'.<.' r7' >i' iJB i-SSWfcs/X. PREEJ^Sb ESSEX FREE PRESS OWTt publlehod Every Friday Morning pyom"ihocmoooti Talbot Btrooi, iwxt * " "%)unHtan Block. Bptioial attention in paid to tho nuhlluu- tioti of mufctor of local importance, acorn*- ato and r^iublo roportH of Town, noi|;hbor- in'tf Townnip and Comity Counoil ptocuod- inue, Local unci county market ropartn, ato,, tho oarafu. and jurlioioufi manai'omoiit o( Tn Tnvx l^iU'HH, With roHpoot to thuHO ami oilier ourrunt mattm-ft of local import una*', baa f^ivon it u widimproiul proi'ti^o 111 tin centro of J*hiHux county.which Ih l-cco^nizet Bfl ono of tho hckt nyricullunil dinknoln \h Ontario* Tins I'm-n: Piikhh ist tho on)- 'medium oiroulutinc thm-oui>hly in Mm ooutral portion of tho County, itud in con aeijuantly,without douhl.thuonly thoroujjl advortiimig m id I urn for himtnoHii paapli winhm^ to roaoh that oiuBfi of ountomorn. I COUUKHU'ONDKNCM. Our column* aro alwn>n opon for tb pea 0 on bio dittouHuion of muttoni pertuj "J to tho public wolfuro. Able eorroBpondontii in all iho h ug Inciilitiui! fin-nmh reliable i" wronU of intoroHt, occurring m tl whorou; and tho publhihoi* ih leased to rccoivu intm'o^/?-^-^ -^-,, ew from any din()0ojjy^ffQrv^jBBontt'i tttiontj. jLSfiUlffl^KtTonH of a privato an< ..Fdontial nature, ithould be uo rnarkw tho outaido of tho onvolopo. ' -t' hijiihcuiption rutci: 11,00-por annum, strictly in advanca- .60 por annum if not 110 paid; aim all Jcroivu oharqod at that rato. BgtflH /jaZl'- 'ADVKIITIHKMKNTH. Tmmiiont logal and municipal ndvor- tlBomonto, notioou, etc., charged at tho rato of ton ocmtn por huo, for firnt insertion, and uvo cento por lino for each Bubfloquout umortion. All ouch fcdvortiFiomontii aro mcanurod by a ooulo of tv/olvo Imon to tho inch. Xjooal roadm({ uud othor noticoo pub- liiihod among looal uowh matter ohargod at tilo rato of ton contu por running lino for oooh insorCioii. All notioou of church or nocioty enter ttiinmontu of any doBonption, at which an admiHuion tuu in ohurnud, aru ronurdoci n advortiHomontn, and full advertising rato- charged in all such canon. Noticea of gath ocinKu or meotidfja not for pecuniary bout fit or aid will bo ohoorfuliy published fr<*t oharftQ, Spooul contract ratoo made for diophiy standing advtfc. All legal orprofcnoion. undor ono inch, 85 por annum. JOB Oil COMMUItCIAXj pniKTINO, Tho Fiirk Phi;hh- Job Printing Jpo- partraout in under tho imporviHion of thoroughly competent moohanicH, and upooial attention ia paid, to thin branch" of ttio trade Our facilities! for tho oxocution of all kindHof Book nnd B*ino Job Printing are unoxcellort. Stuam power proouGQ. . Aoall Holicitod, BOHINEHQ IIUOUIjATIOSH. All Job Printiug and Traiihiont AdvortiHinfi accounts mrictly cash AdvortiBinn accountu with roguliu iJatronfi aro hottlod quart orly. Sub aoWptiona duoxn advance. No mibHcription to tho Fmci: Pin tn, oi advortitomont publiHhod m ua columiiH will bo discontinued until all arroar uro paid in full. Chan^eu for adyertiuomtmtH, to scotiiu innortiou in tho curruut inuo, muBt bu banded in not later thau noon at tho Tuoh- clay procodiu(*, and uotico of nuch iutoud od obango ia required on tho Monday pru- coding. Notioo of dmcoiitinuanco of aavoiDHo- lflontu munt bo ^ivon at lcaotT ozu> wonk in afivanco of tho ionuo in whioh they are doQircd to lat appear, AnVlIHTlQEHB, SubsoriborH and patrono qpuerully aro oquootod to road tho above ro^ulationa Carefully, in ordor that confuflion may bo avoided, aa thoy will in all cawoH bo adhorod to. AddroaB all counnunicationo to W. J. IjOVKUjACIS. Publiubor the ISanuxTuiiii: Piiehii, Khhox. Ont ^TEAlSJRnDEHs COPYRIGHTS. CAN 1 OBTAIN A PATENT? I'm a hronint unnwor ami an linnent opinion, wrlto to aIUNN A; CO.. who have hurt nearly Ilfty yeara' oxnorionco tn tho jmtent bn.Hinr-,B. Commwnlcft- UonaBfriialyconflclcntliil. A Iluiulhoolt of In- formatton ronconiinp PatciitH mid how to ol>- tnl.l thoia nont frcm. AIhoii cutnlocaoof mochun- icitl nml aclonllllo tinnkn punt tnits. lntontit tiiten tiironuli Muim & Co. recelvo Wioclal notlcoiiitho 4ri<*iul!lc Aittcrtcniu ami ttnifl aro hroutflit widely botorotho puhhcr.uh- out coBt to tho (nvontor. 'J'litit apli'iidttl puiht, lsHUcii woolcly. olodanrly illUHtnifort. him by (art bo krirflBt (ilroiilatUm of mivBCioiitliic work lu tho world. S3 nyt'iir. Bnnn'to cotiirn acnt iroo. Miilldlntf Kdltlon, monthly, 2'Ma. year. Htnplc i*ofofl *lS conts. ICvory nunibor contalnn heiiu- Uful plfttoa, in colors, nna niiotnpruiilia of m-w boiiHoa. with plnnn, onnbllnir hulM"-r to bIiow the HudN-. (1U Ni;w YoiiK. liiii HllOADW/V PALAOB GTMAMMNS. LOW ItAYBO. TO CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG, ^ BUFFALO ano ALL POINTS EAST HVMHY MVHHINQ BBTWMHM DETROIT .# CLEVELAND Ooanectlu^'wlth earliest tralua at Cleveland for all pobits Cast, South and Southwest. Sunday Trips Jun*, July, August and September Only fouw VMit>M pun Wyytc Bmvwhwh TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAC ^BTOSKBY, TUB "SOO," MARQUnTTB, AND DULUTH* >o new titwl p*saenger uttamerw have just \ built for our Upper I^ake ttoute, coruhk to each. Send for lllimtrated panipblct. tea, pfliupbh A< A. SOHANTZ. DrrnoiT. mioh* mm k CLFYELUIl STEM HAV. M The On(y Great and thoroughly re. liable building-up mecficine, nerve tonic, vitalizer. and Blood Purifier Before the people today, and which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is HOOD'S Sarsaparilla It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is i\ot what we say, but whayPriood's Sarsaparilla dojdPchat tells the story: od's Cures iven when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "Tllo face of my little girl from thotlmo hownntliroo months old, broko out and wnM covered with ncnbH. Wo^nvo hortwo bottlt-rt o! Hood'ii Sarjmpnrllla and it com pletely cured hor. Wo aro glad to rocom- mond Hood'n Snrnparllla." Tnoa. M. Oahmhq, Clinton, Ontario. Bo Huro to Get Hood^s ht/\r\fVti Dillc ""ytohuy oayttiilt* ftlUUU t I I1I= cny In offt. M ronU. 1 ii.- . In the town c.f (.junntuck, N. J., whlrh llos in a low. liot nook, Hiurrounthnl bv .swampy land, tho moHqulton have ht*en so thlclc this scaaon that, when tli" broi'zo Ih gcntlo, thoy form a thick, black cloud over the town. On hovcimI ot-ciiHlons of late this lina boon hl> no ticeable that the hena have gone to rooHt dt noon, nndf^r tho Improtnlnn that It was already nightfall, and with out pt-rforminK their dally task of f^K- lnyini,'. As tho poultry business is a IcailliiK one Jn the* town, the fanciers Mifffrcfl for a time considerable llnan- tlnl Iohs, until the device was hit upon <>? htnidln^ up a Hmall dynamite cart- rUltfe -inionrr the tlilekest swarms of nujsqulLos, by rneann of a Itlto, flown by a wire, which, at the ripfht moment i uiivoys a current of electricity to dis- r-hnrKL' the dynamite. ,-Af-tap Utw~ dlscliar^es the air is no cleared that Lh* In iih can resume operations, and the pnry remains of the dead ino^*|u 1- lus, faJIInR' to the ground, are plowe.i in aa fei tilizer.1-. New Yorlc Record"]*. A Word to t)n> Married. The world Is not blpr enough for the siuci shTiiI diMiptH't-'ment of man and w 11". TlH-y m:iy part, but Ix Is not Kii(eo<v; It Is failure. Hoth miiht cairj r.v.ry the mai'hs of it, ana whute\ri .,, iv hapj>sn neither i.s -quite as ru .! i, le-iore In spite of divorce law.s an I nil ineiUs of that sort, we have con- uiwd to make a deeply .serious bu-i- i, s of inaril.iBi'. We ouf?lit to applaud i Lu*"- who succeed In it because huc- ( \s it, So lii'ilsp- n-ably necessary I iWcla:-' that I .mi personally tfrale- lul t> iiniMid jieople who K't on i on- -pu tn.iinl> well. They atv v ruhslir- in'; sp'-i tal-U* In society, ami ;ls a pnit , :\nci ty I take i imfort in knowing t In m. and am obliged to them ror ex- [MiiiK July Scrlbiu'r. Several Herds of ItuHaloeH A.ml tlioiiHandH of u\&tt, deer, etc., uro to he fouiid in tho YoIlowHtoue Park. Tt ia tho only place where the bulfalo can bo found to-day. ho roercilonblv liavo they been slan^litered. Thoy aro i^mjii from tho plaitiH and priLiricn.and tlui reran it nt now left can thank tho United SUato1! Government for tho privilege of living. 'J'lic Yellowstone Park ih their homo and there they arij safe. The Park ih patrolled by Hoiditni Lotli oninuier and winter to capture poao lie and offondora and severe punishment ih intsted out to intrudoni. In miramcr tho huffaln rau^o in the hif{hlaridfi, near YellowHtone Lake. In wiutor thoy work over into Hayden Valley and Hurroundme; country, wlioro thtj hot Gprinjju and waterH keep tho snow melted away. Door and elk ran^o over tho entire YellowHtono Park. Thus bouideH tho uro tit marvulB of nuturo mot with in this wondor- land'.tbero are also tho finoot Hpecimomi of our larfTQ p;arao. Tame an(^ docilo, thoy four not man. Bkutohen of Wonderland, an illustrated hook published by tho Northern Pacific Railroad duHcribim tlna wonderland. It will cm tho h hy CHap- H, Fei:, the Gon'l Agent, tit, Paul, Minn., upon ncoipt of hix. cotitw in Htainpa. "liody Rented, M|n<l at Ease." That in what it ih ,vhen travelling on tho fant truinH of the Chicago, Milwaukoo it Bt. Paul Railway; bonidofi there iH no ohanoo to "lucli," for tho uocoramodationa aro up to date, tho trains koop movingrijdit alon^ and got thoro on tinio. Thooo linoo thor- oufihly covor tho territory between Chicago, La (JroiiHo, Ht. Paul, Mimioapolio, Abor- doon, Mitoholl, Sioux Falln, Sioux City. Yankton, Counoil Blufffl, Omaha and Not- thorn Michigan. All tho principal citiea and towns in that territory aro reached by tho "St. Paul" linoo, oonnootinp at St. Paul, Council Bluffs and Omaha with alt linos for points in tho far wost. Writo to A. J, Taylor, Canadian Pawn'r A^out, '87 York Btroot, Toronto, Ont., for ono of their map timo tabloH and a broohnro, Riving doBoription of thoCompartmont Sleeping Jam. XiokotB fuvniRhod by any coupon llobot a^ont in tho United States and Can- \ln, Iho fitioat dininft care in tho world run on tho solid vcHtibulud, olootrio- Igbfcod aud utoam-lioatod trainh of tho 'Ohi- rtgo, MUwunkoa A St. lJaul Bailway. ONTARIO CROPS GOOD. Such Is tho Official Forocasl _lt46iiod by tho Government. |1ASD 0.1 REPORTS JUST RECElVrD u-ij Ih II *vry Uiiltt 4'vav Hlmi'liitiiii. v st:n>t %* <;rii<r.il. Still Uo' <-nthi \%V,ii, ii uii.\ H p <> in*' ui rajrr hi (tiiaulHi ami <1"nllij ItooW Vrmril -* ^ I'H. Toionm,, Air;. 17. --'I'll' tim'it Impoit- nt ' u.h'hii of the vein "f tl: i laim 1 In ica n of hnhiHti lea I > I il w lileh foree.istn the hur- '.'. l"or ^oinc da> s llie lluie.m hn. 1 i :i ne-iviui< lepni'ta fieni about a i, (. mi'l cm irfpund' nls in nil pints of ..'lio, .l|)ii thtie I'fpni'til hlLVe l)i-f|l , tiuriilzi'd liy the lep.n in cut an fO\'- n in low. <n th v. hob- tin- rcpnii-i i to ihntv that the cinps In Onlnro l- 1 t ii- ',\\ , an1 oi' ,t ; .itlnfaetory ch.u .n'- Tlle ehli 1 feature of the 1- port " ' olilp II ti\ i ll'dlllMSS of the h,r. i ' ui*. ,1m. '1 In acreaKr uii'ler mi n * . I' . tli.iL of the annual avruye of in eviuiiH t hu \< en years. 'I'll!-: WKATHKIt. ' 'lie Die.ui tempel iLtlll'e (if June WftS " di'U'.. or :t.l dejr. hifrher than the iu> I' \y hnwr v'-r, was but C,~, I detf . or tie1;, lower than the average for ' aumth. In many sections of tli -. inee no rain fell from the -(th to i: Unth of June. in July, however, . oi the fiiMt wcfk, liirht nhowor \ ih1 faiiiy frequent, and the dew wa" ' > more copious. . There was favor- !< \\ I'athet for hay In j? and the fall heat harvest. The early part of Au- -t \\t\H cooler than u.'ual, but normal eulher Is npaln prevailing. Every in- .'U'.Uion points to a continuation or .:.i warmer wave, with thunderstorms y,\\*u WIIKAT. Ileport.-i re^ardhif; fall wheat are not i-iiniilmoiiH, although on the whole they 'i .-y hi- regarded-nrrr~fa"vorablp;-----The- < i op was cut earlier than usual, hut int wlthHlanding the rapid ripening the berry in frequently described as plump and of pood quality. OwIiik t'1 { the drought tho straw Is iihort, cxci pt in few favored localities. The crop was harvested In Kood con- "ition, and farmers generally find lltth- i ejison to murmur at the return, as there wan but little rust, and only the MiM"htost injury fiom the Ifeaidan fly or other insect enemies, frost and drought doinpr the main Injury. In York a few fields were plowed up and ;.own with oats -Thi*-yield per acre varied from -1 to 15 bushels per acre, the average belne; 17.8 bushels. SPIUNG WHEAT. This crop was ripening unevenly as correspondents wrote and only a small portion had been cut. The area is re ported an a little smaller than usual, and the yield is 14.8 bushels per acn , the drought and the grasshopper mak ing a strong" combination against it. The straw Is very short. tattle in jury has been done by the midge or other such assailants. UARLRY. As in the ca.se of spring wheat, the PeldB of barley have ripened unevenly. While thin on the ground and short in the straw the grain la as a rule plump and well up In weight, although the catchy weather at harvesting has cuus- td much discoloration. The yield is \.triable, in some sections being but half an average, and at other points f,oing away over the usual return, the average being 22.9 bushels, or ntuuit the same as last year. Six-rowed np- ened about a week earlier, than tli two-rowed variety. OATS. There has been a wide lange In tin fbdds of oats reported, some very poo.* fit Ids being refeireil to, while otlu rs aie mentioned as giving as high a- ill and 70 bushels per acre. The a\ er a-re yield Is lil.'J bushels per acre till.) war, which h' about three bushels be low the a\ erage. I-Yost, drought a) 1 ;n a^shoppois did much injury, and tie- eiop also ripened unevenly. The stiaw i'- unuMiiallv short; in fact. In s. ine I laot s in the Lake Krie district tl;>- it apt r has to b" dispensed with and the eiop cut with the mower. A litil >)< -t Is i'ei(orted, and also some pintit, hut not enough to be sei inns. The i'l.tin lt-i s.iid to hi- htavy and of Kood t;u ility generally Tin'i has turend out to be a splendid eiop. and mure of it was giown than iii.ua! PEAS. Correspondents claim that this crop has withstood the div weather better than any other, i ;:copting perhaps coin. Some report the stiaw as rather tiiort, while olheis decline thai it i.-> abundant and will be the salvation of live stock as winter foddei. SI low ers at the lime of writing were delat ing harvesting and prolonging growth, and some mildew was n ported. The bug was also in evidence, but not in so gieat an extent as last year. Pods were said to be well lllli-d with good- lozed ueaa. BEANS. A fair crop is promised, although u good deal of the seed failed to germin ate owing to drought at tho time of planting. Should favorable weather continue the crop will likely be well above the average, as it in now very promising. HAY AND CLOVKR. Tho only thing In favor of the hay crop is the fact that It has splendid weather for harvesting, and was saved In the best possible condition. Tho ylolda range from 1-1 to 2 1-2 tons per acre, tut the majority of returns aro under 1 ton to the acre, and tho average for the neason ia hut -73 ton por acre, which means a half crop. Frost, drought and the grass hopper kept the fields light. Old moa- dowQ, almoHt without exception, were complcto tailurea and many are bolnjr plowed up. Timothy did not head well, but clover, though short, la an a rule full of deed. It In many a year since tho mower ran over nuch light fields of timothy and clover aa wore found in some of tho countien in Western Ontario. In tho counties along tho St. Lawrence and Ottawa, however, Rood reports have been re ceived concerning tho hay crop, whilo In the Ifloat Midland district uomo old memlowB wore not cut at all, CORN. U would soom ns If corn Is dCHtined '" have a very largo aoreugo in tho ' ovlnro. of Ontario. Tho aroa is ,Jily increasing, and although thla . '-.i.-on drought at tho time of planting told against tho micrefm of tho crop the pl'eieut condition Is full of enroll t ai*1- uii'iil J"i n overv district fuvoialde icpoits ciiiiii' regarding corn, although. In '.ivtial localities whore-phtnted on sod llie grub did Injury, and lu nni.ni ennrii necessitated a second planting, POTATOES. Ii vlroroim stalk ami pioi'usbm of Uo'soni and leat count for anything, th'Mc nnghl bt he-ah-abundant Mill u' potatoes Home correspondi in hn*\rr, think that there is ihnig.s o, lr u much growth above gioun.l. Ui - one or t wo cm i - ll iho exception 'a bug ami the gia.. tin1 ( .. i,anil .\ . favoial i *i 1 11 pin led b> I nil' i i ,. hut v.il t h 11 *,' in- of thi j >, i i. no gieal Injury to !: i io I itr in en l epui tt (j. A i. ,i \ in lo ,U> d tin should \\ a h . i n.itiuue. ItOOTK, Vlie mot ci op hai| a bad start, oulii", ' i me (bought. Mangi In and eaU"ii pioml.iL- better thnii turnips, which did not (.Ltoh well, indeed, it wan said that some of the seed was only beglniiln1; lo geiiniuato as the lesult of the Aug ust rains. As correspondents wmt _ favor.ible weather for loots was jue- vnlllng, and it wiih hoped that tlneie ci ops might yet be redeemed. The. gia-cdiopper. helped to thin the turnip th Ids. I'AK'N'UHH AND LIVE HTOf'K The seaHOii has been a most trying one in pustules. The prolonged dioiith rendered the Holds ban* and brown, in some places in the west live stock are said to have bitten the grasm to the roots; a few farmers cut down small trees ami fed the leaves to the cattle a a a treat, and others fori growing oats and i>oas to the ani mals. Tin-Mf, howe\er, weie exception al cases. There was a marked de er ease in the milk flow. In some in stances amounting to 50 per cent, of the June rc( oi-d. In the County of (U'^y a cheese factory and a creamery v i'ie foiced to close for want of milk, and lu other Instances some factories Withdrew milk wagons from certain luuti's. .Sheep look well, but horses and ho: tied rattle are thin, though genor- : Ih* in good health. The horn tly was uinllurly trouble* oine to dairy stock : ml el her animals. August rains \ ei e i e\ ivtng pasture i and also the Lopes of our cori capon dents. Corn ml pen *it raw weje counted on to assist In wlntei [ceding. ' Fill IT. nreau h.ai never received more .in*, lepuits concerning fruit. nve i i en a great failure. The eoi i i'spoiulents report none at i do/., n or two on a tree. A ha/.ml the opinion that half b'tg'.ly The 1 ill' com .' Apia. ;, b,.l. ci <ill, oi number n on In f hG-rhc- ii pus.iibly a bushel might Tprri'age, wlille occasional cor- r sj ondeii i.i ha\ e a geneious yield to i ( port. The best i eturns come from in ai the lakes. Plums are a poor crop, and so are peaches. Cherries did not do as v. ell as usual, but the trees are not so badly troubled with black knot as in former yt ins/ flrapes, which were ahir st enilioly cut off by the May frosts, put foi th a S( cond bud, and abotii half a crop is expected. Itasp- IhiiIcs did well In the Niagara and Hamilton --ections, but strawberries sutleri'd from irost and drouth. There was a fair amount of wild fruits in the, noithern 'and eastern portions of t he pro\ ince. LAI IDT. AND WAGES." There has been a moie than sufficient supply ot biboieis, as the short crops of hay and Ki'-'in have required lesa h<lp ihn;i usual. Rates of wages dur- In * h'uwstiug \aiy from 50 cents to Jl.1' | or day, aeeoidmg to the quality oi toe worker nial the necessity of the i "i i , but 7" cents and $1 were the lie\ailui< Uguies Only a few are hi.-(d iMM'ely for the liaivest months, M.d ia s.ich ms,, the llgures run from ;-!.' to $2S. The odinary monthly rate lr K'uin d as niniiin*; from 312 to $20. i,i:es AND 1IONI0Y. I,e..ilin^ aphnihth among our cories- I urn -..us rt port dolefully regarding i'ie, (Mie In Union has 110 colonies, hud Ian urn swaiui, and did not get a i"rJi puu.id oi hnn. y up to the time >\ rt poi tin***. .Many others complain '[' lai'h of swainuu'-,', and fear that i Lei feeding back there will ' 1 lib- .or no profit. Others t. >!- lettei things from the II How The bed reports come i -1 the St. Laurence and Ottawa en ,t .Midland gioups, but these n -t unanimous. .\To disease has i ' "i 11 pf.'r I'd, and more loss Ih feared j ii-.' starwuion than from any other i u i A fire- en, leppninlont sized up i ' g. neral .situation in the following' i'. - n ini'l : "No Mvarrn.-i; no slck- ..., no honey." .iri-i- *',- .i^.' i.ml 1 irlds r ci 'i 11 iv find l PD - -.'l / '-".M ^ i'-';, s I i im.'.m I t-'.l, . i id I im.'M i ' S '.*i - -'J I I l--^,'-i'l \ isi'.'j -. 'hin I -s'-c-i i "..i', ^ is, | / M'-in l Sli I 1Kb / lhi.'-04 ic:r, !S(| Acres 7ti ma Ml' nn tiii :i r .'I'.OI'l fi H7I1 irn u m .H , '111 I.M I-St ',' 7,1 D'.l . JL'.Ti.l) l.i.r>l,7lif ]JOti;.l) no 11 i or.5ia 7-ft,0 7 OIM. i!U 7 v, i'17 BU.VHI Bl.OiU S.'i 17.074 -' i.ii 17.1 r.tjsiiifi m i?m,ii3 P.'.l MM '..'i'.'tO .i. t.r.s-i h.o .i.si.n nil :tHia KMi'iUlU lT.k'7,-'M 7*J.li%.95C 70.17.', ril0 fj'.l Hir.lHW ],HiJ.(l-t i.'jhi; nml l.n'o.Oiii moas.uu) M.iUJ.WW ;;:.'.iH'-',!i',*i i,:>7rt.iM h*J7,1 -1 BI7.0W Tonn l.HI'i.O.I Jl,.*)7.*> :()0 :i IS'i. Sli) Vicl I piT Aer.*. i7fl L-l.s JO 1 11 H II il ' 1.1 i U'JO J J. 8 ar.5 31.0 ao-o .14.-* 15 'J 15 -i III o 20 0 17.0 '-.OS 1H0 14 0 16 7 .7*1 l.HO i n ANAUlfV <>V N11W VOIIIKH The following gives the area under other crops for which no estimates lave as yet been attempted as io wehl.s for iS!>5: 1895. Crop. Corn tor In dc- Ing......... Corn for silo.. i :ii"l wheat Potatoes ....... MnnL'el - wur- /a Is .......... Carrot i ..,..... Turnips ....... 1S91. 18S2-9I. aOlI.D^O 1 III,SO!) Iliri.-ifi-J lSi,(il7 267.3IS1 lll.HOll Ki7,^3 224,88B Sl.HUi lG-i.oia InlrrrMli,^ Almli*l- 'T thr ICiiVltf1 * Itltlll'OI I.UtM Ottawa, AiiRf, 17. Tin* last revise 1 voters' llntM contain the names of 1,- 3B:t,7:KJ pentons ollldbln to vide iU l'ed eral eleetlonn. This Is an ineieaim 'd' 221,-lilH over the numbei of names on the list of Ik!H. , It means that of the total population of the Dominion U7.u| are entitled to vote. The peroenttigc in 1SII1 was lili.-lli ; in 1HS7 the proportion was 21.t*J. The foregoing llgures aie taken from the pi no|'n of a statement w bleb lln* Duinliilou St atistlclnn has (omidlt d foi the Vein iiook v.hielihi Is just geiilnj, from the pi ess. Taking the t.iblc by pin\hiu m, it Ethou- tli.it Uutatio has on the ie\l.i>' il list t;r,n,ij"il, an Inciease ot S1.2J-, n 11.JK per cent, over the iiunibei ol voi ds In 1 SOl. Of the tobil population ot the province neaily 'Mi pel rent ai* n titletl to vote, atalnrt J7 per i nit. by the list ol' IKI>1 and lil per cent, by the list of INH7. Mm her has :sr>l,07fi voters on the new list, an Increase of l!i,M over the pn- \ifjus list. Thirty pi r o-nt of the population or the piovince an- (pi.i.11- lied to vote, against a Utile over -0 p' r cent., accoidliie; to previous lists. . ,n\ a Scoi ia Viati increased her per ( outage of voting population lrom 20 lo Jl t-2. On the new lists N'uv.i Scotia has 111,121, an Increase of 21,<!79. or 2.1 per cent, over the minibt r of name i on the list on whh ii Hie last geiieial election was held. In New liiuuswlr-lc they hn\ e HI,0)7 \ oters, or 21,170 more than on iln-lbil 'of J.itil, e(|uivalent to an liicieaie ut(,!0 pei cent. Of the population ol the in >- vine.-, 28 1-2 per cent, an i-mltl-d to Mile. 1'rlnce Edward Island has 21.Ot'T* nnmes on the list or ihOl. on the.new list the Island has 2r>,2ir>, an Incie.i-'e of 1180 voters, Tweitty-thice per cent. of the people are entith d to vote Hy the last revision Manitoba li .s Increased her voting strength by V - !>7!l, or over -in per cent, the number of names on the new list being lo.f'dS against 4(1,00*1 in 1891. The prrrenln,;.' or voters to the total population ol the province ha"-; also in* reused no. .to to ;:r,. The Increase in the Ten Horlos by the last revision is shown to be IS'!1 th total number of voles being 287S A- migiit be expected from the fact tint a considerable propojtbm of the popu lation is composed of nuiv-irnm-ui *ed ri sldc-nts, the percentage of \oteis t-. the total number of Inhabitants Is but Is. but still this Is an increase nf mo than two per cent., as cnnpaied with lists of previous revision. th. Uritlsh Columbia appeals to hav bien tho greatest gainer by the revi sion of last year. The list shows that 'lie has .aS,DID duly qualified \on-t. which Is UH.filO more than there w ie according to the lists of IVH. Thh- givoH the enormous Increase of lfil pe; cent. The gain In proportion of v.g- ovt to total population Is er|ua!ly mnrk- ed. In the year '91 the pcroenta*';'- w.'ih in; at present over HI per cent of the people of the province enjoy Fed eral franchise, Tho deposits in the Dominion Gov ernment-Savings fctnnk during Jul: amounte'd to .pGO.SaO, withdrawals ?:i",.- Ui, leaving fl7,Gr>0,fl9I> on deposit at tie- end of ihe month. "No, l have not been at the Soo," said Mr. Schrelbcr. the Chief Englne-i of Canals, when asked yesterday u. regard to the rumor that he had bie- up west straightening out some al lo.p-d Double at that work. Sehrelliei S'.id In regard to these allegations thdt he had nothing to add to his pre vious statement,to thcetteot that onl* the removal of some boulders from th upper channel prevented openlia. " the canal. Alb n, of the firm of A lief ." Elemlng,>-<Mwi>traetorH for this wm-N b rL last evening for the Soo to expr ill'e Us prosecution." "What about the report that th- ci miiI is not to bo opened this s n i 7" "So far an our Intention and In for- r ' tion i;o, there Is certainly no be. t i llie report." said the Chief Enghn "As I have already told you, the eni,U I'oper Is In complete readljiet-'s bo u' e in tin1 upper channel, and then n re. however, numbers of bould<-f- v. bob were left there by thr dred-i r,, nnd these v/e must have removed be fore opening the canal to navigation Tnclr removnl is not by any means a complicated undertaking, and we (.....-' t.ilnly evpeet It tn be carried out be fore ve: y long " :!t,H8rt 27.C70 20,51-1 13 002 11,180 10,'ir>8 Ifi 1.81)6 147,Cfi7 112,5Ga The total area in the crops euuiner- Lied in the above two tables is 8,:!21,173 i Kies an compared with 8,227,15:1 agreu in 1MH. The arable pasture lands are t new 2,72-l,0f>r acres,' as against 2,703,241 teres in ISO I. The area in orchard, small garden and vineyard in the town- | .ships In ::12,7S7 acres. The number of ' apple trees of bearing age (15 years old -Mid over) Is put at G,835,915, whilo there are 3,;!fl2,-101 planted in orchards under that age. These figures do not include nursery stock. j I lloh'Hi hi llio Orient. St. Petornburff. Aug. IB. The Novoo Vreniya publishes advices from Vladi vostok showing that the outbreak of oliolera in China, Corea and Formosa . Ih becoming serious. j .lulled and It'hit'il for Hfllltnif Wliliby, Now York, Aug. 1C. Recorder doff to-day imposed a sentence of HO days In the city prison and a line of $250 upon .Dennis Mulllns, tho saloonkoopor who was convlctod for violating tho oxclae l^Y*_______________________ I 1-rrdlrtM ubnkt Autonomy LondO;n Tho Pali Mall Qa- / jsotto, In an artlalo on tho situation In * Cuba, says that though Captaln-Goner- al Campos gets his hundred thousand j men Cuba will get autonomi:* hvmVih,;;!) an or :.-.iso i <--ill linn (In- tlellm f nil t Trb-U O.ilt, Aug. II*. Angus M.Lcnean \ r vb'tlnilzed out of JlfiOO by the aub.l te-loii trick yesterday. a yuung in. '. i it tenting himself as tin* yon ol itiJm hanker pressed .Air Macili to !'( II his farm, and a d al was m.id for 520.UU0. To bind the bargain i!* Pt ranger was to deposit %nm and X- r.lacllean $1[)00. The ?ii:.00 was con: t l o'lt and put in a tin bo.*:, which M MncHean was to hold, the puichase: ictalning the key. Soon after t.i money was deposited the strain; -i found it necessary to leave for CiAand not returning Mr. MacIIean op^i cd the box and found Ids SiriOO gor- and only a pile of newspapern left him Notps I'roni Iljunllioit. Hamilton, Aug. 17. Jofcoph llowman Dundas, License Inspector for Noilb Wentworth, died of Bright':! dlseai, after several months' illness, noet.it. od was of U. E. Loyalist parentage. The funeral wll ltake place on Satur day. He leaves three sons. Dr. How - man of Penetang, Dr. Jiown an of New York-and J, PI. Bowman of Nov.* Yor'c and J. II. Bowman of Dundas, and .six daughters. James Pearson, the 3-year-old son of John Pearson, 101 Hay-street south died yesterday afternoon from injuries received- by playing with matches in the back yard. Fred. Fllgiano, the alleged G.T.Tt. ab sconder, is walking the streets to night, having been bailed out this if- tcrnoon. Ills bondsmen were John Patterson, Dr. Greene, John Dillon and Harry Filgiano. Pail was fixed at ::,ouo. IYe<l Willkrr Wrote "I .! VItmmI." Windsor, Aug. 17. The letter found by Taylor In Fred. Walker's room, and said by him to he in Walker's writing, reads: Dotrolt, Monday, Aug. 12. My name Is Alexander Frederic Wal ker. ,My parents live in Guelph, Can. My wife, God bless her, lives In Cin cinnati. Her address 1 114 West Sev enth-street. I am tired. FP.ED. WALKER: P.S.-rGlve what I have got to my wife._________________________ r>-*;lilf)il>ie Hi" NonuA <hi Ournut'M IWh San Francisco, Aug. 17. Tho pollcti havo located a new witness in the Du- raut cane. She in Mrs. Leak, a mem ber of Emmanuel Church, She lives opposlto the church, and says sho Haw Durant and Blanche Lamont enter the hulldlnK on the aftornoon of April 30. If sho tolls the same story on the' witness stand an she told to tho police It will complote the chain of evldonce against Durant; Mrs. Lotik WOH ac quainted with both parties, and nays who could not he mistaken. Short JoiirnuyH on a Ijoiik Kood Ib the charuotoriHiio tltlu of u. profueoly il- lustrt-.trd hook onntaimu ovnr ono hundred pagort of ohftnnin^ly writUn doHoriptlona of Hiimwicr rohortii in (ho country north and woHt of Ohioiij-o. The roadiufj mattor is now, thu ilhiHlriitionaiirb-iiU'V, and tho in formation therein will hn new to ulmoEik ovoryouo. A cony of "Bhort .lournoyt on u Ijong Itoad" will bo Hunt free to uuyono wlio will onolnHO tuiiouuU (to pay pontile) to Giio II. Hi'Ai'i-'oiiP, (ieiicrul Vtumvnfriiv Aijont Chioutfo. Milwuukoo & Ht. I'uul Ruilway, Ohicatro, 111. THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Egsox, - Ontario. E U. IjDCK, VltOPllIKTOH, JIAH, MKBN _'j. "tlioVoui'h'ly" " puhitod mill roplonlahea with mw furnltiiTo by tho priment inronrietar. JjAIUIM lIXltN IN COWNKCriON. Flrnt-OliiriH Acconiodutlon auuriiiitond. tff A VoTIVn Ijooal and TriwoHns W JLJN JLMUU HiilfiBinoij to handle our Hardy Ciuiiulhin drown Nnruory Htoolt. Wo Ktiaruntoo mitlHbiotlnn to vuj^rornintatlvort and oiintomuyH, Cur nurnurloii iuo tho larooat in tho Poiuinlon, ovr 700 ucrun. tin mibutltution in arAmttt. Kxaluuivu torrltory and llboraltoruifl to wholo or part tlmn iiocnitii. Writo . BTONK A WKmjINOTON, (I/ond ollloojToronto, Ont [Thu only nnruory in Canada V'-'jLrS t-jgtliia oruhrmhi.) "^"li-'Jin ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex* Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords! Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call and E<iarnlno2nnd__rjo Con-B vlncod foi* yourselves. J as .-De^u-gla^ Nlirn of tho ttoldnn tfloot, Whitney Blo6k Essex ESSEX Roller Mills* JAMKB NAYLOIt *aKou thin opportunity of announcin,, -i. liio people cf tno Town and County of Iilmiox, that ho hu romotlolori thoKa- noxltollor Milla aocordinu to plans proparod by It. N. ^rico, St. TboajaH, and bun aluo uoouroa the riorviccii of Kohkiit STnAciiAN, an oxpoifl- oucod and thoroughly oouiiiotout mllloir. Thanking tho pooplo of tho town and county for tho patronajio bo it to won upon him In tho pant, will cuurantco natltrfiiotion Jn tho futura Gristing and Chopping a Specialty. THK HEST GHADES OF FLOUR, FEEpAND - COKNMEAL KEPT IN STOCK AND SOLD AT UIGI1T miOES. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats* Fliico In tho world for yonni; mon niidwomun to Htiouri) a Buninona Education, Bhortbiiml,oto.,ifl tho Dotrolt Pmiinonii Univornlty. Do- troit, Mich Illuntratod antalofuio Froo. Kolorouccn : All Dotrolt, W. F. JEWELL. Pron. I\ It. BPENCEIt, Bflo'y, Best Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bath Soaps,Batli Brushes KEEP EQOSi X with our Fans* C. A. SHERRKN, Essex Medical Hall. Simplest, Strongest, Solid Top Receiver. Lightest, C iii I est Workings Moat Accurnio, Compact, Most Modern nnd pro^resalvo r<ir caiiUocno or Inforinntlou writo to : :s Marun fire arms com Now Haven, Conn* frlARLlN REPEATING HraHiniHiM' FOR TWENTY-FIVE YARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SAW* IN CANAOAi' ( i'^ ,'" ^ ig?;*: :: , V('j>.J,i '.,' v^MM^Mii^M^^^kM [ ' 1 . A L'>-V. > - ,fft,' 46342