Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 5, 1895, page 8

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Au i ^ 11'.' t 'I *t* rJ^-r fhJb fc-otj Jt^-A FTRBIfi PRE8^ JflS. D. ANDERSON & Co , BANKERS, I Next to Abordoon Hotol, Essex. MonoytoIoanoiilf,ft*-ir)orB'NoloM;MottiHbotiijlit ' Moimy to loan tin MoHuhiJuh ut owoat rates boat turmtj. Drafts iBBuod imyalilii nt nar at ullliitlmilpul joints. Fir Insurance Agonts, otc A COSTIGAN-SCANDAL How tho Minister Improvod Hlb Mining Proporty SOCIAl^JPCRSOHAL BY GETTING A SUBSIDY 0FSI34,000 Tli. MiHH Gl-uoe Labar iu vimtlllt Miwi Ktbol . hauUe, of Itathvon. Mra. ft. Bnnth m viHitmu hor puontH -^bud friondfi iti Wooduloo. Mibh Ktliwl Roho im viitiiitf fnondu in Mm. J. 9. Ai-hpluul 10 vmitin^ lict * smother, ivtra. J. D. Ancturaon. Dr. Abbott, of London, spout gmuUyat the hognu o( Mr. J. D.^^Kf^ou, hor. A. H, Suiuif, Krw^P^ipunt Saturday and Sunday nt hnibffu) ;u WoodHtock ^ ^XWET Garrott, ^of South Lyon, i., iu viuitiii hor mother, Mm. Thou. JRobtnaoti* JVJr. Frocl Iluttnn, of Loudon, called on - J)in HiHtur, Mihh Via Ilutlou of tlrni placo iihiu week. "MrH, Win. Gray and nlitm Mabel Millard, 111 town tin ii Wfcok. M*. Wm, Ndylor npout Dom itiou Day j&t Cli.uhara, viaitinu bin hod, Hurry . and *wifo, ut tho Baby city. Mihw Mu^ie l)o< nttudi r lolt on Thuni Hay foi lier humo in Wclbmd Port, whort; ifiho intonds to remain Mr. W. MoGuiri! returned to Kauox on TMonday from a two wouk'u holiday tup with fnondu in tho cant. II. W.Allan. Kmj , M. P.. upent Do kniuion Day in town, and returned to Ot lawn on Monday qvc*iuk. Mr. nnd Mr1*. Gai. Coll Hpunt Dominion Day at Btai Inland, a houutiful ronort ut Ihu lout of Luku St. Cbur. Public School Iufppator Maxwell in in --lown thiH*wrt"k attending the uxamiuntionf "ju proyrt'rt-i a" tbti High HlIiooI. Mr. ,J. It. Andorsou ih Hp-udm^ a few iduyn at Mt CleinoiiH, Mich., unci with bin J>rothor in biw, Mr A X) Dayidnon, of "vXittle FuIIh, Main. Mru. Laschoir, and clu'ldrtn of Detrot-t- .wpent a few diiyn thm week tho gunHt of .utfr. and Mm. J, A. Home und family Kciio: Mm U.V the Pub Tia huhoo , will *-p< ml vliu ynuter ptirt ol Jior tumi'iiur va^.t ion a Jinv* Jjwn mm dodar Wench Ml* D. tt. Fucthitin df Niagara l'Vliu, JSe^ Yoilt, uarn It >nu- 'J iiu d ty to vihit ilia nid*or wli j mi' w ith 1u1.11 a H-riouH ac- Vdduat on iMouilu) Mr. uii 1 \ti t. V. 1J (Jmhiug luft to ilitv i v IlarriHton, Oi l , wn. n lhy will ip. cd til itr VtlCtLlOl J IK > Will Mpt'Ii 1 U It w dibysal Wt.oditoi.1' L. tore nom^ to llui- Alma Bucliluv of tlio public nohonl Htaff ]otc on Saturday for liar homo at Farm, 'Out., whoro Blie will lipouc] tho Uohdays, Ittiui Mipb Sliaw left at tho aamo tnuo for ^-iior homo in Rodnty. Ml. JhIiii McNii'l, now of Sandwich, '4ipent tho holiday iu town, llu ban ohar^e .of au e\tonuive fruit, vot^utablo uud dany 'iurm in Sandwich, and his linnet fuundH will bu pleaHtdd to bear of Inn huocohh K iv. VV. M. Floonn^ und family, and tho familieH of Mutism. \V. II. Uichaidnoj, '. II. and W. M. UoCuw, J 1) AndorHon, !. K. Nuylor, Kuv ?.[ P LlumpoUl, and Honii) nthotH, are htm ui( rm^ at Cudai Jiein n. ,1 V Gi'won was in Wuttiluo on [Join uioii J) iy itiundm^ th< C \\ V un ( Tiik in i.i .b an annual tilUir at which itro inn u i:iv .*lianipioimlur> ruuos of tbu Douj- liiin'i Ait. ilao, ilopi;oo<l tuturuud IuhL 1<inlay .Uiglit from Owouno, Miuh., wlntbor bu ami .Mm. llop^ood wiiro nuiuiuouLd owinn lo Jiie datijiorouh illntmn al tliuir giaml xhinijhtor, tbo only ulnld ot tb \ s jftud Mru Scott. Mrn ilop^oud im ntdl in jOwohsq. and wntou thut Lhu little. uu m XxeoDVorinti- V lutl s ore om I i * dm ' i' i i it ' lliit' n i ii i I I li'i . , ( li ,o v 1' i i ( 11 iu i1- not i pui tii il ul} oi > 1 ii" n! nn mat! i ) rii i.,. i it 11 i 11 ni iv !" In l St II . oil t t til 11 tl III i ishli >iK -I \\ "- i 1 -. ^1m*ii mm illii1-! i .iti'in of orti' ' ' i an du i t Is nt u Iy an l u - V)f new woman <im li is bc\(MKl . 'n\,f Iu New York f- 11 thioiiKli tht* > In a Hi'-p^oapc<iiuK>at tin1 lift i iloor ; an oM-ffisbiont'd woniai. \ 1^ t.' tintf on tlio Http^ b*low Tin1 (' 1' 1 laiomcil on tlie coping o\cr tb tin .....v ami landed In the woman r 1 That Huvod his llff*. niuJ bfyond t* hi, i i ,iH the roBult nf strllclni; tlu eop- iiif? im> wn unharmed. t'i' com so, the qucHllon Immodlntcly ni*' f.s oi what uso would a man have bo u undfr hucIi clrcqmHtancos ? Clear- ].- no >o. He ban no lap. And of what vfo n mid a now woman In bloomcrfl l-tn o been ? Jtinl an llttlo,' and for tho ammo ruaaon. Chicago Kvcnlng Tost. W. Ai I 1 t 1. i ) i^- 1 ji q.ia Mil} i>: 1 I '\V ii uH tin- .\i 1 in ti nHt l^.i n i u hi' i \n \ In tiii i i Llu i in in <.) 1 ~ an 1 V * H 1.1 A I tills LU I I I I II' i 11 11' 1 . llll I L. Il u .1 I If 11 llll it, I I 1 i .i iii j; ii * l Hi .. u i .ib \ ail i iu l In 11 i . i h i t i ,li i u- buiii n It / ua I l " I It i H ul n. .1 I I ll.LI 111 Jlll I I IKlt ^ 111. v i * .in,n L I i , I I \ f, I iL . I. 11 t-v ' 'imp ' a} tt (i \i . itll I I Ml 1 i i p . I \ u i i .IV 1 ll( 11 ..iii .t l in ~ tl l. pi I* 1 l lllll' uj M \ II i i \ i v 1 .i 1 i i uii ^ >L U 111 I I hll ,i id l i .ik il.i t d in IMLi, .Hid 1 l<! till ( .111 111 I ll- l J II IJU i -il I } ' l <l V HilL-, .\l 1 L.l I (_ i.n i u. \ i .1 i i iin .it |. au Din' U ii} 1 .-., li tlial till' Lutal 'nni i, Lu i OILU ll.iv uul} b u ^ l,- 1L V\ I 1 ' Lluillll'tl ll, Mlllll LUw i, 11 v ,i| l)i n i 11 LiUl Its .til L,. L I. 1 i.lllli > ll.l\ b II llll li i i i*iin|il ) all } na tin i ii iih 1l.i1 iv\ a} h t .1 ubll i il L i l J 1 Li L IU I ' I'l I U tt . Ill . p II ^^ Lll H I " Lll, ll 1 til' I HI 1 L JH i'.\ I ,1 111 1 I 111 l> L II I (HI i*> I V iL I t ll iIJLIil I ri ill I'l} vv ll i\ t ll l'U t H . t>i U 1 Llu- i uli i U llll Ul 1 , II t- ilIK VlI} a Ui ii a 'i \al lo... Im 1 u n\ mt Kmlw i} J> j 11 t nn ii ii ,t ll is i in tin* i i -I i li .t If li i b ii Ulll] ti i 'ilin Llll H p 'Silt I'"- i li at i ll > ii -. n ,, i I i ioiliI inis pi ll (J tpi,, 1,1/U i i i Lb* Domini i I n Ul} , H,l i , t, i i i l Dit'llllK i *il til* i it a hui} i,, ,i mi . *' liiiu^: ui* l.ui ui i ii a in.Litii li.t\ii-C bi' ii gi nil I llu luiiHii Villi*} (t}pniii Miii- nir, i nd ...luiil l l . i y, ^, i i| l } Hui tin li ns,t , ,i a It-iih ,. Lnl * ' iii| i iy b.> tin 11 i I Hi i * i j; ui m <iLln i .amis lu in 111 I I Liu id ui 1 (I > ton 'H ti i l il iti ill lI point tJl I i iinipn b \ k il v i\. .ii i ,\ i , iin* case, bu II) IiMrii* C i n [uiicd oi a i nn alia ui til , i .1 tnci hi Is i.t . * u i mt i- u i in ..i lo up ui} in 1>m and Lin.- p Litn) i Hi Llie LttllUli.UM i l 11 llU'u t I hiillln lill IIKOI p .1'n.L.mi b} Llu' I Hill pa* V IM lop.iuu Mini ik Coiuiiauy hhowu Hi it mil oi Llu' tntuL hIi.lii ^ HiiuKi uli :. 2.10, tin- Hon John Cud i, in uuld ^^0 Hh ii i i, \\ li,h iLuoLiioi uii nib i ol ttio CiiHti^jin liunil} held a oin.ilb'i nuiiib'i. .Ji.lni ( -.t.^Lii is a piotti K\i 1-la'adi d fi'lltm, mi iliHi-iViH ^nat ciLtht Kn the vut> ht> put Lliat $L.H,OUO HUlmd> thiiMij;!i In llu- lubnpn Valli'} tiyp- Huiu Mining Coiapiny bu lias junt Jj^2,CD0 UtlKk \h 1 biw In ton Htnti'd, owiuK to tho diilin -h ..I Uii l}]i nm in pl.tHLfi iwidii, tliiH niti'it ti u: iuil i.uin 1} in llUIIK up, Ut>t i vcu i inup.'Ih tl by tin tinvi'i imiuiit ol ulinb Uiutij^aii m a iiM'inbur to af ford tin- pi'opb- MMdiii^ in tin* ccmiitiy tlH'oiij^li ulntli it piJiu. I'ltln'i* panHciigcr uucoinniuilatioii or a meaiiH loi the tiana- portation ul tbon fai m pioduoo to tho market. Tin1 (pit'Htnm ih now iv Led whether tho Government, niter pJkymtf iji III 1,000 ol tho jjeople'H niunoy to thin railway, nitt'iid allow iuk tho company to hariK up tlit'ii tiaimi until tUiM'i' in a demand (or .loliii OoHtlK'Hi'w plautur, or whether they will taUt-. tluw hint and foice eithoj* tin- oiiKiiial conipany or tho Canadian. i'miliL io carry out tliu turitiH, hb ru- I- n tiuiu Hi'rvko, iijkiu which tlui buJ>- h . . VV.Ih vot *d. i h i c i taiiily a mattor that should b i.v h:['j*i t;tif Lot tin know tlio rft- i.-* b tw ii Corill^iui and tho Gov- . i .t ,u tliia deal. Liit ua hour what ,(.,, i, . |, ,..i.M to henr ujMtn hi* ll ii ii cy It ii Ut h ifrilin.uil io I'lUMtrf Itr,in O^iit-'l lly (lit Mill- ltitrr Hut dm I'limtt-r IVimI" lU'llilf Had (lie Itoiul U UtiUU H'lt. Ottawa, July 2. The diHirrncernl poii- dttiou >f a (faint at* n'Kiiidu tin* lelntidiiH betweoii tlio Govi*iiiaiMit and tlin Fred- oriL'ton and Bt. lUiry'u Hnilire Company, and-tho aw*ocuition of Mau^ter lMntei'ii naiiHi with Hint v*>ry uliady truiHiH'- tion, find* n twin walidal, as far a < himappwjpriatwiu of public money lco , ui (t'W Tobwpw VuJloy Hail way, ,'Hlion mi tluwui lottew I hrounht to liurht Ulo lafit tliat Uinifller I'miter had for yearn puruu-'ttfld the I'i eilenetmi IlridLce CunpiLny to default t'leii'^uiti i int at-jjount, now anijiiuil iur In ^"2 000. lo nay iiotliLiar of tin- >.".0IH)il0 lo in to that uunipan.v, -whrli ini^lit .in wil ha\e In ua HUult lu I.ak' Supfi I i, tli (io\i'riiinei)t pre*m niade I -lit A \\ bu wltiMi llu* m*arJi lij^lit of tin Fuh i \i ciiiiutH Coin nil ttee u.m Ihiow n u, o i n i'VJ'ii the (toveruiiu'iit pi< h . t.ui u . im- Al uiHti r PoriU r had ik ti il i tdi eneil\ in tli*j11:uk w itJi tin* It'inplr T. i 1.P' m'i me. Ah li'trmilit tlue 1'ib que V.u -s K ill- ' W.i}, tlie Jiiime ol Llie ib'i .It ii (o-L - trail, M niHter ol .Maniii' and 1 im t i . | tinoup:h w ho ii enunty it mm ii s In i coiiu liotxlv (lenlilii'd, and foi* tin Im low ntf n .i ><>! a . \( I.iil; iimli'i* a proMuunl cliai t< r from the New lliuiiHwiUt Uovei anient, tin 1 ubiipli Valley Jtailway Ooiup ui} appln-tl Lo tlii' iJomiiiiuu Government id a Hulmd}. 'I heie, wan a Htron^ opp uitioii nIiowii m Parliuiuent to the kiant iu^ of a HUluridy to uhw little railw i} t/l on)jr '2H Ul.les in IciiLCt'll, iui it w.ii Hiiow ii that wwiii^ to the apanuty m jm pulaiioa ulo jut tlue projec-te-d routi uii if unilil bt) but little or no paHHeiiL,! i ii .iific. 'I ma wiui iu 1887. lue expenditure w.oi jimtified b} C*-s tiK ui uu Uuj Kn>aud that there uci f vniuablu pl.utlur or Lryiwuin dej^sitH iu tli tt riniuiLi \A tho roiub tlu* countiuc limi ol winch would duvolop Uima* imm s Aiti'i a di usniiiiLLMl fitrht John TixtUj^ m i;ot hi Hiibmiy through tho lloum-. tou uileieuted wan lio tj> u.>cure. tlu' bono iiii/ii Htibaidy ttluit uveryono rejnui i,i 0 Uil eiiOre;y ho uuil UlWWiag UltO tlio job he bud on hand. lie wan ;uot butiHiiud with Hinall favoia, but caaio to Parliament foi unue ( utjaidjf, aud yet a-Ham until the toial nuLmdy iiu utotJiied m out ol llu. tua.- Hiuy Jor tho Tobnpie Valley Uailwa} ng fcjit^utod iiii;W,0Uu. During tbt; ilihctm- uion iu I'ailnuuent ovn the jaopoin tl muj- yiu>, All. Loatl^au, win a iutla ti who own od thi'Hf plmiiei diiKAiitu tin. iuiIuil} w.lh beinji couoti ueted to uccomuuoaii' u id they WL-jf owned liy the 1'iovimiai (Juv- ciliiuent. I'niHttd Jinthei, In aoimtti'd thejf weie liiHiMiluai puiliiH who hud .i lot oi two iu Llie loc.iliL}, buL In nuii' tlOIK'il ll<> IWlIlll'H 'Ihm* nn ut oi the AliuiiUi ap- pL'.iiii to 11 qui11* i ^ ji am turn, in \ n vv ol tin I.n. L in In uioi 1 oiIili' ol \ > mi i i > i . , t 1 , tin i io a . i-ti- tl} \ u li ti t.u.H l0 it on Ma v 1-, l^'aJ, rmiwiiy thut n*i nror ot-t.n o|-.,,HoU heciuwa llie plmitiir tnulo \* dull. IteturtM'ii I'tiwtfr'M loan o( Jp:tO(,UO() to the lede mt Ion Pi ldn;e and CoMtlLtiin'M Kif* ol $1JU,000 to th,, 'J'oliimi.t Valley IhiJIwuy, tho I'ioviueo ot New Itruimwiek bun not fanjd vt-ry badly, nn re^urtln (lovi'iiinumt aid to mterpi'Uon tlnittinn huidl} lay claim to beuitf woilu foi the (Teiieial advantage <if the l>onilnioti. Uliile Jt \u held that Fonti'r limi mc- v'uied a wifo entty (or Inniii.-lf into Yoik mil llie Iiedeiietou IJiidKe, wlinl have i rood iM'Oj>le of Vietoiia to HJiy about nHliriiu hn vml; ,;i <'tued n uufe |ian lulu Inn old county ovit the T'lbifpit* VnJ i} linilway, /im well an hnvin^ iiupiov- liiii own unntf pui)-* i ty I .on have heaid and icud of the (lov- iilin nt'ii deti'J lllimitioii to clpike off tin i i line;a of the I'ublio AucountH Coin- iio-L t, and do you wonder when w ' ^ into eoiuudi'i n tiou the foot Hint )i n iin puipoiii' of invt tiimtint; wan i i hlvf the I 11 di j n ton biidire and Di ' "J pi Valky ilailwiy, when- hiiudiei'i I tliijUHaudN of pui)be iiioni y i*< fpi i Mil, that tli ue meeting are held.' A 'hut will In made *t7f j;et CtmUtfnn in u i tin an hov bi'foi i' the nehmmi i \ i to tell hia littl.' ttoiy iiIjuul th i obi-pie Valley Kailway. ii.iisHOM.i \ c it uuosvi;. aiumm'ni tu Mtnitieui's I nrtntlev t nvclli <I lly lion *"i. i Inipli nn, Montreal, Que, July 2 The tficit I'm- tuii in tIi*"* cob bi i"ion io i> ui. 1 ) 1 } u.m the un\*ltiiiK ol tin Mas n in'i.e monument, e ett il in 1'a u d ...U in* u, mltlwav, li t\\t<nUit t t itiitii'.Ll .mil Notii 11,line ( hureb to tin immoiy ol the luumlor of the t oni- i tiiiul nn ti i i>oils, 1'. ul Ch mmb o A'a.HoniK uvl h.iib *1 i\vay f i oin I'r ** n - iiinost jfjQ yens .iK". a lover of hi i cumtiy and a patriot In every vihi' o' tin \\ oid, > i sit i d iy i h< nj I nd tl hi n/.i htatuo (iL(ttii to hi mt'niuij w s hiouded by a* 1'nion J.iok, und to il i, tin s una win tinvi'lb (1 while tin' i' i L oi Hujj ol IJ Kl.ind w veil lioni t'i tow i i s of Notrt | >aine J inline 1 'a-;- no. Jlo, Ll uii n int-<In\('i nor f'hapleLU, y< oi \ 11U nciivi , th Kii-'ion Ciui'-ui l.'V Ahbi e'olin i*Si } l oi of HL Sul- pi rhes in Ki < nc-h, ami Si U ilium lllnr-ton (hdiMnd th<* 'lisn addit's 'I'll ad ir-s os wf,i- i tii nn Iy C'.in.ullan lu tone, and Mal um u\ i wa'i t xtoli (1 not on ,u count ol ' ii it Ik bud don- f o hiH i\ itlv la 1. bit latili'I IOI the- si j \ l, ,. , ]|<i ji ul i ( i- I < d tlie t olnny ol' Monti* al. 'What do s It ma tor," cxolalnied i n. J. A Ob ipk in, in a buint o. , miotic cloqm nt , if ,i man bo KnK iisli oi Fieucb, Prol'slant or C ithutk' i . Ioiir ,ih he woiks away for the up- bu Idlnff of Canada end for the udv.m - merit ol the Con'c v.Uhm?' a a ntl- n * nt that with tht't t* i\ to the echo by tit vant multltutb' pr* neat. Yl> v Su- pi rlor Colin, tlio old man eloquent oi St Siilpico, claimed th tt the pilnclpbs \hlf*h Fmncli-Canadl ms had loam d 'i om such In roe.s as M.iNorineuve had - votion and loyalty to British rule Ar- i' i the c(-i(mnn> wis over the Gover ned and paity and .ibemt liOO ladies ami , enthmen wftf ln\lt*d to take lun h in the Scmiuai y Cardcn, and it was the Hist time In J00 y< ars that a \\ omn n b itl i'Vi r cio'jtd tin so f^iomiel-t. The ompnny passed in tbrou^li tho vety do ii win te He\ Fitli<r Carml, att-i- w uds J.isiion of l: Litimore, en ton d iu Ui iin'i' W.isbinKtein's oinbsai i, ]Ji us ij^o, ind ti b d to enlist syaiimtliv i a tii n \oluthmaiy cause. Tin iov il -"if t'f tat Hulpke t^uli tly listened to ill pioposition of tlulr co-it-lijfion'st i* an u\ti tin- boidci, ami when lie brush il they Indignantly Bhowe d hm t li* floor. Mratl nnd H,lAney DUvbm <| lekly fuml, iKull(*lun be Otttulu^d vvlih- liililY Hours1 I hnvo boaii troubled with gruvol and kidney diaeuntj for on-ht v*inrn during whloh tlmo I havo triad uuhiurouu rmu- odiou ami difforont dootorn without any permauontjjcmpnt,___At titinif. tho puhi in my loft kidney wnu no iiovoro that 1 could no) ho down, or rmniun in ouupoiution any length of tmi, Beiihiyyour kdvortiHOitmnt of Bemth Auiorluaii Kidn iy onto m tho Hu lorpriso, 1 procured n bnttbi fiom A, B dioodnyo. tlru^ftiHt, and taking (tiuxouiinu todirootionu (jot iriimwliaui relief, nnd fnnl bettor not than at any tinio mnoo flrnt notioniu two dnioimo. Ihn Horemmn and Mid weukuciHii bun all loft mo I rwcom nmiid all whoaruiillliotfjij wnli thin ditiiircr iiuu troiiblu to j/ivoBontb Aiuurioun Kidney Cm trial Ri^nnd Mkhai r. Mr Mr-i.i.i n OliuHluy, Out. Hold b> ,1 'J horuo^bu^mt. OUANOBMKK'K I>i:\lONSrHA TIOK. l.oinlon, jr ii | y litii For tho nbovo oAomiion, rate Kmiox to Londoiijuiul lotui u, %'Z 1(1 Hollin^' July lath, and tjood lo return July 13th. Children half-faro. TieUotH not jjuod on litnifcrd traimi. For furth tr information apply to (J W . Uuoou.h, Q. I1. A., ChiuuKO, Jug Cm, Lav- u, C. V. A.. Bt. Thomun, or A O. Btuuhh, Afjunt, JChhl'X. 1-4 oflf 1-4 oflf MILLINERY "Wltlilii 12 IKoiirn After Vltut Uou tlnp"Wi ll.eft Xo" itlii-imiiiilwiu of "e'ven Yeuru' Nimnllji^ <;urol In a #w toftyw, I havo ben a viotnn of rheuwatifira for novon yearn, hi injf confined to beid for iTioiithu at a time1 unablo ,o tur mynelf. I havo been fronted by many phyjiioiuuo in thin part of tho omuitry, nono of whom btn- ofiLod me. I had no faith in rboumatio (turoH aelvortniod, hut my wifo induced mo to get a hottlo of South Amnruaa Ilhoum- atio Cure from Mr. Taylor, druu'^mt, of Owen bound. At tlio tirno I wiih Huffowip; ii^nni/inj; pain, but inmdo of twedvo hourH after I took tho ftrnt (]onii Mio pain loft mo. 1 continued Until I tnolc tbreo bottlow, nnd I coiiHirUi I um completely cured. ' (Slimed) J. D MlLid. Le'ith P O., Oct. Hold by J. Thome, dru^mt. -------------------------. >ti.-------------------------- i*a^-ami;kican congress I % M off on all Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats....... The Great Comor $io*e, O'lKell^loiimid I'.tl IK udoii iit'loron- UlssIN4. M mi '.o lll.N, III' atrllluli rCi'\i>iiiie 4 utter llnrirurot \ot Il> aril of 1'ur u Uo-K. London, 7uly '2 The nvomio ruttor infant, havliiK on boaul iu hands ^-iliil n wik ,il[d inm Holyhead lot Milloid Ilitvt n Shi has noi be n h n e heaid of and tho gunboat Ht.n- aid ban bei n si nt in search o hoi. SI I.I < ONI I ^E J!> I BltLltM.. . itrtl Iho KuriiH itl Uiuuutau, llicii Told (lie Poll. r. Kingston, Out , July 1, K n iy tlila on I llll e; I'm SL I I lollop, .Ul tX Con l t ti m \*oVa Scotia, waa aire^-t d while it tioK -'iisid ioiibly, and then told tin* P >lii,t he had stt flie to the buns ui Mi- Uctta md of O G. Johiihion, bu n i d on Satniday and Sunday nlphts I! s i id he did tlie act to aemie hia u tuin L'> IU iL'JU ' i ^ i m- fed From rioHiln 11 < w Yoik .TtiK I Si'KUinda AKai ^ [ i nl 11 i \ an i .ii Unl <ii th inn t Ui i/. ba ti -d i \ Ik h lid "i n ' i tl Man s ik u lality la\,s an* b- iiu; n \ \ loi t d evi i y (Jay. Til * * .iA t i i i n oi \ Din coiintiy Is 'itl'ci b Im! in mt ot whit is p-oiriR on Jilull.iii lis i', lii lil daily In Tamp i u ' <\ W i st P'la , and the only sujipot i oi i igi i.u come tiom tin Un t d i s " .ic*sl i and the < tttni'si' H.oaii ' nili.i, Inly 2 The Stiindiud pub uetj att li fiom St Pi teiHh WrC, i' it u now coufnlentlj I's-pietid tli it llie Kuhrtti-CiiiniM. h>aa wil t i fill|> in laii'^iMl The nun |ia- il ilso pubbsll a Pal In diHpatdi, t Im t liope (it tlie ui lllll itt Mil ii'fi In lentil lias been imvnl, but tliat I n I Kiiuiml tin lekn h the fart tliat dili^iteH of the Fieneli bauhs have \et lift St. PeteiHUllt e;. ------- f riniicii (tH-<-J AiUnnri* ICfitlMl, V ih, July 1 The 'lost ife. tto, in an I b itlutiiiK tlio curicnt asscition1- t 111* KusslailH and Fr fin li h i ve i n- d mto an offensive and do enMve II nic tied.iron that no tiealy what- i his been concluded between in I- , nd ItusHia hlnce tho i tl .n slK-n* d in 180.1 by M. DeCleiH ii I'n sldont Cainot. ltutoH for ubovo oooiiHion from Kntex, v in St ThomiiH and C P. It, or IIae,ejrnvil]o anl O T. K , 87.10, via Niagara on tbo- LaiuiaLiwl-utjjitaiuir^flJiJ..--------------____ _ TichotH aoUU July l?ib, Jflih uml iQth limited toVontinuouH pimHiiue in each di- reeiion OooJ ^ouifj on dale utumped ou bick by Rtdliuf! neunt, uud (joori rotnnunn ou dute btumped nn back by in/out at To- r nito, but will not bo ^ood f(ir lotnriiiny llftei .Inly 'U t Not jj^iiO'l on limited traimt. Forfurtlui pmticulaiQ apply to O W. Ku.iilh, G P AT At , ChiuLgo, John 0. Iavin, P. At St. Thomaa oi A O Shmi iik, Ae> pi, K(.m \. Special Dress Goods sale during* July. - a J [Ju.yh/* DIEBEL&BRICKER. To Smokers s To mot t tlu widuti oi tht-n Lii^touicrb, Tin Geo. K Tiukttt A Son Co., Lid Hamilton, Out, ha/n pbicit d upon tin muiKot A Oombination Phiir of ttm f 5 SMOKING TOBACCO I1! is Mipp'irs .1 Ion; ItlluaiiL yiv nn I no co siuuoi one 'M) cent \Au\z, oi i HI ( co t pieci. or a ~> ctiit. piece I tin ijiuioiis'"T *5a JB' biund ot ptiiL \'u-eir.ia 'Icbacoo. The tin tag 'T & B" is on eveiy piece Itt'innn Kllli'fl. PIri'miiii Viijitrcit P tld mi?, Pa., July 1. The Cumber- 'iiul nee niiuoilatl'm on the Baltimore Ohio Hnllroiul collided with a shlCt- i t t,K nt' at Ijaiu'hlin Htatioli. n aie- iii"n llar\ey Louth-'r of th" Milftoi was In i nth ki le'd. Firoman Mclietii waa ba lly inju.ed. "Itl-h I nu* AfYI**,! 1Vn>ml'e-in"l London, July 1. The formal trnrwfor of the territory nf tho Hrftlnh TCa*t AC- rl'i. Company to Oreut Urlta n was effected at Momb.utaa to-day. I'in I. iiuvley IDi'ikil Ix>nt1on, Jmio 20. An ExchaiiKo Tolo- ^iiiph Company'* tolojrruui publialiod In rho Globe luinounaoti tho di'atli of Prof. Uuxloy at lirtntbourue at tf.41) p.m. 8at- <Vll CALL AT -"""a-aaeaat^ FOIt ALL KINDS Of Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. j** KUII TI110 (JUMINCJ ril.ASON, VT TIIK le cotton Mills t WOODSLEE 000 wi _______7 WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. The boot nf Louthor aud flrat-olaita Work- mauHhip.i,' All hand work. Every ilarnouH uold by ran miulo in Wooel- hUo My Stoolc of, X.id1it and Houvy IPiMioBH in uow oomploto, iintl a Hplon- did Htookjof nil norwo Ooodo. 'Rojmirmtj tlouo promptly and ohoup. UU WRIGHT cr^WITH, South Wo^dsloe. For which we will pay the Highest Price, either in Gash or trade. t Something New this Year in Dress Goods, FiariuLlf, Flannel Skirts, Shoulder ShawJw, Halifax"e ^-lipetii)g^7J3lankei.s, Yarns, Etc , all our own manufacture tf BROWN &> WIGLE KINGSUILLE 'ID W$& Impoi tant. Having been nmcli annoyed by piutioaui thia county belling spurious gooGs as our manufac ture, wo huso adopted tuo uniioxod trademark whiub will borealtir appear on all our blanket fcicl.uta, and every Hkoin of our yum will bear our label. Any goodB not having our trade mark will not ba our manufacture, M. J. W!GlE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZFD AGENTS IN ESSEX. I /I Our Peddlers will be out on theiifucual'roiitefi thin glimmer. r J Wait until they call on you;nnd phojv you our Gor da and give /j yon our price. Only our nnthori'/ed u^ents handle our goodp. Ji Don't be deceived by falpe reportfl. Pee that our name is on r~l all our goods. ^ BROWN & WIGLE Kingsville Woollen Mills, i$ j /V.' .1.' livi Xu ^(.I^H.^j*. iL&fe^S^ )'<;. ^4::te ,/vr &M 21 47

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