> "7 THE ESS-B^ FREE PREa5 Groceries, Groceries, 3_^Gr oceries. Crockery, Crockery, Crockery. N0'l::S FROM OTTAWA SuccL.;ior.to Gonoral Horbert Appointed. WILL * :niV IN CANADA SHORTLY Wo liavb thofa, ar.d at prions that aro n^ht. Everything first clans. All gooda as represented, and Hatiafaction gfuavautood. Try'ns with an or- 'dor.^'jAH #oody dolivorad promptly. A. H., S'bARFF & GO. i<r Essex Free Press, ^JFEIDAY.AUGDST 2, 1805. M. J. Wijilo A Oo.'h Kr,b nuinwr mIo in how in full HY/in^, cud luaky *r* the poo pi a who are talcing ndnnUge of it. Smith'* 25q taa but in Ehkqx. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T WOOD WANTED. UK KS3KX* PUllLlC HCIIOOL JlOAHD will ruooivolsmlern until o'clock p. m., Saturday, August 17th, 1895, for the imnnly ol ao oonlH of good dry iimpio body wood, \ foot long, to bo doUvorod t tUo Ennui Piiblia Bohool. ' Tuudovii to b addroonod to tho Hocrotary, who will alno furuiiili furtUarpartloiUarti it ro- aUiyd' W. G. wTMAN,~HbcrtarV7 CLERK'S NOTICE OS1 ' First Posting of Voter's" List. Votora' List, lB95i Municipality ot t,ho Townphip- .of Maidfitono, Notion'in hereby aivau thut I have trana- mittod or dolivorad to the praoiw raoo- tionod m tho third and fourth oootioQft of "TU 'VotorV Lint Aot," tho oopieB ro- quirod by naid sootiou to bono tranaiaittod or dolivorod of tho lint, mado purmiaut to aaid Aot, of nil po'wonii appearing by tho lftHt roviHod AHbQHiimont iloll nf tlio said Muuioipality to be entitled to'votu in tho Baid Municipality at oloationu for uienit rn of tho Logiulativo A.aaombly and at Mun icipal lBlaotioiifl; and that aaid lint wao flrit ported up at ray aiFiao, at WooUuloo.on tho Mat day of July, IHDo, and remains thoro for inipuotion. Elootor(arooullod upon to eiamino tho yaid lint.and it any omiwimu or otlmr orrorH aro found tiioraiu, to take immuui&te pro- CQGdiuuH to bavu tho said orroru corrected according to law. Dated thia illnS day of July, 1893, M. MoIIUGlI, . Clork of mud Municipality. D It. mOU9E,.M. D. Univoraity of Toronto, M. B., Trinity TJnivor- aitvM. 0. I*. S. O., Into of St. lUrtliolomow'n Xloiipitnl untl MoortloldV lloyul Ophthalmic HoiipiuJ, London, Knylimd. Hpeulul attention filvcn co.lisoanaH of thoovo.oar, no mi and throat. Otllao hourn 11 to 13 a. in., 1 to U and 7 to B p. m, OUlcoaiid wnitlouco.OS Ouolhsttauyo., Wimlaor, oppotiitu St. Alary'a Aoiidinuy. Tol. l'JB. PEDIGREED BULL FOR SALE. Tho Pmllyroed Shorthorn Bull, "Champion o Gosdiuhl," rofjiutorod in tho Dominion Hho r liorn Huril lioolt uii No. 101281. cidvod Juno JUtti, 1B01, in Qiforod for milo on rouiionublu turmu l^or further partluularo apply to tho Dwnor, ALFRED J. FOX, Oliuda, Ont. MVCUIiSSHli'DJCj KNTRANCK OANJOIDATKS. Thi following pupiln huvo pauaed tho Etitih Bohoel Kntiauoo Examinationa, at tho points im**ad; K9HHX. KIiza Bakton, Sarah Brown, Maude Campbfall, Clara Cook, Jonnio Dolmoro, Li/,zio Hamilton, Idbhia llillior, Oortio Irwiu; TSditlTJamflfl, Oraco Labar, 13thol .Lam^t Mattio Nioao, Edna Pwlford, Ijroma Itaiuon, Edna Itiohardaon, Lottie Smitb, Jo ii me Sutton, Berth a Thomau, LiUia Wiglo, Suaio Wilflotii Clayton BauKhman, Loroy Bounot, Joy Edgar, Fred fctaAfao, JnmoH MoBoth, Aylwor Ortou, W. Sohrumm, Good Stono. ThofollowiDK ob onirauoa standing 011 public nobooi loavint; examination: ElI. Noal, Mablo Borko, John Wyatt. . coxtnicn. Nsliig' Jackaou, Joumo Liudiay, Coulter, Harold Coulter, Peter Otto Fmnkfurth, Cecil Lindsay, Pizor, Win. Pizsr. rahnow. Edna Boujmay, Graao Bourmg, Edna Colhion, Nollia Crai|j, Ma((*ie IIowio, A.ddio UoUftuoury, Ethel Poarao, Jooopb Brady, Myrtle Quiok, Bertha Roao, John Brady, Konuotb Dyron, Miloa Halatead, Ebor Ziaimarnmn. Publia aohool losLving: Jotteph Shojoly, A.unio Wright. Kiucavtu.a, Graoo Coopor, Qortrndo Harrinjjton. Oraco Konyon, Anuio Mathews, Bollo Uc- Cliarlon, Erma Nevillo, Noliio ShDpIjrA.un Btowart, Myrtlo Wiglo, Lawronoe All- worth, Morloy Brown, Foroab Buun, Hu^h Fulracr, Alvin Buun, Willie Jamoa, Walter Layman, Merman Soratoh, Goo, Btowarr, Aarolian Wiylo, Clarence Woodiwiaa, Publio School loAving: Luaiuda Wi(ilc, Walter Elliott, Stanley Fan ay straw hata roduood from 81 and 91.25 to 33c at SnaitW's. 11, J. Wifllo A Co. aro ooliing bright, fronli now gao.lH at bankrupt priaoo. FOR SALE. THREE FHAMti HOUSKS, IN THE 11TJ3T part of tho Town or Khhox, will ho Hold ohoap. Apply to W. D. HUCKLB, IjOiidon, or to J. It MdEWAN, DB-'II Tax Collector, Rime*. BUSINESS CHANGE. A Partner with Capital ami BorvicGB Wanted in tho raouc oantral innuriuioti offioo in Detroit, No otkar biiHiuona affordn ao Buro, pormanonfc and laruo an inuome on tho amount invotitod. If this intHruntH you como to Dotroitat once for aoiinJontial in torviow. ip\)ly 21 Wowt Fort t.f Detroit, . LOANS. Money loaned on farmti in Khoox on oany tornB. Apply personally 129 Gnswold Ht., (oppoaite Citv Hall) Dotroiti, Mich. Short Jouruoys on a Ijoner Road. la tho charautoriatio titlo of a profuaoiy il- luntrated book containing ovorono bundrod pagon of charmingly written doaoriptiouH of summer roaortnm tho country north and woat of Chioago. Tho roacho^ mattor ib now, tho illustrations aro now, and tho in formation thoroin will be now to ulmoat ovoryono. A oopy-qf "Short Journoyt on n> Long Road" will Go aent froo to apyono who will enoIoHO ton oontw (to pay poataRo) to' Guo H. HiSAFFonu, Gonoral Paaaongor Ayont ObicaRo, Milwaukoo it St. Paul Railway, Ghiottuo, III. 10 lbi ohoioo raisins 25o at Bmitb'u. McHwoir. At Woodloo, on Friday, July 2fltU, th* wifaof Miohaol fcloHu(;h,(town- eh^ip elorkof MftiduwBo) of a daughter. Romomber "only uuoh modicmoa word admittod for oxhibifcirin at the World's 3?air m atb oxooptod for.uiie, by phynwianflj in the praotioo of raediaine, Ayor'ii Bar Bapfttilla, Ayot'*' Cherry Pootoml, and AyoK'a Pillu belup: included m tho lijtt. TUoy are. Btttudard modioinoa. Wra.Shoeraakor is now prepared to do- livot fresh broad to any part of tho town, civobmi a call. ,. MlCHmAN' (JENTftAL. K'Y, < li ui ICxeiirulAiiu to- Cunntllnn Noftli- wuHttJvia Nov Hi lluy. From Euhox to ; Doloraino^._........................$28 Ronton.............................. 28 Eutovan .,..."....................... 28 Binnoarth..........................as Mooaomin..........................28 Boina..............................30 Aloooojaw .......................,.. ao York ton ..........................., ao Prinop Albert........................35 Calgary............................35 Edmonton.......................... 40 Rod Door..... * * 10 DATEd Or OALK AND I-TMITil. Tioketn tobo oold Juno 25; hm!r,od to ro5 turn nntil Aagnnfc 21, 1805. " Tioltota to ho oold July 0; limitod to tc torn until Sopterabor 8,1805. Tioltota to bo sold July 33, limited to re* turn xinfcll SoptOttibG* 39, IMS. Fok further' particular* apply to A, Q. Simuns, A^ent at EttBex. Allrc* ' :'ri:ry In <'miMi-ciU*nii Mliih lir Elf- * f u S'w ItrilHHwlt'k Hull* \. j--ili.i I'.x l'rrwld< nl ut Olfiiwu 1 Ottawa, July 27. Tho contract for tin* Poter-boro" untl LnkeflelU divlnhm of tin- Tvtiiit ('aiiul lput boon finally uw-.rd- i(] to Uj own it L,ov<:, ami Ay mor of Toronto, who'aro aaid to ho the lo\v- t!HL t<-'iulir<!ni, tho contract prLu h.liut In tho neighborhood of WOO.uuo. 'I ho totnl hmjftli or thin Hfcntion i fdx n'nl a liali" milcii. An originally l.ld out, tho canal waa lntcudud Lo run in a 'dlicet Hue, which Kilvi.' a dlstaiic: (\f af.out thrct: ami a half mlJcH, Kxumlnatlnii uC the line Hhuwcil, howtvi-r, that the work could \n; much more ccoiKunh ally ilono by following the C)t(ni:ihi;t! Ulvcr, al though It almif-t dnulilcd th dlHt.iUc1. Work Is Lo be cuinni- ih'Cd ;it oner, mj that It may ha complolt.-d iiirntillani'ou.'i- ly \vUh the other iji'ctloii, wlih.'h i 1.li cit r cuntuKt to A, Ondcrdi.nV. Tho ali'hlrn of tlv Tf.hlquo. Valloy Jtailway of N<uv Hrunawick, which] In cidentally, nic:t;lvi;d Homu jitn-mliiji at the* liandH of tho public Accounta Com mit Lee thin fl'jHHlon, arc llhcly to bo further ventilated In the oourU. T.hat, at leant, 1m tho Inference to h#. drawn from 'the mJHHlon upon which Mr, John K. Stewart, cx-pnaidont of the rail way. In now In (Mtawa. Mr. Stewart .spent an hour Or ho at the Department of ItalhvayH and Cnnaht thin mornlntr L'xamlnlnif the odlcial annual retuina of the company. Tho complaint that . be ha;) to make Kainat bin late co-dl- rectura la a norioiiH one. Hln atate- mont In that lie resigned the presidency of the road on the ISth Fob..- 1SH2, hav- Infr held the ponltlon from thy organ ization of .the company In 1SHG, that the return of the rnllway'M bu.-inesa for the llseal year 1891 Is nl^ned "John K. Stewart,""and flliown to have been duly Hworn to before Aid. \V. D. Mor ris of thia city on the 5th of April 1SW, while Mr. Stewart clalniH thut the .mIk- nature appended to that reurn Is not In IiIh handwriting. .Stewart -says that at tho annual meot- In^ In 18i^, the statement of account submit ted to the. directors' allowed a sum of JUVJOO as having I ecu oK|iendr fd more than Mr. S(.i-wart thought was actually diHburscd on tho works' that year, and he accordingly refused to Ml^n the report, and resigned the presidency. His examination of- tho return in the department to-day showed him tlv re port, whii'li bears what he calls his for;; 1 si^na'ture, incbidea this amount, to which he objected to certify in Feb., Your correspondent was permitted by the Deputy Minister of ['tailways and Canals to Investigate the records of the department Uil<i afternoon. The signature to the return for 1SU2 tllffery somewhat In appearance from ths handwriting of the Hipnature appended to the return for lSltl. The ex-president says he can very easily i>rovf' that he was nut In or near Ottawa on the 5th April, lSH^, the date on which the dj,'- nature appears tq_ have been aUe-ui;d to by Aid. Morris. The latter, probably, through not belnp; ar'custone d to taicrr notice of ;:;ich notarial business as IiI.h elvde duties impose upon him, ho.-i no record of the attestation, and, or course, at -this date, has- no reed ec- tlon of it whatever. As evidence or his resignation at the time mentioned, Mr. Stewart shows a bill of injnnrclun lUT'iiriHt the company, in a consid rahle amount of money which he had tiken out and sworn to before a m iK'U>r.ito in St. John on the 18th Feb., 1S9U. The Department of Hallways ann Canal.s has received a report from Cornwall announcing damage to tho; canal. A pair of K'itf-s were carried away by a bare/p beloii^inj< to the Montreal Ti'ansj)ortation Coinpi ny. TI11; canal wan accord I nj,dy closed for repairs, but It in expected to be re opened on Monday. Tho Dominion Statistic Ian has under taken to compile an analytical In u-x of the report of the Royal Com mis Ion on the Liquor Tr dtlc, which consist- o-f fU'ven bulky volumea, It Is quite a con tract, but is c;parcntly nceossuy to make the report at all valuable fur future reference. Hlr Mackenzie Howell and Hon. T- AlayriL' Daly left to-day for the west, and this evening Hon. Mr. Foster uni3 Mrs. Poster took their dei)arture tor Apohaqul, N.T.1. Several handsome testimonialH were ex!>ressed to-day from the Diqiartment of Marine and Fisheries to the Jlritlsh Hoard of Trade In London. Thty are Intended as award:? to the captain and crew of the Brlth/h. Htcern-htp Ivan 01: I-,lverpool for their gallantry In \\ 3 u- inK the people of the br!e;amlne Prus sia, hailing from lAini-nbuig, N.S. There is a spy-glas for Capt, Jennings, a i;old watch for Mate Crosby^ and llt ver watches for the carpenter, the boatswain and the two quartermas'era of tho Ivan, who composed the rescuing crew. These presents from the Domin ion Government nil bear appropriate Inscriptions. The story of the wreck Hhown that the Nova Scotia .vessel had u terrific time of It. : She left Cuba f n tho 22nd Jan., this year, laden with or* un-X mahORitny, and when only nev n days out-bound north for Philadelphia a (rale sprain? up, which, followed her for several days, till on the nth Feb. It left her a helpless, 'leaWnp; \vr c!c, It was then that the atqrimor-Jvun hov(. \n Bltfht, lowered 6110 of her Ht&bofits, nnd at a creat risk to the men's Uvea succeeded/ In taking off tho crew Of tho briKUkvtlne. . The Allan Steamship Company hav* evidently- not given up tho agitation for a change in the catHe-shlpplmr. regula tions In record to^D^ce on tho lower 7 CI PLEADS GUILTY." Since the arrival of our new goods we have been repeatedly charged with the-enormous-eriine of -un derselling all competitors. We plead "guilty" to the charge and - v Will Pay the Penalty! of increased patronage, which is already flowing in upon us, and will continue to sell New, Bright Fresh G-oods at prices that are all in favor of the buyer. We have not space to enumerate, but invite all who are looking for genuine bargains to call at our store.v; . Yours for Bargains, DTTlTSTAKr BliOOK, BSSE2C. CIVII! HOLIDAY, 1895. PETITION. To P. A. DiswAn, Ebq., Mavou op tiie Town oir EflfiKx: Dkaii Sin : We tho tiudernignod rcui- dqntuoftho Town of Efiwox, humbly aak you to appoint tho 8tb day of Au(junt, 1805, an iioivio holiday for naid Town , Bifjuotl; Wm, Luiiifi, J no, Tliorno, T. H. McTiiligot, J. J3. Btouo, J. n. Wiclo, K. Buclt, F. Francin, A. H. Board A Co, G. A. EJhorriu, Fo^fty-t-lWnAndernon'it Co, R. Wilkinnon, J.tA. Fmnom, Jart. Bon^laH, E. Pluramor, G.E.Smith&Go.E. L. Tarlc, Diebol it Brioltor, <T. E. Allino, Jan. May, W. J. Dowar. M. J, Wi(*loA Co, -T. Gourlay A Sons, E. J. Lovclaco, Barrett it Co, J. M. Hioko. PROCLflHATIO;:. Iu oompliacoo with tho abovo petition, I hereby appoint Thursday, the Hth day ol AuuufJt, IH'J"), a civio holiday for tho Town of EflHflX, P, A. DKWAK, Mayor. Essex, July 10, lfiO-r>. Great Sale... lHWC! !. V. OF ^# Rummer .QoodsAt -faEo Peopl" Store. We are Selling. COMPOUND. .'Arocont cllncovory by an old I)liyi(lclai. Successfully wet monthly by thovaanda of Lailica. hi iho only pcrfootV nnfonndrcllablomodlclnodU covorwl. Bcwaro of unprlnclplod drugglsUi wli offer inferior niodlclnen in pluco of thia. Aaltff CooIi'h Cotton Iloot Compound. taJse JWaulja/ tutc,or indlosoSlnmlOccntuln po.itnKO la lutfc awl \vo wiUiiond, ncnlod, by rotiinunnll. l-'ullsenl partlculnrn In pluln envelope, to lndlca only, stamps. Addremi 'Iho Coalc Compliny, Windsor. Ont.. Canada Bold in Efioox by ull drtitftfifitn. ih- U"i *, I n"J' W V" I.urniuu'-i iu M:1!*'^, win) a ! nrnnr: (Jurin;; th.' ro.-i'iit < ail'i"-: hip" ' q'llry, -i ji hiVU-ttii -n i "'i-T' of he r catt Ii? 3 V-a cr^-' to ' I " " Ol >> , of '. |-: oh inv.cH nn t|i.r livt* ::t')-!' ifi.ri vnynK". Thh Mr. VaRiic w'.l'l i rod-My not )>,. able to do, b\'.\ \: \ file I.- tint hr* will start about tho lf.th rr Mn'it- re,!] aiul make th*.- irij- to Qnotaiv *r Pathnr Point on one nf tin H" o"ll(f voi-^Hg, which will sorvo th- p*i:p s< of Invfatlffatlon otjuaMy us we'I n ' a transatlantic trip, tho Ft. I/ivr ne bcin jr the most trying piirt of! '.h'- vcy- Tin* acecptanco of Mnjor-Oon ml TTorbort'H reFljrnatlon has at last b t.n ofllcinlly announeofl. It 1h morn I' nn Ulcoly he will bo succeeded by Col. Gascolpne, commander of! tb? 3c-itch Grenadier Guards. Ain.Et H VKAIW. Arrrfiteil fok* at* Allseed Munlf** Ih l.niiili- tnn <i)iinly <oimiiliHd \onrly Two Detroit, July 27. Walter McDonald, an engineer, 36 yearn old, residing at New Haven. Mich,, la confined In tho Central Station and a charge ot mur der reghitorcd apalmu him. The crime is naid to have been committed in rort Lambton, Ont., 17 yeor.* ago. McDon ald's version ot the matter Is that he and several other young men worn,fool ing with one of their irionds, Daniel McKlmore. They threw a bag ovor his head and pulled him along. McElrnorc foil antl sustained Injuries which two dayii later resulted In hln death. A ooroner'H inquest put the bin mo on Mc Donald, but he inalota that, although he remained In I-*ambton ovor a weote, ho waa not molonted In apy way. P<tt- rolman .Jacquen, who knew o* tho oc- curronqo and wan pornonally acaualut- ed with McDonald, mot him an the "Htroot and urroated him. Superinten dent Starkweather hu written to tho Port Lambton aUthorHeivand tho prla- oner iuhld pondln* invoJiljr^ticn, French all-wool Serge, regular 40" cent goods, at 25 cents. " Henrietta, regular 75c goods at 60c Zephyrs, regular 15c goods at lie Linen, regular lBo goods at 12Ac *. fc.;- '. <; ---1- Crinkle, regular 25c goods at 18c , ' - Ladies' Lace Mitts at all prices Ladies' Lace: Gloves worth "20c for* 15c v ' r' ^.L&dieV Vesta ali 5c each ,^traw Aata'at cost, all new goods. No old fashions CLOTHIMG. We lead thflyjtrade.In Roadyt made or Ordered Clothing, Our prices aro hftlow them all. Gall and see for yourselves. GROCERIES. We have all fresh goods. Our 25c Tea is the best in the west, and we are sole agents for the Salada'Teas, best in the market. _ * Call and see the Low Prices. p Vance's Old Stand, Bseexr WB VBI a HEADQUARTERS FOR PLOWS and PLOW REPAIRS OP ALL KINDS. Seed Drills, Disc Harrows m m ALWAYS ON HAND.