Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 9, 1895, page 4

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r5f^-h:!." :-T'Tm^^^ Ql r ft ww\-tH ,'* ?HE ESSE&K FREE PRESS :i', Groceries, Groceries, Groceries. Crockery, Crockery, Crockery. Wo havo thorn, unci at, prices thai am n^lit, Mvorytliin*; first clanf.. All gootta us represented, and satisfaction ^uurunLuod. Try us with an or- dor .|All trooda delivered promptly. A, '!T>. MAKONTONi:. ^g, Tow.N IIam., Maohtoni:, All. 3, Cauuoitraot thiu day pursuant Jo a journwont, all tho wohaljora of tho conncil ptafiont. Miuutoii of the previouH rtiuln.r and upocial mootin^fi warn road ami on moticu of MftBorn, Plant and Ellin, adopted ao road and nitfnfccl. Thofl. Doyle applied to council for inoami to onabUhimto procure mdical treatment for wor oyou and failing On motion of Meiiura. If Ills aud Plant, granted, 32,00 on charity nccount. On motion of Mt'Rfira. Plant anil Piice, "JRotKy" v. poor Indian woman waa jjivoii S1.K0, charity. ,Z. Jaclaum again addrenaad tho conncil to dariftgo to hi cart and barracan oc catiionfld iin ho claimed, by a dofoot in a town On motion of Mennm. Prioo and Plant, Mr* Jncqueu wan paid ?11,00 in full ttiitiufuution of olaim. On motion of Mowm, Ellin and Plant, Mr. McKcon wan paid 828,00 for a town- Bhip Horapar. Join Monui uddruuHciri thfl council re certain charge raada to him by Drain Iw spoctor Moueuoau for tlio removal of rub" bitrii and driftwooj out of tlio Puco Drain on hifl landu; allowed tontand till tho drain inopootor was coiiRultod in counoctiou with Mr. norm's complaint, On motion l5. Carter wau paid $10.00 for eight wboIi'h board of Bargeunt a pauper to July 27th. On motion IJ. J, Lovtdacn wiih paid S28.R0 for priutin etc. Ou motion ef MenarB. Price and Dam, John'Kerr wao granted a rsfund ot Btututo labor on tho oast halvi'H of lotn 12 and 1A for tho your 1801.-912,00. John Kbit complainod to council of tho existence- of a dam in tho Uth cohcchhiou dram and fcbat Hr.J.Buruea the gentleman who placed it thera' faded to* ramovo it whoa agrood by bun to do ho. Moyod by HtoarH. Prico aud Plant, that the olork bo lufitructod to notify Mr- Barneo to remove oh or before tho 20th of A-Ufiuat, 181*5, tli aaid dam. Oa'rnsd. Sir. Honurd, P.anvo of Bolls Hiver vil- la#o, reportod to oouacil that the township of Rochooter and and tho village of Bolio had ouch ntfrond to [jive a grunt for the holding et a union fair by tho townships of Rocht>tor aud Maidutone and tlio vil- Iag of Bella River aud reqnouted tlio coun cil of Muidutono to do likowiuo. Moved by Mr. Elba, nononded by Mr. Damrn, that thin municipality fjraut tho cum or 850,00 to aid in holding said fair, provided that the township of Kocheutor givfc a faiuilar Kraut of 850,00 and tho vil- lafio of Belle Kiver fli&.OU for tbo mima pnrpouo. Carried. llovpdbyUr. Jillm, seconded by l'noe. that 13dward Jouur Kaq., bo oollector ot taxon for the year or 18y5 at his umial nal aryr:ii*Gftrriod. -_____________ Air. Ellio Kayo notics of Iuh intontion to jntroddoo at next mAotuij; of tlio couuoil a by-law to carry tho aaid appomtmeut in to wtfeot. The Itoeve introduced by-law Mo. -100 providiuR for tho oBtimatau for 1805 hh ftillowa ; Tawnehip rato 5 waillu in the dollar. County rate 2 3-10 do Genoral uohool rato 7-10 rnilla in the ft Public aohool rato 1 -1-10 millfi in tliu S Special dv'p,u rate on roadw 1 o -10 nulla jn tho S. i.ocai-, sanooL UAricu. Public school lection No. 1 8 mill in the $ Publiosohool flflotion No. 2, 3 8 10 do do do do do do do do do do do Movod by Mr. Prioo, tiecoiidad by Mr. Damm, that tVi clork notify purdnant to tho provieiona of tho OntaridDraina^o Act tho partial! unueoaod for tho Walluco Drain. Curried. On motion couuoil adjourned to meet ngaitt on Saturday tho flint day of Auymd, 1B95, ftb tho 'Xown Hall. The Essex Free Press, iflC:!T 10 Is It Vobtorl 'in t^io Pi^ovinoo o^ Dominion ? THE .. :eal ro T||t PRIVY council PLEA It GUILT Y.' FKHUY, AUGUST ), 1R05. CUBAN HATRED OF SPAIN. It Huh Ili'on Slioun by Sr\en ICt'biOUons Hlm IH-I'.I. In tho pn- fiit nwdt, as In th<* .six consldorabU' ujirl.'ilnK.H that luvi*. aj;aln and aKain, j>1uiik*'c1 (JuIj.l into turmoil ulnci ls^ii, the Cubans jind tlu* Span- tarifs";u'f turajid tiKtilnst on< .inotluT. Many )>* opK- li.'iv- vi ly hazy nut Inns as to th*1 d.'iliiirtoti h'twitii ti- Cidnna and th- Hp.inlnidn In Culn. The 1011113 are i>y im ihlmiim jaP'tchatijotldi'. Wln-n a Cuban hjic.iK:! ol' a Si-ti.ind i 1 hi 1 Island \u- means a rjnrrrrrr>*T>:tHlHh blood who wan bom in Spa Hi H Il> mjih art.- born In Cuba iln-y ,u<; CubanM. In the; course of on' or Lw> f,on- rations thoy bcicuiiKi Cubn.i In n^-n- tinu-nt and hati* tin* SpanbirclM as bit terly as LhoiiKh their ancrMtdi-. h id lived on the l.slruid a couple of oenLurl #, Wo can hardly realize thr cordial liatn d with which those two pouplt-s regard i aeh (dlii'i*. AHSOcbitcd in ImsinOHM, Bpoahlnu tlio sunn l.ini'in^.*, attending tho sanif chtirclit-a, nu-t-tltiK a- luindiL-d tlnn-.TTc d.^y-tht-y nc-A-n-fuiiiinlnKh' <*$ onu pcoido. Thry scarcely vcr form mutual friendships and In society, it not In busln. h^, <\ieh j^oi-s hla <wn way. It in a displace tor a Cuban to marry a Kpanlnrd, llei moth'-r will not In vito a Spanish youth tn her houso un* Icsh ahe is certain he has become a Cuban In sentiment. Tlio world doea not present a HtianKer anomaly than the 1 el,it Ions In twcci two kindred peoples. 'The expla nation i.s not far to seek, it is fuunft In the abnormal political relations of tin* two classes. The Spaniard k" to Cuba to make what he can 011L ol the island, and then, as a rule, hi- ko<*h home. Most of the thousand.H of Span ish income's ,Lio Kovernment rtllb ialrf, employes and soldiers, whose biisim'^H It is to make all possible picking for Spain, and incidentally to line their own pocki-tH well, 'J1 lie Cuban standi no j bailee r:\eept in Hit- industrial and commercial lines. Tle-n- is no Meld fur him in the liberal professions or in the public Her\ ice It lie is shrewd and lucky be may Ki'nw 1 leh in comm( rce or planting, but he can take no part in public affairs, lie (an not worship as he- pleases, he has lew rights worth men tioning, and he Is taxed to death. If lie nwns real estate hi) pays U0 per cent, of Its) income into the captuln-gencral'u treasure box. If lie kills an ox he must pay a dollar. It costs him $15 a year to own a carriage, 01 tvtn an ox cart. lie cannot bell a horse or build a Wharf without paying for a government pew mit. The Spanish ag< nta, from captain- general down, have almost absolute au thority. Some of them have been hon est men who have tried to deal Justly. The names of manj of thern hav<- boon lond-'d with infamy. They have bought their offices with the distinct understanding that they were to use their otllclal plane as a means of acquiring wc-lIlIi. No won der a deadly hatied exlsta between the native Cubans and the mass of Spanish Jnieomcrs, all of whom are regarded as ~b"prnTrr*UwH-t4y or-indlrectly, the agents of Spain for their Impoverishment and abasement. Philadelphia Times. Ht. ' ..ireii, JJ <' , Armii'H 1 tint tin* I'ftiirr I aiuu (it tht* t"ru\ liu'lul tiitliok--' .liH-Uhtii. K.ilwanl lllaLe tc un<l HI U)htu.,.Vtir * Thi J in lb mi I * '(jmrnll - u t- nl Hi.' I 'j l\ y ('nun si * * t 1 d.ii !" - .' ,i lb 1 i- U i< ol tin1 ;in .lint on ap , ul \. In "In 1 till' Ji'l \ V '<> \t n 1.....Ibltiii \ Ui|U r l" gi 1 K on b - .j,' .11 tie 1 " '1 la. 1 I* ih ll Vmrl . 1 "m:,;n.nil. .1 1:1 <'.urnl.L. 'I l.e . li H.alnsU a Judgmeat of th- Supr. m (' n J tunny l.'i, P>!Ki, and, iin* '- [I'.ie- l'i'gardi: g th rl^bt > piolilli.l tii^- 1,. n il.u-hiic and i'.l'c t' !ut"\l< .1 Ung l.'iu r-. an- alst> ials.-d. !,Mil> Ilil-lmn, lb isele-ll, "Watson, M'-i i-Im ,uid li iv j and Sli Kieh ml Cull li m. ji ed the I'uiiiiuliti e of tim 1'iivj Council. .1. .1 Mel, ii-Ti, <i i'ind Ki< haul 11. Jlildane, M I'., cj C, \'v< n- He- c uinsi-1 lor th npp' Hants, til-- I 1 -11 Pn 1 ( ( Ontario, aim !.. 1-i Ne\\'o;i]|i, aiid II. \V L' li '1- I or the Doinlnion ..1 Canada; wMl- 11 i>. Vid- uanl Idik.. <.j<\, MP.. a..d Mr Wal- I iiib'n t.t ol th" I'.K'rtcm ami I>Utll- 1 's' \ . iM.atlnii of ontirlo. Judges M Leila 11 and I'.urton and ^ir Oliver '.I"V.'ii; \< inllirs living, <'. \V -Mo ~ , S. W. llo\lo , all of tin 111 Cmadlni ,iciii\ < '01111 ,-el, ,\ c e also pn s- nt. C uiiJMf 1 M .lelarr-Ti n 1.. at--il tip* hi^- toi'y of tie- litigation, and s lbniitted Since the arrival of our new goods we have. .been..;, repeatedly oharged%ith the enormous crime of ' un derselling all competitors. We plead "guilty" to--the-- charge and "Will Pay the Penalty ! of increased patronage, which is already flowing in upon us, and will continue-to sell New, Bright Fresh Goods at prices that are all in favor of the buyer. We have not space to enumerate, but invite all who are looking for genuine bargains to call at our store. Yours for Bargains, fie >-ovi n points which had be IN GLACIER BAY. AUlAft of Solid Ico Stretch tlm Inlet. CI cur dcroH do do y, c ao do 4, 2 (1-10 do do fi, 2 9-10 do do 0, 0 ao do 7, 41-2 do do H, 4 0-10 do do '.). :* 7-10 do do 10,7 3-10 E, C. S. do 2 ,4,5 11, O. s. dol . 5 1-2 itfaoro farm for ukU Smith. M^mu^h^^ The front of the glacier la about three miles wide, but thi* ahecr middle, b.-rg-pioduclng portion that strtstchAti aemua the inlet from bldo to aide, like a huge gri-en and blue barrier, la only two mlloH wide, and iU height above the water la from 2C0 to 300 feet. But sound infra made by Captain Garroll ehow that 7H0 fuet of the wall Is below the Rurl'ace, while a third unmeasured portion 1m burled beneath the moraine cb-trituM that la conntanUy deposited at the foot of It. Therefore, were the water and rocky detrltun cleared away, a Bheor precipice of lee would be present ed nearly two mllcn lone and more than a thoimand feet hiirti. Soon from a dis tance, as you oomc up the fiord, it seems cmnp iratlvi ly refrulai in form, but it is far o.lvrw's bold, jaggafl capes Jut forwaid Into the fleril, alter nating "with deep ro-mt -ilne anf?lo and Hhari', ur g;rv h Yaw* v \V\ p'a'n bastions, whil" tli toft 11 iiui^lji with in-iumer hi- n. lr :> and p.wamldH and nharp. haekt d 1 1 ides leaning and topplln?.' or euttl'if; Htralirht Into th* Bky. Froin the Century. n a-il- x.iqcly (if^-l-Ii-d by tlit Supr-in--Cuurl if Canada, and .ndvi'd that an allir- ' KUtn to e:i< b. All if tie- 1 dm- j-'iibm't led, h" malnta'n- I'd, r ami- u 1 ill in 1 In- el - and hiIh j<' 1','iiiun-'raLi d in lection D- of tie' lint eli Nortli Ann-ricL Ail of is.J '.vbieb, hi' muint.iJpxd,_pu.L-tl)_- p iwi i if prohibition nt nianuf U'ture and h 1U1 of f*<rnn-nt"d ;ind lnto\ii' itio^ 1 qui-t"i run tin hands uf Pr<i\itiral L* Rinbi- lines. AiiMufMlnp; a question by l.otd Ilalh- I 11 r>, Mr. Mar-Karen submltt. <1 to the comnilttee the propOHltli n that niuni- eipnl liistllut ions had powers which, though not \ t \.b d in s-ei'tloii !L', w^io nut, uii the nth'r hind. enniVired nit on tin I'-t'dr r")'mlidon 1 y lb pr.>- 1 i inns nt' si'rtlon id \. "TlH-n' y< \i e ntend tli it :ili of the powers not oonf r.ed upon the Dominion by s< etion HI ar ' "iif -i r.'d upon ih'- l'ro\bi'i'-i V" Mi. Mnelareii Thomrli .-.ueh powem .ue rwit expressly eonfei n d they ar* yl ulthln the rlj-hta of the J>rf>vince*i. tln-y Inuliitc prevlou'-ly held them." Lord Ib-isebell Hald that h<- uinl^r- s t'K.ii 1l1.1t all pnwt n had bn n tak 'Tl frnni the Provinces by the act of ISG7. Then nr-\v jvowt-rs were lvi*n, by sec tion 02 of the act of 1SG7. He could nfit .see anything in the statute'* re- latino' to any powers having l>f<*n re tained. iMoic-ovt-r, by the Act of Cm- fr-der.itlnn the Provincial I- tfislatun"! wore debarred from amending the nets which had OMl.stf d before lhi- lorma- tlon of the "Pd m In Ion. trie j>oweis con ferred by such acta liavln^ h\ en vi til ed in the Dominion. Mr. Macbirin continued his argu ment, hiiylnA' tint 111 Un to th" pas.i- a^e of the Act of 1MJ7 the 1/tfls-Uturai of the Ei'voral Provinces had confer red upon the municipalities wit hla these Pro\ inces lar^e lnohltdtoiy p w ers fn the regulation ot tlw- liquir traf- lle. [Je then )e;id copieu of jud^menti 11 wb'iefi by Justice Purtnn and otil ers In del. nee of this contention and procefded with hln arKhment. Tn tbo Provinces nl* Quebec and Ontario, h aald, restrletiono had been placet] up on the retailing of llrpaurn by tlw laical Le^bdatnreH. Dnrd Herachell "ft shofthl not 1* asMjnied becau-iC eci tain reintrictioni cunu* within the scope of the munici pal powers p>rior to 1 M>7. that neces sarily th*- powers be cunKul* Vi d to be- lnnf,' to a Rpeclfled munlcii'ality now." It was his opinion that If th* so pow ers could not be bioutfht within blia scope of section Oli nf tin section 1H07, they were alw.iys open tio. b<-l\\# ovjr- rultd by the autliorily of th Domin ion. Mr. MnelaTL-n said that thr> T^'Ris- kiture of tho Province of Ontario s-nly h(-ld that bo far as it wus not over ruled by any existing Dominion law, the powers con fern d ire 1*1; not liable to be overruled. Mr. MacJ'iren had ant flnishe s hin argument when the commit tec roao nnd the U-arin^ was adjourned. rttriTSTAiT block:, essesc NliW ADVRRTISKMENTS. FOR SALE. T ^KKKK FUAMI'1 HUL'HER, IN TIIK J1BST pari of the -Town of J^utiot, will bo Hold clioiui. Apnly to W. P. 11UGKLK, boudon, or tn J. It McTCWAN, ift.ti TtixColloctor, IOhkox. CAUTION. rplir, rilHUC AltTfl OAUTIONIID A(iAINKT i nonotiiUlnR for throo x'roniJni.ory uotou, two ot rM oucli ami out) of oithor via nr $70, idl about two yen.rn overdno, hold by Hiunuol b. Ittnm, ami iniulo by N. \V, Ti-piiblti, an piLymout o[ mud notes lian buuri htonptul. . N. \V TUI-.tllbK. Khhox, Am;. 5, i8vr>. :jj :u ADVERTISINGT'EHDERS Week of Bargains! We desire to close out the balance of summer goocUaiad have made big reductions in the following lines: Ohambraus, Ghailies, Lawns, Prints, ____ Gin^ams, etc., etc, and all other wash goods, as we want to make room for our I y M 11 jli biu KNl)r.Hh WlbL BE urOEH I> ' iiiiilnrbiiinod up to aix o clock |i in. mriuy, Aiif; 10, lbiri.foi tho priviluj,!-ot Ailyrrllulntz on tlm Rtroot Wan 1 In:: Tank in tlio Town of Khhox for the. Imlnnco ot lftlifj. 'I'liu tn^hotit toudor uouo))ted, if iiiLtltifuolory. AdilroHii, K. A. WIHMKIt, Khbox, WOOD WANTED. NEW FALL GOOD H B (1 which will arrivo this week, Having bought them in the eastern market afc a cut prico, we will be-able to soil thera closer than they have over been sold in the paflt. Hnr!(iri*ir' Iruuim-ni mihout fevrro The Tedi-Krarn'M eei re-pondenk in hlo report says ; I^ord Watson, a member of the comlttee, remarked duiinf,' the comne ot Mr. Maclaren's addrt-ni, that It wae questionable whether the Do minion Parliament should lose ao great* d power to hand over to a Pro vince, and further aid that some ot the arguments advanced by Mr. Mac- laren contained no force. Hon. Edward Blake, who waa pre sent, representing the Brewera* and Distillers* Association of Ontario, win prepared with an addiefoo, but it looks now. us If lie would not be reaulrcd to 'deliver it. .Fine 1 raw hu.tu ,u n. r tp uro-r/ui u "..>* tliird k(1 .n M. .i, Wi^lo n. i u .1, oimreou CorrupttQU 111*veil 'iftar* Aco. London, Aur. 2. A preat deal of ex citement has been created in Birming ham over tho publication of a pamph let written by Aid; Mnnton of tho Jitr- mlnKham City Council, chun;ln tho Birmingham police with having1 resort ed to tho most corrupt, diahonorablo and dlHlianoHt methods in flocurinr; the conviction ot the dynamiter** Whlto- hoad, tfagan and Daly, In 1834. Man- ton wiih chairman of tbo Birmingham Watch Committee at tho time tho caiv- spliaey n lOtuxan, Dilly and otWa .*np-a illMe.ox'rnd. rWMlK IISHP.X. fUHLIO HCriOOL BOAltD J. wdl rucuivu toudors until b o'clock p. lii., Saturday, August 17th, 1895, for tlm inipply of '.'J) cortln of j;ood dry maplo Loily wood, 1 {mit lout;, to Iju tlobvoroil nt tlio Khuox Public Keliool ToikIoi-h to bo iiiltlrouuod to tlio Socrotury, wlio will alio Juridbli furthor parttcului'H If i;w- (pund. .U-tf W. d. WYMAS.Bocrotury SPECIALTY IN NtfifiiiMllMM. CLEiaK'S NOTICE - OF - First Poste of Votes! List, Voters' List, 1895, Municipality ol tho Township of Muitlatono, Cnauty of Ksaex. Netioo lfl ho ruby ti'iv^u that i have trana* mittul or doltverod to the jil-jhoiik inou- tioned in the third .ud fourth AootionH ol "Tbo \otut-M* TlJbtB Act," tho copieu ro- (jnired by aaid section to bo ao trunamittod or dolivurcd of tho* hat, made pa rati ant to Hind Act, of all persons appearing by tho luHt rovifiod A3uoi}iuut3nt Itoll of tho aaul Muuicipuhty to b entitled to' vote in tho mud Muniaipabty at ciloctiona lor membern of the liGgisdativo Auaomhly and at Mun icipal ISloctio&s; and ihut Haid lifit wua firat poabed up at my ofi'ioo, a!i Waodoloo.on tho SJaiI duy of July, 18fjili> nud romJiiuu there for iuHpoction. HleotorB art'-onHod upon to examine- the uttid liHt.and it any oniiHinos: or other esrorH arc found tharain, to take immodiato pro- ceodiiiKd to have tlio aaid arrorn corc^ctod HccoidiMK to law. DwJod thiu ^Ifit day of July, 1B95, JV1. MdUUGIFI, ^ (Jlork of said Municipality. wZ^.-----------------------------------------.----------------------------------------- - ORDERED CLOTHING AT SPECIAL PRICES- FIT fiND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. FBAHCI Vancb's Old Stand, Eseex. a T\H. rPOTTSK.M. D. Uiuvoraltv ot Toronto, M. B., Tiiulty Unlvoi- HlyM. C V. S. 0., Into of Ht. Bartholouiuw'n Uoiipitul and MoortlohPii Iloyal O^bthubuio Ib)f.pltu>,IjQntkui, ISnfdiiud. Rpaclal nUoutiqii clvnii todiHtMuiimaf tho evcj.our. nohu nnd throat. OIUbo boiu* 11 to 12 a xu., t to II and 7 to B n m, 0llc<i and r(iiddoiico,9iO!iidi'ttniLV*>-. WUhIuot, opiionlto Ht. Mary'B Aeuilnmy. Tol. li)B. HEADQUARTERS FOR PLOWS and PLOW REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. COMPOUND- A recent tltiwovory by itnold pliyulclait, Buaotesfutiv una? monthly by thowHtad* *t/ TMiUca. lit 0io only por/ootV _ niironnrt rouble mo<lloltto<lU oo\crud. Ilowaro ot uuprlnclplod druirfflstn wU offer luforlor mutllclAuu lit \Httoo ot thin. Aalcff CooIi'h Cotton ltoot OoiupounJI. taba wtmtbtl tiH<;av Inclo'JoSlnnilflmiuUla ikwwk I" Iutl nnrt wdwniHond.imalyd.DyyobiriimiLll. Fullsoul pftrttculnrH In phda avoWiio, to indlou only, tttmnp* Addwat 'filto Coolc Cowpuuy, WJiuUor, Out., Canada . Bold in j!h.B*?* b;,' ull dniftijistH, Seed Drills,^ Disc Harrows < >r ALWAYS ON HAND. i.N^i k)Ai rtA 41

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