pt^Sl^ R# '-i- lJbfi hCSfeiK PREE t-*RjH.trfe> THE- L ESSEX FREE PRESS ^as3c. OITT. L Published Every Friday Morning BVom.thecflloo on Talbot Btruot, uuxb' DuiiHtnii lllook. of Special attention is paid (.0 ilut publiou* tirfn of raubtor of local importunou, uoour- to and ratable report* of Town, noifdibor- ' tPfi Towuitnip and County Council prooood- totfe, local indcounty market roportH. oLo,, Itiooureia. and judioioun matm^omont of The Fhkk I^rkum, with roHpoufc tothoHO and other ourronfc mattem of local importanoo, has givau lb a wldouproad proBtitfo in tho tientro of Kbkox county,which in rdoo^niy.ud as one of tho heat tigrioultunil diHfcriofcH in Ontario., Tub tfiiKM Puuhu in tliu only medium oirouliumg thoroughly in thin Central portion of tho County, and ih con- aoquoiitfy,without doubt,Iho only thorough Advertising medium for bimmoHH ponplo wishing to roaoli that oIuhh of cuHfcomurH. aomtKHl'ONfOKMOM. Oar coluimnt aru alwayn open for tho peaceable diuoiiHHion of mattom pertaining to the puhlio wolfaro. Ablo uorronpondontH in nit tho nurronyd ' ng looaliticu furnidli roliublo tm^i^M #ToutH of intoront, occurringJnijrfirHovoru Sharon; and tho puMiiihflJfgj^at all timon eased to rocoivo intup^tiiif* ittiinH >"* *r' 'iy Jl"H(8fto forward abntri Utionn. _^0r^ JiuationH of a private and liiido'ntim mituro, uhould ho no murkud the outtddu of tho onvolopo. HU11ROUII*TIOM I'UICIS. \\ 00 par annum, Mtriotly in advunco i.f)6 por annum if not ho paid; unu all /./rear" ohuruocl at that rato. ADVliHTIHEMKMTfl. Transiont legal and municipal adver- tlHomontH, uotioou, cto., charged at tho rato of ten ocntH per liuo, for (ma iiiHortian, and ilvo oouta per lino for oooli HubHtitjuout innortinn. All audi ttdvortinomoutfi are moiuiurod by a ooalo of twolvo linoH to tho inch. Loaal roaduu! and other noticon pub- Knhod anions local tiuwa matter charged at tho rato of ton cents por running liuo for eaoh inuortion. All notiooi! of church or nooioty ontor- tainmontH of any donenptiou, at which an admiRflion foo m charged, are roijiirdod an gdvortiHumoutA.-and full advorbiiuuK ratoo dharcod iu all such canon, Noticed of gatb- orinfiH or moctiun not for pocuniary bono- fltcr aid, will h cheerfully publiHhod fruo Of oharRo. Spoaiul contract raton raado for diopuiy or tttanding advts. All loyal orprofoHiuon- ol citrda undor 0110 inch, S3 por aunura. jon on coMiiisnaiAL piiintino. Tho t^iEis PuKflH Job PriiHina Do- partmont in undor tho uuporviaiou of thoroughly oorapotout mcchanicH, and unooial. attention ia paid to thin branch" of tlio , trade. Our facilitioH for tho execution of all Itiuda of Book and Fina Job Printing aro uuoxpollnd. Stuara powor preuaoa, A call Holicitod. nUBINKSfl ItKODLATlONfl. All Job Printing and Tramnont AdvorfciHina accounts, atriotly oauli. Advortininc acconotn with rogular patron H aro aottlod quarterly. Sub scriptions duo in advanoo. No Hubaoription to the Funis Phkhh, or advortiKomontpubliHliod iu its "columns will bo difloontinuod until all itrroam uro paid in full. Cbangcfl for adyortiHomontB, to oeouro Insertion in tho currant iflnuo, muat bo handed iu not lator than noou of tho Tuoh- day preceding, and notico of imoh iutoud- d ohaugo ia roquirod on tho Mouday pro- oeding. Notioo of dmooutmuauao of aQVoitiuo- mentfl rauat bo tfivon at least ono woelt in ftdvanaa of tho issue iu whioh- they aro doflirod to tautappaar. ADyilllTIBKK0| gubnoribara and patrona tonorally aro wqueatod to road tho above rc^ulationa carefully, in order that oonfuaion ' may be avuidod, an tbey will in all oaHOB bo adhored to. ASdroHB all cooiuauniotttiiona to k. jr. LoviSLACfi;. Publlslior the EijiiEXlFnRra Pnisna, I3flOK, Out CAN I OI1TAIN A PATENT? Vat a bi-ompt anHwor mid an bonoiit opinion, write to RilJNN S? CO.* who Imvo Intel nonrlyllfly youra' exptirltuino In tlio jmtont bnnlnoBsi, Comrannlco- tlonu strictly conftdontlii!. a Iliintlbonlt o ln formiitloii ooneorninir I'nfcntn and bow to ob. uan tiiouQBontfrao, Also n catnlocuoofmocban- Jcal tuid HCluntuio bnnkR nout trad. Patents -tnkim tbrouub Munn & Co. rccolvo WMioinl nollooln tho ^clmilltlc Aiiiorlrnii. ntij thus ara lirotit;bt widely burorotbo pobllOKltb- out nnt to tlio Inventor. Thin riplendtd mint*. uuiuod wockly, Hhiiitrntod, \mn by thx tlio larL'ONt fllroulnt'bm or nny cciontliio work In the world. $3 n your. Bamplo conies iiontiroo. liulldlnp Kiiltion, monthly, fi&o a year. Hiniilo ooploii, ii5 oonu* Evory iiumbor oontnlnu beau tiful iilntmt.-lti colors, nnd plintpsrfinlin of nmv JiouB<a. with plniiH, onubliiiu nulldci^ f.o nhow tho ItttOHt diirnn and aocuro contrnciH. Addrcnu MON ;.&<:o. waw Youic. mil Diioauwav PALAOU SYHAMWH8. LOW RATHC TO CLEVELAND. PiTTSBURO, -. BUFFALO and ALL POINTS BAST HVIBHV MVMMINa BUTWIHM DETROIT # .'CLEVELAND- . CotmectliiR'with earliest trnlna at Cleveland for all polnta East, SoutU nod Southwest. Hunday Trips Jun, July, Auguit and Scplombcr Only hOUH*YMII*IB fun WMVK.HlHVWIfllM Toledo, Detroit^ Mackinac ^BtOSKBV.tHB "SOO/- MAROUDTTO, AND DULUTH- . <fo ucw atetl pasttinger ntcnmern have Just . * built for pur Upper take Route, costiiiff too each. Send for illuutrated pymphlei, baa, A< A. VOHANT2, 0. f, * r. ** oarnoiT, uioh. IKlRfi^ HLHtiWQ Slf AH NAV. (1 ikr/ [Wi'f.-; "v.:";',.^';: --. , Mm^^^M^M^&^v^iM^MU Ili^^^litiMaflimSffnfm^ DRAINAGE BY-LAW No. 83. Weak, Tired, Nervous Woman ( who nocm to be all worn out; will ilnil In purifhid blood, mado rich and halthy by Hood's Snranpa- rill&, pormnnont rollof and strength. The following U from a well kiiowii nurno: t( I hnv> Muffflrod for yoitrrt with fomiilo complalntu uud kldnuy tioublea slid I hv had m grout dual of iaertl<)ttJ'dv!oa 1 during Liui:vthni but bav 'raovlved little or )x6 benotlt. A friend mdvlnod mo to tko Hcbd'H HAmnpaKlIU nnd I bfciran to use It, >0|itthor with Hood's 1*11111. I bv icwul- Txod nior* benefit from theri toodlclnc* than froin anythiucr UXbavvv Ukea, Vxom my porHonal ip*>rlno 1 belluvv Uood'u Hiunnparlllu to bo kuioh! oampUto blood purillr." Una, O. CuoMiTOK, 7J Cumborland Bt., Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently ln-thfl.pq.hHo ey today. Hood's Pills tZTZLX!^ Kin.i.i.n I1. 1 tiv Mill, \ i:i iu I*fere* hv lit Mrtvp Mnw 11 f IVlilcli Vmnstvlll^, July C. Ih-niy Martin J^ ;,*t.', .is at wu-li Im Wl'll in (inilii'i'K's Hawml'l ystci-'Iny nt ShtTl- ii;:i. In taking a hoird .! w:.y- f iitfht cm thv s:uv, tux ' thn*w r.,ni upon ir. A. k:*<';U chunk \v,i;i out i' Ills id"foyp(jHiriK' !i1h htw Is. Til" r;\.;v miillKh'd til li'-^'O-, trill I cl!- linl 1.;,I'll cut (iff the nth t 11 'itr Mi- anklIJj lilril to (Jiifitb in a s;;oil tlim;. J tilrfy-Wtxlit liijiii-.d by (Im- Tollnp^n of 11 Hrldur Nlfchart, Ind., July G. A U-rriblo nc- 1 ItlniL occurn.-d yf*HtTd:iy .1 ftrrnoun at l-h-iutnl, a small to\Mi hx m'h's from li.-rt'. During tli.-'|i:'-o^ii-.'.^ of n lace nrt 1 ho St. Joseph Rlvor Oio people W'-ri* Jam mod on a thr'so-sp.! n Iron trrJdtTi"*." \\*!ilIn. riio ',i'f"V-Ti'l was nn^nrinf? the avc tli'-TTrld','!! j.ravo w;\y, and th" mnsh of IniiTianity \v i.i pnvipll;it"d' into tho wnii'r -M I'eet n>--' low. 'I'hlrty-oiKht.porsnns nvdvoil seri ous injury, and it la Coarod that many of "thorn will die. Her Arm Inr:i Off. Urantfnrd, July (1. Saruli Hti'Vi'iin, 10 yenrH of ugi*, t'liiplayi'd at tht' wurlis of the Cordugo Company in Wi-st Urn at- ford, wan eatl^lit by the innchiiut.v whilnt paMHinK bi'twyoit Uhi HpiniiiiiK jiinil.'M. 0110 nid of htr fitco and ncrlc and jiIhd (jiii? fllinuldcr wuri* Hi'vcn^ly Iiu'crati'd. One arm wim no injiirLd that amputation wua neecaHary, Gravonhnrst, Ont., July (i. Herman Rornomann, a farnior living a few rnlle.i from thin town, while putting a horpf: In his Htablo this afternoon was itlrknd on..the bi'eaat, Juat QVur...U;e. heart, and killed. f!aplnln lVthh Itfiulm UK ItixH. San Franel.sco, Cal., July G.-A sp'j- cial from Cueur D'Alern.', L<.d.liH, -a (yii Captain Paul WcIiIj,- the .swlmmor, loat hia life near there yt-nt'irl y in an at tempt to ride down a ;tOD-foot elune Into Lake Coour D'Alne m his banw. Tho barrel left "the ohut an 1 st-uek the ground. -^U.h- .spinal column w.u broken. 'x '- Yen U. Illfd l)>- n liur-Nflwr ird'cr, Colon, July (i. The boiler In the nine- trie litfht works at Carth:-^ na ejcp.ud- ed to-day, riefltr-oylntf thiv-t- h< n- 9, killing 10 peraons and Injui-injr is oth ers. ttjnvnH-yt'Hr-rihl Itit.v IkriMviH-d. Eroekville, Ont., .July 5. old Johnny Gleason fell in th,* rlv near steamer If nggn : t'n lni.k UiI.h af'.e.- noon, and was drowned. riV* Dl*0'lM'l ill Ml'......eil, Llvorpool, July 5. The .sii.p Stanley Poree ciime into cnlllHlon an : : n*k m- steam dredger Beta thin mumim,', l-'iv.' of the lattor'a crew were droM-'v-.l. A HYTiAVV to provide Tor draiimue work in tho Townwhin of OolohoBtor North in thn 'J wuahlp of Oolohuhtor North in tho County of Kmhui nnd for borrowing on th 'crtdit of tho M^Jiffuipttlity of Oonflold North thouum of Throo Ifnndrcd and Eighty-' two dolluru imd Hovonty ooiits, tho proportion to bo oontribotod by aid M-nti- e;i'iility for oompliltiii^ tho autiio, ~* " ' VroviHioimlly tuloptod tho 21Hh dny of Juu, ISflfi, ^-TCtiHitr'An tlu Counoll of tho Towtmhlp ')' OolabiiHtor North purHUtuit to tho provliiloim of tho Draii"i>a Aot, 1HU1, uml il juiiltlon prnuoiitod to mild Counoll htui iiriuiurixl no ttxnhilnatloii to ho liiinh i-y Junioii B. L(dr<l, 1*. Xj. H.. balntt prnoti<ioiiipufciuttformjohpurpnK)i, ol tho (tiauproiioii* oil in i.u ilriLtuod hy-ilVti mnalr of Hiiytlor Ilraiioh dndn imc) tlio inoajm miKnnlod for tlio dralnivftn tlutiti I, uml of othor landii uml raatiu llublo to uiiHouunioiit undui- thin AuL, and Iium 1ho jirouurnd idiii..., MjHioKicatloaa, mid onthiinUn of tho ibuliiuao wnrlf to h ioikUi by tho uatd JaniuM H.liulrd, iuhI "i- nHmiiiHunmt to ha nmdo by lilin <>f tbo IhihIh uml roitdn to b btntolltlotl by foiW <h'ultiuo woi K. < *it othor liLiidn uml roadn llublo for uoulrihuilou thuroto ,t*tuLin(( hh Hourly uu bo oini tliu profii'i lion of lHJin;ilt, outUb Huhtlity. and itijurLni; liublllty whlob Id bin opinion will ho dtfflvoil or iuourriid In aouiiouiuJiic^of 11110I1 dmhuiuu work by ovury roud or lot or i-ortfon of lot, tliu imid mm'iiHiuont no niudti Ixihitftbo uimiHinniotit horolniLft<r by thin by-law oiiautu'l to bo iiuionitaid anil l;tvtntl ujiou tho roudu nnd lot" or purtii of loin horolmifhir In Mint bohulf npiudidly nut forth nwl dotiorlbtul, and tlio roi ott of tho nald J anion H. Laird iiironpout thnrocf and of Miu uiiid i!rulimo work aftor holni{ ainoudod by tlio ordur of tho rnforuo, and with Lho oomioiit of tho itiiiil .Jamoif H. Jiulrd lihlnu anfollowu: To tho Knovu and Muulolpul Councillor!! of tho Towuiihlvi of Ooloboutor North In Counoll loiniaii- bhxl: OiiNThKHriiJM, In auoordaiioit with hmtruotl' nfl from your honorable body aotitifj ninliir u voli tion from John A. Thomuu and otliorti whoinhy I wu illroolod to nnUto an uxainitmtlon of tho Stvy<lor ](ranh l>mhi tit your, towiuildp wit.h a vlw to tiuurovii it and nrovhlo u ynlnolimt uml ovoour outlet to convoy thg wntur brounht down from tlio hluhbr landn J,o tUo 01ml In tlio tovrn- Mhinn of (JoMllold Hnutb and Goiinuld North mid to proyout tlioin from oyor flowing imd damnj- lnu tlio laintx udjiuaitit to tbo Htild drain Iu your towmihlp, I havo made tho ronuimd oxuuilua- tlon anil rowirt thoron an followu: 1 Ibid that tbo nald drain Iu vory imiob In nmtd of improvuimott. In Homo pbiroH It In ifr^atly obutruutod with loyti, hrinih. and rubbliili of ovory douonptloii. In othor pluooH it tunourly llllud up wltli Hand and otbof uodmiont whlob ar hroii(,dit down frmo thx IiIkIhu' ItLodn to tUooaut i\tjio Muld towiiHhlpit of OoHlluld Houth and (loulbild Nortli. I ahio llnd that tho mild drain hi now tooamall to aoiiUJiLtho wator that in bmii((bt Into it from thn mild lamhi to tho oiut, Tho pro- poHod drainaco worltw will uoimuoiuio hIx rodu woHt of tho wont iildo of tho towulIno butwnuu Uoh- Dold North and Colohontor Nortli and oxtond woutorly ulonu tlio old Hiiyd* v Hrmiuh drain, a din- tuncu of (WW rodn. Ihavo liaiiod tho roport and auHoiuumint .ami nnulu iny plaiiH, ihoiUoh, mid HiNHjiniTttjonn on tho prouont oxlHtln^ ntato of drafnii uu hotwumi CololniHtor North mid (lotillohl North mill ilIho In vlow ol tbo wh-ola HyHtoiu of. dnnmifio on tlio jmrt of Oonftidd North ami 011 tho part of Colchoiitor North. It iii.not hitendod by thiT-pronontdraiii to inalco any itroatoroutlot for tho wiituru from ClotjlloM North but only to provido on outlnt for uml tuko oaro of tho wnlor that now ovoiiiioii from Clouhold North into Uolohcmtor North at tlio nald K:tvdor llnujah and pror<-nt it from daiiiaehip tlio landii in Colohontor North. It in not intoudod by tliiu drain to tnunh thn tiixrotlu tuniiodlatoly wont of tlio uiiid towulluw i.or thnuulvort acraiui the imid townliuo. 'i'hoy aro to bo U'ft by thin work tho namo an tboy aro no mi to aot an a barrior and provont tlio wntor from (lounold fsorttl uromdlltl Into Colcbomor North tit acnuLtor voliimo than at proiiont. Tho Huydur liroiioh drahMun aororni lotn, uuinhoni 21,00, Hi, IM, and Mart of 17 in thodth couiioiiiilnn Of Colchoiitor Nnrth, nnar tha^mitrn of uiiid uoiiooonton. Thuro in ubio a, Iar({o 'drain on thoroiul ullowancH north cfnuitl 0th cniKMmnion and a nia[lor onoj)n tho tiputh end of lho. <mid IHli coiioouulon which dialnu tbo north nnd 11011th ondu of tlio iiTTTitatli aoiioohiiIoii lotn no that tborolii ouly about Pil aortoi whioli* would bo dlrootlyJifliifilHtod by tlio oloaninu oyj, of mild ilndn. I libio found that pa*t of tho wator from 717 anion iu tho lownahip of Gonllold Houtb would find it way into thiniaid Btiydor Itrauoh drain by mimnit of art iJlelitl dralun coiiHtrugltul by tlio uliovo uam(l towimhipfl of OoHUuld North and Goutlold Koutli. I aluo found that par'of tho wator from Hl-15 aoroa In tho Towtmhht of (Joiiflobl North would llnd Itu way into huM <lraln by nioanw of artiltuial ilraimi couotruotod by tho towmiliip of Cionllidd Nortli mi 1 old Go.ulold. I aluo found that Homit of tlio wator from ii;i-J norim in tbo tovvuidiip of CnloliootoK North would find ito way into Paid drain by moanii of artificial drriitiHoanutriictod by tho towuulupo of Gonllold North, old Goiiuold and Cohdintnr North. Tbo wator froui tlio hint montloaod 'i'Ali aonm would only untur nald drain noar itu wont ond. Tho naid Hnydur drain iu now about IH foot wido at tho top and only for tho wator that lu now brought down by thoii.iidiirtUloitil draitm in tho townijlihm of Gob- llold North and Gonllold Kouth a nix-foot dram would bo until 0 lout for tho laudu in (.'olchoijtor North ami tho dm In that In tlioro now Ir moro than Milrtoiont for tin* htiulu iu OolohunUr North. Ou account of tho laryoJiody of wator brought down by tliu ujiid urlitlolal dralun from tho JiiimIh of Goiiflold North ami Goutlold South and oronidni; th townllno at thn tndd Hnydor Bniuoh uroat- ly damafcoii thu laud adjiioout to tho Buydor llruuoh at ovory fronhot and iu aomo froijliotu tlio Iambi alone tho drain aro oomplotoly nubmor((od. I huvo tlioroforo oburi/od all tho Iambi from which water in by any moann oaUHiul to How and dainaKii tlio laudfi lu Colohnntor North with a juHt uharo of tlio cont of coimtructiiifi th drain to carry tho wator ou to an outh't and provonc (iamni'u totlio laudfl adjaoont. Tho laudu in tlio townnhiii of Gonflold North Ihavo iiuiiomjod ^:i82.7u for injuring liability, and tho landn Iu tho towimhlp of Gonllold Houth I. havo iuihohhchI S10A2 for injurini; liability, and tho landn in towmihi]i of Colohohtor North I havo aiiiiofiijod 182.08 for boil ont and lujurlnu liability, whioli aiinontmiimt I doian fair and juut, tukluK all thoau oirouindtancoii into oonnUlcrattnn, Ihavo proparod plnuu, prolHoa. upoolhoatioiin, oto., HtatiiiK what ia Toqitirod to bo donn to provont tho wutor from dumiifiinn tbo Iambi iclooif-nidd HuyHor lirauoh drain, Tho coit of oloanlUR out nald drain nnd ptitlini; it in a proper ntato of repair, all oxponHoii iiadudod. I find to bo $014,50. Thiu drain nhall ho Uopt in ropalr bv a tax on tlio In ruin andyo[rdn"nrtlro-iinmo-inannraaiio\ff-ti!|Fipjaod_oxoont tho jinfjinoiyr, .(.u oharijo of tho ropairu doomait noce^iiary 10 ahun^ouald proportion on aooaunt of tho ohanTjod uyit*m of draina^o. I hnvo tho honor to bo nontlmnon,-. - . -------..............- Yourohudidiit mirvaiit. Kfiaox,.Tuno2:i,l&0l. (Rlf'UOd) JAM KB 8. LAIRD, P. h. B And WiiKKKAn tho nald council aro of opinion that tho dralnago of tho aroa doucrihod iu donlrablo, Thoroforo tho fiaid municipal council of tho said towanhlp of Gonllold North, purmiaufc to tho proviidoun of tho Draiuaf*o Aot of lfaOl. onaotu anfollowu: lHt. Tho naid roport,plann, iipooilloatlOHS, auHOHnmontiii nnd OHtimaton, aofar an tlioy rolato to tho towmihlp of Gonllold North, aro horoby auoptod and tho dmimteo work an tburoin indiuntud and not forth nhall ho mado and ooufitruotod In aaoordanau thoruwith. *uil, Tho Itoovo of tho naid TowiiHhlp may borrow on tlio orodit of tho corporation of tho nald townnhi^ of Gonflold Nortli tbo uum of Throo Hundred and Kij*lity-lwo dollaru and Bovcnty contn, boiuR naid mtmioipality'u nroportion of tho fuudo nooomiary for tho work and may iimuu dohftiituron of tho corporation to that amount in buuiii of not Iuuh tiian ^50 ouoh, and payable within two yonni from tho dato thereof with intorotttat thoratool- llvo por contum por aununi, thutJj.ijUJlliyJH two omtal mimiiil-iiintalmontii, nuoh dolionturou to bo payablo at tbo a(jitnoy of tho IniporluTBank at tho Town of Kiioox and to havo attaohod to thorn oouponu for tlio paymeiit of intorcKt. :trd. I-'or.payiuc tho mini of S;l77.f>3, tli amount charfiod atfaluut uaid landn and roadn for in juring1 liability, apart from landn and roadi bolonuiuK to, i.r controlled by tlio municipality, and for oovorinH iutorout tlioroon for two yoarn at tho rato of flva por ooutum por annum tho follow Ing total Hpi'cinl rat no ovor and abovo. all othor ratoii nhall ha aunonntid, levied, and oollootod) up on and from tho uudormoutiouod Iota and piurtii of lots and rondo and tho amuiutt of tho tiaid total fipoolnl niton and iuterost aftahmt oaoli lot or part of lot ronpnotividv tiliall bo divided into two tapial partu, and ono auch part nhall bo anaoanod, lovinil and collootud aa uforuHnid iu ouch year for two yoarn after tho final panahig of thio by-law during which tho naid dubouturon havo to run. Schedule of laudu afinoHiiod in Gouiluld North for tho ropair of tha Suydor Brunch Drain in Co(qboater North. the ]Mult0111 iii I'arvo. They tfiat govern must mako least noise. Selden. UncLTtainty and expectations are toys of life. ConKrevo. Ah Hlirht ia in tbo eye, ro la thn mind In Uu? houI. Wo])huck-H. There ih none .so homely but luvea a looklnK-Kluaa, South. . There iu a tltasuro in poetic pains which only xioetH know. Cm\*per. Covetous, men uro mean slaves nini- diu( to' thulr HubaUmco. UurLon. If fame is to uome only ufler death, I am in no hurry for It. Martial. The tfi'entcjst learning lH to he Been In the^ri'utcHt plnlniU'H.s. WJIklna. In our world death deputes In temperance to do. the work of age.__ Youne. All philosophy ilea in two worda. " ynataln " and " abHtnln." Knicrotu.s. The world Ih only waved by t|xe .hr.rmth of Th>> school" children. Tal mud.. TrnuhloH Fprlntr from Idlonenn, and grievous toiln from needlenn euoo, PvanUlln.. . Love Ih ineeisely to the moral nature what_tho.bun in. to the earth. Balzac. ' Indiscretion, rnnhno8H, falaehood, levity and malicu produoe oach othor. Lavator. ... To proyehfc pals and dolioaU olnldreu frotu Jfltpolu^ iHto ehtoulo invalids Utor ia t|fet thoy^ uhould tuk* Ayor'i Bar*p*rill* togethor with plenty of wholesotna looij and outdoor xeroiBO* What tky nsd/ to build un tho nyfltom li good red blood. ( " r ). < 1, , - 8 S T It '261 u 4 2tii h pt 'JIM h w pt aii-i h pt 'ina u o pt 2fio 11 vy pt h pt 201 it 2Ci'i 2l)fi m pt n i Mflfl n 0 pt 2(jli u o-pt 2lib' a w cor 'Jlili 11 ^ 207 n i 2(17 u I 'J08 0 4 n 0 J 2H8 nw| 2(18 h 4 atlS w 4 no 4 W) i) 4 'J(il) k 4 270 11 4 270 a 4 271 u o pt 271 he pt 271 n in pt 271 u w pt 271 b w { 272 w 4 n 4 272 Hundept 273 0 4 27JJ w pt 27;* m pt 271 11 pt 27-1 a pt 275 0 4 275 w 4 " 27(> e pfc 270 270 pt n w* pt 277 0 pt 277 w pt 0 pt 277 w 4 w 4 277 0 4 w 4 27a 0 4 278 w 4 . 27!> not 270 m w ;J: 27D a pt 280 u 4 280 D 4 281 apt not ) 1 u pt 1 m pt 1' B pt 2 n pt 2 a pt 3 4 and 5 1 ft 4 ' In pt 2 11 w pt 2 0 pt u 4 2h 4 :ih 4 Mini in* 14 Coo -i C w pb 6 u pto C u pt (1 H O pt *J n. e 4>t 100 51 15 11 39 75 100 H7 2 8 :t 100 108 11*0 211 58 100 28 100 100 1O0 100 20 10 30 51 50 50 112 100 00 40 130 70 100 100 8-1 08 11 19 19 50 50 100 100 50 60 100 87 80 10 5 25 14 84 80 100 72 25 21 25 7B 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 30 484 15 50 SO J iiOO 1IW 33 117 2 25 3 00 2 IU 01) 21 0tt~ 3 00 a 21 3 00 1 31) a ol 1 50 1 30 -150 4 50 150 1 50 (J0 1 81). 1 85 a 43 2 25 2 25 0 3!) 4 50 2 70 180 5 85 3 15 -1 50 4 50 3 78 4 41 4!) 2 30 2 20 2 25 2 25 4 50 4 50 a 25 2 25 .4 50 3 01 1 35 45 22 1 19 03 3 78 0 00 4 50 3 21 1 12 109 112 3 37 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 4 50 3 3iV 4 50 135 218 07 2 2K 00 21 12 05 03 0'.) 17 24 21 02 -02... 01 24 20 21 10 21 34 10 31 34 34 34 00 14 11 . 19 17 17" 40 34 20 12 45 25 34 34 80 33 05 18 18 17 17 34 34 17 17 34 , 31 11 05 02 10 05 30 28 34 !aG- 10 08 10 27 34 34 31 34 34 17 34 11 IH 05 17 .00 3 21 1 74 50 30 1 2(3 2 42 3 21 2 82 08 . :2._ 10 3 24 3 50 3 24 1 40 2 82 4 84 1 40 4 84 4 84 84 84 90 94 40 2 03 2 42 2 43 (> sy 181 2 90 1 02 0 30 3 10 4 84 4 84 4 08 4 74 54 38 33 43 42 84 4 84 2 12 2 42 4 84 4 22 1 40 50 24 1 22 08 4 08 3 83 4 84 3 50 1'23 1 10 1 22 3 04 4 84 4 84 4 84 184 4 84 15' 42 4 84 140 2 30 73 3 43 90. 25 18 03 21 02 15 01 13 05 02 7o 02 70 41 12 70 12 42 2 42 2 12 48 97 73 1 31 1 21 1 21 3 it 2 12 1 45 96 3 15 1 70 2 42 2 13 2 04 2 37 27 1 19 1 19 1 21 1 21 2 42 2 42 91 21 42 11 73 25 12 01 34 2 04 194 3 42 1 75 01 5 01 183 9 43 2 42 3 42 2 43 3 34 1 21 3 13 73 118 80 121 48 Hliort JoiirncyK on a L*ong Road. Ia theoharautoriHtio titlo of a profuaoiy 11- luatrfttcd bopk oontuiulu^ ovor ono hundred pogeH of obariDin^ly written (loaoriptlonB ofHummtir roRorU in tho country north and weut of Chioii^o. Tho ruadm^ mat tor 10 now, tho illuHtrutioim aro now, and tho in formation thoriiin will bo now to ulmout ovoryoiicj. . A oopy of "Bhort dournuyt on a Long Itond" will bn Hnt froo'to Unyonn who will eiioloHOton oonU (to pay pontit'^o) to Oko 11. IIUAVfoui), Oonoral PuHHOii^cr A^ont Chioayo, Milwuultoo A Rt, i'uiil Hallway, Ghioutto, III. 3 THE AMERICAN HOTEL 1 EsaexF - , Ontario. T? O, IiUOK, WlOPBIKTOH, HAH hKEM J^j. thoroqRbly inlut-l ,uu\ rimlftnlnhoi ,-witb now furnituro by tbo pri,Hinii proprietor!' t,XHil)t IIXHN IN iJONMUCTIoN, Firnt-OhuiB AooonioduUon Ouarimtnntl, P^ u riaco iu the world for ynimi nion -^ ^^ X uml wotuou to no0uro 11 Huninouu linPf ICiluoutlon,HlinrtliiLiid,oto.tiii tbo |1H\I DotroifclhiHlnoHii Uiilvurfllty, Do* Uliyi troit, Midi, J.lluiitnLUxluiitiLloKiio liVni, ttororniHJPH: All Detroit, \V. V. JIAWKLfi, IVum. P. It. BPiflNCMIl, Hoo'y. m Hammocks, Sponges, Sponge Bags, Bath. Soaps,Bath Brushes KEBP ' ECOOXi I with our Fans. G A. SHlRRIN, sse^: Medical Hall. "W A1MTP5TI u,'"11 ii"i;',^vibia our Hardy OiuiiLillmi liruvnUCwuurv-BUok* We KunrutitiMi natUfiictlmi to ropt', tli.tlvort aud Urn liombilrtii, ovor 7(HI .uu-en, No Hiihhlltutlo 1 11 nriUitu, Kxoliiulvo trir/itory ,llMi Uboridtfrina to wholu nr purt tlmo Wrllo iih n HTONK A- WKIdilWOTON, V . . il/cii-l omijo)Toronto,Ont )- (lho only nnvitory in.Cuniula IhlvIok tetln(i orchanhi.j IKim ESSEX Simplest, 5tron|eut, 5olid --Top Receiver". MARLlN REPEATING RIFLES ' Lightest, naslost WorkhiK, Most Accurate, Compact, JVloat Modern and progressive) For crtnloguQ or Information, wrlto to THE MARLIN IFIRE ARMS CO., New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THEGOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST GAt-C IN CANADA. Has Just Received The Finest and best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex* Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladifis' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Land, Call nnd Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourselves. das. Douglas, sic:" f tlic <;ol<|cm jpoot, Whitney Block - SEssgx ESSEX TAMKb NAYLOU *.aiOB till h onimytuuifcy Ol itnnoiinoiii., ,c tno pnopjo cf tlio Town and County of Khiiox, that ho him romodolod thoKs- iioxKollor Milln uocordhiff to plann prot>arodby It. N. Wco, Ht^ Tliomaii, imd twin anm HoouroJ tho HorvicoH ol ltoinsitX'-STjiACiiAN, an oxpori- oncod and thoroughly oomiiotout mil I or. Thanking tUo pooplo of tlio town and county for tho putromigo buntowoa upon him in tha punt, will cua.rautou Hatinfuetlon in tbo futuro. Gristing and Chopping a Soecialtv. THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR, FEED AND CORNXlEAL KEPT IN 8TOCK AND SOLD AT'ltlG-QT VlllVtea, Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. 7 Ur"> 8 *h In J 2fi 1 U lH J . 15 1 H pt 10 2 wi 100 a 0 i ino 3 u w { CO 3 u J 50 3oi 100 1 H W f L iao 1 e pt 80 5 a 0 | 'fiO !J Q W J 50 OU6 | 00 5 nw .f no 0 w pt 125 ti 0 pt 75 7 u 4 100 7rt 4o 4 50 7 u 4 0 4 50 8 n ptu pt 10 8 s pt ti pt 50 8 u pt u hf 20 8 n pt 074 9 n w pt 70 pt 9 and 10 70 1 n in J 50 10} 150 2 n 4 100 29 4 100 3 w hf 100 3 0 hf 0 hf 50 1 w hf 0 hf 50 4 u hf 100 1 s hf . 100 5 a hf 100 5 w hf 100 0 w hf 100 li ohZ 100 7 11 hf 100 7 u hf 100 8 n a qr 50 8 h u qr 50 8 n w qr 50 8 n 0 qr 5J OowJ 150 U'n'oqr 50 10 0 pt 70 10 m pfc 70 11 15 Total for henotib Outlet Injuring Roadu of muuicipulity Total 2 17 10 3 flit 1 33 11 01 12 OU 1 12 10 123 Gl 1 13 n 1 24 03 1 20 10 130 GS 0 75 51 7 20 8 63 75 51 7 2d 3 63 3 50 28 3 78 189 2 25 27 3 42 121 7 00 O'i 7 54 3 77 8-10 04 9 04 .4 53 5 (10 12 0 02 3 01 -------cT50~ ------28 3 78 189 3 50 29 3 78 . 1 89 8 50 28 7fl 189 3 50 23 3 78 189 8 75 07 9 42 4 71 5 25 n 5 no 3 83 7 00 61 7 54 3 77 ii 50 28 3 78 189 1! 50 28 3 78 189 180 M 194 97 2 25 17 2 42 121 00 Oli 00 43 3 01 21 3 28 1 64 A 15 25 . 3 40 170 3 15 25 3 40 170 1 50 M 4 84 3 43 9 00 08 9 08 4 Hi OSfl 50 _..G88 3 44 375" 20 4 04 ^___ ..'.03 3 75 20 4 04' 2C2 1 83 M 3 02 10L 1 83 M 2 03 ioi 3 75 29 ' 4 04 9 02] 3 65 29 1 4 04 2 03 3 75 29 4 04 3 02] 3 7.-) 29 4 04 2 0a " 3 75 29 4 04 3 03 3 75 20 4 04 Z 03 ' 3 00 24 3 24 1 02J 3 00 24 3 24 1 63 l fin 13 1.(13 ' ni 1 50 12 1 02 81 1 50 13 1 02 81 1 50 13 1 02 al 1 50 M 4 b4 2 4 J 1 50 12 1 02 81 2 10 lfl 9 9(J 1 13 2 10 10 3 20 1 18 1 35 11 1 40' 73 890 25 ' 8400.78 8303.3 .9377.63 5.17 311 fi.50 3 7a $1182.70 939.64 8412.34 9300,17. ISAAC JAOKBON, Olark. I day o thorijhy oortily that tbo foroRoiiiB in a trnooopy of a by-law provudomtlly adontod tho 20fck of .Tuuo4 A.D. 1803, by tho municipal oounoil or tlio uaid Cowaauip of Goutloia North, . .. ~':'r I8AAO JAOKBON,dork. asro-riOES. . Notioo in horoby rIvoii that tho Court of RevJalon, will bo hold at tho Towu Tfall flntUm rtrt Hatwday, tho 27th day of July, A. O. IBM. aft l d'olooU iu tho atUmoon.for tho bSL S t'riS pi awpbidii nmdo afiuftiflt tho ubova uSaoeflmoBt. or any pare thereof. In tho manner ura^iSad ' by tho Drainage Aot.lfi94, and that any porwm lutoudlnu to annual aftainafc tho aboV?aiiSSS?^? or any part thoroof, must, not later tliuu ton du.ya lief ara tho timu auixed for tlie1 hnMfnJT7,r'mSfit Court, Horvo on tho Olork of this municipality, a vrltleu notioo or suoh atutoLi ?<!&!$! ho will be too Into to bo hoard In that bohalt. " wuou appoal, or ot}herwlBf And furthor notioo Ih hereby jtiyou that any porttfn hitondiug to mako appllcaHbn' to haw mien hy-luw, or ituy part thoroof, qUMhed, muB6, nob later than tea days aftJr the1 flail vmm; tberool. iokvo a notloa In writinir.wpou the Heevo or otlior hoad offlo. ana unhn^he AiMfraf tt> UnnlolpaIIt.of lib iutentlonto make application for that .purpose. "th?Htoh (cSS* & Toronto, durlnfl tho elxwooka next oDBUing the final paBBiuflof tfiUb^aw ; 8 1^."' Dated at GoBflold North thin aoth day of June, A.D. 1805.' * , J * ' . ' '- 18AAOJAOKSON Townehip Clerk; !'lil 'M iK: 'v?m I..' C&j2^- 'A'.' ' 11 Inm ittfliMBiBtMHiL^^