u:?-rv- '" THR liSSEX } i' N i BEST OFFER EVER MADE. iU&K PKBSH only 8-uyo c THE ESSEX FREE PRESS For the balance of 1895 f$f 40 Cffltfs TO NJWTr SUBSCRIBERS ShoW this to yonr neighbors. ADDKES lE. J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, ft Essex, Ont, _Wo you go awloi" growled tho o; tor. "Koyhulo ain't oa tho oilh*K, nor yt on the flor." "Oli, all right." "Rut Urmft.nH right, I'vo two hmnln, or I'd holii tho hlflflitod rnymdf." ^ "Tlmro you am, thou ; will th>> i >(i wln(, th. follow. f don't ak mu/hT' /| J TjmuMd luiiiirn, it oiitf^ 'thlI y,^ mm. , " "No,l...ttlmt. vul tho.nnnfukint; double troubh, h,^.^ , (, , ^ !ltrW*,e'*'thoy -'"'- -<' A1 In -kK r JV to K'V ,L mu" mro t""1'I- m u I lhy,in po"0(1, if y,lK'v" y>r ', Hi whuthor you'vo got u lioy or no. 'ilyauuno of patioiion. Tliat'a #ot I ".ill" ho iinid oxultuntly, ami a thrill run | ,nroue,h OunHt. "No, it ahi'r j that hlusimd tiuvihliir'H gonoi down nadu. Hut, an I wan u-miyiug," ltd aoiitinuod.iuj ho leuuuiml hit- opfTti(iimt"(i uuiii who known bin hunim-ii'1 cnii opqn n look iionnnr or bitnr, no why iiin't thuy nil imido idmplo mid liu' iloun with it?" "If Milking would pick a loolc,"^fthl tho nor^imnr jocularly, "that ono would havo flown opon by now." "And if chucking tlio light of n IhiIIVovd ovurywhoron hut how a man watitu it would ha1 (fono it, wo bIioiiIi! ha' bo tin iii'iido tun mi out on' iifjo. Like to havo n try yourself purrhiur!" "No, no ; tto on/1 n:tid tho HurirtMiit, Htt-rnly ; and tho man inched and mdocrod a frciih pick, ono ho Blight and Hiintl that. it HUL-incd to ho too frayilo for th'i pur- pone, an it iliudicd in tho light whilo hoinfl iunortod. Tlmn ii'tuud a fow minutcn of clicking twid ncni tching huforu thoro come a faint elicit, and a nigh of witrnfaotion from tho workman, "Thoro you nru!" ho said, an ho drow tho door toward him, tho pnint cracking where it had fittick, and n faint croak coming from ono hinge, whilu thoro floated out toward thont a puff of datum, thick air, unguent ivo of an ancient narcophnguu und tho diiHb.uf ages and decay. Thou tlicru wan AHharp.Hoamporing noiso, THE ELECTRICAL AGET 1 You (too, X_pr~ea thU ^button for tho memieneer, and Coughing. For" all the ailmentsof Throat and Lungs there is no cure sa quick and permanent as Scott's Emulsion ofCod-Iivcr Oil. It is pnlntabta, easy on the most deli cate stomach and effective 5cott's Emulsion stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throatt Bronchitis,and gives vital strength besides.- It lias no equal as nour ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition o? Wasting. SVWfor'pamphlet on Scoffs JZmuision.Free, Scott & Howna, Ddlovlllo. All Drufifilcts. DOc. & (1, WOODSLEE Til 2 When I proaa tlila ono, tb police man cornea. WltfflE^ ^0 YfiB DEED' JB^^'.CrElO.^aidCA.NV'XriLEi JPItiNJSr /to m: CONTINUKIi ) Iho inapector expreaued hi.'i approval,and then nnid; "I Impo, gontlornon, you will tind it in all u miutuko.fur you fticnd'o oake. (Jood-evon. ing." As Boon aa they wero outcido the 8orge*\ub turned to them. "Ah you want to mnko no fiisn, Rontlo- men, and wuuld like the mat tor kc'pt quiet, Kuppo-io yemhoth go on! I'll join you in ton minutes with my iiiaji. I\jopio itiuy notico it, if wo all go togothor," [-.5^*^* Guciit noddod.and they uepurated. Then a cab Wad called, and Stratton's charnburo onco morn rouchod. Horo tho latter grow ntrongly excited, and began to protcnt; ugainat tho proccod- ingfr. "Look hor ," paid Guest warmly, "if I had had any doubt about its being right, T hould go on now." "Why?" criod Slrattou wonderingly. 'Bocauna the excitement of another's troublo or HiifTeringn ia rouaing you up, old follow,and making you aoem nomcthing lileo what you wuro'of old." Stratton caught him by tho arm, and was about to imiat upon tho plan being given up,when thoro wan a sharp rap at tho door, and Guest caught up candle and matches and led tho way out on to tho |'.\ lauding, followed by Stratton, who looked ut if ho wore in a dream. Lo Horgoant wuei outuido with a tnun (if regular curpentor chuw, w Ui a. hag over hiu iilioulder by a hammer parin- ^ough tho handles, ^ Iero wo are,, gontlomcn," aaid tho jpolido officer, "Candlo? Shan't want it, uir ; t have a latUorn, utul it will ho handier. . You wish it all to hn rlom; (|iji--tly, you say, but I'm iifr.iid.our triend here will make a , little uoifio with hiu tojlu. lJc'ri[jlo down- etnirrt will ho'ir." "They aro only ofiic<;n below," said GllOHt. "Uputaini, thon '!" "N'o one therein tho ovoning." "i'hat'tt right thon, (dr. Which is the door?"" At a word from Guest,, St rat ton movci] . ncrnna tho huiding and tuinoil down, the . pun inge in which Unittiuou'a dnoi nay stood, moving still in tho name dn-amy iiihhion, as Ills frioncVn will forced him to net, ami an they reaohod tho doorway the mtrgnJint turned nn . his lantern, bo" Ljiar, the h'gfit ' pluyed about the keyhon*. , **>Tow, doin.V ho said, "have a good "look, |;., t jt, What do you say V [ Iho mini flouohod up, and the shadow of hU"llouil, with its closely (itting.oap, gllilocl ._ about on tho door, an bo turned from wide f,. to, uido to'-grt a good look lit tho-little IT. opening. i^itjlit rnoru this way, matey,,: he growl- od, iu an ill-uaed tone. "That'll do. Steady please. I don't want lo look at tho 'lllgt?H." . "Thoro you are, then. Well, is it a pick ? or a ciuvniit V "rick," said tho man, awinging hh hsg down on to tho floor and opening it by drawing out the hammer. Tliero was a faint jitiglo as tho. bug was opened, and its owner loolced~irp iiriv prn- tealitig way. "Can't work if you make a JuuUy Lan tern gamo of it, matey. I want to nee." Tho light of tho lantorn was directed into tho bag, revealing a stock, a box of center bits, a koykolo saw, aiul a couple of bunches of attonuated koyn, nomn of which woro.mcroly a utcel wiro turnorl at right analun at the end. "Nioa, respectftblo looking charactor tniii, gentleman," eaid tho Borgcant dryly. "Supposed to bo an lioneit man ; but if a 'tec' got hold of him with a bag lika that he'd hnvo to any a groat doal boforo anyone would believe him. That ono do, my lad?" "No, too;big,"naid tho workman huskily, and ho began to whistle noftly as ho coolly Huiectcd another hook-liko skeleton key from his hunch j whilo Guoab stood watch ing the pair with a Btrnngo feeling of ntovouHiieHs increasing upon him, eauoed partly by tho weird aapeot of tho sccno.with all indiirknuHS uavo tho round patch of light on tho old drab-painted oaken door, In wliich glow the fingers of the workman wt-ro busily engaged, as if they woro part oi some goblin performance, and wero qnito distinct from any body to which they nhould have belonged. Mo began wondering, too, whether there ically'wau any cause tor their operations whether poor old Brottiaon really did lio dead in tho dusty room boyoud tho double doors which held ihom nt bay dust to dust, tho mortal frame of tho gentle old nutunilJHt slowly decuying into tho atoms by which ha wna surrounded ; and whethor. it was riot aomuthing liko snorilogo to inter fere with so peaceful a repoHO. And all the time the Uule steel pick was probing about among the warda of tho lock with a curious clicking Hound, abovo which (Jueat could hear the iniurmittent," harsh breathing of bin friond, who watched tlio illmninutod door with u stern, fixed gaze. The fiocond pit after a time was with* drawn. "No good ':" aaid the sergeant. "Nota bit," growled the man, and he held his bunch of keys up to tho ghms of tho bull's-eye lantern. "Don't worry, old chap," mud tho ner- garuit. Then, turning to(iu(>at "T-ook a nice, ruspeetablu lot, Wo do, Hir," ho uaid. "If ono of your neighbors was to aoo us lio'd he slipping off to fetch all tho police ho could find, to koo what we woro about," "Wish you'd hold that thorn light mill," growled his follower. "Who's to find a .pick with your bobbing it about liko that?" "All right. Don't go* uhirty, my lad ;" itnd then, as a fresh pick was selootud, and tho man hotran operating again, tho Her- goant placed bin. hand bcHide bio month, after directing tho light ful on tho koyholo, and whinpored to Guest r "Pin afraid you're right., air." "What do you moan!" "What you thought, air. Thoro'a Home body lying in there, Hiiro nw suro^ or my muter hero wouldn't turn liko hejioit." "Oh, nouBons'i esaily. '/'IsTo, idr; it' right enough. -^*- whisporod Guoafc im- He's like a of fee ^here's aeiuotbbig wiong good dog; Una a kind of fooling when V," and,as Stratton ntood peering forward into Uio dark room, where a faint halo of light 'K|'.rr;il liko a ninihus about the head 7>f a portrait on the further wall, the workman Siinl Imlf neivouuly, half au if to keep up hiu courage: "Ratal"' CHAPTKR XX'XVI. A HKAKCM I'lilC THK Jl(l!:i:>.R, The Hound ceased on tho instant an its cutis*; [lapsed through rooio holo in the. piuiflinq, and Stratton utiercd a [ow np- log sigh, mid eautilit hold of (hies:1 a'tn Willi a grip which felt as if it was the grasp of a i-liidei'Jii. --".Ari) you f.Lint V" whispered the young bnrrintei. "hut 1112 taki- yu back ti> your room. "if the gi';ntlenuu tools queer, sir, he'd hotter not go on with it," said the nernuan*, also in a low voice, us if impressed oy the place. "lie isn't used to it ; wo are." " Vei." aaid tlio woi krnan. "'Xnt. our fir.-;t case, eh, pardimr '!" But even ho up^ke below his broath, "No, I'll ntay," aaid Htiiiton more firm- ly, "J havo been ill, ntlieor, and it has l"tt. mo weak," "Then don't try it, air. You cun leave it to un," "(Jo r)n," uaid Stratton, after hawing a long, g"aping broatii ; "I am quito ngli t now;" "Spoken like an Kngliahman, air," Haiti tho neigoant. "Party's likoneaa, gents?" ho uaid, aa the light Bhono full on tho oil - painting across the room J tho face of tic gray, benevolent-looking man seeming lo ga^u at them reproachfully. *, "Yen, my old friend's portrait," --TiaiM Stratton, with a sigh. "Better Ut me go firot, sir," said ih.- sorgoant, pressing boforo Stratton, wh" wn about to enter, but bo was too late. Sua ton took a stop forward, caught his foot against something, and nearly fell headlong into tho room. ".Miiul my tools, please," grow led the workman, a looping 10 pick up bin hag, which had lain in tho darkness of the open ing; and thon all stepped cautiously into tho well Airmailed room, which wsb, iu al- moHt every respoct, a repetition of Strut- ton'B, only reveraod, and a good doal encumbered with largo, open eases full of bulky folios, containing noriun 01 pressed and dried plants. These hid a gro.il deal of tho paneling and carving, biivh oh tlio right, where, on either side of tho beautiful old fireplace, woro tWD low doorsj formerly tho entrance to tlio pasaagos which commot ed tho room with, Stratum's whon they Were part of the suite. Away to the -left was another door, mulching thnoe by tho fireplaae Xhat lead ing into tho botanist's bod-chamber; mid wherever a apneo waa loft on tho paneling, there waa a portrait, in an old taruiahi'ii guilt frame, of uomo aiiccuior, each dimly Been though it was as tho sergeant made the light play round tho walla hoaring a atriking resemblance to that which faced them. "Looks as if bo waa watching un," aaid the workman huskily; and ho placed a pieco of totmcuo in hjfi mouth, limiting CJuetit start as he olouod tho brans box.front which ho hud extracted it with 11 loud mi a p. "Ves," aaid the sergeant in a whis.per, 'h if to himself,upd he niado tho light of hiu I'lril's-eyo play' from, ouay chair to. couch, au 1 then all about tlio floor; "I uhvayu wotnleied how they uia'iiagod th'-m eyeu." Hveivtbing looked in orimr, wi' h nnu ax- oepiioi:, Tho thick Turkey t.irpet and he-.vy rug wero exactly iih they had been raid; t.ho fitvptaco showed the ooal, wood, and thoohalro wore oil duly ranged in limit; plaotaj but the Hoiguanl's light, vested upon the tahlo a hoavy, oblong allUir, with four innmdva oaryun Ioga^-tt purt of whoso top.xvna llam,- for" tho thtek gieen oloth oovof, with bullion loading at the liprVtnr, bad ; been h^if 3 What doeo this button bring: T (And thon bo pressed tho fire alarm button.) \Vli*'i Wftnicii Cast u Vote. Mrs. Smytlio Whom ria you vote for ? Jlr.s, Dcnnlsun Whom ? How can you a.slc ? Mrs. Smytho 'They .say Banks is th-.1 best man for the placo. Mrs. DeniHon You must use your own judgment, my dear. Don't b? lti- flui'iiced. Jianks ! Have you mot him socially V Mrs, Smyth** X-no. Mi'H. l.>enisori- I havu. At a rocoii- tlon. .An fvi-nitiR ***** .'option, and ho didn't luivf *ui a ih'^H .suit. Arrn. Smythc (.shook. d) Roally ? Mi'H, Donlson And he wore a colon^d tlo not a lonil ono, but colored. Jr* has one of the nornj^g-y chin-boards, 'Ilk a farmer. X believe bo was brought up in Iho country. And his wife ! Mrs. Hn'iytho No .stylo about her? "Mrs. IJi ni.ison Sho's n frump, a frump! lit r dross was made two year*-; aun; exa.i.iily twu yoars ago, I ku w by the cut. They ate h'ttuee huIucI with a UwiCo an-d fori: and didn't soom to like terrapin; pprrattnvo"Ihcy hadQioycr ea,ten It. They're really abornlniiULi.-. Vote for him? Nothing would Indu me to ! Mrs. Pmytbo (weakly) :'v heard'thai Hanks lib* pnlltioal pr.neh i;U'H, yoli letiow. a. e. not exactly " Mrs. JDeiiidson Nonsense. Yt. haven't seen hhn. IIo'h an elej;: 1: -" looking mini; handsome ! Ih-'s ::i.i style and lovely eyes :l t. I-Ic Is porfectly dhstingue, 7Iav<- y.,11 Been his caiTiap,o ? Mrs. Hmytlu Tho ono with the coat- cf-.'irma." Mrs. Donnl.son In green and, g dil. His coachman's livory is per fee;, -in I that little 'tik'or with tho yo!lo-.v-top . i boots is too cunning. You haven't m.^o him on homobaolc ? M'rH. Smythe (prepared to ca.-.ituh'ut'j No. Mrs. Dorini.son Thei'i- It Is ! And you nro thinking of. .voting, against hi . Whs', you novor saw anything Uk hi .: on a horse; ho is iiorfi-otly lm.-'osl , fascinating ! Fancy Ilankn h .side h in. Why, It's ridiculous. Don't In- con'.*. 1 led by anything but jour own e nv ; Dons. Do lio flrni._ Don't tlfri; r throwing your weight with th H:i,tl. faction. Mrs.. Kmytho (ap I-rol all:) Yet: poo, I didn't roally Kiuhv muo!i abo 11 them. I'm so glad you've told mo !" Ily Mm* l'tii*itgrii|)lii'rs; No man ever aocuMc*-* a pretty v/oniau of having too lone a tongue. San JbVari- claco Call. The ordinary wnmaa plnren an mtioJi thought on a now hat wona itvw hex* band. Los Angc-Us i-SBc-jwm^i, The womni vpvho la -*mp]otc ly h\ii\:>' novor aceonfpTlHhod munli .for ehoJ..n..." pinoa'a of others. RxcHantf*. .':" invontoi'tf of colKgra yylh* ocui f.n^ ,n mlno of insphatlon* to. Vitthrg ar-o*i;>'. lltonlm/ to womon ttiUt baby ta'k \tnt tholr fables. AtchlaronOtobe < hcai>lCx< tirulonu to iiinadlan North" \tyt, vlii North IKuy, From Eiihox to ; Dolomino..........................$28 HoRton.............................. 28 Eutovan............................ 28 Binsoarth .......................... 28 Moofiomin.......................... 28 Uogina..........,................... JJO JlooHejaw .......................... JJO York ton............................. HO Princo Albert........,............... 3o Calgary............................ MJ Edmonton.......................... -10 Red Door..................f......... -10 DATKFI OI* HALE AND MMIT8. Tiakotu to ho cold Juno 2j; hmitod to ro- turn untM, Anfiatit 21, 1895. , Ticltotn to bo uold July 9; limited to fa- tarn until Soptorabor 8, 181)5. Ticket" to bo Hold July 23, limitod to re- trim until September 53, 1895. For farther particular!- apply to A, O. S'fiMi'nB, Aj^cnt at Ebrgx. oon- W G. SMITH, VIUAj NOT UK UNDERSOLD. Tin.'bent of Doidlior and llriit-otiiftH Work- niiLtiHhip. All bund work. Ii3vry Ilurni'tw Hold by mo mado in Wood- hIho. My Btook of lAuht and tloavy JlnrnuHH iH nowcomploto, and 11 molon- did Htodk of all Ilorno Ooodn. llenainn^j ilono promptly and cheap. r-000 WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodsloo* COMPOUND. A remit dlBCovory by an old Iiliyiiltuan* fiunnaanfuitt^ *wi* monthly by th->u Mdo*T!lf~" J.atltCH, tt flio only pcrfociU1 i-nronmirollnbloinndluhiodll covorod, liownro of unprincipled drUKIfltf* wit oiTr Infiirlor niRulcliiun In t>luco of tlilii. illCf(J CooU'j Cotton Hoot ('nmpniiiiil, take iti mM tutf.or Iur:If)!io31nnd(J contiilu poiitnco In lott* and wo wlllficiid, iicnlfx!, hy rntiirnmall. Pullrioal1 Iiartlculnrn In plain onvolopn, to Indlen only* ntampiL AildreBu Tlio Cook Cninn*aj*v U'lnajioi*. Out, Oataaild Hold in Knnox by nil druffginla. CALL AT 's Bazaar, FOIt Alih KINDS op Window Blinds away do\vil Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. To Smokers , Curo SICK HEADACHE and Ncural-'ia 1 In ao MINUTCO, :ri- ness, hilionsiiLas, lJ;dn in tliu Sulu, Constipation, Torpid Llvor, H.id Urtalh. to ut.iy cured also lORulato tlio bowels. VtSftY MCE TO TAUB. PiOH 2C Chnto at artua SroBirfl/ ^jj_i PERSONS TO TRAVEL \V4N.TEiX Sovoral faithful (jontlcmou and ludiofi to travol for ofitabhohed nouiio. 3alaryg$78QfOO and Expenses* Ponitiou pormariont if flhitod; al'ao in- oreaao. Stato roforonco and onolotio wolf- addroBHod [damped onvolopo. tTHElJA^IONALr^^ 316-317-318 Omaha: Bldo;., "Chicago, UI. Hot wouthcr proves depronaiut; to thoae whoi-o blood la poor. Such pooplo bhould onrich thoir blood with Hood'H Sursunarilla. ,To moot tho wiHhoti of thorr cuntoraora,.- Tho Goo. K. Tuekott.it fion (Jo:, Ltd., Hamilton, Out., havo plucod upon the market A Combination Plug of "T & B." SMOKING TOBA GGO This supplies n long felt want, giv ing tho consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 confc piece, or a 5 cent pioco of tlio famous l""X* 8z !B!'S brand of pure Virginia TcbaceTT. ."" ' The tin tag "T & B" is on every pioco. PAN-AHKBICAN CONGK13SS Ol Itelltrioii mid lUUivtiilon nt Toron to OutM on July lSHi to 25th. ItatcH for ahovo occuaian from Essex, via $t. ThomiiB aud 0. V. 1^., or Hagoravillo and G. T. U., 57.50, via. Niaiira*on-the- Lako aud steamer, 8.25, Tickots jold July 17th, 18th and JOth limitod to continuous iniHHa^'Q in eaoh di rection. Good RO't'ti on dato atampod on back by coding o^ent, and t;ood returning on dato Btumpod on hack by utrcut tit To ronto, but will, not,tit* jzood for roturnint" aftor July UlKt. Not ^oodou limited truinn. For further purtieulnra apply to 0. W. Runuu-H, ,0. P. ife T. A^t., Chicago, John G. Lavkn.T. Ayt., St. Thomas, or A. 0. Stimkkb, Ai^out, 33unos. 'Webster iterimatlc Oidtlomary Invnlmihlo in Office,School,titul JIomoNow from Cover to Cover - a**""! Sucvcutmrof tUr 41 Utuihridtfctl," Stiiiulnrrt of tlio i:. S. <Jnv't. 3'rlnt- lri(t()[lU*o, tins U.S. Kupri'ino Court nnd of ucurly nl! M'O Kchoolboulc!;. Wnrmly fom- mciidcd ny Stato jsuperlnU'iidcnu of , Hi'imnla, and oLlu:rJ:diK'.itorniil- morft without num- lior. Tho One Great $tiuid;ird Authority, So writ'"* Hon. H..I. ItiowL'i*, J itiitlco U. H. Suincnifi Court. A Conoco I'rcwldonfc wrllon: "Tor "< ! wit In -\vliiuh tho ojo t\niltt tho "word Kiiuplit, for accuracy of dofinl- 'ilon, for flVoctlvo inotliotlH lu IimII' "calluc; iiroiiuuclatlou, for torHn y<fc "< )iii'):i(*Ii'iiriiv htiiti'inciitrt of faclHt ": :"! Vi.- pr.*tt.Ical iibo un a working*. "d'.,' '::ri:,y, 'Wchiilcr'H liit.oriuitloiial* " i:cv.r'.i; uny other pluirlo volume,". C. .0 C. Mi:JtIiflJfcb., PithUshern,, i',nri:iii(iaUl, Mnns., U.S>A. t(j*Sfiii(llo tlm itiililiHlit'H fnr fn'n pfiuiiililot, OjT Do iiutl'ii/cliL'mi I'l'in'liUH nt uuai'iit cdltloilft. i','. -----------' ., ,. ' ' ' ' J- ' I* . M^S^M0i '" '(' '" ' " " " '. ">,r'l'-"\'*'fV'^7i,',jtH*'>^VBi tho trade in fill ldndu of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn' Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sasti," Chestnut Coah WINDMILLS. Vo tire Solo Agimtii in fcho County lor t0PSiC3E3 'ABR.MOTOH., Of Ohio^f^o, which took ItiyhoHb Awards at ; . ' tho World'H FiuV. Can Tarnish, either Pun)ping or Power OuUits": nt lowest prices. , A written Ruaraptoa with every Ontfit. ' v.^n^.i ' H Sfi^HiW 50