Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 12, 1895, page 4

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& ' ' [ l"\ aw... .. .j. THE ESSfestf F'REE PRESS A. H. SGARFF & GO. Having purchaHod the atook of Groceries and Orockory from Wmv GoBnell, wo aro nd\\rm^i position to moot the wantH of the public. The stock is riew-and well assort ed, and a fow minutes with us will convince you that our Prices are Right. Goods delivered promptly to all parts of the town. Highest prices Paid for Produce. Remember the place, nexfc Medj^il Hull. -^L 3EG. Scarf"& Co* ress. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1H05. TEAT BOARD OF TRADK. SomeWly informuc! tho Finer: Pukhh il fow dayii ana tlmt tbor*) wrni in uxiutslums a charter for u Board of Trado in thia Ww/i, Ou looking into Mm mittur it in toundft.hut Bucli is tko oiiho. A ehartor warf applied lor in 181)1 itud itocurod. It coiitnina tbo naraoa of more than forty of the loading bufliuosB tnon of that timo. Wo further find that tho lawyer who aoaurod tbo char ter, advanced tho money thorofor, and ban uovor boen ru-imbnrHcd. Thorn ia tlmru- foro a bill of about 813 aainflt tho Kiiyex Board of Trado. But tho priinitry object of thin artiolo if* to flail tho ttttoutioii of tbo tiiipjjQuad Board of Trado to a noed of awaHoniiiu to tho reqinromonia of tho hour. A livo body of prOL[roriHivo buiiinoHw mon of any town oun do miioli to ^uido tbo doliboriitionn of tho town oonnciln in raaUurflJJpartaiuinglto |ita ooramoicial welfare. If tho Board of j thin "tdWrhrnHjocrr Kltvu-t-.4ta-|(imiiia.. during tbo pant fow monthft, it in altofjother liltuly tlio attanttoii of tho town souucil wouli bavo b'uon oallod to tho euaotroontflofjthe Loj^iolature at it lfmt,noHni8ii, roUtivo to a tranniont trador'H Iicouho foo. and thu mr* ohuntH would hitvo boon bettor protected apjuinut tho onuroiiohmontg of an *undumr. able aud injuriouti clu.nn of competition, aaoli an it in not to tho disarodit of any buaiuean nun to fear. Tho (town would thou bd m a posntion to'protect itft ld^iti- mato buainoau iuturontu, aud|would have a gttarautoo that auv firm caiwin^ to "tlm plato would locatt: more permanently. A t'.ood Board of Trado would ulno bo on tlio lookout for a dosirablo claim of bnnine-nfl and miinufacturiuK iutoroutH,^ audi aa tb Town of "Eshox will havo to ba ou tbn look- onb for wbcu the lumbering luduntry JruwK to a oIohu. Tbo oyou th of tho punt fow days Bhould bave the o fleet of awakening tho Board of Trado to ti hcuho of tho Hit nation. Tho Town of Ehhcs ueuda a throat many addi- tioufl in a commercial point of viow, aud tbo Board of Trade in tho proper medium through which thcae witutH ars in a moaauro HUppliod. TROUBLE AT OTTAWA. . Political excitement baa boon rnianiun high at Ottawa thiH wooli. On Monday, in tbo Houuo of Gowmoua, Mr. Foster, Finance MiniHtor, otatod to tho Houhg that no roraodial halation bill in the Man itoba aohooln would ho brought down this soanion, but that tbo Government pre ferred waiting.antii January, when an- othor aosnion of tlfio Houuo will bo called tov. If the Mauitoba Legislature take no Btopa IB tho meantime to rodrona tb.6 Ljriov. ttuooaoftho Catholic minority, thu Gov. ornmout pledge tbom^olvou to briny m a bill baoud on tbo judgment of the Vrivy -Council in thia guiiq. The action of the Government is denoun ced by tho Fronch portion of tho Ministry uu UDsatinfaotory to thorn, and it in ntutod tboy bavotoudorod their roHi^natioim. Tbo roBignationa bavo not yet boon announced in tho Hottoe, however, a rnotiow of want of oouudonco in tbo Houho made by Mr. Imurier on Tuonday, wan defeated by a vot of 111 to 72. Burtcli's Hig Show Will appear at Ebhok oh Monday, July 15 under a now wator proof oanvua. Grand Dtr'oot parado at noon, followed by u high wire aBooiaaion frem the ground to the toworiug ooatro polo poak, by Zotiquo !Ttouhc Stilt wiro walker. Two oomplete perfotbiftnaoa, aftornooh at two, Evening at oight. Tioliat wacion opeu half hour oarhor, LavRoat 25o nhow .travelling, Will pooitivoly^ippoar on date advertised, Ebb*x, Monday, July loth. Have you ooon thoHo now privato poafc oarde. ThuI'ukh Piuibb Uoopu them. X 11,001)01 hB'.t AHK.lYIOtt. 300 K/|UHrt> >UI.'s lull. I!nr<- by WImU mum* IVnu-r. St. LrmiH, July 7. Tliurnd:!y uiorniuR laHt tclc}5I'm pli i<: ri'jit/iH iM-j^aii to ar rive in tliin city <i riihin ut Wi^te ni \)fAnin. Tl\)"<i' t-i'pnrt/i !' w in iiumlM'i 1'Vidjiy find fuv<>ivd n |uj|;c territory, in- di<!atiuK that tin; niitirt' i.*iitiM'U 'wiit^r- shi-d of tlir Ildrky Mtiuiitviiiiri, frcmi tlifl N^britHku iiud h\\ii lnn^ tn Ti'.mih, wa.i Hwopt by :<. utorm. I-'ridny n!^hL tlio hc- vcrt'rit blow canii'. 1C>-|i*n-1h ui tin; hw.H of lid' and di'Hii-iHititm of pi'iH't'rty tiiiimi with ovitv tt'lfgr.'im, ;nnl Hit? downpour Wllicll \v;:s ii.t fil'Mt ii'l^.Liilfd IW it liliniil- hij^ p;rtu\ into a wave of dmvLHtfttion. Ficldn of (;rain tliat pnunii-cd tho moat boamtil'ul yield in many y^urn art' tn-day Kwept bare of vf^i-tatiun. Tn Hi-vcral in- ntanri\'( th; w:\* (f rain u't'iv ii-li'-tti'd in their work of drulructiim by turiindoi'H-, It in too t'.'irly yut to miin -H!' tin'- Ii"( .-, but the total iuus'i.. t).1 !i|iji:iiliiitf, and tliOfli' to wliiun ttn1 ;nn;ry 1'It'li'n'lit.M M|iar- wl;life lutve liith* h'ii 'tinor-'tain it. Tin* utorieH of ntcjiia arc -> similar that a 1111111111(11'v i> all tl-ort.1 is lrft to tell. The fdorm'e Ioouh pnilinuied an area nf 200 fiijuarc iude. wiili v 11 r-oiitiiw-^L- crn eorner of MinHouri an the e.;iiti'-. The i^rontcKt hwjs of lifo \n n porti'd fnnn U'iiioua, Mo., Whore It coi-jini'ii ha ve boon found and iui itiany' ni"i<' iinii-iii.t;. Baxter Hprinj^H. in Southwi'Hterii Knu- a, fivu were killed and .11 M'rinu.-dy in- jurod by a c^'t'loiu* that uri'unii'aliH'il the BtOl'HL. On"' wan drowned' at Culuml'iiH 'aiultv/'n at Ottawa, Kan, At Van lluri'ii, Ark., a wiiinan and her rhild were drowned, A fanril}' of five were nio-nii]i"d i>n the ba hhU of l;inh Creek in the Imiiiii Ter ritory. Vi'Hterilay nulliin^ of il.eiu or their lK"lr)iif^iii^H wan lound cxc-jit a part ol tlmir watfon ou a pile old rift- wood. . At Tlionnmville, Mo., where . the rain fall wan t'nnr. inches in an hour, fivelo-U their liven. Uni'o-ufirmed rejiorUi are reeidvial nf lortrt of life tin fu'.luwH : Three at Fayett - vilk, Ark.; one at I'aoli, Kan.; one at iCichardfl, Ka-t,; and nix oi a huntinsr party Ln tliu Indian Teiritmy. This KivcH a known mid prohiihle Iosh of -ID Lives, ThiH total will he ii^-rea-ed wln-n the receditie; water permitH ii thorough seaneh- The lofiri in jiropcrty can De [)lutu>d in the millions. I) we II in urn, feueen and farm biiiJdinjXH w^re t-arried off, and a wti^oii and railroad hridges swept away. Thirty of the 80 builihinfH in Winona succumbed. Five residences, a church and a warehouse went down at Jlaxter Sj)i*iujj;ti. Six bridge.-, w t-ut out in llus- sell County, K;us. About Ji.'ffcrson City, Mo., many mjua re mi lea of ^rowiiiK trruin wen; et.wred u it!i d<-tirin. Traftic on the Fort Se.,U and Momphi iCailruad in temiM-irarily suspended. Ueportn of daiaajre to jn'operty other than allow not-d eoiue from five points in iCiiiiHJifi, uhn' iji .Missoii.'i, six in Ar- kannaH and two in the Indian Territory, The fltorm iipent it-s -11" in Illinois, hut hav ing lont its foire, proved il hle.isin^ to crojwi. Tin1 above Hiiuiiiiarie.i ^ive only a IracLiou of in property. The greatest hurden falls upon the farmer^, a the hiwimui is too far Hpetit to jilaut new erojw, nnd sufferiuK muU surely fol low in thu otorniM wake. Details of in dividual mifi'eriue; and ejijieriences recall the borrorn of the Johnstown disaster, II IV M> mix 111 HMD. instlirr ^Voiiulii Vj ill I He T!ni i-.ttrct* of a lia^nline l'.\|>1oh1iiii. OhlcuK-o, July 7. llr. and Mia. Henry Ouunwulk of South Chicago were burn ed to d'-ath thks morning. Mrs. Gnnn- walk wiih K^ttlnvr ready to cook break fast when tho e;;i~sollne otove exploded ami i^.-t (ire to h<*:r dr*:HH. Her liUHbitiid, in at ternjitliig to save her had his elotn- UiK lK"lteil. The bulhlliiK tlien trail^bt Lad tiLuii"d to the ground, Mrs. Mry- rs, tin' mother, of Mrs. (.UinnwalK, wa.i tie- only (illn-r o^eupant of the. house. She \mih re^euerl from the n*.rntv-i, but is prostrated by tho rIiooIc and will die. l-i'i. rrnl Ikcitfli t i lEftittll'ieil 'U(r. ll-i.uli'ord, Out., July S.~Friday even- ii'K a 7-year-old dau^'Jib-c ol Mr. Curry, iarmer, near Horl'ord, attemiitod to llK\t the fire In tho stove with coil oil. The ol! ln the nan caught fire and ex ploder!, setting iirCj to the little frlri's olotjiing, burning her ao badly that sh<; died In a few hours. COMPOUND. Airooont AUiaovary by nnotd pliyiilclaiw tfitoooatfuVu u*eJ iAiiifea. Kii Aio only porfaot)^ finfo nnd reliable modlclno iXU oovorttl. Uowaro of unprlnclpltxl druffBlNtii' wlj olh'r Inferior mciltclnon In placo of thin. Auk ft Conlt'u Cotton Hoot f'owyouuil, i<ds* noaubt) tutr,w lnolouo$l unJ a c^utuln ponta([o in lvtt imd wd wllliioml, nealod, by roturn innll. Full neat .piirtlculard.lii plain onvclopo, to liullcn ttnly, litampn. Addr^iui 1kho Co nix: Couiiuy, . Windsor, Out,, OUUO04 Bold in ^iiuok b}|ill drWwiKtH, BATHE FOR LIFE. Two Burglars Worsted By An , Athlfltlo Prlost A LONG AND DESPERATE STRUGGLE l.i VrUtt UruUn tli Ulrti* "> MU A'H- anu >V>4 HinlilHtd' *M ** SeU unit ,rfi IW l*l n-*il'i I'lM 1.04H*t> - Mvi HtvcU' HhltMkienU. \rontn>ul, July S. -. A b'lvat Hen-nlbm Il.m lu'i-ll treated In tli-.* country t'tir - coiiihIIiik the (Ceni'nilly quiet anil [iruce- ilile village of At'ton, on tin1 (Jruiid Triinlc, loiiii' -10 uiileii cant ol tliix <"-i t y, by a iniirdcroiiH juihu ill t niiide by tvvo t ramp** wla> . itteiunb'd to brenk into the prh'Mt'H renid.MMM', K(v. Abbo Dntilly, thu vicar of tliu pnrifdi, who i a jinwi'rful ninit, rainn within ail ace ol Inning liin lif'-1 i jl terrible ejn'oiinter, which eiiih.-d in -hlw iallinf? unnntiii'.iotiH to tlie ground and re- uiainiuK fiorne bourn lu that t'onditiou. ft appeara that when the bnrglii.rn had effected uu ontranri: a liainl-to-h'a ud fijrjit ii'tiurnid lietweiMi the 'two bu,r- gla ra and the' priest. 'I'he prii'at brolie liin ril'le on hi.i ai'siiilniit.i. Then'he ' tK- ed a poKor and drove it into the nerlc ,.f thi> yiiiin^e.r hurKlar, who [ell to the ground in a enjiHun flow of blood. The tramp pulled out it dntftfi'i* and at tempted to Htab the priest, nnd in the dc^pera te Ht niggle whieh ensiled t!"' prii'tit received two Malm in the breioi, piereinK hin noutaue oliirt and ^Nipuhuy and making a nliglit wound. At thid inotnent X\u: elder' uf iW bur- gin th attached the prii'Kt with a bar of iron. The intter wired tho elder man by the throat, but both the vicar and the yaimper tramp fell ti> the flrxtr *<xh:iii(fted nid iiiieoiLei<)un. Nearly two- lnmrH af ter, when Rev. Mr. IMitilly recovered eon- Ht-ionmietio, the two tminps had diHap- leared, carrying little or nothing with them. Tho fire fiommiflHionerfl, \fesnrH. Alfred Terry aud I'J, . Poirivr, to-day received froni tlw.'ir nren*tnry the hnlf-yervrly n** pr>rt of the firi'H and kwineM during the pant nix man the. The br-i'ed amount to ^ini),-loS and i\w insurance on the pro- |H'rtien wan $701.817. InveHtigationw were hold to discover the origin of 18*1 fire* nnd .'(TO witneMHfttf were exauiiued. The following wore the live stocK shlpnienta for the pant week : Steamer Orerdan, London, 82 horsed, :tlfi" cattle, Hid Flieop ; steamer T^ilce On tario, Liverpool, !)fi hnra-', -ial cattle, 117 ftber-p ; Htenmer' Norwegian. Glafl- 1,'owV-iOO cattle ; steamer Mexico, Bris tol, 210 cattle, 80 Hheep ; tttftum-r Am- iirynthla, OIuh^ow, 8ll hoi-fieii, -tOO ca,ttle, steamer ftorma, London, SS 1ioih"s, 2'S cattle. 1-lfJO phwp ; ateamor llerrlmiin, t.oii'don. 71 horR0, H23 cnttl", 1^71 sheep ; miiklnpr a total oC 419 horses. J.'JS cattle and r.-(73 .^h-M-p. A doaputeh from Waterloo fitalea that the child ol' a I'.olRlan Carm'T nam*--* Panlel overturnffl a lamp, arid the o,ir- ;cH taking fir* nothing could be dono t' nave the farmer'n home from de struction, Fiii.stulntntf a loo of ?120f>, be- <ldOR a further sum of $150 In bank Mils. The members nf the family were "nt out of the Vioii^e with the greatest if ulfllrulty. ii in or i:i>ivu.r. in i^his 1 irccni IImII.IIii-- Uuinrd The l,<m ^KV (101), >1|lti W'^.I.OIIO liidiirilliee, Klmvale, Ont., July 7. Ah ut 1 ii'eloek Sunday inorulnK' a fli**r wan dt-> rovered In I-'urloiv^'.s liarrc-HH sliop whitdi s<n11 spri ad tu adj'i -(-u\ hull'i- iriK.s. re.suliine; In the .! nfj'uct i. -ii or Hunt's I'ot.d, Tw-^l'si Hot'-I. On lap; n':- tin :-hnp,('rnwt'ni* 1's re. irb-u.-e nnd .-hop vVhiteV dl'ie.; Ht ' 'I'f, Hl'ml T K" -= I'.-pl'iI =tore. Ma:^'ev-H.'!-rfM a-.,cn"y. Mrs. Clone's sio'm arnl >1 w *lli:in, Poojier'a .d Iw-dlln-. Hhntinj,' rirk. FdUh-'s bin.-!:- 1 LoiiiiiMiiiS Jewi-Ir1.' .s*or . laiiey's r- sld -ii'-e it.) vii-" u* stor!'. Several otli.-r htil!': ;.-;h wt-.-e lj ij'v -(.. v.ill ae;-re^:it,.- |.!>o' '. .fiO.efifi ; |n;-M!' inc- arri-d l'"f a'n:M ha'f t!il amoiir.t ; ause ol' in*-- imkn iv.'ii. su GiMiK-l- ' - <c f'*irn*ivnll. Cornwall, July s. A lire start 'ti in fjonievilh.1, a Miiburl' ->i iViruw-ill, ah<"ui 1 o'clock Sunday, and at -1 o'clock DO houses and about S'Hi p"<plo wore ren- lered lioniel--ss; The town lis without i lire appa: at us, and also lack a Hie ;-roteutlon from the wuii-rwui-Ks sys- elll. ('IfeOL diSLn-SS pll-V \]>. bill: hlld was bnrri'-d ti> ih-.i th, as far a.s -IluWII, Some buys playing In a shed In the ;-ftU)e|Ile]|l. si-t tin- Lo ttlC llUt'dlU'^. -A hl-^h wind was Idnwlne;, arid th>i llanien "oraniunleiL [ with ^jr>-:it r.Lpidiij* to i he adjoining I* mi sea, which \vnr^ nT wood, and In three hourn th-- l,,r district was a mass of smmi'dei: ii- ruins. The Cornwall fire em-flu .- in Moiittvul uiid"i-i;{iin n-pilrs. nii'l the settlement having1 no fire npi ar-itus, Ihe tire had full a -opt-, and burn il un til there was no mo;v food for tb'- flames. The Cornwall lire br'rra-i--j put all their hose on the town by.Iran:, but could not trot within t20.U root >*: tn lire. -100 Mle. S'.TiO.OrU) loin, rtohnorvill", Cab, July 7. ro yester day destroyed the pacific Lumber Com pany's plant; at Scotia. The loss wl 1 be $250,000. About 300 men will bo. thrown out of employment. A Ulllulh 'A :cro!|oimt> Duluth, July 7. The warehouse o the Union Dock Company In Lake- avejnie w.'iH destroyed by fire fit mid- nlKht, causine; a loss of over $100,001) ; the Insurance Is much loss. Hli(l<l4>ii Urn tli oC .rehn <'. I'llrti Toronto, July $. ~ Mr. John ' C. Iritch of 55 JarviH-Htreetr an old aud well-known retudont of To ronto, dropped dead at Sunny*"-!0 "" Saturday uiRht, owiiiK in ovtu'uxertiue; hiiiiBelf iiruiideavoring to catch a at feet car, Tho only Hon or the dttcoujii'd was Lt. William' Fitch of the Hoyal tireuailiorH, in thi) rebellion ol -1,^85. Tliu father ivlm vrtm* killed at tho Battle oE Itatoehi' never entirely recovered from the Vibr- row oJ Iijn nou'H doath. Tbo monument Uo orected-iii. h'ui momory U to-dny the chin! ornament of ftlotmt rieaiui.ut Ceme tery, -.,... Deceased, who wiwt a mini of eon-dder- nlvle wealth, leave** a widow and auvarul daufihtera. '. Sale! Parasols at Half Price. Hose and Gloves away Down. We want 10,000 dozen Eggs at once. - -*- Yours for Bargains, Dtr^sTii-iT BtiOaic esses:. Dry-g*oods, Groceries, ttEBBHDBBOD tanuo Hats and Oaps. When you need Clothing and Dry Goods, Hats ax^j Oaps, we handle the best makes and at the lowest prices. Our Grocery Department is always stocked with Fresh Goods. Don't fail to call on us when you need Tea and Coffee. You wiirfincT"that its Money Saved for You ! $1.00 - 20 Pounds Tea for - $1.00. Vance's Old Stand, Essex. SXZSCMM3* WE SOLD MORE P izi CQ <l 0302 . cGrtf w t) bd W bd O Bn_GGIBSAND "XAT^.O-03STS than any other maker or dealer in thoO.oiinty of Bsflex. Th&t means that our Goods and Prices ar Ri^ht. Tho celebrated Gray & Sons' Jttuggy, Chatham wagons, Plows, Culti vatora, Mowers, Binders and Agricultural Implements of every kind, we are headquarters. t> A Special. :i| ploma at world's Fair, This wagon was specially constructed of best material available an<pS will be sold at a reasonable figure. "Ill J. B. STONE, TALBOT STREET

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