Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), August 2, 1895, page 3

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\u< ri-i^ cr> PRBi^ PRESfc, ALLI'KIZliSNOTlLAlS Superannuation Act tlie Surest Thing on Kocord. MANY ABLE MEN RETIllfO. Mom>jr?n*lm-n U <)<II<<1 on tt.r t'mmlry A lUt , * Hiiiim of tlir Kunj Yllio Ilnvo I'nhl In u Himill Hum ami l>r wn u <-Hii- Ottnwn, July, aO.-Tln* OnltSittt niiuU- ti'M lmw r:m1iod awn^y (W a h .' thy 'ttn lVni^r, ftir Arsenide IVvwol'I, will tiiiko It'l.M ratine; by a ti-ip tu K<ltfin- o 11 visit to tliu there. Several Cabinet mtmeita were held darinf? the "^iHfti fou- dstyn nad u nitmlx'r ol e.ivij mt- viutto \v^i*o Hiiiu'i-auiimitctl: TJu Miupor-nnuiintirm Aft wtw. lirotifrjit bito form in 1 tf 71, a\lien Kir" Vrlwin Itfaiclcy wiw Fiimnee Mini-*t<T in tin* (!<>v- "ninijont JumuIim! by K:r Joint Maedmia'd Haul tliu arit been allowed to it main on tlu* BiiiUxito hook iui *.':t wit;) Ju-at Intio- dM'Ml, by wluhdi <L per cent, war d- duttl'd from nfiJarnvi of i$i\0O nnd over, ami) 2 3-2 jwr *int. front i-ainrnvi uinlir lipi tliu.Umtl would ha\o been fielf-Mis- "ulniffi. Rut, after tho act had l.eenin ^J/liltnt) three yean, K'i- Leonard Til'- y'Xwlian ri.iwui'-i} MinKt'T, iutrodwvd a.a imieiwhin'nt U> it, pnA idnitf that tho a:rm' dt'diictud. from tlu> Milary til civil *- lalarieft $000 nnd out from -1. per ci'iit. to 3 per fiMLt., ajid on wilar.i'.s under .$000 from 12 1-2 per neati to 1 i-t jut cent. Tliat ckrt dmvn the receipts "ii'ler the cporatinu or t!u* art. CO per rent. Tlio ivwilt wiui tlutt, owltik to tlio lartfe iiunv Iwr of cii.vll forvant/i vrlu* were tJiipernn- n;i/i.tod from year tr> year, tha nupcran- iinaiinn Vnml Iji'i'a.rut* n dmin upon tlie " coimtry'rt rcHomx-e;, wh't'li Rrow worm from year to yeiu*. lU*ro iu-o thu r^uvlptji nnd expend it in ivt on nccount oT tlui ftmd for l'.u h year durhiff it-s ojiora- tion: Year. Kerciptfi. Kxi^mliture.i. 1A71 . . . ?lilf.170rO 12.HH0 40 1872 . . . fi;t,2i;i8r> .'J8,81281 I87;i . . . ri-i,7r7-'to 53,02012 3871 . . . .'M,U0 18- !, ! 13 8-1- 1875 .... :u;,(;7s7L 7i,:t7i8r> 1870 . . . ,'1H,-I70 00 101,027 1 1877 . . . .|(),8it0 20 101,82(11)'.) 1878 . . . *ii.sro(i2 ]oo,r)88i)i 1870 . . . .n,o.v2o n:t,r:u an 18R0 . . . -f.vrti so uo,;ioi75 1881 . . . -)4,0(ir 80 M7,:tr,2io 38S2 . . . 10 100,1110 05 i8.s:j . . . .io,;i72f>:t iso.2rt(i7 18SJ- . . . 51,882 21 102,002 70 WH . . . C2,7(n ;V\ 20.'t,li,'U2L 18SM . . . 57.070 -J:i 200,055 25 1887 . . . 02.000 00 202,285 85 1838 . . . 02,015 72 212,711172 1880 . . . o;t,o:n -10 21s,owns 1800 . . . 01,r>l;U>5 2-11,701-00 1801 . . . O2.K2f0\> 211,110-10 3802 . . . o:i,K02 70 25M.070 KM 380;i , . . 0-J..I-W27-------203,7H) 1S- 1801 . . . 0,!)74 d7 202.M02 no Tliin filiow^iijint durinjr tlm time tlilr A -^ Iiius been in fun'c, nonii' 22 yr-a-i -, tin"* total recoipU wen* :j;i,2.,I0,0!M.()H jiihI tlio total expenditure 't),'t,77().o.'l H.t: or a net 1o.ih to tlie country of $2,531,800.75. ,'TIip nunilitir on tlio Hat of Niip^ranmnit (! offieons at tlio end nf 1S03-0I wiih 551. Tlie ri'ois aiiiniint juud to them is $U02,- 302. Tho avera^i' anionnt to each in $-170. The total Amount eontrilnited by tliow now in tlio c|vl1 o'l-vice during th*> Imrt yvtir Is $03,0-11.07. Tl: tctal iiuiu- ber on tli>- >-ivil /<- iv-'-i' INt l,u',t v>-nr who contribute the aveiai i*-c, .i, ion*, too uo-vttriiuvnut hum, otf' liij? that year, fiddml (47 to tlio l!t. 'l"\u Ri-OifH amount payjihlu to thii 57 i\n h" ^ un they live in $22,710,113 vr (vein1 Thorn hnve b^ini unitiiltii'H pt\wn U w>m fi\'n in ndditlon to the .ainuh'i wiip^raunuated, nmol,n'.ii','- In miiiH ^2031. tU>nio lmvo bei-ii i.ujiLMmnnialml wlio havo not nervod tlio inimlwr ol yenni provldvid rot* in tlio act, whicl -iiiii-kow ten yeai-H the, minimum' ~tunt or iwrvicrt lu onlorto rpiallfj for Htipern-mmntion. Tn ra'tli-l to Ret over that tlie (loverumeiil hav<> titillwii! iiiuotliiM* elaiuui of the. Act whh'h authorized them to "iuM U tiv.1 t 'rm of uqi*y\cm for roaiioii* nil efficnt *orvice, technical IfiiowludRi" ol kouii1 partictiln,r mib^ct, anfd iia on. Mr. W. (J. QouKau <i culler in receipt or $50(1 a yetu tlu cullnrrt am *imployed only in tho minimev timo, nn thMi i iw> culllnR to lw <Ione in wln(iii? *ni-vtl fivo yenrH. Utt bi jiow 37 yearn of Un. Tim Oov- ui1Ufii<(']it added tea ytvini' to IiIm term of <k-rviM>, and frrrmluil lilui ttii nllow- n^usi of .fI50 a yviw for tliu reot of bin life. Tliommi Mnlone, ilIho n culler, 011 a H'hiular hilIary, nerved eight yeni-H, hud ten yeaiii added tu hiii tuna of uer- viuo, and now, at 37 yean* of uRt1, he, i:i i-etirct! 011 a jujnmon of $108, Out of the C5I niinien in th miperauniuiliou \Wt. the (i>if'rvativii havo impflraimn- ated d20. flinco tho year 1880, they havo Hitp'rauiiuateil -112 civil (lervantu. HOW IT WORKU. Rduw lire (firon a nUniberof examjile'j of tlie wofkiii'* of t'ho Act, tlm fint Iit?m\'t( itlnwuiR the luiiiotmt jai(l in and tlin ih'cond tho amount drawn : J878, William ARnew, $108, $000, l&H t, J. H, Anuwi, $200, $0810,12. 1883, D. D, Aidie, $330, $11,750.t>i. 1SH5, U. AniiHtionir, $330, $0000.00; 1H83, F. P. Aiiiitin, $108, $11,880. 1801, G. 1<\ I^illlalrgo, $1280, $8050.. 08. 18Si; Uracello, $208, $2103,12. 1887, J. "Itaylny, $307.20, $2150.-10. 3883, F. X, llofort, $240, $<1550.00. 1885, J. A. JltdanRcr, $M8, $0010.20. 1870,-lt. lleli, $22-1, $1158. 1870, Ulric Bonoit, $170, $0108. 1803, It., $1100, $3400.02. 1882, J. 8. Bi.iHoimette, $151, $2335.- 10. 1888, W. F. Bowl-h, $310, $1800.72. 1801, P. E. Jbuifcu, $720, $5010. 1887, 8. It. Caldwell, $480, *5700. 1881, J. E. Carmichael, $1.00, .$77.' 1885, J. B. Chorriman, $11^0, $17,000. 1801f 8. Corner, $180, $2000." 1881, A. A. JVgmipe, $200, $0000. 1881, J, D. Dixon, $100, $5822.88. 1887, F. J. IioruF $M00, $10,800. 1881, K. Boughui, ^,75, $3S(M. 1880, Aloiaailor Duff, $300, $7501). 1887, C. J. Dupoiit, $701, $11,733.30. 18*31, 11. Emecy^MJ^ tf5G0O. 1882, T. Foot, $528, $15,000.72. 1880, 1L .J. U. Foi-Im^*, $153, $bOOb.80, 1880, J. ,T. Fox, $210, $12,000. 188| J. Gordon, $240, $8310. 1881, IL Uraham, $200, $8100. 1800; Graham, $-140, $1)300. 1883, Vx, W. Grant, $384, $5850. 1883, J. A. Gwou. $-132, $15,120. 1888, W. H. Griffin, $1088, $15,080. 1800, Jlon. \\\ llumlcy, $1-Ut, ^U.- 770.80. 1^72, Thoinaa llewjtt, $.'t2, $13,282.21. 1881, JI. A. HiRgom, $408, $13,800. 3ti.8fl, F, ,il, Tfijiift-jvorth, $315, $10,830. I t<> tin- fund wan 40^5, and ; fiiuount (onti ibnti'M h,\ thusi' civil fi'Tviee i-. $1-1 10 lin.4 been lery much 11 administer 'd ni the amount which 11 called on to pny mi Ka.erineed. Tlio only 'ii lore,' a few in -d a'i a ine/ui'i to who are now m tlie annually. Tlie t t olnificd. it In'. originally intendeil, tlio country Ini't b<' would not have be not, hnu eviir, w.i t yearfl when it wa.-> romow' civil .4-ii nti from tie' jo-itioen they oceu|ii'-d anil pl.u- the.i: npni a rot lied allow am1!', m < id.-r t'-nn itioui im'prht be made for ol' , \\ 1-1 \..-r-. pri u- bIii^ their h-ivi^'s mi In- h iv rnnn-ut. Now, tn kIiow the )](> , 1 m ia ah', h t"1 civil Kervns- now sti ad , tab the Hr uicfl from ii ri'turr that h;.' li ":i placed IieTore P(fi;'iin<-i t, of t'i nmnl'er of civil tn>\ v.-ia'.i itt i' m.iiIuv 30 IS'K, ., ,} the < ,o'ii d .:i Id v\ l > iilif.'th i ; i """I.7.3.. -!. 2U e.u I] l \ ,i 1 (in- <U ,1 iv a nr an \> I". of the country in ,fin nvoroRn iniiuiy pi 1] It w, that we have in 1 h,> iir.i'h' ^ city of Ottawa S'js >mpl<i.\' TliL'j- draw npic.d ulary n: t50, or nn a vit 11; r. 1 Iui y n .Then we have te- n'lttti'dc , eiiitiii(j of 37<s7 ci'iiilov^. \- '1 grotm amount oi .^2,830,003.30, average mil.try or ^717. 'la', ' Hide and the oiiUidc ccivl n ,- tlie average h I.l: y 01 nil t 'i ' t'luplnHM of thin IJoiuiiiioii, mi .lime 3d, MM. wiis $838.' Xow, the end h rva- arc unilv well 'paid. Then' is n itfle-r in t ih Domini nn u hi) get an mwi-i-' ular> nf $838 per y.-jir, Srho'd t,- u-in-ri '<.' rot 0t that miieli, neither do miin^'M ,f (tlie goupel, '1 a),,- ill . lM1J|i < | ]v .h out the Uopi 11011 and we wnt.n-c lo i;n that they do not ircl an a\ r i^ hal.-in OF $83.8, Villi W ]1 r; tliitf Doiuiiiion 1h.1i {,n 1J " ivcll paid int^'iuii,-,., abort 1:uh:j . p nm ; ,1 j r (-, , jthrec wee! - I.o1mL\h dnji, r during which their ua|-n 1, i ,-I'im. Under tl ...,,. ,..r-i m U uo-gnjuml Whatei. j w 1, - be aalced, in tin- (1u-aii<'n<" ' 3883,'JI. A. Hood, $330, $7381.52. 1S87, 8. Howe, $008, $0727.08. 1^82, U \\\ .lenkiim. $300, ,$11,700, J802, J. .Tolmtion, $1080, $8300.H8. J8HI, 8. Jolniflou, $200, $7015.U8. 1883, 1\ (}. Jordan, $300, $11,750.01. 1873, T. F. Knight, $40, $7050.(1 (-. J88U, E. Labo'isiere, $40.54, $1231.80. 1887, h. KawnaKli, $102, $3223.08. 18S2, K.idd, $517, $20,332. 1885, A. Liipcniere, $50-1, $12,000, 188(1, M. I^ahy, $255, $3,787.50. 1871, J. Loo, $20, $7020. 1870. J. LertliV. $500, $30,708.72. 1870, W. J. JlarU'r, $128, $8,05H.72. 1887. \V. II., $1210, $2^.00t. 18S2, J. F. AfjtJnce-y, $308, $0180.00. 188[, MffJiengor McCaffi-cy, $18.75, $2070. 187:i, 1873, 1801, 1HSI, I88f, 3S77, Evan M-CMI, $150, $0010.81). W. II. McCroa. $77, $11,112.01. John M< Iveon, $000, $1200. II. II. McKav, $480, $12,708. .lo:ia Nelson, $-148, $7830.30. J. O'Hni-a, $320, $1100. 1870, "F. M. Viuzviw, $352, $2-1,010. ]>, J. \V. Peachy, $(i72, $14,100. T. IVrki-iei, $82.50, Sldso. Ihoi. J. Po|k\ $5.10, $15,120. J. 1'iviidepirast, $00, $7302.00. France Qiiiun, $10.25. .^fiso."; 2. (!. \\\ Uaci.-ncy, $30, $7851.30. Al-.v. 10'id, $14 50, 8031.12. O. ltobeiRe, $^20, $115?'. E. C. iuanaiuc, $152, MO,s7**72. Tii<niui-H ii*w, $> i2. $I4,550.;;i;. F. F. RubidR.-, $ts, ^lO.OKi.M) Liuihuy ItujM-ll, $V!2, $l'i,- 1882, ] S S.'t, 1872, 1871, 1873, 1873, 1M10, 1870, 1887, 1871, 1881, 0-10.12. 1881, 1871, 3877. 1881, F. 0. 8\-ot1,' $iS. 81(.0(i:>.2i. 'J'homaa S-ott. $ 100, .$0O|(. \V. M. 8'na'l $ ,'l,, .$l^li0.U'. J. S. Kin,\ t'i, $"i3.75, $121 1 Chai I h U, m, jihi'i.). $.(i), 'j'l epi'ii ].. w hide, ih as 1 i'i v i..i ve : -1 t\.'-\\ -M 1 l1 1 1 i: n , , 1 / .illovv. d !' 'i niT'". p , U'r ( , fil I I il fn.n i l ]i>ii of our fiiiftiici'i, to 'w it 1, luiif ia j 1 < 11! v till-' ftioim huhi of ,,, a .- KM,000 a venr, bill to l;*"'P adding 1" tin li.sL o Mip^, . - niiated civil wi\a>jtK, nd 111' *.- add lo tho drain on ua. . ,, Ul JIliin . , nr lh year. To pro\e tl,aL ih< i,\ a, u, ],' , heen grofiHly abu:-ed, let w m-'ut mi t|M. ja.-t fi that on till' ol Hiijieianuna ..-d ,, f;( \u\ti there are 81 who an- 1. ipi-i.tunuati d ^, initioV tliu ago ot 50, and .1 ( on,,d. i-. '" abli' iiiimo"!' MU[. 'I'.'i nuii.i ted iiud 1 \,lt, HflO 01 -10. It i;i evident that a , 1 t- r>f tho-4i were remove 1 to unlo- p ur^< for others who were inking upon home inemb'in *'f 1'arH 1 meat or tijj m tf IliCt the enj'tiiRiini* of their si-i vi . \,<t the country at a fcond n nnd -.umi^. \\\. (uive throiifrhniit the country 111 i n\ i'vi- (loncefi ol the application ol lh ^ ^ti*tn "hi thus way. Tatu-, for iiiHtaue-, the poiit.ui;iHtiT^hi|) of Montreal. Mr. L - ninthe, who i-'i *d lo be poHtmn it"f, porvd a terr.t of 12 y N'tiM, and Dnrsiweau whh \->-yy a.uxioin to j,ri-t '"'p',110 h iniu'iice In* secure 1 pnpewtnnxi itb"i oi Mr. T-niuothe, at allow.'UiiH' of s>ii'i $2000 n yen i'. 'imIiI;.!;? cijvht yn.-'i io h'n lenn id 1 vjC". Mr. IjJLi'iotli < iv,ii, fliipcp 1 unit ited ofl- (h'l t fi^iirc, viiil j. M()U- enjo\iif!, if>> in Monli'tnl on 1*1.1! 'miple allow.niee, a, d Mr, IVhihtc-iil wet. apjuiiuti'd in Id \'^ p-.ivc-' at $ WJ t ) a yivi.r, Vou can no ILtttlOii^'1 tli-' whale coLiiitry, t'i om the ,'H.llik t*i the F.iciMc. Mill fin I evi- 1|i%:ew of t^ie hcand-ij-jus a bine <>|' ihe fact In cV'"i'y L*ty and town. The Guv- 'M-jnrV'iit " "i' mill continuing to me tlii.t jS'iu-t In mJiuiiM* co-itriM-y to t'a" in' Ife'efitu (f the ]M'op!D. Tho i-otiirn provided ftfror uudur this act n-nd lit hi otrthn't-ible ?-.(! tho IlourtJ ih\B yn,r n\w\\\\ "thu-t^ on In d Mr. !; 1 the in '> -ci IhSl, $0158.88. 1870, G. W. Thiiiimi, $55, 8?000.8S 3S85, J. Toniln.Hnii, $750, $12,071.01. 1880, J. A. 3 on.nice, $007.50, $10,011.- 00. 1887, J. Travm, $000, $57i;o. 18.s5, Henry Vnun enbiii^li, $330, ip 15^0 1872, O. Vincent, $7.50, $10,100, l^.sil, T .1. W'nbdi, .1510, $03(.M>. 1871. John E. WatHou, $0.75, 81701.12 l^"--; \ W.dier, $255.20. ,>3703.2() 18 ,, G. W. Wieh-iLCL'd, $10.>s, .-,10,030.. 08 Mi .'i condition of alfai'/i 11 '-Till lici >;; ' i'h'|ii| I'd i, i d bi-toir |^ij,ii^ iipoii tie ii bol.da\H [he Mini-iti'ivJ adih-d a Jewmuii1 nam -. lo the nliove 1 Ht. rn'.ij.r ; :i: ttt^i:: Va :> 1 ii'in ' .1 :J<* " 1.t*ln'l 1 [. ,,.<! !<ir !>' ' "J'iitr \il:c iwr, }\a\, .lu-y 2f*.-/!r:-t!^L I fr t.i to ha \ 'r nun ilcr 11 i il Ah Finn!; mil .hui.ny Mitchell and Mit- ile'H\s wile.hali hree'dH, wore on th" "Way to the t.-hiue; ^rouadu, Frank abu ed .l,iu:.i\ ,-i v.iie, Jimmy attemfited to hi op ii in, v hen Frank look up two fitont'h.i^ed Oh aiichoi'H, and poundi-d Jinmiy'H head uut'il "la* frneiured his Hkull. Jimmy.Mil- cliell leiuuiiiL-d uneoiiHcioiiH fur nearly two wi'tho, when lit; died. . UNITED STATES &RIEFS- |Mr. JloJmout uuiTMrM. W. *C "*>* io Mwnry irUIihuj |,uw to ICnrorod, Tho Now York HnrnM_ lUtyri It) 1 In n poHltloil to dnnyy on tin* " authority ot OHvorlLP. Uolmmit'a family, tho fti- motn ourront Umt Mm. W. K. VfiJUUitbllft ami irr. Bolmonfc worn to lw qulotly mur- rled ubroiid. Judge Vaneo, of Port Tturon, hai bnon Informed by-ilm Canahlan oOiolalri that thoy will oo-oporatn with tho MiohlKa ofllulnlH In iMtominu thu law rolatlvo to ihhUw i HI. Clair rlvor with "^h- At Uocatur, 111., tho oth(.f tiny WtlHaui OraniurHhob Jilndlvorood wlfo. Mm. Km- mIIJOBttWliiH fat/dly, and thon llrort mio Hhot into his own|lu'iitt and died almoHt hiBtantly. Ho bud boon a WhIhihIi flro man. Of lata I10 had bona drlnklnK and iTiwjatonlHK to Iclll hlH former wifo for marrying ap/iln. Tbo Pennsylvania Ilalh-nad Company him hited tho clly of Cblcapo for (ho ro- oovory of dnmaRea In tlio destruction and Injury of ltd property during tlm HtrlUo of biHt July. Tho milt for *10,010, tho antual ilamiiROH auatftlncd by tbo lost! and Injiory to property, and 30,000 oxomplary damagOH tlm total domtvnd iholn^ 510,010. A dofiputch from Newport, It.I.t ton Now York paper, sayo: Tho unnounou- mimfc wrw inado liero that thu .J'rlnco of Walou would visit Amorlca tblu uuminor. A prominent iiocloty man hanrocolvod a bittnr from Fnidand onnounolntJ that ho will attend tho mip racoB and. ftpoud w>v- tthil wookd at Newport. Mm. I'uvnnll la Vm-y If^oxv. Ilordontown, N.J., April 2*3. Thoro la no material chaiiffo in tho condition of Mrh.Parncll hinoo Saturday, an bIio Id atlU unalilo to convorj-o lntolllgontly. Owing to hor advanced affo, hot condition ly ro- garded an being critical. What tbo pbyal- oianq fear tho moot \a tho Injury at tho hnsa of tho brain. That hor nUull was not fractured Rcom>) almonfc a mivaolo, an tbo blow stvuolt by tho villain wub evi dently a torrlblo one. Thoro ia no cluo to the perpetrator of tlio doadly afltiaulb, Mr. T'arnell paqqod u good night and Boomed brighter this morning, but as tho day advanced, alio grow weaker, and lb la doubtful whotli^r sho will aurvlvo tho Hbool: of tho a*tault. Nothing has yofc developed to throw any light upon tho case, although tho detootlvoa aro etlll at work. Tho theory that tho crimo waa committed by tramps la not bollovud. Pollcomon Ilartmann, PlppoLC -and Mlcliaolls Biirprluod a camp of nlno trurajw yesterday afternoon on tbo outHlclrtn of -tho clty-and-locked them up In tho city jail, pending an oiumitnation. Tho CfVy of Toronto. Owon Sound, April S3. Tho 'now Bteamor designed and built by Capt. John Simpson, tlio votoran ship bo^dor of thla place, for tho North Shoro Navi- Ktlon Company, was Inunohod on Satur day. As sbo slid down tbo waya thojittlo daughter of M. Konnody, mayor, hroko the- traditional bottlo of wlno and chris tened hor "City of Toronto." Tho Bteamcr la a lino' sldo-whoclor,' 103 foot long and 33 foot beam over guards. She is fitted with all modorn iinprovomonta, and ia intomlod for tbo Parry Sound routo, Sbo will bo commandod by Capt. A. Cameron. D. McQundo will bo chiof cngiuuor. All tho officials and a largo crowd of friends witnessed tho launch, Indian ftupplleu. Ottawa, April 22. Contracts for Indian supplies havo been awarded by tho Indian department Saturday as follows; XJacon, C. Gallagher, Edmonton; A. Macdonald & Co., Winnipeg; Western Milling Com pany, Ih'glna; T. Lnwry & Son, Hamil ton; A. Dehbrlsay, Wolseley; Humphries & Son, Gum! ngton Manor. Flour, Kolly & Co.. Brandon; Ogilvy Milling Com pany, and Iliidhim Hay Company, Winni peg; Joyneit *S; Klkinion, Fort Qu'Ap- pullo ; Moose Muuni.dn Trading Company, Calgtou Manor, Armw MlllingCompany, Birtle. <ii'iit)t*ni.iit .ttifl Hrnucart. Londfin, April *>. Tho Globe In on article on ihe inaugu-al banquet of tho new Annriean noeiety In London says: Tho bueiety ii mrtalii to bo a buccohs If itn ineinlii'r.-lilp is cnnllnod to those who ari) regarded in I_,ondon and New York aa dcsirabUi 1111 niber-. of a good club. No body 1ih-> a greater horror of rho bounc- iniJ, bragging Milgarian than the culti vated American gentleman, but travel In Europe N spoiled for litm by tho vagaries of a ntii\V erow, wlio no more represent America ibaii tioys tho cheap tripper rop- ro.sent Kngland. I licit sitni'H Ilicrimc lax KetliriM. Washington. April i."2. Ttdographio ad vices received from the eol!pch>r-i of tbo Roverul Internal revenuu ricfh indlcato that tlie aggregatu amount of incomo tax bliown byStlu' reiurns which wero filed heforo the 10th,, will be about ^14,303,000. The bust judgment of tbo Treasury tilllelals its that nut for tbo adverse dcel-ion of the Supreme Court, the amount carried by tlm rot urns would bavu boon about &!0.00o,(xx>, which, during tbo pendency of tiio inenim' t i\: bill, was tho estimate uf ihe (li-fwn tioent. AUCTIONEER W. it. Ward. A LIFE SAVED HaHMIHMaiHia BY TAKING ifr CHERRY PECTORAL "Nevernl yeariujjo, lemntht a Heveieeoht attended wfth a teirlhln eoimh thai nlluwed me im rent, either day or nidd. The doc- tori proiiouneerl inyeise hnpeirss. A friend, learning of my tumble, sent mo a bottle of A\ei'.i Choiry Pi-etmal. My the time I h til \\-\>-i\ tlio whole lioitle, 1 u;i*i completely ciiim'I, and I ho|levr> It naved my life." \V. II. Waimi, 'Julmtiy Ave., howi'll, Muss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rlitrhnfic Awardn at World'H Pair. rtcr'tt l*Wu thn Hcnt family Z'hyulo 7CAWt tlUCT Q\X iiiiimtr-j hcudWi lY'COMt: rutiu' F. S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stoolc, all new goods and latest Novoltios. I take no baclt soat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, sought at bottom prices, nnd can bent them all for prico and quality. Call and seo thorn* PR1GESAWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness of:every description, A lame stock and it mutt go. Call mid sec me bolero buying elBewhoro ve i- ryfhing in Furnishing Line. F. S Adamstp uu iloorri out) 1 ui Unto'ti Currifiijo Worlta, Xltiaos. 1 II II I I IHBMIIIIHI fHlll ll III III..... I__________I NUHBKUYiMAN, UTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY .M mat Ke 1 111 1111 .'.i-i] Hit. I.i- Ij 1 r 1 ] 1 oh iti::<<l la lain num. Fo-e,t, Out.. July 20.-^r. TI!.o. .i l ,c lo.Mednp of Arthur .orn- 11 1 nl Vi id.iy'.it hy linu^m;; .s m-i'i" t.\i)y 11 foot from t..e i*.* ^^ . 'ii luiiud. ii I Dili li, \\ . 1; . 1.1 t ,M:i 1 iit 11 M.i. I.i't-t 1. eh. t c. i it.tii h quiet, with ir> j> In -iinl.itl,, 1. .Ur.iljjhb I'olltirn in-j 1 .it -. . y i , s i.',o, Tumiitii l'n-lg * l. , Hi-.1 n 1 film. U ln^ <iuot< d .ft in 1 ,M Ion.,to ir. if.ti. hiiuit-i |dJ in ., . ,., ,i t flu- imiik-i in iiuiet, .mi] if, 1 -- t-.i.iv iiiiiluuipul. WhU-o nnd rod , Ninth mti nt COc, ikitd went at, ', > It'in-i I :i.d I- llr.11, th.%rn 'ud:i^ ,, y Df.cu1 I"ts 11: U'o, T.M-tnit.i frtlfj.iti. l't-..H-i .1 ' diitiijr mil p.d urn Ii Hi,' -I -it O/o m 5.<c. wmi, I..i 1 < \ - Tnulo In dull Willi Illtlo or 11,, (i 1 ni- I'll'" tl'iiiiii'id In mndonito (inl t>rl not 1. \:h -t o.imIjp. Sidot of wlilti) ut .33 :- t,. $/>f und mix d ut 3-o. Cam oil t..ue c ,t nuut [ ut 37e, ' ' tt.w--*nu) innrkot In (juwt nuu iiiii*'-:v nomlnuh . Outmeud HunlnOBH In dull, with vimtiiid at 34 to $4,10 on truck, prhei prit-u A eui iuuH Mm comt_\s iruiu .\1"-.. tr.iln \\ii-> lylii4 i. tain Kttttliu) tie .sliot^un nod t>t.i huiiL. lh: with a tr:iln \\ hen .1 nnt'i'. Heforc h v. ua any iIn>iK-'r t ut Mini,and lo* 1 1 Jtlt tile L'iAV W . In a iVw niinui clothing, split! n to cullni, end tn (letting tn hi: < he dndj-'i-d lii-hln his dirijiriy, f<itn was 1 nit mi 0 '. ton minute:* w<t< cow t hiiM'd tin- roujid tho tr* i'-, chnnco to hit lu-i It only aeenn-d to i'i 1.iu. of un adventure 1.1. While u M*i Mlit - v at a HniaJI iiidii!!- - ULjini i-v Momiwud a Li'il out fur a sMo t .out returning to Inu iiia niiide hor app'-a 1 - rradzed t!v:o 1 animal nuolu a s :-li .1 wlih all his t p. . .. - it, Mi-trer i.u'i 1, , hi . .nih'liL him hi il. !i s coat i'ruin \\al-1 .ii); hirn lot 1 tli ,'vii'. jnilekly as p s .1 !< 1 tn i1, and tin n in 1 that tin* tnin bain 1 Il ' llH<-|i':-H. Tin iu- :t wry lively ones. '1 lie wineer round iinil m-i when he gut a w.ih Uu* gun barrel Pouch, Peur, riurn, Applo and Quitsco TrceH, Rohus, I5vcrgrccnn, Horry BuhIioh, Haaphcrry, Blackberry and Currunt BuhIich. All iirBt-clunn Silvo u(4entH' Big Profits ! ii'ifl write for udcch. Wo will cheer fully answer you by return mail. plendid Applo Trees, Al"iu every renppet, HMNHY HKDHI0K, ,,--.-.- ,( ,. iiromntlv iittnliihid 1", \m\raU Houth Auutluuiior, H 11 1 ' v I 1 promptly uHniiihid WoodHlon, Out. rriieiiH ilnilrlnij l iiooiiru me limy iuuvu word at tho I-'ukk I'iikiiii ollhin. tt u, intiUKioit DHINOr.AIIt, TilOKNHKO AUOTIONMKH . (ortlmOniuity of 1'JiiniiX. HiuliJfof f'Mi^htli I>1vIhIqi C'oin-t. All ldndH of Varm iLiid-othin' HiiIoh iioniluuUd promptly. Ilatou rniwoniihlo 11111I funihihnd on uiipllcatioii. Kiniulrnrti may apidy ut W. n.llfiiunu.ti''nt tlio 0MC3 of UlvlHioii CoinL Clorli, Mr. .Tolm Mllnii, JOHN (IOUMTjKY, IdCISNHKI) AUUTIONIQI'iIl for thn County ofKuiuix. All kitifhi of titrm iitnuU iiaion, uto,, uoiiductoil pfonipily and on idiort notion. Uuton voniioiuiljla, 1'in-iionif dcnirahlo to urm.uu<} iiaion mn.y :ln nrihy culUiifjab tlm F lira I Puiniu ofllco or by applying to i J. UOIIMIjKY, P.O. ItoxIM KiHiiox, Out. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mk'iiioWht. Dr, I'ttBotio, rBtor. fiorvioo voryHuiiiluyntUn,ui.uniI7. p. ni. BubbaUi \ litinlut ).:!(). m. 0. W. NayJor, HuporlDtopd- u..r uf Kohoul, Kp^oith riB(inoyraynrm<ieUng rubuday yvniii utB o'olook^ Uoiioral piayor 'TioutiiiftonTlniibdLiyoVoulnrt, ^^^_______ tiiiuiiriw ov KNOl,AN]) Kov.A.lj,Uovorly,Ui- oumhimt, Ht. I'uiiIb, Kbbok. DWiuesorvlen BVory Himdayat 7 o'olook, p in """W Holioohttiua. 111. l'rlnlty Churoh.NortlilUctep Bxm tUr-Hohl-nt-l.ifi|i. ui^-Xha-publio-UXfl _Cfifc_ Jliillylnvltod. I'ltKNUYTlSHUM. W. M.Fl(iUllu, PtMtoV S(W- vIooHon HiLhbutli utllii.injttud 7.80 p.iu.Bab- bath Uuliool ata:!Kin. in. I'rayor miotlueaaa t'ohtor'H blblo olami 011 Ttiomfny ut7.^0 p. m. Hoclul Union on Wddiuiiuluyut H.lBp. I7*UANK McCLOHKKY, Maldiitono, tblrty- . iiovoiiyiiarit' oxnnrJuiica an an nuotlonuorin thoOountv nf Kntmx. Hiiltni comluotud promptly, and on rmuioiinbln toi-inu. Partlon dtlHiriu^ to i\x tho ditto for a nitlo can navo tbmiiHolvni' a drivo by oallhiff at tho X'ann Pan mi oliiou. Wo Ifiivo arraiifjod with Mr. MoUlnulniy'Mift wilt llx tlmdatHii foriialuiiby tohiK*,iy,hintlvoIV*iriio of all o!ilLri;o to tlin iinriioii hohiiuK tho fujlo. Ad droim yrniikMoCIoHlEoy.MaldiitonciCroiu'i.Ont, 10W ilAl'TJHfOmjiioH.-lhiv.M. V. Campbell, Paa- tor. Horvlooii oitoh Halibath at H a. m. unci 7 p.m. rrnyorimnitluKon Wiidnoutla^ oyonlog atHo'olook. Koatufruti. uomiid. All urn uordlnUy wal- One Hundred NEWLY WANTED To buy Furuituru at pricen that uro riijht down to hardpan, uhd prepared to fumtHh overy thine in tho i.liapo of I'urnittiro that a fjood lion-aUeeper ucodn, Alno a lino lino of Baby Gurriugcn at pricen that aro right cIoho. Kindly call and innpcot tho fjoodfi, it will pay you to do ho lioforo I uy- in^' olnowhoro. It coatn you nothing to yet pncoii. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A. Hptcialty. Kvorythinfl dono up in good Hhapo. All nacoHHury carriagou furuibhed. BuHlnoHii promptly attended to at all bourn. Will comparo pricen with any undortaitec of any town. Havo two flue heamen in good condition, and will not ho undernold in tho linen I roprpsent. J. A. Hicks, " Tho Niagara Falls Routs." dorisO KA.BT Taliiufi effoct Muyrioth, 1HD5. Dutroit. . Winduor .... Pulton... Maidhtouoc J'lHIiUX .. . . WoodHloo... llu'jomnlj Comber Itlduetfiwii . Jtodnuy. Hti Thoiiim r.oiitioji , , wt. Tlioinaii. . Ko.lntiy..... ltidKotown..... Couibur.... ItllHCOllll). Woodtdco.. Muiiex .. . Maiilstonn Cr Poltoil Wlndfior Uutroit.. Kip. a.m. (i2D H.17 10.00 Mail a,111. 7.1S 7.10 K.0.1 ti.ll h:iv it '1rl JO, 17 ii.:iu ooino wi:ht. P in. 12 10 1! -Ifl :t.:i'j 107 ,r> 11 5 5(1 li.O.t li II <!. IS 7.111 Kxp. a, m. il Id 111.10 lua:j ll.f*0 1 0.1 a IV- n.:i5 10 ai n.t.i 12.10 lu.-ift Aocom pan. 1 W> r>,}\) 0.) r.!ii) ! W) CM) II.UI 7 IU 7H0 SJO a in fl.15 ti.lG 7.-i3 HOI) :io o.:i8 o..|f> n fil 1u.111 10. w 1C.U0 111.05 Itoarxx Oatiiomo. Vr. 1). P. MoMomunln Puntor. tiotvloL uvory othok-Hunday atB.30 m. Btinday Bohool at lip. 111. FUnvATio!* AitaiY. T, H. Moliood. CaptaU. Halvation iilontinKfl on Wuiluc aday, Thuraday and Huiidny ovoulnf{; I*'roo and >Jiuiy, Baturday ovoninK and, Hniulay; HoIIuohm mootliiKfl for ohriiitianu f ridiiy uvonniitand 11 a. u. Una- day;KnooDrill7;vory Bunilay. All.ttW) wo 1 co mo. LEGAL. rSurcTKltB Uavriiitor, Holioltor. NotaiJ PubliiLMoiioy to Loan. Oitloo ovo Htruthor' nSwV-.Wmwic Gowtito. J. TfT* A. WIHMKK, U 11j. rubllo&oi atom atftn lilocli, op-dtnlrn, IjhhTTTT > loan, Otnonu.Dui 4-ly CLAnKlfl, UAniTjKT ft BAMTIjET, UurrlC torn, oto. onioeg, Mr.ilbury Illoolf, Windaa". Private fuudu to loim. A. II. CXjAIiki:, Sj. h. U. N. A. IUiitlkt. A. It. JUllTiaiT, ](, A. HKN'ItY C. WALTKIIH.L.Tj.II., Attornnyanil Couniiolorutlaw;with Atkinnon (tlliiicb^ Conurofiii tit. wont, IJotroit, Miah. (Canadian olalmn a[[alnat ponionu Ju tl United Htutoiioolloctoil.) Itororouaoni Iiiipaiial Hank, Kfitiox.Ont, .1. Ij. X'otorti, Eiiq., Bavrinttir, oto., ytwu>x,Qt K.A. AVJiunur, Kuri,, Dari-liiti r, otc, Kfiuox, 0< , MEP'OAL. lyiB. hHIKN ft BKIEN. Ja. lirion, M, D J,. H., 0. p, h,, nraauato of Queen'1! (Jfllvondty, Kii)Hntonl.'moraboi' of CoL- Il^o f)f Pliytiiciaiiu and Kurijoonii,Ontario. Orafl- uato of Now York. Pout QraduatoModioiil Col- ldKO. .J, W. Prion, M. D., 0. M F. T. M. C. Honor ffraduuro (if Trlnltv Medical Collono, nonor /,'radnato of Trinity Univornlty, Momborof thft Collefjoot PnynicinnTnmdBnriioonH, Out, GyaJV----- uato of >ew York. X'oot Graduato Rttidllal Collofio. _ ____ Olllcoovor K'iho\ Medical JTall dru ntoro. Commltatiou rooinii, both on (jroimdfloor and llrat Hat ubov.i, Tolcidiono Jn both ollloo and roofdenco. All culhi attondod to from oftlco, ilnn; ntoro, or ronidonco. Itonidouoo, Talbot iitroot, front of fir uromnla. D UB. nUWAR d: McKKNZIK. I1, A. Diuvaii, M. D. 0. M., P. T, M. B. tto Trinitv Univeniity. Afonibor CoIIoqo Phyi" inlnTiH and Surcooiin, Out. Korddonce, Talbo St. Emit. * n2ii:. II. D.-C. M., Follow Trinity Mudica] ColleKo. Graduato Trinity Uiiiv'oniity Itt'siddDcc; T-idhot htrout, WOOL of M. C. H. OlllcohnurH B to!) a. 111., 1 to.') and (HoUp. m OMco In Iniporiil Uiinlt block, r.vouud lloor. next toThoriui'HilriJK htoro. Tolonhonaln oonnoctimi witli otllco and roal- donco. . - "Ordeni loft at Thorno' dm ntoro will bo promptly attondod to. DENTAL. HP. MAUTtN.D.P. B., L. D. B. Oracluato in Dontffltry, Hoy nl Collotje of Dental Burtfooini, Ontario, ami uulvornity of Toronto. Obarcon,Qiodorati). OJhco, ovor Brion &. Cod (Jrun utoro, 18-ly Ainiierntltiii't: Ijociil IVnliK., wi:i.t v.Mii- y in. a,in. a.m. 0.10 ll.fiO B.P) IHifi l-'.U H lf> OilS U..)ii 11 'io ii; ;n) h as G fit) 1^ fill H.S5 a.m. aau. Ehpox 7.15 O.tO .' HO Kilftaru 7.00 0,1!) fi 10 ], K A* U it XlUK 0 50 '. :i.ri < Mc(Pcor ti.lH ilJlO 150 Ainlieistbur-; l-..')0 tf.10 I. ail VETERINARY. H. JtlofiAUDMON, Veterinary 8uy- Ron, Gniiluato or tho Ontario Votor- Colli-fio, Toronto, troatn all dinoanDH oi dounuitiuutod nuliiialii. Tolophono in oonnoc- tion Dontibtvy a spocinlty. Itontdouao, four doom nouth of GriHt Mill. Ofllco In pofltoillco building; Inllruiary dijootly opponito. W. iiuirv ____________ BAKER. TUB olduut buflluoHH in town, EataWuiho 1S7H. Kirnt-claati brond and oakos of aj kindn. Woddiiif; oalcoa a opooiality. Gj-ooonng provisions, flour, food, unit and pork. Cowfoo- tionory.crookorv.Khiauwaro. Oaunodfru'tnand voRotabloBof all kindii. Good a promptly' >io llvorod toall partiiof tho town. Jr. M. HICKti. J31-U AH trama arc 11111 on central htaudard timo, whlub in wlxty ndnutou nlower than Lusux tini". F01 inforioatlon and raton tt> rolou- ihte muviiif! weht apjdy to John O, Lavou, Pan- Houjsor Acunt, Bt. Tlioinaii. O. W. HurkIoh, G011- oral PaHHOiiKor ami Ticket Auont, Chicii^o, 111 or A. O. BtiiiHirn. Acont. 1-Innox, L- E. & D.R.Ry. TIMF.TAHIjK NO. 1H, taking on'oct Katurday Juno ^i), 1W15. Trairm run by Kaatorn Btami- anl Timo. Uailv oxcopt Huiulay 1 ci II I* 5 3 0 n A 5 *= 3- Lc o P ^1 ii i{) 0.'27 'i.:n; 0.40 On good productive Form Property tit 0$, A 0 nor cont. ntraight. Ho Valuation Fees. niajje her the nmro. It "wan only a [pic^tiun of time when he would succumb to iiitlgue, but a diver sion occurred thin saved his life. An angry snort was heard, and a. bltf elk npcared upon th Hi-one, bond down, 1 and prepared for a right. The cow waa fit- Convoyanomg Done np in Neat Stylo aa ivrnd by this time that sho was ready I foj- anything, and In another moment ; " ' ' the two animals d;iMied Into each other. Tho engineer watehed the combat for" a taw mlnuUH, until prudence auprKOst- cd that ho tdiould nin'Uc a retreat whlla ho could. JIo reea-lned tho train In safe ty, and n^vor linew the outcome of tha battle, hut tho presumption'is that tho .clkHvaa tho victor, ' . . A M A M 'i .in 12 no 1117 i2.:io (155 lii 10 il.VI 12-15, 10 Oil VI GU (! 17 10.1;) j.10 0 r>i 1.^1 0(10 i.-to 7.07 2.10 7.11 2.i:i 7.21 '- .so 7.:it aim ;.-ia :i.i5i7^ t.lH RU STAI'IONI. jrf' 10.1H 10'J.I l(),.Iii| 10.12 in,Sii| 10 til)1 11 10. 11.211 nm; U.Jlfi 11.11 n.wt 11.GO 12 Oil JJ12' la.ifii lii 22' iHIl 12.101 I i.:to l.SQ 5.S0 5.40 a r>I).05 (j.15 0.25 11.15 0.55 7.10 8.17, DrpWalltorv'lo .\V,'.I 10 Walkervillo Juiic. 0 01 .....Polton.......,8 57 .....\ Oldcabtlo .. |fi ':i . ... ) Paquotto.. .. H 17 ... McGiecor .. . H U ...t Now PaTiiiaa... h M ... i Maiitlillcld ...ih 2!) Ilariuw .... b 22 ........1 \rner........\H 11 ...... KlllRHVlllO.. .. ft Ll ..... Kuthvon .....,|7 51 ... Li'iiiiiii)i;ton ...|7 '10 ......"Whnutlcy ......!7 HJ Konwick ......[7 15 a m;a m 0.00 i' it.'v. ir. p. mi H U'J'.....Coatbworth ... R.:i2|..... l nionwoud...... a. to......Mtirlin......... H IV. ..t IUixton......... H.Wl...... Baiuliiion ...... OHO ...ICedarHpriiiRG.:. ')07!lUoiiheiin .Ttmot'n fM2i .....lUonhoim..... ()20|.......iWilkio...../. KlliAi' Kidfjiitowu Dop 7 W 5.111 j.U*i ^.17 5.* a 5.00 1.10 i.aa l i?5 LOO 8.15 :t.I5 J. 10 I.fil, 1.J13I 1.13 c w I' M 7.10 7.111 7.27 7.1iil 7.17 7.12 7.CH 0.511 0.52 11.11 u.:u 0.21 0.10 5.G1 5.(5 5.-I0 SOCIETIES r O. O. F.-KKTKKPHISE Lodfio Ko 3W I . uioot60vury Thursday, uvonins at 7..10 hi Oildfollowa Hall, in third utoroy Dtinntan Block Vifiitlnfjmomborfiof other lodfroHwill rocolvoo .rotornul woloomo. J. JOHNSTON, N. a. OI'-NTHAL 1'INOAMPMMNT, No, CO, moots lU Oddfcllown'Hall.IJunntan'ii Block, on tho flrot ami third TuoiuUy Iu oauh month. Viiiitorn cot diallv rocolvod. AlomburaoCanbordlnatAlodffnt In tliu jtinndlation, iuvitod to jqIb- C. UANNAN. C. X'.. G. P. HILL, G. S. T^SHKX FXHR imiflADR. MHBTB HVKIIY 11/ Friday ovening. David Wncuor, Oaptahi; Andrew l'arkor, Lfoutonaut; I'alxriw Rooiotury, Freiiorictc Hyatt, Troaimror. Uiliio, COURT KOVAU NO. 212. I. O. P. Mootu Bocond and tourth Tuosdiiv'n in oack month in 1. O. O. F. Hall at fl o'elaolt p. in, ViFiiUnt: brothem will bo ^ivon it frattrnat vol- t:ouin. J", MoCaiiHland. C. 11., W. 0, Shaw. Sooy. M.J. Wick., CD. II. o.It. 7 00 12 JJOi fi.IJO f) ft'3 (MS ll 40 a.'ii 0 2) 020 a 1 u a.m. SI' 12.21! 12.VJ] 12.05] 11.23 .11.5*0 ll.lfl! 10.1ft. lO.Ctfl 5,22 B15 5.10 5.01 (.51 1.50 4.10 l.ilO lAWD AND LOAN AGENTS C* BOKGK J. THOMAB, CGiivoyfinac*, Cow V luiHhiomir, in Hinti Court ot Jiiiitlco; doulor .a Uoal Kstate and Moityrfiea. j"\Ionoy to loau attholowoHt rato of intercut. JTarimi boucht and Bold. Innnmnco taken In tbo inoiitrollablo companion. Drawlimol docdH, mortcaQon and loauoB a epooialty, ClmrROB wodoruto and all bnainofin proxuiitly attondod to. Call at tho Central Tuluuliouo ofllco, KnuoatConUo. BO-ly IWAR RI ^J^JEJSES-___ JtTABItlAGK tdocnf.nuor WrddlnR Bintffl oau i\I iio procurod at K. h. FarU'o, tho old v-*- liablo juwollor, F.ooax, Out. yS7" D. HKAMAN, Inmior of Maviingo Liconsen, Inuumnco uwpco- oillco ut PwolliiiR. PSJ* iaibcj laiiuT.iijaswS r, m.'p. m Firo and Life nsurance. A. E. LOVELACE, iarOfflc: Wbifcnoy Block, upBtuire i Kluf; StutioiiH. Tralnti titop only whon thoro aro paHHunfjeri ut 01 for theno otatfona. Mixnd U'liian aro at al timofl uubjcot to bo cancelled WJI WQOLLATCC. Gonoval BupovlntPiidmit Tlie Ilocky KoBiitulns. _Alon the lino of tho Northern Paeiilo RHilioad-ubound in larRO gamo. RIoobp, doer, fcenr. elli. mountain )wdd, oto., oan yet bo found there. Tho true Hportamau h willing to ^0 iliero for thorn. A Jittlo book calloil "Natural Ganw yrfBcrvefl/1 publifihod by tho Kforthurn TtLOifia Kailroad. Will b HOi'it upon receipt hf four cfinta iu fctiimpfl by Ciua, S.^kb, Gon-'l-BaEB Agent, St. PanI, Mi'nti* , U. BAlWRTrr^MitTor of Marrir^o liloonBefl, CommwiiioiKirlp O.J.oto. Goatp, Oil*. LAND SURVEYOR^___^ "YA^lSlfsrrjAIKD, rroviiiooil Imml Surveyor tf and County Kncltiuer, Khsox Contra, Ont Oflloo. DuntttanBloak, npntalriu TOUN "A. MAYC0CK, AnOlUTBOl1, &c lUaui 10 imrt lljrlonilnu flwldldtf, l*houo 210. Wlndaor, On( UNDERTAKING. Ty'PxjUMfiB^HTniiilertakei: and ffutniUaO- l*i Dealer. Oofflos, homo ana laotoly mifla from $3 to SBO. McGregor, Oat , , *V . *! bj'1- yT>* .1 - 'e ' ' < . .^

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