Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 5, 1895, page 3

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THEI ESSE1 RR3K*e PRESfe, \ ' Guiihcr, Out., .Tunn li'), Ihdn'rt l"""'- livlnir on tin* VUi coiiei'iwinn of Tilbury Wttit, hud four head of cuttle poiwtiH'd Chin wi'i-lt, ViMli'i-dny Mr. I'Vml had hi' HUHplciitiH iii^ii .I'd ami wiiiiummi d u^vt'li" rhinry, who, upun oxjuim nation of inek null fount! In Lln p lutm-iHj, proniuiiit'ed it HtiLnrutiMl with punn (rreeu. '"'l,'rU 1M UO clui) to t|li> ]u'rpi'tlMt<H'M. 1 ml It fill' >Vimti4 Of llHtH-llH'"^ Quebec, Ono.. juu.' :m Mnnrle Uoolie, a butcher, hud IiJ.m Mm- W"ll-' he Wa'i ro!inUiK the river 1" n niU'bitfit. To mukc <fiil' U tlni' li" niini'h'"! hl;i boat to tin1 Mcin <>r mi " Il|f' u""v stoinncTH. In mlclMiniim h ' >;"1 "I' to Ko to the how til' Hi.' imnr. Willi*- d-dnt; ho thi'htt'umor nheored aro'ind to nifiko I for lint Inii.llnj;, rup'itK 'I Ii"' ,,M| !in'1 throwhiK him hcudlomr hit >. thu rlvur, Irl.-I '|lrr *"' S|MM.....Iiil WoodMtnek, Out, -fni" :.n~dl<'ry l-'letuher, tho sliooJ.itf iriilleiy man, who wan fuiind 'in'liirii-I'iii, IAid.iv mornlrc from ilii oveido-e <if lauclnnnm. was found (i Hecond nui* uUmi 7 uV]o\ jc Saturday evening in u Indplem condl- ton and died. A verdict of miicIUo waa h_**ik>mi<) KICKING VOtt KVTUA I AY, JL bow la (lin NVwfiiutntlnttd V.rKhlniHra lhat May kilurupl Ui CV(u-miitii. fit. JfolmV MUU .Timo SR^Thero 1a wrioiw troublo in tlm While way (this Gov*mmont) party in tho Lojrittlaturo, Tlio rank and liJo want tho n-^tdar wwi- iiimuU pay and a Ihmiiih bewruV*, bueauno llio iw'HHiou had been woven uuxitliw lonjjf. Tim Miainlry i-Miuoh to rtan&tion thi, holdup thai tluy nre in honor bound to carry out rotr?ndiineut~ Tlio unof ficial nvmlwrn of tho pn.rty retort tlm.t tlm Cabinet ofrkvna air irottinK their Tidl Hiilnrioy Ui tlm end of ,Iuuo, and tlir*t tlu oUwr miMiilwra of tho pjLrty aro uu- titlt'd to n'L'oivo woino coimitlt'ratioii, flio MlniHtry th run ton to di.Jhii.rKo tha C6ntini'iicli,*r G>nimiUi'o and ropbuJH it with auotlinr coiiiniitti't* compoHctl of mom- borM of tlw Kxccutiwj iilut'. Tlio nuil- contcutH Jui\v" daiud tlu'iu to do thin, knowing that the Opix/dtion would oup- |H>rt tlu'iu ukuulsI tlu* Mmidtry in tho liopu or tlinriiptiutc tho (Juvonuui'iit. Tha ituutiou i thri'iiU'iiiuur. l'mnn'r W'hitoway thrcteii'i to n'hi^ri uiiIchh thw iiakouti'iitM t.ubniit, hut llu* latter am till Htubborn. 'Vlw adj<iiirnin<'nt of Ilia IIoiiho liuH bt'Oti |*ostpiiiwd until next woolc iu onlyr to allow gi a hullloun'Ut btiiti^ ivaclu'd. Toronto llarl'MH. Toronto, Jinm 20. ntrnlplit rolltvrn qtiotd itt 4'i.*iJ to $ \.uQ, 'i'ni miLo froJghtu, liniii - Br.iu Is if-nl.\. ut <12.50 for nr Iot, Toronto tri-'lglitH, .Slmrti iiro tpioUnl lit -plO to $17. Wliout Tim nun Lot lit dull, with Inijom holding off. Whl to in untili n il al liS- at VIanUtli polntn, and Nn. t M-nil tuli.i lull i| at 07c, ToiLJitto frtdyhtii. Vi^m Ti ml*' (lull ami jolt on o.o \ ut tl l-2u to BHo. \\\"ft. Hurloy Ti'uilo dull ami pt'lcoit ut 52 to G5o (or fwdiiig on.i|itli>H. Oijtn Tin* niurLi't iu ivuikui*. uoji.j I tu.'jj IlllOkl OlltilldL' (It WllltO lit A i 1-J Li j t. tlio forraor for lifyli frm^itn. llyo 'Su Imih 1 iu-bh dolny .in I pi l' i) pui il ly nominal. Ou,tin<Md dull, wltli pen on oubv at $-1.10 on titLok lor urdlnuj quiili* fir of i/ip' If you Would Banish the Blues and all lour Other Distresses Use Paine's Celeiy Com pound. Yoa, thiu ih jUHt tlm neaH.>a when wt hoar men and women lumen ting ubout tbvilf half-duud condition. They find thut phyidc<.l and muuinl eoer^v luiu doworttd tlaooi, aud tliuy tire Binkintf deeply into tho pit of ddHpondetioy. Tlio hot wutuhor invaruibiy produouH thoiiHiinilH of miHtTiiblo fooliiiL; mortuhi. Thoy luuk nerve forco, Ftren^th and vital lty. Thoy nru uuuulh turmeutod by dyu- po^aiu, flutulencL, biliounnoHH, heart troublu, oonstipntiou, ntirvouontiMO, anil BloGnloHflneuSi tboy cuuuotrnut day or night, and life boomen it burden houvy and in- toWublo. Tllto groftt recuperator, utren(jth and hoalthKjivur for uuoli weary, worn-out and Bnfforpkjntfiopto iu Pmntt'ii Gulery Com. pound, iSw ao Hiiivorually approved of by ran dm a 1 men. Puiuo'w Culury Compound m its |jecuhar flftmtiHition, oombineB thu bout producor^ oMiwftHlky-tind pure.blood, the flrtit oqion tittl to ptivfocUioiilth. ninmgth and nativity. Y/hon itri:ubilit>, itoivouHiioan and sloop 10BHufiH nro Ftrmaiicntly baninbtid, and inon itnd women no ubout iheir duMca with a vim, will ami uuortiv that indiuuteB bdalih nnd rolmBLUfivo. Uno Painq'n Col. ory Compound at odou, if jou would an- l*oy Jifo in tho hot woathoif. ^ A cood apputitw und ndrcuhian nit up fcre,OhH,tttiul to litinlthof miiiii und body, and ttbu hvv (jlveu by flood'fl Rarfiap&r. ill.. will* , 1/ or MllH 1 HI'( I (ll- " 'Il .11' Vein-1 in "= i nn 11 V'i ( ' r ,l.i ..Jill " I OLD LAND POLITICS. plrxions, (. I'npiioHs "i ' (M ick 1 , ' \ll 1 > ...... of tin: si i.V"' ' I im H'i.'iiiiJM, aiirl a ^cnci I "liili, arc spcc>!i'\ ci ' 1. fr- - i fit-'"' I-Jf-y .^mansion takes away Hie palo, hapf^ard look that comes with (ri-m-ral 1 >chiliiy. It enriches the lihiorl, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. For-Coughs.Golda.SoroThiroat, Bronchitis, Woak Uinf^. Consumption and Waatinu Disonsos of Chilclron. Semi for our fttm'Uit, M "/ I /'A'/7 A". Scott & Bowno, llulliivill'i. All rup{jUtu. DOc. &$1. i i' Oil I I. in i ' 0. . lion, Mr. <liupl^u to OeuKrii-HIr riillUH to Huc<*'tl Mlm. Montreal, Qiia^ June 2W. Political rtt- mon< from Quebec wore moru tli/m iit- toretint? to-dny, and although notia oi tlif pri'iicipahi woi-e in tho tity to w*v- firm or deny the r.-urly wll ttUthflfttU e.iti d (dorr, th"n' him Imon * jlOfd^JT* il,i temi'iit tlitit a niei'tinjf wtII bo bflld lien- ne\t wi-elc, when tlu> matter will ' lli'r c nit1 t a bond or Imi deelarod off. It i n . h'cii't tint lion. Mi*. ChitpUm* * nion' in iii i*< Htlr*--> nt H[n'noorwornl, and h l 'tij fri-iidi an* exu'i'din^ly unxi'^ii th' Lii'iiti'iiaiit-Goveruor u. ill njjrnin ii M liie i' iher in ji M [ii**ti*i iol ' ' ^ ii i it prmite ineinhei. '1 \\<>na . ii ['illy i tin' e.i nN nr UliL mi M s l[< nor w ill b 'di'd II 'ii ('. 'I ;i lion, u lin f'M4 ev.M \- ii !i * n j t.'fite lit.' piibl c lifi', t nl I Ii' u b li' ln>' ni'-t ii'.%i nil" (i nil sieiul. 'I he ])!( tild in --t jiopi.l.u- i ih iv-mir to 11 e ii ' l id -t n\," (Hid tio i k'^ it ion woi+ld ' 1) . LT i hit tin Pit inirrV tiuii't t i-'t-'H. '. . Ii m.'d if Mr. T.nlloii taken i |-*>^ tiou, Ins Tiicr'h-uir will either be " ( ' i-j. N'Mitol or the Hon. 1,. P. ' I lei.w.o Fn'in-h tdi-iv.y favoring tho in- oi Lne I'nuiii'rtl Secietary. If, i'i-, Ibm. Mr. Clitpleau hud a hand 'i, lie u oild hhow bin Jiiflueneo \" to" Mi. \juitel. Then, if Hon. ' lo.llou ,u"t*itl n*tire, a uv\\ Prencti mb'i- ni Llit* t'.ib nut fivmi Jloutrual > ii.d b in ordt!r, and it ) i il t'nat Mosors. Peucarrieu, t. i. A., lor Juctpiea Cartier, .i Ji< tin Iiuiii[> fin- Two Miiuutainfl i ho i hi.-! n-tpi/antn. . riuti'I nt u\ I'oininentiJ are heard hero ^ ' if in imi.'i- ihe iiitjiieHt in the Ue- inn di'i" i .iii' H bi'iii^ earried t>n. ' t Miiaitei- ot tuft the French theory ! i niUii guilty until pioved i't, ni-. "omelet dy wiipiTMi (li-il tho r. - id.....i piesinuiiu^ a man mno- ii.. until p(o\-il j,ui|t^. Tin* hiJKbtiiid of " inn, Li-., d \tuiiiiii, aLthtiu^h nu-tpeeti'd ".' "" in1', .ii a witnehH to-da>, and "jo if M Mi'umi hajtl, "Deint'r.4,' wuh it . ti . u ho '-in jimr \viK'*h throat before ' Tliurrtday ninniing? *\ I t I n \-' \ on to hii.> to thiH, ' aiid,a^ain, w. Ii ni the iin'i"ibtTH ot 3 our family u i..-. it moi Lohi ) on cut your wife'n ilitnit ' \lj thin link plnee to-day iu i| i i. inuit Im* fm t* 500 [Hop!*1, and the \ I I'Hi- nt.- ti v.- ni thf Crow n nut bom do i Ii' (i u oii.'i iittt-niiK a word of |ll uti .-.t. i \y im> it i iu.v h( out in.ii, Uitn.t IttillOliiux l>. - , <o I'd I'Iki Lona Veif Uriwy Twfi'il, (int., Jmii -S.- Fire htarti-d in tin* A lliiun I lotid st tl.lcs It i o last nitfht alioiu on. u' loci Lis ninht, di'.'-t. oi iiijj tin.' I oliowIn^ . Al ion Hotel iiuil'l.ibl , tiwiiotl and orciipi d i>> J*. \j t'l.L imont, Iohs on buildliig a out J.nJUU in^i. i o 1 *l sun, Th . Mc- CVinn's llvoryi si ins , n| -.t re lo a about $1000. no ln^ r n < (' oik'- l.itf Ollk'c, lOSS IlllklliiUII, liusliv'a .tllif ^hop; II UfjM CoUfi s Iiiliio .s simp, u s aomit .*,Joo, no luHuiaiiii An'X. Turcoit's -hoe slm;i, loss on ^ iop .I'loui |joo, slot ic s.ivcil, no in>-tii an 11' list -I- loook'H barn ]<<- \> ut % uo , K 1 k Jj>ourno^' b.iin, b.idlj duna^-l, F lix I>> uiim1 h' outbuild iuh i c^i. oy *tl, sii> ip and u!\vtdllnj; h til il.nn ^ d h> lu'* and water, In.s-i n.oit $.".im) c-vcod by insuninci- In tin (Jl dn t o . ]i.uiy ; sev eral otlo-i buildinK^ and ropeit h iwht- ly dam.iR-od , John S i.iw tT oc-i plate* kIosh fitjnt budly d.ima-;ed, Ion:- Ji"5, nJ liiHuranci*. HIIOI K'OLt A l0 1K-MAK IIII.L. An AfTrnr In llamllloii Thnl liny Ke ; UitriltT Hamilton. Juno 2S. A row occurred III h ai'tei noon about H o'i lo It In the Tremont House, in Stu.u l-sCi ut*t, winch in all prob ibilit> will result fatally. Jam a Nei lun a yoiniK" m n ' ho re- HidoH with his mother, -\!rH ICllen Nee- Ion, 27,i\ Hay-HlieeL no'th, was shot In th- Miomath by Jamt'H Wall, the pi o- pi etoi. The row Ih 3 ltd ti hiu1 orle;- il over til ehant:e of a two-dollar b 11. AVall cams to have do.n- tlie . -iiinjtliiK' In seir-d'-fenee. Ho Hixyn Nee- ion nut! thit'o othi'i men ttirOiLtoiu'd to d ) hlin up. Wall h a been In a Haootthp ucrapo bidore. S veral > ears ag > he shot at a yuuntf lady who had ruJeeUM h\- ad- utL'Hst'H. lie 1m well known a-s a t 1 iff dancer, beini? the bent In the oltv At a few minutes before 3 thl-t after noon the lady bookkeeper forChhho'm & L'g-ie, barrister , waa on h-T wav to the hunk with a d post! for the firm of over $11000 in eh ipieH ml J .ft In easli, when a thief snatched It (i'i m hi r and inn oil' i'p hn not >et been captured. The p i\ ni.-nl ol' tin* chetpuea h.. tjouii bt ipped. POWDERS nt SIOK HEADAOWZ and HmihIkU . --0 MifJuratJ, lo C',*l"!',i'l^,,lt'i Dl/I- .i m, luiiiaitnuBii, PjIuI^ tlio Sitil;, CxHitlpmtI0n, T rpUl Llvar, Hut Urcullu *o muy aurtwl tko rcculalo thu bowula. i/BRV mas To yak*. *P*tJOX SG OXNT3 MY DltUO BTOtttisf Goi a!J Ballour To bti buoro- tat-y For IrolanU, CADiHET bilNISTiKS RE-LLECTtiJ. Die \-^ ^llnl^tcr- Tali*- 'liirir ^nu hi to. 11 Hi: si t.\|MM IdtlOtl t. Il.ll tit!,' i'.H'I'll'i i*j.. Vi.n i-f ( I,,.. n*j<*- hOllllloll 111. M 'il.tOltj 1st i iiii.c-l J.iiiu n'lji Ijornlun, July 2. Th" filulnir oi t u l.i'ir*' ui ('oiiiiin >ir> >i i..ii.v \.a "hi 'i. (I u.\ tii v< r.* m ui ,it no a- -il. I t. ii'iLoiii.u y lijiuji lie >ic. .i:dnii in Hi I lie .M ni 11 j . in ,. III llu' UI Oi tile ' )ppO' ilhui ..nil LU- ' lo.iou i i it.i i^il 111 i - .iL , luiuli, 1 lit S I'- O ih' I i (ill ti I Oi uK'i ty oi en i'i 'i I'j ill I ni" i ind in in . i -, ui ill "i- Ji' 'I i < , r Ii ii I', inr , ., :,i j la i'. Ii i ii i" in. I- li .i -.) ,il ,n I in- Sj m " ' 1 1 ,'. 11' Lh ,,n.i o* Lo.ds, Jl.ii ti , I in! b'll:>. I b- lieu L >i d I Iifih Cli nn e.Ioi, t"<l,. Ill ;, ,|( L!|Miji til' W'litiCl.K li loi h.- III [ ll ,11- ,r Uli- p i uli ifr ollle- I If'l-Ji s. Ill lip, (111 He\\ Cuvi hint lit TiO ^ 1 I Mi M oi LI . | lulls, \ve. i W '11 11 Ii !, ii'! of I .dies the wUim oi da i f t ,s in j- ,.i-,r we e piC'CiiL In bl b,n L i o UUUI. M. l't.ue- Niis'iilla. ai'lei le.tviiiK tin Hoii'-e ni C'uHiniuii.i, wen I tn Llle House Ot Loi dii, W Ip'l e l.U W'.lH Ml a tell ill till" /;.i]ii^ Let .itijii", ior tlirii i.ulcs Th btu iii' .1-, i oiiiim led' Iii b il h Mmi'.is w h nieieiy i iii in .1, a u< t Lliey In a h adjoin in ii after bnet s< -slons. i i. .'ii Lnnimi, July 1. The Kip,lit Hon. Joh ]ili ('lianibei lain wan r -eieeiotl t i lepit-H, nt Ihe U'i st Division of llinnln^- h.iin. Th'1 occasion of re-election wan tin- a pp >iutment of Air. Cham lie rial h to thi Cabinet of 11 co al S> rot uy or Sl.u' iOl the t'tl.nilU'H. 'i lie KiKht Hon. Artiiui J invH Hal- foiir w as re "lecietl to lepi t'Kt'iit th 10a* t iJivIMun of M.uicl e t i. The Hlffht Hon. Kb- M . luu-1 Hlck^- Ileiioh wit' .tlio re-t'lecti d Hlr Heiry J'luic-^, the in-wly-app Int- ed Chanc llor of the Imcliy of is ter, ha written t i hi' const tueot In iluiy, uliith dlstilct h* lepieH-nted in the House tjf Commons a fan-Aed let t< I 11,11,11 hi-- licet ptatic o of it I 'eOl .i|TC Th- YoikHhiie Kvon.iu 1 'out ,ui- n .uncfi that .Mr. Oeruhl William bu four, member of I'ariiain< nt foi t.i C'eiitrtl IJlvision of l,eedH, lias b im ap point i <1 Chief Seej-etarv ior I I elaiid Mr. Ualfour Is a biot..i*r of th" Ht^hi Hon Arthur'H H-hoTir, tie in*w ly-app dnted lb st \- u d of the "i'i easut J , to whtjin he ha1- foi Home time pa>t been s. i r.-tat-y. The- unnoun t rnent of tin* app ont rn< iil ha1- (M-.tted ;i ^I'eaU-dwuw ui-:.w^ prise", but the anthoi lty ior the h at - ire nt h ,ippaientl\ beyond (pic tion.'l li I'ust belnt,' his pivont oikoii. M' IMl loui Is unknown lu circles, t \- M-Iit as a younu and piom'flnK piditl- iaii. The Post will say to-rnoi iow tb .; Walter tluiue Lo g, M.I', oi the We* Derby Division ot Llveipod, has b-en appointed I Meslili'iit of the Board of Atriiculture. William St. John Iirodei I<-ic, M.I\ M the (JuillonI IjiV.sioii <d Surr y, h: b ( n appointed Cn-lei H.eietary o Ste to lor W^'ir. it w.i- .Mi. HVodi-rl who made r*if rnotioii in the House or Commons to i-dn-e the try ol M Campbcll-B.Mm m n, S-trct.ny oi War, in onh- i.i call a te it on to I hmd deflelen bs In th w:w-iu pi the iidoptiou oi which lo i to the i sij.; nation of the Liberal Mlnlstiv. In a speech to ids e-ui tltm ills l W' st Tlil-tol.Kh Ml lunl HI I.--H K-h Chancellor of the Kxehcfpiur, >-ai I th f Jtj\ to 'ar.y tliio'M tin- House of Cuinnioti1- befme di.-i oln tlo'i the I*".tr tor\ b'l] inti dueed by tie lot" Liberal Covei iiineiiL S.r Chai les Hilhe. Henry f^abouehei and other Hadn il ^ l*. m-d ,i i an - le*-to tleuiandin^ . lefirm in * h i k tration ami iiaii'hi--e laws, He lh t on tn.i n will h i \ e oii'v one \ ote. 'I lie> .. i demand a teloruiin I'aula nct.t ry p: 'edure, 'a. ,i- I > ] re\ in w ltin o 'jti u tion am] to 1 rl g tbtmt ' he , ho l linn ot the leMlslatlve pnWt r- o. In > 1 Ions.- oi Hord- The m iidl'esto d claies that the e laliti hi (I >\ c nient, ill th f i cos of inon p dy p iv. t-i and re. etlon are < oml iiesf Aeu n i til cm in usl be e\ ok' d the ni ' t 11 i iiKP and strength o" the frci ci ctois Heniy M Stanb y, the African e^ ploier. wdli ukuIii c inlest the No i Divi-lon of fiiintlieth in the comlna p;c oral el* ell >n for ni"niber of Pai ]lii'ii"nt In the 1 * st election Mr. Stmley, who w n I.'b nt 1-1 Tnion 1st, waa defeated b Ki.uicls M Co'dwell, a Kadt al. Jm-'ep't Chamberlntn. th n-w Colon'a' S n - tary, will sneak in Mr. Stanleys b- half next Hatuiday. .m. I'Uti.-. luit.i^ i\ jiutino llnti'irn < inilerr' tl U i ijo >i n on do- It London, June 30. The hot of honon* -ui'*rred by the Que#*n on iho ooca^tur. ol the retirement of the Kosebery Gov ernment has bei n publlsliei. Loicl noui,'bt m. the i etii ins Loi d .lout* n.inl of Iieiaiid, and tjord Cauln^ton, me rethink Lord Chamberlain, become EarlH. The followlrie; are created n.noiiH : Sir Henry Hiou^h im f^och. i e< ent'y Governor oi Cape Colony; the Rl^ht Hon. Herbeit (Jaidner, M.I1., t' e ietir- inj? Piesldent of the Hoard oC ak l ul- ture ; Mr. Sydney Jam'es Ste-n, M.I*., and Mr. James Williamson M iThe llaroivts Include the Loid Mayor of London and Mi, Loylnno*, nn e:-.-M.l' The HiLTht Hon. Henry I'\nvler, Sec ro tary of State for India in I ord R ise- bery's Cabinet, Is made a Knjriit (band Commander of the Order of the Star ot India ; the Right Hon H. Campbe.l- HaiineimMn, the retiring Socreta y or State ior War, a Knight of the Grand Ciohs of the Order of the Hitli, and Mr. G Iff en, a Knight Commander of the came order. The Daily Nww aya that it mint not be lututily luwumod that Lfird Ito-ub;'ry lui uuddouly tocoaQo IticoiuilAtent, mid hiutfl tluat tho p*eragoa jiit conferred worn promiflocl prior to hl npooeli at Ilr.'iiUord nKtt|n*t iho Hoiino or Lordu. T^wi.Pojwt Atid Th#,Graphic romark up on tii> jllotiifl-l CMJ/ition of )K)i>m by a npon u-wtow pi-oK*flm tlio polil^U xt(iictton of tho IIou . oi AUCTIONEER DrUNUY HLUIlK K, AimtloiUM-r. Hul > J 1 promptly littoiotml lo. Audrowi Hoilth Wooiltiliiu, (int. l'tmiioiH (leilrlnK to mn'iire n uiuy h.avi. wur<l at Mk l"itl I. I'm I'" ninno. tl- II IJMiKlbk JrO>n4* i7. WlohatsaHt CANCER ON THE LIP OUKEt> BY pa HI la AVER'S M I consulted doctors who prejiorlboil for me, bin to nn purpo'te. i mittoied hi iiKony hoy en Ioiik yuais. 1'hudly, I hegan taking Ajer'fi'iiipinllla. In n wook or two I iiolb'tM] a doeldotl Improvement. Kncour- nKed by this iciult, I poi.sovei'ud, until In a iiiciith or ho the sore hqian to heal, and, jifieruslnn tilt; tf'irsaparlllit Mr six month't, tin1 hint tinro of Ihe eiuieordl'iftppcareil." Ja.mi.h L. ^n'^oulOKl Kluruucuvillu, N. Ii, Ayer'sjSgrSarsaparilla Admitted at tho World'n Fair. AYJtiJi'VJ'iJ^'i Jtiyulato tho Bowels* \\ KIKtJLAIU, MUHNHKIJ AUOTIONKWH < ** lOl'thfi County ori'lMnex. Ilndilf of I'Jelitli l'ivhilon Court, All hiniH of Kunn nnd other Wul oiinhujtfil ]noni|itly Huttsii voii^oiuthlo >ui(l (tuiiliiliiiil on utiplltjiitlon. Knnnlroni miiV npnlv nt W. I) |li>iiniiiii,n ollieo, nr at tin* otlleu ol iHvlulrm Court (Jli i It, Mr. .John Mllun. | OHM MOItMbKV >"J blObNKKP Ab'CI'lOMbr.K for llio County ol I'.incx All liliulii of fiiini iitoolf tiitloii, eh', conilueiofl proniptlv ami on iihort notion, ICuLnn urn loi'ublu. J'liriioiin doith nblo to tirriino union mity lo no by ciillhiR nt tilt) I'UKU I'kiihh oiitoo oi by applying to '1 J. OOHMLI-JY, P. (k iinx ir>") Kmiiiv, Out.. ' F Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A Jui'ge stock, all now #ooc"N and lutcflt Novelties. I taiui no bad: Boat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I have nJsirrje stock, .-nu^lit at bottom nrict"1, nri'l run bout tliom ail for pi-ire and f|Uulity. Call and hog them. PRICESAWAY DOWN - - - ON - Kelxlti.....TTR,rness, tTMtANK MoflLOKIU'.Y, Miibbitnno, thirty- J iiovtin ynani" oxporlonciti im nn iiuotlnnoor m thoCountv nf I'linifix. Hal on conducted pioinptly, am! on roiuioniddo ternm. PjLrtlin (loulrliM to IK tliti diuto for a imln can iinvii tlieinnolvoi1 h di-i^ft by calllni; at tho I"iu'.r, Purmi ollieo. Wo hnvo iirnuujnd with Mr. MoCUinIiey nnd will fix Mm dfiton for todoii by tolo^rnidi,ontiroly fioo of all <diitrj(o to I lin luiri.nn liulillnii tbn miln. Ad- droiui Frank MoCloiiUoy.MiililiitimoClroiiH.Ont, ltifi UNDERTAKING nPIiUMMHU, Untlnrtiiioii and Furntiii voni *:'to :H) Mo'lrotfor Out Dd One Hundred NEWLY Track Harness AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A lar/je atoelc and it nnif-t k". Call nnd sec me bofnre buying elsewhere Evaryfhing m the Horse Furnishing Line. F. S. Adaxus. wo tloorn euHt ot lialo'fi CurrniL'o Worlta, Khox . Qlgqx&q X. OToxxea, NURKKUYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Pouch, Puttr, Plum, Apple itnd Quinoo Treen, Rohuh, Kvor^reor.H, Iiorry BuhIiob, Rtmnberry, Blackbtirry and Currant Btitiheii. All tirat-clanh fcuc-li Save afjeiUR' Big Profits ! and write for pnoou, Wo will cheer fully annwor you by return mail. "WANTED To buy Furniture at prioun thut are riirht down to hardpim, and prepared to furniHb uvory thinu in tho nhapo of Furniture that a tjood hoiHekooper nuuds, Alno a lino line of Baby Ciirriugea at pricoH that are ri^bt clone. Kindly call und innpout the f^oodH, it will pay you to do ho beforo buy ing olHuwhoro. It coHtn you nothing to ^ot pncoii. UNDERTAKING-AND- EMBALMING A Hpecialty. Iivurytluuf4 done up in ^ood Hhupo. All ncueiiSiiiry carriagen mriUHhod. BuHtiiDHR promptly iittondadco at all liourn. VVill oomnaro prieen with any midortakor of any town. Have two lino hearnen iu frond condition, and will not bo undeniold m tho linen I repreiiont. J. A. Hicks, SX Michigan (TejttrjUi "Ihe Niagara Falls Rant*." fakinjj effoct Dotroit. Windnor .... Pulton Muidtitonoc I^hhox .. . Woodflloo ... Hiiiiooinb ... Com bo r Itulnotown.. Hodncy.. . Ht. Tbonuid London . '-'t. Thouiaa... Hodut-v .. Hldotown..... Couibur .... Uuiicoiiib... . Wnodtiloo..... Ktiiiux..... Muldntoiio Cr Pulton WindHor Dotroit..... O0INO KAUT May 19th, 10G. Mid! Kxp. Exp. a.m. ti in ti, in. 7.15 0.20 0.1(1 7.10 15 50 10,10 R0,J K.1I H.'Jl h:i7 10,17 11.!H) t.-jo io.:i:i 8.47 10.01) OOINCJ WliflT. p.m. ii -JO a. an 4 07 6 30 5.41 5.50 ti <j:j Ii.M o -is 7.10 11.50 1.05 a in, 1U.31 li. u lii.-ir> Accom p.m. 1 10 6.WS 5.1!) a ju o.:io fi HI 5.50 0 01 7 10 7.:w b40 Il 111 5.15 6!).'! 7 .')U SOU ):) '.I.IIH P. 15 ftfil 1(1.01 10.11! U'.ilO 10.55 AmiiorudHiru: Locul Xrulnu. wuht i;aht Splendid Apple Trees, Al"iu ovory reapoot, $12 PER 100 - $12, Money to Iran Ou uood produotivo Form Property at . BJ, A 0 pur coat. titraluUt. No Valuation Foes. rgar Oouvoy anotnR D(ono np in Noat Stylo Fire And Life nsurance. A. . LOVELACE, E88ICX,0Hit IffTOffioa: Whitney Block, upstabre p in 0.10 11.25 IS.2H IM10 U.50 iL.m, a.m. 11.CO S,1S 13.03 ltt.10 12 30 12. Ml J.:i2 fl.5.*i Khpox Kdcaru LE&IJll Xhi[f MoG-aflor Amhon.tburi{ ( n..m. 7.15 7.00 6 50 MB i'..:i(i 1.60 0.10 0 .15 0.30 9.10 eiu \ fi'i i 50 4.31 All trairni aro ruu on oontriil Btiuidiird timo, whloh in nixty niinuton ulowor than Knnox time. For information and ruton to oolon- iiiU moviiift wont apply to John Q. Luvon, Pan- Honiror Ajjont, St. Thomao. O. W. ItuijRlon, Gou- oral PanBoiiRor ana Ticket Aaont, Chiciifio, 111 or A. O. Utlmurn, Acont. Kbbox, L E. &. D. R. Ry. TIMK TABLE NO. 17, taklnff offoot on Monday. Nov. lid, lfiiU. Trains run by Kaatorn Stand ard Tlmo. Dailv oxcopt Sunday w| ci^ 0 a A d A M A M 0 26' 11,00 0.U2] 11.18 0.43 0.50 0.57 10.0^ 10 0U m.ifi 10,27 10,87 10.4fi 10^6 11.11 11.20 11.2.1 1135 11.-13 11.50 11.55 13 01 ll.liO -J P M (1:20 fl.27 0.44 11.J0 0 51 11.05'Oft 12.0S 7.03 13.201 7.10 l^.-lQ 7.17 1.01 7.2H 1.H01 7.3H 1.4B.7J0 2.2OI7 BB U.45 H.lC 12.10 12.21 i\i,:ia 1* M. 11.05 !1 !10 8.62 4.15 4.10 4.15 S.C6 12 14 -#rl5 c.fio., ,B5 0.10 P.M. B.:ll B.28 QM UM tiM H.Slt 0 05 0.12 P.M. Stationh. -1 Dov Walltorv'lo Ar Walkorvillo Juno. ........Polton........ ......t Oldcantlo...... .....i Paqnotto..... ..... MoQronor ..... Now Cauaau.. + MarbhUold ... .... Harmw ..... ........t Arnor......... .....KinRbvlllo...... ..... Ituthvon ...... ... Loam lac ton ... ..... Wbaatley ...... .... f Itonwiolc ..... . ... (joatiiworth ... ......tGlouwood...... ........Morlin......... .....\ Huxton......... ...... Randiflon .,' ...1 Codar Bprhieu... nionbelm Juuot'n ......Blonhoim...... .......fWilklo......... 'iw^tiiootowu Dop M H U ti *H * O O % 'A A M A M o 10 5.00 0 01 4.15 H 57 4.114 fl 5U 4.21J ft 47 4.11) H4J 4.11 RIK1 4.01 8 20. D.1H B M D.41 H 11 n m 11.11 7M 2.55 7 4U 2.40 7 IH i.mi 7 1 1.38 7 10 US 7<W MM) OBJ 12.30 0 46 1B.10 tl 41) 12.00 0 31 11.1W ft. 24 11.20 (1 fit 11.1(1 H10 10.15 000 10.00 A.M. V. M. a w W r m 7.00 fl.51 0.47 0.48 0.37 11.03 8.20 0.10 0.12 tl.01 Ol 6.41 fUW 8.14 fi.Ofi K.00 4.50 4.4B 4.1)5 4.110 4 21 4.14 4,10 4.00 H.KO I'.M ( Plan Statlom. Traiiio nfop only when tboro Hfo natuwneeri at oi1 for thoao htotlouB. MIxod traiun aro at al tlmoa Hubjoot to be pimoolled WM WOOXiXiA'TT. General Hut>ovtittilent W Bloodpurifiers, though gradual, avo rtd. 1011I in their efleofc. Ayo^s SEtuaparllla is IdtomlVd ae a modiolus ouly and not a fttitoulant, oxoitabtt or bevage. I tamed' wte.rflPultB ajfty.not always fullqw.ifca Wcbat after a rBabonable lims, prmaneut benetit is aerfcain to bo realized. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mi tiionrtii .-Hi-, l'liiiumi, Pittttor. Harvioo vury Hui"k iv at II 11. in. null 7 p. in. Huhbutb tPool at ,en. ui. (i, II. Nil,, lor, biiptointoiid- . 1 n' mil ' < ' I, p win Hi I mi, nun prn v' rtnuotlnft '(it'i.M.yi ,1 m;iiM .'nk.i,L. Utoiiual pimyor nM'tlii|[On '1 biuildav nvouhii!. Oiriiiinif rii' T'NOfMNji - Kuv. A.b.btivoily, Ijj. junilu nt, hi 1'auln, Kiu.LOt. DiviiioHOifvloo ovr> Minduy 111 7 nVloek, p in Hundittf iioliooi ul 10 11. in. j'nnitv t hurrii, North Itidflo Hun 'lay Hobnol ut l.-ITiji, m, Tho publlu uru (jor- li'idv mvitijil. Pit nn nvu: htah. W. M. FlnmhiK, J'aatur* Hor- vicoii on Hulihath at 11 a m. and 7 .I1U p. m. Hub- Oath licbotj] at d 'H> ]>. in. Pi uyuv nif utln uud I'niitoi.'u biblo l Jo nn on Tun iiliiy iLi7.;il) p, m. Kociiil t/iilon on Wudiioitdtiv ui Hl'jn. jiAi'TitiT (;iti;itou.~J{tiv.J\t. P. tlampbdll, l'u.- ror, Horvitiini tiacb Hiibltiub at II a, ni, und 7 p. 111. Prayur niijolhii: on Wetbitthday iivnuliig nt H o'tsltick Huatu fit e- All are 1 ordlally woJ- oonidd. UomaIi OA.'inonit'. I>r. iJ. 1'. JloMouamlu PtuiLor. finr /io. over j other Sunday iitfc.UQ in. Honda/ Hcbool at.tii, 111.'I'ioi Aiimv. T. II. Molaiotl, (Japtalm. HuUiitinu iuiii)tiiii.'ii on Wtiilueiiilny, Tliuiniiay und htmday ovotiiiiKf!, L I'K. u.ud lliuiy, l-iiiturday (iviuiiiij^ mid 'A p in. huiiduy; Jlulinuim mootitiijil for (tiiui't liitilt I'l'lday nvnniii(; iLllil II 11. III. HllD- tlnj; Knoo brill 7 11 tm. .ovory Hnndiiy. All am v.olconiii. LEGAL. Jl-j. l^KTKltTS'liarrliitor, Hollcitor, HotaXi Pnblltj AloiniW^. Jjonn. Ollloo avt fltruthnrn' Hank. KmiulVMtru. Yj^ A. WIKMEll, llarrhiul iJi 1'ubllo 1V0. Jlonoytolt utiin Block, up-utahd, Khiiox. HOliultor, Notrn, niu. OltUoH, bin 4-ly f\h\UKi:, IlAItTbKT Jk BAIlTIdStTilliBJ11 \U torn, tu. Ollluca, Mt'dbnry block, Whial X'rlyatii [itnthi to loan. A. 11. Clauki:, Ii. L. B. N. A. BiU'riUT. A. li. ItAltlM.r. It. A. nKNllY U. WAIVPBKH, T,.h.K , Attomoy and CoiniHfilorat law; with A tlcEnuou fe Ilniult * Cowireim t woiir. Dotroit, Mioh, (Caniidiun clidton a(;ahmt poruoini in a Unltpd Htaltni collottod.) Ittiforunoofli Juipurial Bunk, KimtiK.Ont. J Ij. P11 turn. lUm ,, ote., Khiwix, Oi h.A. Wifunor, Knt).( Jiarrlutor, etc., IOliiox, Ol D MEDICAL. KB. B1UEN <t UHIKN. Jan. llrioii, M. B.t I,. U , (I, P. 3., Rradnato of Qucon h ijiiivoniity, Kinijnton, 'niombor of Col- lnj:ii *f 1'liynlciaun and HurijoonH.Ontiirio, Oriul- iinto of Now York. Pout Graduate Modlaal Ool- lojro. ./ W. Hrhni.M 1)., C M F. T. M, C. Hono* (,'riuhuitu of TrmIti- Modioal Oollcf-i. nonor Kraduiitn of Trinity Univortiity. Memhorof tlw (.olloijoof Pnjiiioiuim and Hurf'noiiti, Onfc. Griul- uatu of f.uv York, Pout Graduate ModlliW Collo^o Olllcoovor Kkhox Madioul Hall drug afcoro. ConnuUatinii rooma, both on ([round floor aud drtit Hut ilI(i>vo. Tolcpbono in Uobli ollloo aud rfliiidunuo. All culln mtoudod to from offloo tiruH titoro, or romdonco. Itotiidouco, Talbot Htroot, front of fair lironndo. r\UH. DEWAJt it aicKKNZIK V, A.Di:waji,M.I).C,Mm F.T. M.S. tt Trinity UnHurhity. Mombiii- i'onoBo Vhyi ciiaui and Buryuonu, Out. HoHltlonoe, Talbo St. Kant. ' ^rGhH<;Ii,,'I?.z,,: Follow Trinity ^radical Gollofju. Gnuhiato Trinity Univoraity . Ituaiilitnci). Tulhot Struct, woilt of M. C. It, Mlllccboiini 3 and 0 to 8 p. m 1110H in litipt-riid lliLiilt block,-Kcppiitl floor. next toTborim'fi ilrnj,' htoro. ' Tolonbontiiu connection with ollloo ntid roai- ilonuo. Ordom loft at Thornu'n drujr Btoro will lie promptly nttondod to. DENTAL, P ArAHTIN.D.D.S., L. D. S. Gradual* * in Liontintry, Koval Collofio of DoiitajS HurKoonn, O:iturio,nnd Univortiity of Toronto. Ghargoii, moderate, Ofllco, ovor Brion A Con drufi otoro. lB-ly II VETERINARY. W1I. IUC3HAKPHON, Votoriiiary Bi- . Rtion, (jnunuito of tlio Ontario Votor iiiary C'ollu^o, 'loronto, tioatn nil dinoaofl of domoatlctuud immialu Tolophono In oounoo* tion hontlstry a Etpcialt\. ItoiP.donoo, four doom noiith of Gri'.t Mill. * Ofllco in poatofllfid building; InJlrmary iluructly ojjponito. BARER. Till' oldoufc bUHinuan m town. KyiiibJhwe " 1B75. Fimt-claan broad and ofiikoa 0/ al klndn. WotiilinR cakon a npooinliti'. Orooinofl provinionn, Hour, food, fin 11 and pork. Conroo- tlonory.crookory.ylnnhwaro. Onnnodfraltnantl vogotabloHof till klndn. GoodH promptly io llvorod to All partner the town, J. M. HlOICti. *0I-tf SOCIETIES f O. O. F. ENTKltPHIflPl LodRO No WW niootJjtivory Thurndny, ovoninc at V.B0 ta "iddfollown Half, iu third atoroy BuiiBtaw Itlock /laitinnmnmborn uf other lodnopwlll rooolve a .ratorniil welcome, J..IOHKBTON, N. G, OBNTnAIj EHOAMPMF.NT, No. 00, moetBia OddfollDwn'nnll.Duiuitiiu'H nioclt, on tho firat mdthird Tiiotiday luoach month. VisitorniOir Uully rncolvod. Momboruot nubordhmto laduol In th#, jnrindiotiou. invitod to Join. O. IIANNAN, 0. P., G. F. HILL, G. 8. tpSHRX OENTHE LODGK, No. 10, A. 0. U.W 1 j Mtiotnnocondand fourth Mondays in otch uonth.ln tho Oddfollow's Hall, at 8 p. m. Vliiitinfibrotbron will bo riivcn a fratomal wel come. JOHN IjAING, Master Workman 0. H. i?ULliEn, Hocordor. ESBlflX FIUB lUtlGADE. MEETB ICVEHY 1 FHday ovi-ninj,' Dnvitl Waonor, Captain; Andrew P.irkoi, liloutoiiaut; Palmor Dllao, 8oorotary; Frudoriole Hyatt. Tronuuror. V=1UUET UOYAIvNO. 31C. I. O. F. \.' Mtietii aucond and fourth Tuosdav's in oack month in i. O. O. F. Hnll at H o'olook p, m, Viftitinfi brctheni will bo fdvon a fraUrual wel- como. E MoCuuflbind. 0. It., W. 0. Bhaw, flooy. M. J.WIrIo.C.D. II. U. II. uAND AND LOAN ACENTS C1* EOBGE J. TII0MA8, Couvoyuuoor, Ooim- X mliitiionor, in Hltfh Conn of J out loo; dealer m Uoal Entato and Mortgagor!, Mouoy to loon at the lowont rate of hitorent> Barron bought ami sold. Innurnnco taken In tho moAt reliable aompanlou. Drawing of doode, mortgagoB and loauiis a BpooiaKy. GhavgOB modoratoatid all ounluoHfl promptly ettondod to. Call at the Contra! Telonbono ottloo, EBaoxOoiitre. 6OI1 MAttRlACE LICENSES. M ABRIAGR Licnunoiior Wedding Hlnua oan aid ^*. bo proourod at E. h. Park's, tbo 0 Hablo juwallor, Eonox, Out. W D. BE AM AN, iHBiior of Marr(nno,irjioonB(,fl. Inaurauoe a apeo- NightomfloatrWwollIUrt. ____ TALIK'J bOllfiliT, H8BEX M BAHBEa'Tf lHfluer of MattiiLgo Lioonsen, Cotnmianionorh' p.Of., oto. Geatu, Ottt. LAND SURVEYOR JAMKfl 8, tjAXtt, Provincial Land Borvoyor and Coubty-Bntflneor, Bsaex^optre, Ont Ofiloe, DunatttiiBlooC, upHtairs. ARCHITECTS. YOHNA. MAYOOOK, AltOHITEOT, &o ' Boom 10 and ll.'Flerulug Bnlldlns, ^_, Windsor,'Ool Phone 810. 'il' , 4 \fl r K (. 1001 31

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