Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, page 6

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u,;c,'< -' - " "' MW|,|,................ BMIBMMIIUUIMH^ !!!S8pBfl!!!P THE" bJSSHJX Fk'fch PHESS _^mfiMimyni 11...... BEST OFFER EVER MADE... ..^.taai2SBS!MBE^ 'For the balance- of 1895 for 25 CSNTS TO NEW H' Show this to your neighbors. ADORES 'E~J EOVELAtIE,- Pvopvictof, Lsscx, Out, W!t$$ TO t ,JL; 'UiliilxkJ. 3"5T Q30. T^A.tT"vriI-iLj,i f.jl^cf- 'TO he cosvi.schii ,| urjfjged oil", and lny in fold a from tlw. -.-,. to floor, only kept fruin gliding right olT by the heavy lamp, and looking us if it had boon hastily drugged down to cover somo- tiling by the table, or caught by uomeouo'H foot when pausing hantily to the door. Tho mado hiii light play on tho darlt fuldu'tor a fow momenta, and thou jcrkod it uu'dy. "J.)o v<'U gunUumen moan to u;pV" ho mi id, upoalfing now a Hi tin more rapidly. Thcro Wiia no reply and tho inun mtippud forward to the table, raiaed quo corner of tho cloth (juiekly, and then uwting it right up and (HoadUy lowered it afjuin, while Guout uttered a nigh ot relief, for thoro wwi nothing viaihlo hut the heavy Iorh of the table. "Enough to dceeivu any man," naid tha Hor^eant, who then stopped ami li'itenod, walked back, and Hoftly cloned both doom. "May as well bo private, gentlemen," he fluid. "KhV Thin hint tollm wurktiun, who had riiut.- tarod something in a low vouio, "1 oayn I uoulil ha' uworo ho was there." *'So could I, Jemmy," replied the hot- gcant, as lie made the light play round the room again, and let it, rent upon the ehuiiv bor door. "There in nothing, you ecu," niid Stivk'.- ton, nither quickly. "Haven't done yet, iur," r'jplied tin- ser geant. Then, iu a low voieu to (luetit "I'm pretty well unoiI to this nort of tiling, rti', but- 'pun iny youl I fm 1 an if I iihniild lilt" to turn that pieiure ui-iumd. \i'n juat ttfi i iL was wutjliiui inc. 'i'linr.', let's get 'il mvci'. " Tun man had, in apitt; ui liirt Wi-ini; ucciih- 'niiCeiieHof horror, m"mud a.i if il W* i'! ti'-ceoaary to ulrinj" himself uij. XIq bud (roi.e to t"bo talile Dually in lift the c V(<r, an,d that had lined up a certain amount of ucrvo force. IIo was forced to un&lto a call on nature for a further aupply. Ho strode aeroun to tlm chamber door, throw it ooon.aud walked in, the others fol lowing and ntanding just inside, ah ho mado to . *; tho light play round u widl-furniahod bod- room whoro everything wud exactly In'iti plsue tho bed mado. droaaiug tahlo in j perfect order, und ft coiiplo of cuphtmrdp dimdaying nothing within but sundry clothuB haugiug from poga. "Aren't in here," Raid tho lorgoam, after a final look round. "Boon no fltrug^ln no ifiii of any one hi vine boon took ill. Don't liko ouo thing, Jim," he -edded, "Well." miid tho mah, "if you mian piirduer, that everything look* lo.tldy, and as If things had botm ' Btratgltteued up all but tho tanU-Uivor, thut'i juil whut I wuh a-tliiiikiii(&" - .".Right," tiaid the Bergeant; "that wa the ono thing forgotten or left iu the hurry." ' V0hrno,>r inidOueBtquittkly. "Ibm we tTe railed a false alarm." ji:- _,.. ""!' "Maybe, lir,"aaidtba.aargoant firmly, in iht: other room, pleaaw. E want to know whut that table-cover meatm, Ifailo ! Wiiat'H ibis ?" a:i lie too|)';d down and nicked up a piece of competition candle, gnawed nearly all away. Whore'b tho e.'indli;atick V" "Uere," aaid Quenb, pointing to whoro a Untie old-faBhioned oandleiuir.k ly by a Btandcoutuitiing folioa ol dtied phiuiu. 'Well, air, that waa Ituoclicd dt)wn,'*aaid the nijrgcant, *l\Vo arc wanting time," aaid Stratton ihmly. "Soo if that loch is uninjured, my man. ho that tun door will olose." "Stop abifc, air, pleane," said the uo'r- geant ; "wo haven't done yet." Tie ntoppad at oaco to tho paneled door on tho loft of the fireplace, turned the handle, throw it open, and made bin light pl.iy in the long, deep, narrow closet, one aide of which won filled from floor to coil ing by n rack laden with books of proHHod pUnta. "Looks na if it had onco boon a panaayo," aaid the sergeant, "oak panels right over the coiling. Well, nobody there," he con tinued, a.4 hu haekod oat and cloned tho door. "That will do," oft id Htratton, npoaking more firmly now. "My tricod, and I mado a mistake. Wo are much obliged for all you have done, and------'* "Not quite done, air," uaid tho aer* geant grimly ; and he crossed tn tho Hide of tho fireplace, took bold of the handle of the closed up door, left %o mako both :udes match,and tried to turn it,but it wan fiist. dtriuton turnod ghaatly but lis was ia the ahade. {*Nn cupboard thoro," said Gunst sharp ly. (Ju,ent aaught night of hiu friond'fl faco at tho iinmo moment, and his pulucii leaped; a confused miat of memorioa iloodod hiahrain, and uumutliinp; mado him hoop silonod, though,bad he boeaaaked,ho could not havo oxpluincd why. "I uhould nay there in a cupboard here," continued tho aergeant, turning back to ox- amino it. "Fantoned up, but boon a cup- hoard like the other, of course." fluent glanced at Stratton again in the gloom.hut he could boo nothing now, with ilm light averted, only hour bia heavy .breathing,which wan faintly atortoroua, us if from exertion. "Lot me hro, guntloimm, you livo in tho next ehambern'." Stratton wun ailcnt, whilo GuuBt mtt tha oflieer'n oyo, and involuntarily aniwcrod ( "Yea." "Do thev back on to thoro?" "Van ; part of tho old ouite," aaid Guest, antiworing, an it woro, acainst hio will. "I'll trouble you to take mo iu thorfl for a moment, please," aaid tho man deoi- lively. Stratton drew a doop brouth.und without a word led tho way out into tho passage and round to his own door. lny but hU itttimtlou wan ut oiloo rlvoUrt upon thu firophicb with Hm two doorH, and hu wulkud to the ouu on tho right, bo17.11 d t)i buudlo, uud foun'l H>, "Von," hu mild* "been opuimd once, but olo<;cl, I'nhniihl way, for many yearn." "Want it ononud, pardncv?" naid bin CiHiipaiiioil. "Mot thut ou'," nilU the xergeaut iiirmi- ingly ; ttllil-bii wuut-Ut-the door on tho l*f*, Ktraltdii watching him lUndly the while, and (iuc*t, in turn, watching . bin frini-l, with a nenHti of Home great ti'otible loomine; over Uiin. an ho u'oudorid what wan ahout tn happen. "llah !}' "'!" Biid the iiLTtroinit, whobc^nn to ididw mi lii-tie I'XtritoiiH'iit now; "fehow d;ior i-eahid up. loo." (Jii'M, iU.iiiM'il ami ^Irineeti (illicitly ui. hm friend, who remained drawn ijp, nileiii ^M nUirn, a.i ji inun \\"iihi look wlio win min- injiiihL' to a HcitUiny to which he ha:i oliji'C e-i. Tin- inT^euiii shejult the ilonr, hut it wau perfectly, and thu handle immovable. "So tiii: limn iu ne t limn it-mi a w,i.y thnuigh hi'iit,"' lie ii'iid eoiilidi'nilyj aiidy an I in NpiUii, (iitnat. 11 jjf 11 in gii/od ut. St rati on ,u ltd ihoiigiu of ,liow i.liuit a . tiina it. w\\n I'ince Im' had hei'ii in I lit) linliil oi going iu. clfMft to fetch out noda Water, npiril.'i anil figiirn. What did it mean ? What could it menu, and why did not Sinutou speak nut and u;iy : "'['lit! elotot holoitgn to thin indu of tilt: Mlit.e." 11m 110; ho wun .-i'tint nnd rigid, whil'i th" ncrinen of a coining I'lmiiuiiy loomed broader to mingle with a oioiid of ri-;rr.'tn. ILn wun trvmu; to thii'k out som<! m',iiiii of letirlng from the ;il:i ul iuy, an I he Mi-r- i^eant lurued to hiu cniupMiinii and naid j, lew words in a iow tune word.4 which (iiHst fell, eeitaili niejuit. nrdera to force open [,\\o clomM, door, which, for iionm reiuion, Strat ton hud fitiit.eii'jd up,' whoa the iiergi'iun iijiok<t out ; "i\'o\v, gi.'iitleiiioii, pleano, we'll go back t o tin- other ehiiinberM." (lue-it dreu' a deep lurulli, full of reiiof, for tho ti'ii.iiim wu.!i( tor tliu moment, at ;ui cud. Ilo followed with SiriitLon, wIkihii iwcii now mot, In;); and ilwiu wun tmch a look of liidplejHne1 's iind dei.ji:ur 111 the ,gay.e tliat Cliient. f'aughl hi:i fi i' iid's arm. "What i' it, old f-'ilnw !" he whbtpot ed; but 1 h re was no ri'ply, anil, after elu'ing the dnir, thev followed into iJnjui-inn'u room, where the uei^-ant utooil reiidy for them with his companion. As thev outored, the. mitit eloaed tho door and Hind shui'ply ; "You're light, ^entlrmen; thoro has Injun foul pUy." A .cold HWf.'it burnt out over (iiu':it.'."i brow, and bin hir In-gan to clio^ n- hiu lemp'le.i. He once inure gUtieed at Stint- .ton, hut'he did not inuve a muscle; miTely stood liutoning, a if .surprised at the nuui'n assertion. "Then- liiiv alw-ays been two ciipbo.n'rl.i here, mado out of tlmon two old piihiing-s, and thin one has been lately fautenod up." "No, no," iaiil S'rattun, in a low, deep tone, " \N hai, sir ! Look here," cried tho man, and he shook ono of the great panel1) low down it? ilit-door, and. the other higher. "What An you say to1 that'! Iloi.h have ht'cui oul quite hiloly." Straiten bent foiu;.i'd, looking titartled, uud liiini stopped oi<..hc up 1.0 tlio door, to iTce^or himself if th inun Was comet. The lower panel \^an certainly loose, (md cotiid li'- rdiaken about a ipmrter of an inch eneii w.iy, but that Hecmeil;.all ; and liioking re.ieved he drew l/aelt. "Nof.seiifh' !" he naid. "Absurd 1" Cuer;t looked at, liiin .-hm d!y, for tho voice secm-d tn be that of a Htr.nJger. "Not vnry itbsut'd, /if," nrplied the he- gvaiil. "This ii'i.r \v;i:i lii.'nii; two or Ihreo hundred voiici atiu, 1 Hbouhl say, ami tl..- tihi o;i U is shiunkuii und \i orio-eaten. I Could eniidy shove ilmt panel oin, hut there'll 00 in'id. Hi.'re, Jnru, try nod opeij tin; lock the regular w.iy," St ratton'fi lips patted, hm he ."aiil no \iord ; and, as Hu.- ^ nd man ::'roi!i- up 1.) the door with bis tuuls, the ;:ei^-ani uenr, On : -------- "1 ihuiigbt it wan a mare's nrat, '"ir, -<n 1 ( ftk tn" f,.,i j but U hjok-S to IIU: II:* il tin* poor g'litl.p i 'i had neon rnhtiod and uiut'dcn-d, aed t, n. . aver did it bus hidden the body in i>*-a< .,n'a lips, ami hu ga/'d th.-reuly at the oiiieei "Tbnt's it, rii," taid th man. "I:'- 1 iitartler for you, I know, hvini' ho clou-, ii.i I'm afiaid it'u true. Wo.], Jem, whm m you make of it T" Guest looked an if ho had lueuived a mentsl blow, an idoa after idea II nhe I through his mind. Stratton's notimer !".if geiitod it - aiiuo of Brotiiscm on tho w.-ddmp ihiv, 11.,- large sum of money on the table, 1 he m.. i horror and despair of tho man ever sine.'- it must, he ao ; and ho folt that heie wa* the real key to all hia frlond'a strange be havior. itu wiped tho cold moiuturo from hi;" brow, and stared at Stratton, but his frier wan litunding riyhl und deteriuiiiod, wau-' ing the uetjoiiH of tile two men, and (I'm hud hard work 1o fiupprenH a groan, an I felt that hia companion would owe to him the dioeovery and tho unniahtncnt ihi.k would fellow, Juat then Straiten turned and mm that ho was being watched ; but, an if nil attempts at concealment were hopeles-*, ho umilod faintly at hio friend and then turnod away, The workman had not mado any reply, and the uergoant upoko again as a large picklock waa thrual into tho Uoyholo again and again. "Rusted up J" "Ay, and oaten awa ; thore hann't boen a koy lined in that lock in our tiino pard- nor. But utop a minuto j more w*ya ol killing u. cat than banging ot bur. Lot'n havo a look." Ho began to examino tho edico of tho door, and then turned aharply round. "Look hero," ho naid ; and then taking hold of the antique door knob, ho lifted it und the whole of tho front bar or rail came j away 11 pieco of narrow wood hiy. foot long. "Split away from ibo tonono," he said j and the Borgeant tutored an ejaculation, full of oagor Hntiflfuction. "Thoro, gontleman," ho aaid, pointing. "Ono fourbright now acrcwe. What do vou Hay now f Thoro thny wore plain enough, otouo to tho door framo, and Gueat uttorod A low nigh ay ho tiupportod himself by tho buck of a chair. "Out with 'em, Jom," cried thu sergeant excitedly^ and, a largo-*cr*w driver belii(C produced from tho tool bag, tho sorownwere ttucked, and turned easily, tho uinu rap idly wiibdrawlng them and laying thetnono by one on th mantol sbvlf. "They havQiu't hoeu iu viury Iowk," ho muttered, rniaiuq ono to bii uobo. " Been rubbed In paraffin candle, I uhould "y.' \U began turnlp^anothor, whlU ike r- goaut gave Quest the to bold wbiU ho went and plckad up tb. piuco of candlo they had found at first. '"Hot ftIL teth markt gentlernw," he said ; <4tho oandle waa used to eaaa tboaa ' rawa.'M CHAPTER XXXVII. RON TO EAttTH. "Wliat tho dicltonti dooa it all mean r** thought OuoHt woiidormp;Iy, as he followed Into Stratton'* chi*utber, with a strange feeling of expeqlanoy oxoitiug him. Sotne- tbing wm goiug U> happen, ho feltauro, and that oniotTilng would b 00 n nee ted with hiu friend. And now be bogau to regret biiterly having urged on the qaefct. lhau Iind thd affoct of rousing Stratton for tho rooiiiHin, but he lookod horrible now, nnr1 Gui'at a.ukud Iduifloli ag*iu, what did U iiiean? ,' The aergeanl lookej aharaOy round Btra^ . re " ou a paliuti then, for thu man w at work on ibn IumI worew, and an ho turn- -id, Hueiit arriviul at the oournu ho vbould ^urHiio. Ktvatton wan ignoring the tbnfc *ih oloHot belonged to hiu room; hn inutit., (or hiu own, tinke, do r.lm naine; He could not give videiioii itgiiiimt .liin friend ; for thoro il. ^"VI^ilLL1 u'inn-gh now, and if Stratton had TiWn giiiUy of llnittiuou'n death, ho wun being bitterly puniiihed for Jiiu crime. ' Tlio.laHt Borew f-d! on tho Ilonr, and wan piokiul up and pbiced with the othurn. Then tin? mail utooil with liii iicrew-drivor in hiu hand. "I'rizo it open!" ho Hiiid. The Horgnant nodded, and on foroing tho edge of the iicrow-driver in theeraolc hotwoen h" '""< half of tho bar und tho jamb, it routed a a lovor,and the door gave with a faint creak, butu'i Hoou tut itwua a eouplo of inelien upen tho man drew h.iek. ' Your job now," ho mud. Thu norgMiiiit ntoppi'd forwnrd; Htral-tou atood linn, if ci'ived in utono, and (iiiont otouod hia uye.f, ftieling nick, anil no if the room wun turning round, till a Hbarpejieii- lution madu him opun bin uyea it^ain to uou that the imrgenut. had en lured with bin la 111 il 1 "ii, and win mak play over tho pnnohi of tho inner aido of the farther door. "That'u the old door lending into the plnce, I iluppono, nir 1" ho naid. "Ye.r" GuciiT ntarteil again, the voice mounded UO Btrangu, but he wun gaining eournge, lor there waa the familiar dark bathroom, viewed from tho 01 her end, with the cig-H' box on the ulielf eloiie to the door in emu- pany with tlieiepint, i.tand. I'eue^th tin* shelf then; were thr^o large ion i-gil l< n tins, which were unfamiliar, ami tuigge.sied petroleum or oil ; thorn wirt n maekinto.di hung on a f.<cj, looking vt:iy miggf'iuive ; an idpen.-torl; iu a eon.' r, With n salmon uud t rout rod. I.In 'Ht i< 1 a' all this at a glance, and bin iipint'i r<"ie, for there wait liiiglia.itly Hcone upon wi ieh to gii/.e. Tlieii hia Hp.iriisi a uik to y.ero a^iiiu, f->r there \in:i t'ho oblong of the incloned hath occupying the left of the long, narrow place, and only just, braving room (or any one to pitf;1- Ho nhiidilered, and >it t.liat.'moui'Mit rhe oerg<:(it'it topi; hoid of the edge of the' ma bogany lid to nil. e it, but without Mieee.i e uiid ho hold thu light to the glistening I'ronch-poliidied mahogany eovei, looking from place to idace. "ITeM: you are,,'" hu mud, in a low tone ; "four more ncreW:i, and oulv just put in." The other man uitererla low growl, and entered with bin iu:*rew-driver ; miiiarrjrRTl" hia hand.i and th" tool creviced on the t"ji of a hciew, und iheii entered the croiei nlit with a loud Miap. The next immiLc, the first licrcw was being withdrawn. . "I'roiLy b.ully jiut in," uaid tlio iran. "Didn't have a earpeuter bore." lie worked away, making the oid place vibrate a lil tie wiih bin elVort^, and to Guent the whole hti^iiieca wi..i horribly sug gestive ol!'taking 011 1 lie lid from a eotiiu ; but, lie wa:j Tinner now, an ho Btood '.behind Stratton, who drew a deep breath, now ,RiKt-t4)'rti7-bkTr-a 4viit neither stirred from hisipOHiiiou by the door they had entered, nor i*poko All at once there was a tiharp rap on tlio. lid of tin; bath, whii'h noted like a Hound ing bo'iid, and tho nun at work nturted buck in abirm, * . ' . "All tight, Jem," /TlTj' thu i>rgeant ; "yon juireil it down from tho abolf," An he .'ipoki: he auatched up what ho ovi- dentlv looked upon an eVl'deilco ; for it waa a large gimlet, evidently quite now, and ita long spiral glialenod in the light of the lan tern. . "Tliought somebody throwed it," crowl- cd the man, m ho nunnili'tl hia task of withdrawing llr: n:rewa till the laiit WiiU out, and placed I) the bath, on the flour. ".Sure that'u all?" huid thu Hergiant. Tho man ran bin riugor along the edge of the hath lid, uttered a grunt, and drew back toward the door by wbioh hi had en tered. "Lift Up tho Hd, man lift up-rdio lid," aaid tho sergeant, directing tho lantern ho that tho grain of tho new-looking wood gdiBtoncd and aootnod full of golden and ruddy brown deptlm of *lmd"W, urno'^ which thu light hl'erne I to pl;i\. 'Do you huarV be naid. Lift op th* lid." The man ma te no iuihmlt, but tan hie haiiftaMer hiti nioiHi foiohcad, tiiu Mtib backed toward tho door, wii-r^ Sirattoii' and Ouont were Htmidtttg. Ttien, hi, lIm y drew aside to let him |iunu : "Precioua hot in ihero," be piowUd. "Look here, Join," haid tho aergeaui ; "don't loavo a follow in ili lurch. Come on." . Thuu adjured, the man turned tmck and hold out lua tiund. "It ain't my work,' hu naid in a hoaruo wliiapor; "I'v'o dono my bit. But I'll bold the light for you, if you like." Tho aorgount pnanoil tho lantern to hiu companion, who took it, and ao revornod ita position, tho raya from tho'liull's-uyu being directed toward the sergeant, and, consequently, Stratton and Guest' wore iu the shadow, out of which tho latter peered forward with bia heart boating violently, and at* ho leaned forward ho touohod Strut- ton'0 arm. Ho shuddered uud tibrunk hack, being ooiiBolouH tbak Stratton gasped tho reaiion, foralowaigh eacapod him; but he did not a-tlr, and, in apito of bin fooling of ropul- ion, Ouoat felt compelled to prosa forward again to witncin tho horror about to ha un veiled. . "Turn the light mora down," whiop*"1'1 tho aorgeont; and, in aplte ol the low l""y in which tli^y ware utUred, tho wokU Mounded loudly in Guest's ears. "Now for it," muttered the oflieei; uu', Ml! forcing MmriU-tn not; he'fluup; up 'he bath'Hd 10 tha^Uatruo-c .gaiii.tibo piud- ed'a(4*o<the p|we wiih a sharp d, mi. sefciree a quantUy of W'V* i>l*i-r I brickwork 10 fall bfhlud the nnou unit ft peculiar, rustling aound thai bint ' hudder throoah ihe lonkm-* 011. ^^MMM^dlMMSMiM^M^i M'jomen with pah; or s;l!1t;: t* >].h*.::ionf in- fuilfenu;'; 1 ;-itvr or fcrejf:iii!: 1)1. ",'f,\vill fijul f.jtiick roliuf lil S. :,; 1*1.: 111j 1 sirn"l- All of : lie 5t;i^r>; :rr !'.m;.":ia'Jtin, and a fri\r.i*.'r:\\ -dt':l!i.'. >ii health, are spccdilyx::rc;l7 ~~ _:iiaii.I-siosi lakcs^aw.iy the pale, liat^ard look that comes with General Debility. It enriches' the -blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and iJi-inRs bade strength and vitality. ForCouchs.CoId&.SoiroThiroat, Bronchitis, V/nnk Lunrrs, Consumption ' and Wasting Dir.oaao:; of Chi!:!rcii. /. M.nlrd I'Mltt* Scott h Uownu, Quli.ivill':. All Dfungibh. GOc. U Hil. M lUI 11U AN UI3JS4 1 It A h IV V. < heup KC^t'iik-MloiiN to 'JuiuhIIuii North- \tcMl|[vln North I*uy. l^rom I'Jiiwex to : ]Jeloruino.......................... J lent on.........................'...... Kiitovftli.................;.......... Jiiiuic:u*th.......................... iVfooHomin.......................... Kogiufi.............................. *Uoonejaw .,..-'..................... Ynrktou ............................ Priiioo Albert........................ Calgary......_...... ............... Jildiuontoii.......................... Hod Doer;.......... .................. UATKH 01-* 9AI,t: ANlJ'UMITrt, Ticketu to bo aold .Juno 'i~>\ limited to turn until Angunt 21, IfitJ'j. TicliotH to bo i-old July 9; lnuitot? to turn until Soptombor 8, iH'.lo. TiokotH to ho nold July 23, limited to ttiia.uuUlSeptomber-23,~LaUu... '.For further pacticular.i apply to A. S'inn-:nH, Agent at EunGX. :i.o :io no :*ij 10 10 ro- ro- ro- O* ^WJtlttJ awcnsessMmrfri. POWDER Cine S/OKt HEADAOIia and Nciir.-.Ipia In j?0 MtrJC/rlSii. al^o ue. iJizi-i- nf!..i,_IJ.ili..u-,i!i;s:,, fain iii the Siihj.Caiitttipaiion, Torpid Liver, li'iul lircatli. to st.iy cured ;il.-;o regulate the b-jwuhi. i/rri"/ Mice to taku. 'pr/og CG Ctrwrs at DRua Storbg/ ------n-----------.-^^.. .aii.i WANTED. Sovonil faithful gentlemen and hidieH to travel for eatablmbcd Iiouhu. Salary $78O,00 and Expenses. Pflfiitioii pcriiiunout if HiutcJ- alao iii- croaao. Stuto reference and.ouclono nolf- tiddroHsed Htamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, ;ilu-:U7:318 Omuba^ Iildg., Chicago, 111. Hot woathcr proven doprofiuiug to thofie whoi;e blood :a poor. SuoU pooplo imouU enrich their blood with Itood'o SarBtiparilla. l'AN-AflliaRICAN CONGKKSS Ol laell^lon uud Uduvniloii ut Toron to OutM 011 J uly IStli to 25lli. IhiteH for abova occaHiou from Kuyox, via St. Tliomutt and O. V, It., or Hagoravillo and G. T. It., 97.o0, via. Niagara-on-tho- Lake uud fitoamer, JJB.ii.'i. Ticket a iold July 17th, IQth uud 10th limited to oontinuoiiH paimago In each di rection. Good tfoing on date ntampod on buck by uelhng ugont, und good roturuing on >iut h tarn pod on buck by iioout at To ronto, but will not no ijjood for returning utter July !llt. Not good on limited trainii. Vqt further particulars apply to O. \V. RuuuiiKB, ,G. P, AT. Ajjt., Chicago, John G. Lavkn, P. Afjt., St. Thomaa, or A. O. Stimickq, Atiout, Iiuiiox.' BUSINESS CHANGE. A Partnor will. Ca>>itnl and BarYJce* wiuitoil in tbn.uiaatoeulmlluiiurftnooom* in Duiroit, No other buHhiorta afford* BO num. |)oriiianont and lar^n an income on tho uiuount Invoatod. If thin interoaUyoa come to Detroit at once for confidential in terview. Apply 'ii Weal Vntt t., Detroit,. Mich. LOANS. Money loaned on (anna i* Kaea* on ouiiy turinH. Apply nerHniiully 129 Oris wold ut,, (opposite City ilall) l>ett*olt, Mich. WOODSLEE -. WILIi NOT UK UNDKRROIjD. Tin; bt A of l;outhnr and OruL-cIiLtiK Work- . iiiiuiidiijp. All hand work. Kvory ihinip-n.-i hold by mo mado in Wood Hh.-o. My Stock of Light and Iloit-vy , IfarniMii i now complete, and a aplon- did hf.oel< of all Homo Goudrt, Repairing (i.ui; jiromptly and chonp, ' WRIGHT C- SMITH, South Woodsloo. CALL AT -^>^233ci3& I-'OIt ALL KINDS OP Window Blinds away down Chinuware, Bric-a-Erac, , Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books arid Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. To Smokers To moot thu wiHlioa of their cuntomorlfT The Goo. K. Tuulcott A Son"Co;rli't(lM., Hamilton, Ont.,' havo phicoVi upon tho market "*" A. Combination Plup; of ,". )1 SMOKING TOBA GOO Tniri ?-ii[)piioH ji long i'elt want, giv ing tho consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 ('cut-piece, or a fi cent pioeo of tlio famans i*tXl rSc ISy? brand of pnro Virginia Tcbacco. The tin tag "T & B" in on every piece. 0<K><>0<KX><XKKH>0- .CKXX><>0 I Webster9 : Inter iJisitioBiai; ' Invaluahlo in om io,Bt'hno1,nudITtimo t Now from Cover to Cover fturresKfir fif tfir. " Cmih rid tied," Kf iiiidnrtl ol' Uifr Y. H. (ifiv'r, I'riat- ini;Omi:o. lliui:.H. Supremo C'uurt und of nearly all ',!:u Bi-honlhool:;. AViirmlv com- i'u-niU-l by riiuto KuneriiitoudcuU ol' H"luol;i, and oilier]- moK*; wiLlioutnuni- licr". The One Great {Stitndtirtl Authority, So wrlttjullon, li.j. liruwor, lii:Ulco L*. fi. tlnpreniu t't>mt~ A ('ollntfo I'voflldonfc wrJtcH: "Tfiv "onr.o villi wlilnli tlio vya ilmlfi 'tho " word hOiiKlit, for tu'curuey of (loflnl- "iion. for cfiVcllvo lr.otlitido In indl- " ilin:* iiroiMinclutlon, for trvutf, yet ,,..,..,|i,.|n:iv filiilemi'nta <if fjictH, "Mtii f irut'tlcnl iiko ih il ivorklnif.i "(I'm" :.:!; ', ' Woburor'H iiitiiriiatiotnir "( -. -i-'.r, iiny thcr ftlitf;Io vollimn." ::..:- c. MJiiiniAlrcb., pttWahorti, . i\>ringficltt, Mmiti., TT.&.A. uz-'ioml tollinpiililU^eni fur fri'n iininiililet. U-Iio nutlmycliL'jii* reprint* i,/!.iu:leul (HUoiU. ;<>-c-:: tho trndn in all kinds of Building Material, Woodwork for/houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, ShingleB of all grades, Doors, Sash, .Chestnut' Coal. WINDMILLS. Wo ore Bolo 'AffeutH iu tho County Cor "M3CE5 ^iSLJESH-lMCOTOlE^, Of'ChioAfio, which took Hi tibcut Awards at tho .Wovld'u Fuir. ,, '\:ffi "fi-'j Can iumish' either Pumping or Power Outfits'-/.-fy . at lowest prices. A -written (iuarauloo whb (ivory Outfit. '.'.'-'^ Anu"V!y:w ';l-':^i- .>',-' ~J;?.i ti$mm 1

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