Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), July 5, 1895, page 1

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WILKINSON'S cm Choice ITroah OrneeriuH, Froviaioua. Torh, CotfuoH uud Bpioos. Special lines m Orookory. The Essex i,.u. <_. PRESS. Christian Endeavor Society fcit. IWh Ohuroh. TUESDAY EVG., JULY 9Ui Kyorybody Coma. VOL XL No . 27. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. JULY 5. 1895. WHOLE No. 548 M^Cl L^Douj^ujsixy A- LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. LASHING SALE ! o OMMENOING Satur day, July 6, and con tinuing through July' we will hold our semiannual clearing salo, during which we irpose clearing out stock, of 11 remains of warm weather gooch*. Prices have been low er recently than ever before during this sale they will be cut deeper still. We do not intend .that. v^lue^-OJi-jproiit. shall stand in the way of n cloaranae. We want to get ' space and will turn goods into cash for one month. Look out for Bargains in all depart- Wenbs. 4 ALL MILLINERY at slashing sale pricey. Choice of 50 Ladies' Straws 15e each Summer Dress Fabrics lasjfiing sale prices Sumniur Wearing are] hing sale prices. raw Hats for 25c en's Blue Ser^e Suits *:i. IS Boys' good Knickers 48c Mens cotton Undershirts 20c Men's Skeleton (Joats Too Jdou'h Cotton Socks -5c "^ Summer Shoes at shilling sale pricey. Special cuts on Ladies' Oxfords. Lace Curtains, Lndies' Un derwear, Ladies1 Whi fewenr. Parasols Lic< s, etc. all at cut prices to chnu. Special value in G-iey Col- ofe.i'ull yd wide >c and oc yd B03 s' and Vonthb' Bathing Suits $1 each. Grocery Departing t well assorted with fresh, clean goods. Give us a a trial order PROMPT DELIVERY to all parts of to*vn and vicinity. NOKTIIJUDOK. Tho wnodu arfi full of boiry piokorn thoue diiyH. F.irmorn havu about flniuhcd cutting and bhviijj.; their clover hay, and aro "ow out turn their timothy. '-Tha orop ia a ouu. Ilort Wilo out whout lunt Wodneiiday, Juno'ilith, and John S. Billing out wheat hint Saturday, June 2!ith, tho orop will bo about an avoru^o one. Samuel Baltzor mid wifa and Minn Munloy wont to Detroit hint Saturday. David Hopnood v/ifa and ijou, Mm Ba't/- er, Mian Katu Pallor, Alva Budcll and wifo, and Samuel Balt/.or wont to tho 'JHth anniversary picnic lunt Thui'Hday. Alva Uodoll had bin tight arm duilooatiKl at tho wriat lunt Monday whou ho wan un lotidiimhay at bia own burn. .law. Oummiford wont to Curadoc Town ship, Middlonox Co. hint Saturday, mid spent Sunday and Dominion day with hm youuex'nt boh, Milton W. and family, IIu ih anga^od in farming. Some of our oituonn wont to Km[;nvillo Ifinfc Monday to boo tho uportH, raceH, oto. Born, In Goittiold North, 7th con, Jui.o 30, tho wito of JoHoph ThomuH, of a d'nuihtor. Solomon Gilboo of Pontiao, Mich, wan hero lunt Tuenday attending thu funeral of Urn brother Charlea,-wlio died,uUiii homo near the North Kidfjo ttnghtth ohuroh, lunt Sunday oyonihg at t> p. iti.. a Rod about Gfi yearn. Kov, W. H. Shaw will proaoh in tho North ltidp;e Method hit ohuroh on naxt Sunday, 11th innt., ut U o'clock a, m. All tho trinudo ipvitod. NOUTH GOHFIKLD. W^-y-ri-rnitnTirTH n earing cam pie ti mi OUNDA. Arthur Knight id now a married man. Grovo Whiiloy haw boon propurly com- pommtrd for hiu recent Iobh by JUo. Mr. N. 0. Fox, of Detroit dental aolletfo> tu (i|)ondin[/ a vacation at home horn. Mr. Gdoijto Or ton uroomimnied Huthvi n haHi3-hfi||iHtH to KiiiKUVillo on Mombty, and did yooil flaying. A lawn fflHtiva] will ho ilvon in the Hpa- oiouH ground it of Mr. O. C. McDonald, Oliudu, on tho Avoning of TuoNday, 11th iwfit. A onrdial invitation hi oxtondod to all friondn, ami no painn will ho nparod hi oontribntiiic to tho enjoyment of tho oven- Hov. St. Kthbert YntoH, formerly Church of KiiKland minintor at ninnhomi, will preach in tho TJiiivi'mnlint ohuroh, Olinda. at tou o'olcuk uud at oi(;lit o'clock, morn- in^nnd o\ni>i(*i of RHiidny n^xt, July 7th. Mr. Yatco. having ncooptod thn doctriiinn of Univornnlium, ronit;noil hiu charge at nionhoirn. COLOnESTEn NORTH. Mr. W. 0. Millard, teacher of S, B. No. 1 Colcbontur North, ban ruturnod' to hi homo In Loudon, whore ho intondu to upend hiu vacntinn. Wo hope that ho will havo a plruaant time. Mr. Millard Iuih Vioqi) in chnr(jo of tho uohool a yoar and a half and \n well liked by tho ontiro Hootion, ttiirt adcln j^ratt-ly to the appearance of bin farm. Tho furnmrH nro only through with their li'iy in tunc to hi'^in harvcHt. Somu wliuut (ichlM :*re ruaiy for tUo hinder now. wh cunsidor thm a vi-ry early ho.ihoii. The oontii uaiico of tho drouih in alarm mt4, uattle will noon btt Hulfciin^ for fctd tuid wuti.r nuloiia Ilit-y are fod nuw haj Mihh Edna Hare, tbaohi r m Fiuztr suliool Mfct.on, hrih l*ift tor ht-i hoin.i in Windhor for I he hohdiiyM. C Hillhir ih vihiiiri bin purontH m I)il\mi, w ho art- ill XMn? in out Lontiui ii expiuHHion aniou^ tai-iiieiu now \a L wnh it would Mini " Uain would dd mi much ^ood Wouldn't ii. ho men if we only CQtild^ot a giuid ilu^n pnii r. Mr. Murrav, Tarih, Ont , ban .uovi'J in h. Mlllcn'tt liudiji'.y ) I'tJlici'tinlnij, 111 at. Forsyth^ ** ESBEX, ONT. Boura woonsnuK. Di .J [l'i,';an, nf Ahlitiihula. Oh n, 'ipcii' ii Ci U|'i uf dfiyn n> tin villa,.;* J-ihI wmk. Mr (Jill"! Ijn/nl IH H{i(ll(lillg lllb llilll- ciuvf. at hm home ni liul^tao\Mi. MrH Jluiuo M irinn, ot J)i-tioit, in vi^il- .u^ lu'i nioh oi \Ltu I-]. CaLlJi- Mr. \V Uorltt , who ha-, lict-n aticuding r i ii niuilic ii rolli LiL in DftPU', n upending tliu ludidavi wuli lin I)kji.Ihii Dr. Korlfo of LliiH VI1 la^e Mm II (' UijLH is viuiLii,^ rrnunlH Ui lu'u own it i John i\I uliun, cf ('hirafio. m |ni<i 'i l thu j'.UL'nt ut hi r ful In r Mi..J A J f o*J 1111, piirotiatH hpen liii^ it c iii|tli dt nioiiLliM with rulaliVL'd and f 1 ll'iulh ||j t hill VIC|U1L\ . Urn o wjockup and courthomo ih m-ur- ing co [ileiion. Already it prenontH a vin ik-* it apntktii f.n^'i and uddh gri ally to iho aitrncii\Giii'Mrt ot mam Htietjt. rioico ot Lin- uu\ h fane) LhaL it, a will uh our nt'wh uppoiiiLcil ' J. V.," a throat- umi g iiown Wlnlht both iiiu a nuouiiHit,y ur tiiuiij, wo uiuoen ly hupu that it may boa long time boforu thu horvu'O'i ot eiiliur tue rt(iu<ied, and that \,hu lockup may romtun as ji in at proaont, noh-ly on OLiiauituit to thu viUii(4ii. Of oourhu our '*J. l\ ' \n Much at all tiiijiiH. ftlr, .J E. Ilaucuuk, who l:uo been tit toiidnif- tliu Aloort Collu(*u, 13olluyillti, ru in rued notiiK bust l"iida\. GESTO. Too late for laid whcIc. Mihh Gott, of Aiuboru'burg, bun hoop Mr. S. Butt, of Wmdnor, wan in Gento on Sunday Mr. and Mrj Bukor paid a vinit to their non in Lfliimington, on Raturday lant. Rev, Mr. Konnedy rofum*d hiK pastoral dntieii horo on Suuday hint. The continued drouth hi caiiuing uorioun forbodiugH Mr. W Home, of Wuulnor, npent Hun- day in Gehto. Mrn Clian, (Juiiniunburn ban auotb#-i duuiibter. \\. E. Grain baB boon moviru; around hero pretty lively on bin wheel. Gehto him unotjn r blnelttirnilh in Mf, EJ . f J unmug tmm'H ot 1 nhnp. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Lot, 0 Mwrit in 1 ir non, :I7 uoreii, ilhhohu- d to Toter Ouolletlo an tennut. Blook E 2nd pt, n in pt in ' eon, CO aoroH. hikiohhimI to I*i tur Dufrnne tin ownor, linl IH n * <\" in 2 nd con, f>0 urn n, atiHrnn od to Joioph iAfoiH'tt hu !- owni . Lot 1 1 h ii <|r in 'Jnil i ni., Till u kih, lumcim- O'l to Ah xainior Muium mi un uvvimr. JJltji'U K 1th pt n of h i t hi 3n 1 con, 2~> aorr'H iihMOHtiod tu .Imn'pli TMant an owner. Hloclt E ii Tit in Viml eon, 2"> aeri'ii, UHfitim od to Jai.rpioi Henaii 1 a1- owner. llloek 10 it e pt in 2nd con, '20 aorcn, lOiHoiiHed to JaeqiKH Km,and <\h tenant, Ijhc K h a pi an.i u e pt and n w pt in lnt Con, 102 airon, UhHOHiu'd to Albei t (Juolletto hm ownor. Ijot o h rji in lut con, WW acren, iiHUoin.ed to Albert Ouellette an ownei. Lot ") n 4 ti 4 in 'hi eon, XJ ucioj, amienn- ad to ilameu and iJunnin MarivrntuLUi hh owiicni. Gamed Mtivod by Mi. Ellin, ueconded by Mr. Plant, that the mmn-iMiieuL roll iih amend- 0'1 ho confirmed Curried On motion the Orurtof Hevnuon then roue for general bumtiouH. COIlNfilJ, MI*.LUNO BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH. TUIfl NAKHOW ICHOAIMiOt1 A WKIiVj KNOWN NUW- J5UKUH MAN. ANOTHER m \ i bis bom;. COTTAM. Win K Orui^ jiaid uh a vimt hint woolt. ile wuu vbr gimut uf Frank *Vhitf. Mi I1' Copuliiud, tencjlur, left hut week tm bin tiio>Uo for hm home near Bt. MaryH, Mrn. ,1. T. Brown vinitod Or 0. B. Olivur, at Merhn, UiHt week. The oluLho fuotory mniH out 1 uhooiio bomiodays. Mr. U. Wilo and Mr. J. li)llin, ont uotno full wheat lant \Yeok. Mr. 0. Gilbna ouo of thu eldest uottleru on Tiilbol Blroot died Juno HOth I8fi, Mm. Wra. Bennott, on July ltit, of a daughter. Town Ham., M ^ii^ionj:, .Juni. 2'2no,',),j. Furtmaui to ailjournnient, the court of l eviniou on the ii'-Hi'M^illclit i oil uf \\i$ muriioipalirv lor th" year 1H'.)" rciiilined Hfc Hittmijs lieio huh diLy, till tho inoiubtrh present On rnotiou of Mt-Htui. Ellm-uud i'luiit tho aanuhnmont (t t.lie n - of lot '21 in the lrtt eonoinriion wua elnn^id fiom the K. C S hi-luol to Pubin, Holiool Nn. 1. On motion of AIubHin Pbnit uud Price, Philip Witflu wan asHUMfifd aH tenant foi blip hw 1 nf lot l'j N VI H, a*rid tho aHioiifl moor oi rh > mid pncnl of land ciiu.iiud froin the 11 C S riclio A {<> Public so'luol No 1 On motion of Mefmi'H. Pnuu and i'lant, K. E. buyniour'n 11 ii'u hi, to bo ann(jhriod an owuur of tliu w i <d I' t Lie in the ;u-d onn- ootJHioii wan ur tutod Ou niotie i ol M "ssr.H Puce and Daiiiui, tIjq following uppi hU-./i-ri! made. .Mnrlin iVlahon, .\li i H ('hriHtie, -lohu Quetjn, oaob 'UiHinst Iiih or her atisciifuueiit for om dd^, ami Maithew a^uiift bin atiHoenmcjuL for tlili-e doj^rt On motion of d^siM. Ellin and Damm, Mom- Danim wtm j. MOHHed a ttnuut for u J oi In. 'i. I in .">k*T c iH'i'"UOl! (Ju un iiuii uf Mihh'h Plant and Elltw, Gee. LnWHOii wan iHHt ht-^d an tonani for tiif; c 4 lui 12 mi Mth rone- Hsion. "Vlovod b> All. EIIh, seenndo I h" Mr. Danim tli d tho fi 1<i\viut* lots hu aHHennud for tli" biippm! of i be It C .4 iSeliuol No 1 In Hi <_ ad ol [julihu JjoI '> h k ui lliHt oone.i union, 1174 acn ,s asdusho 1 to Phillip d an nU tte as ownor. Lot 1 h ^ in lit coucoH'iiou, 71 aciuH, iLSli iHcd hi Isnicl Plant an owner" Jj *t H h pt in lut con, 10 unrotj, asHcaaed tu Abiah.i'ii CJlmron uh owner. Lot 'i acren aHn- Hritd ti Henry .\larruiitette no owiu-i Lot 'J u 4 in lnt ooo, 80J acres, nHHenned to II( nry Marroutf tto uh owner. Lot 7 h jl in lut eon 101) uorey, aHHonned to NuiuiDHt! ToUHi^uaut an owner L')t H n in pt in IhL con, /if) tioii'H, aaaoHH- Oil to .lortopb Touin^nant iei nivnor. Lot ft n hf m lht oou, [)\ aoruH, anhemiod to Philip Mairnutettu uh ownor. Lot, 10 n hf h hf iu lnt oon, JO aoroH, aHBGhHcd to Gtjorye Ijacharue au owner. Lot fl n hf tn lot con, 70 tier oh, aasewHed to (V ToUiMid an tenant. Lot I) m hf in lut oauuQHfiion, 78^ ajreB, tiMHemind to John Ou^lletto an tenant. Lot 11 n e qr in 2nd con, 0 acroii, atiaea- no I to ,1-ill ii Miller au tnmlnt. Block K h pt in pi, HO ucrnH, tiHnoiiH^d to N"itb Lalihoi'ti a ownor. Lor 12 o lit in 7th omi, 100 noron, aHweus* 0d to NurabiHO Mouhiohu an ownor. Lotll no pt in 7tli 0"( N7aoraH, anH0l-a- od to Hagia MomwettU uh owuor. The mriutoH of the pre\ioun mooting were read, and on motion adopted an read and indued. 'I'lie committee appointed at a former mooting tn inquire) into tho complaint of Mohoi-h. ViJlairu and (Jada regarding tbo umiftiiittry condition o( Pik Oriiolt oppo- ito their liomen, repoi ted that tho oaso wan one di-uerviim tho arteiHion ot tbo council. Ou motion ef M<nnni. Kllid and Plant,' MoHHiri. Price und Oumm woro uppoiuted a onmiriitteo foi th.' pi rformaucu of tbo work nfCOHbiiry for tho removal of MennjrfV Villatro and Oada'ti emiMu for complaint. It F. Seymour notifi'd the council that ho intended to appeal to tho county jud|^e ((" iinnr. the ami *HHinctit of tho townhhip ot Mai lhloiie for tho your 1H1)5 l-'iled. F. Dumooh'llo piiHontod a bill of f>d8 trom l>r. il. It Oaflernin for medical at tendance nn 'Jut /ur Pt tera, indigent On motiCit of iilen-rw. Plunt and Oumm, tbo Ui wan pi id 110 m full satisfaction of hiM claim Jlo^ed bv Air. Plant, hojondod by Air. Price that the following hilln be pi'id : John Iv ri tor puUio^; in tile* on tho new mad, ^1 7"'. II. Panipraise toi miner on 10th ctuicon- tuoii, 1-10. P Alajor forluinbfi foi towuhhip, V'-H.-O. Tbomati ltohm^ou foi putting in a bridge on thu new road 10.h uouci-m jion, ftfl.oO Cam- d it JiictpioH complaint d ot damage hum- taun-d to hia bomt in bieakin^ thiouyh u tuwnrihip bud^e Ou motion of MeHorH, Pit nt a i ill JJlhf, Ah m ii. Pi lee and Da mm v, oit'#'i.ppoiiji i (I it ' on) in it ten to mve^tiguto All .1 Lcipi' h' nau-e lur ouinplaint, ami ttt lupoit ttj council ill next .i teiiu^. A by-liiw impoHiu^, iukIl-i iho jiioviriioim ot the Tile, Stone 'did Timber Draiuae;u Act, a rate on lot '2't a hf in 7th coucobtuon a Uriil Time. On motion ol Mefisrn. Ellin and Plant thu council rosoWod lUelf into u coin mil tun of tho whole tur thu hucond rcudtu^ of uiiid by law, Ah, Danim iu tbo eh dr. bald by lav was letd tluueu bj i I tine anu adopu t. C- unCil \,um re-Uincil and said by law wan k ad t, I 'nrd time and pashud Ot orfje Sjlv-tiru pr'aoiitud a bill of $5 the cohc ot obtainmt' u partial ndeiiHo oi a ruarttiu(40 re cpwniu;! of road bi.-twteij loUi Ui lid 11. Un motion not eiiteitained. ^Ir- AuhLiu pn-ai uieij hilt or $'2 ,'Ai for Hi itwin^ a dc ed .nd foi other jervices, On motion of Altn.iis Pi mo and plant iln- ehiik \t in ttiHlLiiCLuU lo notify ill ain m.ipuu toil AIoUHHuaU und Kun 10 malu exanuna Lions oi diaina as lolh.wii: .'dr. Muiihhij.iu the Puce diain no i. Uie \inau Lino north; ^tid .\li. ICoir iIk- 'Jib 'ihiuu drain h oin Bare- Line r-.iulh (Jn motion of Ale Ms PhuU uud Elhn, Mr. Dccaiiu vMib puid jlu loi tc cetiin roi h p ui per. O.t ino'iKm oi Kiimc "Mc, Luiid'h lull lor nerviood to loU 2H7 tnai 2Hti aidoioad dram, >10 was pi id, and en m dion uf HiLino AI. .Ucflu^h juh paid ?li ttjr piepiruie 'A suth of dt hmrurtip ku council Ou rn^)U.)iA council adpuruu.j to meet Linn un 3ut tiay ot Vu^u^t, i8i).j. KKythe I.omu or H If in Lie)" Mr. CIiun. IlIore ol tbut Vlllutre Ncui'H OeutUu l)o*r, but Iu HpuciiikI ulcer k><rtoi*M lluyo fulled. From tho Napaiioo Doavor. In tho ploanant little village of New biir^h, on tho Pay of Qumte H-iilwaj, ftoveu mih'H fiom Napitnee, Iiv*h Air. O II, Miioro and family. Thuy are favorably known throughout tlio entire uuctioa, hav ing boon ronidontfj of Nov/bourtih for yoam. Itouontly Ur. Alooro liau uinU'r^ono a to'r. riblo niekuenn and bin reutorutiun t health wan the talk of the villain, and many oven in NapaMuo and viomity heard ef it, and tbo ronnlfc wu that The Boitvor reporter wau detailed to make an mvtiut.iuatioh into tho matter. Air. Alooro in u, carriage mak er and while working in Finklo'a faotory IuhL win tor mot with au accident that oaiiHiid him tho Uhu of tho fomfinuor of hm rit'.ht hand. It wits following ttuu ac cident that Inn (iicknniiti hou&n. lie lout llmh, wan ph, ijuffefed from di//inoHH to tliu oxtnnt that aomotimcfi h could aaarcr- ly avoid falliug. Ho couHuhed pbynioiann and tried uuraoioun iriedicinnii, but with out any benefit, lie wan ooiiBtantly <row. Hit; worHoand tbo phyiucian noerund puzzled and.none of Inn friendw thought ha would rot'ovor. One day a wuiuhbor ureo'd Mra. Alooro to pormuulu her husband to nive Dr. Wdliamn" Fink Pi|Ih a trml, und nftor muoli permia-tion lie consontod. After u few duyn ho bee,an to fool bettor, md it no longer needed pemuaiuon to induce birn to ooutiuuo the treatment. A uiarvelloux ohaiJLii h0(JI) came oyr him. ICitoh day bo Heomod to jathor new win ULjth and new lift , and after i\eH liau nei-n tn i* -n lit- found huiisell ii 'am n well ni'm. Air Monro ih now about ttixt\-b\e years or ajo, be luii bti*u bi-althy und ban worked bard all hm hfouu'il tlui HiekiiCHu alludttd to, and now, thankfa ti Dt Wiiliemn' Pink PiHh, ho iu once nioii* able to w itU in bin old aotnB- tonifd way, and dney not h> nitato to ^ive the i'i'i ditto the mfdioino that rbBtdod him tc iu'tilth at a cent no jjrearwr than a coujile of viHitu to thb douior. Time and n^'iin it hn.ii bet)i ^iiuven that Dr. Wiillmnh' Pink PiIIhuiiio when phv- Hiciaiit. aorl uthur uiouiciiieb fail. No other rntdici ie h-u bin h a voHdnrful record and no otln t^nc iieiiiL.- tiiveu Hiieh undnuhtud proofs oTiho tienuiiioutiiH of ovury cuio publiHlied, and thn. aui'Oiinr.H for tkie fact that \j,i> you will yen will hear notb- nifj but wurdn uf prame fur Dr. William t' Pn k PiIIh. Tlim f^rt.itt. ruputation alio ue- oountb fni th* 1'(jt tlnit unscrupulous t'oal- urH Iilio and tlw iu try to imponn ,l bulk pdl upon their eiihtoiuwrn with the olaini tlmt U "Id JUt UH eood," Whlki tl llOflt of lllll tuoiit are putting up pilhi iu pt ckii^ni Homutthut ii i ihir in i*tvln m tht hope lint' llu-y wiP leap lie regard eurntd by tin merit oi the genuine Pink Pillu. No mat tur what, any dualer nn) h no pill Ih (Jtuunn uulcbB it bearu tho full trade inalU, "D'. Wilhamti' Pmk Pillh Jur Pale People,'* on the wiappor iuouijJ livuiy 1>"X. Alwty rufuHG HubHtirutofj wli 'b are worthleH.s and nu> be dannerouij. -War IN WINDSOR You vt'Tnombor bow ut tho oiie-wy on Ovorocat! wmter-xWoll, tin if MEN'S S" We are a^'aiu manterH of tho uir.uation. , . $3.95 $3.95 Ih our price /or men'o Buitu.woJI madoitnd turn- mod and an ^ood in rvciy way uh other utoreti arc tryiuu to i;ot So ^i) for, and at the nan e time tell you they ar<- willing choup. - oon . BOY'S SUITS At $1 flo ii,elude Suitw from 83 to JM. you want anv of thero bij^ bnrj>uinn L'OUK OfUCK If f -' Jit Havo all Uued Dr. Atfiiaw'H Oat t I>r. \a noiv'h. Cure (or the CE.mrt 1'io lit vol .ilo oi iicttiiizlBiti; **nl in !0 IfXlauiOM, uuil Wui Uic ntoitiiH ol Having niy Lllti, No 8U}N m-u, J no. Jiiiiiln- Nii,'rnrn, Out. Alio at three tnoutho a^o I was attacked with noi vouu heuit tiouhlo. Tho puin wan ao vuvere I oould liaTdly broatho, I could no raitof and feared Chat I uaald not live. I aaw advortiHud in tl o 'Para Leader Or Atfnow'H Cure for thu Heart, and im mediately pro'onrnd a bottlo. I uoonrad porloot robot nitudo of '20 ininutoB und flrmly beliovo it wu tbo luoann nf navmg my hfo. If your Heart tlnUui'H, palpitatco or tirou out I'aml.v, it in diUBuaod, and treatment Hhanld not bo delayc-d a aiugln day. Dr. Agnnw'p Ouroforthn boart relioven almoafc iimtimtly and will offoot a radioal euro. For inl, by J, Thorno, diufiKiut, liavo you noen thono now private) poat oarda. JV-uit Fiu:k Pukbh keepu thorn. ITho I'.J'-jtamwr o( lUlalovvtMl \i* C3U- <aur4le<i nil Ollim n lie sayn : "1 liavo tor >iira been a nut foier fiom ver> wuvr-ie bihoim and neural gin. hoadaclieu, and 1 liavu tned umny lciudEi ot no me with vory fan reiiultH. Kut aboai ujo'iru^o uuod Btarlc'ii Powders, una have uncr; iliou dmoarded all otlur romedieii. an I fuuud they ^iV1' immediate uud perfcot relief." S. lirickcr, hardwmu ratTLhaut, ei mayor Liuto^oll. Htark'a Powdo.-H for Cobtivonouu, tiiok und NoryouH UeaUaeho, BiliouanoHH, ueu- riilgm, the Htomaeb und livor. Two pro- paratieiiH in oa^h boi, Nice to take, mw modiatt and permanent. Sold l,j nddiut- fjigts 2oo a box, 5 Iioxok ^1. July o Jj. O. Ij.v No. 1121H, Cottam. On Sunday uoxt, July 7th, Rev. Bro. W. II. Shaw will preach a t-pocial aoimon to tho members of thu nhovo lod(jo. Mem- bcro of other lodgoH are cordially invited. Tho rnomberuVnd frieudo aro reijuostod to meet at tha Or lu[{o Hall at Cotutm at nix p. m. Service ut Hovon o'clock. I*\ OonnnTT, W. H4. John Colinett, Blo. urihal Powdi'r ati<l De clared Strou^ty in it Pavoi" Tlib elejey of Canudn.of nil douoraina- tionii, hiddom heauute to Hpoak frankly in tin mtt io itg of -i pood eniiHc, or on bohulf of B'-me inentonouit article. Forao in given to nttunuireu of thin character when tho limn ouu npi ik fiom individuid (xperiouco, Thia ia tlu uuho wuli the Ro:. A. Ii Cham bers. L Ii ti . and Hev W. II Withrow, 1>, {)., and K'-v. WilliHin Gmlbraitb, IjL B. ilmii li. m ft w ininihiLrh of tbo llotbodlBt Chuieh are oi-ml-i Know in Toronto or oIho- wli. r' tlinnit boid the D'ummoh, Au with many orluu r'o-c biethrtMi havw hoon suf- leitirG lroU 11 Id n. iho h^ud and ito-iovari ablti Hucee^t-oi citMrrh. A lemody, . bow- eyoi wan witliin their rpaoh. They rinod Dr. A^iw*u'n (J.'turhal Powder and fouud, nHi.v.-ijeiieebt fiudu, that, relief waaHpoody and (Ifeetive, aiiddeHimu* to bonoiit otliorn tin-y Ha, <1<' v inn tin thin urntoment to tho world uvlt ihrir own tiiuTialurcH. Oi e Hbort pull of the Incatb through tho Ulouoi, supplied with miuh bottle of Dr. A^ni-w' Otiturrhul Potvdei. diffuaoa thin "N- powder over the aurfaue nt the puual pan- mof. Panloriu and dehphtful to uaf, it rohoyesi in ten mieuLoH and permauontly oureu Catarrh, liny l'V,v -r, (Joldti lloaduoho, Sore Throat. Tom*ilui and DoufnoiB. (10 CbiitH bimiplo bottle and blower utwton ro- ceipt et two thru- nti.ttt utauipB, 6. Qr Lbetehon, 11 Church Htr.nn, Toronto. Sold by J, Thome, dru^itU. Shoit .loiirnvys on a Loiiu Road. Ih thecbaracioriHiiu title of u profuaoiy il- 1 initiated bookooiitaiuiiiK ovLronu hundred pagen of abaTuiiijl.v wntlrD deHcriptiouH of Humnn-r rehortriin the country north und wuHt of Ohioiid0- Thu reading maktor 10 now, tho illuBtrationh arc new, and tho in formation thorein will be new to almost overyouo. A oopy of "Short Journoyt on a Loutf Road" will hu t-out free to aujono who will ouoIoho totioautH (to pay poHtano) to Geo U. IlKArt'oim, General PiiHBongor Ayent Chioaeo, Milwauliou ds H*. Paul Railway, Chioaco, IU. The Rocky Mountains. Alone, tho lino of tho Northern Paoifio B-ulrond abound in largo gauio. Moobc door, boar, olli, mouutain liouo, oto., can yot bo found thoro. Tho truo aportamun h willing to u thorn for thorn. A little book called "N*iurl Ganio Pmsorvoa," publmbod by thu Northoru Paoiiia Ituilroad. will bo oout upon reooipt of four coutH iu tamps by Ciuu. fl.pKiii, Goii'l PaHB. Afjeut, St, Paul, Mlnu. Ku ioni-Hotl la thooau*of that, tu'ed, lanuid feeling which itilliatfl you "* ihlH-Hoaaon. Tha blood io impure and JniH,'b'kioome'*thia' and pour, That i* why you buvo no strongth, ri appotUa, oaiinofc ii^ap. Pnicliy yonr Wood with HoocI'h Samapaiilla, wbiok will tflvo you an appotito, tone yow stomaob, and inviKorata yout nerv'ee, Uool'a I'iUb aro oaay to takey easy in uctioB and euro in ofleet. 3&0. $} .%

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