Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, page 6

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$y sv J* $ '^^^^^^i^W!^^n^^ w '^'^ ;,>" cy-HB H'.c8^gac Kra&frs SS3 0 CENTS! BEST EVER OFFER MADE. A THE ESSEX tm PBtfSS For the bakance of 1895 for 40 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Sliow this to your neighbors. ADDIiES lE, J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Onfc, WK^fejSjS tfo 1 jliiji DEED, e-v o-hio. 3\^-A.2sr"xrirjt_,E5 mHusiJsr. '10 HE CONriMJKI) ) net o/my aa it would lmvo bcon, nftor a little cftlm reflection, to find door or win- dow, G'uo&t folt that ho wau rapidly losing | hla b&lanoo j for ho not stir, faca to Ifnco ag lis was with tho dread that Stiutton [really wan mad, and that in lua cunning ho h*d seized this opportunity for ridding jhimsalf of ono who munt ooom to him hlto j a keeper always on tho watch to thwart Ihim. Ho romalnod thero mlont, tho cold invoat insulting out all over hia face, and hia boar- lintf ntfaiuod to catt-h the* nound of tho aligntost movement, or even the hoavy {breathing of tho man waiting for an oppor tunity to strike him down. J/or it wan in vain to try and combat this [feeling. lit) could find no other explana tion in his confudud mental atnto. Thai mst bo Strutton'a intention, and thu nnlv [thing to do was to bo on tho alert and (master him when tho time for tho great trtiggla oamo-. Thero wero momente, aa Guoat utood fthero breathing as noftly aa ho could, whon [he felt that thin hornblo aunpuimo must [jiAVO been going " 'or "utfl J and, hi ho looked round, tho hluoknouB ooemed to ho full of Btrango, gliding pointu ^of lipht, rhich ho v/m ready to think muut hu Ktrat- m'a oycB, till common u'nso told him that Vas all fancy. Then, too, Iil foil certain that ho could hoar rapid iimvi'inoiitii and [his onomy approaehuiR him, but iho faoundu rero made by his own puUci ; uthuwiso ^11 M'ufl fltill nti death And ut the montal [*lii(L'nittioii of death hm horror gr w moro ( ii bio than ho could hoar. Hu grow funt ui ' H'ddy, ,lti(l mH^ ft una!oh in iho mr an [if ut kuvo him self. 'I hu Knnimtion pausLd ofl as ([indtly na it Miii'*/hut in thouu brief inoinuntu Guest li mm narrow waa tho dtvimoii btuon ti..itii\ inditfl reverse, and in a dteijd great in.-ii than that of an attack by Stratum, set his tooth, drow hnnfiolf up d fore- himaclf to granp thu fact tnat nil t hi'i ps only tho remilt of u minute or two in ie diirknuBB, ho ciuncd foi ward lua m-oli in [iho direction of vharu ho behoved Stratton U> bo, and listened. Not a hroalh; not a sound. There wwi a clock on a mantle piece, and w tried to hear ita calm, goutlo tick, hut rove that up on tho mutant, fooling nuru ihnt it inuat have bcon neglected and left, funwound.and nerving hlmaolf uow.ho huoIio [out sharply ; " Look bur, Mai,-old follow, don't play thp fool. Either open tho door, or Eatriko a light, bofoio I ninash uomaihhig |va!ua.^lo." I' There was no reply, hut tho effoit he had |nutde"'uv\u himself had wnnewhut nutmed lis Imlaneo.atid ho foil ready to laugh at bin jhild'Hh foara. 'Has ho goao, and loft mo looked m?" ho [thought, aftflr/ Btriviogi'in vain lo hear a lound I in probable; ftfr liclmd n'>t hourd thodoor null) or olono, nnd be wou'd lia.vo noon tho hm light from tho HtairctH* N", wot if Straffton hud tipflly paused through tho inner door and cloned it after Hm Iwforn oponing tho outoi. *'TJoro, I must nor," be hind to liinwlf, lonully Btrurfg onco nioro. "IIo couldn't Imie played mo auuh a fool'w piunk mi that. "Jo*tt,whore ami ? Tho writing tablo should Iho n'ratght out tlmro " rfo strotoed forth lii huud riutioiiflly, touched Hoinothing wnidi mnvnd. It ^pioi.uroin tho imddft of punal, Jinphy a flno wiro from tho rod, and Jurat fnUci rounil sharply with a tutich of lis old droad.for ho know not that ho had in for long enough Btundiug in a pomiiuu Lh/it would gtvo hia ehumy n' *ueniy Stratton wan an oppurtUint^ ^riklug him tlow'n from bohmd. ^ih tha idea growing upon-him ilnj h*4 *Ubecn votlo. and that StrJ unlit huvo cono etraight out tho moment he had turnod down tho lamp either in hm absent atato forgetting his presence, or iiniigining that ho had gone on out Guest toll now a utrango kind of irritability acamst himself, and, vrlth tho dread com pletely gono, ho began to move cautiouoly, and paiiHing ntop by ntcp, tdl hm out-. Ettetched hands enmo in contact with a hroiuo ornnmenf, which foil mto tho fonder with a loud clang. (iucnt atartod round o'nee more, knowing exactly whoro ho utood, and fiicing Strat ton, who Boomod to havo opruug out ot hm no it "Wlio'o thdro?" ho criod fiercelv. "Who'o thoro3" retorted Gutot. "Why, whal'a oomo to you, man'! 'Whoro aro youi lights? Bah 1'* ho udrod to himsulf, "hnfo I loat my hoad, too!" Ab ho Bpoko ho drew a httlo Oliver cnno from bin vest pocket, and atruck a wax mauh, whono bright light allowed hiflfrjend ounk back in thu chair by tho writing table, giumg wildly in lua face. A gliuiea uhowed Guest a candlo uiu litllu holder ou tho mantelpioco, and applying tho match, in another moment tho black horror had givon plaoo o hia inond'a room, with Stratton looking utterly proa- trate, and unwotthy of a momont'a droad. Goeut'ii wordat partook of his feeling of annoyance with himnoti at having given his imagination so much play. "Hero, what'ii como to you, man!" he cried aui/mg Stratton roughly by the shoulder "Come to m<i? I don't know." "Havo you boon Bitting thoro ever aincu you put out tho light V "Yob I think ao." "But you heard mo upoak to you?" "No ; I think not. Whut did you nay ? ' "Hi"n trembling like a leaf," thought Gut ut "Woruo than I wan." .,Tlu n aloud : "I nay, you bad bettor have u glaoa of grog, ami then go to bed. I'll atop with you if you like." "Hero? No, no; como along. It muat bo getting late." Ho mado for tho door ond oponod it, signed to GuoQt to como, and atood wail ing. "All nizla ; but don't louvo that candid burning, man. You neem determined to burn down thiu pluce." Si ration uttered a ouriouu httlo laugh, mill hataily crouuod tho room to thu mantel* piece, whllo Guoat ntood holding the door open, so aa to admit o, httlo light. Tho next minuto thiy were on tho bind ing, and Stratton, with trembling fingeni, careliiJly locked the doer. "Nmv," said Guoat, "nhout poor old Brettliion ? What do you nay* Shall we flivo! notico to iho pol "No, no," crietTSti ICO >tratton angrily "H in jibailid ! Ho will come back noma diiy. Sco mo homo, pleawe, old fellow. My head all confuflcd and utrango. I want. 10 got hack an boon as I can " Gneni took hm arm to tho entrance of tho inn, called a cab, und did not loavo him li I ho una Hiife in Inn rooms at Sarum Stroot, uftor which Lho young burnotoi rotoinod to hia own chamhorn to think over tho oventn of tho evening in company with a,|rfpo. "Tukrn all tho conceit oyt of rt, Ullow," he imiuLd, "to find what a lot of ma old eriiMmh droad leinainu whon ho hm; grown u 11. Why, I full tlmu------- Ugh I I'm iiBhamed to think of it all. Poor old Stratton ! bo 4uflMnPt know what hii'tuihoiit Imlf bin timo. 1 bnliovo ha has got whut tho doatora call softoniilg of tito bruin. Sirikua ma, after Uwiight'& work," ho added thoughtfully,"that I must have got it, too." 11<i re iil led hio pipo and weut on think* bo '""iroAv | fcrft,,RB llttf f tl. pn.r old follow 1>V"V f"i '"II oi.lyaUf.ey of nunc. rfT,w ,,(",u,ll' "' Thuie, l\y night." hud y g< enough fttiiey for uuo BOWIiLL AM) SCOTT. A Lively Tlnmo In tho Saturday. Sonato Babies chap"'1"" xxxv' Hoh.d Irtar"""l'"l'r.'li'tl..HfiM, on hi iilidnn' llllt' lt' M'"Jorndd, wlnn-, by "i hu iih'i* fb tli hio.', ' ho found I'dn , \\ ho un* ik\m Ll" ll) '^ "t,'"! "lL-t'",L "bunt: j," hut "IT "L they h'id u long chat about their Invalids, an thoy termed thorn, anil then Guoat apoko of bi'i idoim roipoetuig llri'ttison. "And you mt hero talking to mu V alio aaid. "Why, you ought to bo having tho place -loarehud." "You think no, too 1" "Of rouni.1, anil without Iohd of time Why, Fercy, ho may havo known all about Malcolm Htratton'H trouble, and now tho chunco ban gono forever." "Steady, titoady !"naid Guoat, smiling at the girFu impftuomty "Oou't lot your imaginntinn run away with yon. It'a rather bad Hojiietimon." Ho left almost directly, and wan half diupuued to goittraight to tha police Htation nearest tha inn ; but it occurred to him that ho find stirred Stratton a Rood dnnl on tho firevioim night, und that if ho could got hii riond'a lutepat full upon thio nutter it would bo a good tiling "I daro nay it will all turn out to bo nothing mert- imagination," he thought j "but pvon it it is, it may do aometbing to get tho poor follow out of thia moibid atato. After all, Hrottison may bo thoro." But Gueit felt uo httlo upon tho matter that ho did not hurry to his friend's roomn till aftor dinner, and, to hia aurpriao, found that bo w'ui olthor not in or obntinatoly determined not to bo interrupted,, far thoro was no leplv to hiu knocking. "I'll get Inm to let mo havo a latchkey," ha thought, "for he is not fit to bo loft alono." On tho chance ot Stratton b*'ing there ho \vfnt on to Ik'uchoru' Inn, and, to bin eur- prun and satisfaction, ho saw a light in tho room. After a few minutes his knock was ro- nponded to, and ho wao ad nutted. "You have como again, then," said Strae ton reproachfully. "Of courno," replied Guont, and ho (matched at the idea again about Brottiaon. "Look here," he mud, "I havo made up my mind that tha proper thing to do is to have that room entered, Brettiann haa beon awav months,and it ourjht to bo done " "But you havo no authority," said Strat ton unoamly. "You have, an hia nearest friend and noighnor." "No, no, no," said Stratton unoamly. "I toll you it'a right," mud Guont. "We'll go to tho utaiinn quietly, givo notico, ami a couple of men will como, and bring a locksmith m enrpentor to open tho door." "Impossible ! Tho publicity; it would bo horrible " "If wo found tho old follow lying dead thoro, yoo. But he may not bo." "No, ho miiy not bo, no it cannot bo done," said Si rattan with an un won tod animation which mado Guont tho mora eager. "But it can." "1 nay no," naid Stratton angrily. "But I Hay yea." "You havo no right, no busmena what- #rer, to interfere in tho matter I will not havo Mr. Brottison'a plate broken open and bio things disturbed. It uhu.ll not bo done." "Bravo," thought Guoat j "a httlo more argument of this flori woald bring him round." And full of determination, right *r wrong, to pornovoro, he eaid distinctly i "Look here, Stratton, havo you any (Spe cial roaeon for refusing to listen to mv wordn ?" "I u reason *" cried Stratton, looli- ina Htm i led. "Norm wliatev* r. ' "Oh ' You neeinod so stubborn " "Thf natmnl fj-tling of a ucientiftx mini Bgniriflt mtrudoia muddling with huutudy " "Mi BroltiBon made no ohjeetun lo youi hnmUlug in upon bun wnon be witu dangeiuuflly i)| and would havo died uith out your help." Stiatlon wan oilcncod for the moment, but ho brolio out directly with : "But I am (jure lie ban not boon buck." "How can you be, away as you havo beon ao long!" "I should havo heard him or noon him Ho would havo como in to mn " "Look hero, Stratton," uaid Guont nt hint, "if you oppoue my wiehra ho strongly, I ohall think that you havo oni" " -' roAHun f(r it." Suattim'u evea contracted a HOtlo as ho looked fixedly at bio friend. "I ahull noG oppoue you, ihen," he Paul, after moistening hm lipa, an if ajieaking wuii un efloit. "Huvo iho pbico oxiuniiu'd " "I will," cried Guent eagerly. "Uonio on uith me to tho police mutton, and IuI'h givt luformatlou." Stiatton nhraf|K hack in hm neat. "No, no Spridc to tho pi-oplo at tho loiU'o ; tlio man can opon the door " "No ; I urn not going to have ttYo mutter spread abroad. And I do not accept tlio runpmihihlliiy. No heaitition now ; come on." Stratton wun no woakened by ill health and nervoua shock that, in npit of btni- nolf, bo folt oompulled to yield, and ion miiiu.oft Inter ihcy weiu in iho cold, formal fltutiuu, where he fuitmi if m a dream, hold tlieiu ugainnt hm will, und Intoning while Guont told tho limpeoior on duty hu BUBpi- eionu na if they were thoae of hit) n#tghhtir Stiauon. who, of com bo, wua not otiro,only quuuay, uud deainoua of quietly It/u'rnntg any potwibiltty, thero wussomo- ihniL' wrong. "We'll hchiu (WjO to that, ulr," naid the in- spvetoi* quietly, and Bonding a npnaugo by u eoiia'ablu, a autguant wau called into tho efliee, thu luatter <ixplalued to him. nnd, nftor u .^ I imp glnuou at the two Htnuiynn, ho proposed to will and got Johnaon to oomo with them, ua he would ho homo from work and Giey cbuld plak lum up on the 00 HUDSON DAY RAILWAY- lloime \i,t \vt Vroroituvtl llmi) -Utemlctl lo Hu- Dm. ilflil Hint U i|ll ( III lielitul - 1 J:- k*u mler jint' ".< iiiiuir hi oil Hum It Oil!. ottJiv.i, Out, Juli jl -Tin re v/i'i a Vi i i i hm .i tt lula.icc In tin l\ .\m on S.iiuuii>. Kvm thu 1'ioiit btnciaii im buth j ii|i> i w- i. pi"tty \\i U ,i..pi, t, (l J.uth niJiniii/r mil nfmnodii*' wt'n tji vuti d Lo Hit' d jni"tlun of the Hud i'i|| my K,ilKv.i,y hill, vvhiuh w-im hifij/jul up ia the morning In tho tnriii <M l m >f>luLKiii. - - 'I h Ihlirl ic dlnj,' . f llii> h 11 h iv- '"'< 1 ' n mo' c I In rho Jit'tcrnutin- -Mi. .Mill j <IJ thwt 11) ml u t\ the i,\ ji r- Um\ Hint tin bill ,luu| I hivt- )) ! ii 1 ii- litjilin i rj hy jit tltinn, ah teriuln-d In ILJI ( ' "i ril piivati h 11 I Mi t'b.n.n) iiibbiit 'I tippt r point- el out Unit thf bill unl, i>t i \ I li (i Icr '< n .u i .n/-,, in. nt of MibUM.H, ,uii u.i. tliu.i a tin .i un which ,i ptivtle in in bi r Luuld nut Inti oduc f Mi. Lamb r nr^u* d tint th bill au- tin r l/i (1 th i nrnpuny to utlll/c anutli' r loutt that piovidrd nl tlu orhrln l. .i' t In till j, the nrnt of the bond- liulU'Mi! would Ik ufC clfd. I'l'fedi-nfi wen- qiiuti d Inmpport o tlir' proposal to pira the bllUis it Htood, but alt'T a Ioiikcj debntn (ht* Hpj.ilccr ruled tli-it tho iib^ectlun to (He i h ing'* of location, an the bill a pilvatf incisure, wan well taken. A? tlilx was (halt with in the thlid clauae, Uie oltrndniK' iu ctinn w aa dropped, and the hill hm ami ruled iM.-und through ltn ( .st,ij,'e In the Commonu. Tlieu, alter iiome talk on the Portage ].l IMdiiie pohtnlllcn site, the FIotiHe ad journed until Monday morning to await the St nate'h itleaiuire with thin and oiu or two othi'i mtMiUirsn. The ili'th nosHlon of the Heventh Par- llaim nL would have cume to an ond before 0 o'i loclc &atuida> evenUiK but I'oi the Hudson Hay Hallway bUI.whlch in emasculated form nached the Upp* r HoiiMf from the CommonH early In tho aftc-rnoon. Kir Mackenzie F-owell, having moved the (irbt reading, tlui trouble wan be gun by Senator Mclnnoi (Hamilton) moving the thiec-monthw' hobit. In vain tho Pn mU r protested thit the obji ctl unable fen tun s tm to ch'inge of location liar] boon eliminated in tho Commonn. ---------- and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Ita nourishing !>(>Wei's are felt almost immedi ately. Habics and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food h assimilated. ScotVs Emulsion stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Bron chitis, Woak Lungs. Emaciation, Con sumption, Blood Disonsos and all Forms of Wasting. Saul for famphhlj* Fret. Scott & Bownu, Uullouillo. All Dniijgluh/, COc. I $1. " Ih It not a fact," Bald Senator Seott, " the Government were fjolnj^ to leiid thin company is.wro.ow), atid- be cause public opinion was aopronowncod thoy did not dare do It? At that time thoy intended to havo a" general elec tion. Somo tfcooplo ai*6 wibked ^noiujh to bay, though 1 wouldn't, that tlt^1 Government had an inteiest hi it, that they wei-o KolnB to aharo tho npoll^ with the promoter^ " Kir Mackenzie novel! : I call tho hon gentleman to order. He nhould not Im pute motivea to the Government. U he were not here, the paid Oftent of Borne othei porsonM, ho would not to use HUcih languauo. Si nator Bcott I am not paldt Sir M.ickenzlo IJowoll : Tho hon. gen tleman oupht not to havo the audarlty and Impudence to accuse the Govern ment ot taking: ourt In a swindle. It I only men who would enter Into a bar- pain of that kind thtma Ivas that would a< lush hon gentlemen of fluch con duct. Senator Smith The Government la not made ot thfit material that the hon gentk man InslnuateH If ho known a little about it, lie hid hotter take can* Senator Scott : I B'lld it wan rumor ed outride. Sir Mackenzie Row ell : Rumir Biy th it the hon, gentleman la paid mr what he ! * doing here. Senator Scott * It la not true. Sir Mackenzie Rowel] : It Is Just an true as the othei statement, and It Ih a p'eie ot audacity to make Ruch no- cuHitlonM against men who are more h inoiablc than he hi lihitHclf The diatuHsion wont on thus tor fomc time. It wiih evident the Senate's blood wiw up, und that though the gu in! o' honor wau undei armw on the tujujro and ilia Excellency attired In. full uni form win waiting the word to come up and proropr Parliunent, the SonatoiH wi re determined to fight out th-- bill to tho bitter end. At fi o'clock it wan announ ed 'hit then* would be no prorogation till the fate ot' the bill was decided, ami the gu uds arid tho crowd went homo. The Senate'held nn Hltllng when mutual apologies were exchanged between the leaders Then the Ih ee- months' hoist was defeated by Jl to 7. But the bill did not get to a aecond reading It Is, however, expected that Parliament will piorog to-monow afternuin. Hie NotelluC or Itlooil Hid fn tlr IM>(\mi<1v4| London, July 20 A mob comported el p htica! oppojKMitn ol tha uovoliiit, itide.- H iggxird, the Cwinorvntivo camhdiitu Jor 1^ it Norfolk, proceeded to tho hotf in tae ^illag.) ol Btalliam, whoi-c Mr. Uiiff- ganl wa.i coiiductiiiK liii camjwiign, hi-t i veiling and aurroundod tho hoiwu. Their attitu<I h en mo io tlm^atonnig that ad ditional ix) ico wvro uinmnoiiod, and ut midnig-ht it i>vjiiuvd a hundred oi them, uith drawn cntl.uwfl, to conduct M. . Ilijrgard au<l his party Hjifoly to a moie Inundly diutrict. Or(vi ikmI in *8n*NWvlo Toronto, J*uly 22 Eaily on Slatrd'i.mornlntc Win. llnnuock, n young man w.o n^ided with lu pnroiitH at I2i IlarriH-ne etiot't, met IiIh (loath by drmv-ului? hi tho Uunihor llivor, uiKl^r tln< rallaa oridfr<>. Early in tho nwntug Iw nlnd a canow and fiaildJod np t\u) rlwr uit-r ivu-torHlioHt Ho had jtwt rotuymvl wlwii i [ mat bin death, owliwy to tl*j lUpw^tthe: ".' Mm canoo. tin. hievt- I^mlM^rM Unr*- Tilitroal, July 2k^-Ttt irttMviwhhi -Hia ii, tho fluo now Doialalon liiior, *! Hiiil (nun Liverpool 6a lUiursuny ' *^'. uud will leave MontrpaJ lor iMI luturu trip ou ABff. $0, M1C1IIGA.N UI3N'rrtAijIfcY. i Ih ni> ICi* tir^loiiH to CuniHllan Nof(li wem*, vlu Nortli lly, Fiom Kii'ioK to : Doloraino..........................$2 ltoittou............................. '2n Efltovun........................... 2B Binticarth.......................... 28 Mooiiomin.......................... iiB Kefjina........,..................... IJO Aloofiojuw ..,.,..................... .'10 Yorkton ............................ 30 Princo Alhort........................ ,'J5 Galfjary...........................35 Edmonton.......................... JO Rod Door............................ 10 m-nuoi dim: ini> Mirirn, Ticlcoto to be hoU Juno So; hrnicod to ro turn nntil Anfjaat 21, lfiOu. TickotH to Iio uold July 0, limited to ro turn until Soptomber B, 1&UJ3. Tiokots to bo uold .Taly 2-1, hmitod to re turn nntil September 22, 18D.">,--------------------- For further particularH apply to A. O. SriMi;nfl, Afjout at Euhcx, WOOD9LEE WILL NOT UJ'J UNUKltKOLI). Tin bent ot Lonthor and flmt rhimi Worlc- nianidnp. All huud work. Jjvety Ilarrif nn Hold by mo mado m Wood- nluo. My Block ol Eight and Ilciivy Jlarnoim in now comploto, and a Hphm- did wtoclt of all Homo Goodn. Itpiirui(j done promptly and chenp. WRIGHT C, SMITH, South Woodsfoo- Slulltii'oti for Ovoi* IIO Yoii^ TCi-Icd livoryUnliiir mud ICtaployod Two orTlirco Uoctot-H. A well Itnowu farmer Hiiyu; Lot 212, Thorold Towimhip, Wollttiid P. 0., "For over 30 years my wife had beon a sufferer -tona_rnoHt_ droadftil hoaflfiohoa; ufc timoa thoy woro sn had nho could neither ait or lio down but nor head tieomod an if it would tiplit. She triod oyorything sho conld hear of and was attondod by two or throo doctors, but could not find relief until wo pot Stark'H Powders for hondaoho hniouauQBB.coHtiyoncou, neuralgia and thfc Hvor. Since then nho hao boon froe from aufferiuj,', and any tendaucy to pain Stark'n Powdorn remove immediately. Thov aro tho only mcdicino bho over got that haa boon of benefit." Jonathan Page. Pnco 25a a box, 5 boxoa SI, at all msdi- cino dealen. Nice, immediate and per manent. July 2(1, COMPOUND- A recant dlncovnry ]>y an old pliynlrlaiv. Hiwccanfultu WW n\ttnthlu fcj/ thomitutti 0/ Latum, iii ^iio only norfoctlr1 niifo find reliable mudlcluo dl< CG\or il, Uewiiri) of unprincipled drURfflnts wlj otti r Inferior medirlmm In pluco of thin, Anktd Cooli'ti Cotton Hoot Compound, tola iuiauhai *!(/<, or lni lo le gi nnd 0 cent i In postufjo In lott- nnii wo will (lend, m alod, by r< turn mall. rulIaeaU, Iinrtknlaui lu plain tmvelope, to ladlel only#/ iitamin. Addrcu The Cottle Ctminaiiy, U'lndaor, Ont., Canada hold in Khiiok by all dru^sln. CALL AT "s Bazaar, , rOB ALL KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinawaro, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, -Novelties,-- Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. To Smokers To moot tbG wihIioa of their cuHtoraorn, The Geo. E. Tuckott A Son Co., Ltd,, Hamilton, Qnt r havo placod upon tho market A Combination Plu of f Effectual, Charlea J. Booth, Ohvowood, Cal., Hayu : "I havo used Ayor'a Pilla in my family for several yeara, and havo alwayn found thorn mot effootual m the relief of ailmooto arising from a difiordor- od ntomaoh, torpid hvor, and conntipated bowoln. Hot woutbor proves deprefituu^ to thoso whoso blood :u poor. SuoU people itliould onrich their blood with Hood'a SarHupanlla. PAN-AM1SRICAN COKGltESS Ol IKolI^lon nnd ICdncntloii ut Toron to Out. > an July IStli lo 25th. RateH for above oaoamou from Eqioi, via St. Thomau aud C. P. B or Hacoravillo and G. T. It., 87.CO, via. Niu|;ara-on-tho- Lako and Htoiitnor, $8.2u. Tiohoto old July 17th, 18th and 10th limited to coutinuoun paaango in each di rection. Good KuiK on dato afcamped on back by nolhng iiRont, nnd flood rottirninfi on dato stumpod on back by apont at To- irouto, but will aot ho /rood for rotarninfi aftor July Ulwt. Not ^ood on limited trainu. For furthor partioulara apply to 0. W. Ruciqi-ih, ,G. P AT. Apt., Chicago, John G. IiAVRN, P. A^t., St. Thomao, or A, O. STiujino, Acont, Eofiox. "T & B." SMOKING TOBACCO Thin supplies a long folfc want, giv ing Llio consumer ono 20 confc plug, or a 10 cent piece, or a 5 cent piooo ol the famous ""li* & tH""1* brand of pmo Virginia Tobacco. Tlio tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. Webster's International Dictionary \ Invnhmhle in Office,School,nnd Homo', New from Covor to Cover Sucrpimrafthr " Unabridged." Stimitiurtnf tho V -i W\ I V. 8. (Jov'fc l'llno JnprOmec.thoU s. BuiirLiniiCouilaiiil of nc.irlv all thu Hchoolhoolts. IVnrmly com- mundi'd ny Stato Bnpurintrndoiitfi of BrhoolH, anil other Educatortt ul- jnouc without ntnuj lior, Tho Ono Oroat Standard Authority, Ho wrlti w Hon. 3>. J. Jirtwor, Jiiatlco U. fl. Bui>n mu C ourL A Colic (ro Prcflldmit xvrltoH: "For "<>ano with wlilcH Iho oyo flndn tho " word noiiKht, for nt'eiiracy ot dolhil* "llun, fur 4iitict;lv mothodu Jn hidl- "4.itlii|? pronuiiclutioii, for t^Tflo yet (*c inijiri-IioiiHlvo ntntimioiittt t*i fnotfli "i*ii'l f>' praotlciil into itn a M'orkl(j "dliii >:mx,v, 'Wl>ier' Intofnatloual' " i xrclM any othor slnglo volnnie." C. .t- C. MKTZlirAM CO., Publisher, tipriugfltild, lifns!;., U.S.A. air Pniiil to tlin puhlliiliom fnr trt n pHinrhlpf uv~noiuitljuyulio ip rcprliiitiot nm,iL.iit uUlUonit* STILL LEADING the trade in all kinda of Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Dooi'q, Sash, Chestnut Coal. miRrv.toiVv WINDMILLS. ViQ nro Solo Afiontii in tho County for T3E3C3E3 A.JE3lRLl!&0*Fz>-tti, Of Chicago, whloli took HialiORb Awardu at tho World'H Fair. Can furnish oithor Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prfceg. A written guarantoo with ovory Outfit. Laing Bros., Essex. y tea I*1* ii i,i j* '^ *'\bu Oj ^MMUmMk^ MmM^A^ 1 74248025

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