Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 2, 1895, page 8

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Xil 1THEJ tlvSSKA FW&h HRKfeB J- Leaders of Low Prices. BARRETT & Co Have purchased in the east a Bankrupt Stock of Boots and Shoes amounting- to over 3 at 75c on the $, - They will {ar rive this week and we will be g-in a sale,on day, August 3rd, Of Womim'H. Miaaos' and Children'^ IJooU mul shoes a-t priuoH Unit can not 1>g duplicated m Kssox. We're anxious to im- pveay upon llio public that comparison of our prices* is what we covet. Tlh LONDON OF TO-DAY ONL'S FIUST WEEKS IN THE METRO POLIS Allb NhVEH FORGOTTEN. O&0 Pno$ to PAIR DEALING AND RELIABLE GOODS. 4 Buiier and Escgs Taken as Cash. Respectfully yours, --------- _ BARRETT & 00. \ the \'\n V J_____ ',) i !h' j 111 BANKRUPT STOCK STO^E. MiaH EHn. Oliver, Windsor, vimtod fnondu lioro thU wook. Mrfl. t&. L. Park in visiting with friends afc LiaminKton, Mro. Evoreon, of Guulph, in the goeHh of Mr. unci lira. Briolter. Mr. Kriefihoff, photographer opent a fow tJayaatCodar Bouch thin woak. Wi A. Gardnor returned tlnu woalt from a buainoso trip to oaatoru poiiato, J. W. Gibson, toller at J. D. Anderson, <& Co.'a banlc hau beou upending bin vaca tion at Codar Beach. Mr. F. J. Parkin loft 011 Monday to upond liis holidays at Terraoo Boaoli, Morpeth, with his brother, Mr. II. J. Porkinn. MisH Amolid Clifton,) who has beon in WincUcr for aomo time, Iiuh roturnod home, and will bo plcunod to two her old f riondo and patrona. Mr. Jan. Chambora, of 5Y.ayno, If ioh Iind formerly for soveral years a rauident of Ebhgx, Hpfiiit a fow riay thia week with llin fathor-in-law, Mr. John Loo and other rrieufla in thin vicinity. Mr. E. McKay, rnr brother of the Kidgo- town Plaindouler, loolu-d iu tliio wook on lux way to tho went. Ua is not lb well rb npual and we liopr* ho muv return in a few wcekfl fully up to hih iimihI mark in health and strength. Ilia daughter, Mini N-Minnhi acooriipimon him. Mi Ho red for Ovei* ;f30 Tl'ou^h Tried ITCvuryiiiuiir und ICmpIoyodJTwo ,L or Three Doctor*. A well flmown farmer nayfi]: Lot 2*2, Thprold Towmihip, Wolland P. 0., 'Tor over .10 years my wife hadflbcou 'a nnfforor from moat dreadful hcadaohoa; at timoa thoy woro ho bad tiho oould "noithor ait or lie down *t>utj her hoad aeemod an if it would nplit. She tnod ovorythinpj'guho could hoar of and was attendod by "twol[or threo "doctora, hut could not 'find relief until wo got Stark's Powders for hoadaoho bdionauoHB, coftttyouoas, neuralgia and the livcr.g[SiuoQ thonJdhcJhaB boonjfroe Jfrom HufTorin^, and any ftondanoy [tojfl pain Stnrk'a Powdoro "romovo immodiatoly. Tliov are the only {medicine. Jaho (over cot that haa been of boaolit." Jonathan Pago. Prieo Sjc a box, fi boxes?$1, at nil modi- cine dealern. Nice, "immediate aua[j por- manont. Julv 2/1. RtarU'a Fowdorn, oacli packao of which continue' two preparations, oue u\ around woodou box, the cover of which forma a moii^uro for ono done, an immediate reliof for coHtivenoHH, Hiuk Hoadaoho and Htom uch, alno Nonralfjia and all kindn of nerv- ona paina, and another in captmlfiH, (from } to i of ono \b an ordinary doae) which acta on tho bowels, Hvor and otomach mrniinc a nover failing parfect troatment for all head and ntomuch coniphuntn. Tlioy do not, ao moat pilla and ao many other raadi- cinoii do, Ioro their'effent, or produces after constipation, they aro moo to take. 2r>o a box at all medicine deal era. SOUTH ESSEK PUBLIC SCHOOL LEAVJWG EXAW11MATI0NS. NAME o o Cm S a .i or in ai m era n a. 3 ! ^3 a, a u> o *> i -k i t o a 2 a n " - o .0 n D ^ & <- 2 &6 a u y a 3 -il a _ sq 'J H r^ r* *; 3 -j. ^ it >-. Q "i JJ cl TC "*") O ^ f^ H VVhsro Mductttoil Maximum Murltti rut 21 a1; r>n rn ijio i^iini un ioojoo ino 7h. rjj-v a:i ,io fio :i:t a:i an no ."> -i"") ui2 17 5 40 18 f>2 Ill (J,"i 27 l> 4:1 'ill 72 fill -12 i'(i -ifi at 82 t*3 7." 15 4 -10 17 105 HI as HO d -i:j 27 7'.) 5 fi7 :j;j >fo. of moli to puBti ..17 AMniansTiiuitG - Botuford, nonry..M 41 2C Briifh, Harry.- ..1< U-" 20 Vok Milton......It 38 20 10 10 1H 01 50 4^ CO .Tavmin.Frod......11 3fi 10 -r, \0 13 71 11 Ifi 20 Parka, Acnpn......x* *% 'iC1 Wesley, Foront....l'l 30 lil Nn-UreBH, Laura ..17 -11 22 KhMey^Jonoph ..1S 3^22 li 10 35 75 HO >1 -11 V/rmht, Amiio . ..17 IV> * ! 10 42 .'if. P4 01 72 02 F^uno^^r'iuid M. :riun 10 5 22 7i.(w oi rrifiininfi. Maud A * -10 10 ft 33 20 07 *7 7fi 0T Vnudnr. Goo. T5.. S'2'IH 13 10 33 M 03 Pi (in W1./I0. Lucin(la....lfi 3) 22 0 10 '1(1 no 111 07 4*1 Pr^rommirtT^. K..15 3fi 23 12 30 20 8s r, ai 17 Ko-iUr. Uola^.. ..13 18 22 10 40 '."* 1O170 Ifi 02 Furey, Wm. A..- ..13 10 21 ,H 30 301)1 *.. t,m 1.1 Gmanwav. ner(in..1fl 20 22 (i 31 17 SI ">3 70 U dwonwav, Lottie..15 31. 22 5 3f 17 70 8^ 07 111 Kfial.Klward......15 2S 10 0 20 18 50 51 r, IH' Itovko, Mahhl......11 41 21 10 37 111 01 0 72 Hi Wyatt, John......18 25 21 5 20 25 50 5!) 4> 10 31 H5 :u 20 ,ri2 07 03 22 l>4 (VI 30 18 5H 07 '10 20 12 33 50 ar. 55 02 01 71 KU)5i r.31 551 510 402 570 20 or, 1 U n70 OS 1.15 73 W 721) OS 12 ! 02*'1() 7V3 02 l 3-J (( M3 (ill M71 55 7i5 73 1O0 01 12 iWI Ainlinrptbur^ do do do N0.4 Muldon Amhnratbnru' do .-^ T No. 4 Muldeu *' No. 1 rjolo'Htinr R. Sohol N'). 'A*7* d.i a o^infioo 13 70* No.inoenfions. 00 00 41 33 1131 No, (iMoraoa 70 IIS OS 50 702 No.fll Moruea 111315(1 :10 717 NoJOMnroua 17 10 t'l is TOSNo.15 MaidaLono .-I 0 50 53 522 do HO 101 IW ^ 5(',0 NT-^, 3 CM'ntar N. 70 5(1 42 57 003 No. "4 MiLidntntiu 10 (17 40 35 100 t> *do NortJ 309 will \l\vu an eutranoo crtinoato. ym 1 I I'riifoiiiiil lu lliu Ykiipi-naMlnii orowl*'** ly tho V'uul ui-am iim<I KlH-t^lliivMU of 'ho M nt]nrn Itiibylnii - Tint Siilron of iiiTnlor London Tint Clty'u ^iH^nllUuttit ri^uMUfn (' I nit 1 <l . An J'^ijfllfih corivriiondi'nt of tho Now Vu> K 'Pi II1 urn , In a H'd-nt letter lo that j', 1-,'ive- tin- fulolwllitf lnterufitln^ .i.....11111 (1 the city of IjDiid'in an it i': ti'.,|.r. Aii \ 1111 *i ici n friend, who him 11 veil In I,<inifni) u>v niiiny yeaiM, Mirprhied lie a day or two aj.;<i liy I'unjjra tulaLIn;? me upon helnij a nt-wi ornoi* with a fre:il11 lr el' ey.'.u. "I envy anyone/* hr ouid, * 1 In hiiih prl\ ll( K" of mfiklnjr a Unit \ I'iil lii Kn^lnnil. Oiic'm Unit w I'lcn In i, union aie ne\er lo be fornoit^n; but l.uw noon Un-y p;n..'i, ami with them the Mijiii'tni- luipplne... of eiirlleiit Irnpreji- dojis ! ' \\'li it lie inrimt Willi Ihnt tho hUih li-iii'.i' 1 - ki'^i-M, ami ./nduii, wlih Its i.phndbl llllUqill!\, . lllllL' V.tliet.V Mild flWf'-lll- '|ulnr< v;i ui< :. 1 ei uriii M finiilllar and i-i lis ile. ;m\ mm 11 I (nnl"i'",i nie that ill ie inl^llt he MUlipei,;',! LlOM'i for filW- n r- mi.I In-x,erienc , ;ind thit my : ill ,t In p.e- t'.idii > ,it' tho 1 )\ elleiit < 'ill. y .111*! tie <l e;ili'Mt tfiwn in the u 1 III i,ili;lr h t \ 1 .'-.unir \ alue, .'I'll i- kiii f'lntiol "din up lo Ij'.mlon Hi 0111 .1 "huit loinney from tie- ( n;i: t, 'Jii dint ivoni must li" about the lovell- , : ni' Imi.,'i li 1u1.1I i eiury, Whoever r.iiii Ihiai uid i.t HoMthanipton. the aiofit eoiivi llii III e,,teu;iy, Hei-in^ to be join ncyliiK .ill th way thioup,h a nm- t minus peilc. pi nie'i] l>y ;i land.seiipo eanlnrr who hiis Known the po try of Pis ait. It i.4 not nee.-s.H'iry to refr-r to " ' tli^ (;hii[i>e of the noldo citbe. il" 1 of \nilfh' sti'l', the pi tU'e'iquo vd- . i'H, tli'1 th.i t di- i-j.oof cotUut1 H, the ,,t ly tie(H,'thi- liiu.ul HWeepH of U'\ el ' e *i. low, the Willdh'JC KlIK'S, the llf>\V(*l- : ' IimIj' -1 anil utli'-r equally f.iinlliir till . Wh:it hi n.o t i * mark..hie In tin.. MTh"- n:' i rittaneu,^ rustic pi' lures .1 l(j."i|[M' at M uushes and Haws, I- imthiii* nte h;litlv nt any turn. rite m, l.i h it-'ii <1 htump^ bleach- lie ll-'ld.-., tie ,e ;ir-- no lUrly I'-acct ; > 111 . mi '1 -pi' --i-i'ms in M >pi x of the \v M-d 11 neii* ') , jiml no bljTis oi disoi iler and hick .1 iidiin-:.s hi the villap h. There Is the ' iini-ni'iit of lainlscipe art without i.ieci of 11 ^]e(t, carel< .'iKin-H'-', or lack of harmony. No nn-.d scenery tan be :. ok b'-iJiitiful than the Kiu;)j-h flehll ,",(1 hywayn In May, when the pink l.l torn is on the Lliejitnutt-, th" li.iw- ..ioiii Is btir.-.tln^' bito llo.ver, and the Meadows are lighted up -with -the e;nUi- hiburnuin- and Imuirner- I a ill' 1 I'd and"". iVhite (lowers. Nowhere re th ' Ihnvers lovelier :m 1 more deli cate: nowhere are the tre<-s more sh ip"- ly or the tl.'Idw-fri I'encr. I^veryv. h -re thif i^i ,1 ^ense of symmetry ain^ p:- posi- that comes from iierl'ectlon of d. - tail. The English country sc-nes aro not in :l transition stnK<* with dlsllKiirf- ini ntH to he removed. The KnMsh country lh finished. Nothing rcmalni to ho done in order to perfect those pic tures of rural loveliness. The same Impressions are produced by the maf-niitleent ph-usur-' grounds of. Jjoiiflnn and Its environs. 1 do not re fer to the new parks, commons and breathing places controlled by the County Council and in process nf trans formation, hut to the old parks, and especially to Hyde Tarlc, Ke^enl's, Kow G .rdens, Richmond and Hampton C'onit. These, too, like tlK Kn^llsh loimtry, .ire finished. Whore can therv be a liner ft mil than a walk through Hyde J'ark in the early forenoon or in the late aft* rnoon, when the lhcht is hi^fily temjiered am] the background is not too brlllhint? Or wdirre can there ho a lovelier diive than that from Kew to Jik-hmontf, and thence through linshey Park to Hampton Court? There lias been a lon, disagreeable winter, which has Impaired the mot robust constitutions and tended to the most buoyant spirits; but mituiv has not Hulleir-U from the protracted frosts .'nd'sharp changes. The trees aro full, and the verdure or the woods and jlelda is .is vivid as ever. The oiks, walnuts, Uechcs, larches, cedars and chestnuts show no tdtfn of weaknesn or dryness; Ihe azalea are Hamlnj? with splendour and o\ or the hedj;iro\\s han^s a f-rl'iry of pink and white, anil Ileitis powdered with butetrcups, d.ilsles and bluebells aie fno from dust And delicate In their ; n Muii'ss of tone. The rhij,'llsh lo\ e their ti-"<s i.nd fliwei;;, and know how to kroilj) and mass them. In their p.irks they rtudy Hie broadfst and most u Mful i-u'<'eth, and avoid fu. ^H and pr tthioia In det:iils. Them is an nrLis- tie sen ,e of trninnillity and repose In their 1 nd^-eape art thai U licking In American rural ami suburban scenery. i:\ei\thhiK Is flushed, perPeet and har monious. I !io muHt linvi' indeed u dull soul who in m< .Liid In Wi s' m'ti-di r /Abbey for 1; - In L time or'b f:om |he Th.imea ' : 1 earliest Klimp^i k of tl/o dome of .S . i'aul's ml the HouseJ of Parlia- 1 '-it after n lonp; walk /('rum Hyde 1 a k to Loinhaid street, without heiiuj ]c. .loiindly linpie-setl with Vi 11 the vast- ' ,md st.ttellne^s of ijond'in. It is ' doni Tjondon In a transition stac.o t h si es. Of old J-jOdnn, compiri- tl\.-iy Utile remains, although what th -re 1m of it is either splendid In form or rich in precious associations. There ire the stori* d spots In tin; busiest Vu-Pts lriunted by benignant ghosts t"i those whf have eyes to see them; lit t tho modern town la not so incom- ; i.-Lly pfrf*tt+-and Interestlnp; as to dhi- i rutraro reminiscences and ..eiuiiru'iitul journeys for the Identiflca- tioii of famous sltir. The vhdtor 1h now content to have antiquity mailed for h in, in the Ineomp'ir.ble abbey, tho iiieii'iit tavern and ohophouncs;, and the tower; and even in the lruU'named fjpot hi;? attention is distrnetetliby th'e splen- -1 rhl now bridge which npann the .Thames. That Is a purable of the rc- liiMoim oP past and present hi T/ndon. ThV new Is evtn*ywhere Jontllnff and .-rowdTnpf put the old. Iwondrm.'ln iipito o' its'bhickencd t-toh6 fronts, 1h oanen- UtUly mfxlern. It chalUme-cH nttentian and admiration Iorm for what 1 hiiH boon than for what It |h Oio^centre of latter-duy civllloatlon, tho metropolis o t'bo Bftodorw worHl. "ivi". jjautna naa Hpoueu oi tin.* Hiiuai'v ol IjoikIoii us the first thliu* (hut hit- pMH'.'tl lilm. With all I In- swollen tii Hie of the crowded Mi iroi kI*X.h'.*, .in I the ceaneleHH movement of eipi p- -a;:-?i rl..y and nhilit, then hi a duller i oar than oim expects to henr, and It ill'a dei p undertone rather than coii- t'l. ,ed medley of noinifis. fiut one .itn- iiol In' lunjv lu London without li tvliur i colLsciotlMiess of the vit't h.llll 11 f 11- eury and activity tliat aie com i\ tattd Is re. lOvcn in the iinpr. ssive i,:; n,-- 'd Igondon lie fe<ds tin throb oT ,i . Lii world-wide Indu ; n I .1 r ii s o* ilie iai e. Ht Ul ilU . aii- not i f a.d / a - oi hed anil interpret* d. <'Ji" h* us without emotion oi Inl (dlUfm e Hint t > K-eiiti'r London of the M< tiopolltan I'o- d' Uistrict has a P pu!-tlon u live ii lllloiui, and th-t widiu tW" nly mil u o| Clia rlnif tJi u:.s lino c uri at l-'icd even millions of men, wonn n and t hll- di- n. Ihn when one travehi for lioui. .icro.i i tie ii \vn fioni one u\v tuning hive i un* h" n i.etivlty, he 1m .ippalled by the vnst- ut sh ol London, and thinks nf It as a -j.'bin of worlds, iron:-inp. oiblls and i vdK Iiik one it bout another, and forrn- ne, souieLhln;; like a human unlveis . 1 he display of ridi rs and Pipilpnj;( h 1|J IJvde I'aik iiioinliijr and i. fternnoii a e i oijuimi|i1> ileM'i llu'd as tlie mont brd- liMit sjie i.tele In London. What Is von more linpie^lve hi th" a illy move ment of HP' sni t nil He in the <itieet>,. 'I hit is th" marvel of the modern wot Id. I nhko t he KiifflHi (ountrv, London I not finlslH d. Old as . r tin tr d - I ,,nd historical as-lot I lUons, it |s ,i ew ami vciy recent London that I lie . i auir sees. 1 am not reP-miie; to tne . . olt. dure and mi In thoroufrhf. rcfl, .it to the tiansfoimat'ons or adniail - . i.iiloa and h> rvh e which 0 \ e been ri(-f ess try in ord -r to answer >h letiuheiiientfj of a multlpl dl jiopu- i tlon. Lornlon s now one m' tKe bc-t (h'jh.ed fitl m in Ihnope, but forty .'..ti*- a^o there lli'p' few IDSTei j;ionnd e\ eis, and drainage ditches emptied -.Million directly, Into the Th inn ti all loii^ Its banks The pavementii t->-dav i lies the admiration of every Ann'r.- u \l-itor;and they arc not only ho t u perfect repair, but they are clean'd ery day with thoroughness and pain-- i 1 in;- can-. ]hit forty yearn a to th i" .' i weH-jiaved thorotiKhl'iue. .. n there a t-rifjl* of nainnv --eta in the bu iist n^trteis without oJtl- Is or Inlets for tralllc; but In a sln- -. - K-'iu-ratiun $100,()i'O,l)U0 h'ts l - n e - 1 ndeel In Ihe openlrifr of new (\\tr- "" Jifares, many of which have been pin through bus!:ionn :;eetlons The san- ' yy and police arrariKements, and the ucaional system, ha\e >m- n ie\oli- i mixed during the s'tme peiloil, "Wltli- i the last tLUi yeam dlnused cenv teiie- ave liivn converted Into public hre-ith- ri plact s, and tin; park atea has been th in d milled. All the rapid tiTiTF~ i te ent Introduction Indeed, the njji'st nnomaly about the city that ! u e j}. cm an Amei lean visitor is its nil..Py modern ami pi'uKiejs'vc .i.i te]-. He comes up to London ex- . lini.' to revel in Klimp ;es of antltiuity .1 he finds hlms It at once pr. oi r-upled ' th pr cticdl evlden es of tho modern t o! municipal j^n-ei una m and e"n- htem d pruKivs in h dvl'i'r the eoic- '. problesi] of mini t< > [nL,r to the < oni- t 'ml lui.-'Slti .' of an ininien-.. ei i'l-jiiil.t t:on. " . ly :i t ii iie-a"d : Idom L a vi-,Uor of tin in, d he c-niiii it r< h"i'- big w:lh- ' icknowleibdnir- the ito11'tiej oi th 'ti'-ne :.i\ ni my surprl'-.eq in Lmd~h~w .; \il \ isit t i oi i i!u .- C!ui c h at n on a vieK d'iy, uh-n I < .\p"t led .'nd it empty; 1 ut lb -r \v a a . row d . oris*re-c tl n 1 u nhiK to a prut en! icon ttom an > Ln | uen t pn i he;- ul :. - whirl and rnmbl-* of London -it i ' It Li st hour, and in on of the n d:u -i :i tie-, but wit Inn ^^ -i h an old las,-- . d i-van.ft. b( i! s- rvici' cun hct h ferv or. I Inn i v- t to enter n .owlish Chun h on fiun .a;, that ".' 1 i thronged with woi"*hipp'is. no vi* I i-\erse. a a f.' city th.! *..;i. ' m ' ordci ly and quh-t 'in Snnd i> * 'han this tficat, prot;:i i s*-lve, cuihi i v i- t ive London. Mo-i l'u i'1'i o I A"< \U nit. The In Itisli cruiser Terrihh', re ent'y aunched on th* Clyde, Is the most p >w- lul vessel in the world. The length u th" ^reat war vessel Is omt aH Ti!S n't; bieadtli, 71 I'cf t; th pth to upper ; ( !;, -|:i ti et I Inches. The tlisjt aue- o.-nt us 1 l.iifiO tons, bein^ an eluumtiu .nt rose on the iJlealuim or the I'.In'.e, he Utmost vessels of thin type In the K thh n vy. The T< irible has no belt tl sal- aim ir, as hi pivv'on.- na n-ol- .er, the machini ry anil ni *razlnes b - I ; protected by a sk el arched deck >; f.reat strength, Tho top of this arch - .11' feet above the water line, while 'In' eil^eH uie 7 iVo-t hi low the sldtM of < e \o^sel. The entrin a aro triple ex- i nsion, and indicate 25.000 horse power, and will develop a. speed of 22 knots, The vessel Is a new departure in war ship construction, beinp built ,a the Ilne.s uf the large Atlantic Uner.i. I'lrtlt (irt tli*' W'rtmc Unit. A fisherman who went down Into Like iCeuka in ships of th" skin' varl- t, in ordei to llsh, trailing a jut*: of , it hehihd tho boat to keep It cool, was -. ice annoyed by having hlH Jur bro- >, wdiieh, of course, put an end to the t.hitf far the day, On the second oc- : inn when this occurred, the Usher- is a soon utter saw a lai'ire l\sh swim- , about,near the surface In a lazy ind irresolute way. He rowed up to the i.-h, and to his surpiise w ti -hie to pick It up In his hands. The fish wan ic; fectly sound, but had ralh'r more olur than usual, but hln brei. th smell- I stnmffly of alcohol. This jmvo him ii Idea. Noxt day h-o uoilt"! behind , s boat a jug whorcftn tlw1 dure was 'irliitfly comminftlled *vvlt opium. d In the stern 0f lln' boat, whil^J ic.ther rowed lie 1^'jjfr .JjlmTP watch. s'ntly he saw a hfcovl'wr f npm- .'uu i Hsh appioarh, ho.-rlntr on .their i -j they had pvldtfiAly ro uvd oht of l-ke hottoni. Oni/Mm.i;n'*KWi^ f/om UiK, when \\\* .t^i'cv^P etumfly \ s-\V up th." II-old (w H mlUKlM with -nrroim-Hnu w.d-f-. rtbovtly after a . he,, of the Ihaert Huh cv-r Been on e i, jco (loaiefl to tlifc iopjn Ihckropluhi .'..m of l)llBs. ti^d were uap.tMred. HAVE SOME Cracked Ice and a Fan ? OF COURSE ! irytmcian. All cnn'fc, all tho time, Jiufc you can make play of tho Hummer .shopping by coming- direct lo the Great Corner Store. Horo ceilings arc high, cool bIuuIoh, lots of light and picking out as easy as taking huckle berries from a well filled basket, often and offcon afc not more eosfc. Dress Goods Oept. Jjitdiofi kindly cull early and Hco LhftHO lovoly gooiU, ^hol'o'a no oloquonco l'iko thoir own to win you thoir way. At n^c PrioBtloy'H Black Drosn Goods in IMain and If,ig- urod, tho rosular H5c lino. Wido Black Alpaca, high lua- tro, regular price Ooc for 5(!c n yard. At L'Oc all vvoo! BHin serges tho regular 2Cc quality. At 25c finolmpoi'ial all wool Sorgos, 1 r> tliflbront elhuleu to nelocL from. Summer Wash Dress Fabrics, 50 pieces He prints reduced to 5c yard. Tho genuine Crumb's Prints sold everywhere nt liMe yard, our price 10c yard. Commercial Cable Cords, rog ular price TCo yard, reduced to 10c yard. 25 pieces all silk Vcihnga re duced to 10c yard. Men's, Boys' & Youths' uits. ion oiLonrmid-sum- nits at Con in jnor salo ol^cRJiWing. Jioyy* 2-)iicco I'weo __ $1.25, vogular price g2.25. . Boyn'-piooo Tweed $2.50, regular prico $13.75, 150 pairs of Mon's Tweed Trousers Jor gl.afi, worU 1.75 At $-l.'JH wo oifor tlio choico of 50 nil woo] Tweod Suits rando up in tho nowost stylo. 200 Jtomnanta of Tweeds and Drcs.s Goody at exactly half prieo. Boots and Shoes Should bo strong and sightly. Wo sell tho celebrated J. l3.. King fine Boots and Shoos, also Mcpherson's Boots and Shoos, notwithstanding tho sharp ad vance, we aro soiling at popular prices. Ladies' Oxfords 75c pair ___Ladies! K icLbutlon-Sh ocs \ 1 Millinery Depi. | oil on all Trimmed and Untriuiracd J lata. "TKe"Great Corner Store, - i I'm !iim.i:i noil: t\ ins iii;au, And tin- .lury Ibltln't Vtnwlo Any Tlnv* TniiiL' Co Ilixl Out 11 oiv Ufl Krrclvfd It. Southampton, Ont., July 27. Shortly after noon yp-strrday, the body of John Cole oi.' this place wiih found with a i>ul- U*t in hl:i foi'idH'jLd." Coroner 1'uti-r-on tti Port KlKln waa Immediately notill'-d, and an Inqtie.Ht wim held, -when thin verdirt was hrou-jfht In: "That John Cole came to his death by a wound nri his forehead earned by a pNtnl "hor, hut whether iielf-lnillcted or not we an.- uiuiilc to wiy," UiMlllO'. I'MU *!<<IM) I'BE>1>I,E; I'llViilc I3a> liiirnL lo llkfUvrn n Koceikllon ut Motitrcitl, July 2Q Private, the winner of the QtU'fn'h Prize ,it His- li y, is to be kWoii ;i most unthusiaslle iee<pUon upon his ailval hon\ Lieut.- (Jul. H.nwl af 1,h,. r'rjnfo r,|- W^'o-' ] I, -1- inerit, an a former member of the AVnn- Idi-don and liLsley teamH, haa been re- (Hie:iti'd by the riflemen of Montreal to c-all n mectiiifi- and make arrange- mi ms. Lieut,-Col, [food has eallo l a ini'Lt liif; for Monday fvcninfj next In the Victoria Killed' Aimory, which hfiH been placed at hl.s dispoHal by Col. Stark. Hayhur^t will probably be met on his arrival by Montreal rillenien, In aded by a band, and will be pre sented with an addrens. SIUSBUU, UK I'M.!, OYi:ELUO.L3tS> A Hon <r Archdeacon Darnell l)rMiir<l at K In cut ii ti. Kingston, July 27. At midnight a splash was heard by one oi tiv* crew of th steamer Bon Voyage, en iMiUr* frorn Oswefjo to Kingston. The hteim- er was delayed for two hours, but could find no trace of A. F. I'arnell, Itoei es ter, N.V.. repnrted mlsHi^iL'. pam.ell wii9 the son of Archdeacon Parnell, foi- merly of thia city, and was a naval re serve cadet en route to Alexandria 13 ly. When last seen ho was on the upper deck and quite scaIelc. "While I ght- hcatlcil, he la supposed to have fallen overboard, lie leaves a wife, and was about 2\ years old. fltiirgluru lie I #-"<Hi l 4'ornmill SJ.trc Cuiuwull July 2fl.-The fftore of J/A. Uoya wad entered by burprlara last itijriit wild JL lio'iO waii driMud in the tuifo. (lv - $2000 wan -taken. The woiU i't Hiinpvt- cd bo have bmni dou by a RaiiR o/ cruckmweu tliat ftillow liuruuui & ULi>i>y';. r I it: mi It!win A Vnmii; lYIail, Wlion f i rn o\ir.we,k, prn-tib y nuflint'f-U by an inl^'rir^l wi'iiI'muh*-, the li"i. Jth fmli- and root en- mioiuid tniamrnt munt lpo roiiottod to, iheit im rnoheiho can bo em ployed with 'he ^me-beuvllciul result* aw Bcott's HjOiuIhidh. ,.' -^' Noxvsoetb't \oDrilood in y\ ro Oood boalth follow "" UB1>.' ^fl/,li'" ^aryao. Are p Suffering when vim Should be Well ? Puine'H Celery Compound will Bestow the Health You Need. Men fird women during the boated torra of Biiramor, who have ihooo rirca, luntjuid and danpondent fcolin^a that indioa^o do- plotod blood, itnd n, feeble condition of. tho uervumi system, peod Paine'a Colcry Com pound, thai/ remnrltUble uorvo 8trouf{l>bftn- or and Heidi builder now hu fjonorally pro- ucribed by the bont phy-noiano. Siok heailacbtH, nervoua proittratioii, ir ritability, languor, uloopIeHnnesa, and u funeral fufdinfj ol mental and phyuuml do- proHHioir uro prevalont and oommon in tho hot weathur. Lifo in made minorablo, and thoiianuda t-uffiT intoKHo u^ony. "PainG'u CJolery Compound quioltly and Huroly ropuir tlio wabted, worn-out, nor- vouo tiwhiieh, culinhi and rogulaton nertouH aotioi*, and Lriu|;H that uwtust raafc anS' rcfioHlmif* Blocpthat makea taoavaty ortHy aud quiolt. ilea mul women nil over Cumidu are regularly uidny Pamo'u Oelury Compound for rtuewini1 their ojMuiyuj mid torif,' tho uorvo oentren with Btrcn^th und, ouorpiy. Tho mcdicmti tlu-* in tlio pant has done ii ich lii'und w< lie for oihern, in yortainly what \<m iiln-uld uco. PuJiio'h Oelory Compound ouron posiiivdy and porman- .oiily. ----------- A dono of Ayot's }M P.IIh hat* aavt'd many a fit of ttic|'.tit)UR; but> fW when a rumedy does not hilppon to be afl' , 'fjj Hand, Hliejn mlmcnts aro [iablo to be. nq- '-fff HUoti'rt, und the r^ult, fr^iumlly, ia'ior^ "^ ioiiH lllncue; tlioruiore aKvuys ho Huppliecl |* wltVi Ayet'a J?illa. A mco ttBHortmont of ladie'H and boy'fl J,,-; eliiifc waiatB at Mny'n Bum. I '! ' Vi>C" I ' h ' 12

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