faith; whoso kinship was not with Boccaccio and Rabelais, but wit|i Dnuto,. and Spenser. His wau the magical touch* that no man can explain or acquire; it be longs to those only who havo drunk at tho Plorian spring. There is a place at tho marriage feast for every honest Vrltor, but wo judgo that our master will ;go to the high table- and sit down with yirgil and SluikcHpeiire and Gootbo and Scott. The miiitH of his native land nnty its wild tradition! piumed Into his blood s< that he was at home in two worldti, In bue book he would analyze human character with such weird power that tho roador shudders becauHO a stranger haii boon Avithln Mn -oul; lii another lie hurries yriu along a brcatlilesu story of odvotituro/'til! your im agination falls for exhaustion}. Never did ho weary us with tho pedantry of modorn problems. Nor did hodally witt- foul vIcoh to nerve tho ends of purity. -San liJJauhirou. Terra cottn sleepera. are In use dm Japan u, tt*jlur. DISEASED LUNGS CURED BY TAKING il I Cl\ ) Pectoral. " I rontrnetcd a aevero cold, which Hottlort nn my biii|'>i, and I did what Is often done In tueh cani"i, neglected It. I then consmlteil a doctor, who found, on examining me, that tho upper part of the left lung wiui badly affected. Tlie medtcinoi ho cave ni did net jicein to do any good, and I deteiinlned to try Ayer'K Cherry Pectoral. After taking a fnw doses my troublo was rellevud, and be fore T hail finished tlmbottlo I wu't cured." A.I-Krr.Ai^watRliTnalcor.Oraniiovlllu.Oiit. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Hip/bout Awardii at World*ti Fair. Ayer'H Jt'ttls Curo XiuZtacfition* 'CAU'T HURT DAT uJuaou lUoiDWi it'COME rnoH F. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A laigo stock, all now goods and lutoflb Ntjvnltios. I take no back Boat' on prices. SGHOOt BAGS, I liavo a largo stock, -might at bottom price, and can beat tlinm ail for prica and quality. Cull and hog theni. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness OFIEVERY DESCRIPTION. . A laiin fetoclt and it muJit e<'. ClU .11(1 *-(*C 1110 belrre Ini) ii g elhcv, hen Everything m (he Horse Fusnishing Lifie. llll llO{H h 4 ll -I i I Mil ti.V C'lll IJ life AVorliH, I'.tiHUX. Qox:e lm Joaaos, NUHRERYIV1AN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poach, Fear. Qiiidoo TrecH, Apple and Evcr^rM'SH, rium, HoHeH. 13erry BuhIioh, Iluariberry, Blackberry and Currant BuhIioij. All firat-clasfi Savo (igentH1 Big Profits and write for pricoH. Wo will chcor- fully anHwer you by return muil. Splendid Apple Trees, Al"ifi ovory roiipeot, $J2 PER 100 - $12, Money to Loan On Rood prodnotivo Ferm Proporty at 5}, A 0 par cent, ntraijdit. No Valuation Fees. Kff* Oouvoyaaomj? Dono up iu Neat SfcyU rallrouds. Tbe Increi ed for bv (besrwiter 3d ooat iB^omprn- udtUncetodcCay. Fire and Life naurance- 4. . LOVELACE, ESSEX, ONT IVOfio*: WhUW Blook, n^UiM AUCTIONEER -*S\-r*'n-r*S1K' HMNKY HUDHU.K, Auuttoitutir. Bnlo- liroiiintl/ iittoiMlml to. Anilroim Hon til WoodnJmi, Out. I'liriuiiitidtMlrbtK t" miotjio P>6 muy Inn vi) wo^l at tbo Vhk I'iiiihh hIHuh. * U it. JtVAiUXOK CHURCH DIRECTORY Mirriiomu'e . J).'. I'amioo, i'uiitor. Horvioe avoryHilnduyut 11 u, m. 11111I7, p, mi, Bubbfitlj Sobool n,t'J!lJ0)i m. O. M. Nitylnr, Huporlatoml- otit of nuhoul. Kjiwoitli boiLiaw pray or meeting TuttftdiLyiivmihiuiitU o'oloolt. domi/ul viayor nie<itlnji on Tljunidityovontnii, DHINOIjAIK, TdCKNHKU A.UCVXONKKK for tint Comity nfKunox. Huilitf of l'dijlitn liilon (Join-t, All kind* of Vitrin and otliur Dlv......................... Hiiloit cundniitiid pmni'itly Ilnton rnu-'Oiiablo iumI ftiriilKliiid on anplliiiitfnn. Ilinndiitrii inity apidy ut W. D: Ilnainaa'ii olllun, or at thu ol!lo of niviiilnn (Jmu-t (J]iiil(,M*'. .mha Milnn. JOHN OOUMIiKY, MCUNHHIi AU(Jf[ONl'.i:n rnrLhij Comity of Kmuec. All Id rid ii or farm dtnclt h1oh, i to , oomliK Led )mimt>tly and on idiort not leu. Hi t<ni roniioi'iililn I'ortunin <l<HJrublo to urviLiii!'* luhni mii-y lo no liy ciillbi'i ut thu I-'ar.i: I'aiam ofitco or by iipplyliiK to 4 J. GORMhKY, V. (). box JVi Kimox, Out. F T-UANK MuCLOHKbY, Muldiicomi, thirty- iiiwom yoant' uximrinnro an nn inidt Intirnii'ln thot-ountv nf lliiiifin. Huloii couduotod jiroinjitly, unit on loaimnaldd tnnuii. PurtliMi duniHn,; to fix tlio ilatu for a khIli run mivo tlnunnnlvi v a drWo by eiUbnj{ ut tho l-'ani: Vim nn ollico. W hitv iirraiif'tid with Mr MuUloultoy and v,ill fix tlio datoii for unbf l>y telnBm]ih,rnitiruly fnin of nil ciinrijo to (ho ixnt.oti lioliliii|[ thu tJ.vlo. Ad- droim I'ruuh McOioiiltoVtMaliliitonuCrniJ^Oiit, Uuuiaur iw Knooa**i Kv, A.L.bovorly, laT' oimdieiit, Ht. I'iliiIh, HuntiX, DHouuHorvfoo iiVtuy Hiimbty at '/ o'ulouk, p tn Hunday Udhool ublllH, in. ^tVlnlty Cburidi, NorthItldfta lilviii" mirvlouii ovory biuidity at a p, jn.: Hob day Hohool at l.JOp. in. U'ho nubliu uro cor- ilially invited. i'ttumiYTKiirAN. W. M.VlonibJib I'ttHtor- tier- vlUiiti on Huhbiitb at 11 u. in, and 7 .lii) p. m Hab- oath Hj'IiooI atii:ii() p. in. Pniyor in* fitlug and f'ator'nbll)lo ulimii on Tuomfity p. m. Koebtl Union on Wodminduvut H.lBit. uai'Tiht Uuuicaii Jbiv.M. I'. (liimtdMill, I'as- tor. Borvlisoii (iitoh Huhhatli at U n. in. and 7 p. in. rruyor mooting on WodiuiHduy ovtjnUw ut H o'clooli. Huntii fruo. All nru oorclialJy woH gookkI. One Hundred HoLfAN Catholic. I'V. l). V. MoMomunin t'ufitor. ({(ir/jiu ovoiy otlior Humluy t6.S0 m. Hundtiy doliool at .Ip. m. hALVATio.w ;AifAiy. T. JI. Mobood, Cup tab). Halviutlon mootinjiu on Wodnufldity, Tliuraday and Holiday ovoidnijn; X'ruo and J-lutiy, Maturday ovoiilue and It ]i ni. Binidny, Jiollauim rouotlnga cbyuitlanii 1'rldiiy ovoiiiiiaaiid 11 a. in. Rua- for day, JCnoo Drill 7 ii.uijj, woicoino. ovory Hunday. A 111-uro NKWLY WANTED To buy Furniture at pricen that are riidit down to biudpaii,. and prepared to furuihh every ihiny in t-Jb* nbapo at I'urnituro (lint a coed hou*of{jtper needti, AIho a line lino of Baby Camujrt'H at pricen l\vM aie ri^ht clone. Kindly rail and umpfot the foodH, it will pay you to do no before I ny- \rtfi olnewhoro. It coatH you nothing to (jot pricoH. BNDER'MINB AND EMBALMING A Hpucialty. Everything dono up iu ^ood Hhupo, All noooHitary oarna^en lurnutbcd. Bumneaii promptly attended la at all bourn. Will yiricea with tiny undertake1!* of any town. Have two fino hcarneh in good condition, and will not bo mulei-Hold in tho Iiuoh I roprt-nent. J. A. Hick> > i> X "The Niagara Falls fiaxit." aoitia HAHl raldiiRcirect MiiyflOtb, 1H05. Dotroit. Wiminor .... I'd] ton.. Miinlhtoiioc Woodiiloi)... HihcoiuI) ... Comhor UidKotnwn . ltddney, ht.-'rhoiaiirf London . **t. 'Ibouiitu... Itn.lnty Itidia'tou'li..... ('uiiibtir IUlDOCJlllll . Wnoiliiliio..... 1'a.hOi. . .Uittdbtono Cr Pol ton Wiodsoi lit ttoit . . i;ip. a in. ii no B.17 10.OO Midi a in. 7 IL 7.10 H(M Hll 8-il HSS ft.17 ;i to )(J,I7 OOINO \U-HT. p.m. lii 10 1 111 u .m f 07 r> n 5 11 a to Ii 0.1 (' 11 fi IS 7.10 r.xn. a, in. !) 10 1. 10 " M lo :i i 11 SO 1 05 10'il 1J.1.1 IV? 10 l-i. IS Accom P in. 1 11) 5 ('.r> r m 5 !<,) Ti.'S'i ftr.0 .' ..iu not 7 m 7 .i1.) H 10 IL III .-i.ifl 0.1 i 7.M bOU 0 10 J3H o. jr> ii a io.oi 10. is icw ll).6,r) Amuerutbure V^ocnl Trtiluw. ^\ 1 HT KAHT p In. our* (J2H <i:iu 0 60 a. id. 11 ,MI IS 13 12.10 12 JIU H.15 H.^5 UIU HSfl b.ur> KllHCX Edi;au J, 13 t 1) It Xing MCGroROr Aiuhoihtbur({ a.m. a.m. p.m 7.15 O.SO 5.110 7.00 !).!() .110 fl.50 1) 115 -1 51! 1).-1H !U) -I fiOp. 11.110 D.JO -\.W/ LEGAL, Xj. JCJ5TKHH xiarrJiitor, Hollcltor 1 Htnitburii* ]^j]J(. Jinnox Cnutro. No ta// J FuuSVp Alonoy to Loan. Oilloo ov<i Y.-i A. WlHMKJt, W.irt JV HUbllo .to. AfOMoytt Htan Much, uji-ntulm, KuunX, tolloltor, No tar ^-ly CLAKIvlS, JiAKTbKT .fc nA'ltTLKT, Itarrfl torn, oto. Ofllucii, Mctlbury XUook, WbidBO I'ylvato fundii to loan. A. 11, C'LAlllCi:, h. h. U. N. A. llAUTLJiT A. It. JlAIITLm, b. A. HKNItY (J WAIiTEIlH, I..L.H., Attorney and Countioloi'iit law; with Addnnoudf Halehl*fl C'onjireifti nt. wont, Dotroit, AJloli. (Ciunidfaii oluimii anainnt poreonit In tl (Joitod Htatoii collootod.) Jtoforoncoiii Imporfiil Hunk, Knnox, Ont, J L. Potoifj, Kiirj, JJnrriiitor, oto.r Khh TO.A. Wiumor, Kurj., Jhirriator, ntc., Kill FIKOX, Ol miox, Oi MEDICAL. T^I-B. HHIKN A UltfEN. Juit Urieri, M. D., L. It., 0. P.O., cradufibi of Qiioon'a 1/nivornitv, ICinfi'itoi), tnombor of Col- Ihjjh nt PbyfiUdaiiii and Hureooilfl.Ontiil'lo. Orftd- uato of Now Yorlc J-'ont Gruduato Modfoftl Ool- ./. W. Uricn. l\f. D., Q. V., F. T, M. C. IIouo*- Mradmitn of Trinity Univoriiity, Hfcmbor of tbo Cnlh'uo of raiKicliiuii and Hiitnaona, Ont. Chad' untu at how York. Font Grudtiato ModJcal OOlcnovor Khiiot Mndfcal Hnll drug ntoro. fionnultatioti rootmi, both on ground floor and Unit flat ahovo. Ttilupliono in both obleo and roiildonco. AH oalhi attondod to from ofileo, iiniK Htoro. or ruiddonuo. Honi'Jonoo. Talbot utrout, front of f Ur uroimdg. Y\HH. DEWAIl A McKKNZIK. P, A. DiiWAii, M. D. C. Al., F. T. M. S. ato Trlnitv Univority. Mom bo r Collogo Pliyi hcJiOin'and Huriioonn, Ont. Itotiidoucc, Talbo G. MoJinNZIK. M. D. C. At., Follow Trinity \rodIcal Conoco. Graduato Trinity Univoralty Koiadonci: Tnlhot htieot, wci.t of M. C. 11, Ollico bourn H to ll a. in., 1 to '.i and rltoH p. m <lllci in Imperial IdccU. {jraund lloor, noxl to Thoino'ii druR htoro. 'ifoluobouoin coniKiotioii wltb oilloo and rotd- donco, Ordorn loft at Thorno'u drujr nttfro ^vlll ha promptly attoinlod to. DENTAL. HP. MAKTIN, D P. fl.. Ij. IJ. 8. iu Dontintry, Itoyal C'olJoRe Ciraduutu- ... _.___ ____n- at Donfnl Riukoodh, 0:.tario, and Univovrifty of Toronto r'iar({On,moi]oratQ. Oillco, over Urlon A Co n driiR rttoru. 16*1/ w VETERIWARY. ll, UTCHAItDtiO.N, vetorttiary fiur- (icon, Ciraduiito of tho Ontjirio Votrr- Inary i/olle^o, Toronto, ti onto all IliHOiinan of doiiiouticatod nuiiuidii Telopliono fiu connoo* lion Dontihti) a tijjucialtj, Ittin'Jlonoo, four doom houtfi of Cifst Mill. Ofllco flu potitoillco bnditiu^; Intlrinury dirocth epponit BAKER. '"pIIF. oldoiit buiiJiifntt in towiif Entabliniio I 1870 FlrHt-cIanB broad awd oaltou of nl IdndR. Wndilitiff oaUott a irjiooiJIlty. Urooorjon proviuionn, dour, fond, unit atrf porl:. CoufftO- tlonory, crockery, f'lannwaro. fJanuodfruitnand vonotablt'uof all Hindu fio/dti prouiiitly nn llvorod to allpartnof tbo to/vn. J. M. IIJTCKh, lol-tf / ____________: jo .i.fflija ii tiptC, | alowor than -IIHihoi which in f.lity lulmiton tloio. For information and ratoa to colon into woviuR wont apply to John G. Ijiivoii, Pan. HOURor Aeont, St. Thoman, 0. W. KucrIob, Gou-^ oral FanooDKor ana Tiokot Acont, Chicojio, 111 orA.O htiuioni. Aaont. Eniiox. ' ' L- E. A D. R. Ry- TIMFTABLF. NO. 18 taking oflfoot Saturday Juno -Jt)t IfiOfi. Tralnii run by Kantorn Stand ard Tiuio. Dully oioopt Sunday M*3 S3 A M|A M M" 12 00 Q.17 11 55 flfl!( 10.0(1 10.13 10.18 10 GC 10.3J 1012 10,02 10.69 1110 11,21 111)1 11,110 11.14 una la oi 1212 1318 lfliM ICfJj 12.40 18.J0 12 40 12.45 O C V U :20 (1.27 H.J1B (140 12.fia, 0 47 1.10'OM 1.28,0 00 1.40 7,07 2 CO 2.11) a.fiO U.Ofl 1.43 4.10 4.H0 4.S0 5.B0 0.4Q R.B^ 6. OS G.lft G.2fl d.45 7.10 7.14 7.24 7.31 7.43 7K2 fit* fl.17 8.23 8.112 8.40 8.47 H.S2 000 0 07 0.12 0 2Q 11. Dl X* Uf Btatiohd. A M 0 10 fl 04 8 57 Bf3 H47 ......____ .. 8 42 ...f Now Canaan... H :i0 Pop Walliory'lo Ar Walliorvlllo Juno. ........Polton........ .....+ Oldoantlo . .....+ Pnquotto..... MoGroRor a M t "MambfUia ...... H Arrow ...... ........t Arnor......... ......KtnpBVillo...... ..... Ruthvori ...... ... r.oandncton ... ......WhontUy...... ......f Itonwiok...... .....Coatnwortb ... ......tGlonwcud...... ........Blorlln......... ......t Buxton.....,.,. ......Bandinon ...... ...tCodnrBprliifjd... Blenheim Junot'n ......Illoubolm..... .......WilUlo......... Ar Itidgutown Dop H20 B23 8 11 8 01 7 61 7 40 7 24 7lfi 7 10 7 001 0 63 0 4(i 0 40 0Q1 0 24 0 2/) mo 0 00 A.U. J**i O A 11 0.00 fi.40 s.aa M7 B.'8 fi.OO 140 I.IIU 42i 4.00 0.45 It. 15 2.40 1.M 1.118 MB 12 ao 12,21 12.15? 1B.0S 11.28 ll'.iiO 11.15 10.1& 10,00 r.M. a M W 1* ai 7.40 7.31 7.27 7.M 7,17 7.12 7.0(1 0.M1 0.02 0.41 0.31 fl.21 0.10 C.Gi Q.45 0.40 B.80 a.2U B.10 6 01 J.tVi 4.C0 4.40 4,110 P.M SOCIETIES r O. O F.-KNTFItPBISE Lad(TO No ttlti I mootfi ovory Tburiiday, ovonhif* at 7,110 lu Oddfollowii Call, In third otoroy Duustan Block VifliUnc.moiubor.iuf otlior lodfjonwlll roooivoa .rntornal wolcomo. J. .I0IIN8T0N, N. G. 'JKNTRAIj KNOAMPMKNT, Ko, 110, moots In Oddfellow.' Hall.DunHtan'n Bloolt, on tbo flrm and third Tuonday Inoach coonth. VinltorH 101 dially roooivod. Momborti of uubordinnto lodge! In tlif. JurJndlntion, invited to join. 0. IIANNAN. C. P.. G. P. niWLrGTttr --^ ESSEX FIltB URIGADfi. MEETS I3VEBV Friday ovtning. Daidd Waoiior, Captabr, Androw l'arlior, Lieutenant. I'almor Dilflo, Secretary; Frndoriclc Hyatt, Troao'iror. CtUURT ROYAL, NO. 212, I. O. F, j Mootii aooond and fourth Tuoiidav'e in cacli month in J. 0. O. F. Hull ftt 8 o'clock y, m, Vibitlng brotborn will bo Riven a fraurnai wol* come. B McCaunlund. O. B.. W, 0, 8baw, Boay. M J.Wfc-o. C.D. U O II. t Flng Btationo. Trttluo utop only wbon tlioro uro panoeuncr* at or for tboeo dtatlonn. lilxiw traluu nr* ni al tlmen mbjMti to bo oauaell w MoamtuliiH. Tlio Iftocky AIook tbo lino of tho Northern PuoiUo Railroad nbounJ in largo game. Mooae, deor, bour. olkt|raouutain lioua, oto oau yat bo found thoro. Tho tru aportsmita 0 willing to ! book callea "Natural Game rreBanreri," pqbliBhed by th NortliernPacifla Kailra4* wlU ba neut- Upon receipt of four otnta in ttampa by Ohab. 8. Fkh, Gen'l PaaoAgtn*, Si. (Paul, Minn. lAND AND LOAN AGENTS (>.EORGE J. THOMAS, Oonvoyanoor, Com- T minsionor, In High Court of JuotJoo; dealoi in Heal Betato mid Mortgagon. Monoy to loafc attbolowont rate of lntoreat. Farma bought and sold. Inmirauoo tukon In tho most reliable aompanioB. Drawing of doods, mortgage*] and loaned a Bpooialty. CliargoB m odor ato and nil buninoBD promptly attondod to. Call at the Oontrul Tolanbono otlloe, EHaoxOeutra. 60-Jv ^^JWAdWRJACE^^ ,-*. *- MAP.BIAGB LiconHOH or Woddiny Hlnaa oan bo proauroll at E. h, Park'0, tlio old *- liablo jowollor.KfiHox, Out. ~r*7 P. BEAMAN,, ^ , Icauor of MarrlnRo'LlconHPa. Insurnnoe iujieo- Nlfiht oflico at Dwollinr.'. vi*' < 'JA1B( 1 HHlPT.EBfiBX M BAIHtE-l'T. Issuer of Manage Xilooneos, 1 Coruuainsiouor!u O.J..0U1. Geuto, out. LAND SUBVgYOg*._______ JAMR8 8. riAIKD, Provincial Ijand Hnrveyo* and County Bnclneer, Kbhoi Oontre, Out OJlloo, Buuutaii flloak, upBtalrn. ^RCJOTECTS^ TOHN A- MAYCO^K, AnbHiTBca-, &o Boom 10 wod ll,FlomiiH Buildtac' Wbjdior, Onl Pbon* 21. . uhdertakim^c. '.' **>> HPLUMMB -B, UndcxUlter and Fnrolton D4lir. Gofflns, h*mo and* from $ to *SO. lloaortQat. v -^- 1 iv?'.^ u *TJ M 19 ,*',* 1 / jh ' ' "^ ' , ' \ , t. \ : i.-1 :i ' ' , i'tTif k M&3 sl i /*-l"i

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