l-Wr'.'iiV'^f^'.l.'V.uH'r^'.'-v r i r ; "S?w I" Irl Ji -:-BSSfeX FRB^ PRES^ anotueh touo.vto i-ivon< i; (MSI!. UiirrtiCfir I'mrnou lllm Apikllrntlou- IlotiMiUuul Ilruiilatluim la (ltt< Val IM-lricl. Ottaivm Ont; "'Au|j..2.-rThfc numMni- posln^ fum-rul neon in Ottawa nlnco tho burlul of Bit John MnodoniUd \v:ui that to-duy of tho t'oilr vlotluin tut, tin; /Vylnicr'I^ik*; drov/nlnjr dhiiuittu'. Tin -v wan a doiiblt! L'utiuk'tU mirvicu; that ."nr tho J trophy bro thorn in St. Joiu;i'h'n !- - man CathoHo Church; lor yuun,; Wlndlluhl, Hon cit' tho cha plain m ' Kxr.dh'iu.-y, In St. Axulrow'H l'n-:. 1 . turlun 'Church. Tjord' Abt?vilVn v:u.-i ri'iuviicntod by Col. Gordon, A.I'.'V All tho Cublnot Mlniutoru In tmvn uviv uImo in-cmml, Tho Hallway CommiUc.-. of thi-r.-Ky Council mut'tii noxt Friday. lnnot ructlonii lnivt! br-un forwiii ih' from the Oopiirtimuit 01' tin; lui'-i 1 ' , to Dominion Lumht Aj;out rit Vr-'rv* Ii.C, to ou'er tin; rubltt^nVfu l locality fnr lininctd.Tidliij^ at .$51 * r aero. Thin wwi this ruKiilnl-iou ui:d< i Which' pivhlto lamia in thut -i1bu i ( : wort! nrii.dnnlly r.old, but o\\in;r to tin !; Iherviudnjr Vfilno ntul pro.-cimlty tefm- poi'tant Mottltrnont.'i ,lt \v\u\ decided i Hull liono Wy,u thiiu ?r> ikm' acre At !' j>rlcvv however, hmd*i wi-ro not In '.' tlv<- douiund, and jjettb-munt not pi (. .roji-dnj* n*' rapidly an It wan thnui-M tho adviuntaiTc.'i oV tin.- noil and tdti'.i tlon warranted, tho old order oi' bu-i- nOKM waii rentm'^d njul hninoiitc'uh' m:* -' now he pnn:ha,'"i-d In :nuh landn n:; ;i;-" at vacant In the Yale- dburict iU il acre, hut uub.foot to roj7nliiT.f<>n-i Irnprovorm-ntii In cultivation. iit for I by p-*tl- nor. ha.'i (-riven duo noth*o (Ii'ii Oij lVanion ff Hi Murrny-Mt nwi.To- o, lifLrriHtcr-nt-luu', will apply '*> 'rliarnont for n dlvoiot? from liln wli'--. Ilnnln IToIcomb Tcrir:*rn, now of t b" lty of Brooklyn in tho city of N w Torfc. Tho ujiual / rounda ri.ro iilli-iri-*]. KiviJ KViiuin is i i-:ri:it:HT viii:<7i 1'ri.utits Klcidlnd . it Ktltl tiUU'i <r ILmU.v .aiir:l<wt Chlcatio, Aid;- - A. fivl^ht train on tlio l'itt^burjr, ^""t W.iyn..- ami <Jhi- o:itfo Uailr -id br <!.o in iw- >,, a ii u- Vy irnidi,' iu'ar .StarlL .Sidii.j,' thl:; mu:!!- injj. , The ivar t.-n'J r.'.cl.'-d l^ilo t;:e ilrtit ;:ucU'iii and hi cai';! w-r- v.'u.- li ed. A i|o;:i-ii Irani]..i v:v.v<- riding la ;i Jlurnlturc . i.*.'u\ wbn-Ji vv.-t;i :nna:-h. d to Kplintcrr.. ' Wh'll tti- ira.b.'iii-n *'air: up. tlwy w-ci'i' b'jn'liit'-'l :o $o.- nrn :- and l.jp5 of liii.iian b"im;ti :;tl-'kto\- from aU part.i <-L' tlio v/n-ck:.,^'. "'1 o . Colin.'-i of South '. .'-thl- born, I'a., iiv : JUMt IarifT .-nou^li Pi r/ivt-' I.Ih cililr ^: anil state that hi" iri'ih'-r. Mr.-;. I' n- nl'i Collin':, Hlionld b.- :;o'i!id. T::r* othr-m, badly niait'ld. -.'. tala n <> t. 'I*wo of tb-'in \via-! d-ad, :md tin- th'r-. (Hod on th<- v.'a.v tr tho b'isi'bal. ."\M chad Mfirnn of Clwlaurt brul-hh; h*<;-d cutop'-'n and mnv d!'1. ?:nynt 'Ipta- i !ltn->*-r Bitlli'.l. London. Ainr. '.'-. A Vienna df'Spatr1! to The Standard r;iy:i : Vt*A'. Alois Schmidt of K'oninta. ] Ndiondl, rlind.. d Afnunt rPri/;allav. In the Corinthian Alpii, without a .'ruid.--. IP- Pdl ; was killed. ril(l*I IMkV VfC. i:itfr!i-. Twcwl, Au/r. ^.--IV-hor-t Pm!tl'. ' fnrinor, left 'IPs :.'-'.-.-ar-o]d ;wi:i aa.. ' In tin? houj-ir- wld?*-' V- v.-'-nt to tin- b " IT<* wan abs- nt L' iriiai:!":;. ami <>-\ ! ' returnln?; found Id; ihdl l.\ I:it <">n ;! ground dead wlt'i albbl.- eluth'i'M If pel. off. Tf l:i supp's-il th nail i b." boon playing \v'.\\\ '"ati Ji'-'. ->oni n'l?" :< <r '- hc:(> St Mary's, An;'. :!. -.T-din Irvine iv- Tiorno fell frnm id-- li'-v loft whiP'fe" Inpr his Ii *SrJ--.. in (he dark. IP- f It across Tvft::ll^T 11Jn-* !' d. bo'ow c'^1 wKen fourtd'"T'-!T"inniTim;,"" v/:is paraJVx ocL lie will d:". MliflT AV.HMi'.it vr.u i'rrzi'/.m.'H >i-:.iv:' Aim ft/it CV-rlala Tr:i: iEolTtt-Pii 1V11I Fti-Ti.I Iti E'!:t::Mp<I[iliIa. Philadelphia, An;;. 2. It Is trild to bo ttlniost an as:unvd fa<-t thnt irolrn-:; will be tried lui-r for tie; murder of Benjamin Pib'z. i-ounr'd for the pros'-cutlre: Mi.ld to-day: "I thln!c wo will h.-iv-- all the I'Vidon--" ncccw^ary to hare; tbe j'ell-iw. 'I'be elr- eumflrtantlal. if nut the j>o:dttvo evi dence, we bavi* no-.*/ ) ! o-ir ]jons*'::s)on to the jrallows. Ai 1 a:d v.a> can civr- In enough, T lelii: :< him life Imj'rironrni-nt," S!:.MEnii:r c vM.t%^' kjks.us. Now Kvl(it'ii<* .ti'nt't-a ;2'Iifirs ,i;nl C^ii Ian I-'iiifiitl tyy llir. I'ollrr. Chicafro, Auj;. -.--The p<diro this Hft-c noon mnck'i.Mi r;>:,-irri!iia.tlt>n of th'- ro<.: J; formerly oceu;ii--<l by ATr. end \U_-_ Pulnlan. CJiiff ilailciiecli n fur<il i<> tell MdJllt evjilenai- \,-;i 'i pi^aiicd. "Vtas rnriy say ,ho\vcv:r." h<- said, "i.hat * have found son-r' new evldcnc.' whicb. Is Very dauiu;;in;.: to both ibdnes and Qulnlan. It Is (!]< most Important \vn, have v<-t found." Tie- chief it nounoed Hint at tie- eumdie-don of U>- .day's dl:r"-fr;ir, the v oH,- < : r-vrnviti^- In the eell-jr of th-' Mo1:m<-s' bulbilr.:* WOlild he sti;pr.d. .,' TCf ^EMS'lI. l'.2\ pi I > !!s.- *'it|H.OiK'towii. An-. -J.-fn the Ca.fr.- fV. on}'_ li'ous" oi .\.t-M;.|,!y to-day, I'r-'r- MilUHtro- KPod -t. i:i ,in:tv,'.'|- to a ipn- tioo, Hjiid (h.'i.t mi rjv.M-lan.-l cable b- t\Vi-"u Ca'i* Colony and Ivrv-jt v\.....:' ^ertnJie'y h.> bniji. -*ve:itu:i.lly id On- : ^^ 11 i. -w.-* cl'carinu' th> Soii.ifi.n of the IPdn'.i.s ;-. ^l-Mll-7- -at \viia pr>H'uf;ued to-day. Th*' Him Vim -We-roil ln et,, itu.Taln -U>~ <l(l<II.n i'ajyiii.^i, Buffalo, Aug. U. GoorKu- A Hun, the pal and tool of Chtude Strong 'alias John C. Emory, the abductor of O. o' Oottlo, W8H arrester! last night at tii<' Mansion Houe, where ho had re^lst'T- ed under the name of W. J, Mason. tp-r admitted that he knew where Emery was, but refused to say anything about him. __:______ . Mlrntronl Maliirnrtlrr t'^it* Stratford, Aur. 3. At the Police Court thin mbrnlnK, when the Vi-mcn alleged ^malpractice eawa waa call d, Mr, Palmer, on behalf of the Crown, uslcett t r an adjournment until Wod- rw>sday, Aur-. 7*, owing to tho continued Illncsa of Alice Dunn. Mr. MePheroor objected. After Chief McCarthy who eworn as to the service of the sub poena upon the girl, tho Magistrate* .decided to adjourn the cub.1 until the time' Hpeclflcd, when, If Mlna Dunn Is able to attend, the cane will go on. She !rt ImproVlne- very nlowly. The same ball in $10,00 Hteort. m+y Wnv* tn io* Atnnrnrd rwivprtifty - San ItVancIfco, Aug. 2 tin hn Inter- VfeWiMrs. T^oiand Rtanford Ih credited . w-tth .paying that there In no1 truth In ' '*e rppo*"t that nn effoH win be ma*1e (o hnve Codgreso refund thn"tt\onoy In rowi Hk* Govern me nt'a suit gewwt !.,v-.--*-.t h'/rr, She ftftyw If nhe lopew tn# ,^..-i ii. n^lveroltv win ^ clr>"ed. as ;'.* '* ! no way It can be Vept ofww. |v-".',,/K>rt not'believe tho fiovdrnment will win, but no ntrw bulldlngo will *v cr*vted thl* your on ackxmxrt at the '*QUb*.;; .. :...... mw. uu.^)Sii,vur\s nivoncR .Mr. -'b-urvay uLomJ. up an ynunic . .! it i:--' "mniT talde. .It had -.'.'"n rai iror a ,ip : dinner, and lie had to d-> nearly .'. . ui:i ii'-:. 1 di. v\- -,])'n"d the door and Mr. :. ay (ut ilv.iy'H Inn i'lace) notic- .. ../I (-:eli MVuilled looking lit ttlO >':i n< mi Kredahaw eloiied tin* door : . i me Ptiek to the table, lie craelc- <: ' alutit, and, on opening It,.threw '! '..t . 1 lie lire. " '.' ' i aid Mr. CaiTii.w;iy. i!d young Mr. Ib"id:diaw, i'.!.-nl!y. " Worrit 'o' it It t!i..t yuu never know until you eJ'J.'.utiVll '"he Miilii are not bad, IP'ad- .- Ii'i'e" ipadshnw ;;iaiuted. " Any ii i H- v.j..nir -it Whit'diail '!'.' ".\e. v'. mt.-hall's all right." Mr. ('.in away owd Ids i;iK-irn!! aa ;i uie-ile," mainly to knowing ev.a't.ly - iliina. ' :oti'.ef hIn.r. * i:ir- ..'V.:v.. 1 lo \.,)| < V'T hnV'" peuplf colll- Pnv b> draw lip i\--i-i]- of sepn r . I Ion 7" pi-ett.v often."" ".V-dl, woiii I yon MifniPb'dtig of soine i!;-e to is-' and to Helen'.'" "Wliv, eejtainly. I 'n t you twi do'.PL '.vanp t'o 1^* separated '.' Why. man. alive, yon haven't been married .i y. :ir !" "Can away, look h'-l'e. We lia"-e !ia ! .i row- a ill.'irut", or wh'tevr you like lo eall it. '. We have agreed lo pari." f'nthe jdano _i11 tie- dining rooia up- . tair:' a ehord or two were slr'jelc. and the i'|e;ir \*..|o.- of Mrs. I Iradsha w'k iM n<~: out. "Veil s. o," said Ilradshaw, perfeetly jolly nvr it, "There was a sinM'-n stop and a crash on tin: piano, as IhuUfdi the player could ke.-p it. no longer. "Look here, Mradshaw"-.-M r. Carra- w.iy ]i:.sj'.*:j hi;? hand carefully ovr his sinoth hair "look here, (aill at my jd.-iee et II o'clock to-morrow morning and I'll'ilo wliat is waiiteil." "TliFiidt you, Ci:rraway." "Shall we jj;i, upstairs 7 I rnuat ar range with her." The ilrniui'e, [ireelse little clock on the mantelpiece In Mr. Carraway'x (diambor Htnjck 31. A small boy enter ed with a card. "Thank you, Jud, show the lady In." Mr. Cthsoii wilh'Irew witli lils work to the (diter oilii e, stepping aside' at the door to i>ennU a slim, girlish fig ure to enter. "I had no chance*, of speaking to you la.d. night," sa Id Mr. Carraway, "ex- eeptblg b> ask you to call. ]Jut I had" a brief eonvej-siition with Urndsliaw, and he insured me that you had quite mad'.- up your mind about' the mnt- "ITe; Is, in; tiiis pariimilnr inHtanco, ij'iite- I'lghL" Khe put her'lljtfl top;,.-ther "And *-'o 1 am to draw up tho de-e'd_QJl_ .'" -------------~ ~" ~- "If you please." ' "It's rather rough on iw\" went on Mr. Oarra way. witli an effort o-t humor. "Why, it seem.-; only yesterday that I was his )*-st man, and yoti and he went away to Neiifrdiatel, and we cheered you as ynu ],..ft "\'letoria Kbitloa. Do >'oii rcrneinlMT '!" "Would you mind tolMni** nn*, plira>e, when tin- doeuinent can be drawn '?" "A nd do you remember your llrst dinn. aft'-r yoor retura, and how Jolly v.'** ;.'ll were *.' Wliy, you wore as com fortable ;ls nnything, until a week or ! 11 a cm." "What. I jiropos.' to do," -said (tie j P" fori of a catch in her Voice,- "Is to go i ala-o; d wi th my aunt for a year- or.l f'., o and leu ve the hoiH;e Just as it :i-'inls Uyr p:rne:;t to live in. ][o can j k' t a hoi.iseke.jp..,-r, you so.^ arid-------" 1 "CyJuve !" cried Mr. Carraway, "not I .i bad idea." I "You think -you think it will work a J! rij;ht., M v. Carraway V" "1 oi. yes." "It was our quiirrel nf la^t W"elc ; [ . rb'd us, and -- --" "W-'ll, will you allow me, n,s an old fri'-ud. to giVf you n little advice* V" "I should advi.^; you to make up tlds d'.b-reiiee oi' opinion with l*;-rni-.st. I'm to hi but I'm told tliat all young couples ha v their ijoar/els Lo t>--gin with, and th- y ilo Kiy liiTc again I sre-ak, of i *. oiir.-v, as a. mere baeheler Lliat ' the I ma! :!tar up is always the most do- ' Ughtl'ul part of it."" i "Mi*, Carraway, I thought you would ' argue in ibis way, and U is very good ! of you, I :ut my mind was made up before l came* here, arid nothing that you e;,n Hay will alter it. A woman most Jud;,*-'. i',,i- h'-rsep' in th-*so mat ters." "It sh;ill In- put in band at once." "1 :diouM like lo h-ave London thin riay v.vk." "I *:!ar*- say," said .Mr. ('laeraway, j with gre;ii ninlahilpy, "that that can ' bi- llion'i-ed." ' "Tie re Ih only one (piestieii <(f ,i hou.-.j'keeper. Soiie'imdy must he there lo look aft er the servants," "It is tie iv, I think, I can be of sonic '. s-e.st.iLiei- to Kraost." Mr, (pirraway >poke wtib genial ;issurnne.\ "It so h.-ipp'-ns that a client of mine is look ing foi pi.-eisely 'a situation of that Mow extremely fortunate." *'Sli !s n good manager. She Ih .l widow and she has had charge of a hoiiKo similar to yours." That's capital. Ah I say, I hhouldn't likf the house to |-i) to rack ami ruin. WIe n could this old lady come, do you think ?" "This who ?" "This old lady this widow. When eoiild nho come 7" "Oh. but" Mr. Carrfuvay smiled pl-iisantly, "you are laboring under a slight mistake, Mrs. Hradshuw; the lady is not old." "'di, she is not young, I suppose." "Well, iiy a matter of fact, Rhe Is raiher young. Uy-the-hye, I ought to have her portrait here oomewliere." It haa'coHt Mr. Garrawny one Bhlllinff, this- cabinet photograph, in a shop that i* (.ruing. The shopman couldn't tell t irn who it wna; she wan an oxeeeding- v pv"lty girl' In demure black, and the I;,' Mr, Gi-rraway was content. Tin* bunch:f narrjij'r.uH at the b dy'H ..odico was bobbing up and down u she eontlmil to look at* the photo- .UTIpll. "Von nee, the thing Is to (yet nmie one .", , wodld make poor Thadshaw com- 'i',. -table-and not compel him to be al- > ii y ;t the club." Hno put tho photograph'down on the 'ia.pl;-. . "Thin lady," buKJ ycmiuj( Mr*. B--ild- nhaw. dfiflfiliely, ^eball never oome '. ralO my houBc !.. . unite* no. Not in your hoinu-. Uhu will, of course, be In JOnn-st'ti house. I tn sure that on my recommendation " "Do you nn::;n to say, Mr. Cairawuy, that you would recommend a person like thlfi for Hiieh a posltioil '!" Mrs. Hradsluiw hud risen final h r chnlr, nnd-wpokc Indignantly. "Now, "Mrs. Jtniihiliaw, pardon uw*. T can't alk>w yon to- stealc- lll-OL'...tiny client of mine. I have every reaoon t.u l)elleve that Hhe I:i a well-bnsl youn;- lady and eonuai from one of the best families. I have no doubt In my mind that sin- will make my friend Ilrad- fdiaw wry .comfortable Indeed." There was a tap at the door, and th<' smart boy entered with a card. Mr. Carntway went toward the door to receive tile newcomer. Not, before, hoiqjiuny-ht'-hn-d seen the handkerchief re to the eyes of the young visitor. "Uradshaw/ he whispered at th - door, "listen to me, man. Your wife hi in there, crying. Co end klsn her and make It up." . An hour and a. half later Mi'. C;ir- raway fifiuiiPuvd back. Tlie small boy J add followed him Into the- room and put some more coals on the lire. "Mi: and Mrs. V.radshaw gone, Judd '.'" d'-m.'iridctl Mr. Carraway. Masder .Ind.l said "Yessir." "Wh;.t the donee .,.] about, dudil '.'" The evr.-Ilent Judd sadij 3l was :iothin' special. lleini*- pressed, how ever, M;;;:ter Judd confessed that ere lering tie* room al>-.iit "n mlmites nf- I* r his nm.'di-r had h-ft he saw the gent and l.-oly Ki;-.:dn:; . neb oth-r Ilk.* t o'eloelc, funl i,n 'nppy a.*!------ "Judd," said Mr. Carraway s vep-ly, "I am siii'in-li-'ed at you. I am surprls.ed that a man just now perbap:; of ten der years, Tait one who Li posslljly des tined for the high'-at honors, nhoujd l;e guilty of tun highest Impropriety the gross, unprofessional impropriety, sir of noticing a math-rot' this kind. I am surprised' nt you: perfeetly sur prised at you. Would you like to go to the theater io-nij;ht, you young scoun drel 7" St, dames midget. FlllelM ullfl I'lll'.- Wll t-er. The comfortin.-; notion popularly en tertained that water whbdi has b"--n boiled and tillered hi absolutely saf- for ilrlnking purj>oses. was rude-ly -is- sailed la-'it wc.'k by Professor Kay Lan- kester at the Jtnyal' in: tltution. 'I'har brilliant selentist made"""the startllrg Htah.-ment, that such water as w.uu\ old Kit her Thames supplie-s" is aotually- safer to drlrdv, though (e.-mbi^ -with microbes, than pure spring or hike wa- ter ! ^A .fjoinestir firtf'-r7~1T~ap;~rii-";:1." I-' worse TJ7;ui useless utile:;-' iti:i built* : and!'t"i:Hi^-d every twenty-four hours. We have^Von a-'i.-ustomed to bf>il our water., but to boil oiir liller u 111 b . ii- w departure ia domestic eeonojiix. Tin* exXtJituujiuu.-ui'^.Uio jirof.-sor's as tonishing statene-nts Is that the harue J^a^-baxiti*ria.._wbleh abound In ordin ary driuldn;: \-.*ater are the sworn f of the C.'jihoid and eh-d--ra gt-rins, and promptly 1:111 ties'! off-when'.vv th**;. in ".Hide tlC'inse] Ve;; into their SOld-'I y, but Nd.b these- mlcrolH-s ran li\a* and llourish in pure d Hi (led water, i'nxi: v. hit'll their invi'teraie enemii-s ba\ been banished, "people have bexui add- lag some thin.*-*; like ;,. bundred-foJd." said the professor genially, "to the bac teria in their writer by filtering , it." Thoroughly sterilised wader, aft'-r pass's;,' thr'"U;*h a re-w lllt'-r (.ml\* In us a we.'lr, Ik. s been found to r'.->n '. :i In two hunilred thousand b-jet'-ria to the eidde e, -|'ir:i"t j'.-. "I'll : : ol' I.-iido-.der's b-e'-.r*- is that a Utile k"..;.V.'.'.'V!l.:dge w- [ 'Jang'-rous and unrelia- bl" thin;;, --i'1. .rrespond'-n. .i'. It'-eorder". The i:p\i'*e ! gilhJii' l'eiie:.*M-'<i -. Kiieh day It girows pkilner th..-1 must add lie- bicycle t" Hit- li.-t mI' hu manity "h grea t benefactor.*. A lr--;n I , tens of thousands owe to it he.illh, st rcitgth und their first In t incite a - 0.11.1 !n I a rice with the nut-doio' !(!'. . M has b dped th" farmer, who foolhd:'v despises it, by a.dvaiieia:.- tic- li-lit f r f,Moil roads. It lias tilled the p(;e;v : of larif-uishing owrieni of coii*.:ry inn It has made the country boys arid id a'-uua'ntfil with the broi hers u nd sl.j t'-rs fr.an the ejty. It prions s to -I j away' willi thi- stupltl fashion oi' loa - ti-(fUKei*H -to rest'"ire to man!-1 nd '. c- f'r-aeej'ul knl'..'k' -rbo:'kers of u!d. ii p:-o- nnge.s erjiiallty . It diseour.ires t". .- :. .. e|(iSS'*S. The bicycle Is a democratic m o-iiiro a i"nil hfu 1 f-ervanr, a luxuty and a eessity, i,'ivat and cheap. It is a j;o : doetnr, a destroyer of dl]i- bl'"-"1-'. ' deserves the monu men t whi'ii '.: :- luillding to itself in the .shape o .i b'-elthier, happier people. k World. AYER'S Hair VIGOR KOBtoroa natural color to tho hair, and also prevent a it iaUluu- out, Mra. H. W. Fonwloli, ot Dlgby, N. S., aaya : "A littlo morn tlmu two yuur.'cipfo I my hair !r1bKJiii X-Uo" turn K r a y und fail out. Af ter, tho uho of oiio bottlo. of Aynr'n Hair Vifjor my hair wafi rontons] to it a original color ami rn-nfied falling out. An of:cunioiuil application has sincokt'itt tho hair in tfonrt comlition/' Mra. II. X\ I'dCNWicic, Dighy, K. H. "I liavo used Ayor'fi Hair Vlpror for throo yoars, and it has rofltored hair, wliich was fast Ijccominpr jrnvF back to itfj natural color." if. W. llASKLiion**, Pateraon, N. J. Iyer's Hair Vigor I'ltl'I'AItED ny Dll J. C. AYER & CO,, LOWELL, MASS., U ;S. A, Avcr's JPillactirc Sick IXcadache* AUCTIONEER II Woo inity KNHY IlKDItrOK, AtmtioiHH-r. lift 1 ln-otnpl.lv iitUinili-d fo. Aii'lriinn HnuLh Oil ill an, I Mil, 1'ie/niaei in iUrill(! '" H"n"'"i ',,rt y liaivii vord uttho Ptira; .'inani elitra. t( ...... Jb itMUlUtJR *Clr -1? CM 'cam't nucr naT -_--*-.**w , ._ ii,-'.1-.JiL'j UliUU.'J. 17'CCMC rnoM hi D 4, I" liarrces-s hraGnflim, TRUMK3, VALISES. A. large stock, all new p;oocls and J.aJeat.Xo_v(.'ii.!0s. I tai<e no had; scad on pi'ices. SCHOOL SAGS, J have a litrea* ^lock, i.<ni^liL at _... hoLtnm prlec, and can lient tliein -------all for jd'ico and quality. Call "and sec Mioni. IICES ;.ci(UJf\Y ' . ON w Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness of:every DcScriptson. A liirgu btoel; and it imi.sL ,lji. (!all mid seo lue beftd'o buying clsi'v.'iioro Everything in the H FarnisbjRfi; Sa'GQ o- Adams. Thje .li-i^cy Mosquito. In the town of Quantuek, N. .'., v'o '; 1 i'-.-: in a lew, hot nook, juurroen . o swampy land, the moH^nlm-- ii v ;. , :1 so thiclc thin .season thai, ., [ bi'eezif Is gentle. I he j' I'o |,: ;, ;;,p :;> black cioud over the town <'>u oc( asloris of late this II s b a : * n'-*- lic.alde that the here, bare r, , ,. - , roo; t at nooa, under the \ ^ that it was elready nlghtfad, ;.:; i \, ; ;- ' d' . . r -,- layoi,.;. As the poultry bi.-'..-s; is a : adhig one In" the town, th ia.i.d ia ' o'l'ei. i| for a time eons'.,ei a' -\ li.iaa- 1 i.l ln-\ nnt 1 the de\'lr. . v/.-u- hit i'i>.::i of KeraliuLT up a smal! dynindl ear - r'.ig- :iieoag tin.' thietteM .- warnn : roo-.pdte.s, by m--ar:s .:f a kit , fl.v.u 1 " a wire:, which at th" right < one : t nee', s a euironiof ele:*trl lty to d a- '. h-rge tb" -dynamite. ,M-p:r a few d'.se:u;:e;es the air is So el eared thai the V, as .an r-sume operations, .-. nd lie sjory rennllnH of the dead mo (( - pm, f.-dllng w thi> ground, are iii,Vio(i in as fertilizers. New York Uecoid r. A Word lo the MurrJcil. Tlio world hi not b|e enough for the Himeessful dinngrocment of man and wl:V, Thoy may part, but It is not' h lo./'Hs; It la failure. Both must wwry ,.way the marlcu of It, and whatever uiay liaprion neither In quite jih goou an before. In wplte of divorce lawH and a*.I oasi monts of that Hon, wo havo con trived to make a deeply nerlotiH but 1- n>HH of morrlago. V/e outfit to applaud thowo who suoeood in it VwcauMo nuc- coh8 ia. ao iadlHponHably nReoHsary, I Jeclara that I am ptTflonally tfnue- fufl to married pooplo who got on qoii- Bplcuoualy well.. Thoy are a roasaur-; in upectaole in iaodoty, and as a..*part of poclety I. take comfort in knod/In^ them, and mm obliged to them tor cat- leUraar. July 8crltor, t . F. IS wo deciv, (.mi.jI "* Pate'fi Can hiei; Worlin. Khfiox. NUUKKUYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY I-.V. Tetioli, Pour, Plimi, Apple and Quiuco Trtajs, llohi r.. KvcrgrtenH, Iiorry Buhhus, ltusriheny, Blackberry and Currinit Husliori. Al! Iiiri. chiHh Suva ii^iii^' Big Profits uiut write for pr.tGH. Wo will cheer fully answer sou by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees, DMNCh.wii, ijngf'KKi) AiJCPinsi;i:rt for thu Ctjiinty of l-'iwtix. Piulilf r.f Kluhth Plvliilriii Court. All ItlislH of louin ntul utliur Union uriii(iiK!t,(>(l i>vouipl.Iy. ltiLttiii I'liiuotHiblo ioh| turidnln'ri on implication, l'.nqiilnjru muy apply ut W. ti, llniitnaii'H nlllcn. cir at. tho eltie^ of Pivhilon Ci.iirL (ll(irlt,Mv. John .Mihai. | OHM (iOUMhKY, rl ljrjKN'HKi) AlgvnoNIlHIt tor llm ('oiaity of Kmiox. All l.hi'lu nt fitrin fitock iiidim, iMc, uundili'teii jnaiinptly itml <m nhorL nol.lc.o, Itntnii rniiiiai'iiblfi, I'nriiiani <umitHl)ln to iiiTiuiitn iialnii amy :lo ae by ciLllliiciit thn Fiu:i:: I'ltiatu oitluo is' by upplyiin; in '1 .1. GfJKMbKV, P. O. box. 1.1*1 jiKimx, Out. I^HANK M':(!bOSKKY, Middfttnun, thirty- J no vn yon rfi'experience nn un nnctlfnicisr i n the Count v efKim'-x. Hahei candiict'ut promptly, muI on niiiiinimhlii tisnm,' PtirtlcK donlrln,; to (Is. tlai dare for u nabi <:.ui toivo (Ijidii.iiiIvok il dri/nhy ntlliiiKiit thn Par.:'. I'msii ojiico. V,\; hi1.vi) ni I'uiiijivl i.ith .Mr. Muglr^litey iui'1 will I'it the didon lor Milnii hy h.-le^rapli, imlirfly fi'uo ol nil rhiii'go tr, the pur.ion hold in;; tin* loht. . Ad- droiui r'nudt McUlonloiy.MiddiiLoruiCrnini.Oiit, Pin CHURCH DIRECTOR MiiTinmniT . Dr. Puia-mi, pimtor. Horvwft vory t-luml'iv at J,l a. tn. uiai 7. p. in. HabbiAb *. inolia i'.: Up. in. O.' g. Nuylor, Hupurlntoiid- . ..i. io m:Ui.\A i'jpworlli boiii'ii'iprayormtiutiufl I'lH-iidiiy uVtinuiK utH fj'olook, (niiluiu.1 iirnyof undth)1,'rut Thu oiilu.ytivhltuf, fiiiuieii or Ksnr.A:.']i- Itov. A.b,IInvi.rly, ia- uliailaiiit, Ht. Piuihi, Miiiiox, DlviiiOHorvIto ovcry Muniay nt 7 o'cini'k, p -m nutiday Kohool lit Pi a. in. I'rliiilv Cliuroli, North UlrUi* -Pivhut imrvlcin ovory hnuciay ill ;i \>t in.;tiw -luy Hohool ut l.-15'j. in, The publlu rtr6 cor- liaJly inviti.d. PuiaairruauH. \V. iM.I-'lornlnjf, PuHtor* Ho- vk-mi on Huhhidh iiLll it, iu, iunl 7 ,!i() p. iri,Hftl>-' laith Hchnol ui. ^:'-ili p. in. Pruyor nuotliiff mid Ciuitor'n hibhi chum on 'Ihuiulay atV.jf) p. in. Haclnl Union on WoilnuHdav ut H.Iftp. jtAi'iiirr Cmuiuju, Uuv..Ar. V. Oituipholl.1 I'na- tor. Borvlco.i ouch Kidiimtli ut II u. in, und 7 p.m. Pruyor iniaitiui'on WialaoHdiiy ovonlgg ut M o'cluulc. Houtii froo. All arti uonilully wol- ooamd. nkwja: AlJJin overy ronpoct, PER 100'- $12, Money to Loan Ou'good produotivo Form Property ut 0J, *fc 0 poi- cout. atrai^hi. No Valuation Fees- Ei-'Cohvoyaucmg Dono up iu Koat Bfcyio ' ., '.iM- * Fire and Lif rsurarco. . A.E.LOVELACE, '.: . T JsssEXtom rOffiom Whifcriey Block. opiUire ' . WANTED Tr* buy .I^urniture at [iriur-H that urn ri[iht down to Lunlniui, niul prepn.reddo fununh every tlun^ m tlio nhapo of Fumituro that, a cue/it lnai-ck(.'cpf'r nciaU, AIho ii linn line of Jbiby fbirrisgc a at prices tlmt are ri^hfc clone. Kimlly eall and inspnet tho ^ooiIh, it. will pay you to do no before l.uy- ing cluewhuri!. It ocatsymi nothing to -.jet pricv.ti. UNDERTAKING AND. A. lejiciiiulfy. ]-;vciyilu.!^ done up iu (.jooil Khajif-, All iu;(aa;;ao-y carriage!-, lunuslicd. Hii.-uiLhs promptly, att'Midjd to at all lusirs. \Vill comparti prici-a with any uiulia tid;er of any town. If live i wo tine hcurnes in g/jod condition, and will iioi be uuderholci ia the lines 1 repi'CKimt. Tiikuif; ' tliot fc i'ha'jara Falls RvitoS ooino.i:a!it j;m'- MuyfWth, .L. . iul' Dell Wil, I'l'ltltl!...... ."Mui'lhtonec Kw"S...... \S"ii"d:-lee ... Hit M.'cnil) ... (annhcr . Idiik'etiOV)] liOihue/... . St. Thinnart i.oudon ...', Ht. TiiuSHni... Ut);liu-y........ Uiil^otown..... t'onilxjr....... Htiiioonih....... Wi,odiil(:u....... K8Ki!X ........... .Mai tfitoiio l.'r Pnltnn....... .. . Windsor......... P'Otroit..... ..... Muii a.iii. 7,1.". V.ID K.t.ii H.-.>i h.-J-l H.:iT t. 1.1 ll.MJ It. Hi. ii.*:a . ,". b.-l7 llt.UD OOINO WjaiT. pan. li!.lll ;j..tj I Li 7 r, :m. .i.il ft.M) li.il.'l ii M J :;u. ii, ub il I" ja.it) sua 11 ,10 i.ii.'. IL 1)1. ..r. lO.lll ii.j:i IS T.K) t'J.K) Acrorn p.in. I in :>.(,; /i.in ."i.-i'.l .i.:i'.i d ,')0 .r...')ii 0.(11 7 In 7 :i'.i r> -il' ft .111 Ii.;!:"; 7..'i-i 8 no a.-iri 1U.01 1(1.1 'J Il'.Ui) lO.fiJ lPntAH CaVJIomc. - Kr. t). P. MoMoriamlu l'uitUn'. ivnvici.- ovory otliiir Utiiirluy ut H.11U m. fiunduy -Icliool ur. ;i p. in. Salvation- Ah.mv, T, II. Mubond, Cuptatu. <>a I vntlon uiooli ni^i fm Wodiicuhiy, Tliurmliiy milI Hiuiduy ovnniiij'ii; J-'ruo und Many, Hatiintuy eveiiin*.: und il I'm. Hnoihiy; Jfollnomj iiioUtlUfft* lor chrnitiunn 1'riday ijvuiiiiif[iind 11 u. in. Htrn- iluy; \yu\ii Drill 7 u.tm. .ovory Utluduy. All'lUro Willi ~--^ LEGAL. t( h. na-lU-'Jie ilunl.itor, Holicil,or, Notl '.t Pul)lio Jlonuy to I<outi. Olllco ov >i,i iithorH' Hunk. KiitTTHi Ccutro. ] "*' A, VviHMKU, IJarrintnT, \\ <. I'ublio iVe, "iloijuy to loiui. UJIlco? Mtuli Iilui;lt, Up-Midlii, JIiii.'O.X. |-1Ij-VUKI5, ItAltTLKT A JMUTriKT, Harrlt Vj torn, otc. Oiilt'i'K, Modbiuy Kloclc, WliKbta l'ri\'uln IhikIh to loun. A. II. On.WtKK, li. I'i- P. A. U. JlAIITMIT, N. A. lfAUTLli'S. 11. A. J rr.MtV (J. WAl/J'kftK. b.li.If-, Attnmrtyanil .1 L (.'ouufiidnr at law; u'itb Atkinitou A: IJalt.'ll fH Cdiit'.rmti'Ul. wciitj. Detroit, .Mich. (CiLiitidiuu chdum n(;uii)(jt I'ornouH In tl I'uitrd fitutcfi co Hoc tod.) Ueffii-Diicufi; Iinporiiil biuik. Kiifiox, Out, .f.^b.-Potoru. lOfifp, barrister, otc, I'"niin.t, K.A. WiHini-'r, I'^iiij.i Hiii-rifit" .', oto., J-jiinox, Oi MEDIAL. i\u.-:. ukii;n a phikn. Jim. Driori. M, D., li. li,, il. V. ii., uradnuto of fjuccn'M [.'nivoriiity, Kiuciiton, immribm' of Col- h.r.e ei riiyiijciiiuH uiut Hni-^'uoriii.Omurlo. Onui- init.i ot Nn%/ York. Pout (iruduato .Median.! Ool- 'If.'w. liildu, M. !>., (J. M., P. T. M. C. Honor erielimUi of Trinity Mudlcul Colliif,"'. Honor firii'liiuto nf Trinity ridwruity. Moiubor of tlio <:elh:,;c of Plr.'Jiiohtiin and tSurijeoiifi, Out. OwA* uito or .Nov.* VorK. i'ost (Jrridunto Afodllnl Collo;;o. ----- Oi'tloft over le;so:t Alodical Hull druj* Btoro. ('ouiiultatinn rnoiui!, hotli on ((round iloor und flvat Hut hIjovh. Ti'lfpliDiio .in both OlllcO ami roiiidonco. AH caihi mtouilod to from ofliuo, 11 vu i-\ htnrc, i/Y rend on u*i. itoiiidonco, Talbot titroi t, front of I iir ^rouudii. ryto. Di'iWAi; ^Moki^nzu:. P, A.j-:wah,M. X). O.M., 1*'. T. M. H. ttj Tiiinty Unlver.iity. ftleiulHiv Colloijo PI eonii, Out. Koi.idouee, Tal -t'.Kinit. ' ' ._______------ tb MrKKNzir.'/'si. ih rr~xrrd*'now .tj ML'dk-ai Colleeti. (intipjutu Triiutv Univo lit Mih-i.ee: Tiiiiiot '-tnitit, ^'cut of Al. C, It. hyi bo rinlty niUy j and otc Hp. in "'l'n,.. in fin jK'vi.i i K.'ioU Idi.ek, j-iroiuaJ Hoor, next to Th/.nie'h drnt,' Morn. 'i'ol'ji.honi' in coieiectioii with ftttico und riil* itence- OnlerH b-Jt nt. Thorno'ii dru otoro will bo- pjoinplly utlondod to. OEHTAL. ",[ r P. MAH'PLV, P. P.R., L. ]. H. Gradudto > - A o iv Di.-nt.i'i'iy,- Itovnl (V)!lo(*e. of X'outal ;Iii)'j:'.oi:s, Ontario, at)il b'niviU'Blty of Toronto. "'l.:i):;un, mndciute. Otjloo, ovnr JJrion A Cob 1 ni /'.'i tore. lHdy VETERINARY. W nme (ioitu: Aiiuiei'Nihurir wi:i>t lioriil 1'raliiN. ..- . i:abt II. Mo'lAUDM)*-;, Vutoriuarv Sur- f.'iion, e'.i.unintf! of tlio Ontario Voter"* i'qliej.-e, 'I'eii.UU.', ti'L-alil all (UfiCllHUfl Of iiifjuTi'il iiniiiKils. Teltmhonu In coiinoo- . fonr OppOH" -rirni- (:iiLityr""JU"1liI(1onco, ooern Mditii or lirist Mill. OUJiin in poal biiiiiliii"; Intlriiii: ry iliroctly opportit*4. BAKER. " pUK oldest lMiHiim.il. in town. KntitbJiniio J. 1971). Kir-it-chiHH hroiul und oukofi of ni klndii. Wedding enken a upouiulity. QroconoB proviHiorm, Hour, fond, unit ami pork, Oorifoo* tionory, crockery. id.'isnv;uro. ('nuuoilfriiltiiruul ro>p*t;tblen of all kJinN. (.Joodn lirr.'mptdy to IIv-oro,l Loull partHotti.o town. J. M. HICKH. 'Ditl p m, u.ni. ii.in. i.m1- n.fio (i.ii Plt-'l r.i>H lii.iu ii ;i(i lLi.'M it .in i*j.f.f) 8. ifi h ;j.--i Kft-a-x KtleurN h K ,\ D H Xin-- .V(-(P.'0l!or AnihuiKtijurj; u.in, u.ni. )i.itt 7.1.1 ;i.ti> r.uo 7.0U 0.-1(1 r. iu tJ.SO !1 IW -l.C-i li.iH si.iio l.nu i;.:iu K.Ki j.;h. All ti'iiiUH uro run on ctmtrul httnidtiril tiiuo, winch in hixty niiuutor. alowor than Khuox time-, lor irilormiition and rat on to colon- Into liHivint; wimt apply to John O, Lavcn, Pun- Honker Ai'unt, St. Tiioinufi, O. W. itinjfdon, (lori- crui I'lmiiOLKor mid Tiokot Acont, Chlcitpio, 111 or A. O. Htimoni, Ac*iit;. Kbox, L- E. & D. R. Ry TIMKTAIiLK NO. IH, taking otToct Saturday Juno -ill, lf-.U."). Truitin run by Kautorn Stand iird Tinni, Puilv except Sunday A M V M -111 13.00 tl;20 0.-17 12.110 (J.27 (l.r>5']'J.-10 .!1U tiM'ViAH (1.10 10.lllil2.Ml 0 17 lOJfl' J.10 (J.M lO.IBi 1.23 0.50 10 2!i! 1.40' V.f'7 2,(0,7.1-1 i.Pl' 7.2'i 2.6; 7.IM 11-Ot) 17.12 10.J12 1*1.-12 10.W 10.5!) 11.10 11.2-1 11.31 IUI0 n.-M 11.62 ll.Bll 1201 12.13 lil.ia la.ua ic.si 12.-10 I* M. 1.10 1.H0 I. HO fi.U0 5. .1.1 fi.frt a,on tl.lK G.i>& U.-J5 fl.Ci 7.10 r. m. 7fi2 S.I) e.i7 8.22 fl.jta H.-IO fl.47 HM-2 0 00 O.07 0.12 0 20 iUl 'p.m. Station h. A M Don Wallturv'Io At-fi Hi Walliorvillo June, I) 01 ......... Pulton.........,8 r>7 ......t Oldoaotlu......8 ffl ......t Pt.qiiotto......'8 -17 ...... MoGroROV ......iH 4',* ,.d Now Canaan... fl m0| A M li.OO 5.-1I 5.JH S.17 K.'H 5.C0 l.'lO I Marnldbld ...... Tlanow ...... ........I Arnor......... ......KiRvillo...... ...... Huthvon ...... ... Lonnilupton ... ...... Whoatloy...... ......+ Itouwfoa ...... ......Coataworth ... ...... tGloirwood...... .......'..niorlin......... ......t Huston......... ...... Snmllaon ...... ...tOoclarSpWnss... Blouhoim Tunot'n ......Blouhoim ...... i........iWilldo......... Ar Itlrlsotowu D*P a 20! 1.U3 B 2'Jt -1 25 8 ii: i.eo H 01 TBI 7-10 7 2J .7 IB 7 m 7 00 1163 II ) ,0HI v10 0 00 Ia.m. 3.-1S y.15 U.-10 l.M 1.3H MB 12. Ui) 12.21 12.11' 12.05 11.2U 11. CO 11.M 1Q.1B 10.00 P.M. V Jl 7.10 7.1M 7.27 7.211 7.17 7.12 7.011 fl.SO 0.(12 (1,U 0.31 0.21 (1.10 fi.IJI 5.15 6,10 6,30 fi.aa 6.16 fi.IO C.01 \M \.W 4.40 t.iiO 1.M SOCIETIES l- :). O. F.-'KNTKI.TMSI-] Lod(;o No ' 2JtJ . - muoty ovory Thuriuhiy, evfliilut; at. 7.110 ft} OdYifollowH nail, Intliii-datoroyDuutitan Block Vl.dtlrifjuuunhorn uf othor lodj-;onwlll rocoivou .ruternnl weledinn. .7. JOHNSTON, N. G. UKNTIiAb .I'INCAMPRIKNT, No. 00, mootlltu OddfoIlowii'Hull,Dunntan'ii Block, on tlio ttrttt. -.nd third Tuouduy luoach month. Via 1 torn not* dially rccoivfid. ftfeiubeifl of tiubordiimtolodcoe In th*. jiirindlction, Invitod to join- 0. IIANNAN, C. 1\,'0. F. Ill I.L, O. H. ' I |J>Sfc:X VLl.K BKIOADI-J. MEETS KVEKV X.j Friday ovuiinij. Ihivid Wutrncr, Cuptaln; Andnuv Purkor, Llontcnant; PuUuor Diliio, Soorotary; I'ledoricli Hyatt, Troiiuuror. GOUIIT KOYAIj. NO. 212. I. O. P.' Mdotu fiucond ana fimrtli Tuendav'fl iu uaaU month in l, O. O. P. Hall at B o'clook v. w.' Vifdtinif brothnrii will bo ipvtiij a frattrniu wol- nomo. K aioCauwlii.iul.O. lb, W.C, Shaw, Racy, M. J. Wij'lo, CD. II. O. It. lANDAND loan agents C^EOBGE J. THOMAS, Convoyauoor, Com- y mlnoionor, In Iliffb Court of Jrtfltloo: doalor in Uoal Entatc and MortnaROii. Mouoy to loou attholowont rate of Interunt, Parma bought und tiold, Inuurnnoo taken In tho moat rollublo oompnnioii. Drawlimof uooda, morfceugon and loauoDtv npoolalty. Obarf'oii raoiioratoaiid &)) bnainotio promptly attondod to. Call at the Ooutral Tolonbouo ofllao. EdfioxContro. 60-ly WIAPRIACE LICENSES. MAHRIAGE Lit-enKoiior Wfltlilinfi IHnp* cap bo pvoonrod at K. h. Fiirk'fi, tlio old *-*- liable juwollor, Kcnox, Ont. D. SEAMAN, t Wag BtatloDB. TmiUH atop only whou tboro aro nnnncner at or for th6nu Btatloun. UUfld traiim are at al tliuea Biibjtiot to bo oanoollod WU *W>01fjliAttMf. Owiorftl BapwrltitomUnt Tho Rocky 'JttoiiMtalns, Alonfi tbe Jiue oi tho Northern Pftoiilo Railroad abound in largo sjamo. Moose, doer, fceur, e\U> wouutam Hona, to., can yet be found there. The true eportiraan b willing to o ihero for them, 'A little bookjoallea "Naturul Game P^BorycB," pnbliiihed by the Northern Ptwifie Bailread. will ^s Bent upon receipt of four cenU in stamp's by Chab. B. Fjib. GeaM P*bb Agiin*( St.'PftUl.MInB..1'/, , . Intnior of MarrlitRO*LIdoiihch. Influrenao aaneo-. NirihtomooutBwfiiiu't. ami 3AlXUa r'JIUI.T.EflBSR, BAEItKTT. iHituer of Mar\Ue LloonW, CommlfiBionorir O.J..eta. OobU), Out ___^LANI^U^^ JAMBS S. IjA.IRI), I'rovUioinJ Land Borveyw and County Hnsinoor. Essex Centre, Ont OUloo, Dunn tun Hloclt, upatalra. ^RCHITCCYS- TOHM A. MAYOOCK, A'HOHlTEOTt &*. ,:.. Itoom It) and n,t7lemlng Bundine, WindMr.Oul Phone 010. - ,-"' " UNDERTAKINC. HPL0MMK *B, *Ond>rteke and FurnWme Dealer. {Oeffina, home nod taOBOtrj mrte Jroia $S to f AD. MoOregor.Ont. $ '>-m ^-^^-^-^^^^^-^^ 62 711842 08814801