Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 16, 1895, page 5

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\ 1 ">",*%$ '/f(V siu ) 'vfWW^ '^P^^ CT^ "WKST1? j i )!vIM ' , V" I* mm ')'i)/^ vy$r* *ift THE ESSEX ETREB PRESS TOWN lJUUDAY, AUGUST 16, IBOC, ? I y w. For c-tla'tj unci Lomee-tioiiery ot nil Itinduj^o to Sin uMiukur, tliti bilker. iluvo you iriwl M.J. Wijjle & Co.'h how 25o tto; tho ladicn Hhj it it) thu linear m tho nitukoi. Fall Fairs. Ofeut Mouth Went* rn, fittUt-x, Oct. 1 j. Indnutrial, Toronto, Hept.'*2 H. Wotitern, Loudon, Kupt. 12 '21. PaiUMwultiL', Chatham, Bopt. 31 2(1, Xjoitmiui'ton, tirpt 33 27. TPtolt'O IMiiiid, Out. I. U-'ilbgry, Ouiubor, Out. 0 10. Oolulx'Htoi' FSoutli, Harrow, Oct, 15, 10. Houtm>, WhoutUy. Oct,. J, a. Gat fruit jam ut SniithSt. ------------------------------------------------------L____-J Tho FrniK Vntan for 25 omitu to tho imd of 1805. Try it. Kbbojc people will ploauo remombor that Monday, Hopt. 2, in Labor Day for tho l*royinon of Ontario, unci ih lo bo obaorvd ao a public holiday. Mr. Str&ohun, rmllar ut Nuylor'n i>rint Will, pluokod throo louvoii from imyoamoro troo tho othur day, tho lui*^ot of whioli moamirod ~'4 inoliPH ficromi. Wboat harvesting h oommonuad in Miitoitobn and will bd in full nwiiifj next weak. Like tho fitrmorn of Ebhox aounty, Mauitobiaus aro blouuud with un abundant hurvutit. A'younii man named Harnhaw hud Uio thumb and Aral mid second Angara oT liiu loft hand uovoroil ono duy hi lib wcolt by a oireujar m&w iu Mr. Bhuoll'ii mill. Ha iH recovering uu uicoly ua cim bu uxpeoted. Tho Loaraintitoii Tont tiayu that team of " ItitlH" thai came tip hero a oouplo of weokEi a^o to play banoball, wore not; Ktikit up tw a "fooler" of tho ukill of iShBox ball toiiMora. Why don't you nond Up that adult toiiM an a "fooler," Bru'r J?OBt, tintil wt uqo what nort of iituff thoy ra mado of. Rural uahoohi will opon uftor vucntion on tbo 10th of Au^unt. Tho Provincial Normal hcIiooIh will open on tho 20th of August. Tho Ilifjli hcIiooIh and Public Hohoola m citiou, towun and incorporate'! Villagou will open on tho 2n .1 of Saptombor. The Provincial achoolo of poda^Qfjy will open on the lut of October. Notwithstanding tho cry in May that fruitn wora doomed, wo uro likely to lmvo a good avorie> apple crop, pea< hen uro gom^toTioa fair crop in* noma localiticH, iu abort late fruits will ha old at modorato prlcea. Tho facility wo hava for riintrumt- ing frait rapidly from ono plaeo to uuothor lends to koop tiia markot in a normal condition. .' .- Prco furnitnro at Bmith'ii, niporior to any over gj'von to cuf3toracrH boforo. A moo antiortment of ladie'h unci boy'o uhirt waiata at May'n Bazar. Win. Shoemaker iH now prepared to de liver frotjji broad to any part (A thu town, givo hlin a call. M. J. Witjlo & Oo.'h {^rtiat Hummer hhIo ipjsJBShVt-t'iUlwin^, and lucky aro the rs pooplo who aro taking advantage) of it. 75 acrn farm for nalu, G. J1], fimitli it Co Win. Vereh, of Ijondou, was kdlcd on tho C. P. railway, 'iciir IjIip.bUmuI Hlution on TtlLBcluy mnrai n^, wlnlu riding on afrui^hl train. Th* budy whitili wan badly ni'in^l od.wuH found on the railway by tho hcction bandH s'oiou timo afturtho accident. Dr. MuKcii/it, ut.ioiiLT, ot KhhbX, wont ovt r to view the body, but an inquunt wan ileumcd Ulinccchiiary. - _ II. 11. Cowpor it c\pcoLi d iu tovij to day for a short vihit. ."\Ir (jowper wa toller in tho Iiupei ial Ii'iul. hoi'e for ficv- oral yuarH, until about two msilvh a^o when he was transferred, hein^ now in tho Win nipeg branch IIuwm \tiy pnpuliir in uuiuicul nixl jfioiiiiJij cirrlci], ami wii^ bu a leading attraction ul the '.'i ut ctmir concert in the Prebbyten m chinch thii ovouin^, Mi. Cjw pHr'n iii'iny frlend-i Kill be pleased to hc-ar hnn. Jan, TliuniHfiii, who Huh bom a lesuiout ot thi.i vicunty for honm yeari), tliLd on Saturday lant, n\n>d 1'A yearn, J mos , 1 day. The dcu-umed Inul not enjoyed ^ood healtli for isoinn yearn, bur. had only hnen confined to the house for about :\ week, and bin dentil vvilw almost whull> uiu-\pt;ct- cd ut thiii lime. The docuaacid lcjayeu a family of ovural hoiih ami ai--voral dtiuh- tora, ))cmdt>H tho widow. Tho funiirul wan held ou Monday thu burial taking plucoat North It id ui cemetery. AcorreBpoudout oftho Globg recjinint-unlu cverjooo wlm hua a potato [)atcli to du.-it well ovar the potato topa (at duuk cr oArly tnoruintr when thero m wo wind) iiaynnuo pt)pptr, with an ordinary pepper cantor, and tlipy will find the result Biwjply mar- "vollouu. Ho coutinuoh; "At tho first I .fouud rny little patch literally ulivo with bugu and till tho lower luavua covered with larvm. I iTiinicdiiitply dusted thum thor oughly with cayenuu, and at Huh writing. tl\e Uth. thoy aro now entirely frotj trom the: pout and blooming mcU^ It muy ho ncotiiii'ary after a hoavy rain to diiHt ovor again, but il \h wortli the while, and it in cnly roaHonahlu that oayonno will nut eftoct tho tnbecii as paria lireen and othur poisuni huyo." Our 'lo cent tea ir* equal to any ai 40 c. iu town, G. K. Smith & Co. OauiiudOU lu IVIairlHtono. While drilling for wator on tbo farm of Ooor^o Patillo, of Maidstone, lunb Priday moruhi^, tho drill nuddouly unooutitorod a How at gnu, and thu toold warn ralaod out of th wU, whiuh wan only a tmudrad feat In dapth. Qrayol and Htonow woro fnreed oat of thu liolu, and tho roar could bo hoard for hoiqo diHtiuic*. Kuoitut iindH of thiu kind fjlvim riwn to tli* theory that j*aH attd oil both stint in quautitltid m thin diiitriot. It ih only a abort timo a^o thiit oil wiih fouui in a well ou ThoH. Bariioii' firm ^in Maidatono. paid tub routs. Incondlarloa Rooolvod Ton Por Cont. of tho Insuranoo. Htcruopticon Kntertiuniuont. Knv. Coloman, miiiuinuiiry locturor, who in about loavinj,' for Africa, to ant<jai;o in foreign nun inonary worlc, unclor liuihop Taylor, will givo ouo of hiu looturoH in Eimox next Wodncuday evonuiK, uccoinpa- niod by lime li^ht illUHtrationit. Mr, Ooloman'n ontortainment ia vory highly Hpakon of. tut tho following ovlraotn from toHtimonialu boar witncuti'. llov. J. D. Parkudalo, paiitor llotli'd Church, jD^troit, writun ; "Kov. Coleman in vory inntnictiu^ and intorcfitinti. Uui viowu aro highly colored and tcuiilcy line," Tho l^ouidunt of tho Cbiriatiuu Endea vor at Combor writcn: "Wo werodoli^hU ed laHtniRht by Mr. Caloman'H viown on Tomperanoo,,Bibilical and Mmoioiiury mib- jootu and locturoii on thorn. Thoy arc truly iiifltruotivo to all Christian wnrkorH." "Mr. Colomaii'ii iitylo of Kiyiug au illua- tratod lecture iu a trout." Lizzio Imcaon, Windfall, Out. Tho Amhorntburf! Kobo and CombeV Herald also pay flattorinji complimonttt to Mr. Coloman Mr. Coloman aooompanlas bio ontortuin* meut with African nativo iioiifjH, and uou th orn plantation molodiou, which havonovcK boforo boon heard in this country. For furthor partioulard, ueo poatorn. STARTLING ST0HV FROM MONTREftL A11D0M IK ALGI1J1A. rVllninK/l-urnhfii'lnpr and Karm- |i.,: hhow Good Prouroaa. VlrWN of n Itliiiillnatt ' nn i'outxn or ktvnMx hhoulil ^riiwjiy tttefufcf lo Tutiu Ariitiii A*lvUy In Hi* Novu Kroila i'oul IMiutna IbKlrltt. Fine i-traw hatu at ono-quartor and otio- third oh* at M. J. Wiglo & Co.'u,--------- Dotiblo fold rtro-H tjoodu 7e jd at Bmith'n M. ,1. Wi^le ^ Co. till load tlio trado m ready mado and ordered clothint; and ^outH* furuihhint;u. Fancy Htniw lmta roducod from 91 and 31 U.'j to :s;te at Smith'H. Montreal, Que., Aufr. 10. A Miinltn- han nmv here dnyji that the report of II'Ul. J. O. ratlei .muh'h IjlUIiik tin AlMl- Itnba (Jovornor.shtp would tint ;ilt< r In tho least the method uf unlviiiK the f'Chuol nucstlon which 1m helm? "HT* d by won tern <'omu-rviitlvi'ii upuii tin Fecloral auLhoriLle:,. "Sir John >ehuU/. or Mr. I'aUi't Mm," iiaUl he, "niiint Imth lollow tlie name ( ourne. Tlu-y repn at n t Fedentl .inthorlty. The l'rivy ('nim- cII'h judKinent clearly lm[Hi>ieM .iciion of untile ,Lnrt, .ind no Maultnh.i ilov- ernol* tun nceept a blank lel'ieal lo net at nil I mm th-> Iho-vlneial Minh>- ti'fH. Jle Wfiii^d luivi- to llnd i thr-r ;id- vlf-erH, The^f* ad\ isi-in w on Id in iln tain the puldlc .sclmul ^jiit-in, hut make ( noii^h com e.ssium> to mli.M'y the minority. The Manitoba hernial are dfH'H not mi-cf till next year, but a CoiKierv.itlvc; Provincial Ministry, with llu^h John Mncdonabl m* ^'Mnt other Kood man iih leader, would he jiiMtilh'd In npp* nllnK to the people up on their policy. At the name time tho Pomlnloii flovt rnmi'JU w mild he al>- lolvee! ly the aetlon of the new Mani toba M in 1st era from holding another session of thl Parliament. They toiild appeal to the country on tlii- <liiy tlie Manituha local elect- ion.s were held. "With a reaiionabh; ineuMiri' of Mchool re ftirm and tho Mip- port r.f tin Canadian radilc, both (JoveiniiiMit.s could carry the I'ralrle I'nivince. Tlil.'i, or HnmeLhlnff Hko It, is the only Holution of the nuhool cpies- tion." Mr. Alex, lluiblen, \ lcr*-prealdont In-_ -lt*rcfdorrial- Ooal f'-unpony, leturned to town to-day from a trip to the mill"!-; in W'-MWlie. ]jv. Kuya that, although the Lot-tJ tjiitpuL for the yeiir would probably he below that for 1S1M, yet Jiifit now tliltiKH were fairly active. The cump' ny (mplo-y.'i r>0D hands, and the amount comine; to the workmen nlone for the month of July reached 521,000, mid tho minors are tfcttlntf nice Iiouhch hudt, liv> in e.miparatlv* BUILDING- UP A GBE/VTER ONTARIO Mlahllnilly Win.ii-ciil l'Uc hnpi-i- lutitHlt-iU i i.-iluil/'i ly it I'ttriir* "<itnuilliin i'nitt* Klilmiriiln iK'iivy IliU Hfiiwon Montrenl, Am?. 11. Mr. & J. Paw- fion, cx-M.l' for AlKonm, arrived In the city Ifi-dny, and boliiK neon by your coi n spondont tallo-d In qnlto i iithti'dafd'le tonus of the jirojirehrt now hi IniV made In the development of (Jnatir ontnrlo. Tlo-re aro many pro- miHfnjj hl^na to bi> noticed, bewail Mr. I'.iw.on, in tlie opening up of that unnl legion tn .te.rlculture, luniherln:: anil olber iudin>ti le.i , but the nne.t marked feat ur M He- pre^-ifr^tlnio is tlie wtindeiful Impel in. whleli j;obl minim: hds lat'b no. ived In the Hf-lin- IMver region. A ;-,i'eat di-al 0 the WALLKT FOUND. CfiHtainiug boolin and puporii, with wiittu in uhorthaud. t-omfort and are a much better class Owner may hav aauio on applying at ofiico j of men than those enpra^eii Ui th oT TmrFluTTrrnrrnB:------------: Choice droi-a tjooda 7 contH pur yard, aft Smith'4. A^H,--In {} >4liald North, August 11, uifuof S'imuul AhIi, of a daughter. lluh-roN, At Woodsleo, on Monday, Au/, 12, Mr. and Mrs. duo. Huston, a mm, Qi i j.n, At (Jimp Pmmor, on Wtdncsday, Auu. 11, to llr. and Mrw. ltoburt Qupen, a him. | Sin j.i., At V iquocte, on Tuoaday, Any. IU, n Mr, and Mr. Herb Shuel, a dou,' "I'enn.1 yl\ aula and other Amerhan inln- Iiik' regions. Tin waj;es Iu the Nova Hi orla mini'H arc. It appear^, ahnnt II cents iter ion higher thin In tlie coal (INtrlctH on tin olIht ^it],. (,i' tin- line, Mr. l'.mhhn adds thru the coal min im; Industry of I he Pnlted States Is JusL now In .i df-ploiable condition. Tlie examination of Jenkins, the nl- h !<ed tiu laiK, wa1-. e-ntlnnetl to-dav, ami be dcebired that he and tin other jirl'-oner TIaynes \v< iv to f^et ,10 |<ur cent, of the Insuniiicr- on IlovdAcillh-.; i*C ('n'h (hi-. Il.tvn- h h'ifl In\ ^Iven hhn a while aft.-i* th. lire *Ktii. the pro- '.....b nf ,i the'im drawn I \v Mi Poyd, the al)s< nt niernbev nf Un. ilrm Joseph l-'ojitalre , fat inn el' St. Pe- 1K de Valoi.s, 17, tommltted sitleith* by han^IiiK' lilmsi If in )ib- bain ll,-v. Mollar Marie Oliver, Assistant (leneral of the Sisieis of Jesus an-1 Mary, has been eli eti d Supeilor of tlie i ntire order. The communliy is compn.sed of 7'S- professed nuns and f.O fiovicr-H and has !.. Mahli diinenis and '!*> schools teaching VJ.V.'M children In Canada and He- I'nited StaP-s. The Wmciiir,J-At Camp Palmer, ou Thuraday, Auc rt, to Mr. and Mru. J oh. Wright, a| Mother IIou. e Is hero is M<...troul. dau^{htr. I Sriir.n-At Oostiold North, on Tlmrnday, Au;j. HUj, to Mr and Hn, 11. Htutjd a nen, AN'ounhos", -A.*-C'tinp l'alnvr. on 'rhnri'l-y Au(j 1 i > Ac and M i i, "h i .. And. i U, a diiuijhior. Cam.can, At Kibox, on S-iturduy. AiiU- 10. to Mr, and Mrs. C. Conciul, a daughter .|iiart/ In this pail of the country, Mr. D.iwmoii rep-'i-l', !.. of the i !< heat kind, and I; Is nun*- than prooable that these me ins Will In; til' a Hat 1110 to le\n- lutlonixe that n ' lUm or tin- eoundy known as nnri h'\ e: lei n (Mil.U'lo. "Has the pi u^-p. cthiK been only of ri-cfiit occurrence V" "No, there has always been a nnm- hor of piopli- up there who had confi dence In the K'dd-producliuc qualities of the ciMintry, but It Is or 'v latelv that mlnliip; has been carried on in n. sy;it nialle manner or by inodorn ap pliances. T am Hony to nay," continued the a-ini'iiilitT for Alpfima, "that our own people have not manifested suf ficient faith in th" mineral resources oi'AK'omn, and up to the present time the capital hive ;te*l in the mines refer red lo has In "ii drawn from tlie Ani- i i-Ican Hide of ihe line. However, On tario hi ifottlnpr the hiiu-fit, and I hup- p< se we slHuild not eomplnhl. Alar^e ou an I ity rif n-v, in in In machinery Is bclnp; brought In .*n<[ tlu ciushinf-" al ready done ^Ivt :r tfreat promiae of a si den did mini Mr; future for tho Vio- vincr* of Ontaro." "How do you reach the mines'" "Well, they have found fmld vdthln 40 miles of Port A rthur, but if one takes the eanof toute to ihe centre oi' the rnlnhiK" region, the distance ; - nhont ITiO miles, and if you ,e;o round by Pat Portaf,re tin re In a rcood roatl, but the distance is much ^nater.1' "Pusiness in Port Arthur," concluded Mr P.'iwson, "Is pi*etty tfnod, The splendid climate nii'lirn that northern ci-nintry ibe p.-ini'lh" of tourists and a ^reut many pr-rip], from Phlca^o, l)c- tiTil! and other idfles flock up there to pass the heated ti-rm." In "mite of a rood deal of talk from the jn sHimtsts at the l e^innlm; of the season, the returns up to date show that* about a thousand more head of cuttle and 1T.00 : h.-ep ha\e been sbli>- ped up to d lie than hi the .same tiliM Inst year. 'T^ there any uiiniey helr.fc made tliln year '.'" was ;eWil of a leadinj-v .l"hlp- r>er yesterday ; Ctcrnoon. "Yes," was the reply, "the shippers have done ver y well during the la^t two or tli fee weeks, and I hope It will continue, fur T am free to say that the fatmeis and steamship companies made all the money during the fhvt pa rt of Ihe season " Tin' following oie the figures for the past we* I: of hor-MOs, cattle and sheep i-^porti d : n Norwegian," Glns^ow ..10 C t iiiitiian, i^nndon .... Pake ' mtario, Li\ erpool 1 (Ireeion. f ,-mdon .. . .17 nthla, < Jlasi;ow 1!' Ktatt of (Ji'iir^i.i, N*f\v- eastl,. ................ Rvilu. Ilrlstol ......... Iluiona, 1-iondon ......HI Scot si n an, rdvrpnol . .'27 Numldian, Id vei pool .,:] { Make Your Home Beautiful! By getting those beautiful Framed Pictures gLVen with every $20 purchase, and with every $80'your choice of a Rocking Chair, Dn\ing ftoom Chair, two Btyles Folding Tables, Book 0^^ Wliatnots, Step Ladders and Ironing Eoards combmeld' PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. c. S. 401) 10 LHO r.20 2'.i 1 USS iotr 101 H01 :mi ir?r, 2110 hl'2 i:io Tit; 7:!*) x\n TA0 fd7 T110MRON, At ISssrjx, on Witurday, Aug 10, ,Iuui jd Tuoau in, 10 thu 74th year of (jr. lit ValuL'H 111 rdioort .Stuith'u. and lipfierrt, at WESTERN FAIR- | London, Sept. 12 to 21, 1895 oxuui'rtion ratuu radwuyw. on ull i:br.iinaaHLi> IBfiS, CANVDV'ri FAVOH1TK LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION. cannoi* in: aoai'ABiUD. Entra-i Clone: TjWO 8tocl(, Bopt. 12; 11 v,tii-f DoparrmontH, Kopt. 5; Final Viy. man: iu Sulcus, August Ifi. Auctt.i.i Huloof B>otliH aud Pnvilotfvi on yreo i 1m, Anyu-vt IHth hpecnii .Vttruotirmu: Wild limit Show, /ill I'eopl-- -Anibn, Xurlta, HUoilu, Ijida- nr tho I'lirUmli V duo j, oto.. witli HuiHui. Cuinuh and UoiikujH, and a IiuhC of uihorsi. VrizoLiitH. I'rnfcrMiiniQHand Cmditionfl of Hulti for Iloothy freo. O.M'T. A. W. P.iKTB, Tims. A. Biiowni:, Prc'sulont. SecroKury. idu ru[id"boyu 'blotbine tiHU-d price, ut Smith'ii. nt a'jour. half Tlie Koulcy MowntuliiM. Alon<jtho lino ot tbo Morthorn Pftoilio n.u]ro"ri itbound in lur^o guino. Moobc, dei'i, b.tir, I'lK.'niouutiun liouii, oto., can yit bt* found tboro. Tho :ruo Hportumau H wdhnp; to go lUi-ta for tboin. A Httlo book cidlod "Nalurul Gumo Prfidorvoa," pubhebid by tho NorlhoruPacinaltailroad, will bn i*out upon luctdnL o! four ocnta iu tiimi n by Ciiau. R. 1 uis, Gon'l Puho Afie:u, St, Paul; Miuti. htolx: i'ebi: .Bin. te in. I'nlr " (lr.i". If i ; ; n'd, C .n, Aur. lO.'.-Tldi; in oi n- infT two tljk'Vi-h lirokc In in ill*- yard at tin- Stab- Prison nt V""tln r. tl'dd, ny clliiil/lm; tl.'- hijrh IVin i- ami thon broke tlio luidi or tin- st.tblo, loo yards Ironi win rr th'i nt- 11 d. Tin y took a .span <d' ll:ud> boihrs, luriHM;-, d tln.'in to a sumy v/n^on ami dinv aionnd In'-ido tho prkou v. a!N. Thoy tlu-n cut a wiro ti n <-. druvo aorons rt Hold of cnldiai;*' and out tn tlie main road, running to Mlddk-t":! mil Hart- lord. Tb-'ii all lr;i'<' ui. tli'-m wiih lost. Tlio 1,1-itm lif]oin<H to tin- HtaLo ond i.s worth 'dini. Tlio tln-t't was (ornmittcd without bt idk oh i-r\-od by tho ^tntinmd In a l'.\vor on tin: Insiik- \\ all oi iln- pi l^uu. un i.iioi \i> .i ( , i\ oi e>. How a Sti'ntritru li.oi t't'L.-n lit l)l>puvn of I1W B'nlliitX Stratford, Auk. 0. A warant 1h out for tho arrest uf "Doc" Krh v.lio I uo cusod ol K'^ini; In- t'ainily fuoiind hdass In Houp. Krh is s.ild lo h.u'o wldppod the country. One of tin- fdrlM of tlu: family, Mary Krh, \h .so ill that it Ifl doubtful if nhc can ivcoVfr. Twenly IBnrt In n sitM*l <'nr .trclUrni Delwood, Aug. 0. Thoniuii liana, a farmt'r living on tin- sixth lino at Went Garat'raxa, about twa and a half mih*H from lielw ood, wns Id Hod bv a Band cavln^-ln, buiyliiK l\lv. Hani untler two J'ot of o.irth and klllnp: hhn almost Instantly. Cailr.l l ii S'miU 1*11. Indlanapnlki, Tnd., Auk. !. NVarly ^0 people won- lnjurf-il In a street uar ac cident near Clown Hill ('(imlery thi^ afternoon. Tlu- wreol; wan the. result of a misplaced ewiteh. whldi oau.sed a hoavy motor to plunge into a trailer loaded with la-oplu lotuinin^ from a picnic. lilllfd I>,v ii Ittiia. St. Mary'n, Ont.. Aur. 0. A few days apo Mr. Cornell Mwlt'/or of ! lintdiar' white fed I tip: hiy shet*p wan butLed.-'r' a ram. rufcivlnrr Injuries whkli nrov- od iatal. hi i< jI^i; liwmr i>M<Bt;r.t:.tTa:. TotCrrcd t\> thf IK'|nK anil ,uJJ Kl* E3rm1 on ii kItnlI. ZanoBVllUo Ohio, Aupr. 10. Jacob Cl- pax, a rutlr?d banker, who ban boon (luffcrliiK 1'raw UlnoFrt for a lonp ttmo and wan no,weak lu- could hardly walk,tottered t\ the depot of tho Gln- olnnatl nnd ^ifKofroti Italhvny thin movnlnfT. Ho K&t, down on hta lrncen bouiilo tho tniclc\ru tho train BtnrLed, and plftcerl lilH h<;ad on tho vail. llo- Core any ono enbbl vv.wh hlin tlio wlu'oln had pastKidVvor his iiond.oi'ush- Twlal ___2iiS :j7i)U fiSOO Hir A. P. (,'aron was In tlu: t-lty yes- tei (i;iy, k a\ ink bv the nlfdit train lor the Aiicli ill capital. U is an i M-'i-fdln^Jy influential deputation will waiL on Ihe PoFtmaMer-Oeiii-i al fiom the County of Charlevoix, pray ing Ihe lion, ^e'ltli-man to accept the Government rn ndidalure In tin coun ty. Jt Is alhfi learned that Mr., M.P., will v. iliimlv (.dve up bin claims In favor of Sir Adolpho, but that the latter has not ye t deckled as to the future. The Postmaster-( k noral hn.s Ikewise received an lnvltalino tn stand for Ja-vIs, 1ml ns ILlmouskl Is sal'*' ho may stick to his old friends down Ihere Ideut.-Col. IlUKhea, Superintendent of the mounted pollco force, received a. visit some time (u;o from a man named Alexander Thurber, who ask.-d the chief to endorse a note for three months, purporting to be made by Mr iJansereau. postmaster, i'nv $V0. T1k- superintendent did .ih reqin .ded, but noun found out that the pnstmaster's pl^naluie was a for^e-y. Thui \\ as arrested and will appear before J nd^'o Desnoyers, to-moirow morning. The CMtizons' Leai;tie, throiurh ItH cecrntary, Mr. Henrv Timndns has written a \ery spirited k-ter to Mayor Villa neuve, asking that the police put a. stop to th" mine'-oils boxing , ncoimt- ers now taking j Nee In thh city TIo:i. Mr. Oolbv, u ],r, i,:iH )H,pn in ruropp foi ovoi a, Is ex])ecte.l tn return to Cnn-id'i bv H. pt. i. It lniH ber-n fulb- decidt i] that Hon. Mr. Aiipern will ori'-n a law ofllee in this city tnwaidt. the ( ud of tho cent month. UOM3I-.H >.\k <>r 4 ^ ux\g, AHHei't'ci) Thul BII S MiiJoriUf/cJinfcdenUrH 1 n III siitiul ii> ['in I Philadelphia. Pa.. Ami 12. It Im paid , tnwilKht thatith.' Fl.J. Iltv Mutual Co., I Wlllell wn.'l veHrri:'.e<l out of *1 l.Of'O bv ill. II. Idnhnr-H, h,is InbD'rratIon to the I t ffeet that the aieh eulisplnitor I numerous conlVdi rates throughout the | land, and that letters have bun n- \ etived in this city from them since j tho search for llnward Plte/el was he- l irun, Htatlnfir. Undr Intention ot stand- I lin; by Holmes. \Vhon Helectlve Geyt-r left here for the west the otiu r day, Inspector fiary of the Insurant . com- compnny accompanied him. Not necessary to purchase tho whole amount at ono time. Sfce them. CO. WHITEEY BLOCK, ESSEX Binder Twine, Harvest Tools, Farm Imple ments, Milner Wagons, Buggies, at very close prices this month. IT li'llNlftMl MIILl'lU'U rti'lrtnliilHtWi N[ltnftlN'lu| l|l| I fcCILlMKIINI], il I I HII !i.lUlf<!lMIL!ll!lli!<U'WU!L>i !l.nkHLI] ll ,<l,l 1,1,1 III III l,lll I jflLBJHl^ .1->;kL.U- CUL1HZ3* Hardware, Elssex. pru- - > 1'oy Kh'fiiHlntr U\ Mnirv DalhiH, Tex., Au??, 11. "\Vldle C. Mc- Norton, a mulatto eoachninn, and Bri dle Johmon wore Htnndlm-, bd"oie a mitiMer in a church bYiihy nif.:!it, about to be married, the wnmun n fus ed to have the ceremony perforinec"]. McNortou e>;clalmlnp: "Death or "mar riage," sliot tho prospective hiide In the back as she turned lo ccpe. }\uv Injurli'H aro fatal. M-^Noiton 1m in Jail, _____________ Ollnwn, AURf. 12. A younpr boy named I'^'Uddio Allan, was run M ^d at Manotlclci County of-Cnrlcton, mi' a ohartfo ot incendiarism. Tie in onlv 12 yearn old. Tho lad hint X^rldny s^t tiro to a burn on tho farm hit wp working on, und 12 tona of hay \vcro doatroyOLl _LL-imm.iL l "ir r rr""""' '~....."* TF YOPWANTA. , . ! Place your ordtir 'vith me. You can cheu see what you are getting. I am always pleased to Hhow^ my customers the raw material from whioh their rig is made, including Wheels, Springs, Woodwork, Goods for the Tops, Cushions, etc., all of which will be found first class in every particular. It pays to buytho best. Prices are made to SuH You. Special 0r- We are well equipped and | thoroughly undoretand the Tiro'setting JBusinoBs, and during this month and August will sot Buggy and Wagon tiros at $1.50 pm* aefc for all 0 A.SH customers. General Repairing; PrompHy Executed. i.. 4 J. Bate, Cariiage Works, Talbot st.Jeast*. tilf;V.n. iiitiwwtirf.Tsiwsfa)

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