Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 26, 1895, page 2

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*4:i'T.' ' 'W1tW,ii,l ^" ^^p^^v^r^"^ -arte JEwXl FREE PRiiSh -XI IK pit1' ESSEX FREE PRESS uaacnnc. oiri*. Published Every Friday Morning rom*tho oilioo on Talbot Hired, noxt Diuuttati Jiluulc. f Spooiut attention in paid to tho publica tion of tnattut of loual importance, uauir- atoaud ruliabln roportn or Town, iiuijjlibor- inf, Township and County Council procuiul- !nytfr local mul oounty marknt roportti, etc, thocarofU' and jwlioioun jniiniif^.nniiit of Tub Vi\)zk PniiHH, with roiipuct to tlirtin and ofchorouftont mat torn of local important", huu^tvouit awkhmprouil prnRti^n in the eontro of Khhox oouhty,which in ri-'cn^iiizud ua flno of tlio IjuhL agricultural diiitnutti in Ontario. Tin; Fiikj; J.'iuchh in tlm only . medium oiroulatinj; thoroughly in Huh coulrul porfciou of tlm County, and in con- W-'quoutiy .without doubt,thu only thorotu'h adVortiHiiig rrimliiihi 1'or hiiHino.Hit |u-oplo ; wIhIuhk to roach tliuL cI-lmi nf ciiMoiiu'rii. COIlIti:l'C>N'll^TK. Our columim aro ulwayn opon for tho poacoublo dinuuiiniou of matters pertuhiinu K) tho pulilio welfare. Ablo oorroHpoudontH in all tho nun-omul. li JooalHIeii fiiniinh reliable ruportu nt ovontu of intoroiit, occurring in thairHovinar, BT)bcron; and tho puljlitihor m iit.FiJJJ'fv^ fclousiod to recolvo inti'foi'tin" Jf" L",' totiona. jjmcwiird contn- All ooinmnnicat^^Br- i hikluntial uabJBF" of a I'nvuto and tliooutHidjjP^-loll hli M "l;ula'(i Tof thu cnvelopn. fiUllflCllIi'TlOX VUici:. 31.00 por iiiinum, Htriotly in, udva net-, ..60por annum if not ho paid; aim all . rrcaiM charged at that rate. AbVKHTIHKMKNTH. TraiiHiont legal and municipal miwr.. **" tifinniGiitH, noticeu, otc, eliar^cil at lie rato of ton ci:ntn per line, for firut uuortiou, and livo centu por line ot oaoh [lubHerpiont inHortinn. All iiuch dvortiuomontu aro measured by u Rcalo of wolvo hnon to thu inch. Local roudniK and otlu-r nolicon pub- Honed amon(* local now* matter charged at the vato of ton conta pur runuiuj; lino for oaob innortioh. All noticeu of church or nccioty enter- trtinmentii of any description, at which an adm Union fee in charged, aro regarded an __^^adKiirtiHemciltHi aiidjjill advortiHintf niton ohnrtfcd in all aiiuli caHOH. "NoticcH ofRothr orintfi! r meaning not for pecuniary bouc- fit or aid, will bo ohuerfully puhlitthod froo <J charge. Special contract niton mado for ilinplay or Btanding advtHr All le^al or profession, al canln under one incli, %~i por annum, .ion oh cOM.vrr.uaAi, rniNTisa. Tho l^nni: I'iikbh .lob Printiim Oo- pnrtmont is under tho otiporviHiou of thoroughly- compoten.t inechaniCH, and upocial attention in paid to Huh branch" of. tho tradu. Our facilities foYtUo execution of all kinds of Book and Fino Job Printing aro unexcelled; Btoam power preHHOo. A call aolioited. HOHINKSB HKOULATIONH. All Job Printing and Transient AdvortiHint: accountfi, utrictly canli. Advortiaint* accounts with regular piitrona aro sottlnd quarterly. Sub- Boriptiorjfl duo m advance. No uubacription to tho Fkeii Piu:bh, or advortiBemout publinhed in it3 columiiH Will bo diHcontinuod until all arrears aro paid in full. Changes for adyertiHomontH, to seenro InBortion in tho current iunuo, munt bo banded in not Jitter than noon of tlio Tuuh- dlay preceding, and notice of kuoIi intend ed change ia required on tho Monday pro- ceding. Notico of diHContinuance of auvouiao- montH muat bo |*ivon at least one week in advance of tho Jamie in which they aro domrod to laht appear. AnvititTiaicits, BubfloriberH and patrons generally are jjoquoflted to read tho abovo regulations ciarofully, in order that confutiiou may bo avoided, an they will in all cahen be adhered to. AddreHH all cooauuunicittioua to 15. J. LOVIILAOl!. Publlflbor the Kubi:x Fhkk Phickh, Kiiiiox, Out I Rich Red Blood .:.______Irt_._t!m. Ffnindiitlon or tho Wondurful Cure.') by r RAIN AGE -B-LA W No. 83 A in '.i u in the larsaparilla That Is Why tho emeu by lloml'a BatHaparllla aro Ci;ukm. That fo Why HoodVi ParsapnHIla jionitivoly doi'M euro tho Buvorest tnnv.n of Scrofula. Suit Ulicmm and all otlior blood (liaoascs, even vhen all otlin"/ jircparations and presfirlptlons fail/ That i3 Why Uo teHtlm^^inia ]n behalf of Hood's Sar^pftr'dla aro colid facta", and will flftand Iho cloiiust iuveutiffft'Jun. ^*s That IS Wj^y tlio pooplo.liavocon- fldcucoit^flond'H .Sar.suiHU'illa, and ^"ojSp^fhftt whatever nppoura Iu ita Jifilvcrtlsinff h utrictly true. That ie Why Hood's Pawnparllla |fltrc)cu^iii7.od by nil as <ho fitandard buildihtf-up modklno. That Is V/hy it ovonomea Tliat Tipfl' l'uolln^, jrivca cmrgy in place [of (.-xhauHtion, lifo Instead of languor. That Is Why tn sales of Jlood'a 'Sarsaparilla liavo lucroased year after !year, whilo other preparation* oficss merit bavo come, bold a Uttlo tern- pornry.favyr, and aro heard of no more. That Is Why Hood'a Sarnaparilla vequiroa for ita production Uio' lurgust Ijaboratory in thu \voild. That 18 Why It in a truo non-o tonio, cur38 narvousnoss by fooding' tlio nervos jx\ puro blood, and builda up all tho orn ns and tidouoa of tho body. That ia Why Itf ood's SarsaparJBIa I Bs the Only True B!ood Purifier \W lo provido for drainiiun work in tho Towin*bil) of 6'oleln'nb-r Nortl......... - 'hilup i)f Colehctiter North in thu Comity of Hhm'.\ and fur hnrr-jwinj.; om ilm i,t of tint MiniKdpalit.v of (Imilb.Ul North tho mini of Thmt llumlrt'd und .Eii.'bi y dollavu ami Koventy contn, tho proportion I" ho eontrihutf il by u\u<\ M-.ihi- . ity for uomplittiiifj thu mime. " rrovinioimlly aioptud the '.!l>lli day of Juno, IHHo, ' An tlio (,'mmoll or tlm Tcnviodilii of CnMuudor Novlh |ini..iiiiiit. In Mm \ rnvinUnin or tli \c(. piiil, ami a putiLion piniiontrd Lo imid Ooiuicll Iimn yirornvcd uti < sen jit i i ml. Ujii lo Ij< oitrmn H. Iniird, 1'. Ji. H. bnlni.' it puriiriii noiilpdlMiL fnrmn:]i |iiiri>(in, ot iho im\n tu(|>mi- Iniliind by tbo n-palr ofYhiyrtnrllniiiflh drutii and tlm nnuiuttiiujioj.l(jd Imtlm dndnaifti ml or ntluiv ItMi'lM and r'auhi HaMd U> lunioHwnunit umlov tlm* Act, ml ban ului pvrjitiirinl :llli:atl(Hiii, and mthnnJ.Mfi (if Lin. dniiiiiiiin wirU tolm mndc l-y tlit iialtl .luiiiini l\. hmrd, 'lUMMiniiiit in l,ii iniiilii by 11 * in oUitht) liuidH mill i-i)inlii to l.d ln'iir UM<1 by imcli (lniliuic(i lof other la ud-t find rmidii liahlo ("or contrlbutlun I hrmto ,M,i..tlu(^ i'. imn.rly mi Intuitu Mm iii (if limiflVi, Oiitlul. lliibllity. ami hiluriiic liability wliicli in lin npiuion v.lll hi. ilt-vivi'd ri'd In coniKifii'j .me of iiimh (|raina(<it work by nvM'v rend <t In or .oitlou ot loi, I lie nu|d ..nil. hd mud*: "iMilliK tho iiiUHJilniiioiit liorclliliftol' by llil.i li\-!nw i M.'Usti-d to In: in;Mjt->. it and ......... ipuu t,lui Vdinhiand lot ( nr purbi ol InLii borfilniiltor in Hint. r. l.i.lf 11-f'inlly rot tort 11 iu.<l di):.i:n. 'il, .n.l't.lio rm ort of thu iinld Juiiicti S. I.nird in V(!]Hir.l. tlmrt-i I' mid rl t.ln< mild dinlmi[;o work arit.'r biiliiiJ.miiomlnd by thi' ordnr rtl tlm rcfurno, and wi'Jt tint uoimlmiI. of thu Hind .buinm S. J.uird Vhi|[ an follOwH : 'l'o I'.'.'m liiiuvn and Municipal Cliniimilloi'ii "f Mm 'I'owunhfp of Colcli"(lt.(l" Nm til 111 (.lolllicil ii'istjill- -"hhid: / (ir.NTi.i:Mi::.-, iIiliico with inMriictlMin frnin your honovablo body iud mi: under n pnli- tlou from .hilni A. Thuum'i mid (itlii-ni wlu-ndiy 1 wan illrmddd to innKo no oxniniiiatifjii of tint Hoydor Itmncli J J rain in your lowiudilp wiMi a \-\uw to imorovn It tind provide a utid'udont mid inniior oiitliit to convoy tlio water bvnupht down Irom tlio hlnhov buirln U> tho tmut in Mm toun- tthlitii of (imiltold Hmith and (loutlold North and t inruvmiL thmn from oynr (Uiwlnr: tiud ilinna.i- inK MiO btiidH tuljimnrit to tint naid drain in your towniibiii, I have niiido tbo i-ij([ulr(jtl oxntnhia- tiuiii und ronoit thoron im foil own: I I had tlnit Mm mud drnin in vnfv much hi nrtad of iniproviimniit. In nouie phicon it. hi crtmtly obi'.truetod wltb Uniii, bruidi. and nihbbdi of (urcry limmnpUoii. fn citlinr idnecu il, ini-eiirly lllloil ' ni> with tin ml find nth or undliiKint whifih urn brought diwn from tlm liluh"'i' landn to tho (taut In tho mild tmviMiliipii 'f (Joidlnhl Hon Mi and <huilhtld North. I nlnn II ml tliu.t the nul'l drain In V I inn. iiimlo od In t linn plain a mi - WOli l>rot or li.. a!llli:r l.ivii S3 Short JournoyH on *t tjoutx Road., Trt tho cliarautorintio titlo of a profuaoly 11- hiHtrated booUeontaiidnu ovnrono hundred pa^cm of oharmiiudy wriUnn doMoriptionH of Mtiinnitr rouortu in thu ooiintry north and wtml of Ohioutlft. 'f.'lwi rnadni^' rrutttor m now, thu llliiutriLt,ionn aro nmy, and tbo in* formal iop tliorcip will bo now to ulmout iivoryonu. A oopy of "Bhort dnumuyF. on a Ijoij{.', Uoad" will ho tientJfree-to anyoho who will nnohm"-toucbnU_(^e) ..Gi:'J_ II. TIk-utoiui, Clonoral Pahiionjjof Ajjonfc Oldcia^o, Alilv/iitikoa & fit. Paul Ttuilway, Chioufjo, III. Prominently In tho public oyo today; Bo uuro to ijot Hood'a and only Hood's. Ib ont of or- dor If you hnvft bitter taBto, ottcn- ulvo broath, Blckhcadaoho, slight fovor, Weight or fnll- ncfjfi In tho U t o m a c h, fc**rtbum, or nunsea, Hood'a Pilla rouao tho llvor, coro billounnenn, routoro propor digetitlon, oipel accarnulatod impnrltleii, curoconnupatlon. 25contH. Proparod only by C, I. Hood &, Co., Lowoll, Mqbb, U. B. A. tiii: it ili >m: <;avi niv A IlulYnlo Wiinmii I'.iM . IM) IV.l Into lh VI r-i C. ir-tv, Xl.-i^uiu Pall-', duly ^l.-.MrK. Chirlfia Onihm of JUill'iil i J'.*.| ..vt-r lh- hiwh bunk on the C;m;idl n s d.- In ir-nt of the Clifton Id U:.. ; ho'.;. \.\: > i.*.-io-k Saturday afii.Tnoitii. M r.-. fJr;ilim ranu down tfV a d:iy'.> iiulhui o i.; i Ik nil-! \v AIM' - ui'i b--r .' V. ,'IH COPYRIGHTS CAN I ORTA1N A PATENT? ...... Rromnt nnowor mid on honest, 0[>iniijn, wrltu to 1UNN to CO.. who bavolmu nearly IiriyTcurtj' oxporienco In tlio pntcnt bu.Hinuiiti. Coiiiimiiile;i- tlonautrictlycnniuiL-iithii. a Ilanilhoolt ut In. 4 formation concorninir I'ntintH whI how to ou- tala thom oiint fro. AIho ii cutiilnuuo Of muclnui- Jciil and nclontltlo ho()ltn Hunt trisu, 1'atontn tiilton thnnndi. Munn & Co. rocelvo Mioclnl notico In Mm Kr;inllllc Amorlrnn. and tiniB nro broiipht widely butorutlio iniuiicvuii- out cniit to tlio Inventor. Thin mileniiid paper, iBHUOd WOOkly. oleuiiiuly lllui't miod. linn by far 11m ZarcQflt olruiilution of any ucniiiutic wurit in the world. Sit ft yenr. Bnmiilo cnnieUBOiitfrco. JJulldlng Kuittou, monthly, *2,r(tyenr. hiiikIg soplos, ISocontB, iBvery numhfir cnntnina bunu- ttful ulnton, In colore, ami idiot ocniplm of new >ioutiOi),wlth.planD, onublinu nuil'iei.'.' to show thu JIUUHOH, WIH1 (IOIUU, miiiuiiiiK uun-.t..'. mniimi liLtfiHR (IpuIltih and Bucuro enntmot". Artdron! JAVti.i & CO.T Wkw York. IW\ Piiuaow "A OWAY th coinpanifMi by M is. ', 1 ;;.M N.rth 1 ivl.-:on-. t d;Lii).;bl'-r Ii'i-ii'-. '1') < In^ ;-r._in; tin- i of U.....l."tr:t ir'-n railing that -K"i point Ui;i L b; .'.i I duini- sho r.-arlp-d ; vii;.- |.i [di:K* a bunch Tin- i ;i I llnj; 77:1 Vi- w :\ripitai-fl 1 no fof b 1 '\v Inn J In - ri'fuHc ibit .hi.1- lo 11 Liiro^vfi bank. \-".v- ry'.-ody ox i>-ct"d had Ik-, n killed, but wIi-mi i h X'o. lltlu wa'U- ih 'dn.' '. a, l. [ n 1 v::i ; , ai. ie liinli. ci./t..:, l! - s.. ;i iiL;h li at :!n^ n lit-r. !>'s. 1 in! :-h'.- w:is |d'i'- 11 on .' ViT 1 hat; r--s- t-'uinK i>!irty f-aohi-.l h-r .It \v.< 5 -et-n that Nh-- lo'i'ath-'d, iitid y\u- wan taU--n to tin- .M;ild of tlie Ml-;t dook an. h-up tho roadway th'To to tho I'arhsidr- Inn, in-ar tho t'll'i't'.n l!nu:-*r, ; nd a physiolan uinniom-(l. Il.'iv n\\>- irpain ft t-m-' Kolniianc'ss, tnojiili-i'd wbat liad h i^u n-M" to h'T, :i nd oi >in pi lined in no 1 a' Iht bii.k. I\1:-h. CJrahm weighs noavi> 'KtO pound.1", and 1h ,t0 oi1 -IR yfcara of npi:. Up lb. Hh. PALAcc sr^AMUns. tow fiatbo. CLEVELAND, *u m m P5TTSBURQ, ^ ^ m n d BUFFALO and ALL. POINTS CAST HVBfiY DVHNIHQ OHTWOnH " DETROIT ^.CLEWEUND . Coimectlntf wlth earliest traimi at Cleveland for nil points Enst, South aud Southwest. B4inJayTrlpsJunB, July. Auouot and CcptomUor Only Houm TliW'Mi WMK Barwftvn TOLEDO, DETROIT # ^ETOSKBY, THB ".SOO," MAttQUETTG, AND DULUTH. ' -" ho new nteel pitiaeagcr stcamerfl have just t."* built for our Uppet Lalcc Uoute, coannff ,100 each. Send for illustrated pamphlet. >sa, A. A. OHANT3I, Q. f. * v. * DMTHOIT. I/IOH. JMiLdfj iii tint world Tor youiut loon mid Wfiiiion to nnciiri) u JhiidiKJiM !",dtti!Utlon,Hlioitb!ind,('to., in tlio Dotrolt Huiiimmu b'nlvi-ridty. I)o- tioit, Mlidi, IlliinLmludoatiLlonuo I")'ou. Itftf(irinn iMi: AM Dotvoit, \V. F. JlWVKhh, I'ron. J. It, HPKNCKU, Huij'y. now too nam inwinimpn m ' ' """ 1 too imiall to noiitahi thu wuUr that in hroii|(ht i'do It froiu tbo mud landn to Mm uiuil, Tlm pm-- ! pound drniini|;ii wnrlin will comimoiun nix vo hi wont of Mm wiwt :ddn -if tlm I own linn hi>('.\imn (Ion- j hold North and Colchimtiir N -vth nml oxtniid WOiitnrly aloui; tbo old Hnyd' r Unuiidi driiiu, n din- I iiirni i-<i'i t.i it..1, v...-'........... . r,............ ^ ._ . tatico of IHIOroibi. I bavn biniod tho rupnrt and iiiiiioii.)iuoii.t. und niiiib'inv plmui, piollb'ii. nud . mmidtloatioiiii on tlm prciiimt. oxintini! Hlatu of ilralnn an bi.lwiiioi CoUdmfjtrr North mid (ioid\cld ! .'....... .... .1 ..I..., 1.. ..],..., ... Ilwi t- .. t\ ,,..11 .. 1,1 V .... I 1......1 .... 1 1. .. nix lodii hiiiiitidiiitnly went of Mm t-nli r lll.v^lf11[)tliLJJI.,..tilLiMJ I'.nun 111,, ,'i'iu t" /i 1 ,,u ^111 . i:il .li.| mi - iikj nim V^>\1MJIJ'. ill* aro to Ijo loll, by Uin work tho nunm uu tlioy aro no an Lo net an a barrior mid provcut the wntc from (Ifiidlohl North tirosidim iulo Oohdiont^r North In n croatcr volunni Main at prciiftnt. 'I'ho Hnydor liraiicb drain imiH noroE'ii Intn, mnnhor!* Ill, J'l, P,i, ]M, ami unit of I? [11 th: nil ooimonsioii ol (Nilehniitur North, nour.Hni contro of said concdtifiion. Tlioro U nb-.o a Im-^n dnon on tho rond nllowant:f 11 on h f:f luiirl '.itli couciMtiiloii avid a ninalh-r unn on the hont.h end of I In; Hiii'l '.1 tli mnoousion wliicli draiuM tlm north und noiith finhi of tbo si ml tab coiKM-hnion lot'* no tloit ^ . _______ . ... ..... 1.... . 1.1" .. .. _.......1.: ..1. ________.1.] 1 .. . 1:......1.. 1 .......'. . . .1 1... 11.....1. > . 1........ . 1 . .11 1. Your Liver tlioro in only id 101 It !'-! "> aurtnt v.bii.di u'oulil bo dhvetly hotmlittiMl by tbo chulidMH out of mild tlr.iiii i altio found that part id tho watnr from 717 iicr'tii in tbo tuwnship of Montlold South vould find it i. way into tho mud Knydor pramdi drain by ionium of nrtillolul drain it constructed Wy tlmnhnvo nintiod towindiipn nf fionthdd North and Mosllnld Honth. I ulno found Mint par', of thu wutnr rroni M115 ncroii in tlm TowiiHbip "T (lot-lhdd North would liiul Hi; way into f.aid drain by of artillclal draiini eountnictud ly tlm towmdiip of Mout.oUl North und obi Mo-ilbdd. I uhio frmud that somii of tbo wi.tor from '2:\2\ ucrofl in tho towntthip of Colclioiitor North would llml i h; wit.y into raid dm in by moiiim of iirtitlrlnl dniiiiMooiiHtruotod by tho town'ibipn of ftoiintdd North, old (ioiiikdd and Cchdomtfir Nor!,h. Tlio wabir from tho iimutiniiod -JiaI ihtl-ii would only i.-ntor until driiili noiir itu wont oud. Tbo inihl Unyilor drain in now Hbont Im foot, wido nt tbo top and only for thu wattu that in now broupjit down by tlm nai.1 arr.iiiciul draitn* in tlm townnliipn ol (loV tlnld North und MoidW'kl Eolith a lo'x-foot drain would hi: i-ullleiont tor the littntfl hi t ulolunitor North und tho ilrnlu Mint in Micro now in ninro than fciilllcicnt for tlm bmdn in Colcliontor North. On iictioitiii. of thu larrjti body of water bmucht down by tlm aid iirtilbnnl drairni from tho Inndn of (rohllold North anil Gouflohl Houth ami cruHiiint,' thfl townlino at tho Hiilil Hnj dor hranoii t-ront- ly daiii.L(;o. tho land adjaoont to tbo Knydor liraiioh at ovory froshot and in noun,! fnmlu:tn tho bun hi aloun tho drain aro complnt<dy nuhmorj.;od. I bavo thuroforu ohiir;,'od till tho Iambi from which wtilnr in by any iimaim cautioil to How and duni'i["t) tbo landn In Cnlolmiitor North with a junt idiuro of tlio rout or cuu^triictiiii: tho drain to carry tbo wutnr on loan outlnt und provL-ni: Thu liuidn iu tho townidiiii of (loutlold North I bavo hhhohhuiI w ijill 111 11; mill! n||)[|in iiriincli drain. The cosd, of cloiniilii! out naid drain und liuttini; it in a proper Htiita of repair, all uxpuiiiioh iiichnUid, I find to bo r'jl bftO.. Thiu.drain filial 1 Im knot hi ropair by n tax on tho laudii jLinl routhi in tbo khiiiu umnnur an now unno:inod oxcopt tho Knjjiuoti in ctiur^o of tlio rnpalrn docniH it tiocoHiiary to ohuniioimid proportion on nooount of tbo ohaiifjud Hvntt'Ui of (Iruiuir-ju. I hiiYt) tho honor to bo j;oiitlonion, Your oliudijiit nnrvant, ~----------- (Hlfaind) .IAMKH K. r,AIKI), P. L, S Kft'IiOX, .TllllO "2-1, 1K)I.' i.iiKiiiiui "umi.nn. j/aiki/, l. Jj, n And Wiikukah tho said council nro of opinion that tbo rinuniiKo of tho aroa doiicribod in dof.lrn.libi, Tbtiroforo tho mild inuuioipfLl council of thoimid towrotldp of (ionilchl North, purntnuit to tho provinionii of tho Drnhiiifm Aot of lli'JI. onaotn an foliowh ; Int. Tho iiaid ivport.phnitf, apociiications, aanunnnioiitn and rt ininton, no far nn thoy rolulo to Mm towiihhip of fiu-dlold North, am Imreby adopted und tbo draiimi^i work a:i thoroln iudlcatud and not forth nhail bo mado ami coniitriifittnl in acoordanoo thorowith. . ^nd. Tho Koovii of tbo naid Towniihip may borrow on tbo orodit of tho corporation of tlm fiu'iil towonhip of f'iofdloM North tbo uuni of Thrco Hundrod und Ki^lity-two dollaru und fcovtaity rontii, boitij" said irituikdpalUy'H TU'oportion of tho fundii iiucuiitiary for tho work and may inimo doboiittiitMi of tlm oorporntioii tu that fiuiotnit in unnni of not, Icuii thuii .*50 inicli, and puyablu within two ymnn from tho dato tlmroof with intorostat tho rato of tlvo por centum por annum. that in to nay Jn two 0([nal anuiiul hmtulmontn, tiuoh dobonturoH to ho pnyatdo at tlio uconoy of tbo Imperial Ihinlt at tlio Town of .lOi.tiuA and to bavo attach od to them con poo n for tho payment of intoroHt. i ] 1 Lin \'n L, .IJrd. J'"or payinji Mm mini of .*:i77.RlI. tho amount uharfiod a(juin^t s.iid landu innL.rnadfi for in juring liiihili.ry. iipurt. from hui'iH and rftariu>Qlau#iuM^T-<^-(W>iUMUiuU>^ lor coVisiduK iutoront thereon for two yarn fit tho rati;'of livo pot' coiituui pur anmilii tlm follow inn total Hpi-ciul ovfir and abovo all otuor raton nhull bo innjiwiuil. lovmd, and oolloctorl) up on mid iium tho undoriuiMitir.iuMl lotu and partH of lota ami roudn and' tho uinnnnt -if tho naid total Kpetdal niton ami iiitovebt a^atntit Oach lot or part of lot ronpoctivuly sluill bo d;vidml into two oquul pnrt.s.and one Hindi jiart nhull bo aHmififiod,' loviod and oolluutod uu aforoH.^ii in filch yoar for two yciir.i aftor tho litnil juifirihif* of thin by-law -dunuu-whtcU, thc.iiuid dobci: nrmi bavo tojruu.- Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bath Soaps,B^th Brushes KEEP KOO! I with our Fans. G. A. SHERRIN, Essex Medical MalL THE AMERICAN HOTEfc Essox, - Ontario. *i7i o. IjUok. rnoritiKTou, uab dei J J. thorouHhly paUitod ana rul,ioniBlla(X' with now (uruiturol./ Mm pr,lK,mt pruprloton TiilUllfi UAllM IMrONMI'.O'llON. yirot-Olanii Aijcoimidiitloii fluarutitiioil In ordoi-H. I^olmilvo ton-|U,ry and Hlarnltor to whom or part ihn n!:(,,iM: Wrllo mi ------ iVKj.'.p; .... Wiau.N<i'j;ON. ,,,,, , Jlf.'ud olhcnVi'orotito.Ont. 'tlSf;, !'r,!,r7 '" ,';,Lim'1'1 '-in1!toV|u, ii-:im BSSEX d Moat Modern and pro^r^sive For t:(Wfilui;iic or Information wrllo to 'Villi MAliLIN FlUia"7rovT5~CO., New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FiVE Y^ARS 5 AKING WDE THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest Sas-e in Canada. . Has Just 'Received Tho Finest ant! . Best Assorlmenf of Boots mti Shoes In Essex, GL'eat Valium in Men's Shofr, and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoos and Oxfords. The Cheapest in tin* Land, Call and Eqamlno and he Con vinced for yourselves- Jeis- Douglas, si^n of uio <;o!<ioii ieof>f, Whitney Block Ena^y ESSEX Hotter Uith, TAMKh NAYLOU *nico(i tniii ojiiiommity 0| aniioinicni-: ' fin poo'ido cf tho Town anil County of Kanox, that ho him rooiodnlod thoEn- iiox Kollor Milhi aocordlnu to phiriB nroparodhy It. N. t'rico, Ht. Tboinan, arid ban aliio ftoourod tho iiorvlotni of Kour.iiT tiTHAoiiAN, an o.\poei* oncotl and thoroii(;tily oomi'Ototit uiillor. Thanltiiif,' tho pooplo nf tho town and oounty for tbo pntroiiaiio lo-stowod upon him in tho puftt, will Kuarutitcu iiiLiisfaction Jn tlm fnturo. Gristing and Chopping a Specialtv. TIIK UKHT oitAUKS OF ri^OUlt, IiTlED AND COHNSIKATj. KKI'T rN"HTOCKANl> SOEiD AT KK1UT P11IOEH. Gosh^Paidfor-W-heat andOats^ Schedule of IuikIh ufhohuhI in Goutiold North for tbo Drain in ColcliOHlm- North. repair of thi_ Kii'vder linniuli CJ Q H T U sin n>i; ** ' on> utnn:. Itiinird UU l-:ui|>< . v -> ISuru imi Tlii'ti lc 11 In-rule 1 j ,';/.ai io(l El! m si-1!. St. Catharine;!. Ont.. July 21. A barn belomiiiK to St.-wart Jones, ;t eohii-fj t'lLi'irrr of (Iran t ham Township, v a bunn-.ldn Katurday nlfjht about tniU- nltjlit, and about $500 iluuviy cl,nio Lo th' barn and contents. Tho the w.lB of tneondlary origin, and Is uuo, oaod to h:ive btrt-n uauscd by a rolor^l man named I-IoKan, formerly empteyM by Join-s, who haa tli.^appeared an J la supposed to havii uoimnlttud sulfide by Jumping Into tho now cnnnl. lie lins a peoullar walk, and bis font^teiv w r,.> traeed from the barn to the caiiul bank, where his hat, stick, vest and were- found. A party have boon dniKKlriK the lovi.-l all day, LiylnK to llnd the body, bin .-o far without :*uc- eesa. Hoean was .70 years old. BUi u;i> viiiiih: rj avim. tmuHT, .1 \ f> uu illnti B.o.i-.. []|s ljn> Try I lie to rrlirliifti n <v,i:ipnhitM, Niagara, July 21. A sad affair took place near Blx-Mlle Croi k Horn- time evening. In which a yuun iiiii.ii named GoorKU K. Uodgeru Iomi his ISf'j whllo playliiK a praetlcal joke u*i an Italian namid JJe.mlr.lolt, en p'e*yed \,y Mr, Frank Havens aw a faun "hand. The two ynunR- men wore coekhi '. hoy, when Rodgi.-rs left iho held, an I, k -us" to the house, /eiurn* d wlt'i a :-heet, Intending to iViKliten tho Ualltm, who hat* a mortal four oi' primsi?. J-:nv lop ing hlmHOlf In the Hbeet, n - hi 1 behind a cook of \t\y, and uu t|i.: Jtillan i Ji:..i* along suUilonly .sprang-up bet'ori .!;. m. Tho Italian,-holns i.e'rly fr'ghten.M to doath, ai'Lekly :tlirut bin pltehforH nt i Hoilgers"oyo, fnilh-t'.n-r 1 ...I itl - I*^: which ho tiled almoHL immeditLtoly. .Nothing haa aa VQt beon dpno \nl\\ tho ItuUan.. .'.,.... ... o -1 2l'il h pt *ill 1 h w pt >i\! s pt >'>'> u e pt 2li-" U Vi J't m pt 2li I A Wh* 'Jlili m'pt n 'J(ilj nuft 'il'ili n e pt 2oii n w cor you 4 ai;7 n h a -.17 h I 2i)rt u 1 n c j 2tiH u w j 2i;h h 4 ii'tH w A n o 4 ^tl'J n 4" ni) i, "j ' ^70 h 4 271 ii o pt 271 hi- pt 271 n m pt 27 I n w pt 471 h w 1 272 w A n .J "I'l s aul o pt 27:1 u .J 27:i w pt 27;* in pt 271 n pt 'J7I h pt 27-"> (.- 21 <i w i 271', 0 pt 270 in [tt ^ 2711 'fit n w pt 277o pt. J77 w pt o pt 277 w \ w 4 277 o A w 4 27M o k 27* w 4 27!l nt[ 27H n w J- 27W b pt 2HD n A 280 0 h 2HI fi [it li e | I n pt I ni j it 1 H pt 2 n pt 2 M (it. "43 o 3- a} 13 3 >, o D 3l "-1 u m <U u, > Jl O 0) o .*, o <o J: < 3 100 ol 15 11 o'J 7o Itli) 87 #^ H :i inn 10H 100 jn 08 1UU 2H . .100 100 100 100 20 10 ;io r>50 fit) 112 10(1 CO 10 i;io 70 100 100 Hi -us 11 lit I'.t no 50 100 100 so fjO 100 H7 ;io 10 3 2'i M Hi HO 100 72 2o 2-1 25 7rs 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 {JO 18J 15 .; m 20 <?:U>0 l-ii a l. 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' B That thin by-law nliaH ho publlnuod onco in ovary woolc, for four oonnQoiifclvowooka, iu ktho Eatiu'x tilivv I'UBflH, uowapapor, pnhliahod In tho Town ot Euuox, ami that thin by-law shall 00too into forco upon and after tho final pagoin theroot, and may bo oltod and roforrod to uh "rho No. ba or Snvtlor Brauoh Drulii Jttiiiairo ilyUiLw." bjoranyuoi am (Sionod) . .JOHN T.DKOWtt.Xtoovo. . , . IHAAO JACKSON. Olork, . I horoby oortify that tho foroGoliiRln a tmo copy of a by-law provlnlooally nilnjitod tho 20th. tlav of Jiuio, A.D, mlC, by thomuuiolpal oounoil 01 tho naid Townibip o( OorHoWNorth. iay IBAACUOKHON.Clork. . - NOTICE ;$ in il iiiiiiM Notloo i horoby Rivon that tho Court of Itovinion, will ho hold at tho Town Hull.Oottam, oa' Saturday, tho 27th day nf July, A. D, lBt)5,atl o'clock in tlio afternoon, for thohauvhio; und trial, of- awroaln mado aaalnst tlio abovo aBBonnmoHt, or any part theroof, hi tlio maimer provided' by tbo Drainage Aot.lSOl, and that auy porsou iutondlng to apponl a^aiiHtt tho abovo osaoaBmeubj or any part thoroof, mtint, not later tlmn ton day before tho llmo ulllxod for tho holding of eaiaj Court, iiorvo oa tho Olovu of this munloliiallty, a written uotleo orntiohaiipoal, or otherwise ho will bo too lato to bo board in that bohalf. - ',-,J And further uotioo 1h heroby (,'Ivon that atoy poracn mtonclintf to mako apiiUcntioii o haye- nuoli hy-law, or mjv part thoroof, quaahod, muno, uob lator than ton days aftor tlm ilual punning. thoroor. boVvo lOiotW In wrltini*. upon tho Heovo or othor hoad oUloor, and tiriou tho Olork ol- tho Municipality of hl Intention to make application lor that pavitoHo, to tho High Court t; Toronto, dnviuc tho nixwo'oUb noxt ouuuhiji tlio final paaulnifoftbla by-law, DatedatGoHfloldNortlUbla-UOthdayofamio, A.D.lBOtt. ; I8AA0 JAOKSON Towubbip, 01*J*.: ' . V,* ',. '- -t.'-l

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